S ites like REBELLIOUS, SATANIC web page, THE PAINFUL TRUTH , would like nothing more than to see me grovel for forgiveness like a WEAK-KNEED, EFFEMINATE Spokesman's Club dropout . Brethren in Christ, this is not the way God's government is run!! God's government is from the GROUND UP, without APOLOGY for doing what it takes to carry out the GREAT COMMISSION!!!!
While you will NEVER hear apologize for the so-called mental suffering I am supposedly caused in the church membership, God is gradually revealing to me a few regrets that I must share with the brethren. I am deeply sorry for:
the Swedish Spa not working as I had hoped
not meeting privately with more of the girl campers at ORR SEP
not pooping regularly
letting ACIF funding go to save Pygmies that would never become coworkers
not wearing open collars and gold chains with my white suits
handing things over to the Russian Mafia
not having a bigger jet (size does matter)
not making members give more and make do on less
not having more portraits made at Harrods
listening to Loma's insipid dreams
having to go to the give/get analogy in every sermon
not showing my Missing Dimension in Sex diagrams in color
not have jowl-reduction surgery
demanding Loma take her top off
listening to Stan