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(For the record, AW regards British Israelism in any form as irredeemably fallacious, totally discredited, and intellectually indefensible.)
Proper Form

All2True Editorial

July, 2004

Lat MachineThe young man who came into the exercise room looked to be about 16 years old. He looked athletic, but the moment that he sat down to work on the Lat Machine, it was clear he didn't know what he was doing. For one thing, he was sitting with his back to the weights, facing outward. This was not a good thing. He might injure himself. If he didn't injure himself, he would, at minimum, be setting his musculature in a direction whose destination would not be pleasing to him. I couldn't stand it. For humanitarian purposes I set about to interfere with his workout. I might not look that fit, but I know how to do the exercises. I showed him how to do the exercise properly: Face the machine and pull the bar with a straight back, either to the back of the shoulders or to the chest; exhale pulling the bar down and inhale on the way back up so there will be enough oxygen to do the next repetition. With this regimen, the muscles will be trained properly for optimum results.

There are great advantages to doing things right. The Universe works such that if you do the same things under the same circumstances, you will normally get approximately the same results. If you follow the rules of the Universe, you will generally get what you set out to achieve, minus a tithe of entropy, which the Universe always takes to keep for itself. If you decide to cheat, the Universe won't care--you just won't get what you want.

In politics, things work almost exactly the opposite. While you can't lie to the Universe and get away with it, you can lie to people. Abraham Lincoln said,

"You can fool some of the people some of the time, you can fool some of the people all the time, you can fool all of the people some of the people some of the time, but you can't fool all the people all the time".

Many of us sit here in 2004 and wonder if Abraham Lincoln was talking about, what with Enron, Global Crossings, Arthur Andersen. The truth is that Lincoln was right, but the people who aren't fooled don't matter because they don't have the power to do anything about the truth they know. You can know the truth about the scoundrels, but it won't make any difference because they still have all that money and you don't and there's not one thing you can do about it. Brilliant scientists work for huge conglomerates and are forced to do some of the things most reprehensible to them if they want to continue to have a salary. The same thing can be said for some of the ministers in the Churches of God. Politics can often make cowards of us all if we do not have the integrity to do the right thing.

It is my belief that it is more important to be in line with the principles of the Universe rather than with liars, thieves and murderers because the Universe is going to be around a whole lot longer than the scoundrels and really has a lot more to offer after all that is said and done. Not only that, but after all that is said and done, you will win people over with solid relationships in the long term. It might not be all that appealing in the short term to choose substance over image, but at the end of the day, I believe it is better to have integrity with principles and standards rather than choose empty materialism. Not everyone will make that choice and I believe that it is their loss.

Certainly, proper form will enable us to resolve problems and challenges more quickly, permanently and consistently than applying random chaos. Kenneth Clark, in his book Civilisation said:

I believe that order is better than chaos, creation better than destruction. I prefer gentleness to violence, forgiveness to vendetta. On the whole I think that knowledge is preferable to ignorance, and I am sure that human sympathy is more valuable than ideology.... For example, I believe in courtesy, the ritual by which we avoid hurting other people’s feelings by satisfying our own egos. And I think we should remember that we are part of a great whole, which for convenience we call nature. All living things are our brothers and sisters. Above all, I believe in the God-given genius of certain individuals, and I value a society that makes their existence possible....

And yet when I look at the world about me in the light of this series, I don’t at all feel that we are entering a new period of barbarism. The things that made the Dark Ages so dark – the isolation, the lack of mobility, the lack of curiosity, the hopelessness – don’t obtain at all.... [B]right-minded young people think poorly of existing institutions and want to abolish them. Well, one doesn’t need to be young to dislike institutions. But the dreary fact remains that, even in the darkest ages, it was institutions that made society work, and if civilisation is to survive society must somehow be made to work....

Our other speciality is our urge to destruction. With the help of machines we did our best to destroy ourselves in two wars, and in doing so we released a flood of evil, which intelligent people have tried to justify with praise of violence, ‘theatres of cruelty’ and so forth. . . . And one must concede that the future of civilisation does not look very bright.

