co-worker letters

Co-Worker Letters from Herbert W. Armstrong

Not a complete list


September 3, 1943 Co-Worker Letter - Herbert W Armstrong - Asks for Doubled Donations



VOL. IV. Number 6 September 3, 1943

Published every little while, by your radio-pastor editor, Herbert W. Armstrong, Box 111, Eugene, Ore., to bring spiritual edification and encouragement to our little family of co-workers who make possible The RADIO CHURCH OF GOD and The PLAIN TRUTH.




GREETINGS, Co-Workers:

Again I am writing to you on the train, enroute from Des Moines and San Antonio to Los Angeles. My heart is full. I have learned things on this trip which surely would OPEN YOUR EYES if you could see and fully realize what I have seen! I simply must write and tell all our Co-workers the situation at once.

First, however, on this trip two new stations were added, starting a new and very important network.

Sunday night, August 22nd, I conducted the first "WORLD TOMORROW" broadcast over the Iowa broadcasting Company from the studios of KRNT, Des Moines. We have started off with only two stations, KRNT, and KMA, Shenandoah, Iowa. Both are 3,000 watts, very strong and popular stations.

I was fortunate in getting a splendid time--late enough to come under the low rate (half the cost of earlier evening time) yet nearly an hour earlier than our time has been in the middle west over WHO and WOAI, which in this farm-belt, should give us nearly double the audience within the territory covered. The new time is 10:15 PM Central War Time.

At that hour KRNT covers central Iowa like a local station, and can be heard over the entire state; while KMA reaches out even farther, and gives us the strongest and most effective listening audience of any station in the western half of Iowa and Missouri, the eastern populous half of Nebraska, and north-eastern Kansas. It gets into Omaha, Des Moines, and St. Joseph like a local station, and has a large farmer audience in this section. It is the station I had planned to use over a year ago, before going with WHO. There are other stations on this network, all strong 5,000 watt stations, covering South Dakota, North-eastern Nebraska, South-western Minnesota, North-western and Eastern Iowa, and portions of Wisconsin and Illinois. They may be added later.

I have made a thorough survey of the situation all over the country on this trip, and I want to tell you frankly just what it is.

A number of super-power stations, and strong sectional networks are open to us. However, most of the super-power stations with nationally-clear channels (stations which can be heard over North America) are now closed to religious broadcasts. On this trip I contacted personally the sales managers of nearly all these stations, except a few I had contacted before. Of these great stations, only five are open for religious programs, and possibly sixth, WHAS, Louisville, Kentucky, may be opened to us because of the different type of program. All the others now are definitely CLOSED to the broadcasting of the true Gospel.

A station I am very anxious to use as soon as possible, because of its low cost at late night-time, is WRVA, Richmond Va. It is 50,000 watts, national-cleared channel after sunset. Philadelphia's great super-power exclusive-channel station WCAU, is open to us for late night-time, at a very reasonable cost. In New York City 50,000-watt clear-channel station WHN will give us a Sunday morning time, but when we are ready for a New York station we probably shall use a smaller station, WOV, which offered me a desirable night-time, at one-fourth the cost.

We are fortunate, indeed, that even that number of the nation's most powerful exclusive-channel stations are still open to us. In addition, there are a number of other 50,000-watt stations (not on exclusive channels), open to us which will give us large regional audiences. Among these are KWKH, Shreveport, La., WCKY, Cincinnati, and WLAC, Nashville, Tennessee.

Avenues are open to us, still, by which we may send God's last vital Message out over this country with great power and intensity into every PART of the country. WE MUST TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS OPPORTUNITY BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE! Because, on the other hand, the TREND with radio Stations, especially the larger ones, is to shut all Gospel preaching OFF THE AIR! On this trip I visited many, many radio stations--I went personally to MOST of this station's super-power 50,000-watt EXCLUSIVE-channel stations. And in station after station the door was unalterably CLOSED! The fact I preached the Gospel--preach out of the BIBLE--in "The WORLD TOMORROW" program is an absolute BAR on most of the nation's great super-power stations.

I spent two days in New York City, thoroughly taking up the matter of this policy with the executives there at Radio City, Rockefeller Center, who CONTROL the policies in this regard for these super-power stations owned and managed by NBC. These men were courteous, willing to talk with me and to hear my side of the story, and my arguments as to why they should NOT throw God's Truth off the air "IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST," as they claim to be doing-- but it made no difference. I could see their hands were tied from somewhere higher up--where, I could not learn. I have my ideas, and it points to one of the world's vast financial interests.

There are powerful interests at work to put all true gospel preaching OFF THE AIR--that much I know. Our great opportunity lies in the fact it will take them yet some little time before they can eliminate Gospel broadcasts that tell the TRUTH from the independent stations, and all the smaller stations, which can be used by many sectional networks all over the country. We STILL CAN GET THE TRUTH TO THE PEOPLE--but we must HURRY--there's NO TIME TO LOSE--and OUR DAYS ARE NUMBERED!


In view of what I have learned on this trip, I have decided upon a radical change of policy. Incidentally, I heard in New York, though I have not yet had opportunity to verify it from Hollywood, that the local network is now closed to any more religious programs, and even that network, heretofore open to religious programs, is now falling in line with the policy of the other networks and larger stations. Too bad, isn't it, that these stations will consider half-crazy slap-stick, wise-cracking, slang programs designed to induce more millions of our young boys and GIRLS to smoke cigarettes as "IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST," while they claim that is "IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST" they are eliminating Gospel programs! Can God Almighty bless such a nation?

The new policy is this: FIRST, above all, heretofore I have been stressing the broadcasts and adding of more stations at the expense of The PLAIN TRUTH, and consequently have had to some what neglect The PLAIN TRUTH. We have been unable to get it out often as I wish. It has never been a monthly magazine, but I do feel that it should come out at least bi-monthly now, and, as soon as possible, EVERY MONTH.

I want our co-workers to understand it is utterly IMPOSSIBLE to get out the PLAIN TRUTH every month at present. We have never yet had the funds for this. It is now costing over $1,000 per issue. The present number is consuming A TON AND A HALF of paper! The postage alone, on our special permit rate, will cost $330.00. It is a huge task.

I'm sure not one in a hundred of our co-workers even DREAMS how MUCH we have been accomplishing with HOW LITTLE. We have had to make a little money go a long ways--reach a lot of people--do a great amount of good. Mrs. Armstrong and I have had to work almost day and night without let-up for ten years. I'm sure we'd have much more money with which to conduct this work if I would only consent to COMMERCIALIZE this work by ASKING FOR MONEY over the air--and ASKING for it in The PLAIN TRUTH. I never do either and I never shall, because it is not God's way. When I make the needs of God's work known to you in the BULLETIN, and impress upon you your solemn DUTY before God to sacrifice to the utmost for His work, I am addressing that appeal ONLY to those who have voluntarily of their own accord and free will, started having a part in this work by sending voluntary offerings, or tithes. You are among the limited and precious number, or you would not be receiving and now reading this BULLETIN.

No one can know how disappointed I have been not to have been able to get out The PLAIN TRUTH more often. I have just done the best I could. I have done my utmost. I have tried to do a LOT with a LITTLE.

God has now provided for this work two men, specially trained, fully prepared in ability, in experience, and in under- standing of the TRUTH and in true Spirit-led Christian experience. I need these two men badly, to devote full time in the office in this work. The work MUST have them if The PLAIN TRUTH is to come out monthly, as it should. But we simply do not as yet have sufficient income to add these valuable men to the staff.

Point number 1 in our new policy is that regardless of all handicaps, The PLAIN TRUTH must, from now on, come out oftener --at least every 60 days. I intend with God's help to see that the material is prepared, the articles written--that all my part of it is done. It's going to take the greatest, most determined effort of my life, because it will be a TASK. I am trying to carry a far heavier load than our Co-workers have realized. But with God all things are possible, and I shall look to Him for added strength and He will not fail me--He never has!

The rest of it depends upon YOU--our co-workers. It means The PLAIN TRUTH expense, alone, will now run about $600 a month--and it is rapidly GROWING all the time--in addition to the very heavy cost of broadcasting over nine powerful stations, and the necessary office expense (which, as I mentioned, is about a third of what any commercial business magazine would spend for publishing the magazine alone). I intend to devote myself more than ever before to The PLAIN TRUTH.

Point number 2 in our new policy: Since the trend seems to be to discontinue broadcasting religious programs on the larger stations and networks, it follows that even if we were able to put the program on more super-power stations now, it is only a matter of time until they would cancel or refuse to renew a contract. I shall now work toward adding a larger number of medium-powered stations--stations of from 1,000 to 5,000 watts of power, in the proper population centers--and to do this through a system of sectional networks, as described above. There is one exception to this policy. In developing the work to greater national power, I feel we should add, just as quickly as possible, more of the 50,000 watt clear-channel stations now open to us, and then from there to fill in with the more intense local coverage of a larger number of regional network stations.

Point number 3 in our policy will be to issue, just as soon as I can find time to write the material, seven series of special Bible-study articles, consisting of seven lessons, or articles, to each series. These will carry those interested through a complete course of Bible study and understanding. They will bring you the TRUTH on most of the important subjects of the Bible. Rather than prepare these lessons in the usual dry STUDY- form, I wish to write them in an interesting, plain and simple article form, like articles in The PLAIN TRUTH. These will not be announced over the air, but only in The PLAIN TRUTH.

Now may I have your fullest co-operation in this great new program? The Devil is working feverishly to close the doors to God's Truth, and is succeeding in some directions. But God is still keeping OTHER doors open. His work must go marching ON! We cannot lay down and quit--the work must grow and multiply by leaps and bounds from here on! Our time is SHORT!

I am telling you--and I have reason to KNOW, both by conditions I have SEEN are shaping and partly already exist, and prophecy--that in a short time any MONEY you may have will be utterly WORTHLESS to you. In the terrible times that lie ahead of us now, MONEY will be no security. Your only security will be the protection of GOD. That can't be bought with money, but certainly God will reward the FAITHFUL STEWARD, and the unfaithful surely will be CUT OFF from God! This is not my work--it isn't even OUR work--it is GOD'S precious work. It must not fail! It's in DIRE NEED--and it is YOUR responsibility, before God, to SUPPLY THAT NEED, by ANY SACRIFICE POSSIBLE! Please PRAY over it! I'm doing my very utmost. Are you doing YOURS?


May I now tell you of just a few personal experiences of this trip.

When I arrived in Minneapolis, on the way East among the letters forwarded from our office in Eugene was one from a young man in a city I was scheduled to pass through. He wants above all else to be a real Spirit-led Christian. He was so determined to have my help he had planned to come clear to the Coast, to Eugene if necessary, to see me. I believe we found the source of his trouble, and the cure. What a privilege and blessing to be of any service.

In Providence, Rhode Island, is a little group of God's sincere people with whom we have had contact for several years. Learning I would be in the East, they invited me by mail to stop and have a service with them, saying they longed to see and have fellowship with one for whom they have prayed daily for so long. We had a wonderful meeting and fellowship together, starting at lunch and lasting through the afternoon. It was a very great privilege, and proved inspiration to me. God bless the "little flock" scattered abroad!

Among the many letters received recently from listeners asking help in finding the way to Christ and becoming Christians, was one from a man near Hutchinson, Kansas. His letter showed he had given his heart not only, but his life, over to God--that he was one of the truly CALLED, and wanted to be baptized. I only wish it were possible to visit personally EVERYONE who writes such a letter. Ordinarily it is simply impossible, but in this case I happened to be passing very close to Hutchinson, at a time when I could spare a half-day on my schedule. So I wrote that I would come and when. I was met at the train late in the afternoon, and driven out to the farm home of this brother. We opened our Bibles, and I answered his and his wife's questions, and explained many subjects until near midnight. Next morning early we found a spot in the rather shallow Arkansas river deep enough for baptism, and both of them were baptized, after which they drove me to Wichita in time to catch the streamliner for San Antonio and Los Angeles.

These experiences have enriched this trip. I wish I could meet, and see, and visit, and study the Bible with ALL of our co-workers and interested listeners. Most of us, perhaps, can never meet in this world and this life. But we can have fellowship together through Christ, just the same as we can WORK TOGETHER, and PRAY FOR ONE ANOTHER.



The PLAIN TRUTH was almost ready for the press when I had to leave on this trip. Before leaving I made arrangements for having this number and all others from now on, mailed by professional mailers from Portland--so the entire edition can be mailed within three or four days after delivery IF we have the $330.00 on hand to pay Uncle Sam for postage.

