
Jan. 23, 1952
Dear Co-Worker in Christ:
Again let me THANK YOU for the generous offering (or
tithe) which has been received, and again I must belatedly
apologize for having to delay acknowledging it.
My! but these have been busy days here at the head-quarters of God's great work in Pasadena! The first semester of
this school year winds up this week. We are beginning to outgrow
some of our facilities here on the Ambassador College campus, and
we are being forced to lay plans ahead for expansion. The College
catalog for the 1952-53 college year is just off the press, and we
are proud of itour first real full-size college catalog. It has
taken much time and labor to prepare it. While we are printing
only a limited number of copies, and not for general distribution
of course, yet if you are really interested in the college and
would like to read all the facts about courses offered, degrees,
our standards, educational philosophy, grading system, such facts
at tuition, room and board expenses, our facilities, and in fact
all the information a college catalog supplies, I will be happy to
send you a copy.
The cover is very attractive, done in our newly-adopted
college colors royal purple and white. These colors have been
chosen because of their scriptural significance. Royal purple
symbolizes ROYALTY. We are a royal priesthood Ambassadors for
CHRIST, the Royal KING OF KINGS of all the earth in The WORLD
TOMORROW. The only true Gospel is the Gospel of The KINGDOM OF
GOD, and it is the supreme Royal Kingdom. The royal purple
portrays that Kingdom, which we preach, and Christ our Saviour,
whom we preach. White symbolizes purity the righteousness of
saints--the Righteousness which is of God and from God, thru His
indwelling Holy Spirit fulfilling His Royal Law in our lives.
These colors are most beautiful, and the more so when we realize
what they mean! Our college seal, which appears on the cover, is
designed around our Royal Coat of Arms, with its triple lions,
symbolizing Christ, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah and Ruler, God
the Father as Supreme Ruler and Creator, and ourselves as the
young lions of Israel, Spirit-begotten sons of God and of Christ,
and future rulers, under Christ, of the world. This unusual
symbolic Coat of Arms was also used by Edward I of England, of
whom I happen to be a direct descendent. We try to live by every
Word of God, and to have a BIBLE reason for everything we do.
There is great meaning and significance in names in the sight of
God. The name of the broadcast is "The World Tomorrow," which is
another way of saying, in modern English, "THE KINGDOM OF GOD,"
which is what we preach. The magazine, "The PLAIN TRUTH," is so
named because that is what it is the PLAIN TRUTH. God's Word
is TRUTH, and it makes GOD'S WORD PLAIN. The word GOSPEL simply
means "GOOD NEWS," and the national magazine of Ambassador College
proclaims the Gospel, so it is called "THE GOOD NEWS." God's own
college is training Ambassadors for Christ, so it is named what it
is: AMBASSADOR College. God names things and people what they are.
We try to do as God does. This is HIS WORK. Well, again, THANK
YOU for being a part of it, and for your continuous generous
support, your prayers, and your interest. You are laying up
treasures in heaven, and God will richly bless you.
With love, in Jesus' name,
Herbert W. Armstrong
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