The Painful Truth About The Worldwide Church of God
Transition Letter

Graveyard Church of God
Temporary Headquarters Crypt
Tucson, Arizona 

February 5, 2002

Greetings Friends,

In an UNDERTAKING of mind-boggling magnitude, the Work is faced with RECEIVERSHIP... AGAIN!!!  Instead of a State Attorney General, the organizational CONTROL of has been put under the direction of The Painful Truth, a SATAN-INSPIRED hate site.  The Editor and the contributors have a GOVERNMENT PROBLEM.  They are in REBELLION by undermining God's sole representative on this Earth: ME!!! 

The Painful Truth can take over the site, but it cannot TAKE OVER THE WORK!!! Due to this turn of events, GOD HAS INSPIRED ME to have my Stuben-Crystal casket MOVED from Altadena to Tucson, Arizona. Tucson is much more arid than Altadena and will make it harder for the Work to continue to DECOMPOSE at 30% a year, but SATAN-LED receivership cannot stop the Work!!!

This attack has put us in a financial bind. TAKE OUT A LOAN and send ALL tithes, offerings and tithe of tithes to me here in Tucson rather than the empty crypt in Altadena. Continue to visit and its redirect to The Painful Truth. DO NOT READ ANYTHING ON THAT SITE. Go directly to The Graveyard Church Of God.  Anyone, especially young girls in tight dresses, who surfs The Painful Truth site WILL BE SPANKED.  I do this out of LOVE and I FEAR for your ETERNAL LIFE!  I don't think you brethren GET IT!!!

In Christ's Name,
Herbert W. Armstrong



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