Analyses Today's News, with the
Publishing Box 111, Eugene, Oregon
September 25, 1946
Dear Friend and Co-Worker:
GREETINGS! in Jesus' name: We have just returned to Eugene.
After an absence of three months and two days, I am again back at
my desk. And I find the situation such that the very first thing
I must do is write a very special and URGENT emergency letter to
all our Co-Workers. I find the work in a financial CRISIS--the
whole work in grave DANGER--it needs $5,000 at once. First, THANK
YOU! for your loyal support, your prayers and interest, thru the
summer while we have been away on our 14,000-mile nation-wide
baptizing tour. You have made it possible to hold things together
thru a very difficult summer season, permitting me to take this
important tour and experience a much-needed change from the long
routine of conducting daily broadcasts. It wasn't a rest, for we
have had to keep on the move just every moment, as those of you
whom we were able to visit know. But it was a much-needed change,
and tho we have returned home very tired from so long a tour, yet
I feel refreshed, re-invigorated, and inspired for the heavy tasks
ahead, and enthusiastically ANXIOUS to plunge into them---for we
have GREAT PLANS for this coming fall and winter season!
The summer tour was full of both joys and disappointments:
joys in the privilege of getting to really see, and meet, and talk
with so many of our co-workers, and with so many who have been
converted thru his great work of God;--disappointments in having to
pass up so many who had written in, wanting us to stop and see
them, and in missing several we tried to see. I found it was
impossible to visit and see more than a fraction of those who
requested us to visit them--and we even had to miss seeing many who
have been converted thru the broadcast and wanted to be baptized.
I have learned the need for more personal contact with our vast
nation-wide and international radio audience. And I have great
news for you, which I hope I may announce in the next BULLETIN, of
plans now formulating for the expansion of this work that will make
it possible.
I have said before, in the BULLETIN, that I wish it were
possible for you to sit with me at my desk, reading with me the
thousands of letters that pour in every week from listeners--what
an inspiration it would be! And how much more would you come to
realize the unestimatable importance and vast good accomplished by
this work. But if you only could have travelled with us this
summer, and seen and talked personally with the scores of people
whose lives have been changed--who have been led, thru the broad-
cast and literature sent out to repentance of sins, to complete and
unconditional surrender to God and His laws and His ways of living
--who have accepted Jesus Christ as personal Saviour, and then seen
them, meek as little children, buried with Him in baptism--the
inspiration would have been many times multiplied! I ask all of
you to PRAY, earnestly, for these newly converted--these dear ones
starting out in newness of life, to live NEW and CHANGED lives in
Christ Jesus, according to every Word of God, instead of according
to the ways and customs of this world and the ways of self-desire.
And, too, from this personal contact with so many, I have learned
better what all our vast radio audience want and needs to know, and
I believe the broadcasts will be much improved.
Now we are ready to start a REDOUBLED effort for the fall
and winter season. In the next week or ten days I hope to have
definite time contracted for on several new, far-reaching super-
power stations, including KWKH, Shreveport; WCKY, Cincinnati; KFAB,
Lincoln-Omaha, KVOO, Tulsa; either KFEL or KVOD, Denver, possibly
a Chicago station, and in December a new Des Moines station. In
addition, our new schedule calls for continuance of same time, 8
o'clock at 8 on the dial, mountain time, on XELO, and also 8:P.M.
Central standard time on XEG every night except Saturday, and IN
Central Standard time, on XEG, 1050 on your dial. Also, continuing
9:PM Sunday nights over XERB, at 1090 on the dial on the Pacific
Coast; adding a new station in Hollywood 6:AM Sundays on KXL
Portland, 750 on the dial; same time on KVAN, and 11:PM Sundays on
KVI, 570 on dial, in Seattle region, and we expect to add KOL or
some other station in that region. Thus our already vast radio
audience should be DOUBLED for this season! God is surely blessing
His work! BUT--MOST IMPORTANT AND URGENT for the moment, I find
funds slacking off as I return home, and we are in a serious
immediate emergency! It's so serious the whole work is in grave
DANGER! We need, seriously, many offerings of large sums from
those who are able---please WIRE the money if possible; and if you
can send only the "widow's mite" please rush it. God's work has to
depend upon you. I know you won't fail. Another BULLETIN will
follow in a week or two. God bless you. PRAY for the work!
Sincerely, your co-worker in Jesus' name,
Herbert W. Armstrong
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