I'll simply have to ask all our Co-workers to UNDERSTAND and to bear with me, and uphold my hands, and to respond IMMEDIATELY again, and GENEROUSLY, with the largest offerings you can possibly sacrifice to send, to keep this great and growing work GOING, and insure this PLAIN TRUTH being mailed promptly as soon as the printer can deliver the finished copies. With God's blessing, and your help you ought to receive your copy within about two weeks from the time you receive this BULLETIN.

The big order of paper is all paid for, and delivered, a full ton and a half of paper. We saved $85.00 by using a slightly thinner paper this time, and by paying spot cash in advance for a special deal offered us. BUT THERE WILL BE TWO PAGES MORE in this issue than the last.


Never before did I realize so fully how the prophesied general conditions of the end-time, just prior to Christ's return, are being fulfilled. More than ever I have been impressed that whatever work we are to do for Christ and the Kingdom of God must be done quickly--which means WE MUST TAKE GOD'S WORK SERIOUSLY-- must make greater sacrifices for it--must redouble our efforts. This whole world--including our country, and the very community in which YOU, and each of us lives, is in far more grave and serious condition than we have had any conception.

If you could just see the trend, as I've come to see it over the entire country, Coast to Coast, and could thus, with the certain knowledge of prophecy applied to this present trend look from two to five or ten years into the future, I'm quite sure you'd be FRIGHTENED! Few realize where we are headed! We are putting everything else FIRST in our lives, most of us--people are making more money then ever before, and trying to enjoy the spending of it, and seeking pleasure and luxury in this time of war and world chaos. But if you could really SEE what is going on--where we are headed--what will happen to us these next two to five years--you'd certainly put THE KINGDOM OF GOD, and His Righteousness, FIRST above all else in your life from this minute on. If only ALL our co-workers could realize this serious solemn truth, God's work surely would not have to struggle along, crippled by insufficient funds to carry it forth in great power. Instead, it would LEAP ahead, with ample of everything it might need!

Dear Co-workers, have we been asleep? Have we been thinking of OURSELVES too much? Have we been begrudging God what little has been trickling into His work--feeling that God's work ought not to need our "charity" all the time? God doesn't need your money, but you certainly NEED HIM, and we can't have His blessings and His protection in the hard and perilous days just ahead if we are unfaithful toward Him in the stewardship of material things He has placed in our hands! It's certainly time we took this very seriously.

I have found that powerful forces are at work, far more than I realized before, bent on destroying God's TRUTH so far as facilities for proclaiming it by radio and in print are concerned. They are engineered, without realizing it, by Satan the Devil. He is not asleep! HE is not indifferent! HE knows full well that he has but a SHORT TIME--and he is multiplying HIS efforts furiously to STOP the preaching of TRUTH which God says shall be preached, NOW! Yet, we shall not be shut off until we have had full opportunity to accomplish God's mission and purpose commissioned to us to perform! Satan is ruler of his world--he directs powerful forces. BUT, God still reigns in high Heaven, and rules the universe and what God wants done Satan shall be restrained from preventing! He cannot stop us until God's mission through us is completed! But there is no time to lose! The time has come for us to WAKE UP, fully. To take this more seriously than we ever took anything in our lives. It's more important than our very lives. U R G E N T

Again, I find that money is slacking off, and far less coming in daily again now, than our daily expense for this work. And while we already have advanced a few hundred dollars toward the printing bill, the printing and mailing will take nearly another thousand.

Radio station bills must be paid every week. The members of our staff in the office work hard, and must be paid their salary every week. The servant is worthy of his hire. It costs money to conduct so large a work, carrying the Gospel to nearly a million people every week! This has become a GREAT work--a work of national and international influence and power.

WE DARE NO LET DOWN--even for one week. The situation is again critically SERIOUS. Let us not become weary with well-doing.

If we stop the work stops. WE CANNOT STOP!

I feel sure that many of our co-workers can sacrifice a great deal more than has been done--if only we realize how SERIOUS is this time and this situation--how URGENT is the need--how VITAL that we do not fail God in this most critical hour of all earth's history.

Think of the thousands and millions who sacrifice their LIVES, their HOMES, their ALL--for their government in this world and its greatest war. HOW MUCH MORE ought WE, who knows God's precious TRUTH, who are privileged to carry on HIS WORK, to sacrifice generously and without stint, for HIS GREAT CAUSE, and for the COMING KINGDOM OF GOD--for the salvation of PRECIOUS SOULS for the COMING KINGDOM OF GOD--for the salvation of PRECIOUS SOULS for ALL ETERNITY?

Let us not grumble about it. Let us not criticize and complain. Let us just DO OUR UTMOST! Some of you have money or property you do not really need, which you are keeping as an investment. Soon it will be worth NOTHING to you. But God's Kingdom is for ETERNITY! How much MORE important to put ALL YOU CAN into God's work now, while there's time and opportunity! There are among those who will read these lines some who could put in $1,000 or even $10,000 or more, that God's Message might go in mighty power to many thousands of souls who will never hear it if you hang onto that money or property for yourself.

Some of you have already been doing your very UTMOST, and God knows all about it, and will BLESS YOU. He doesn't expect any to give beyond their means. But I feel that MANY of our co-workers could easily double what they have been doing--and some could send really large amounts. Will you take it to God in serious, solemn prayer? God help, and bless you.

With Christian love,

Herbert W. Armstrong


January 19, 1944 Co-Worker Letter - Herbert W Armstrong - Predicts USA Defeat by Nazis



VOL. V Number 1 January 19, 1944

Published every little while by your radio-pastor editor, Herbert W. Armstrong, Box 111, Eugene, Ore., to bring spiritual edification and encouragement to our little family of Co-workers who make possible the RADIO CHURCH OF GOD and The PLAIN TRUTH.


Where do we stand in this war, and what will happen this year?

President Roosevelt says military victory is now CERTAIN. General Eisenhower has made the flat statement that we will win in Europe this year.

Victory, our people seem now to believe, is "just around the corner"---the Germans are almost crushed and about ready to surrender. And consequently most people, I'm afraid, are assuming this will be a soft, easy, rosy year---a victorious year, in which we shall win, our boys shall come home, we shall enter into a beautiful and harmonious peace relationship with Russia as well as the other "United Nations," and we may begin to indulge in the expected post-war luxurious living. It's a blissful dream---but it's only a DREAM! And it's time we woke up, and come to a knowledge of the true facts as they exist!

The stern FACTS are that regardless of whether the war ends this year or not, in all likelihood this year will go down in history as "the YEAR OF THE GREAT SLAUGHTER!"

The President, while predicting certain victory, has tried to prepare the public for what he knows now lies immediately ahead. In an effort to shake the American public out of its sublime complacency and jar it to its heels, to prepare it and brace it for the coming shock, a statement was issued the other day in Washington that American casualties during the next eight to ten weeks probably will be three or four TIMES as heavy as our total war casualties during the past two years, since "Pearl Harbor." So far our casualties have been comparatively light. But the next two or three months will see this war brought home to all of us.

Last Fall I foresaw a possibility of this war being brought to an armistice (temporary recess) in Europe, by conferences behind closed doors. I foresaw the possibility that the "trial balloon" thrown up in Italy, in which the Italians received not only a separate peace but actually a "co-belligerent status" with the allies, might be tried out in Germany.

The idea was that the German army generals would do away with Hitler, disown the Nazi party, withdraw entirely out of Russia, and seek to make peace, first with Russia, and then, on the strength of that come to terms with the Allies on a basis that would permit the Germans to RETAIN a considerable amount of the conquered territory in Western Europe. THAT POSSIBILITY IS STILL VERY MUCH ALIVE! It might still be pulled any time between now and Spring. The Russians are already past the original Polish border in one sector. The Russians have made public what they WANT in Poland. It is known the Russians do not want a completely conquered, de-militarized, occupied Germany. They want a de-Nazified Germany, but a strong independent Germany. In a word, they want a Germany friendly enough to permit their propagandists to go to work inside Germany. The Communists had almost swung into power in Germany when Hitler suddenly and dramatically beat them to it and swept into absolute power in 1933. Goebbels's propaganda machine, backed up by the Gestapo, stamped out Communism and swung the German thinking to the opposite extreme of Fascism.

The Russians do not want to invade, conquer, and attempt to rule Germany by brute force. They know too well of the secret underground movements in every country Hitler has conquered and tried to rule by force. The Communist method is to conquer a country's MIND before it tries to conquer its body. The Russians probably could keep marching right on into Berlin--but they won't. They don't even want to occupy Germany with their soldiers in the peace. They want merely to throw Hitler out. They know the tendency of masses to swing from one extreme to the other. They count on a re-action after the war. Nazism stands at the extreme so-called RIGHT, while Communism goes to the opposite EXTREME-- extreme leftist as it is called. Now they count on turning the German people against Hitler and Nazism, swinging them to the opposite extreme or Communism. The Russians ARE out to communize all Europe--and the world! Make no mistake about that!

And so, if the German generals should throw out Hitler, give the Russians everything they want on the East, WHAT WOULD THERE BE LEFT FOR RUSSIA TO FIGHT FOR? Russia certainly will not go on fighting OUR battles--fighting for a war objective to which Russia is opposed.

And, incidentally, IF one party to an agreement wishes to break that agreement, he usually starts out by accusing his partner of something that will JUSTIFY him in breaking it, hurling the blame on the other party. And as this is written the Russians, thru their largest, and official government-controlled newspaper "Pravda", are accusing the British of talking peace with the Germans. That gives the Russians the justification for making a separate peace with Germany, IF SHE WISHES!

It might happen BEFORE we launch the much-advertised second front. It might happen AFTER. If it happened before we invade Europe across the English Channel, then we would not be able to launch the invasion--not until we could send to England an army of five to seven MILLION men for the task--and that would require perhaps three times our present number of ships, and twice our present Navy! What would be our chances, THEN, of winning the war against Germany? Would we not be forced into seeking the best armistice terms we could get? And perhaps, with close to five million German soldiers released from the Russian front, the Germans might not then WANT to stop the war!

It might happen AFTER we have launched the promised invasion of Europe, suddenly releasing these four to five million Nazi soldiers to be rushed across Europe to the new Western Front. And that, very possibly, might result in utter military defeat for us!

Is it not true, then, that if we launch this vast-scale invasion of Hitler's Europe at all, that we are doing it in FULL TRUST that Russia will not stop fighting, even after she has reached the German borders and accomplished all she wants to accomplish in the war? Are we not TRUSTING the Russians to keep most of three 300 German divisions occupied on the Eastern front? Are we not forced to put our faith in Russia,--and in Russia doing that which may be against her proclaimed objectives and interests?

And then there's a third possibility. The Germans may actually have this secret weapon that they claim--one that, at the last desperate moment, will turn the entire tide of war back in Germany's favor. This idea is not being scoffed in higher miliary circles. It is at least a definite possibility. And in that case, the Germans probably would not consider throwing out Hitler at all.

In event of ANY of these possibilities, the outlook is NOT SO BRIGHT AND ROSY for us, this year! And the most likely possibility of all is that this will go down in history as the YEAR OF THE GREAT SLAUGHTER!

No MAN can look into the future and know what lies ahead. The outcome of wars often turn suddenly, unexpectedly, on a hair. Some unexpected, odd, strange apparent coincidence often alters the entire course of a war overnight, the apparent victor becomes the vanquished. General Eisenhower does not KNOW that we shall conquer the Germans this particular year. NONE BUT ALMIGHTY GOD KNOWS WHAT SHALL HAPPEN! "Armies do not bring victory to a king," says the Eternal God (Psalm 33:16, Moffatt translation). No the Eternal God Himself brings to NOTHING what the nations plan--- and it is HE and He alone who determines the final outcome of wars!

What is prophesied for NOW? An easy, victory-laden year? A Utopian PEACE to follow? "ALL THESE," said Jesus Christ who KNEW the future, speaking of this very world war--of the famine and disease now following its wake--of the EARTHQUAKES now occurring such as the one just last Sunday in South America--"All these are the BEGINNING OF SORROWS!" Just the BEGINNING!

