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New: Meredith's Living Church of God | New: Gerald Flurry's PCG |
June 4
FeaZealotry: More on the Feazell book (Transformed by PR). Comments by Mary.
The Rod & Gerry Show: Flurry crows (PCG Quotes) and we reminisce about Rod's 1970 eye operation (at a time when members were told to avoid surgery and pray harder!)
HWA Tribute: A former Ambassador student makes a wish, and we do our best to comply. Warning: some people may find content on this "tribute" page offensive.
May 26
New Features: There are new pages on Gerald Flurry's sect and Meredith's Living COG.
"Feaz-ability" Study: Michael Feazell, one of the new-breed WCG apparatchiks, has a book in the offing: "The Liberation of the Worldwide Church of God". Published by Zondervan, an evangelical imprint, the cover shows a burning image of HWA. A pre-publicity blurb can be found on the Zondervan site.
May 19
Was HWA a Racist? You decide. Herbert Armstrong's statements about race, cited on the Quotable Quotes page, have created a lot of interest and generated a fair amount of email. Scans of the full articles (Plain Truth, October 1963) are now available. Find out more from this new page. There's also an excellent commentary on Herb's desire to recreate the past, and a special graphic for all those who remember the WCG magazine The Good News.
1975? Did I say that?
Spanky's Last Days: Aging Armstrong protégé, "Doctor" Roderick C. Meredith, is happily soldiering on with the End Time gospel. Now heading up the Living Church of God, HWA’s one-time right-hand-man is loudly soliciting on the airwaves with his "Tomorrow’s World" program.
On a recent telecast - "Is This the Last Generation?" - the good doctor (his doctorate is actually a worthless piece of paper issued by unaccredited Ambassador College many years ago) scattered the following gems:
We are going to be spanked by the Great God… World War III is coming up… I am God’s servant and God’s witness… I myself, Mr. Ames and others, may be killed or martyred… We are at that time now… We are entering the last generation… those under 20 years of age are undoubtedly living in the last complete generation of this world’s society
According, then, to this eminent Biblical scholar, those under the age of twenty will definitely live to see the horrifying events of the Great Tribulation. Could this, we wonder, be the same Roderick C. Meredith who assured another generation, in another church organization, that it would be all over by 1975? Apparently Spanky, ("God’s servant and God’s witness"), was only out by a mere 35 to 50 years the first time round. And what’s half a century among friends?
May 11
Mirror Site: There is now a mirror site at . Search engines continue to link to the main site at, which has the added benefit of no advertising banners and an easy to remember URL: Site traffic has been steadily growing over the last month or so, now around 1300 hits a month.
HWA's British Israel Prophecies: HWA was no shrinking violet when it came to self-promotion. He trumpeted his book on America and Britain in prophecy with these words (written in 1967): "Events of the next five years may prove this to be the most significant book of this century." Do the failed predictions mean it was actually the most insignificant book of the century? Now there’s a new web page dedicated to what was once one of the mainstays of WCG literature. Check it out.
More links: Dallas James has advised us of the existence of his Association for Biblical Christianity, which split from Ernest Martin’s group in 1990. Mr. James has published his own translation of the Bible, with the unique name "Urim-Thummim Version". If anyone else is feeling left out from the list of luminaries mentioned on the Splinters page, send an email with your details.
April 29
Strange and wondrous are some of the sites constructed to honor Herbert W. Armstrong on the Internet. Quite apart from the main splinter groups, there are any number of enthusiastic individuals willing to add their own special testimony. You can check out a small sampling of these from the new "Faithful Remnant" section on the links page. Real-audio of the Apostle's rantings is provided on a few. Be advised: some of these sites should carry a spiritual health warning!
Those wanting information on the Philadelphia cult may like to check out The Ambassador Files, which is associated with but separate from The Missing Dimension, and contains some worthwhile resources on Herbert Armstrong, Gerald Flurry and Garner Ted Armstrong. Mike's Enlightenment Page, part of the Exit and Support Network, also deals with the PCG.
