Painful Truth
10th Anniversary
1997 - 2007
by Viking
For me, the value of this Painful Truth forum has
been the VALIDATION that it brings ---
It really happened!
I don’t see anyone from the church
anymore, with minor exceptions --- the existence of this forum reminds
me that there are real people that really experienced this, although of
course the experiences are not 100% percent the same.
Now that I am “free” of WWCoG, I have
determined that I will decide the course of own life, no man/woman will
do it for me. We can discuss beliefs, and throw ideas around, but
ultimately I have to decide.
This “freedom”, is also relative,
depending in what part of the world you live in. I also think that we
can make decisions independent of “god”, for there is very little
evidence that there is a plan, or will, or a specific path that one must
follow. I believe that a ROOT CAUSE of many problems is the belief that
there is a “will” or a path that you must take --- in the WWCoG, this
caused a lot of frustration, because when things did not work out, one
assumed that it must not be god’s will. After a few years of noticing
how nothing seems to be god’s will, one could end up a mental case ---
if things go wrong in your life, you assume you must be out of synch
with god, and this causes a great spiral of self-doubt ---
--- of course, such concepts as
the true church, god’s work, god’s commission, god’s government and so
on all re-inforce the idea of “god’s will”.
Much later, I realized that if these
concepts were wrong in the first place, then the INTERPRETATION of god’s
will becomes a personal delusion. Later, I realized that many of
my problems stemmed from bad ideas, advice and doctrine of the church.
Which brings me to next subject:
There is this idea that Christians
must be martyrs, to the point of unreasonable sacrifice. After much
reflection, I realized that this sacrifice resulted in major neglect.
There are a FEW things that one can do
in modern life to have a reasonable existence:
1) get educated
2) use the education to get a job
3) use the income of the job to invest
4) use the income to buy a house
5) use the income to have a RELIABLE
motor vehicle
6) continue to educate with extra
courses (part time?) to re-enforce the career cycle
7) the rest will pretty much follow
Looking back, I believe that one’s
education and career experience pretty much causes one’s life to
unfold; depending on where the job takes you, you will make
friends and have other experiences.
One can then BUILD on other options,
one should save a portion of one’s income every month, and should add
other long-term savings such as retirement annuities, and one could also
start a business on the side.
I think the above is quite a simple
outline, BUT note how religion COULD DEMOLISH such a simple outline!!!
Tithes could kill this outline.
Refusing to be educated could kill this outline (worldly
knowledge etc)
Giving up jobs and careers could kill this outline.
Never investing in a house could kill this outline.
Never making friends or networking could kill this
You get the idea.
Basically, the church KILLED normal
life by influencing its members to NEGLECT their responsibility to
themselves. And I haven’t mentioned the responsibility to be healthy;
many members SUFFERED the consequences of not seeing a doctor at
CRITICAL points in their lives; some have therefore suffered the
consequences for the rest of their lives; some are in wheel chairs, some
have mental problems.
I know a woman who suffered a stroke
at 28; she had been in the prime of her life. Still today, I don’t know
the whole story, but her father was bitter about church involvement in
some medical decision. Recently, she had one of her legs amputated by
her condition --- my question is --- where are the benefits of faith?
Where is god? Does god give her some consolation --- even if some
decisions were dumb --- does god honor that “worship”?
No, there is very little evidence that
god gives a stuff. I have NEVER seen any intervention by god. That
contradicts what’s in the new testament at least --- where are the
miracles? Where is god’s power?
Whatever I have witnessed is not the
power of any god. If there is a god, he’s gone into hiding.
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