November 13, 1951 • Loma D Armstrong • Student Dorm Supplies

HERBERT W. ARMSTRONG, Chairman November 13, 1951
Dear Friends:
I must tell you the news.
Mrs. Mann and I went to Los Angeles to a wholesale house
this afternoon and bought sheets, pillow slips, towels, three bed
spreads, three mattress covers, and bath mats.
All of us send our thanks for your generous gift to help
buy these supplies for the students' home. We appreciate it very
much and all the students do also.
While I'm writing I also want to add, my thanks to that
of Mr. Armstrong's and the rest of the staff here for the wonderful
way you have helped to carry on the Gospel work over the Radio. We
have millions of new listeners and since going on the new stations
and since the daily broadcasts over XERB and XELO many have written
in telling how much they are learning about the Bible and God's
Message to mankind, and how much help it is to them.
You can rejoice in this too because its the help of the
Co-Workers that has made this possible so again I say thanks! for
Loma D. Armstrong
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