April 15
This site has won a "Zeal of Approval" award against religious zealotry. Criteria were that the site (1) opposes religious extremism, intolerance, or abuse, or (2) advocates religious tolerance, free thought, or individual conscience. You'll find the "gong" on the home page.
You may have noticed the new name (The Missing Dimension). The earlier title: "In Search of The Plain Truth About Herbert W. Armstrong and the Worldwide Church of God", was quite a mouthful! "The missing dimension" was a favorite term of the End Time Apostle. He claimed credit for the book The Missing Dimension in Sex (which was actually a condensed version of the collaborative volume God Speaks Out on the New Morality), articles on The Missing Dimension in Education, etc. In the spirit of this great spiritual leader and philanthropist, we seek to bring you a vital missing dimension that you won't find in his autobiography! After two months of substantial site development, it's almost time for a cup of tea and a lie down!
Of all the splinter groups, Gerald Flurry's Philadelphia Church of God is the one people most often express deep concerns about. And, unlike some other spin-offs, it seems to be growing and drawing in new members. Although Auckland, New Zealand is a long way from the PCG base in Edmond, Oklahoma, I'm told it boasts the largest Armstrong congregation in the country. If any readers have information or experiences they'd like to share on this cult, please e-mail Gavin at the address below.
Your feedback is very welcome. Want to make a comment or like to suggest a new link? Why not drop a line?
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August 1
The Good Life: Dateline: Pasadena. "This entire week, the WCG hierarchy are living it up in Palm Springs, CA at a supposed Ministerial Conference. It is an ALL EXPENSES paid out for all those attending. The Regional Directors from around the world were flown there for this week. All the hotels, food, transportation, golf, food and alcohol are being paid for by the church. This is all coming at a time when the finances are in VERY bad shape. While they are there the budget will be discussed. This includes figuring out who and what areas they want to lay employees off from. As they are sitting there eating their prime rib dinners and drinking they will be discussing who to fire from their jobs. Life is SOOOOOOOOO tuff! God forbid if the church pulled its financial support for Plain Truth Ministries (the baby of Greg Albrecht). These are the same people who are supposed to be counting the money sent to the church, but they can't because they are supposedly understaffed. So people's donations from June are still sitting there unaccounted for. Plain Truth Ministries cannot survive on it's own. WCG pays for all the salaries of PTM's employees, pays all their benefits, etc. Australia shut down it's version of the Plain Truth last month because they could not fund it, why doesn't Pasadena close down the PT?"
Treasurer Finds It's Tough at the Top: Dateline: Pasadena. "Schnippert recently pissed the employees off when he told everyone at an employee meeting in the Auditorium how he ran out of gas coming to work one day. HE was too cheap to buy gas in Big Bear (where he recently bought a large home which he now considers to be entirely his office - therefore it is all tax deductible) so he told how he drove his clunker of a car all the way down to Pasadena where he ran out of gas just outside of town here. Employees were expected to have sympathy for his stupidity, especially considering the fact that all his gas money and his car is covered by a car allowance that he receives from the church. While the Pasadena employees have not had a raise in years, and struggle by, poor little Bernie can't afford a tank of gas."
Tkach twists the knife: "Has our policy on worship days changed? Are we now favoring one day over another?" asks Pastor Generalissimo Joe in the August Worldwide News. "Yes, and no." The denomination's proprietor (no voting allowed!) goes on to warn that "members have no business agitating in other congregations". Then a few lines later adds "We do not want members to agitate in their own congregation, either." Agitation apparently means means discussion. Kind of makes intelligent debate difficult.
Joey goes on to make his own views crystal clear. "However, I would like to say a word to people who feel that they should keep the Sabbath in the way it was originally commanded. The old covenant focus is on rest, not on worship... Likewise today, people who keep the Sabbath can also worship on Sunday, and people who prefer Sunday can also worship on Saturday."
After rubbishing the traditional WCG holy days Tkach concludes: "In summary, we [i.e. "I"] prefer the annual observances that people typically associate with Jesus: Christmas, Easter and others. But we ["I"] allow members to meet on other days too, as long as Christ is the center of the worship."