It is my belief that "the future of civilisation does not look very bright" because the politics of those aforementioned institutions has brought chaos from order, destruction from creation, ignorance out of knowledge, narcissism out of sympathy, rudeness out of courtesy and is set on a course to make nincompoops out of geniuses with a flood of evil with violence, cruelty and abuse. Furthermore, I believe that the future of the Churches of God does not look very bright because they have abandoned all the rules and principles which are commonly accepted in society today. Churches which allow stalkers and ministers who touch female teenagers in the church inappropriately, do not deserve an existence when they cover up the incidents. Somehow, allowing loaded guns in services is less than civilized, particularly when they just happened to be carried by bodyguards for 'The End Time Apostle' or a mentally ill married stalker pursuing a single woman for marriage in the church. Breaking congregational covenants with impunity does not bode well for the continued existence of a church.

Some of the Churches of God allow homosexuals in their midst to wallow in their past thinking habits. They promote support groups to endlessly remind people of their weaknesses so they will never truly be able to overcome them and leave them behind. They claim to have the Holy Spirit and deny the Power of it while 'the unconverted' continue to stop smoking permanently, give up alcohol and even put the homosexual lifestyle behind them to go on to marry--all without 'the Power of the Holy Spirit'--using Rational Recovery. Atheists forgive their enemies and those who despitefully use them because it works for them. Denying the power of the Holy Spirit is blaspheming it and leads to the unpardonable sin because if the power is not there to repent of the sin, it cannot be forgiven.

The result of all this appears to be that the Churches of God have become little more than social clubs because they do not exercise faith, nor do they keep the Commandments of God as given by the Scriptures. If they would do this, they would not be continually losing members and abuse would disappear. Their faith is little more than a vague hope, not substantiated with an execution of proper form.

For the Churches of God, proper form would include:


Keeping, teaching and setting a good example for The Ten Commandments


Exhorting people to walk away from their sins and abandon them forever through repentance


Respect for God


Refusing Heresy


Refusing Blasphemy


Setting a good example


Doing things decently and in order


Visiting and supporting the fatherless and the widow


Comforting those in need


Abandonment of materialism


Pursuit of true values


Building and edifying others by esteeming others better than yourself


Building the next generation to be better than ourselves


Encouraging faith, hope and true love as outlined in I Corinthians 13 and restricted by I Corinthians 5


Disfellowshipping unrepentant sinners, narcissists, psychopaths and those who subvert the truth and mislead youth


Becoming servants rather than being Corporate Executives pursuing Executive Privilege

Proper form can be achieved by the Churches of God. They could show new members and attendees how to overcome their problems by a proper example, if they had the faith they needed by keeping the Commandments. The ministers need to stop lying. They need to start telling the truth. They need to excise sin from their midst. They must stop tolerating sin as the breaking of God's Law and calling it 'love' when it is little more than cowardly toleration. They need to give up their destructive hidden agendas. They need to look in the mirror of God's Commandments to exercise their faith in proper form. God is love. Love is the keeping of the Commandments. The Spirit of God is the power of love and of a sound mind. Lat Machine

Unfortunately, it appears that someone needs to teach the ministers these first principles at a time when they should be the trainers in building spiritual power. Like the young man in the exercise room, they don't know the proper form. Unfortunately, they are supposed to be teaching it. They have done a terribly incompetent job, but it is not for the availability of the knowledge--it is because of their laxity with avarice thrown in for bad measure.

The good news is that those of us who do know proper form can go on and achieve the successes we desire. There will come a time when others will notice our success and want to tap it, but it will be at a time when we will only be able to use it for ourselves and not have enough to spread around. It does look like that day may come very quickly. It is best to begin now to employ proper form and enjoy the benefits it derives.

According to the paradigm of the Churches of God, God's Law is proper form. The only way to achieve the results you need is to follow proper form, and it is high time that the Churches of God begin using it. Nevertheless, if they don't, those of us who have been using proper form will leave them far behind.

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Last Updated: Thursday, August 05, 2004