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Archives: August - October 2001 |
October 30
Our thanks to the reader who emailed this inspirational epistle to us. Stirring stuff! But wait: there's more! Rod has yet to get to the nub of the matter. You guessed it... it's time for sacrificial giving brethren!
Needless to say, several people had to hold this writer down while his better half quickly hid the checkbook and cut the Visa card in two. It was a near thing! |
October 29
Post-Feast Gloating: The time following the Feast of Tabernacles is a chance for the various Worldwide Church of God offshoots to post up their scoreboards, a sectarian version of "mine’s bigger than yours." How accurate the statistics actually are is anyone’s guess. The United Church of God and Garner Ted Armstrong have already crowed about increased attendance: Ted says "LARGE" and UCG says 4.8% (see earlier stories). Now, not to be outdone, Spanky Meredith (who spent the months leading up to the FOT warning his flock that only his Living Church of God feast venues were legitimate) has trumped them all, switching UCG’s digits around to come out with an 8.4% increase. Fear, it seems, is a great motivator.
October 27
Another Acronym Warns the World! CGOM, which stands for Church of God Outreach Ministries, is busily making the most of recent tragic events to promote their flavor of Armstrongism. A splinter group from the Church of God International, CGOM went for the big hit with advertising in USA Today this week. Readers were directed to their web site, which boasts a predictable fare of news "analysis" in light of "prophecy."
GTA - Never Say Die: Meantime CGI founder Garner Ted Armstrong is claiming increased numbers and income for his current ministry:
God blessed us with a LARGE increase in attendance [at the Feast] this year! Meanwhile, the work continues to grow at the rate of a whopping THIRTY PER CENT!
We'll be impressed when he gets even half the support he once had, pre-Suerae. And speaking of sex, Ted is once again, incredibly, gnashing his teeth and bewailing the state of America's morality.
Have the sinning perverts in this land learned NOTHING from this horrific [terrorist] attack?... An "open society." A tolerant, multi-cultural, multi-religious, ecumenical society [equals] Babylon... the United States is under condemnation from God Almighty! ... How far into the cesspool of slop and swill can our "national leaders" descend?" The answer is "below the slime level!" And because of this, BE YE HORRIBLY AFRAID, AMERICA! Be ye horribly afraid!
Which is all a bit rich, coming from someone with Ted's track record. Ted, sensitive soul that he is, also took a swipe at "Christ-rejecting Jews" in the same vitriolic outburst, but reserved his bitterest jibes for Hillary Clinton. Could it be that his distemper has less to do with either politics or the Bible, and a good deal more to do with a deep-seated misogyny? Some people mellow as they age. Apparently GTA isn't among their number.
Down Under Spin: From the Update page (great title guys!) of November's Australian Worldwide News.
The [hand picked] members-designate of the New Zealand [WCG] Board of Trustees held their second meeting Oct. 13 -14… [Keeping a paternalistic eye on proceedings] Regional Director Rod Matthews attended [MD translation: dominated?] the meeting. [Waxing lyrical with meaningless waffle Matthews later issued the following comments:] "The members-designate of the NZ board met in a spirit of humility [MD translation: they were completely overawed?] with keen awareness of their responsibilities to God [MD translation: to Pasadena?] and to the membership in New Zealand [we could name a few Kiwis who would be rolling in the aisles at that sentiment!] … The weekend’s meetings were a fine example of a dedicated and mutually respectful team [MD translation: Rod was referred to as "Mr. Matthews"?] in operation."
Board members can presumably consider themselves patted on the head. Of the 6 "members-designate" (excluding ex officio Aussie Rod), the three we know something about – Rex Morgan, Dennis Richards and Dave Wong - are decent fellows, and we wish them well. But will any of them have what it takes to advocate a genuinely representative structure, accountability of those in leadership positions and an independent voice?
Latest Poll Results
The creation accounts in Genesis are: | |
Literally true Metaphorically true Partly literal, partly metaphorical Another ancient creation myth Nonsense |
41.86% 09.30% 13.95% 32.56% 02.33% |
There were 43 responses to this poll |
October 26
Generous Gerry: An
Inside look at the Philadelphia Church of God
"My father was one of the 12 charter members of PCG when it was founded, and gave Gerald Flurry his VW van when WCG took back his company car, leaving him without transportation. For the last eight years Vyron Wilkins served as a minister in PCG, pastoring the Lawton Ok. church, and was also a senior editor of the Philadelphia Trumpet. He took no pay during that time, and in fact paid tithes to PCG on his retirement income. "On September 28, 2001, at the age of 71, he died of heart failure. During the two and a half days he was in the VA hospital in Oklahoma City, no PCG minister, and only one PCG member (other than family) visited him in the hospital. The VA hospital is less than 20 miles from "headquarters" in Edmond Ok. "During his tenure at PCG, Stephen Flurry was named as the editor of the Trumpet. My father continued with the actual editing, and as Stephen Flurry could not open email attachments or operate a fax machine, he would demand that this elderly man with a heart condition drive the hard copies of edited articles from Norman, Ok. to Edmond Ok., a distance of some 45 miles each way. Often, this drive was made as late as midnight on Sunday nights. This caused additional strain on a dangerously weak heart. When my father was discharged from the military in 1978, he was found to be 100% disabled. His condition only worsened after that. "All of this was done by Vyron Wilkins for no pay. Presumably, Stephen Flurry was paid for his efforts though. There is no explanation why Stephen Flurry could not have made the drive to retrieve the edited articles, other than the obvious one, that is. The callousness and arrogance of doing this to an elderly man on a regular basis, gives a pretty clear picture of the Flurry family values. Less than a week after my father's death, PCG informed my mother that she is not eligible for any sort of widow's benefits from their church, either as an indigent widow, or as the widow of a minister. I had approached Barbara Flurry at the funeral (she stopped by, and did not stay for the service), and advised her that I expected a pension to be offered to my mother, as she is 71, in poor health, and has only the widows benefit left from my father's military pension. Barbara explicitly assured me that they would be giving her a pension, and that it had been promised to her already, the weekend after my father died. Less than three days later, Barbara called and told my mother that she wasn't eligible, and that my father wouldn't have wanted her to take a pension anyway. Presumably PCG still collects third tithe for widows and the indigent, however it appears that their practice is to talk those same widows out of taking those funds. That this was done to a widow less than a week after her husband's death is appalling even by secular standards. "The fact that they do this while building Imperial College is breathtaking in its audacity. They don't have funds to take care of long time faithful members who have fallen on hard times, but they do have money to build a self aggrandizing college for Stephen Flurry (of the limited education) to become dean. At the very least, I would urge all members to withhold third tithe until a full accounting has been made by PCG of where those funds are really going." Sharon Wilkins |
October 24
The Late Late News (or The Worldwide Olds): Back on August 28 our Dateline Pasadena correspondent broke the story of impending layoffs at the Pasadena campus. Then on September 1 we published his (or is it her?) detailed report. Now the WCG's version of Pravda, The Worldwide News, finally catches up with a belated report in the November issue.
We understand that certain headquarters staff have been told to ferret around and try to find out who the DP source might be. Perhaps the job should go to Mike Feazell, who earned the nickname "Feazell the Weasel" in his previous incarnation as an Armstrong "enforcer".
And speaking of which, these
recent comments also come from the mysterious DP source: A comment
about Mike. He seems to be in his own little world. We have heard
from numerous sources that he and Joe don't get along too well any more.
Mike would like to see the church totally do away with Saturday and Holy Day
worship services... In fact, Dan Rogers earlier in the year claimed that
WCG would be a Sunday keeping church by January 2002. When that word got
out he denied it.... Membership continues to dwindle. The income
source for the church continues to be those members who feel the Sabbath is
still commanded and that all the Holy Days are still to be kept. They feel
that God called and placed them into the WCG and therefore they should not leave
to join some other group...
If Ron Kelly is concerned about income levels being too low [perhaps he could]
ask Bernie to repay the church for the money they gave him to get his real
estate licenses, his PhD, and his attorney schooling. Why doesn't he ask
Feazell to repay the money that the church gave him for his education at Azusa
Pacific? And he could also ask Joe to repay the money that WCG paid out
for his doctorate at Azusa Pacific. The list could go on and on.
October 23
WCG Money Matters: An excerpt from Ron Kelly's latest WN report:
As we close the first nine months of the year, our donation income has now passed $16 million. All other sources of income have totaled $4.7 million, bringing the total year-to-date receipts to almost $20.8 million.
However, as I have mentioned several times in this column, our expenses continue to exceed our income. From January through September we have spent just over $25 million. That means we have needed to transfer $4.2 million from the reserve fund into operating capital. However, that is in line with our projections.
While we continue to work toward achieving a balanced budget, we realize the slow pace of closing escrow on our Pasadena property means we have to exercise a great deal of patience.
October 21
UCG Feast Feedback: Excerpts from Les McCullough's latest missive:
The overall [FOT] attendance in the United States and Canada was up roughly 4.8 percent over last year... Back here in Cincinnati, the exterior walls of the new office building are now up and standing... You can view some photos of the construction on our Cincinnati East congregation Web site at ... So far this fiscal year, since the first of July, the income has been running above our projections...
We suspect that the increase in numbers is largely "internal", people transferring their allegiance from other groups (such as the now defunct Church of God - a Christian Fellowship.) Ron Dart's CEM feast site seems to have pulled in extra supporters this year too. Overall, however, FOT attendance seems in steep decline, especially if one discounts the WCG's variously timed weekend gatherings.
A Paper Pope?
