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(For the record, AW regards British Israelism in any form as irredeemably fallacious, totally discredited, and intellectually indefensible.)

All2True Editorial

February, 2005

Reliability is something we expect, whether it is our vehicle, telephone, refrigerator, television, toilet or service from premier companies like We expect our orders to come, our microwave to cook and our PC to work each time, every time we use them. We expect traffic signals will be green in one direction and red in another. We take a lot of this for granted.

We even expect people to be reliable. We expect those with whom we work to show up when they are needed and do their job. We expect integrity. We expect people to work through problems and challenges to get their job done and help us do our job.

My dad was such a man: Faithful, reliable, predictable. He was the county road crew foreman. He made certain the county business was run the way it should be, with the accounts well kept, the equipment in prime operating condition and the roads not just passable, but of the highest level of maintenance. He went out personally in the blizzard of 1949 to plow snow off the road at 25 degrees below zero and zero visibility. Even today, years after his death, the people who knew him speak his name in hushed reverence. He was a great technologist for his time; as my mother said, he could make anything work. He grew his own garden; raised cattle, chickens, fruit trees; slaughtered his own beef each year; milked the cow each day and sold the milk and cream; had an acre of garden; took care of the family. He did all this, with an eighth grade education with 17 siblings. He grew up in the Great Depression and knew how to prosper with what he had. Neither he, nor my mother ever lied to me or broke their promises. Neither did he break his promises to the town folk where we lived. He was accountable.

There are a lot of people like that, even today. Reliable, faithful, committed, accountable: People of their word.

So it was, as I packed up at 17 years old and was plunged into the Radio Church of God, I had the same expectations that I had of my parents: I believed I was among people who kept their word, did not lie, made things good and were utterly reliable, dependable, accountable and faithful. Certainly, I knew that no one was perfect: People get sick, they fail occasionally, they forget sometimes, but I always had the expectation that they would tell me the truth and they would make good on their word and that they could always have the same expectation of me.

1975 was like the movie "2010" when it was disclosed that the reason the HAL 9000 Computer in the movie "2001" failed and went unreliable was because people had lied to it. In a sentience which had no way to assimilate and process lies, it became unstable and tragic results occurred. It went unreliable to an excessive degree.

It is really terrible to tell people, who strive to make everything work out that you tell them to do, lies. For honest reliable people, this becomes an unhealed wound: They become confused, they obsess, they have cognitive dissonance. The confusion leads to all kinds of erratic behavior. It overstresses people predisposed to mental illness. It creates a vacuum--the truth is pumped out and lies represent the absence of it.

People in position of power become despots when they lie: They have the power to make people act as though what they tell those under them is truth, but everyone tacitly knows that it is a lie. This does corruption and damage to people that goes beyond standard abuse, for it forces people to distort their core value system. If people accept distorted perceptions as truth, over time, they will become apathetic, but they will continue to operate as best they can, even though it becomes an oppression. Frustration is the watchword of the day.

Reason goes out the window. Nothing makes sense any more. Nothing is rational. Decisions are arbitrary. Indeed, there is no other way for decisions to be made: If you can't rely on anything anyone says, there is positively, absolutely no way to be sound--it is a crazy environment.

The church of gods has become such an environment. Prophecies just don't pass as they are fulfilled: They just plain fail. Roderick Meredith has made more than a dozen prophecies which have failed; so has a whole host of other men in the church of gods. You can't rely on what they say. What they tell us is worthless. They don't keep their promises. Told you were going to be paid benefits when the campus was sold? No such luck. It appears that those in charge expect everyone to believe the most outrageous things....

At the same time, the unrepentant leadership in the church of gods have decreed that they are God as God is God in the place of God. They don't come right out and say that, but the intent is clear: What the minister speaks comes straight from God through the government of God.

This in itself is a lie, but it is a self-sustaining lie: The lie gives the authority on which to base all other lies. Those who lie and break their promises seem to act as if they have an entitlement from God to do so. They seem to have become so used to doing it that it doesn't even seem to bother their conscience--if they even have such a thing.

And so it is today, the church of gods have allowed stalkers, fondlers, adulterers and even murderers in their midst and will do nothing about them--in fact, in many cases, they are the ministers themselves: Witness GTA.

Those who are reliable have no reason to trust those who are not, because their trust has been betrayed.

Unless or until the church of gods leadership becomes reliable [and that will probably happen never], it is useless.

There will be nothing but chaos and confusion. Frustration will ensue....

I am quite disappointed.

And maybe, so is God.

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Last Updated: Wednesday, March 30, 2005