
October 16, 1952
Dear Co-Worker in the True Gospel:
WHAT a privilege to have an actual part in reaching the
whole world, for the first time in 1800 years, with the ORIGINAL
THANK YOU and God bless you! for the offering (or
God's tithe) just recently received. It's the most important work
on earth the most necessary. It's the ONLY activity on earth
today that will SURVIVE the unbelievable, horrible, catastrophes,
destructions, and plagues prophesied NEXT to fall on this heedless,
God-defying world.
This very work, in which YOU are greatly blessed for
having a personal part, was foretold by Christ. It is recorded in
Matthew 24:14 and Mark 13:10. Today, the same Gospel Jesus taught
is going in tremendous POWER to all America, to Canada, and Mexico.
In a week or two I shall fly to New York to make final arrangements
with the United States agents of the super-power RADIO LUXEMBOURG
which will carry the very Gospel of CHRIST to all Europe and to
Britain. My son, Dick, made arrangements with the station when he
was in Luxembourg this past summer. We are now working on the
programs for Europe. Soon we shall be broadcasting the SAME Gospel
Jesus taught to ALL THE ORIENT covering Communist China, Japan,
Indo-China, Burma, from the Philippines.
Jesus said this must first be accomplished BEFORE the
coming GREAT TRIBULATION---the next phase of WORLD WAR then the
terrible signs in the heavens, followed by unbelievable PLAGUES
sent from God, and then, THE SECOND COMING OF CHRIST! Europe
is uniting, NOW, ready for the death-stroke to the U.S.A., and
the most terrifying tribulation and martyrdom of all history.
God is HOLDING BACK the winds of war that shall destroy
civilization, until He finishes the proclaiming of His True Gospel
as a witness THRU US!
That's WHY we are enjoying a comparative recess from
world war, NOW!
That's WHY the United States is now prosperous!
It's the greatest job, the most tremendous
responsibility, that has fallen on anyone in 1800 years! God has
laid it on YOU AND ME! We dare not fail Him. We must CONTINUE to
respond, as never before. PRAY, as never before, for this great
work. Words can't express how grateful I am for your financial
support. I know you'll stand by me till the end. With GOD all
things are possible. We are mere instruments in His hands. It is
HIS POWER in us that carries forward this mighty work. Let us
yield completely to Him. The need continues GREAT! I know you'll
continue to send us regularly HIS TITHE and generous offerings.
GOD BLESS YOU FOR IT. Great is your power in heaven, which Jesus
will bring with Him, when He comes! THANK YOU AGAIN!
With love, in Jesus' name,
Herbert W. Armstrong
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