Nowhere does the Biblical prophecy hold out any hope of brighter times immediately ahead. JUST THE OPPOSITE! More chaos, strife, bloodshed, and DEATH! More disease, starvation! Man is reaping what he has insisted on sowing in direct REBELLION against Almighty God. God has permitted us to live as we have pleased. We have sown the seeds of malice, jealousy, resentment, hatred--we have lived selfishly. Now we are reaping the HARVEST! And God will let this world go on reaping it a little longer, to the end that this world SHALL LEARN ITS LESSON! Yes, learn it well enough that we shall turn to God and to His ways--and then, with Christ once more on earth, this time as the KING of kings, ruling the entire world, we shall at last have--PEACE!

In the meantime, it is OUR responsibility to WARN the people of these things--to show our people that the one way to victory and to peace is thru our GOD--thru repentance, returning to God's laws, placing our faith and trust in HIM! Meanwhile, it is our responsibility to proclaim to our people and to the world the GOOD NEWS of the coming KINGDOM OF GOD, wherein we SHALL have peace and prosperity! In other words, to proclaim the true GOSPEL of JESUS CHRIST, and the way of salvation, that we may ENTER into that KINGDOM of peace!

The CALL to ARMS !

I want you to notice one prophecy for THIS VERY HOUR! It is Joel 2:1; 15-17: "Blow ye the trumpet in ZION, and sound the alarm in My HOLY MOUNTAIN." A trumpet is a WARNING--an alarm of war. Where are we to sound it? "In ZION"--in God's holy mountain. That is, the true CHURCH--among GOD'S PEOPLE--the HOLY people-- those who are God's own true children. We are, therefore, CALLED TO ARMS! True Christians are CALLED TO ARMS! We are to sound a WARNING. What is it? "Let all the inhabitants of the land TREMBLE: for the DAY OF THE LORD COMETH." The warning of the trouble to come--the DAY OF THE LORD--the time of God's plagues, now soon to follow. We, the Christians, are to warn "ALL THE INHABITANTS OF THE LAND." Read also verses 15:17. We are to take this call to arms so seriously we FAST and PRAY!

The nations of this world are at war. We, as Christians, are "ambassadors for Christ." We have answered God's battle cry! We, too, have been called to WAR! What's OUR mission? Shouting God's WARNING--proclaiming His MESSAGE--preaching the GOSPEL! We fight with a SWORD--the symbolical sword of the SPIRIT, which is THE WORD OF GOD. The sword issues from our MOUTHS--by proclaiming fearlessly and forcefully GOD'S WARNING! Yes, we're soldiers for CHRIST! And THIS IS WAR!

It requires of us sacrifices, courage, perhaps suffering. Shall we be any less good soldiers than those fighting for doomed MATERIAL kingdoms, and godless satanic human leaders like Hitler and Hiro-Hito? They fight like inspired fiends. They offer their very LIVES--they give up EVERYTHING.

The Eternal God has placed in OUR hands, thru the WORLD TOMORROW program over nine powerful radio stations, and thru The PLAIN TRUTH, powerful facilities for fighting His battle--for using His sword, which is sending forth the WORD OF GOD! Precious souls are being converted all over the United States! Many are being awakened! Letters keep pouring in by the hundreds testifying to this! Already between a half and three quarters of a million souls are reached by the broadcasts EVERY SUNDAY. The present circulation of The PLAIN TRUTH is 35,000 copies, and this is going up rapidly. Within three to four months we must add more powerful radio stations to reach still other hundreds of thousands of people with the vital message of the hour.

It is IMPERATIVE that I get out another issue of The PLAIN TRUTH immediately--so it can be in the mails in less than four weeks! Between a third and a half of it is already set to type. Most of the remainder of this issue is already written. I believe you'll find it the MOST INTERESTING issue yet! But, in addition to our weekly expense now running into hundreds of dollars, we must have ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS additional before this next PLAIN TRUTH can be printed and mailed. I must order the paper AT ONCE, cash in advance--and I do not have the cash on hand! We have 10,000 empty envelopes addressed to ten thousand people who have asked for the booklet "United States in Prophecy." It will take $500 to print this edition to fill those envelopes and other requests still to come. GOD'S WORK IS WAITING ON OUR CO-WORKERS! We are storing up treasure in heaven, when we put our tithes and free-will offerings cheerfully into this glorious work of the Eternal. The need is great--it is URGENT. Let us keep up the good fight! We're in this war, too! This is GOD'S "loan drive." You'll be paid back with overwhelming interest--Christ will bring your reward with Him when He comes--SOON! KEEP PRAYING! Stand by me! And GOD BLESS YOU! In Jesus' name.



March 20, 1944 Co-Worker Letter - Herbert W Armstrong - Should We Have Churches?



A personal letter to all the brethren of The Churches of God, from your pastor, co-laborer, and fellow-servant in Christ, Herbert W. Armstrong, Box 111, Eugene.

Number 3 March 20th, 1944


The LORD'S SUPPER, or PASSOVER will be observed this year on Thursday night, April 6th, after sundown. April 7th is the "PREPARATION". This date, sunset April 6th until sunset April 7th, 1944, is Abib 14th, sacred calendar.

The seven DAYS OF UNLEAVENED BREAD begin with a night service, on Friday night, April 7th---the "night to be much observed unto the Eternal,"---and lasting thru to sunset Friday April 14th. All leaven must be out of our homes before sunset April 7th. The FIRST HOLYDAY falls on the weekly Sabbath, April 8th. The second holyday, an annual Sabbath upon which no work may be done except preparation of food, and on which we should hold an all-day meeting at each church, falls on Friday, April 14th (beginning, of course, sunset April 13th.)

PENTECOST falls on May 29th. (From sunset Sunday, May 28th thru Monday to sunset).

FEAST OF TRUMPETS, 1st day of seventh month (sacred calendar), September 18th (beginning sunset 17th).

DAY OF ATONEMENT, 10th day seventh month sacred calendar, Wednesday, September 27th. (Begins sunset 26th).

FEAST OF TABERNACLES, 15th to thru 22nd of seven month sacred calendar, begins with night meeting after sunset October 1st, lasting until sunset October 9th. The annual Sabbaths are Monday, October 2nd, and Monday October 9th.

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WHY should you brethren who meet at Eugene Church have this church? And you brethren at Vancouver---up in Everett---or down in Los Angeles, WHY should you group yourselves together into a local CHURCH group? Do we have a divine PURPOSE and FUNCTION? Are we sure we know what it is? Let's search the Scripture and see.

First, we must fix in mind the truth that this world today literally is "in BABYLON." Satan is the god of this world (II Cor. 4:4)---he appears as an angel of LIGHT---he has his ministers who claim to be the ministers of Jesus Christ (II Cor. 11)---he is the god worshipped by the worldly churches! The whole world is ORGANIZED today, according to Satan's pattern. It is organized commercially in a competitive economic system; organized into man-ruled civil governments of man's devising; organized into CHURCHES. And this we know---the TRUE church must be different, and separate!

So to understand exactly what each of our own little local groups OUGHT to be---our true divine PURPOSE and FUNCTION and REASON FOR EXISTING---we need to begin at the very beginning. Let's briefly sketch it thru.

When God created our first parents, He gave them His law-- His way of life. But as men multiplied upon earth, they turned from God's ways of LOVE---the way of humility, of GIVING, of serving---to the grasping ways of lust and greed and vanity---their minds on evil continually.

So God wiped out, thru the flood, the entire human family save eight souls. This colossal judgment should have taught men their lesson. But it took Satan only two generations to find a man of ability and capacity thru whom he could DECEIVE the whole human family into a society of ORGANIZED competition based on the selfish principle. Ham, son of Noah, survived the flood. The first son of Ham was Ethiopia. And "Ethiopia produced Nimrod, the first man on earth to be a despot. . . His Empire at first was Babylon, Uruk, Akkad, and Kalneh, in the land of Shinar; from which he PUSHED OUT into Assyria, building the great city of Nineveh and its suburbs." (Gen. 10:8-12, Moffatt Translation).

Beginning of ORGANIZATION---Man Ruling Man

Nimrod was the first man to huddle families together in CITIES---to ORGANIZE people into the ORGANIZED form of society whereby one man or a few men assume AUTHORITY over, and regulate the lives of the others.

IT WAS CONTRARY TO GOD'S WAY FOR MEN TO BE SO ORGANIZED THAT ONE OR A FEW MEN HAVE AUTHORITY TO RULE OVER THEIR FELLOWS! It is contrary to the principles of God's Law. But thru Nimrod Satan started this world off on the ORGANIZED system. This system began with and is based on the principle of building CITIES as centers of various organized activities--centers of civil and other GOVERNMENT; centers for industry, commerce, business; centers for religious and social activity.

Thus the competitive principle--the selfish, greedy, self-exalting way of life--the SINNING principle--became ORGANIZED. At first, as the Scripture shows and ancient histories record, each CITY was a kingdom in itself. Each city had a KING. The world was organized into a system of CITY- STATES. Each city had its army. The selfish, getting, sinning principle was now organized for carrying out the principle of competition in ARMED AGGRESSION. One king, lusting for more power and wealth, sent his army invading a rival city-state. If he conquered it, he now ruled TWO city-states. Soon he rules over three--then more. Soon some of these despots were ruling over NATIONS composed of several cities and the rural population in between. Thus NATIONS came into being. Life inside each nation became more and more highly ORGANIZED. Yes, SATAN is the GREATEST ORGANIZER IN THE WORLD--and he had the world believing in the principle of human-devised and man-ruled organization,-- even in the CHURCHES!

We come down to the time of ABRAHAM. Abram was living in Babylon--in Ur of the Chaldees. He was born and raised in such a society--even as you and I today. In the 12th chapter of Genesis we read how God called Abram out of this life and environment, to a life of SEPARATION in a land God would show him. He was led to the promised land--PALESTINE. God made a COVENANT with him, which after ABRAHAM'S test, was UNCONDITIONAL.

Some four hundred years later we find, recorded in the early chapters of Exodus, God carrying out the first phase of His promise to Abraham. The promised Birthright was handed down to Isaac, to Jacob whose name was changed to ISRAEL, and to Ephraim- Manasseh, sons of JOSEPH. The descendants of Abraham, thru the twelve sons of Israel, had grown into a multitude of 600,000 men--probably two to six million people, counting women and children. They were slaves in the land of Egypt. So God prepared MOSES in a special way to lead these Israelites out of the physical slavery and bondage of HIGHLY-ORGANIZED EGYPT--back to the promised land.

And when they came, in their journey, to Mt. Sinai, God made a proposition to these Israelites thru Moses. Here was the whole world ORGANIZED UNDER Satan's competitive system started by Nimrod--a pagan Babylonish civilization. In such a world no nation could survive without organization. God now Himself proposed to organize HIS people, Israel, according to a divine plan of organization--different from the worldly system. The people accepted God's proposition.

So God made a solemn COVENANT with these Israelites. It was a MARRIAGE CONTRACT. It TIED these Israelites to God in a husband-and-wife relationship. It bound them to Him as HIS PECULIAR PEOPLE. Under this marriage Covenant the twelve tribes were ORGANIZED--not after man's pattern--not a despotism, dictatorship, autocracy, or monarchy---or yet even "democracy"-- but a THEOCRACY!

GOD'S GOVERNMENT --- Under OLD Covenant

Under this MARRIAGE covenant, Israel was made utterly DEPENDENT upon God--utterly obedient to Him, in a husband-and- wife relationship. Under this OLD Covenant, the Israelites were organized as a DUAL government---both STATE, and CHURCH. As a STATE, or civil government, they were called "The KINGDOM of Israel," or "The HOUSE of Israel." But as a Church they were called "The CONGREGATION of Israel."

Their civil government was THEOCRACY. There was no human king--no man to usurp authority to rule over his fellows! GOD was their king. No man was to issue orders, decrees, directives, regulations, or laws---nor were they to have any law-making body of men. Their laws came direct from God--and all were based upon and in harmony with the great basic SPIRITUAL law of LOVE--the Ten Commandments---the principle of GIVING, and of humility and dependence upon God.

The civil laws were administered by JUDGES. The church ceremonies, sacrifices, and rituals, were administered by the PRIESTS---the Levites. It was, incidentally, a FLESH-born church, not a Spirit-born church. Every man, woman, and child in the nation was a member of the one church. Membership came by BIRTH. There was no promise of receiving the Holy Spirit, or of salvation or eternal life. Only the prophets and leaders had God's Spirit.

MISSION of OLD Testament Church

Now we come to an important point.

The MISSION---the PURPOSE and FUNCTION of the OLD Testament Church was not evangelistic. When God first called them out of Egypt to be His Church, He did not say to them: "Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel to all nations." Neither did He give them this commission at Mt. Sinai--or at any other time or place, during the Old-Covenant Church!