The Bible is an infallible authority for over half those who took part in
the last poll. Nobody was willing to opt for the middle position, adopted
by many Christians, that infallibility is limited to matters essential to
salvation. Our current poll concerns the stories of human
origins in Genesis. Are they literally true, profound metaphors, or
pre-scientific mumbo-jumbo? |
The WCG's official position is that the Bible is infallible. Do you agree? | |
Yes, in all matters No, the Bible is fallible Only in matters of Salvation |
56.10% 43.90% 00.00% |
There were 41 responses to this poll |
October 17
Fiddle About: Lately certain WCG employees seem to have found something other than Dwight Armstrong tunes to whistle as they work. Our Dateline Pasadena source tells us that the Rock Opera TOMMY, as performed by The Who, has provided some special inspiration for the campus troops during these unsettled times at headquarters.
I'm your wicked Uncle [B]ernie, I'm glad you won't see or hear me As I fiddle about Fiddle about Fiddle about! |
Your mother left me here to
mind you, Now I'm doing what I want to... Fiddling about Fiddling about Fiddle about! |
The "Bernie" being celebrated in this latest revival appears to be the financial whiz (rather than Pinball Wizard) of the hemorrhaging sect, Bernie Schnippert. Our DP writer comments: Bernie fiddles about with the sale of the property, taking a lower price every time Legacy comes back to him whining. But Bernie may not be flavor of the month with some members of the church's Board of Directors either. It seems Bernie, though not a Board member, "comes to the meetings (or listens in on phone hook-up) and [is perceived by some to] take control and influence various board member's opinions... Bernie has even had one of his staff placed on the board and has his secretary in attendance taking notes. Some board members feel like they are being spied on and, if they voice an opinion opposite to Bernie's, that their reactions are being monitored and might be used against them later on."
Whether the situation is dire enough to make people yearn for the "good old days" when Stanley Rader ruled the roost is probably a moot point. Speaking of which, we understand Stan's contract may still be current, if information published in The Atlantic Monthly at the time of the receivership is anything to go by. If so the bete noire of Garner Ted Ted Armstrong may still be receiving handsome compensation for services rendered (or not rendered, as the case may be.)
Well done thou good and
faithful servant An excerpt from Father, Son, and Mammon by William C. Martin. The Atlantic Monthly, March 1980 (All dollar figures are in 1980 values. Didn't Stan do well!) In a series of hearings on the receivership and related matters, the state focused on the issue of whether Armstrong, Rader, and several key associates had garnered somewhat more than their share of grapes from the Lord's vineyard. Rader, for example, owned three houses simultaneously, all financed initially by the church. In 1978, he pocketed $1 million in personal profit from the sale of the houses. In addition, he receives approximately $200,000 a year in salary from the church, plus an unlimited expense account and first class accommodations on all his travels. His contract, which guarantees him a minimum of $100,000 a year for part-time consultant service even after Mr. Armstrong dies, runs until July 2003. The Apostle, Rader says, believes that "a servant is worthy of his hire." |
The Legacy Proposal: Dateline
Pasadena: Here are some more facts that Legacy partners
released the other day concerning what they plan to do for the City of
Fiscal Benefits for the City of
Pasadena |
A hint of menace? Dateline Pasadena: The following quote is from an article in the Pasadena Star News on Friday, October 12, 2001. It was written by Bernie Schnippert and appears to contain a veiled threat to the community that if they hold up the sale of the Pasadena property any longer the church will sell the property to the highest bidder and tear down EVERYTHING! The community is very concerned that the property is going to be over developed and that the wide open spaces will be destroyed in favor of more buildings.
Although the Ambassador site has not been in active use for the last eight years the Worldwide Church of God has continued to allow public access to all those interested in exploring its beautiful grounds. The church is acutely sensitive to the concerns of nearby residents who understandably resist change to this remarkable park like campus.
But after 54 years of continued devoted commitment to the property, the church now must leave.
If the Legacy development plan is not approved and the sale must be to another buyer, the church will simply look for the best price in the shortest time, and will not again seek to keep the historical properties, gardens and auditorium intact.
Bernie seems to be telling them that if they mess with the sale
process any more, the church will sell to the next person that comes along and
will allow them to tear the entire property up.
October 13
One Tough Tiger: Don Tiger has probably done more to preserve the early literature and history of the WCG than any other single individual. It’s a task he has undertaken, we understand, at considerable personal cost and in the teeth of opposition. We’re delighted to note that Don is back online at (not to be confused with The Caretaker’s wonderfully satirical dot com site) and is again offering his CD-ROM compilations of church material. Don provides these CDs without cost, and we understand that his sole support in this enterprise comes from unsolicited donations. If you’re interested in WCG history, these are invaluable resources.
God Is... The Trinity is the preferred choice of just under 50% of MD readers in our latest poll, with the God Family doctrine pulling under 25% support. Another 10% of us are happy to simple describe God's nature as a mystery.
Which term best describes your understanding of God? | |
A Trinity A Family A Mystery Agnostic Atheist One Being Only (Unitarian) The Ground of Being |
47.62% 23.81% 09.52% 07.14% 04.76% 04.76% 02.38% |
There were 42 responses to this poll |
The new poll asks, is the Bible infallible? This is the official position of the Worldwide Church of God.
October 12
![]() |
One of Jules' placards |
Placard of Joshua: Former WCG member Jules Dervaes, creator of the Via del Rey and Path to Freedom web sites, has launched a new bid to grab the attention of wacky Armstrong admirers. Called Sword of Joshua, the site provides a heady dose of apocalyptic opinions. While we are unable to endorse either Mr. Dervaes' scholarship or his theology (he carried out a 3 and a half year placard campaign outside WCG services in Pasadena), we do admire the photo taken in his vege garden!
Names we'd like
the "W" to stand for: Woodstock Wilberforce Wilhelm Wylie Our best serious guess: Walter - the name of an uncle (but William has also been attributed to him) Richard's best serious guess: Wright - his mother's maiden name. Any more suggestions? WEIRD (from Fiona)... accurate but unlikely! WANKER (two nominations for this one, from another Richard and also David)... appropriate but improbable! WANNABEE, Wrong and Wizard (from Loma) WRINKLED, Wicked and Waazzup from Joe (no, not THAT Joe!) |
The Mystery of "W": So, what exactly did the W in Herbert W. Armstrong stand for? Church lore provided an "official" explanation that went something like this: on moving to Pasadena in the 40s, there was a problem over mail delivery between our Herb and another Herbert Armstrong in town. Herb added a "W" to his name to distinguish himself from his namesake. It actually stood for nothing.
The trouble is that Herb signed his name with the middle initial from at least as early as 1915 (when his by-line in the Merchants Trade Journal was H. W. Armstrong). If it was an affectation (and that would certainly be in character) it had a long prehistory. Could it be that Herb was unhappy - or downright embarrassed - by his middle name? The creator of the excellent web site has called for information on this little slice of WCG trivia. If you can help settle the question, drop us a line.
October 11
Slow Learners Dept. WCG minister Neil
Earle has raised eyebrows in Pasadena, according to our Dateline Pasadena
correspondent. The controversy concerns reported comments at the WCG Riverside
'Festival' site Earle apparently made the comment "in a sermon
that the World Trade Center disaster was the wrath of God being visited upon the
third and fourth generation of sinners. This seems to be in contradiction
of Joe Tkach's earlier comments about the WTC." Contradicting the
boss? Never a clever move, especially in a goose-stepping sect like the WCG.
"I guess the WCG now joins the list of other Armstrong splinter cults,
Pat Robertson, James Kennedy and other foolish ministers in laying the blame
directly upon the people that occupied the World Trade Center."
Old habits, it appears, die hard.
October 10
Move over Ernie: In the WCG the closest thing to an authority in matters of biblical archaeology has probably been the intrepid Ernest L. Martin, former Ambassador College theology professor, a prolific author and self-promoter. So it comes as a surprise to some to learn that the actual reconstruction of Israel's history doesn't always - or even often - conform to the tales told in the Old Testament. The current issue of Archaeology features an article about Israeli scholar Israel Finkelstein of Tel Aviv University. Among the conclusions reached by Finkelstein:
The character Goliath was actually a Greek mercenary in the Egyptian army of the seventh century BC., not a Philistine from 300 years earlier.
The biblical account of Israel's origin and history was first drafted during the reign of King Josiah.
Major construction sites at Megiddo and Gezer, usually assigned to the reign of David and Solomon, actually date to the time of King Ahab, a century later.
David and Solomon were minor chiefs whose power never extended beyond the territory of Judah.
Finkelstein has published his conclusions in The Bible Unearthed.
Mirror, mirror... up the wall! The MD mirror site on Geocities has been a source of unending frustration lately with aborted uploads. To preserve what little remains of the webmaster's already tattered sanity we've relocated the mirror site to Tripod. The address is Content is exactly the same as the New Zealand ihug site, but there are advertising banners.
October 5
"I Told You So!" We’re not sure exactly what Garner Ted is telling the faithful during the Feast this year, but we’ve a fair idea they’ll be getting a hefty dose of prophetic gloating. These statements from a recent "special letter":
For years, I have foretold the horrors of the "Great Tribulation" to befall our peoples! ... For decades, I have been warning that a GLOBAL ECONOMIC COLLAPSE would occur; that a GREAT DEPRESSION will strike this earth! ... For years, I have emphasized that the flash point for the beginning of the Great Tribulation is JERUSALEM! ... All of you who are a part of this WORK of the Watchman, are most probably, just like me, SHOCKED at this — BUT YOU ARE NOT SURPRISED!
Never one to miss an timely opportunity, Ted launched a plea for unity in the splintered remains of his father’s church (behind himself of course):
Just as the President has called upon Americans to COME TOGETHER in this time of terrible national tragedy, so I call upon God’s divided people to COME TOGETHER in their most determined, spiritual resolve to DO THE WORK OF GOD; to let the peoples of our country, and nations all over the world, know that these mind-numbing events are but a prelude to GREAT TRIBULATION which is surely coming upon our people!
