I was sitting in the foyer of the hotel where the Feast was being
kept last year, just before the “Last Great Day” Sermon was to be
preached the next day, when the minister for the site came by on his way
up to his room.
We exchanged pleasantries and I queried about the sermon he was planning to preach.
“Oh,” he said, “I like Ezekiel 37′.
“I like Revelation 20,” I said, knowing a few things he did not know at the time.
He replied, “I like Ezekiel 37′.
“I like Revelation 20,” I said.
His final word as he headed upstairs: “I like Ezekiel 37′.
The next day he preached on what a big deal The Last Great day is using Ezekiel 37 (I’ve heard it; it’s rubbish).
I reflected on how set people become in
their belief system without ever questioning it, but it’s even worse
than that: Herbert Armstrong has so fouled up Scripture with his
distorted perceptions that he has ruined Biblical eschatology for
believers pretty much for the rest of their lives. The problem is that
he managed to make a link to totally disparate verses to make the Bible
say what it does not say. At the same time, even though those who leave
the Armstrongist community never manage to figure out what is screwed up
and never seem to come up with cogent reasons why even believers should
not retain the heresies taught by Herbert Armstrong.
Now some who left and are not believers may not think it makes any
difference to them personally any more, but within the deep dark shadows
of the back alleys of the mind, there are cobwebs with inconvenient
lies lurking.
Besides, we owe believers an explanation why they should not believe this stuff from a Scriptural point of view, out of respect.
Herbert Armstrong managed to link
Ezekiel 37 to Revelation 20 to prove — by reason that the Word is to be
established in the mouths of two or three witnesses — that the passage
is talking about the Second Resurrection at the end of the Millennium.
This linkage is fraught with so many wrong assumptions that it is
difficult to untangle them and, not having sufficient incentive nor
drive to disprove the madness of the false prophet, they meekly let the
irrational belief system stand.
The first thing we need to do, if we
believe either passage in Scripture (a broad leap for some), is to
separate the two passages completely and accept the possibility that
they not just aren’t related to each other in any way, but don’t mean
the same thing at all.
Fortunately, we have the help of the K & D commentary:
The calling to life of the thoroughly
dried dead bones shown to the prophet in the vision, is a figure or
visible representation of that which the Lord announces to him in Ezekiel_37:11-14,
namely, that He will bring Israel out of its graves, give it life with
His breath, and bring it into its own land; and consequently a figure of
the raising of Israel to life from its existing state of death.
Darby comments:
It is the resurrection of the nation, which was really
dead and buried. But God opens their graves, and places them again in
their land restored to life as a nation.
JFB brings the issue into sharp focus:
out of your graves
— out of your politically dead state, primarily in Babylon, finally hereafter in all lands (compare Ezekiel_6:8; Hosea_13:14).
The Jews regarded the lands of their captivity and dispersion as their
“graves”; their restoration was to be as “life from the dead” (Romans_11:15). Before, the bones were in the open plain (Ezekiel_37:1-2);
now, in the graves, that is, some of the Jews were in the graves of
actual captivity, others at large but dispersed. Both alike were
nationally dead.
The situation was this: The people of Israel were in captivity and
some of them were dispersed among the nations. The people in captivity
considered that the land of Israel itself was “dead” full of dried
bones. Ezekiel offers them hope that life would be restored to the Land
of Israel.
Thus the passage in its context is not
talking about a general resurrection of the dead, but a prophesy that
the nation in the Land of Israel would be restored — it had nothing to
do with people of the earth being resurrected at the end of the
millennium. In fact, since most of Israel was in captivity, the
restoration of Israel as a nation is what would have made sense to them
in context. Ezekiel was attempting to encourage the people that they
would return to Palestine and Israel would be “resurrected”. Given their
state in Babylon, the proposition that all of humanity was being
resurrected to the time of the Second Resurrection would neither be
relevant, nor would it make any sense to them in context. Why would they
But Herbert Armstrong had an agenda: He
had to set up a scenario that would coincide with the Feast Days in
order to keep his followers enslaved to a tithing system based on the
Old Covenant — while being seriously warped in concept — for his own
The prophecy in Ezekiel 37, such as it
was, was actually fulfilled under the Reign of Darius around 538 B.C.
when the Israelites began returning to their homeland.
Herbert Armstrong needed this passage in
order to hold together various non fitting parts of his religion. There
is no such thing as three tithes — in fact, the words “second tithe”
and “third tithe” do not appear in Scripture. He had to justify the
keeping of the Feast of Tabernacles and the Last Great Day of the Feast.
He put together a scenario to “prove” his position in order to keep
people enslaved to his ideas which don’t really have Scriptural support
nor are they particularly relevant to the broad spectrum of modern
Christians. At best, keeping the Feast may be a blessing, but
certainly would not be if it were a vehicle for doomsday sermons based
on British Israelism. It depends entirely upon whether a person is
seeking “spiritual” content or is focused on the physical and social
aspects of a Church Corporate Symposium (Symposium — from the Greek word
meaning “drinking party”, which, from all accounts, is truly relevant
to the Armstrongist Churches of God). It’s a church convention that
precludes the possibility of a true family vacation, since, for the wage
earner, there is neither vacation time, nor money, to do both. For
retired people on pensions on which tithes (remembering that tithes are
payed on produce, not wages) have already been paid, keeping the Feast
is doubly problematic. Nevertheless, your current End Time Apostle must
be kept in the lifestyle of an Oriental Potentate: It is a moral
imperative (one wonders at the personal moral imperatives ignored by
such a proposition — namely, one who does not provide for his family is
worse than an infidel).
Now it is the case that by analogy, in
the spirit of things, Armstrongists would like to see their own private
version of Ezekiel 37 come to pass: Herbert Armstrong’s dried bones
having sinews and flesh restored to them, having him set on his feet in
very ample flesh in the midst of Ambassador College — to stand again and
take control as the End Time Apostle and false prophet of the Worldwide
Church of God and the A.C. Campus, yelling and shouting obstreperously
about the restoration of all his things, shaking his jowels and
declaring a restitution of his power, money and ego to their former
glory and prominence. They want to see “The Plain Truth” once again, in
glorious color in their newsstands and see Armstrong making “The World
Tomorrow” yet again. That isn’t going to happen, but it would be
glorious: The war between him and his former evangelists still standing
would not be so much as terribly entertaining. If you think he had
issues with Roderick Meredith before — this would be World War III. Of
some, such as Ronald Weinland and Gerald Flurry, he would say, “I never
knew you” and their kingdoms would collapse… I think. Even if it were to
happen, we’re pretty sure it wouldn’t be from God.
So you have a lot to think about.
The minister liked Ezekiel 37.
I like Revelation 20.
Especially the part about Satan being released to be present during the Second Resurrection to tempt the people of the earth.
That’s the part that’s easy to miss if you try to make Ezekiel 37 mean something it never said.