Very generous of you Joe. How nice to have a denominational leader who does all the thinking for his flock.
Our favorite line from Joe's epistle states: "It would be inconsistent to preach grace and freedom while forbidding worship on days that have origins we don’t like." Would somebody please tell Joe that it is inconsistent to preach grace and freedom while forbidding involvement in the selection of the church's leadership.
July 28
Blessings showered on a transformed church: The WCG is surging ahead – in reverse gear - as excerpts from a recent document clearly show.
Most of you have become painfully aware that our June income picture was not up to expectations. In fact, computer reports for June have caused some alarm. While, without a doubt, income for this year has been disappointing, one month should not cause panic—concern perhaps—but not panic.
[MD Translation: It’s every man for himself!]
Ron Kelly has sent our District Superintendents a revised and updated spreadsheet that gives a brief analysis of churches in their district served by salaried pastors... I suggest you work with your District Superintendent to analyze your local church as we look forward to the new financial model. Some of our congregations are heading toward figures that will be too low to maintain a fully salaried pastor when the new financial models are implemented. Realizing this now might give time to pick up the pace a bit and develop solid plans for future financial stability.
[MD Translation: Start checking the jobs section of the classifieds]
The bottom line is that current income trends indicate a significant decrease in offering projections. If our attendance figures are accurate, attendance in our local congregations has declined about nine percent during the first six months of this year. Obviously, when people stop attending, most of them stop donating. If they begin to attend a derivative church or move to another denomination, their contributions probably follow them. And that can explain some of the decrease.
[MD Translation: We haven’t a clue what to do.]
On the other hand, the average amount of donations given by each member family is also below the amounts from last year. … We are walking through some pretty gloomy canyons, especially regarding church finances. But with God's grace and help, we'll come through these difficult times. I pray you each realize your role as you educate and encourage members in their walk with the Lord.
[MD Translation: The engine room of the Titanic is now completely flooded and you can hear the rivets popping]
Yet more anagrams: Webster's says that "mair" (long a) is a Scottish variation of "more." The illustrious clan McNair presumably hails from the Hebrides. A MD correspondent notes that Carl McNair (sidekick to Spanky) anagrams into mair carnal. Ooch, Carl, we dinna believe it.
Another correspondent provided a huge list of anagrams for Pastor General. A few we really liked were: sloganeer trap (how true is that!), prelate groans (after each budget report), apostle ranger (Mike Feazell must be Tonto), strangle opera (what Little Joe did to the auditorium concert series), slap generator (how to deal with troublesome ministers)
Second Tithe?As some readers make arrangements for the Feast of Tabernacles, they might like to consider the following excerpt from David Covington’s 1994 letter to Joe Tkach Sr.
Our current tithing policy lacks New Testament foundation. There are a variety of views in regard to the Old Testament system of tithing ... Modern studies hold that all the references are to the same tithe, explaining differences as arising from the variations in time" (Zondervan Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Bible, Volume 5, "Tithe"). We have taken the most extreme explanation of tithing in the Old Testament and compelled New Covenant Christians to follow it.
Not just "modern studies", we might add. This has always been the position of the Church of God (Seventh Day) for example. So why do conservative splinter groups like the LCG and PCG insist on a second separate "festival tithe" on top of the regular tithe they demand of members? Could it be that the annual infusion of greenbacks is more important than freeing struggling church families from a financial burden that has no actual biblical warrant?
Gimme that Ol’ End Time Religion: Meanwhile out in Modesto, California, the pure Word of Herb is still going forth. Here they aren’t embarrassed to talk about the Place of Safety, how quickly the End will come, the Two Witnesses and the Holy Roman Empire. Holding the breech is veteran minister Don Billingsley, who has transited through a variety of splinter sects before settling on The Church of God – Established in Modesto. Here are some timely reminders to the COG-EIM flock from Don in his July 20 "Pastor’s Comments".
