Alexa rankings of selected COG websites (November/December 2005)

(The lower the number the better the ranking)

Numbers are in thousands, i.e. UCG's actual ranking on August 1 was 79,128.

Sites ranked in the top quarter million on the Web are in bold type

What is Alexa and how does it work?

March rankings / April rankings / May rankingsJune rankings / July rankings / August rankings / Sept./Oct rankings

Site name/link Alexa ranking

12/16 12/7 11/26 11/19 11/9 11/4 10/31
Ambassador Watch 199 206 194 192 192 189 185
ASK (Martin) 650 648 676 553 553 589 519
Bible Study 135 126 128 124 131 133 133
Born to Win 111 109 114
CEG NA 3016 2994 2996 2996 2996 2997
CEM 1265 859 741 741 688 688 689
CGI Church site 704 656 712 667 704 705 705
COG7 Church site 1181 1329 1501 1502 1043 1188 1248
COGW  NA NA NA 4359 4354 4343 4326
COGwriter 630 566 594 575 538 554 512
Coulter 577 599 732 732 NA 780 916
Cox sect 585 595 631 632 572 573 631
Dankenbring 1459 1520 2109 1671 1934 1934 1934
Giving & Sharing 663 1010 1280 1524 1094 993 1038
Good News 154 139 112 110 103 101 99
GTA 720 604 570 570 517 517 484
Hulme mag (Vision) 2540 2534 2162 1675 2737 2737 2738
ICG Church site 2257 1752 1747 1574 1079 1079 875
Key of David (Flurry) 683 950 935 936 957 818 674
Kubik 1285 630 501 501 422 422 414
LCG Church site 296 246 213 210 213 212 217
Music for the COG 827


561 561 560 561 600
NTE 2212 2208 2564 2565 2560 2561 3252
Pack Church site 164 139 122 125 140 142 140
Pack mag 635 409 291 293 305 305 313
Painful Truth 807 983 870 871 871 871 1120
PCG Church site 886 1024 1010 1010 861 861 783
PCG info 1564 2616 2680 2681 2679 4492 4492
PTM (WCG) 416 388 386 375 356 329 333
Reluctant Messenger* 186 196 193 189 190 196 195
Ritenbaugh 301 296 291 287 316 322 349
Salemi BI 4875 4841 1743 1453 1245 1246 1246
The Journal 646 644 709 709 573 522 539
Topical Bible Studies 885 991 828 829 677 NA 776
Trumpet (Flurry) 294 304 290 298 285 281 NA
TW (Meredith) 250 211 221 222 211 209 213
UCG Church site 95 84 73 73 72 71 69
WCG Church site 101 98 86 86 85 83 83
Wild World (Dewey) 1682 2006 1149 1150 1149 1150 1036
Wonderful WT 637 690 977 978 760 810 1149
WNP Online (UCG) 1210 1296 1635 1637 2120 2120 2120
XCG 1637 3264 1250 1490 1489 1490 1343

* Although containing much non-COG content, Reluctant Messenger is a personal site produced by a COG member operating under the alias "Stephen W. Boston". Dr. Boston's academic credentials are, we understand, fictitious.