Rather, they were to have absolutely NOTHING to do with Gentiles whatever! They came to consider Gentiles as dogs and mongrels--as unclean. They would not so much as eat with a Gentile. When God sent Peter to preach the first NEW-Testament sermon to Gentiles, under the NEW Covenant, you remember Peter felt he should not carry the Gospel to Gentiles, and God had to give him the vision of the sheet filled with unclean animals before he would go. Upon return, Peter was called to task by his brother-apostles, until he explained how God had shown him the Gospel now was to be carried to ALL nations. (See Acts 10 and 11).

What, then, was the function of the OLD Testament Church? It was concerned with a constant round of RITUAL---sacrifices, meat and drink offerings, carnal (physical) ordinances, washings, etc., of the Law of Moses. Consider, then, how DIFFERENT was the Church of that day from the true NEW Testament church!

Every citizen, remember, was a member of that one CHURCH, the Congregation of Israel. If we had that kind of condition today, every family in Cottage Grove would belong to the ONE CHURCH. In Eugene, in Portland, in Vancouver, in Everett, it would be the same. Just ONE CHURCH, and every man, woman, and child in the city would be a member. There was not just ONE minister in each town or city---or one for several. There were scores, or hundreds of priests for each city the size of some of ours. About every twelfth man (one whole TRIBE of the twelve tribes) was a priest!

And now what was the FUNCTION of those MINISTERS? It was to minister, solely, to the LOCAL congregation---to officiate at all these continual ordinances, sacrifices, rituals, washings, and services. The priests of the OLD Testament Church had no duty but to minister to the LOCAL congregations! We shall see how DIFFERENT is God's commission today!

But, remember, that church was made up of carnal-minded, UN-converted people who had not been "baptized into the one Body BY THE SPIRIT." And so it was that these people soon departed from God's rules and ways. They profaned and departed from His Sabbath---His SIGN by which there were to KNOW that He alone--the CREATOR--- is GOD. This led to idolatry. Soon they were grumbling and complaining of God's ways, demanding that a man be exalted to become KING and have authority over them, like the pagan nations around them. Thus they REJECTED God as their king!

More and more they wanted to live like the other nations ---the ways of pleasing SELF--- of PLEASURE---of greed and GETTING ---of organized COMPETITION---of exalting self, and humans. Thus they departed from God's ways, and drew deeper and deeper into the ways of SIN.

And thus they BROKE their marriage-Covenant with God, which had set them up as His organized CHURCH and STATE. So God DIVORCED Israel (Jeremiah 3:8). He CUT OFF the church ORGANIZATION ---CUT OFF the government--took away from Israel the divine right to GOVERN!

Right of GOVERNMENT Given over to GENTILES

Get this point! Listen!! "If ye will not hearken unto me, and will not do all these commandments .... they that hate you shall reign over you," God warned them (Lev. 26:14-17). And this punishment was to last for "SEVEN TIMES"---twenty-five hundred and twenty years!

First, the House of Israel (Ten Tribes) sinned and was driven into captivity. They then dwelt many days without a king. God took away from them the right and privilege of continuing under His GOVERNMENT---both Church and state. Next, Judah sinned even worse, and Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon was sent down by the Eternal to capture Judah.

And to King Nebuchadnezzar---the first of the GENTILE kings, starting the "TIMES OF THE GENTILES"---Daniel was inspired of God to say: "The God of heaven hath given thee a kingdom, and power, and strength, and glory." (Dan. 2:37). It was a WORLD ruling kingdom (verse 38). It was the first of FOUR such WORLD- RULING Gentile Empires to last for the 2520 years of the "TIMES OF THE GENTILES."

What does this mean? It means that so far as government in His CHURCH is concerned---or any form of DIVINE government--- GOD TOOK AWAY ALL DIVINE GOVERNMENT FROM ISRAEL and turned the right to govern (the human, competitive, Nimrod way) over to the GENTILES for the duration of the TIMES OF THE GENTILES! And that period is not yet over!

And since, all government on earth has been on the PAGAN principle---man-ruled, competitive! ALL GOVERNMENT ON EARTH DURING THIS 2520 YEAR PERIOD IS CONTRARY TO GOD'S FORM OF GOVERNMENT! It is not God's will. It is contrary to His Plan, His laws. All forms of GOVERNMENT today, whether civil or religious, are PAGAN in form---based on the NIMROD principle! They are WORLDLY! And they are WRONG! We are, of course, as Christians, to submit to such civil government as may have jurisdiction over us---to pray for our presidents, kings, or rulers---but WE ARE NOT TO BE OF THEM.

The True NEW-Testament CHURCH

Get this! It seems almost none have seen it, but it was the MARRIAGE covenant made at Sinai which ESTABLISHED Israel as a GOVERNMENT. When the covenant was annulled---the DIVORCE given Israel, ---the right of GOVERNMENT, so far as God's type government is concerned, was taken from Israel. The privilege of government is given over to the GENTILES because God always PERMITS human beings to break His laws, and to live or organize contrary to them ---but as men sow, so do they reap!

In due time, God sent His Son, Christ the Messiah, as the MESSENGER OF THE (New) COVENANT (Mal. 3:1). And so Jesus came into Galilee preaching the Gospel of the KINGDOM (government) of GOD (Mark 1:14)---the GOOD NEWS of a KINGDOM, or GOVERNMENT to be set up only when Jesus shall come again as KING of kings (world ruler) and LORD of lords (world high-priest).

By the time He came, the Jews had gotten themselves organized into a number of SECTS, or denominations. There were the Pharisees, the Sadducees, the Essenes, the Samaritans, etc. JESUS JOINED NONE OF THEM---rather He called His followers OUT of all organized denominations!

And JESUS NEVER ORGANIZED A CHURCH---He never ONCE gave His disciples any form of Church GOVERNMENT---He never once gave any man AUTHORITY OVER His Church, or power to rule!

"Ye know," Jesus said, speaking of the GENTILE-type government as started by Nimrod, "that they which are accounted to RULE OVER the GENTILES exercise lordship over them; and their great ones exercise AUTHORITY upon them. BUT SO SHALL IT N O T BE AMONG YOU." (Mark 10:42-43).

It is true Jesus gave His apostles AUTHORITY---but over what? Listen! "Then called He His twelve disciples together, and gave them power AND AUTHORITY" .... over WHAT? over MEN? No, NEVER, but ... "over all devils, and to cure diseases." (Luke 9:1). Why is it that those men posing as the "ministers of Jesus Christ" today never ATTEMPT to exercise this divinely-given AUTHORITY over demons, and over sickness and disease, but trust in the pagan science of MEDICINE which originated in EGYPT---and yet they assume authority over MEN in what they call Christ's CHURCH, which authority Christ never gave! Isn't this twisting and wresting the Scripture---turning it upside down!

It is said that PETER was the "big boss"---that Christ gave him AUTHORITY to rule the Church. I will gladly pay $25 for one text showing the delegation of this authority! Rather, when the disciples at Jerusalem heard that Samaria had accepted the Gospel from Philip's evangelism, Peter did not order the two men to go to Samaria to lay hands on the new converts for receiving the Holy Spirit. No, rather the other disciples---as a whole---SENT Peter and John on this mission. Peter did not do the sending---HE WAS SENT. Not by any man, by ALL the disciples!

Of course, we do find local church organization in that limited degree necessary to preserve decency and ORDER in the conduct of church services. There were elders and deacons in each local church.

How Elders and Deacons are Selected

But, even here, THERE IS NO POLITICS---none of the usual WORLDLY methods in selecting local elders and deacons!

The NEW Testament procedure---if we wish to follow it--- does not provide for these officers being ELECTED by local congregations; neither does it provide for their appointment by some "big boss" in general authority over ALL the churches, or over a large district. This all would lead, as it does in the practice of worldly denominations, to PLAYING POLITICS---to showing respect to persons, to the competitive spirit, even to various forms of bribery, graft, personal favoritism.

Rather, the DIVINE pattern, as found in the NEW TESTAMENT, is that those EVANGELISTS, called of God, USED of Him in converting enough souls to raise up local churches, are to APPOINT, and ORDAIN the elders and deacons in the local churches raised up and organized by them.

For example, Paul and Barnabas, "returned again to Lystra and to Iconicum, and Antioch, confirming the souls of the disciples, and exhorting them to continue in the faith ... and when they had ordained them elders in every church, and had prayed with fasting, they commended them to the Lord." (Acts 14:21-23). The local congregations did not elect them. Paul and Barnabas were not executives ruling a church government IN AUTHORITY. They were simply humble evangelists, used of God, the fruits of whose labors PROVED God was working thru them.

Paul gave this same instruction to the evangelists he was sending out. To Titus, here was the divinely-inspired instruction:

"For this cause left I thee in Crete, that thou shouldest set in order (this does not say ORGANIZE on the worldly GOVERNMENT plan) the things that are wanting, and ordain elders in every city, as I had appointed thee." Then follows the divine qualifications for an elder.

How are we to know, then, today, who is thus qualified and led of God to ordain the elders and deacons in the local churches? Not by any authority vested by MEN---but by the call of GOD. "BY THEIR FRUITS ye shall know them." If, for instance, an evangelist comes to our Pacific Northwest claiming exalted titles in a man-made political organization, and the only FRUITS he leaves as a result of his labors are dissentions and divisions and bitterness sewn among brethren, with no souls converted, WE KNOW, by his fruits, that man was never called of God. But if a man's efforts have resulted in many conversions---many being led deeper into the TRUTH who never saw it before---whole churches raised up, not by the competitive method of proselyting and taking members away from others, but by converting people from the world ---the sick healed, the gospel preached to thousands---then this is fruit that NO MAN can produce EXCEPT GOD BE THE REAL POWER IN HIS LABORS!

In the Churches of God, we have always followed this New Testament divine pattern. This is one of our BELIEFS that makes us DIFFERENT.


Now we come to the real question---WHY should you brethren who meet at Eugene---at Cottage Grove---at Jefferson---at Oregon City---at Portland, Vancouver, Everett, or Los Angeles---group yourselves together, assemble together every Sabbath as a local CHURCH group? What is our divine PURPOSE and MISSION? Do we have one?

I wish to divide this question into two phases:

1) What is the God-given function and mission of the MINISTER?

2) What is the divine PURPOSE and mission of the CONGREGATION?

Isn't it just HUMAN that here and there one of our number might get to looking at the way OTHER churches are conducted, and begin to think we ought to be more like them? It sometimes seems hard to remember those other churches are WORLDLY---in BABYLON--- organized and conducted according to the NIMROD principle of organization. We are DIFFERENT. We seek a BIBLE REASON for all we do! Isn't that one thing that makes us proud to belong to the Churches of God?

So, first, the mission, the function, of the MINISTRY.

In the denominational churches about us, each church has its own local pastor. His function is to MINISTER TO the local congregation. He devotes his entire time to serving, ministering to, the local MEMBERS. Thru the week he devotes his time to visiting the members in their homes, or in various social activities of the church.

You see, whether they realize it or not, everything in these churches is on the GETTING BASIS. The only united activity, aside from social and religious activity among themselves, is an effort to GET more members, or take them away from other churches. The members attend only for what they are GETTING out of it.

Perhaps they are like one of our brethren, when he was first converted. Whenever I was in his city preaching he would always try to attend, but when I was not there he seldom came. Then one Sabbath I asked him about it and he replied, "Well, I don't seem to GET much out of it except when you are there, so I don't come." But when I explained the Christian is to be on the GIVING side, not the GETTING, and applied this principle to church- attendance, he instantly saw the point and began attending regularly with the thought in mind of how much he could CONTRIBUTE to the others, rather than what he could GET from them---and his spiritual progress was much more rapid from that time.

But in our churches---the Churches of GOD---GOD'S churches, what is the function we want our pastors to perform? What should be the true divine CALLING and COMMISSION of the MINISTER? To visit our members in their homes, to minister to US, to serve US? Do we, the lay members pay our tithes and give our offerings IN PAYMENT FOR SERVICES RENDERED to US? Are we only paying for what we GET?

Let's see the commission of Jesus. Remember, under the OLD Covenant, the ministers DID devote their entire time ministering to local members. Is that changed in the NEW Covenant dispensation?

Let us note, first DURING Jesus' earthly ministry, when His disciples acted as His assistants; and then, secondly, His commission after the close of His ministry, when He was departing to heaven.

