Byker Bob relates:
As one of his axioms, HWA taught that fulfillment of prophecy was dual.
That’s how he got away with applying Ezekiel 37
as a kind of filter to Revelation. According to him, all prophecy had a
lightweight fulfillment, and then the cathartic, catastrophic version. I
never saw any Biblical substantiation for this axiom, but I tend to
doubt that it was original with HWA. Everything he taught was borrowed.
Allen Dexter responds:
I decided to do a little surfing on the
subject of prophetic dualism. As I suspected, others have delved into
this nonsense, including the Adventists. Herb was very familiar with
Adventist doctrine and parroted some of it, while denouncing other
aspects. Check out this site:
It wasn’t good enough once, it has to be
done all over again — yet it is just stated, without one shred of
evidence from the Bible or history to validate the premise. This time
though, for Daniel 8, it’s even worse as the Armstrongists insult God
and the Bible as His Word by denying history and inventing a future
Some refer to Daniel 8 as the 2300 year prophecy.
What a stupid idea.
It is so amazing that people come up with such nutty ideas and they become the standard for decades and even centuries.
Let us see what happens when we apply
the 2300 years: It takes us to 1844! And what, do pray tell, happened in
1844 that might be of prophetic interest? There was one event: The
William Miller prophecy of the Return of Christ became The Great
Disappointment [it should be pointed out that he was a Protestant
minister at the time and did not keep the Sabbath -- he began keeping
the Sabbath and preaching it after this event].
So nothing happened then, but let us consider the silly trick of
cutting the time in half to 1150 years, based on the morning and evening
sacrifices (two sacrifices per day, therefore we have to count one-half
the years). This brings us to the year 794. Well, in fact, there were a
number of events worth noting in 794:
- The Viking raid on the monasteries in Jarro and Wearmouth on the Northeast coast of England
- Charlemagne forced Tassilo to renounce any claim to Bavaria
- The Westphalian’s insurrection was put down by the Saxons
- The Franks condemned the Iconoclasts and the 7th Ecumenical Council at their own Council of Frankfurt
- New capital was established in Heian-Kyo (Capital of Peace and Tranquility), a city later known as Kyoto
Significant events, sure enough, but as fulfillment of prophecy, pretty much a spectacular bust.
Herbert Armstrong had another approach:
It isn’t years, it is days and it isn’t 2300 days, it’s 2300 morning and
evening sacrifices, leaving us with 1150 days — and it hasn’t happened
yet: It’s a prophecy for the future a short time ahead in the Twentieth
Century. For those who are still alert, it should be clear that we’ve
already missed that one.
The description of the wonderland of bad assumptions leading to bad circular logic may be found in:
The Good News, June 1960 (Page 5)
and as recycled garbage in:
The Plain Truth, August 1965 (Page 25)
Both of these articles are basically the same. You may find some other interesting things in the magazines like “How to Know You Are ‘Called’” by Bryce G. Clark (leader of another weird Armstrongist cult today) in the Good News [and truly, we ask the question, "How do you know anyone in the WCG was ever called, let alone chosen"] and yet another homophobic puff piece of raw manhood by Roderick Meredith in The Plain Truth,
“Christian MANHOOD — Is It a ‘Lost Cause’?” [and truly, we ask the
question, "Could Roderick Meredith be a Real Christian and not just a
False Prophet?"].
The most amazing thing is the statement:
The Final Fulfillment
This amazing prophecy of the 2300 evenings and
mornings is yet to be fulfilled in our day. A great crisis is yet to
occur in Palestime. After nearly 19 centuries a part of the tribe
of Judah–the Jews–has come back to Palestine. In their war of
independence in 1948 they gained possession of the new part of
Jerusalem, but the Arabs still control old Jerusalem. Not only
Jerusalem, but the whole land of Palestine is divided. It is an armed
camp likely to ignite at any moment!
Daniel 8 indicates that in
the near future we shall literally see fulfilled this mysterious
prophesied event for Palestine–”the daily sacrifice” and “the sanctuary”
restored before our very eyes.
The Bible does not give the
exact sequence of events–only the duration. We must watch world news to
discover how and when it will happen. Then will come World War III and
the occupation of Palestine and half of Jerusalem.
A great European
Church-State union will be in control of Palestine and the whole
Western World. It will prohibit the truth. It will “cast down the truth
to the ground. It will practice and prosper!
It will persecute and
martyr God’s Holy people. It will be allowed to tread Jerusalem
underfoot and to prohibit “the daily sacrifice at the sanctuary for
1150 days. It will substitute its own abominable, idolatrous rites in
place of the evening and morning sacrifice. Jesus referred to this same
event in Matthew 24:15. “When ye therefore shall see the abomination of
desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet, STAND IN THE HOLY PLACE
(whoso readeth, let him understand;) Then let them which be in Judea
flee into the mountains… for then shall be great tribulation…” —
climaxing in the second coming of Christ (verses 15-21).
The Gentiles will tread
down Jerusalem for 1260 days (Rev. 11)–a period which includes the 1150
days. It is the time of the two witnesses who will prophesy in the
streets of Jerusalem for 1260 days, then be killed, and just
immediately–before the return of Christ–be raised in the sight of the people.