Here’s how Ted concluded his epistle:
[What] you have seen, with your own startled eyes in these past days -- not this time "special effects" in mindless horror movies, but REAL MASSIVE CRASHES AND HORRIFYING DESTRUCTION, is only the BEGINNING of what is to come on this earth!
Jesus Christ SAID so!
It is time now, for God’s people to COME TOGETHER! It is time to put all petty, insignificant "feelings" of petulance, self-pity, accusations, and a lack of forgiveness BEHIND us, and GET BEHIND THE WORK which must go out!
With love, and in haste,
Garner Ted Armstrong
We’ll be the first to report if hordes of WCG, PCG, UCG and LCG members come across to Ted as a result of this stirring call. Anyone holding their breath?
David J. Smith's Ministry: Pam Dewey has published a detailed investigative piece on the Church of God Evangelistic Association, run by the colorful David J. Smith. Mrs. Dewey outlines a number of areas of concern which we believe should get a much wider airing. Also worth checking out is Pam Dewey's History & Overview of the Ministry of Herbert W. Armstrong.
Mene Mene Tekel Upharsin? The writing seems on the wall for the new, improved, evangelically correct WCG, though it doesn't require a latter-day Daniel to read this particular piece of graffiti. Here's the result of our poll on the WCG's future prospects. As a matter of interest, Joe, we don't believe King Belshazzar was much interested in administrative accountability either... There's a new poll now up.
In 5 years do you expect the WCG to have | |
Gained in numbers & income Maintained numbers & income Declined in numbers & income Disbanded |
03.57% 01.79% 33.93% 60.71% |
There were 56 responses to this poll |
October 2
Ron’s Feast: Stuck at home and feeling nostalgic for an old style Feast of Tabernacles? Ronald Dart’s CEM web site is being updated all week with news from Destin, Florida, where 396 people gathered for the opening night's service. The UCG has gone one better with live cybercasts in RealAudio from three of their festival sites.
WCG Changes wreak Havoc in COG7: The Church of God (Seventh Day) General Conference met earlier this year in Colorado Springs. Around 1700 people attended, including guests like Wayne Cole from Big Sandy. The theme of the gathering was "Answering God's Call."
Church president Whaid Rose made oblique references to another religious body, however, in his "State of the Church" address:
... we continue to encounter resistance to change. Both inside and outside the Church, some feel they must protect it from the current leadership. In attempting to do so, unfortunately, they have resorted to tactics inconsistent with authentic Christianity. Interestingly, their fear is based largely on what happened in another church we are familiar with, particularly regarding Sabbath observance and the doctrine of the Trinity.
While many of the changes in that church were necessary and commendable, I do not endorse all of them nor the manner in which they were made. Furthermore, in terms of organizational structure and how doctrines are changed, that church differs greatly from ours. We have checks and balances to prevent the swift and arbitrary changes possible in some organizations.
Most important, we do not plan to move toward worship on Sunday, nor is the Trinity an issue in this church. Jesus is the issue. Getting our people to a clearer Christ-focus is our challenge, and in the process I hope we will develop a more biblical Sabbath theology. Embracing a clear Christ-focus and worship on the seventh-day Sabbath need not be in conflict!
One can only wonder how things might have been different if Tkach Sr and Jr. had moved to democratize the WCG, creating accountability structures like COG7's. One might also wonder how things might have been different if a voice like Mr. Rose's was heard at the top-most level of the WCG.
Truths. New Zealand WCG members and ex's may do a double take when they
browse in bookshops and supermarkets this week. One of the country's leading
magazines, The Listener, features a cover with a play on words that
focuses on the declining fortunes of the nation's airline. Just for one
terrible, fleeting moment we thought that the PT news-stand program was back up
and running!
The Final Countdown? Oh dear oh dear! If perception becomes reality, then Joe Jr. is in deep effluent. That’s if our latest poll is anything to go by. At latest count, with over 40 votes, more than 60% of respondents believe that the WCG won’t be around in five years. Perhaps Joe can thank that outstanding optimist, Mike Feazell for the depressing result. Here’s what Mike says in his recent book.
It is no exaggeration to say that if nothing else of a "productive" nature happens in the Worldwide Church of God - even if the church organization fails, goes bankrupt, and disintegrates - the painful journey has already been infinitely successful.
Our current financial and generally flagging morale may prove irreversible
October 1
Mike Feazell - God’s Inquisitor: These comments come from a letter received after we put up a new review of The Liberation of the Worldwide Church of God. (The letter is published in full on both the Mail and review pages):
… after Joe Tkach, Sr became the director of church administration [under HWA], he appointed Mike Feazell as his personal assistant. Tkach included Mike in many of his interrogations of ministers in an effort to root our "liberalism." To at least a certain group of ministers, Mike was known as "Feazell the Weasel" due to the fact that he gathered information on supposed liberal ministers and then was party to destroying them… Mike was one of those at the forefront of rooting out liberalism and supporting HWA. In fact, several in the gang of 5 were known as being some of the most conservative in view of the status quo of WCG before their "change of heart".
Which may explain a great deal. A "liberal", in those times, was anyone who dared question Armstrong’s authority: a grab-bag label that was also pasted on some very conservative people. Strangely enough, Feazell didn’t feel comfortable sharing details of his inquisitorial role in Liberation of the WCG. Rather, he portrays himself and his family as victims.
Raymond Cole: We have heard that Raymond C. Cole, one of the men who served under Herbert Armstrong from the earliest days of the WCG, has died. Mr. Cole, an evangelist and brother to Wayne Cole, was part of a family with roots in the Church of God (Seventh Day), before moving across to the Radio Church of God on Armstrong’s breakaway. Raymond left the WCG in the 70s to establish a small group called The Church of God, The Eternal in Eugene, Oregon, largely over the change in Pentecost doctrine.
Record Month: September saw a record number of hits on this site: more than 15,200. The ten most viewed pages were (1) Update, (2) Home (3) Mail, (4) Splinters, (5) Polls, (6) Links, (7) Garner Ted Armstrong, (8) Flurry’s PCG, (9) Meredith’s LCG, and (10) HWA’s Incest.
September 28
Feazell's Liberation: There is now a completely new discussion of Michael Feazell's book, "Liberation of the Worldwide Church of God", available on this site. And, yes, it takes a bit of a different position this time. The earlier piece was more preview than review, but now there's been an opportunity to get into the text itself there are a number of points to acknowledge and comment on. |
A Virtue of Necessity: Joe Tkach seems to be preparing the troops for more cutbacks as the financial crunch continues. Making a virtue of necessity, the highly paid Pastor General enthuses about "bi-vocational" ministers in the latest member letter:
The Worldwide Church of God has experienced a movement away from relying as heavily upon full-time clergy to mobilizing our membership for many kinds of ministry. Many other denominations are dealing with a similar movement, sometimes of necessity, and sometimes of preference, with full-time clergy often serving as mentors, teachers and administrators of the many lay and bi-vocational ministries of a congregation and denomination. There is much about this movement that I like, as more people are involved in ministering to others.
What Joe obviously likes is the dollar savings in having someone else pay his ministers (who, apparently, are no longer "worthy of their hire".) We understand that several of the church's most senior executives only front up to the office on an irregular basis, so perhaps they'd like to lead by example in this matter.
Merry Tabernacles: For those readers heading off shortly for a Feast of Tabernacles venue, we wish you a safe trip and an enjoyable time. The Journal has an updated list of sites online.
And finally.... Could we have found some kind of unofficial LCG site? Not likely, but we think these guys have coined a great alternative title for Rod's mob all the same.
September 26
Feedback for Controller Ron: Comments are appearing on forums and message boards about "Controller" Ron Kelly’s failure to publish a full financial statement in the WN. And yes, "controller" is apparently Ron’s official designation!
An income and expenditure statement alone without a balance sheet does not provide an adequate view of the financial affairs of an organization. Mr. Kelly saying that it is appropriate for the members speaks volumes about where the members stand in the Church
…it's all on a computer file somewhere, why can't they just send it as an email? Or better still put it up on their website? It's just another example of their lack of accountability and lack of transparency.
The WCG leadership could have posted this on the WCG web site, but for some unexplained reason they have not, to my knowledge, done so.
Publication on the web site is an excellent idea. Again we ask, if UCG – a less "liberated" brand of Armstrongism by far – can do it (their statement can be found online in the PDF version of the latest United Church News), why not the WCG? Or is there something they need to hide from the decent, everyday people who continue to bankroll them.
A Prophet Without Honor: MD readers have come down heavily against the Falwell/Robertson/Spanky theory that America was getting a whipping from the Lord. There'll be a new poll up shortly.
Rod Meredith says the terrorist attack of Sept. 11 was God's punishment. Do you agree? | |
Yes Maybe No The whole sick idea is offensive |
09.09% 09.09% 21.82% 60.00% |
There were 55 responses to this poll |
September 25
WCG Audit: The October WN features a comforting report from Ronald Kelly that assures the membership that a recent audit was passed with flying colors.
Church members should also feel confident that the financial affairs of the church are handled with integrity and in a professional manner. To issue an unqualified opinion, PricewaterhouseCoopers staff spent several weeks in our offices examining the assets, liabilities, income and expenses of the church and reviewing church accounting procedures and financial reporting. If they were to find inappropriate record keeping or that the church financial picture did not meet their high professional standards, they, of course, would not issue the desired unqualified opinion.
Great news Ron (though, when we separate substance from hype, we're not sure you've actually said anything). So, when will the full balance sheets be published?
Because the annual auditor’s report is lengthy and technical in nature, we do not publish it in the WN. However a copy can be sent to any Worldwide Church of God member who requests one. If you need a copy of the audit, send your request to Ronald Kelly, Controller, Worldwide Church of God, 300 W. Green St., Pasadena, California, 91123. In your letter, please note the congregation you attend.