But first of all, JESUS' OWN EXAMPLE---for He was the EXAMPLE for ministers to follow, as well as the EXAMPLE of private Christian living. According to Acts 10:34-38 Jesus' ministry did not begin until after "the baptism which John preached." He was a Messenger, sent from God with a MESSAGE---the Messenger of the (NEW) Covenant, who proclaimed the New Testament GOSPEL. Mark says: "Now after that John was put in prison, Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the GOSPEL (Good News) of the KINGDOM (government) of GOD." (Mark 1:14). In preaching the Gospel, Jesus called disciples to BELIEVE the Gospel, follow Him, be converted. But did He---the example for YOUR pastor to follow today---devote all His time to them, visiting them in their homes, serving them, ministering to them? No, by far the greatest portion of His time and effort was spent in carrying the Gospel on to OTHERS.

After Jesus had selected, called, and instructed His disciples, He did not remain with them, devoting His time to them alone---tho He continued thru His ministry to minister to them and teach them. "And it came to pass, when Jesus had made an end of commanding His twelve disciples, He departed thence to teach and preach in their cities. Now when John heard in the prison the works of Christ, he sent two of his disciples and said unto Him, 'Art thou He who should come, or do we look for another?'" (Mat. 11:1-3). How was John to KNOW whether Jesus was sent of GOD---whether He had authority to do what things such ministers of God are authorized to do? Jesus did not send back any credentials signed by men. He did not tell John's disciples He had been elected, or appointed, by vote of the congregation or some denomination. He pointed directly to the FRUITS of His labors---fruits which could be performed ONLY by one in and thru whom GOD was working. Thus He pointed to GOD'S selection, not man's. That is the sole standard by which we should determine, today, who is called of God to raise up churches, ordain elders and deacons, etc. But, "Jesus went about all the cities and villages ... PREACHING the Gospel of the Kingdom." Jesus was, first of all, an EVANGELIST.

How about those He called to His ministry? DURING His ministry they acted as His assistant-evangelists: "These twelve Jesus SENT FORTH, and commanded them, saying ... As ye go, PREACH, saying the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand." (Mat. 10:5,7). Seventy other disciples were sent as advance emissaries into every city and place He was to come later. After His resurrection, just before ascending to heaven, Jesus' final COMMISSION to His ministers was: "GO YE INTO ALL THE WORLD AND PREACH THE GOSPEL." True, Jesus had said to Peter, "Feed my sheep." The minister is to preach to, minister to the FLOCK---the BRETHREN in our local churches. That is PART of the divine commission, given to the SAME ministers who are commissioned "GO YE INTO ALL THE WORLD AND PREACH THE GOSPEL."

But the evangelistic mission of CARRYING THE GOSPEL is FIRST, and was always stressed MOST by our Saviour! Peter and all the apostles did the same. Paul charged the elders "FEED THE FLOCK," meaning the local congregations. This is most important. But it is SECONDARY to the FIRST mission of SPREADING THE TRUE GOSPEL--- especially in these LAST DAYS when Jesus said the GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM must now be preached and published over the world, BEFORE THE END OF THE AGE.

Now the divine PURPOSE of the CONGREGATION. The individual Christian is called to a CALLING. He is to become, in the Kingdom a king (civil ruler) or priest (spiritual teacher). There is a DUAL purpose in the Christian life. One is to prepare, train, and fit him to assume the responsibilities to be given him then. But ALSO he is to have HIS PART in PRESENT EVANGELISM--- before the end of this age! Notice just two converts: One, whom Jesus called, wanted to first go and bury his dead father. "Let the dead bury the dead," answered Jesus, "but go thou and preach the KINGDOM OF GOD. And another also said, Lord I will follow thee; but let me first go bid them farewell, which are at my house.

And Jesus said unto him, No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God." These were just converts---not ministers. The FIRST duty, function, purpose, and commission of the CHURCH is to PROCLAIM THE MESSAGE! Each of you brethren has put his hand to the plough. You have YOUR part in it.


How thankful we are that we have this light---that God has revealed to us His divine purpose---that our churches are not social clubs---our purpose not to GET but to GIVE---we do not have churches just to ENJOY ourselves and be ministered to, but to MINISTER. And out of our LITTLE FLOCK---our few little church groups, has grown a work of evangelism that is SHOUTING THE MESSAGE all over the North-American continent---a truly great work for so small a membership! Each of us has his part---in PRAYER, in tithes and offerings, in encouraging and upholding the pastor---and I know each is thankful for the privilege! The minister cannot carry the load of evangelism alone---ALL our hands are to the plow!


May 30 1944 Co-Worker Letter - Herbert W Armstrong - Plea for Money


Written enroute, May 30, 1944 Printed and mailed from office, Box 111, Eugene, Oregon

Dear Co-Workers:

Another issue of The BULLETIN is past due, but I have been so busy broadcasting eight time a week from Des Moines--every week day, and twice on sundays--in addition to preparing and recording programs also for all the other stations, that I have not had time to prepare it. And so I find it necessary to rush to you just now, in the meantime, a special and VERY URGENT letter.

I have just concluded three weeks of DAILY broadcasting from Des Moines, in a special radio Bible-study series. I have been so happy to have Mrs. Armstrong with me this trip, and we have met many listeners personally, visited a number in their homes, had Bible studies with several. Before going to Des Moines, we met a number of our listeners in San Antonio, Texas, following a Sunday night broadcast from there, and I was surprised and much pleased to find that so many of the ladies were more interested in meeting Mrs. Armstrong than me. Several expressed surprise and great joy in learning that her whole heart is in God's glorious work, just as much as mine. The fact is, it is thru her that I was really converted and brought into God's work. And while her voice never is heard on the air, she has from the first been just as actively a part of this work as I. Since I have learned, on this trip, both at San Antonio and at Des Moines, that so many listeners have felt it is a rare thing for a man's wife to be whole-heartedly WITH him in a work of this kind, I thought I would just make mention of this fact in this letter for ALL our Co-Workers to know. Somehow I have always had a conviction, even before I was converted and drawn by the Eternal into His work, that God Himself really selected my wife for me, and while it's rather a personal matter, I don't mind saying just to our inner family of Co-workers who are WITH us in this work, that even before I was converted I never went to sleep at night without praying and thanking God for giving her to me.

She has been constantly by my side, and during the seven long, hard years when we were getting this work started from NOTHING, growing to a nation-wide power and influence--in the days when we had just one small, little inside office without window, or fresh air or sunlight, she worked tirelessly in the office, printing The PLAIN TRUTH on a hand mimeograph machine, folding, sorting, mailing them and other literature, writing letters to many listeners, helping every way she could. She helps me to prepare the broadcasts, checks over the script with me before it goes on the air, also articles for The PLAIN TRUTH before they are sent to the printers, and in every way is a most important part of this work. We have four fine children, two boys, 14 and 15, and two daughters, one married, and the other financial secretary in our office--and still more, we have two VERY fine little grandchildren, a boy not quite two years, and a girl just four months. Now I didn't intend, when I started this letter, saying a word about my wife, but I felt that God has blessed me so ABUNDANTLY in so many ways, and first of all--aside from the promise of salvation--with such a good wife, and incidentally I feel sure from their expressions that all our listeners and Co-Workers who have met her this trip feel the same way.

What I started out to say is this: I have just completed three weeks of daily broadcasting from Des Moines--we are now on our way back home--expecting to stop off this evening a few hours in Kansas to visit a man and wife who were converted by the broadcast, and whom I personally baptised last August. And, after being at my office in Eugene for a short time, I feel I must return soon to Hollywood to broadcast another daily series of Bible studies over station KMTR, to our listeners throughout Southern California. And then, if we can get the time from 11:05 PM, following an 11 PM news broadcast, over station WOAI, I hope to be able later to return to San Antonio for a daily series there--and if not available over WOAI, which reaches the entire HEMISPHERE at that hour, from the tip of South America to the North Pole, then at least to conduct a daily Bible-lecture series over one of the local San Antonio stations, or possibly a Texas net-work, for our many interested listeners in that section.

And in connection with that I hope soon, now, to be able to prepare, print, and have ready for free distribution, the series of articles I have had in mind SO LONG, taking the reader thru a THOROUGH course in Bible study, going much DEEPER into vital spiritual subjects than I can over the air or in The PLAIN TRUTH. I have a heavy burden on my heart for this series of articles--but it means much more work and effort and expense than one would realize, and will take a little time.

In these DAILY broadcasts I can start on a series of subjects and go into them much deeper than I can on the Sunday programs. But of course, while it does a TREMENDOUS AMOUNT of good, all this costs added money, and reports from the office in Eugene indicate very little money coming in again the past ten days. The PLAIN TRUTH is all printed, and half mailed out, but this sudden let-down in tithes and offerings received has prevented my staff from being able to mail out the remainder. The postage ALONE for this issue costs $350.00. The fact is, there are about 20,000 copies yet to be mailed, and for this we need at ONCE an additional $200.

I wonder if our co-workers realize one vital DIFFERENCE between our work and that of other broadcast programs. In the first place, we have no denomination or organization back of us to finance this work and guarantee the bills. All must come, as it has from the small beginning, by FAITH. Secondly, we NEVER ASK FOR MONEY, or even make known our need, over the air, or in The PLAIN TRUTH, or in ANY literature we send out, except in the BULLETIN, or a very rare letter such as this one, which goes only just to those who have VOLUNTARILY, and without solicitation, become one of our co-workers. NONE other of our listeners or PLAIN TRUTH readers ever receive ANY request for money from us, in any form whatsoever. The Gospel MUST NOT BE SOLD. We cannot put a PRICE on any Gospel literature. Of the 35,000 who receive The PLAIN TRUTH, more than 33,000 of them have NEVER received any request or solicitation for money from us in any form whatsoever! I'm afraid some of our Co- Workers never realize this. In every religious or gospel broadcast I know of, there is a request for money sent out OVER THE AIR in every program. You NEVER hear this on The WORLD TOMORROW program, because I do not believe it is God's way or His will--and if we can't carry on His work HIS WAY, and according to His will, we won't attempt to carry on at all. If I ASKED for money over the air, put a PRICE on The PLAIN TRUTH, or begged for money in it of all our 35,000 readers (or probably over a hundred thousand, because we find more than three people read every copy), then we would receive at least twice as much money as we do. But it isn't God's way. I CAN'T DO IT!

Another thing, sending out The PLAIN TRUTH and other literature make necessary a great deal of added office expense in keeping our mailing lists constantly checked and up to date. As a result, we have to maintain an office staff two or three times as large as others conducting similar broadcasts, for the same number of stations. The publishing work, sending literature FREE to so many, costs just as much as the broadcasting, so that the cost of the broadcast is only HALF of out total expense. Some might say, "Why not drop the magazine and publishing work?" but if they knew, as we do, he good this is doing they would never suggest that. No, we shall NEVER drop the publishing work! It has resulted in too precious a harvest of souls. Rather, my aim and determination is to get the publishing work now better established, so The PLAIN TRUTH comes out more often and REGULARLY.

But the net meaning of what I have here explained is this: For the size of our broadcast, we have double the expense of others, while, by being faithful to God's way of not charging for the Gospel, selling it for a price, putting a price on it, or begging for money over the air, our income is probably cut in half. That simply means we have to TRUST GOD to lay it on the hearts of our loyal co-workers to DO THEIR PART liberally, cheerfully, constantly and continuously. We simply have to depend upon a few, who are able (even at sacrifice) to send in reasonably large sums of a hundred dollars or more. Some COULD place as much as five or ten thousand dollars in God's work, and never did the work of the Almighty, so vital in these closing days, need it as now! There simply are not enough of the one, two, and five dollar offerings to keep this work going--and growing! But to many, a dollar or five dollars means just as great a sacrifice as a thousand or five thousand would to a few others, and if you are one of them, God will bless you MORE than He will the one who COULD place five or ten thousand in His work, but only puts in perhaps twenty-five or fifty. All do not have the same ability. God knows YOUR circumstances, and is abundantly able to supply you with enough to have a continuous and active part in HIS GLORIOUS WORK, and to make up to anyone whatever sacrifice they make for HIS CAUSE!

The need is URGENT, and GREAT. A self-addressed envelope is enclosed. Will you rush, even by air-mail if possible, the largest possible offering you are able to place in God's work at this time? Remember, GOD'S WORK should come FIRST above EVERYTHING. Seek ye FIRST the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all those things (material needs) shall be added to you. God bless you!



