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Watch World News!


You can tell that the Churches of God have Adventist roots by the insistent appeal to "watch world news". Visit any other church website - Baptist, Catholic, Methodist, whatever - and you're likely to find a religious focus (not surprising really!) Visit a COG website - UCG, LCG, PCG, RCG or one of the other splinters - and you might be forgiven for thinking you'd found some kind of strange political movement. You'll be hit in the eye with speculative "news" articles and superficial social commentary parading as inside information. Raise an skeptical eyebrow and you'll be assured that this is in fact a sure sign that you've found the true church, for real Christians are commanded to "watch world events".

We should all be much indebted to John Ross Schroeder for clarifying this in a recent article in the aptly named World News & Prophecy. Here's a boiled down summary of that article.

Christ commanded his true followers to "watch therefore..." (Mt. 24: 42-43) ... Christians should always be on the alert for whatever may happen. Watching world news and spiritual readiness go hand in hand... Note carefully the combination of words, watch and pray. We are to do both. Mark 13: 35-37. Continual alertness and awareness is clearly required by your Savior. No member of the Body of Christ is exempt from this crucial responsibility. Luke 21: 34-35. Note that this prophecy is global in nature! It is not just intended for the United States or the Western World alone. Notice Christ's concluding words in Luke 21: 36: "Watch therefore and pray always..." What things? The events mentioned in the context of the whole Olivet Prophecy: religious deception, wars, famine, pestilence, earthquakes, spiritual complacency, etc. news must be properly understood. Grasping the "signs of the times" (Matthew 16:13) as Jesus described them is supremely important. Bare-bones news facts, without the background of a serious biblical understanding, will prove pretty useless.

Only trouble is, the whole rationale is hogwash.

John is, however, absolutely right when he states that Jesus' words are "not just intended for the United States or the Western World alone". This is mighty big of him, and his kind reassurances on this matter must be warmly appreciated by Christians in small, insignificant nations like India.

John is also undeniably correct when he mentions the need for "serious biblical understanding". So where, you might wonder, are the respected theologians who write for World News & Prophecy? Would all the senior editors with legitimate, recognized qualifications in the field of Biblical Studies please raise their hands (sorry, unaccredited degrees don't count)? Uh, how about someone who's had a peer reviewed article published in a scholarly journal? Okay, so has anyone got a bone fide degree in political science then? Excuse me guys, how about it?




1. There are no women listed in the staff box above the status of copy editor.

2. Gene Hogberg was news editor during the later Armstrong years.