We encourage any and all WCG members to take Ron up on his offer. Ron concludes:
For most of our members, these monthly updates provide an appropriate overview of the financial affairs of the church.
Appropriate? For a church which has always treated its members as spiritual mushrooms (kept in the dark and fed on manure)? Well maybe. Or is this just Ron's way of saying "don't you dare!"
The Herb Seminar? Also in the latest WN, Michael Morrison lets off a cheap shot at the Jesus Seminar:
The Jesus Seminar began with a preconceived idea of what Jesus would have taught. They accepted the sayings that fit this idea, and rejected the sayings that didn’t, thereby, in effect, creating a Jesus in their own image. This is not good scholarship, and even many liberal scholars disagree with the Seminar.
Is Michael inferring that evangelicals like himself don't have preconceived ideas? Somehow we doubt it as Michael also writes: The Bible is the inspired and infallible record of what God wants us to know and do. Has Mike read the procedural methods used by the Seminar? If he tracks down a copy of The Jesus Seminar and Its Critics by Robert J. Miller he might be in for a surprise. The WN article avoids, and in our view misrepresents, the tough questions.
We do note that Mike stops short of calling the Gospels eye-witness accounts. Instead he states: Do we have good reason to trust the biblical reports about Jesus? Certainly—they were written within a few decades of Jesus’ death, when eyewitnesses were still alive.
Which isn't exactly the same thing.
We also wonder if the slaughter of sacred cows over the ministry of Herbert Armstrong, something Mike and the Pasadena leadership have been keenly active in, might be subsumed under the title The Herb Seminar. The plagiarizing Apostle is an obvious candidate for the honor.
Sheik Spanky? The poll on God's complicity in the terrorist attacks has only a couple of days to go. Rod (a.k.a. Sheik Spanky bin Meredith) has been - well, um - SPANKED by our respondents so far, with 6% support, and those who are willing to brand his views as sick and offensive at 64% Grab a paddle and vote while you can.
Ron's "Good Month": Ron Kelly has passed on the good news: it was a good month for restocking the WCG's depleted coffers. Half a million extra bucks came home to roost in August due to "one fairly substantial estate... coupled with Legacy escrow-extension payments and other forms of income..." However, "Looking at the year-to-date, we have received $14.47 million in member donations and just over $3.9 million from all other revenue sources. That totals some $18.4 million for the first eight months of the year. For the same time frame last year we received $20.2 million, so we are still running a negative nine percent for the calendar year." We have to wonder who is the intended target of his concluding remarks: "I would like all our members to understand that the board of directors and department managers are committed to sound financial management. We keep a careful, almost daily, look at income and expenses. And we certainly do not want to drop below an appropriate reserve level. Church leaders have shown a strong resolve to make hard decisions when needed. Members should have confidence that the Worldwide Church of God plans to maintain proper financial and management principles." How about a 10% pay cut for all the church executives Ron?
September 23
Military Service and War: The dark possibility of young people being called up for military service must have been exercising the minds of many recently. Traditionally the Sabbatarian strand of Christianity has taken a position opposed to involvement in war. A recent article in the WN, however, could indicate that the WCG may have "mainstreamed" in this direction as well. The United Church of God has published a Teen Bible Study Guide on the subject. The Church of God (Seventh Day) position is as follows:
Jesus Christ our Lord taught us to love and forgive our enemies, and to work for the peace and salvation of all peoples. Wars among nations and violence between persons are not God's perfect will, but result from greed, lust for power, selfishness, and other sinful motives. Christians should renounce such carnality and the weapons of human strife, and should not participate in military combat through the armed forces. Matthew 5:38-48; Luke 6:27-38; Romans 12:17-21; John 18:36; Matthew 26:51, 52; 2 Corinthians 10:3, 4; James 4:1.
Writing Into The Ether? Brian Knowles will be a name familiar to many MD readers. Brian was once Managing Editor of The Plain Truth magazine (back in the days when people actually read it). Brian left the WCG in the 70s and has since written for a variety of publications. These days his by-line appears at the ACD site, where his latest "Out of the Box" column, Writing Into The Ether appears (it's also in the print version of The Journal and on their web site). We don’t always agree with Brian’s views, but we do respect the insight that he brings to his journalistic efforts. And we’re sure his contributions on ACD deserve to get a few more readers than his somewhat tongue in cheek "optimistic estimate" of ten!
September 21
God’s Punishment? Joe Tkach seems to be deliberately distancing himself from the apocalyptic self-loathing coming from some of the splinter groups – notably the Living Church of God – in the wake of September 11. He writes:
It should go without saying that it is inappropriate to wrench passages from the Old Testament prophets in an effort to brand last week’s terrorist attacks as God’s punishment on America… Our preaching should reflect the gospel message of hope and encouragement, not some attention-grabbing diatribe about God’s vengeance and judgment and end-time prophecies being fulfilled—again.
God did not crash those jets; hateful humans did. Jesus did not forget or forsake those victims or those who loved them… The gospel inspires and encourages; it does not bully, belittle and tear down. Jesus did not come to condemn the world, but to save it (John 3:17).
MD readers know that we are hardly big fans of Joe’s, but the points he makes here seem a healthy corrective to the prophetic bull-roaring and self-flagellation coming from some others.
It’s hard to say sorry: It has not escaped the notice of many that Rod Meredith’s hasty backtracking on the theme of "God’s Punishment" followed an almost identical route to that used by Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson. God, it now seems, simply withdrew his protection. The Almighty is no longer to be charged with causing bloody mayhem in a spiteful hissy-fit with his errant creatures here below… he just permitted it. Meredith writes:
God did not directly cause these recent tragedies! Rather, as our personal and national sins have increased, He has "removed" His protective hand from the United States, Britain and Canada!
Trouble is, Spanky has opened his mouth long and wide on this matter for decades. The Meredith tonsils seem to have waggled back and forth on little else, in fact. God is, according to Rod, going to SPANK us. PUNISH us. CHASTISE us for our sins (cf. the quote under September 18). Hard to interpret such direct statements any other way really. To infer, as he does now, that he meant something else all along, is surprising to say the least. Not that we'd want to accuse Rod of duplicity, but wouldn't a simple retraction and apology have been more appropriate?
As a postscript, UCG's Les McCullough seems to be in thrall to the same revised line as Meredith. This from his latest letter:
We have to ask whether God has removed His protecting hand from our nation for at least a short time. He didn't bring about the actions of those terrorists and He doesn't want people to suffer and die. On the other hand, it was obviously allowed, so let's take it as a bit of a warning and see to our own spiritual houses.
September 18
Spanky's Second Thoughts: LCG cult leader Rod Meredith has released a new "commentary" on the terrorist outrage. This time he actually tries to say something about "sorrow and compassion for the people and families who are involved." A case of too little too late. His first such effort is still online, a piece which might well be entitled "God Curse America!" In it he actually seems to credit God with the tragedy:
Yes, God will give us corrective punishment to wake us up from our sins. We have turned away from God. We are getting into more and more abortion—the murder of little unborn children. We are getting into more perverted sex, wild scenes of sex and wretchedness on our television and in our movies. In every way, we are a degenerate people. More and more we are turning away from God, and bringing shame on the name of God, yet we put on our coins and bills "In God We Trust." Shame on us! God says: "‘But I will correct you in justice, and will not let you go altogether unpunished’" (Jeremiah 30:11).
Yes, God will have to correct us, my friends, and wake us up! These terrorist activities—along with coming terrible storms and earthquakes—are preparatory to a final attack and captivity of our people, who will be taken away from their land into literal slavery, where they will finally repent and then come back weeping in repentance to God. That is prophesied in many places in your Bible...
No, "these things" are not just carried out by Arab terrorists or other kinds of terrorists. God is going to use many different people—and many different nations—to wake us up!
Statements worthy of the Taliban.
Lee Clark - Dreams & Visions: Lee Clark created the colorful "National Eagle" some time ago. It contained long speculative articles on Armstrong-type prophecy. We understand Mr. Clark has been in poor health lately, which might explain the latest content on his site. Lee is claiming personal responsibility for the "unfathomable suffering, loss of life and property resulting from the terrorist attacks of September 11". Why? "God, the Almighty creator, has charged me with the job of being his messenger and a watchman for our nation and his people, but I have resisted and rebelled, and am guilty of gross negligence and incompetence - In short, sleeping on my watch. I am grieved and shaken by this whole situation." God is now apparently revealing things to Lee, now using the name Ephesian Church of God, on an almost daily basis via dreams and visions.
Go Gary! In most other church communities it would be a bland little article, but when Gary Antion writes a piece called "Your Opinion Matters!" we have to pinch ourselves. Writing in the United Church News Antion seems, between bucketsful of qualifications, to be tentatively encouraging membership input in matters normally reserved for those at the top of the sectarian food chain. On the same page of the print edition is a notice from Roy Holladay concerning "Doctrinal Submissions to the Council". If the UCG can do this, why not the WCG?
Meanwhile, back in Edmond: Philadelphia Church of God cult leader Gerald Flurry has reportedly named his son Stephen as president of Imperial College, a grandiose attempt to clone the now defunct Ambassador College. Nepotism has always been a charming distinctive in the Armstrong tradition: Herb and Ted (till Ted spilt the beans about Dorothy), Joe Sr. and Joe Jr., and now Gerry and Stevie.
September 16
Sick Hoax Plays on Tragedy: A cruel hoax, circulated widely on a number of church-related discussion boards and forwarded as email by many concerned readers was, in fact, a sick hoax.
It was earlier reported on this site that a UCG member had been a passenger on board one of the ill-fated passenger aircraft to hit the World Trade Center in New York. Like many others, it appears we were deliberately misled by the originator of this callous piece of fiction. Some further details on Victor Kubik's web site.