… the actual outbreak of an all-out war between Israel and the Arab world is right on the very edge. If so, this could very well make possible the building of a new temple. End-time prophesy strongly indicates the need for it to enable the Jewish people to once again offer animal sacrifices… The commission of the two witnesses will begin with the beginning of the Great Tribulation. During this time the Philadelphia Era of God's Church will be in the place God has prepared for her. There she will be nourished for 3 and 1/2 years while waiting for the return of Christ...
Undoubtedly, they (the two witnesses), as did Noah and Jonah, will also be proclaiming death and destruction to Europe for what they have done, and will be doing to Israel, unless they repent! They will also make known the exact year Armageddon will occur, as did Noah and Jonah, making the time adjustments along the way…
At the end of the 3 and 1/2 years of their testimony, the Beast power will be permitted to kill them. This will take place in Jerusalem where the Beast and the False Prophet will be. There, their bodies will lie in the street to be seen worldwide via satellite television…
At the end of the 3 and 1/2 days of lying dead on the street, seen, brutalized, and mocked by all, as was Christ hanging on the tree, will be shocked into such fear as they have never experienced, even to the point of insensibility, upon seeing the two dead bodies come back to life, stand on their feet, then slowly (so all will be able to see -- worldwide) ascending up into the atmosphere of the earth (as the disciples watched Christ when He ascended upwards …
Check your calendar. No it isn’t still 1971, really!
A flurry of votes: Gerry doesn’t believe in the ballot box, but a good number of his devoted admirers had no trouble casting a demon vote for the PCG leader in our poll (results below). While we concede that Gerry might possibly be a devoted pet owner and a fine singer in the shower, we’re continually amazed that anyone takes anything the man says or writes seriously.
Which of these COG leaders do you regard as most trustworthy? Gerald Flurry
Les McCullough
Joe Tkach
Ron Dart
Ernest Martin
Ted Armstrong
David Hulme
Rod Meredith32.50%
07.50%Fred Coulter and Bill Dankenbring received no votes. There were 40 responses to this poll July 25
Ekklesia resurrected: One of the greatest WCG-related discussion groups was Bill Ferguson’s Ekklesia list. It disappeared over a year ago. Attempts to step into the breech with new groups met with mixed fortunes. Now Bill has brought Ekklesia back. In a posting to the group he says:
Brian Doucette persuaded me to bring this back on line. I had to take a break from it for a while to sort out my own issues vis-a-vis the WCG. To catch up briefly, I am still not a WCG member and not inclined to join any organization. Now that I forgot most of the horrible stuff, I guess I am ready to continue on… This list of course will have as it did in the past probably a dozen different theological viewpoints, including die-hard Armstrongites. And there lies the fun.
The new Ekklesia list is not moderated.
More anagrams: Ron Dart – darn rot. Ted Armstrong – torments drag. Dick Ames – made sick. Any further contributions?
July 22
Ray of light: Karen Ray has produced an excellent web site called Church Government Reality Checks. Here are quotes from HWA you won't find adorning Tomorrow's World or The Philadelphia Trumpet.
Fleeced for Tabernacles? While some church families may genuinely enjoy and benefit from the upcoming Feast of Tabernacles, many others endure financial sacrifice, strain and stress to attend the week-long sermonfest. Both the Living Church of God and the PCG cult insist members set aside a full festival tithe, and holy day offerings provide a major monetary windfall for the various sects. No wonder Garner Ted Armstrong is beating the drum to encourage the few remaining under his influence to turn out (along with their pocket books) lest they disobey God.
Here at the Missing Dimension we like to be helpful. With all these groups using the same term for the FOT we suggest some of them might like to "brand" their festival in a unique way. The PCG, for example, could call theirs the "Gerry Fraud Rally", an anagram of founder Gerald Ray Flurry’s name.
And speaking of Gerry (a.k.a. "Elisha" and "that Prophet"), a check today shows he is scooping the most votes in our trustworthiness poll, ahead of Joe Jr., Spanky Meredith, GTA, Les McCullough, Ernie Martin and Ron Dart. Which just goes to show (we hope!) that MD readers have a dry sense of humor.