August 21 1944 Co-Worker Letter - Herbert W Armstrong - Fast and Prays at the Beach


August 21, 1944 Eugene, Oregon

Dear Friend and Co-Worker:

Mrs. Armstrong and I have just returned from two weeks complete rest at the beach, where we spent eleven days in fasting and prayer. We had both been hitting a pretty hard pace, and sometimes one just has to stop and take time out and recuperate. We return now, greatly refreshed and renewed, not only in body, but in mind and spirit, for the heavy tasks that lie ahead.

Our office staff is preparing another BULLETIN. With it I plan to include, this time, a special full article I hope will prove of real interest and profitable and helpful to our co-workers. However, there is more work involved in getting out an issue of The BULLETIN than our co-workers probably realize, and it will be two weeks or more before it can be mailed.

In the meantime, I find that there has been a serious slackening in money received the past week or so, and this suddenly brings on a very serious condition in the work. I have to send out several hundred dollars every week to keep this great work going, and this week we just don't have it to send out.

Consequently, since the situation is too serious to wait until the BULLETIN is out, I am sending this short letter today to just a few of our loyal co-workers on the Pacific Coast only, to acquaint you with the situation and ask all of you who possibly can to come to the rescue by return mail to tide us over. We need several hundred dollars by return mail, and there is not time to get letters to the other parts of the country and back.

I have just learned of the possibility of securing a good night time on a station in Mexico, on the border--a station of ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND WATTS POWER--twice as powerful as the biggest stations in the United States--twice the power of our super-power station, WOAI, which is 50,000 watts, the largest power permitted in the United States. I am leaving for Hollywood next Sunday after the broadcast from Portland, and so now I plan to contact this station and see if we can arrange to secure a good night time on it. It will cover the whole North-American continent, perhaps even better than WOAI--tho that is the best United States station for this purpose. If God opens the way, it will virtually double our total listening audience! And the cost is comparatively low.

To our Southern California co-workers let me say that I want to arrange for about four weeks of every-day broadcasting while there if I can work it out, bringing you a new, fresh series of messages utterly different from anything you ever heard before, yet basically fundamental to understanding of the Bible, of redemption, of God's plan, and of the purpose and significance of God's people ISRAEL. You'll want to listen in EVERY DAY, because you can't afford to miss a single one of these vital subjects. Each forms a necessary link in a wonderful chain.

You dear co-workers have stood with me so loyally, and have never failed God's work when a real need has arisen. God PROMISES to supply every need--but He does it thru those servants of His whose hearts are willing, and whom He can use. This is a real serious, and URGENT situation. I would even appreciate it if you'd send your tithe or offering, as liberal as you possibly can spare, by air-mail if you live farther away than Portland. We must never let up in our battle to proclaim in great power the true GOSPEL of the Kingdom, and the prophetic warning Message to ISRAEL for this hour. God bless you for YOUR part in His glorious work!

In haste,



September 21, 1944 Co-Worker Letter - Herbert W Armstrong

Preach to Nations? - Dorothy Armstrong Marries



VOL. 5 Number 4. September 21, 1944


Hollywood, Calif. -- GREETINGS, dear Co-Worker family, in Jesus' name. Once again I am broadcasting daily in a special series over KMTR, at 4:45 PM, besides Sunday mornings at 9:30.

I have just returned from a conference with radio-station representatives. They represent foreign SHORT-WAVE stations, and are working now on availabilities for The WORLD TOMORROW program, by which we can send the Gospel to ALL THE WORLD for a witness to ALL NATIONS!

Think of it! Short-wave stations carry the Message many times farther than standard-broadcast stations--come are powerful enough to be heard almost around the world. The power of radio makes it possible to send God's final Message quickly to ALL THE WORLD! I believe God has provided this power for a purpose.

Now I need your counsel and advice. Some have criticized because this work has grown even to its present scope and influence. Some seem to believe that to remain humble, God's work must always remain small in range and number of people reached and helped. The question is, SHOULD the glorious Gospel work to which God has called us--YOU dear Co-workers, our active staff, Mrs. Armstrong and myself--should it GROW, and serve and help increasingly more people, and proclaim the Gospel to constantly greater multitudes, or should it shrink back to a little work, little in doing good, reaching only a FEW?

Let's look to the Bible teaching, and Christ's commands. Remember two things: 1st) the Bible reveals, everything God does thru human agencies starts small and GROWS BIG; and 2nd) Jesus said. "Every plant, which my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up." But when God does the planting--when it is guided by Him, watered by His Spirit--it is like the mustard-seed of Jesus' parable: the smallest of all at the start but it grows and grows until it becomes the LARGEST OF ALL! God started the human family with one man and one woman. He commanded, "Be fruitful and MULTIPLY." Today there are two billions of people on earth! God started His chosen nation Israel with one surrendered man, Abraham. Today Israel numbers hundreds of millions, and ultimately thru conversion into the true spiritual Israel, this nation shall include ALL the earth.

Unless a work, such as ours, started small, it is not of God. But the work which God uses us to start began as small as any work could possibly begin. There was no money--NONE! It started, with nothing but willing obedience to follow where God led, with abiding FAITH, and with hard work, in a little one-room country school-house. But God blessed that first beginning eight miles outside Eugene, Oregon, with a harvest of souls. A few months later the radio phase of the work started on one of the smallest stations in the United States--only 100 watts--in one small community. But God blessed it from the start, and for nearly eleven years it has grown steadily, tho thru much opposition, with much persecution, encountering constant trial and test and difficulty which has been hurled ONLY by answered prayer by OUR GOD--it has grown to national scope. Hundreds have been converted --even atheists. Uncounted thousands have heard the TRUTH and have been helped.

But did Jesus intend the preaching of His Gospel to remain small in power and scope of members reached? His parting command to His disciples was, "Go ye, therefore, and teach ALL NATIONS." And again, "Go ye into all the world, and preach the Gospel to every creature." Now every thing in the operation of God's Plan is DUAL in fulfillment. The disciples of that first century lived in a smaller world than we today. But they DID carry His Gospel to EVERY NATION, then.


But the prophesied great apostasy set in. During the middle Dark Ages the light of God's TRUTH--the Gospel Message Jesus had brought from the Father and preached--was snuffed out, except for its preservation thru the written Word of God. And Satan, arch- deceiver, god of this world, has succeeded in blinding the eyes of men, until even the Protestant reformation has resulted in hundreds of differing and disagreeing teachings and denominations. The original Gospel JESUS PREACHED people seldom hear today!

Now we have reached the TIME OF THE END. We are the last generation of this age! And, just as the early disciples did carry Jesus' Message to all the world of that day, so Jesus prophetically commanded for NOW: "This Gospel of the KINGDOM shall be preached in all the world for a witness UNTO ALL NATIONS; and then shall the END come." WORLD WARS have started (verse 7)--after 1914 and 1939.

Now for centuries that Gospel has not been preached! It's the ONLY true Gospel--the Message Jesus brought and preached--the one His first-century disciples DID carry to all the world of that day. Today that which is being preached around the world is a DIFFERENT gospel--a preaching which DENIES the GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM. The Message of this KINGDOM is the Message of Christ as Saviour, but it's MORE than that. It's the Message of the coming KING, to establish GOD'S KINGDOM, which shall replace all present kingdoms and governments on earth, and rule over all peoples. The whole, pure Gospel OF THE KINGDOM is not being preached today to all the world for a witness to ALL NATIONS, and it has not been preached since Jesus' first-century disciples carried it!

Now today we live in a much larger world. This Gospel of the Kingdom must now go to ALL nations--between now and the END of the age (Matt. 24:14). Our time is SHORT! Radio men from Hollywood, just returned from a national convention of radio- station owners and managers in Chicago, tell me there was a decided increasingly hostile attitude toward religious broad- casting. More and more radio stations, under pressure of powerful, influential, sinister big-money interests in New York, are constantly closing their facilities to the preaching of the Gospel.

Yet today RADIO and the PRINTING PRESS are the facilities which God has raised up which ALONE make it possible to preach this Gospel of the Kingdom to all the world, to ALL NATIONS, in the short time that remains!

Think of it! One servant of God today can take his Bible, and speak in an ordinary voice, and the power of the radio throws that voice right into thousands and millions of homes, all around the world! Just one humble, faithful minister of Jesus Christ, inspired with His true Message, can be heard by untold MILLIONS, all around the earth! How else can Jesus' command be carried out?

The time is HERE. The time is SHORT! You and I are commanded to work while it is DAY for the NIGHT cometh when NO MAN CAN WORK. God warns us thru Amos (8:11) that just before the end of the age there will be a FAMINE of hearing the word of God preached. Our days of opportunity are NUMBERED.

Yet God is going ahead, and in spite of powerful forces setting out to STOP the preaching of God's truth, He is opening amazing new opportunities before us. The new A.B.C. net-work, I find, is progressing nicely--waiting for us to be able to afford to use it. I am to see, in a few days enroute to San Antonio to broadcast over WOAI, a super-power station at Juarez, Mexico, across from El Paso, Texas, which is TWICE as powerful as the strongest super-power stations in the United States--100,000 watts. It is station XELO, and I have reason to believe God is opening the tremendous power of that station to our use!


So many of you have shown such kind interest in my family--- written such nice things about Mrs. Armstrong who is heart and soul in this work with us all--and so many recently have asked about our daughter Dorothy getting married.

Yes, she was happily married July 22nd. Her husband is a U.S. Marine, and has been thru the battles with the 1st Division, beginning with Guadalcanal. Dorothy had asked us to pray for his safety when he went over, two and a half years ago. He came home without a scratch, tho many of his buddies are never coming home, and he had one hair-breadth escape after another. When told how we had prayed for him, he believed it, because he said he constantly was aware of some strange presence he couldn't understand which he KNEW was protecting him. He has been selected from the ranks on his record to become an officer and at present is at officer's candidate school on the Atlantic coast. May I ask you to PRAY for Dorothy and her husband? Neither are converted, but we know they will be, and I know you'll join us in praying for God to convict them, since so many of you ask us to pray for the salvation of YOUR loved ones. God bless you for this.


Finally, I have to tell you our Co-workers are slackening again in sending in tithes and offerings for God's great and glorious work. My, how glad I'll be when the money system is abolished and we do not have to use money any longer! You can't begin to know how I dread--and always put off till last-- acquainting our Co-workers with this financial NEED. I never do until the situation is DESPERATE. But I know you understand I never so much as MENTION the need of money, let alone beg for it, over the air. We send The PLAIN TRUTH and other free literature to 35,000 different homes, yet more than 32,000 of them have never had any request for money in any form whatsoever. You are one who voluntarily became one of our Co-Workers, and this BULLETIN goes only to our little inner family of Co-Workers, who are the ONLY ONES, aside from God, I can acquaint with this need. I never take up offerings in church services, or public meetings.

But GOD'S WORK is again in dire need. That ought not to be. There ought to be PLENTY to carry this work constantly into bigger fields of service--plenty to start now adding short-wave stations one by one to carry the Gospel AROUND THE WORLD. And an important consideration is that these short-wave stations carry the Message to our boys in the service OVERSEAS. It's the only way we can reach THEM. Shall we do it? They are facing death--thousands of them hungering for God's TRUTH just now. This work of God NEEDS MANY THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS JUST NOW. Expenses are increasing. Beginning last Sunday the cost of sending the broadcast to Southern California over KMTR nearly doubled, now almost triple what it was up to a year ago! It depends upon Southern California Co-workers whether we can even continue to send out the precious Message in this important section!

Listen, dear Co-Workers, won't you PRAY, earnestly, prevailingly, believingly, for me, and for his work? You can't know the trials and problems we face in conducting it. Yet its as much your work as mine--we are Co-Workers together for GOD. I NEED your prayers, SO MUCH! Please don't forget! If we'd all pray enough, I know God would lay it on the hearts of a few, who can, to place some really large gifts of from one to several thousand dollars in God's work, right now, when it is needed so sorely. There are some who CAN. But it's HARD to part with that much money, even tho one has it. It will take earnest and prevailing PRAYER on our part, and then God will help them do it, and lay up treasure in heaven instead of keeping it invested or stored up in this uncertain, and doomed world. God is our only REAL security today. Will YOU take upon yourself the burden to PRAY to this end?

