Is "Armstrongism" The Problem?

Copyright © 2011, Gun Lap

The Solution?

There are people on the Web who seem to be on a crusade to capture people who are leaving a Church of God (COG) and get these people back to traditional Christianity. I'm sure some of these sites are funded by traditional Churches or religious groups. If a site has a lot of material on it and looks too slick or professional it's a good bet it's got some money behind it. I wouldn't be surprised if at least one such site run by a former COG member is being funded by some traditional Christian group or "cult watchers". Another warning sign is when a site seems to want to blame all the woes of Church members on Armstrong and other COG leaders, while avoiding criticisms of traditional Christianity. They would have former COG members believe their whole problem is the way Armstrong and his ministers misinterpreted the Bible, and that if only we go back to the "correct interpretation", keep Sunday, Easter, and Christmas, and believe in the Trinity, we'll be back to where we should be. Praise the Lord.

It's easy to just put all the blame on Armstrong and the COGs. Yep, they just completely misconstrued The Good Book to get your money. It was all their fault. Forget every one of his unorthodox doctrines and you'll be fine. Tired of not fitting in? Just go with the spineless flow and join the crowd of lemmings in the "Christian" world.

Armstrong was Mr. Bad. He was a master mind-control expert. He could probably teach Satan a few things about manipulation and deception. Using supernatural marketing skills, he completely and single-handedly hijacked our minds and told us sad helpless zombies what to think. So, since we are helpless people who can't think, we just need to forget all we were told and let the preacher on the corner tell us what to think. Then we'll be OK.

It's hard to understand how anyone could fall for that line after spending years in a COG; yet some people do. Many of us witnessed the Worldwide Church of God morph into Grace Communion International under the "leadership" of the Tkaches, so we know it can happen.

So, before we lay all the blame on the COGs, perhaps we need to be reminded of some scriptures.

One of the things the "cult watchers" gripe about are the high demands put on COG members by the COGs. But Herbert Armstrong did not come up with the idea of making huge sacrifies for Christianity. The high demand lifestyle comes from the Bible:

Did Herbert Armstrong write those scriptures? No he didn't. He just taught people to follow them. Most "Christians" just won't follow them. They won't condemn Matthew and Luke for writing them, they just condemn Herbert Armstrong for reading them and teaching them. They read scriptures like that and still try to tell people all the laws in the Bible were done away with and condemn "Armstrongism" for being a high demand religion.

Traditional Churches are not as demanding as the COGs because they have watered down Christianity to the point that it does not require much for them to live a "Christian" life. Herbert Armstrong was right about that.

What about families?

What about the strain that membership in a COG often puts on family ties? Whose fault is that?

Here are some more scriptures that were not written by Herbert Armstrong, David Pack, Ronald Weinland, Larry Salyer, or other COG ministers:

The church member in a high demand group can end up alienated from his family, but is promised a newer, better "family" in the church. The real family, now merely the "physical" family, must not come between the member and the organization. Those are more ideas Armstrong did not originate.

I do not write this to defend Armstrong or the COGs. My point is that they did not come up with their teachings completely on their own. They found a lot of it in the Bible. Going "back to the Bible" is not the solution, it is part of the problem.

What about pagan holidays? Was it merely Armstrong's idea that we should not keep pagan holidays?

What about the idea that the whole world is against us? Did Herbert Armstrong get that out of thin air?

And so, if the member is alienated from the world outside, "Satan's evil world," don't blame it all on Armstrong and his interpretation.

Now, let's get to another thing that mainstream churches don't like about "Armstrongism"—keeping the law. Did Herbert Armstrong come up with that idea in defiance of all scripture?

Did Armstrong come up with unorthodox teachings like the Holy Days out of thin air? Just his imagination? Or did he get the idea from the Bible, including the New Testament?

Another thing some COGs catch a lot of flack for is the claim that there is only one true church. Is this an idea without any scriptural support?

Did Armstrong invent the controversial healing doctrine out of thin air? Like he just made that up?

Is the doctrine of disfellowshipping some kind of cruel, inhumane, un-Christian treatment that Armstrong came up with on his own?

A lot more could be said about each of these points, and many more scriptures could be cited. It should be easy to see that the Bible way of life is demanding and agrees with many COG doctrines. So it's nonsense to blame the difficulties of COG members on the COGs and their "interpretation" alone.

Am I saying people should believe in healing, disfellowshipping, etc? Whether people should believe these things or not is a different topic. I'm just asking traditional "Christians" to be consistent. The truth is most churches are not very consistent with the Bible. Many churches don't take the Bible very seriously anyway. At least the COGs try to follow what they think God says. So for "cult watching groups" to blame everything on bad COG interpretations is rubbish. These "cult watchers" need to face facts. Traditional Christianity can't get off the hook and blame it all on the COGs. The COGs get a lot of things from the Bible, and it was the traditional Churches that gave us the Bible in the first place. These churches should either follow the Bible or reject it as the work of uninspired people. They should admit that traditional Christianity and the Bible are as much a cause of deception as the COGs are, and that going back to those things does not lead to truth. Sure, life is easier for those who fit in with the world around us, but it is not the path to deeper understanding.

Some blame Armstrong for taking the Bible "literally," but that criticism is misleading because nobody takes everything in the Bible literally anyway. People merely have different opinions on what is literal and what isn't. For example, there are many symbols in the book of Revelation that Armstrong never took literally. And the same people who blame Armstrong for taking the Bible literally, also think that when the Holy Spirit "speaks" to someone, it should be taken literally, as if the Holy Spirit is a personage who literally speaks. So these traditional Christians take some things more literally than Armstrong did. As I understand it, some churches even teach that the body and blood of Christ are literally transmutated into bread and wine. Armstrong's Worldwide Church of God however, taught that the bread and wine were mere symbols.

My point is that blaming Armstrong and the COGs is the easy way out for traditional Christian churches. The real problem goes deeper than that.

The basic problem of religious deception is not "Armstrongism" but all man-made religions. Those who wish to isolate "Armstrongism" as the problem have blinders on. Armstrongism is just one branch of the false religion of Christianity, which itself is just one of many false worldviews.

Is the Bible really inspired? Read Thomas Paine's essay on the New Testament here.