July 19
CGCF and the long goodbye:: Reports of the death of the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship website have been greatly exaggerated, or so it seems. A check earlier today reveals that it is back up again. It has been announced that the current audio sermon (July 14) is however the last to be posted on the site.
Buddy can you spare a dime? Someone who has done the number crunching has uncovered the fact that last year 2700 WCG families turned off the financial taps, and are now not sending even a dime to Pasadena.
July 15
San Antonio Shares the Word: Ever felt the need to proclaim your Sabbatarian beliefs? It seems many do judging from the response to our Sabbath poll. If so, the good people of the San Antonio Church of God may be able to help. You too can have one of their innovative license plate holders for only $3. Be the first on your block to attach one to the Chevy.
Which of the following best expresses your understanding of the Sabbath? It's required of true Christians
It's a non-issue
It's dangerous legalism
It's OK, but not for mature Christians
I'm just thoroughly confused
It isn't essential but it is helpful45.00%
02.50%There were 40 responses to this poll July 14
UCG assimilates CGCF: United president Les McCullough refers to the CGCF situation in his latest missive.
Richard Eckman, our elder serving in Anchorage, Alaska, sent me a message that our United congregation there and the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship, congregation in Anchorage joined for Sabbath services last week... That is great news for both groups since both were so small. I have heard that some of the Christian Fellowship congregations will be or have already joined with us in services... All those who have been involved seemed to be pleased with the way things are going.
There has been some talk that the two groups — United Church of God, an International Association, and Church of God, a Christian Fellowship — were to merge. Technically, that isn’t true. Christian Fellowship is stopping its operation, closing its books and closing down the corporate entity. It will be the personal decision of the members and ministry whether or not they will fellowship with us. My understanding is that the majority will indeed begin to attend with United, and they are very welcome. They have been through a lot over the last few years. Please do everything you can to help them feel welcome and at home.
HWA's Reinvention of History: Stephen Dalton has published a new essay on the "healing" of HWA's first wife, Loma, and arrived at an interesting reconstruction that sounds very plausible. You can find it on Steve's ESN page. He also advises that there are more essays in the pipeline.
LCG warns the dumb sheep: Carl McNair, of the Living Church of God, has posted withering comments about certain unnamed internet sites. Exactly who he's referring to is unclear. The inference is clear enough though, LCG members had better be wary of anything that isn't endorsed officially by Spanky and his chums.
... many former members and ministers have fallen into the snare of “unfettered freedom” to write comments and religious articles without “filters” for Internet posting. Some do not realize the liability—even peril—of their actions...
Does every man/woman have freedom to write comments and articles and publish? Of course! Is there accountability for publishing doctrinal error that “offends a little one?” Absolutely. Jesus will judge both action and motivation. The Apostle Paul wrote concerning some in his day who insincerely “preached Christ,” hoping to “add to” his bonds in Philippians [he quotes Philippians 1:12-17]... I hope we who use the Internet as a tool for research and communication keep in mind the responsibility and accountability of our personal actions and the need for caution in what we accept as fact or doctrine.
McNair also pointedly quotes Matthew 12:30-37. Funnily enough, we wonder if McNair has ever thought to apply these words to himself and his minister pals in the Meredith church. Nope, guess not.
July 11
Feast of Festival Sites: The Journal has published an extensive (if incomplete) list of locations where the various Church of God groups will hold their Feast of Tabernacles this year. It even includes the newly formed CEG group. The celebration is also known as the Feast of Booths and, by some perceptive observers, the Feast of Booze.
Ted Armstrong: decrying disobedience to God
Sick, sick, sick! "Society is utterly sick. Our homes and marriages are sick. Our children are sick. Our social institutions, including government and churches, are sick." So says aging playboy preacher Garner Ted Armstrong in a new article about keeping the Feast. He begins with an anti-gay rant, then proceeds to blast all those deluded folk who believe in the rapture and go to church on Sunday. Surprisingly missing is any reference to squalid adulteries, gambling and masturbation displays, subjects that Ted reportedly has some expertise in. Ted concludes: "May God lead YOU to OBEY His commands…" to which we can only rejoin with an Amen and a silent prayer that God will have more luck leading Ted’s readers in this direction than he’s had with Ted.