God will suddenly intervene in human affairs. He will put an end to this wicked idolatrous system. “The sanctuary shall be cleansed”.
We are very near the
fulfilment of these amazing prophecies. It is time we wake up to world
events and free ourselves from fables and traditions begun more than a
century ago! It’s time we believe the Bible and not false teachers! It’s
time we asked God for wisdom and ask Him to lead us and show us His Truth!
Do you feel like you’ve just been
punked?! I feel like I’ve just been punked! What a bunch of… baloney!
It’s embarassing–almost as embarassing as reading 1975 in Prophecy once
again! Herman L. Hoeh certainly knew how to embarass himself: How could
he know about the 6 Day War in 1967? I guess that God wasn’t interested
in letting the Radio Church of God knowing what He was doing.
It’s going to be difficult to untangle
this mess, so let’s get started (and in case you are an atheist or
agnostic and / or don’t believe in the Bible, stay tuned, because this
isn’t about Scripture, it’s about proving that Herbert Armstrong and the
Armstrongist ministers are nutcases, which many of you may want to stay
around to experience as we dismantle the Armstrong Delusion piece by
piece — and, anyway, whether believer, atheist or agnostic, you can
declare yourself a winner!).
Here the Armstrongists deny the fulfillment of prophecy in Scripture,
acknowledged by every Bible Commentary on Daniel 8, by claiming history
never happened!
Here is what the Bible Commentaries have to say on the topic:
Chapter 8 gives
details of that which takes place from another side of Judea, with
reference to the Jews. The two empires of Persia and Greece, or of the
East, which succeeded that of Babylon under which the prophecy was
given, are only introduced to point out the countries in which these
events are to take place, and to bring them before us in their
historical order. The Persian empire is overthrown by the king of
Greece, whose empire is afterwards divided into four kingdoms, from one
of which a power arises that forms the main subject of the prophecy.
The prophecies of Daniel 8 actually came
to pass. Now the Believers have the victory saying that God brought the
prophecy to pass. The atheists and agnostics say that it was written
(or at least modified) after the historical events actually came to
pass. No matter how you look at this, it is a win-win. Or you would
think so — unless you believe what Dr. Herman L. Hoeh declared that it
The Devil, as they say, is in the
details, and some of the details here hold more intrigue than a season
of Dallas on TV. The main character in this drama isn’t the kings of
Media and Persia, nor is it Alexander the Great. The real central
character to all of this is Antiochus Epiphanes. First, though, let us
go through the history represented by Daniel 8 (assumed to have been
written 531 BC or so) upon which the commentators seem to agree:
- The Medes and Persians represent the Ram with 2 horns (two different
kingdoms), beginning at the fall of Babylon with the beginning reign of
Darius around 539 BC
- Alexander the Great took the Kingdom of Persia by 330 BC and is considered the he goat with one horn
- After the Death of Alexander the Great in 323 BC, four of his generals divided up his kingdom
- The “Little Horn” that sprang up was reputed to be Antiochus IV
Epiphanes of the Greek Seleucid Empire ruling from 175 BC to 164 BC
- 171 BC Onias III, the Jewish High Priest murdered
- Around 167 BC after being defeated by the Egyptians, Antiochus came
to Jerusalem, persecuted the Jews, set up idol of Zeus, had pig’s blood
offered on the altar
- The Maccabeans revolt 165 BC and cleanse the temple
As it turns out, from the time of the
execution of Onias III as the Jewish High Priest in 171 BC until the
Maccabean revolt and restoration in 165 BC, the time is 6 years and 136
days, which equals 2,300 days. Thus it is that the prophecy in Daniel 8
is fulfilled. There is no antiChrist mentioned there. There is no future
“shadow” fulfillment. There isn’t 2,300 years or 1150 years involved.
There’s no Roman Empire (which began more or less officially in 50 BC)
of any type mentioned in Daniel 8 — only two kingdoms are covered. And
even though Jesus mentions the abomination of desolation like that in
Daniel 8, the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel 8 was
fulfilled by Antiochus Epiphanes. Since the Archangel Raphael told
Daniel that he was sent to cause Daniel to understand the prophecy,
Daniel did not have to wait until John wrote the Book of Revelation to
interpret the events — else Raphael lied and God failed.
Yet, Armstrongism muddies and muddles the Scripture, actually impeaching
its own witness, to fabricate a fabulous fantasy of some future
scenario which never occurred in Herbert Armstrong’s time and quite
evidently isn’t going to occur in our near future: It’s all a lie.
Herbert Armstrong did what he did for three reasons:
1) To gain power and control over the people so that he could get the
2) Money, in order that he could stroke his
3) Ego.
Dr. Herman L. Hoeh was a sycophant intellectual who took the ideas of those he served and fabricated support for those ideas. He did it for Herbert Armstrong. He did it for Joseph Tkach, Senior. He was the hired academic gun who assassinated the
truth in order to fulfill the lusts of his masters, while hiding away from the dangers of the organization he supported.