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New: Meredith's Living Church of God | New: Gerald Flurry's PCG |
June 4
FeaZealotry: More on the Feazell book (Transformed by PR). Comments by Mary.
The Rod & Gerry Show: Flurry crows (PCG Quotes) and we reminisce about Rod's 1970 eye operation (at a time when members were told to avoid surgery and pray harder!)
HWA Tribute: A former Ambassador student makes a wish, and we do our best to comply. Warning: some people may find content on this "tribute" page offensive.
May 26
New Features: There are new pages on Gerald Flurry's sect and Meredith's Living COG.
"Feaz-ability" Study: Michael Feazell, one of the new-breed WCG apparatchiks, has a book in the offing: "The Liberation of the Worldwide Church of God". Published by Zondervan, an evangelical imprint, the cover shows a burning image of HWA. A pre-publicity blurb can be found on the Zondervan site.
May 19
Was HWA a Racist? You decide. Herbert Armstrong's statements about race, cited on the Quotable Quotes page, have created a lot of interest and generated a fair amount of email. Scans of the full articles (Plain Truth, October 1963) are now available. Find out more from this new page. There's also an excellent commentary on Herb's desire to recreate the past, and a special graphic for all those who remember the WCG magazine The Good News.
1975? Did I say that?
Spanky's Last Days: Aging Armstrong protégé, "Doctor" Roderick C. Meredith, is happily soldiering on with the End Time gospel. Now heading up the Living Church of God, HWA’s one-time right-hand-man is loudly soliciting on the airwaves with his "Tomorrow’s World" program.
On a recent telecast - "Is This the Last Generation?" - the good doctor (his doctorate is actually a worthless piece of paper issued by unaccredited Ambassador College many years ago) scattered the following gems:
We are going to be spanked by the Great God… World War III is coming up… I am God’s servant and God’s witness… I myself, Mr. Ames and others, may be killed or martyred… We are at that time now… We are entering the last generation… those under 20 years of age are undoubtedly living in the last complete generation of this world’s society
According, then, to this eminent Biblical scholar, those under the age of twenty will definitely live to see the horrifying events of the Great Tribulation. Could this, we wonder, be the same Roderick C. Meredith who assured another generation, in another church organization, that it would be all over by 1975? Apparently Spanky, ("God’s servant and God’s witness"), was only out by a mere 35 to 50 years the first time round. And what’s half a century among friends?
May 11
Mirror Site: There is now a mirror site at . Search engines continue to link to the main site at, which has the added benefit of no advertising banners and an easy to remember URL: Site traffic has been steadily growing over the last month or so, now around 1300 hits a month.
HWA's British Israel Prophecies: HWA was no shrinking violet when it came to self-promotion. He trumpeted his book on America and Britain in prophecy with these words (written in 1967): "Events of the next five years may prove this to be the most significant book of this century." Do the failed predictions mean it was actually the most insignificant book of the century? Now there’s a new web page dedicated to what was once one of the mainstays of WCG literature. Check it out.
More links: Dallas James has advised us of the existence of his Association for Biblical Christianity, which split from Ernest Martin’s group in 1990. Mr. James has published his own translation of the Bible, with the unique name "Urim-Thummim Version". If anyone else is feeling left out from the list of luminaries mentioned on the Splinters page, send an email with your details.
April 29
Strange and wondrous are some of the sites constructed to honor Herbert W. Armstrong on the Internet. Quite apart from the main splinter groups, there are any number of enthusiastic individuals willing to add their own special testimony. You can check out a small sampling of these from the new "Faithful Remnant" section on the links page. Real-audio of the Apostle's rantings is provided on a few. Be advised: some of these sites should carry a spiritual health warning!
Those wanting information on the Philadelphia cult may like to check out The Ambassador Files, which is associated with but separate from The Missing Dimension, and contains some worthwhile resources on Herbert Armstrong, Gerald Flurry and Garner Ted Armstrong. Mike's Enlightenment Page, part of the Exit and Support Network, also deals with the PCG.
April 15
This site has won a "Zeal of Approval" award against religious zealotry. Criteria were that the site (1) opposes religious extremism, intolerance, or abuse, or (2) advocates religious tolerance, free thought, or individual conscience. You'll find the "gong" on the home page.
You may have noticed the new name (The Missing Dimension). The earlier title: "In Search of The Plain Truth About Herbert W. Armstrong and the Worldwide Church of God", was quite a mouthful! "The missing dimension" was a favorite term of the End Time Apostle. He claimed credit for the book The Missing Dimension in Sex (which was actually a condensed version of the collaborative volume God Speaks Out on the New Morality), articles on The Missing Dimension in Education, etc. In the spirit of this great spiritual leader and philanthropist, we seek to bring you a vital missing dimension that you won't find in his autobiography! After two months of substantial site development, it's almost time for a cup of tea and a lie down!
Of all the splinter groups, Gerald Flurry's Philadelphia Church of God is the one people most often express deep concerns about. And, unlike some other spin-offs, it seems to be growing and drawing in new members. Although Auckland, New Zealand is a long way from the PCG base in Edmond, Oklahoma, I'm told it boasts the largest Armstrong congregation in the country. If any readers have information or experiences they'd like to share on this cult, please e-mail Gavin at the address below.
Your feedback is very welcome. Want to make a comment or like to suggest a new link? Why not drop a line?
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