September 15
Loss & Consolation: We note that the Worldwide Church of God has replaced its earlier brief announcement with a longer, personal statement from Joseph Tkach. It reads:We were all sobered by the tragic events that occurred yesterday in the U.S. Most likely, we will all remember where we were and what we were doing when we first learned of the horrible terrorist attack. It is impossible to fully comprehend the level of devastation, or to express the feelings and emotions of those who experienced it.
We express our profound sympathy for the victims and families of those who were in the hijacked planes, those who were in and around the buildings that were destroyed and for the firefighters, police and rescue workers who have given their lives in trying to save victims. It is indeed inspiring to witness the self-sacrifice and courage of New Yorkers and others around the nation who are pulling together to offer assistance in this crisis.
Let us pray for and stand behind the President and his advisors as they work to meet this challenge, and for the people of New York as they meet the hours and days ahead. Let us pray for the nation, for the recovery and comfort of all who are suffering, and for Christians to demonstrate the kindness and love of Jesus. May we rest our faith in our Lord God who will see us through our times of trial when we trust in him.
David Hulme and Edwin Stepp have written a lengthy reflection on the Vision web site.
The Church of God, International has also published a brief message on its web site. It reads:
"Tuesday, September 11, 2001 is a day none of us will ever forget. Words alone do not adequately express our sorrow for this tragic loss of life. We at the Church of God, International pray for those who have lost their lives, been injured and for the families who have lost their love ones. God's grace, love and hope are not ordinary. They are extraordinary. We must trust in His love, mercy and coming Kingdom to this earth. "You need not be afraid of disaster or the plots of wicked men, for the Lord is with you; He protects you." Proverbs 3:25-26"
LCG Priorities: "Spanky" Meredith is expected to unleash "an urgent and moving letter addressed to the entire membership" in the next couple of days. We're betting he's going to use recent tragic events to bolster his shaky credibility in matters of prophecy, and try to milk extra bucks from the flock. Greenbacks were definitely on the mind of LCG evangelist Dibar Apartian this week. He writes: "As expected, mail service to Headquarters has virtually ceased. We received only 20 donation envelopes on Wednesday and only 13 donation envelopes on Thursday (and some of those were tithes from our own office staff). We are considering alternative methods for receiving tithes and offerings in the future when we face similar emergency situations. Please pray that full mail service will resume soon. And please pray that God will bless the Holy Day Offering for the Feast of Trumpets [coming up this week, September 18]. Remember to use your pre-labeled green envelopes for the offering." Forget the faith, hope and charity: y'all send in the mammon!
September 14
Through the Brandenburg Gate: Cincinnati East UCG member and aspiring columnist Michael Brandenburg is all of a dither as the witch-hunt begins to determine who leaked John Elliot's email to The Missing Dimension (September 12). Brandenburg has apparently fessed up to posting the epistle on an AOL message board, presumably without seeking Elliot's permission to do so. Enquiries today reveal that Mr. Brandenburg has felt free to use the resources available on this site in his past columns (without, we may add, giving credit): fair enough. But why, we wonder, does Michael regularly visit - let alone make repeated use of - what he describes as "a certain website (I won't give any more details on it here) that has established an unsavory reputation for ridiculing happenings in various organized bodies of the Church of God"? |
Statements on Terrorist Attack: A joint letter from UCG's Roy Holladay and Les McCullough has been posted. There are two pages on the Church of God (Seventh Day) site, one concerning disaster relief, the other a letter from Whaid Rose, the Conference president. The WCG has merely posted a brief, unsigned paragraph on its main page which reads:
We were shocked and saddened by the recent tragedies in New York, Pennsylvania, and Washington DC. We give our condolences to the families involved. We pray for peace and look to God as the only source of meaning in life. At times like this, many people ask, Why does God allow evil? -- Click here for some thoughts on this theme.
September 13
The Ultimate Accolade? Perhaps it was due to a sudden rush of blood to the head. Perhaps too much TV coverage of the terrorist outrage in New York and Washington was causing him to hallucinate. Whatever the explanation, WCG Pastor General Joe Jr. took a direct swipe at none other than The Missing Dimension this week. The following report comes from our Dateline: Pasadena correspondent.
Today, at the employee meeting/chapel, Joe Jr. labeled The Missing Dimension as a vehicle for 'spiritual terrorism'. (Now there's proof that they monitor the web site!) This and all other web sites that criticize the WCG are spiritual terrorists leading people away from God. He particularly did not like the label "Bloody Thursday" (see September 1). He made fun of the title saying that a few employees being laid off was not 'bloody'... The employees refer to it as 'bloody' not from the fact that they were being laid off, but from the way that they and all employees continue to be treated.
Spiritual terrorism? Leading people away from God? Get a grip Joe! We'll be responding in due course. Meantime we'd like to thank Joe for taking time out from his busy schedule to drop by and check us out.
Hell No Joe! The final results on the latest poll (also see Hell Freezes Over September 9)
Joe Jr. has put the issue of a traditional hellfire back on the WCG agenda. Which position do you feel is closest to the truth? | |
The fundamentalist hell The Lake of Fire Universal Reconciliation No afterlife Something else |
07.5% 50.94% 15.09% 11.32% 15.09% |
There were 53 responses to this poll |
September 12
Unthinkable Terrorism: It has been a terrible day for the United States and the world. The graphic images from the World Trade Center in New York have left us all stunned. In our increasingly interconnected world, which one of us doesn't have someone - friend, relative, colleague or even email correspondent - who we feared might be caught up in this twisted madness. The human dimensions are cheapened and trivialized by those who would manipulate such a tragedy in the cause of "prophetic" speculation. Unfortunately that process seems to have already begun, as this commentary from UCG Pastor John Elliot indicates.
On our minds today is "What does attempted killing of as many U.S. citizens as died in the entire Vietnam War portend for this nation?" And, "How does this all correlate to biblical prophecy?"
This nation has been busy gloating in its immorality, godlessness and insistence on a separation of church and state, all to extremes in the past decades. Now the nation lost in greed and materialism has been stung in its hallmarks... A perusal of the major prophets illuminates the modern descendents of ancient Israel adrift in their own pursuits. These will ultimately be taken down by outside powers. Stripped and humbled first, God will finally bring their remnant back to Palestine once His Kingdom is established at the return of Jesus Christ.
Many national humblings such as we witnessed today are to expected as preludes to the total collapse and enslavement of the Israelitish nations that long ago lost their link with God.
Passing on this sad email, a regular MD contributor labeled it with some passion as "disgusting" and "sickening". We concur. Rather than leaping to glib moralizing, we believe Mr. Elliot might well take time to simply express his compassion for the many victims and his admiration for the many brave people who have responded so magnificently in the face of adversity.
Roderick C. Meredith has also wasted no time in hitting the Internet with his "analysis". A chance to push his particular sectarian barrow. And like Elliot, not one word of comfort or human sympathy.
September 11
The Other Gerry: Think of a minister named Gerry these days, and you're likely to picture the forbidding jaw line of Gerald Flurry, Darth Vader of the Deathstar PCG. But a generation ago another Gerald trotted the globe at tithe-payer expense, making ludicrous claims about church leader Herbert W. Armstrong. Gerald Waterhouse, "the mad prophet of Petra", held the record for the longest, dumbest sermons in WCG history (and let's be frank, it was a competitive field!) Evangelist Gerry could preach for hours and hours on end; long rambling monologs about the Apostle's virtues and the deep scriptural significance of the name Armstrong. These days Gerry is no longer in the best of health. This recent update comes from his brother Don, UCG pastor in Tampa, Florida.
Due to some increased difficulty he has been experiencing with balance and other health-related issues, my brother Gerald has recently moved to live closer to me. Your prayers for him would be appreciated on a continual basis. He is hoping to attend the Feast of Tabernacles with my family in Jekyll Island.
An earlier update stated that Waterhouse was suffering complications from a collapsed bladder, had to wear a catheter and suffered severe pain and spasms.
We wish Mr. Waterhouse, now also with the UCG,
well. Despite those amazing record-setting sermons (or more likely because of
them) he stands out as one of the truly memorable characters from the Armstrong
era. (For a more, um, effusive tribute, check out this photo
montage from the Nashville UCG... eeek!)
September 9
Alas Poor Les: The UCG leadership issue continues to bubble away. Stung by the debacle with its first president, David Hulme, the UCG "curia" was never going to make second president Les McCullough’s life easy. A teleconference held September 6 seems to demonstrate that the group is more than likely to dump McCullough. Minutes from the meeting indicate that the pretenders may already be well into pre-campaign mode. On the positive side, its good to see a splinter group that does plan for orderly change, and a church leadership system that veers away from the typical "one-man rule". Unfortunately grass roots members will have little or no say in who wears the UCG crown next.
Hell Freezes Over: Pastor General Tkach isn’t having a lot of luck convincing the troops that a traditional hellfire doctrine has much credibility. Our polling so far reveals that the Lake of Fire is still the "hot choice" as destination for the salvation-impaired. Nor does hell come in second: that place is reserved for the belief in Universal Reconciliation. The bronze looks likely to go to other beliefs like reincarnation. Hell languishes at the bottom of the heap alongside the view that there is no afterlife so, presumably, why worry. Perhaps Joe should consider a career change, though based on his performance so far, we don’t recommend one in sales and marketing.
The Bible & Brinsmead: Australian theologian Robert Brinsmead, a former Seventh-day Adventist whose writings encouraged the WCG to abandon its Sabbatarian past, has recently written on the subject of "Lying for Jesus". He says:
… for centuries it was said by the church that in the NT [New Testament] documents we have the testimony of eyewitnesses such as Matthew, Peter and John. But a scientific investigation of the documents has clearly established that Matthew did not write Matthew, Peter did not write 1st and 2nd Peter, and John did not write the books attributed to him... It is doubtful that Paul wrote Ephesians and Colossians, but in the matter of the so-called Pastoral Epistles, it is clear now that they could not have come from the pen of Paul. The Timothy letters represent a stage of early Catholicism that is post-Paul… Paul would not have recognized a bishop as spoken of in Timothy if he fell over one. And most of the dreadful misogyny that is attributed to Paul comes from Timothy.