July 7
Wholly Joe? - No Go! The results of our poll on the Pastor General's office are overwhelmingly in favor of Joe Tkach doing some real transforming, and turning the WCG into a legitimate church.
The Office of Pastor General should be decided by A General Conference or other representative body for the whole church
A decision by the entire ministry
The previous Pastor General
Senior ministers80.00%
02.22%There were 45 responses to this poll CEG Online: Desperate to know what's going on with the Church of the Eternal God? Nor are we. But their new website is up, although not completely operational, for those who are interested.
July 4
CEG... latest brand name: The splinter group that defected from CGCF has announced it will be known as the Church of the Eternal God. Very original, guys. Which one of you is going to tell the folks over at the Church of God, The Eternal in Eugene, Oregon? The sect's address is Post Office Box 270519 San Diego, CA 92198.
Meanwhile Larry Salyer of CGCF has provided an update which clearly shows that the winding up process is well underway. One comment we liked was: "One can look around at the hundreds of splinter groups and corporations claiming God’s special blessing and know that they are engaging in human reasoning." While we agree with the thrust of that statement, to imply that any real "reasoning" is involved is a bit of a stretch.
Weasel Words? We've heard from yet another source that Mike Feazell, browbeating columnist for the Worldwide News and one of the dreaded "gang of four", is no longer attending WCG services. If so, it places his latest WN piece in an interesting light. In it Feazell states: "If your church is a spiritual detriment to you, then you should consider finding another one." Does this mean Mike was suffering horribly attending the church that he himself helped shape? Could Mike be planning a career move that sees him leave behind the WCG altogether? And is the upcoming book part of his strategy?
July 1
CGCF goes down the gurgler: The Church of God: A Christian Fellowship, essentially what was left of the Global Church of God after Meredith left, seems about to become history. Unable to cope with the prospect of joining the UCG, a clutch of conservative ministers have jumped ship to establish yet another church organization to compete for tithe dollars.
Those departing are: J. Edwin Pope, Jean Carion, Warren Zehrung, Rees Ellis, Norbert Link, Joseph Musso, David Harris and Bob Devine. Resignation letters are, of course, a popular art form in the Armstrong churches, and it's no surprise that the defectors have been busy scribbling their justifications. Both the letters (to the "brethren" and to the sect leadership) are available online. The response from Larry Salyer, in which he states that the "Executive Council/Board will have to decide whether the corporation can continue to operate–and whether it is reasonable for us to continue to accept tithes when we cannot preach the Gospel or offer Church members any meaningful service", is available at the CGCF web site.
The as yet unnamed "new organization" will post further announcements at
Spanky’s Bastille Day Blitz: Rod "Spanky" Meredith has proclaimed a Fast Day for the lucky members of his Living Church of God, to be held on Bastille Day, July 14. This is apparently supposed to bring the members closer to God. Or, then again, is it really intended to get the fortunate few in Spanky’s sect to dig a bit deeper into their wallets and purses to finance the next great leap backward?
Covington letters: There are a number of remarkable people who fought to liberate the Worldwide Church of God long before Mike Feazell claimed the battle was over (it isn’t!) One of these is David Covington. In 1996 he resigned his ministry, raising serious charges of spiritual abuse against the sect’s reforming leadership. His material is still very relevant.
June 27
Hail to the Chief? Check out the poll on the Pastor General's appointment, your chance to respond to the June editorial which asks what on earth a self proclaimed evangelical denomination is doing with a leadership system that makes Fidel Castro look like a democrat. This poll will be up for about 10 days. Below is the result of the first poll. Fifteen years after Herb carked it, he's still top of the pops!
