Site Guide
Columns Anne Hanna, Dennis Diehl, Keith Stump, Douglas Becker and others.
Material on RODERICK MEREDITH Rod Meredith & the Living Church of God
Meredith and a Medical Double Standard (from Marion McNair's Armstrongism)
HWA on Rod (highlights)
HWA on Rod (letter)
Material on GERALD FLURRY Gerald Flurry & the Philadelphia Church of God
Flurry Quotes
Police Report
John Trechak on Flurry's PCG (from Ambassador Report)
Gerry's Amazing Rock & Other Stories
Material on HERBERT W. ARMSTRONG HWA Biography
HWA Quotes
HWA Sales Pitch
HWA & Incest (from Ambassador Report)
HWA & Alcoholism
HWA: Self Made Legend (from Ambassador Report)
Phillip Adams on HWA and L. Ron Hubbard (from The Weekend Australian)
David Robinson on HWA's Incest (from Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web)
HWA: Religious Roots (from Ambassador Report)
HWA: Racist (by M.A.M.)
HWA Sermon notes on Interracial Marriage (1980)
HWA: The U.S. & Britain in Prophecy book
An Epistle from an Apostle?
HWA and his "Apostleship" (Ron Brendel)
Material on GARNER TED ARMSTRONG Garner Ted Armstrong
Geraldo Rivera with Suerae Robertson (transcript)
GTA: Son of the Legend (from Ambassador Report)
GTA: The Profligate Son (from Ambassador Report)
MORE RELATED GROUPS Origins of the WCG chart
United Church of God
David Pack and the Restored Church of God
Pack in the Big Apple (by M.A.M.)
Material on RECENT WCG HISTORY Joe Jr. & The Office of Pastor General (Editorial)
John Trechak on Joe Tkach Jr. (from Ambassador Report)
David Covington
Covington's Open Letter to Joe Jr.
Covington's Letter To Albrecht
Honey I Shrunk the Church (from New Times Los Angeles)
BOOK REVIEWS Feazell's "Liberation"
The New Believers
The Doctrine of the TrinityOTHER RELATED PAGES
The Mormon Connection
Intellectual Honesty Editorial (by Keith W. Stump)
Tithing Editorial (by M.A.M.)
The Phony FOT (by M.A.M.)
The WCG and Medicine (from Ambassador Report)
The WCG and Broken Homes (from Ambassador Report)
The Kessler letter
The Devil and Stanley Rader (from The American Lawyer)
A Personal Journey
Family Ties
A Conversation with Bill Fairchild
Why they stay (Jim Baldwin)
Letter to a minister (The correspondence that got the webmaster disfellowshipped)
Millennial Dreams (transcript, from ABC Australia)
Church of God History (John Kiesz)
Update 1 (The very first issue (2001) of what would later become Ambassador Watch)
Articles by BOB BRINSMEAD Robert Brinsmead, a former Seventh-day Adventist, was publisher of the theological journal Verdict for many years. Several of his recent articles are now available on this site.