He goes on to say:
Christian scholars will often beat around the bush and use cleverly invented euphemisms for what amounted to just plain forgery. There is now no doubt at all that the church (for the church wrote the NT and later canonized it) forged documents and created legends to give to certain documents "apostolic" authority which was really giving authority to themselves. As Robert Funk points out, the NT documents were forged in the context of a power struggle and religious politics.
Our article on the canon raises other issues in this regard.
September 5
Obituary - Sherwin McMichael: Les McCullough, president of the UCG, writes in his September 5 letter to members:
I have a sad announcement I want to make. Many of you will remember Sherwin McMichael. He last ministered I believe in the Washington, D.C., area back in the 1970s. Paul Suckling called me last night to let me know that Sherwin died. I believe it was on Labor Day. He had been bedfast with a degenerative muscular disease for the past three or four years and was only able apparently to use one arm. His wife, Beverly, has been by his side through it all... They were not active members with any particular group, but I know they still considered themselves members of God's Church.
Spanky's Prophecies Milk Cash: "My friends, prophecy is on the march! Over the next five to fifteen years, we will be living through the most exciting, yet traumatic and gut wrenching period in human history." So says Rod Meredith in an August 23 co-worker letter. Uh, sure Rod. The Presiding Evangelist soon gets to the nub of the matter. "As prophetic events gain momentum, as the power of God’s Work increases, I hope all of us can be inspired to "go all out" in preparation for the Kingdom of God. [MD translation: send in more money!] As Jesus Christ commanded us in Matt. 6:33, "But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you." [MD translation: send in much more money!] If you zealously prepare for God’s Kingdom above all else, you will never be sorry! [MD translation: consider cashing in your insurance policies!] Hopefully, the "summer doldrums" are about over. [MD translation: we have a cash flow problem and it's all your fault!] The Work needs your prayers [and your money], your help [your money!] and your support [money, money, money!] now."
And what does Spanky DO with all this sacrificial giving? We couldn't be sure, but we have a good idea that Rod and the LCG's "leading ministers" are doing very nicely, thank you, if information from Global days still pertains. Isn't prophecy marvelous!
September 2
Advance Australia Fair! The Christian Churches of God, a "dinky-di" offshoot led by Wade Cox, knows something Ted, Spanky, Joe, Les, Gerry and all the other splitters don't. The Millennium will dawn in 2028. Yes, the Wonderful World Tomorrow is only 27 years away. And if you're in any doubt, you can check the inspiring (and doubtless inspired as well) timeline on the CCG site. And there is even more detail available online. Aren't we lucky! Mark Tabladillo's comment on his JLF message board about sums it up for us too: "I hope I don't get seriously ill before then..."
Meantime, another miniscule group from the land of Oz, Zion Ministries, seems to have completely hijacked the WCG usenet group. Headed by someone called Neville V. Stevens, it proclaims some truly bizarre stuff. The sourpuss ZM posters have specialized in baiting other contributors to the extent that there is little else under discussion than the pros and cons of Nev's nutty rantings.
If these guys are any indication, the boat people on MV Tampa might be fortunate in not getting into The Lucky Country.
September 1
Bloody Thursday: Dateline Pasadena:
"Here is what transpired on Bloody Thursday (as the employees are calling
it). Every department manager was told he had to call in each person
individually and tell them what was happening to them job wise. (The managers
have known for the last couple of weeks who was getting the axe). Then
once everyone was told, the department managers were to report back to the
Facilities Manager on how people reacted to the situation. They seem to be
worried big time on how people are handling this. Many were terminated
today. They were told they could work and get paid for two more weeks and
then quit or leave immediately and get paid for the next two weeks. A few
had their hours cut back and three were placed on retirement. Those
remaining will be staying and given more jobs to do. The plant maintenance
department had to lay of 7 people. That left them with three or four
people to take care of the entire campus. Custodial laid off 3, Landscape
laid off 2 and cut back all the hours for employees. Security retired one
person, the Physical Ed guy was retired.
"These are the reasons they said this had to happen this way: the church is
dishing out 700,000 a month in salaries and maintenance of the property.
300,00 was going just to the facilities maintenance area. Bernie [Schnippert]
and the Board of Directors made the decision that the budget for Facilities had
to be cut 35%.
"Escrow is now being negotiated to close in March of 2002 (if even
then). The escrow process is closely approaching the three year length
now. It is coming up for public comment and criticism on Sept 27 or
earlier depending on the City of Pasadena Council. There will then be
three public meetings for the public to comment and criticize what is going to
happen to the property. This is an unknown for WCG and Legacy.
Public opinion in Pasadena concerning building, traffic and historical
preservation has tremendous clout. There will then be a meeting every 2
weeks until the situation is taken care of -- they said this could last at least
three meetings, or more if needed.
"SEP Orr is being sold to a redevelopment group that will subdivide the
property and place housing and vacation homes on it. Escrow may close on
it towards the end of October. They will then terminate the 4 people that
work at the camp.
"Some of the employees took the events today in stride, since they knew it
was going to happen sooner or later. (Employees are given one week of severance
for every year they have worked for the church and one month of medical
insurance) Others were very angry on how they were treated and how the employees
have been lied to by the administration. For the last couple of years,
Bernie and others have stood up in front of the employees and said that the
church intended to take care of and reward those who stayed to the end with
either a bonus or maybe doubling the severance package. Those laid off
today get none of that. Indications are that they do not intend to keep
their word with any of the remaining employees either. Retirement is not
guaranteed since they have no money to fund the program. The longer escrow goes,
and until Legacy gets 100% compliance in the sale of the property, the price can
and will fluctuate (downwards as some insiders are alleging). Bernie
[previously] told employees that even if a person was laid off the church would
pick the person back up and include them in the retirement program. They
gave every indication today that this would not happen either.
"As the employees were struggling with what happened today, the Plain
Truth Ministries employees scheduled their employee outing for the day and
left at noon, walking by many that had been terminated. That did not go
over well. They were losing their jobs while PTM was spending a large
amount of money to party with.
"Another person asked a department manger within the Facilities departments
whether the department heads were going to take a pay cut also. One of the
managers laughed in the woman's face and said , "You've got to be kidding!,
of course not!"
Tea-Tephi tossed: The Stone of Scone, Jeremiah's mysterious commission, sea gates and Scythians. Herbert Armstrong's historical reconstruction of racial origins had all the dramatic pull of an Agatha Christie novel. Despite the fact that he brazenly plagiarized an earlier author, and that scholars regard an Israelite origin for Anglo-Saxon people to be a curiously anachronistic joke, many WCG and former WCG members have been slow to disabuse themselves of the theory. Even so, our latest poll result shows that most of us regard it as complete nonsense.
The British Israel teaching of Herbert Armstrong is | |
Correct Partly Correct Nonsense |
36.62% 11.27% 52.11% |
There were 71 responses to this poll |
August 31
When the roll is called up yonder: For anyone who was still under the impression that Joe Jr., pontifex maximus of the Worldwide Church of God, was a literate, thinking, caring kind of guy, his latest WN column must have come as something of a shock.
Joe has moved hellfire up from the back burner. Indeed, it seems to be the burning issue of the moment with a recent cover article also appearing in the Plain Truth. Now, according to Joe, "The Old Testament penalty for rejecting Moses was death, but anyone who deliberately rejects Jesus deserves a greater punishment......those who refuse such wonderful grace will suffer." Hell is a bad place, according to the Pastor General. " matter how you look at hell, it is ghastly." The agonies of traditional fundamentalist eternal torment are, it seems, at least a 50/50 possibility at this time. Give it 12 months, we suspect, and it'll be the standard WCG teaching.
There are a few qualifications, but the bottom line is starkly clear. Any suggestion of a simple, merciful annihilation is out of step with Herr Doktor Tkach's increasingly fundamentalist doctrinal agenda. God wants to torture errant humans with eternal pain. All of this is a far cry from the past theology which rejected the idea that God was some kind of divine sadist who permitted the existence of a never ending concentration camp into which the non-elect would be tossed. Joe's God, it seems, is quite comfortable collaborating in "crimes against humanity" in the Great Beyond. Somebody should tell Slobodan Milosevic; he will be pleased.
While Joe might be unfazed by the possibility of a sociopathic Deity, we're not exactly convinced. But if indeed a fiery fundamentalist hell awaits the evildoers, we suspect that the Lord has reserved a special place for smug cult leaders - and we're sure a nice warm spot could be found for Joe, perhaps in-between Herb and Spanky.
August 28
Fat Cats dump Sprats: Dateline:
Pasadena: "The facilities employees (those that take care of the
physical plant of the Pasadena campus) are in a turmoil concerning Bernie
Schnippert's latest escapade. On Thursday, the Facilities employees are
expected to be called into a meeting and given notice that they are going to be
terminated, or have their hours reduced. (This is not something that they wanted
them to find out about, but a couple of department managers have let the cat out
of the bag.) This is happening because the escrow has not closed and the church
is running out of money to support the upkeep of the property. So
naturally, the first to get the axe will be those that maintain the physical
property and not those that work directly for the church. While the
employees are being treated like dirt, some church administrators are bragging
of recent raises. Do you think that Bernie will take a pay cut, or Joe, or Mike
or Dan, or, God forbid, Greg? WCG is still sinking millions into Plain
Truth Ministries and a worthless magazine that the members do not read any more
and most employees also admit they do not read.