Which subjects on The Missing Dimension would you like to see expanded with more information? Herbert W. Armstrong
Theological material
Garner Ted Armstrong
The new WCG
Philadelphia Church of God
The old WCG
Living Church of God24.14%
03.45%There were 29 responses to this poll Living Yesterday - Comatose Today: In Australia and New Zealand the WCG replaced the Plain Truth with a slim, vapid publication called Living Today. Edited by Aub Warren, it offered saccharine placebo type articles with little focus and no impact. Now even this rather pathetic little rag is being "pulled" for budgetary reasons. "Simply put," says Warren, "we don't have the money to continue publication." Will anyone even notice?
June 21
New monthly record: June is seeing the largest number of hits on the site so far. One interesting trend has been the number of visits from university domains.
Another domain that showed up – for the first time since statistics on the site began – is
New cover: Does the rip signify rip-off?
Flame-grilled Herb? A number of people have been indulging in rampant speculation about the "hidden meaning" behind the original cover design of Michael Feazell's forthcoming book, which shows a black and white photograph of Herbert Armstrong in flames (the photograph, that is, not Herb!). Does this represent HWA in hell perhaps? More likely it's just a clever design meant to create impact in a bookstore display! Nevertheless, unelected Pastor Generalissimo Joe Tkach has been rattled enough to release a statement on this vital subject. Apparently there is indeed a deep and meaningful significance to the design, but "hellfire" isn't intended. If we didn't know that Joe is a man of circumspect behavior, we'd suspect he'd been inhaling second-hand pot smoke before cooking up his colorful explanation. Despite the carefully selected symbolism (yeah, right!), the cover will now be redone. The photograph will now be ripped not torched. Read the Tkach statement on the Transformed by PR page.
United: Herb is still our Apostle: The United Church of God has assured elders from CGCF (a Global Church of God splinter) that it still regards Herbert Armstrong as an apostle. One wonders what their response would have been in the unlikely event they'd been asked if HWA was an incestuous alcoholic megalomaniac and an inveterate liar? More on the UCG page.
June 14
CGI sheds Lake Palestine: The Church of God, International has sold its 20 acre headquarters property on Lake Palestine, Texas, to a group called Schambach Revivals (Tyler, Texas). You can check out "Brother" Schambach’s prayer ministry online. Schambach describes himself as "a bold, powerful, old-fashioned, Holy Ghost revival preacher". What must Teddy be thinking?
June 10
New site: Pam Dewey has created a useful resource on the myths surrounding Herbert Armstrong. Mrs. Dewey, wife of former CGI minister George Dewey, says she is currently working on a book and a web site that will focus on teachers and organizations that she believes to be particularly harmful to the spiritual health of individuals. Called "Questions About the Myth", the site includes some fascinating quotations from WCG literature. Mrs. Dewey is a regular writer for Servants' News.
Flurry scores… Meredith spanked: The Living Church of God’s Chief Financial Officer and treasurer, Fred Dattolo, has resigned to join the Gerald Flurry's Philadelphia cult. Dattolo writes: "in light of what I have come to believe, I have no other option than to resign from all my positions with Living Church of God. I do this with a heavy heart…" Ever heard the expression "out of the frying pan..." Fred?
June 4
FeaZealotry: More on the Feazell book on Transformed by PR. Comments by Mary.
The Rod & Gerry Show: Flurry crows (PCG Quotes) and we reminisce about Rod's 1970 eye operation (at a time when members were told to avoid surgery and pray harder!)
HWA Tribute: An Ambassador alumni makes a wish, and we do our best to comply. Warning: some people may find content on this "tribute" page offensive.
May 26
New Features: There are new pages on Gerald Flurry's sect and Meredith's Living COG.
"Feaz-ability" Study: Michael Feazell, one of the new-breed WCG apparatchiks, has a book in the offing: "The Liberation of the Worldwide Church of God". Published by Zondervan, an evangelical imprint, the cover shows a burning image of HWA. A pre-publicity blurb can be found on the Zondervan site.