Our united prayers alone can keep this great work going and growing. We must not fail our Saviour in this solemn hour. I know YOU will sent in at once--by AIR-mail if possible--the very largest amount you possibly can. And whether it's a dollar, or several thousand, God knows the ability of each of us, and He expects us to give as we are ABLE--He does not expect us to give what we do not have. Remember to PRAY! My heart is filled with gratitude for your interest, your sacrifice, your prayers. Thank you, and GOD BLESS YOU.

Sincerely, in Jesus' name,



October 27, 1944 Co-Worker Letter - Herbert W Armstrong - Goes on XELO Radio



VOL. V. Number 5. October 27, 1944

Published every little while to keep our Co-Workers informed of the program, the problems, and the future plans for carrying on God's work in these closing days of this age; --- broadcasting "The WORLD TOMORROW" publishing The PLAIN TRUTH magazine and other Gospel literature. HERBERT W. ARMSTRONG, Box 111, Eugene, Oreg.



THINK of it! The largest super-power radio stations in the United States are 50,000 watts. Most United States stations are licensed to use 250 up to 5,000 watts. But on the Mexican border, in Juarez, Mexico, just across from El Paso Texas, is a super-power station of 100,000 watts of power---double the power of America's strongest stations.

Beginning last Sunday night, "The WORLD TOMORROW" program is being sent out over the North American continent by the tremendous power of station "XELO" 800 on your dial.


Not only that! Almighty God miraculously opened up to us on that station of tremendous power the very best TIME of the whole week---the time when more people are listening than any other---8 o'clock Sunday night! Never before have we been able to secure such a favorable and valuable time on any station. This is known in radio circles as the very BEST of the "A" time. For instance, the highest-priced radio time in America is station WABC, New York. Since few of our Co-Workers have any conception of the cost of radio time on these super-power stations, it will be interesting to read their rates, as published in "Radio Advertising Rates & Data Book" by Standard Rate & Data Service, used by all advertising agencies and large purchasers of radio time. "A" time is 6:30 to 10:30 PM on station WABC, Columbia's great key station in New York where so many CBS programs originate. A half hour on this station between these hours costs $810. Class "B" time, when check-ups prove fewer people are listening---6 to 6:30 PM week-days and 12 noon to 6:30 PM Sundays, costs $600 for a half hour program.

Still fewer people would be tuned in during Class "C" time, 9 AM to 6PM week-days, and 9AM to noon Sundays, and 10:30 to midnight daily, when the rate for 30 minutes is $405. Class "D" time, midnight to 1AM, and 6 to 9AM, costs $300 for 30 minutes, and Class "E" time, 1AM to 6AM, when most people are sleeping, costs $90.

Of course a station like WOAI, San Antonio, which carries our program at 11:PM Sunday nights, altho it has the same power--- 50,000 watts---charges much less because it is a smaller city and far less populated territory, altho at that hour of night because of its location near the center of the United States, it is heard over MORE TERRITORY than any New York station. But even there we could not afford the high-priced "A" or "B" time. The rate at 11:PM is only one-fourth as much as during the "A" time.

But 8:PM is considered the very BEST of the most expensive "A" time, when the largest possible audience is listening. It seems it is just a MIRACLE that God has opened to us that best time ---when probable ten times as many people will hear the Message as would hear it at 11:PM---on the most powerful station in, or on the border of the United States! Naturally this is costing us considerably more than we have ever paid before for time on any station---and yet the rate is exceedingly low for that time on a station of that tremendous power.


Another wonderful thing about this time, it makes it SO EASY to remember both the TIME and the location of XELO on the dial. This station has an internationally-clear channel. By treaty between the U.S. and the Government of Mexico, no station in the United States can use that frequency---800. This permits the super-power of XELO to send our Message all over the United States. And the TIME, and the number on the dial, are BOTH THE SAME NUMBER---8:00 o'clock, at 800 on the radio dial!

Frankly, when God opened this great opportunity, I could not see how we could accept it. Comparatively low as the rate offered us was, yet it is considerably more than we pay on any other station, and it seems that hardly enough money comes in now even to pay the stations we have been on. At just this time station KMA changed our time to an undesirable time, and had notified us of a substantial increase in rates to take effect very soon. So we dropped KMA in order to go on this great 100,000-watt station. However, we were only paying there about one-fourth as much as XELO is costing. SO IT ALL DEPENDS UPON A SUBSTANTIAL INCREASE IN TITHES AND OFFERINGS FROM OUR CO-WORKERS, WHETHER WE ARE ABLE TO HOLD THIS WEEK'S BEST TIME ON THE MOST POWERFUL STATION COVERING THE UNITED STATES. Write your friends and relatives everywhere to tune in---800 on he dial, 8 o'clock Sunday nights (mountain time)---which is 7:PM on the Coast, and 9:PM in the middle-west. And please pray earnestly with us, that God will supply the need, that we may continue to follow where He has opened the way and led.

Two other opportunities have recently come which I wish to mention to our Co-Workers. One is this: There has opened to me an opportunity to buy a certain station on the border, almost in the very MIDDLE of the North American continent near San Antonio, which could be increased to 200,000 watts of power, making it the most powerful station in the Western Hemisphere. A station with this vast power would come in just like a local station in almost every part of the United States. If God opened the way for us to OWN such a station I could use a half-hour or a full hour EVERY NIGHT, in a continuous nightly evangelistic campaign, where people in millions of homes in all 48 states could sit and hear the unfolding of the Great Story, in logical sequence, night after night. Think what Bible studies we could carry right into millions of homes! Think of the great harvest of souls that would result--- NATION-WIDE! It would also cover all Canada, Alaska, and down into Central America and even South America! Now while it would take an amount running into six figures to buy it, this station can be bought, for cash, for a fraction of the amount it would take to buy any 50,000-watt station in the United States. And, aside from the time we would use daily with the GOSPEL program, time could be sold to reputable and clean commercial sponsors netting enough, above all expenses, to retire the entire capital invested inside of three years. After three years it would have cost us nothing. It would enable us to send out over America the MOST POWERFUL EVANGELISTIC CAMPAIGN IN THE HISTORY OF THE NATION! There never has been any- thing like this. The facilities for 200,000 watts power are already in this particular station, or available. With United States stations rapidly following the movement to throw religious broadcasts off the air in this country---well, perhaps this is God's way of opening to us the most powerful avenue of all, unaffected by what U.S. stations do! When Jesus said, "This Gospel of the KINGDOM shall be preached into all the world for a witness unto all nations, and then shall the end come." He meant "SHALL" and all the powers of Satan cannot prevent! Now of course I do not have a cent with which to buy this station. But, since God has caused this offer to come to me, and since, in the near future, this might be the ONLY means of carrying out Christ's commission, He is able to have, among our Co-Workers, some one, or some two or more who could join together to make it possible for us to purchase this station. If so, God will impress the proper one, or ones, to get in touch with me about it immediately, when I can give further details which must for the present be kept in confidence. *** The other was an offer from a large advertising agency to conduct a daily 15-minute news-analysis over one of the large net-works Coast-to-Coast, for a nationally-known sponsor, at a salary of $1,500 to $2,000 per week. To accept this I would have to drop my radio ministry to which God has called me. All the material-reward in this world could not tempt me to do that. One soul converted is worth more than a year's salary at that figure. Mrs. Armstrong and I have dedicated our lives to Christ's service---our labor and services belong to HIM, and are not for sale to the world. Satan offered Christ the whole world. He refused the offer.


Is it not possible that the Church---and those true Christians who compose the true Church---sometimes loses vision of what its work really is? Jesus, the Head of the Church, gave us our Commission---set us our example. Here is His first and great commission! "Go ye into all the world, and preach the Gospel to every Creature." (Mark 16:15). When He was 12 years old, Jesus said "I must be about my Father's business." We, too, must be about our Father's business.

What is God's business? It is the business Jesus started. He was sent from God bearing a MESSAGE (Acts 10:36). And so "after that John was put in prison, Jesus came into Galilee, preaching THE GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM OF GOD." Later He called His 12 disciples together, "And He sent them to preach THE KINGDOM OF GOD and to heal the sick." (Luke 9:1-2). Yes, the "law and the prophets"--- the Old Testament ministry---was UNTIL JOHN, but since that time the GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM OF GOD is preached (Luke 16:16). Another time, Jesus "appointed other seventy also, and sent them two and two before His face into every city and place whither He himself would come. Therefore He said unto them, ... heal the sick that are therein, and say unto them, 'The KINGDOM OF GOD is come nigh unto you.'" (Luke 10:1-9). Then His final parting commission, as He was ascending into heaven after His resurrection, was "Go ye into all the world, and preach the Gospel." That is GOD'S BUSINESS. Now Philip went out "preaching the things concerning the KINGDOM OF GOD" (Acts 8:12), Paul "went into the synagogue, and spake boldly for the space of three months, disputing and persuading concerning the KINGDOM OF GOD" (Acts 19:8) and to Gentiles only Paul "dwelt two whole years in his own hired house (hall), ..preaching the KINGDOM OF GOD" (Acts 28:30-31). And Jesus said, of OUR day and generation, in this 20th century, "This GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end (of the age) come." (Mat. 24:14).

BUT....Jesus gave another parting command: "Behold, I send the promise of my Father upon you: but tarry (remain) ye in the city of Jerusalem until ye be endued with POWER FROM ON HIGH." (Luke 24:49). And, "Ye shall receive POWER,..after that the Holy spirit is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, ... and unto the uttermost parts of the earth." (Acts 1:8). Henry Ford could not carry on his business of building automobiles and tanks without men equipped with tools and with power. The early Church was a Spirit-filled Church--- empowered with God's Spirit, which is His POWER for His business. Then came the lapse into the middle ages---BABYLON---carnality--- darkness and error. Under Satan's sway, even the Protestant reformation is scattered into a babylon of hundreds of differing, disagreeing denominations, none of whom seems to have the full, pure, complete GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM---the pure original Faith once delivered! And NONE of whom seems to move with the POWER of the Almighty GOD! Now God's business can't be that of a single man. It takes the combined team-work of ALL---and all empowered by GOD'S SPIRIT! We may be few in numbers, but we can be MIGHTY in the POWER OF GOD! We must have a REAL BURDEN FOR THE JOB TO BE DONE---tremendously in earnest---this business must become the CONSUMING PASSION of our lives! We must then FAST and PRAY, long and earnestly and continuously, for wisdom, for guidance, for GOD'S POWER. The RECEIVING and continual inflowing and filling of God's Spirit is the POWER we need for His business. The GIFTS of the Spirit (I Cor. 12) are the TOOLS for accomplishing God's work. Study them. I am fasting and praying today. I do it often.

DO YOU? Now God is opening the way for the physical, mechanical POWER of the most powerful radio stations. But we need FAR MORE ---we need GOD'S POWER in our lives---the power of His LOVE, FAITH, power to overcome---yes, power to resist desires, and sacrifice even money for HIS WORK! We need more FASTING and PRAYING. We need a greater BURDEN for His great work. ** His work NEEDS, AND MUST HAVE, INCREASED FINANCIAL INCOME! AGAIN THIS WEEK MONEY HAS FALLEN CLEAR OFF AGAIN. JUST THE PAST FIVE DAYS OF THIS PUTS GOD'S WORK INTO ANOTHER SERIOUS CRISIS. WE NEED $1,000 EXTRA BY RETURN MAIL. That, dear Co-Workers, is YOUR PART. Can't you double, your offerings, or perhaps send a much larger one than usual? Please rush it AIR-MAIL. It's URGENT again! THANK YOU! I know you will---and GOD BLESS YOU!



September 22-29 1945 - Good News Letter - Herbert W Armstrong
Feast of Tabernacles At Belknap Springs
with Brother Kiez and Brother Walker from Church of God Seventh Day


The GOOD NEWS Letter



Dates, this year, September 22-29 inclusive.

"BE GLAD and REJOICE! for the Eternal will do great things."

We have reason, indeed, for REJOICING! God has given us a most desirable place for holding the FEAST OF TABERNACLES this year! This year we can keep it more like they did back in Bible times. This is indeed splendid news. Nearly all the brethren who have heard of it are enthusiastic over the opportunity that God has opened. We have taken over, for the full period, beautiful Belknap Mineral Springs, one of Oregon's leading, nicest mountain resorts, high up the McKenzie in the lofty Cascades, 60 miles east of Eugene. Here we will be utterly secluded from the world. Belknap is a mile off the MeKenzie highway, out in God's majestic, worship- inspiring nature. Here we will be away from the noise and hustle of man-made civilization, out in God's great natural out-doors where things are beautiful.