"So while people's lives get shattered, the Pasadena Big Wigs continue to
spend lavishly, get paid vacations around the world, get paid to go to Feast
sites (for a festival that the WCG does not even recognize anymore), all at
member's expenses. The fourth floor crowd show up to work now 3 days out
of the week (while Bernie shows up 1 day a week). This is having a
demoralizing effect upon the Pasadena employees, who ask "Why should
we care about this organization when those in charge don't?" While
people will soon be laid off, Bernie still maintains 3 full time employees in an
office that he only visits once a week. Most employees recognize now that the
administrators have taken care of themselves financially and have nothing to
worry about when the church fails. For an organization that claims to be
Christian, it has a long standing record of treating it's employees in some VERY
un-Christian ways."
13% Drop in Income: According to Ronald
Kelly, writing in the September WN, "As we compare all sources of income
from January through July, we have received $15.9 million this year vs. $17.9
million last year. Consequently we are still running a negative 13 percent... At
one time, more than 1,000 full-time employees worked in Pasadena and Big Sandy.
We are down to about 100 and anticipate that the headquarters church staff will
be about 40 employees after we relocate."
August 24
Joe wants your dough: One-man denomination and sectarian supremo Joe Jr. has launched a seasonal appeal for bucks. In his letter, available on the WCG web site, Tkach says
Brothers and sisters, we share a unique history...If it were not for the collective generosity and financial support of every one of us, this church would never have survived to this point!...Financially, I don’t have to tell you that our church has been going through a painfully long, critical period. I have explained before we are planning to launch a new denominational financial system in which each congregation will have the flexibility and bear the responsible [sic] to determine locally how donations above local expenses will be used. In order to make that transition in an orderly and responsible way that will preserve the financial integrity of our worldwide denomination, we must await the close of escrow on our Pasadena property. At that point, the money now being used to maintain unused property will no longer encumber our cash flow... After the headquarters property closes escrow, we plan to adjust our financial system so that congregations can assume locally the responsibility of determining how to use local donations in excess of their local expenses... Dear brothers and sisters, in the meantime, I have to tell you that it remains crucial for the whole denomination that every congregation continue to give generously... P.S. If you do not attend worship services on days the special offerings are collected, would you consider using the enclosed envelopes to mail your offering to our Pasadena address?
Would somebody please tell Joe that "dear brothers and sisters" have a right to be fully involved in family decisions. By analogy, if Joe wants members to bail his church out he's going to have to hand over the reins of power to an elected representative body. Time for Joe to resign as PG and the church to choose leaders who are answerable to the community they serve (see the editorial). No representation? No donation!
August 22
Worthy of double honor: October is a strange month. A local rock station promotes it as "Rocktober", and now the Worldwide Church of God has joined hands with Focus on the Family to declare it "Clergy Appreciation Month". This is the time of year to "honor your pastor", and presumably, by extension, your Pastor General. It’s so easy to get all misty-eyed over the way these men have prostituted – ooops, we mean offered themselves up - for our sakes. First to Herb, then to Ted, then to Herb and Rod and Stan, then to Joe Sr., and now to Joe Jr. Could you find more dedicated servants of the Word? And the "word" in question seems to be... "paycheck". And talk about versatile! WCG clergy can be Sabbatarian, Trinitarian, Charismatic, Evangelical… you name it. They’ll dance to almost any tune as long as you keep tossing pieces of silver in their direction. Way to go guys!
August 20
"Flexifest" falters: This year the WCG introduced a new concept into its increasingly flexible festival tradition. According to Craig Bacheller, conference coordinator, Summer Festival 2001 was intended to build "on the positive qualities of the traditions we have all enjoyed, but at [a] time when the entire family may participate without penalty due to school absence. Moreover, the Festival will provide many more educational opportunities than in times past."
The new "Summerfest" was launched as a "five day, four night Festival focusing on developing and enhancing our walk with our Lord and Savior Jesus", running August 15–19 in Athens, Ohio. Featuring Joe Jr. and the cream of Pasadena’s "A-team", it was "designed to be a time of spiritual renewal and worship", with a younger more contemporary feel.
"It might be", says the advance PR, "that your mind associates the term Summer Festival 2001 with other fall festivals sponsored by the WCG. This festival hopes to blend the wonderful fellowship of the past with the more convenient time of year and conference like educational opportunities." Yes, gone are the old eight-day FOT sites (except in Myrtle Beach, CA.). In their place this year are shortened "weekend fall festival sites" and, of course, the newest stable-mate, Summerfest.
Sounds good. And no wonder - church HQ pushed very hard to make it a success. So how many people actually turned up, on fire with this wonderful new opportunity? Our Dateline: Pasadena correspondent reports:
Only a little over 200 people showed up [earlier figures suggested 400 registrations]. Pretty bad turnout for a site that was supposed to cover the entire country. That amount also includes the countless numbers that flew from Pasadena to be there. The Christian singer [Rebecca St. James] backed out, and the conference people had to stay in dorms that were in pretty bad shape. But the WN will give it the most glorious review that you will have ever seen, just watch!
Tithing? Herbert Armstrong wrote a booklet called Ending Your Financial Worries. In reality it marked the beginning of financial concerns for the tithe-paying membership of the WCG. These days most of our readers (nearly 60%) are happy to tell the tithe-farmers where to get off, judging from this latest poll.
Is Tithing a commandment for today? | |
Yes Uncertain No |
39.29% 3.75% 57.14% |
There were 56 responses to this poll |
August 14
Unanswered Prayer: From the local Pasadena press: "For more than a year, in financial bulletins in its monthly "Worldwide News," the Worldwide Church of God has been exhorting followers to pray for "a successful close of escrow" on the sale of its former Ambassador College campus in west Pasadena. "Hardly a day goes by when we are not praying specifically for God's blessing and direction in the sale and relocation process," church official Ronald Kelly wrote -- back in July 2000.
"Their prayers, however fervent, have yet to be answered. The financially strained empire continues to spend reserves to keep afloat while the entitlement process for the Legacy Partners project drags on... The sale price is confidential and won't be available to the public until after the sale closes...
"[Bernie] Schnippert, director of finance and planning, said the church will use "well beyond $4 million" of its reserves this year alone, in part because it continues to own the Ambassador property. Kelly wrote in the church's August update that the church has spent $3.6 million in reserves as of the end of June. The church Web site doesn't disclose what the total reserves are, and Schnippert would not say."
Feazell book released: The Liberation of the Worldwide Church of God by Mike Feazell is now on the bookstore shelves. Check out our earlier comments. We'll be updating the page once we've had a chance to get and digest a copy.
Meredith Mystery? LCG "Presiding Evangelist" Rod Meredith failed to front up for the recent "Living Youth Camp", pleading a heavy workload. And not so long ago Meredith announced that the bulk of Tomorrow's World telecasts would now be fronted by Dick Ames (the latest Meredith program - Is This The Last Generation? - is a repeat from one we quoted from on May 19). Then there was the "Bastille Day Fast" which caught even seasoned insiders by surprise. Among the things Meredith called the fast for was to restore the "Apostolic" gifts of casting out demons and healing. What gives?
How's the health Rod?
August 13
UCG Assimilates Six: Another chapter in the convoluted saga of the Global Church of God has been brought to a close with the credentialing of six former CGCF ministers by the United Church of God (UCG). Roy Holladay's announcement has been posted on the UCG site. There are early indications that the Church of the Eternal God, the "escape pod" for those opposing UCG integration, is already fizzling out with the tithe dollars failing to materialize. According to their newsletter "Income is presently beneath hopes and expectations... Right now, it would be critical... to receive [member's] contributions at this time... Also, now is the time to send in your 'tithe of the tithe' contributions. Please remember that tithing IS a commandment of God and not to be taken lightly." No New Covenant for the CEGers! Lower the shields guys, "resistance is futile!"
August 11
Reinventing the Wheel: Norman Edwards, publisher of Servant's News, is involved in a project to produce a revision of the King James Bible that suits the tastes of the Church of God community (The Holy Scriptures Version). The new "translation" is the brainchild of Rabon Vincent of Avilla, Indiana. Mr. Vincent is understood to have no qualifications for the task other than boundless enthusiasm. "I am", he writes, "not a linguist". Presumably Norman is well aware that this is hardly an original move. The American Standard Version, Revised Standard Version, New King James Bible and a host of other translations attempted the same thing (minus the sectarian bias), some more successfully than others. Several in the WCG tradition have also walked this path. Dallas James of the Association for Biblical Christianity produces and markets his "Urim-Thummim Version", Fred Coulter "translated" the Gospels for his Harmony of the Gospels published in the 80s, and Dr. James Tabor, who is a legitimate scholar, heads up the Original Bible Project. While we greatly respect his work in helping former WCG members, we believe this venture would have limited credibility. How many people today remember Joseph Smith's "Inspired Version" of the Bible, a rehash of the KJV by the Mormon prophet that failed to achieve acceptance even among the Latter-day Saint community?
United's Battle Croak: Robert Dick, a member of the UCG Council of Elders and pastor of the Portland East and Hood River, Oregon, congregations, has contributed the following thoughts to the August United News in an article called "The Battle for the Human Mind".
...let's consider one element of our spiritual battle - secular humanism... Below are the 10 tenets and an editorial summary of the points relevant to our battle.
1. Free Inquiry. It is considered tyranny over the mind of man for any ecclesiastical institution to shackle free thought. Religion should not interfere in man's right to think for himself.
2. Separation of Church and State. Religious oaths or prayers in public institutions, whether political or educational, should not be allowed.
3. The Ideal of Freedom. The document expresses that true freedom includes freedom from religious control.
4. Ethics Based on Critical Intelligence. This tenet shows a deep sensitivity toward God's interference in life. There are several battle lines drawn within this tenet. First, that the Greeks originated the field of moral ethics before religion entered this domain. Second, that people can be moral without God. Third, that we can live meaningful, wholesome lives without religious commandments.