May 19
Was HWA a Racist? You decide. Herbert Armstrong's statements about race, cited on the Quotable Quotes page, have created a lot of interest and generated a fair amount of email. Scans of the full articles (Plain Truth, October 1963) are now available. There's also an excellent commentary on Herb's desire to recreate the past, and a special graphic for all those who remember the WCG magazine The Good News.
Spanky's Last Days: Aging Armstrong protégé, "Doctor" Roderick C. Meredith, is happily soldiering on with the End Time gospel. Now heading up the Living Church of God, HWA’s one-time right-hand-man is loudly soliciting on the airwaves with his "Tomorrow’s World" program.
On a recent telecast - "Is This the Last Generation?" - the good doctor (his doctorate is actually a worthless piece of paper issued by unaccredited Ambassador College many years ago) scattered the following gems:
We are going to be spanked by the Great God… World War III is coming up… I am God’s servant and God’s witness… I myself, Mr. Ames and others, may be killed or martyred… We are at that time now… We are entering the last generation… those under 20 years of age are undoubtedly living in the last complete generation of this world’s society
According, then, to this eminent Biblical scholar, those under the age of twenty will definitely live to see the horrifying events of the Great Tribulation. Could this, we wonder, be the same Roderick C. Meredith who assured another generation, in another church organization, that it would be all over by 1975? Apparently Spanky, ("God’s servant and God’s witness"), was only out by a mere 35 to 50 years the first time round. And what’s half a century among friends?
May 11
HWA's British Israel Prophecies: HWA was no shrinking violet when it came to self-promotion. He trumpeted his book on America and Britain in prophecy with these words (written in 1967): "Events of the next five years may prove this to be the most significant book of this century." Do the failed predictions mean it was actually the most insignificant book of the century? Now there’s a new web page dedicated to what was once one of the mainstays of WCG literature.
More links: Dallas James has advised us of the existence of his Association for Biblical Christianity, which split from Ernest Martin’s group in 1990. Mr. James has published his own translation of the Bible, with the unique name "Urim-Thummim Version". If anyone else is feeling left out from the list of luminaries mentioned on the Splinters page, send an email with your details.
April 29
Strange and wondrous are some of the sites constructed to honor Herbert W. Armstrong on the Internet. Quite apart from the main splinter groups, there are any number of enthusiastic individuals willing to add their own special testimony. You can check out a small sampling of these from the new section at the bottom of the links page. Real-audio of the Apostle's rantings is provided on a few. Be advised: some of these sites should carry a spiritual health warning!
Those wanting information on the Philadelphia cult may like to check out The Ambassador Files, which is associated with but separate from The Missing Dimension, and contains some worthwhile resources on Herbert Armstrong, Gerald Flurry and Garner Ted Armstrong. Mike's Enlightenment Page, part of the Exit and Support Network, also deals with the PCG.
April 15
This site has won a "Zeal of Approval" award against religious zealotry. Criteria were that the site (1) opposes religious extremism, intolerance, or abuse, or (2) advocates religious tolerance, free thought, or individual conscience. You'll find the "gong" on the home page.
You may have noticed the new name (The Missing Dimension). The earlier title: "In Search of The Plain Truth About Herbert W. Armstrong and the Worldwide Church of God", was quite a mouthful! "The missing dimension" was a favorite term of the End Time Apostle. He claimed credit for the book The Missing Dimension in Sex (which was actually a condensed version of the collaborative volume God Speaks Out on the New Morality), articles on The Missing Dimension in Education, etc. In the spirit of this great spiritual leader and philanthropist, we seek to bring you a vital missing dimension that you won't find in his autobiography! After two months of substantial site development, it's almost time for a cup of tea and a lie down!
Of all the splinter groups, Gerald Flurry's Philadelphia Church of God is the one people most often express deep concerns about. And, unlike some other spin-offs, it seems to be growing and drawing in new members. Although Auckland, New Zealand is a long way from the PCG base in Edmond, Oklahoma, I'm told it boasts the largest Armstrong congregation in the country. If any readers have information or experiences they'd like to share on this cult, please e-mail Gavin at the address below.
Your feedback is very welcome.
Thanks for dropping by!