5. Moral Education. Children should not be indoctrinated in a religious faith before they are mature enough to evaluate its merits.
6. Religious Skepticism. Traditional views of the existence of God are meaningless. The idea that God has miraculously intervened in human life is rejected. The literal interpretation of the Old and New Testament is rejected.
7. Reason. The document displays dislike for nonsecularists disagreeing with "reason" and "science."
8. Science and Technology. Adherents believe that science and technology are the most reliable ways to understand the world.
9. Evolution. This document deplores fundamentalist invasion of the classroom requiring that creationism be taught. The belief is that creationism, if allowed in the classroom, may seriously undermine the credibility of science.
10. Education. The document expresses concern that religious teachers go largely unchallenged in the media...
Whether you consider it or not, whether you sensed it or not, whether you understand it or not, these philosophies lay siege to your mind, building up battlements from all directions-radio talk programs, TV programming, movies, television, even the daily newspaper.
Commenting on this piece, one person posted these remarks on a message board.
... it looks like the old cult mentality is still alive and well. Check your brains at the door and come inside. Have "faith" in us and our religion, well take care of you! ... The article then goes on to say that a Christian should "arm" himself with a thorough understanding of "God's Word to destroy every argument and proud obstacle raised up against the knowledge of God!" I wonder how many are armed with the knowledge of Herbie's doctrinal plagiarism, alcoholism, incest, adultery, and corruption?... How sad that using your God given reasoning and freedom to think is [considered to be] against God's will.
We agree. Whether or not any or all of the 10 points accurately outline humanism, many of them are freedom enhancing and life affirming (in stark contrast to HWA's manipulative control system). Robert Dick's bizarre call places the UCG even closer to the mentality of the control freaks in the Meredith and Flurry sects.
End Times - Yeah, right!: Most respondents to our poll were unconvinced that the End is nigh. 40% felt it was either unlikely or out of the question. A further 26% were non-committal. Only 20% were willing to openly agree with Rod Meredith (see May 19 entry) and others that the world is heading into the Great Tribulation in the next twenty years.
Are we living in the End Times, the last decade or two before the return of Christ? | |
Yes definitely Quite possibly Maybe, maybe not Not likely Definitely not |
20.00% 14.00% 26.00% 22.00% 18.00% |
There were 50 responses to this poll |
August 6
Spanky grips his baton: The latest issue of Living Church News features a lead article by Roderick C. Meredith in which the once exiled protégé of Herbert W. Armstrong makes bold claims to be the only legitimate leader of Armstrongism. He writes:
The UN-inspired actions of hundreds of self-appointed "teachers" have resulted in MASSIVE division among God's people! ... Throughout the Bible, God makes it clear that He chooses or "appoints" His ministers. Yet these self-appointed teachers have, in effect, appointed themselves as MINISTERS - for that is exactly how they are functioning!
The tone gets shriller as the article continues:
Many of these self-appointed teachers consistently displayed "self-will" in our former association. They were not usually "good team players." Some were PUT OUT of the Church by God's Apostle himself.
Meredith doesn't mention his own exile to Hawaii and the "Apostle's" letter calling his repentance into doubt. Reading that letter leaves little doubt that Herbert Armstrong regarded Rod as anything but a team player.
"So," some will challenge, "what makes YOU any different from these independent teachers?"
Good question Rod. Tell us all.
There is an ENORMOUS difference... Unlike so many self appointed teachers, I was directly taught and trained for decades under God's end-time Apostle, Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong. I was NOT just "one of his students."
Can't you just feel the humility dripping from every pore?
... after the death of his first son, Richard David Armstrong, he appointed me as Second Vice President of the Church and Ambassador College for a period of some 12 years. Mr. Armstrong told me a number of times: "Rod, if anything should happen to me and Ted, you would be in charge of this entire Work!"
Rod fails to mention that Herb also demoted and fired him.
After Mr. Armstrong's death and the beginning of the most awful apostasy in God's Church in modern times, I finally came to realize that - with all the training I had been given - I HAD to stand for the Truth and "revive" the Work of God... The rest is history.
History like the complete mess Rod made in his first splinter cult, the now defunct Global Church of God.
... the self-appointed "leaders" of these groups will certainly have to ANSWER to the living Christ for the disorientation, the confusion and the DIVISION they have caused in the Body of Christ.
Meredith shows absolutely no awareness that he himself might be called to account for his own actions, which have certainly led to disorientation, confusion and division. Rod has always been good at "spanking" others, but as his idol Herbert Armstrong wrote, he was never able to take what he dished out. This latest diatribe clearly demonstrates that his ego is still in fine fettle. Along with HWA we ask: "Rod, in a candor, HAVE YOU EVER REALLY REPENTED?"
August 4
Kiwi Penmanship: Kinnear Penman, ubergrupenfuhrer for the New Zealand branch of the "Living Church of Rod", has always seemed one of Meredith's most ingratiatingly loyal helpers. At the time of the Global split he wrote a famous missive to a church family which had dared ask if the GCG Board's correspondence to members would be passed on to local brethren. Now Penman is tightening the screws to ensure only the "right" type of people attend the cult's services. Here's what he wrote recently in response to an enquiry.
In recent months we have been formulating a policy regarding attendance at our services. Mr. [Bruce] Tyler [Australian LCG boss] and I have discussed this at length and I phoned him again after receiving your letter. We want to be consistent and fair.
Mr. Meredith has said on more than one occasion, "We must not play church"...
We welcome to our fellowship those of God's people who have total commitment to the Work (in the fullest sense of the word) ie. doctrine, practices, governance of the Living Church of God. There is ample scriptural instruction that we should only fellowship with those who are of one mind with us. Those people who will not make that commitment, or who want to fuss over one thing or another have the choice of many (over 300 apparently) other groups with which they can fellowship. But we do not need or want double-minded, unstable folk to come amongst us and unsettle the new babes in Christ whom God has graciously given into our care.
In the latest Living Church News Mr. Meredith has written that our members are expected to attend our feast sites and not go and attend with others who are not similarly committed. That principle of loyalty needs to extend to regular Sabbath services. If a person wants to fellowship with us then he should not visit elsewhere to spend Sabbath time with friends or family in other groups. If their friends or family truly share a common commitment then they will soon be with us in the Living Church of God...I think I have belabored the point enough. If you do have that commitment to the Living Church of God's Work then you will be welcome to attend. But if you still think there is worth in fellowshipping with a disparate group of "independents" who, as Paul said, "..have itching ears... and heap up teachers for themselves..", who are doing Satan's work by scattering the strength of God's people, then it be best you not attend.
I urge and encourage you to make the necessary commitment.
Anyone still under the illusion that Spanky's church isn't a cult?
August 1
The Good Life: Dateline: Pasadena.
"This entire week, the WCG hierarchy are living it up in Palm Springs, CA
at a supposed Ministerial Conference. It is an ALL EXPENSES paid out for
all those attending. The Regional Directors from around the world were
flown there for this week. All the hotels, food, transportation, golf,
food and alcohol are being paid for by the church. This is all coming at a
time when the finances are in VERY bad shape. While they are there the
budget will be discussed. This includes figuring out who and what areas
they want to lay employees off from. As they are sitting there eating
their prime rib dinners and drinking they will be discussing who to fire from
their jobs. Life is SOOOOOOOOO tuff! God forbid if the church pulled
its financial support for Plain Truth Ministries (the baby of Greg
Albrecht). These are the same people who are supposed to be counting the
money sent to the church, but they can't because they are supposedly
understaffed. So people's donations from June are still sitting there
unaccounted for. Plain Truth Ministries cannot survive on it's
own. WCG pays for all the salaries of PTM's employees, pays all their
benefits, etc. Australia shut down it's version of the Plain Truth last
month because they could not fund it, why doesn't Pasadena close down the
Treasurer Finds It's Tough at the Top: Dateline: Pasadena. "Schnippert
recently pissed the employees off when he told everyone at an employee meeting
in the Auditorium how he ran out of gas coming to work one day. HE was too
cheap to buy gas in Big Bear (where he recently bought a large home which he now
considers to be entirely his office - therefore it is all tax deductible) so he
told how he drove his clunker of a car all the way down to Pasadena where he ran
out of gas just outside of town here. Employees were expected to have
sympathy for his stupidity, especially considering the fact that all his gas
money and his car is covered by a car allowance that he receives from the
church. While the Pasadena employees have not had a raise in years, and
struggle by, poor little Bernie can't afford a tank of gas."
Tkach twists the knife: "Has our policy on worship days changed? Are we now favoring one day over another?" asks Pastor Generalissimo Joe in the August Worldwide News. "Yes, and no." The denomination's proprietor (no voting allowed!) goes on to warn that "members have no business agitating in other congregations". Then a few lines later adds "We do not want members to agitate in their own congregation, either." Agitation apparently means means discussion. Kind of makes intelligent debate difficult.
Joey goes on to make his own views crystal clear. "However, I would like to say a word to people who feel that they should keep the Sabbath in the way it was originally commanded. The old covenant focus is on rest, not on worship... Likewise today, people who keep the Sabbath can also worship on Sunday, and people who prefer Sunday can also worship on Saturday."
After rubbishing the traditional WCG holy days Tkach concludes: "In summary, we [i.e. "I"] prefer the annual observances that people typically associate with Jesus: Christmas, Easter and others. But we ["I"] allow members to meet on other days too, as long as Christ is the center of the worship."
Very generous of you Joe. How nice to have a denominational leader who does all the thinking for his flock.
Our favorite line from Joe's epistle states: "It would be inconsistent to preach grace and freedom while forbidding worship on days that have origins we don’t like." Would somebody please tell Joe that it is inconsistent to preach grace and freedom while forbidding involvement in the selection of the church's leadership.
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