The Facilities Available

At Belknap, is a lovely 30-room resort hotel. There is a large, pleasant lobby or living-room, well furnished with davenports, lounging chairs, floor and table-lamps, piano, etc., with a large fireplace. We will rearrange this room, adding a sufficient number of folding chairs, turning it into a beautiful and comfortable meeting-room for holding all services. There is a nice large dining-room where all will eat, and a large well-equipped kitchen. We are taking over the hotel and grounds exclusively. The hotel is closing it regular summer season two weeks earlier than usual, September 15, this year. There will not even be the usual cooks, waitresses, or maids around---no one but just ourselves and the owner. We will appoint one of our women head cook, and the others will take turns in assisting with the cooking, waiting tables, etc., and occupants of each room will make their own beds and take care of their own rooms. This serves the double purpose of considerably reducing the expense, and giving us total privacy. We are to furnish our own food. A plan will be devised whereby each one coming will contribute ration-points proportionately, and food bought in quantity by one person in charge. Farmer members will bring vegetables etc. Perishable items such as bread, milk, butter, etc., can be bought daily at McKenzie Bridge, about 5 miles away. By eliminating all expense of hiring help, supplying our own food, we are able to secure the exclusive use of this splendid resort at a minimum expense within the reach of all. In fact, the cost is LESS than it would be to rent a cabin in Eugene if we were holding the Festival there again this year. Costs in Eugene have gone up, and cabins there, it appears now, will not be available this year. There are 15 cabins on the grounds at Belknap. Those engaging cabins must bring their own bedding. Hotel rooms, of course, are completely furnished. There on the grounds some beautiful out-door spots, like in a lovely park, where on occasion if we prefer and weather permits we may eat, or hold services outdoors. The mineral springs are hot springs. The water is boiling as it pours out of the solid rock from underground in the side of the mountain. This mineral water is of very high quality and will be of real benefit to the health of all who will drink it while there. It can be used, of course, either hot or cold. For those who do not care for the mineral water, there is running water in every room and thruout the hotel and grounds from a natural spring. Beside the hotel is a large out-door swimming pool. There is the best fishing in America on the McKenzie. The only living ex-president, Herbert Hoover, customarily comes yearly to the McKenzie to fish. There are numerous trails for mountain climbing and hiking. Just a word of caution, however: we are going to Belknap for a great SPIRITUAL FEAST, so all hiking, fishing, etc., should be done at such hours as not to conflict with any of the services.

Elders Kiesz and Walker Expected

We expect to have with us again this year the same ministers we had last year at Eugene, when we had such a spiritual meeting. Brother Frank Walker has assured me he will try to arrange to come for the full time. In his present circumstances it will be some little inconvenience on Brother Walker, but God willing, he will be with us. Last January and February I held services four weeks in Canon City, Colorado, for Brother Kiesz. At that time he and Sister Katherine and family were planning, God willing, to swing around thru Oregon again this year to be with us, and looking for- ward to holding the Festival at Belknap Springs. At present I believe they are in Canada. The last I heard they were in North Dakota after having visited some little time in South Dakota. I am looking daily for definite word from them saying they will be with us, as I recently wrote for a definite confirmation. I ask all to PRAY, earnestly, that God will remove every hinderance, and make it possible for us to have both Brother Kiesz and Brother Walker with us again this year. We all NEED their earnest, sincere, spiritual fellowship and messages. It will be necessary for us, of course, to defray the expense of bringing them to Belknap with us, but this I know we are able and all more than willing and glad to do. PRAY, earnestly, God will insure their presence. * * * * * * * * *


As World War II comes to a complete end, and the world plunges on into a so-called "Peace-time" chaos, during which we shall experience troubles such as never before in a time of so- called peace---with race-riots soon to break out all over America, labor strife such as never before experienced, a crime wave the police and F.B.I. will be unable to cope with, juvenile delinquency and moral degeneracy multiplying, economic and other troubles in the offing---it becomes more than ever our solemn calling to proclaim to the world the GOOD NEWS of the coming KINGDOM OF GOD! More than ever our thoughts, our interests, our hopes and active interest, should be focused ahead on the soon-coming KINGDOM, when we, if we are faithful overcomers enduring patiently until the end, shall be PRIESTS and KINGS, ruling with Christ in His glorious world-ruling KINGDOM, teaching the peoples of the world who are now blinded to the truth but then shall have their eyes opened, the ways and commands of GOD! And in that glorious KINGDOM, and thruout all the kingdoms of earth then to be ruled by Christ and by us as His under-kings and priests, notice one specific joyous event to occur annually: "And it shall come to pass, that every one that is left of all the nations that came against Jerusalem shall even go up from year to year to worship the king (Christ Jesus), the Lord of hosts, and to keep the FEAST OF TABERNACLES. And it shall be, that whoso will not come up of all the families of the earth unto Jerusalem to worship the King, the Lord of hosts, even upon them shall be no rain. And if the family of Egypt go not up, and come not, that have no rain; there shall be the plague wherewith the Eternal will smite the heathen that come not up to keep the Feast of Tabernacles. This shall be the PUNISHMENT of Egypt, and the PUNISHMENT OF ALL NATIONS THAT COME NOT UP TO KEEP THE FEAST OF TABERNACLES." (Zech. 14:16-19). In that glad day, dear Brethren, Christ as King of kings will rule all nations THRU US, now being called as His children. Paul exclaimed, "Do you not know that the SAINTS are to MANAGE THE WORLD?" (I Cor. 6:3). We are to sit with Christ on His throne in that day,---IF we overcome, now! Brethren, listen! If YOU are really converted, you are to sit with Christ on His throne! You are to MANAGE the world! You---yes, you, yourself, are to be one to teach, and to be used in ENFORCING all others still then mortal on earth to LEAVE THEIR HOMES, THEIR FARMS, THEIR BUSINESSES, and go up once each year, to the place God selects---it will then again be Jerusalem---to KEEP THE FEAST OF TABERNACLES! If you are a true child of God now---if you are truly converted---if you are going to BE in the Kingdom, ---then you will be one who will have to teach others then to leave their homes, and go to the place God designates, to keep the Feast of Tabernacles! If they, then, make excuse--if they, then, say "Well, I just can't afford it this year," or "I would like to come, but I can't get anyone to take care of my stock," or some other excuse, WHAT THEN? First, they will be deprived of rain. If that doesn't change their minds and cause them to come, God will send terrible PLAGUES upon them. THEY SHALL BE SEVERELY PUNISHED! And Christ will use YOU to teach them, to warn them of the punishment if they make excuse and fail to go, and perhaps to PUNISH them for this disobedience! Now the question for each one of you to face squarely, without dodging it, is this: If YOU make excuse, and treat this command of God lightly NOW, and fail to come, HOW CAN GOD USE YOU, THEN, TO TEACH, WARN, AND PUNISH OTHERS FOR FAILURE TO DO THE VERY THING YOU ARE LAX ENOUGH TO FAIL TO DO NOW? HOW? Can we not see that one of the things we have now to overcome, as a CONDITION to even GETTING INTO THE KINGDOM, is this very thing? Some of you will say, "I can't afford it." Some will say "I just can't get anyone to take care of my stock." Or, "I just can't leave my job, or my business." Brethren, WHERE THERE'S A WILL, THERE'S A WAY! An OVERCOMER is one who OVERCOMES those obstacles---who has the WILL and the DETERMINATION, with much earnest prayer and FAITH in God's help, to FIND A WAY, to overcome the obstacle. God tells you to COME! God permits obstacles, trials, tests. But we must ride over those---master those circumstances---if we are truly CHRISTIANS. We must take it earnestly, diligently, to God in PRAYER, and then BELIEVE and TRUST HIM to bring about circumstances, with our diligent and determined efforts, to make it possible for us to GO this year to the FEAST OF TABERNACLES. This is ONE OF THE TESTS. We must not fail!

HOW We Can Afford It

Would God command us to do something (and this is commanded as a statute FOREVER, Lev. 23:14) and then not provide a way to make it possible for us to AFFORD to do it? I can't take space here to go into the matter thoroughly, as will be done later, but very briefly, STUDY those texts in your Bible. OPEN your mind to God's truth, when it is NEW LIGHT to us. Lev. 27:30, 32, 34. The tithe is HOLY unto the Eternal. If it is HOLY, then it is for a HOLY, or SPIRITUAL use,---or, in other words, for GOD'S WORK---the work of the ministry---the carrying out of the Great Commission: "Go ye into all the world and PREACH THE GOSPEL!" Numbers 18:6,8,20-21,23-26: God gave His ministers the charge over the tithe and hallowed things, FOREVER. The ministers (under the Old Covenant the Levites) had no inheritance in the land. They were not engaged in farming, business, or any means of earning a living. But the Eternal gave them "ALL the tenth in Israel for an inheritance, for the service which they serve." And this, too, is a statute FOREVER throughout your generations. After the captivity, when some of the Jews, (tribes of Judah, Benjamin and Levi) went from Babylon back to Jerusalem to rebuild the temple, these people, realizing how their people had been punished by captivity for disobeying God's commands and ordinances, became very strict in getting back to them. Notice Neh. 10:37-38. They brought not only a tenth, but it was the first tenth, "UNTO THE PRIESTS." And the "TITHES of our ground, unto the Levites, that the same Levites might have the tithes in all the cities of our tillage."

It was the ministers, the Levites, specially chosen of God and not self appointed or voted in by men, who took the tithes from the people. The people did not appoint a "board" of their own choosing, or by the will of a few who desire to rule, with a lay- member treasurer to take the tithes---God's HOLY money---as so many organize to do today, thus usurping authority by the power of this money to dictate to God's called ministers. Tithes were paid direct to the ministers of GOD'S CHOOSING---ministers whose entire time was devoted to the work of the ministry. These tithes (the first tenth of every person's income) are GOD'S, and the Eternal tells our people today they are ROBBING GOD by not paying HIS tithes and offerings as He commanded! But many have become confused about the meaning of the word "tithe," without realizing it. Remember, "tithe" is not a special word meaning just GOD'S TENTH and nothing more. So many have come to assume, from the common usage of the term, that the word "tithe" refers only to that tenth set aside for God's work, and paid to the minister---and that the REMAINDER of your income is NOT TITHE. But the word "tithe" is merely an ancient English word, no longer in common usage except in referring to God's tenth. Actually the word means, simply, "TENTH." If you earn $100, whether in wages, or income from farming, or what, the fact is there are TEN tithes in that $100. "Tithe" means "tenth,"and there are ten tenths in every dollar you earn or receive as income. It is merely the FIRST tenth we have been accustomed to call by the name "tithe," but as there are TEN tenths in every dollar, so there will be actually TEN tithes in your $100 you have earned or received. It is the FIRST of these tenths, (or tithes), that belongs to GOD'S WORK---that is HOLY to God---to be paid to His minister. The other NINE TITHES, or $90 remaining, God leaves for you. The only change in the tithing system under the NEW TESTAMENT is explained in Hebrews 7 and I Cor. 9, where Paul explains clearly and at length God has ordained ministers of Jesus Christ are to live by the same system as the Levites of old---by the TITHES of the people. And, the priesthood being changed, tithes are no longer paid to flesh-born Levites, but to Spirit- CALLED ministers of the GOSPEL of JESUS CHRIST. Now study carefully Deut. 14:22-29. Here we find a SECOND and THIRD tithe out of every income mentioned. Remember, the FIRST tenth is HOLY, belongs to GOD, is given to a true minister of Christ for the ministry of the GOSPEL. But here we find a TENTH of your wages, salary, or income, to be set aside FOR YOUR OWN USE. Now you cannot pay the SAME $10 tithe out of a $100 income to the minister to use in GOSPEL WORK, and spend THAT SAME $10 on yourself. Consequently, when we read in God's Word you are to lay aside ONE TENTH of all you earn or receive, FOR YOU YOURSELF TO SPEND AT FEAST OF TABERNACLES AND PASSOVER TIME ON YOURSELF, that of necessity is a SECOND tithe, and not the same tithe you put in God's work! Notice verse 22: "Thou shalt truly tithe (set aside a TENTH---not the FIRST tenth, but A tenth)---all the increase of thy seed that the field bringeth forth YEAR BY YEAR." Study this carefully! You are to spend this ON YOURSELF. This tithe is not holy. It is not for Gospel work. It is a DIFFERENT---a second tithe. You are to lay this second tithe aside EVERY YEAR, and take it with you to Feast of Tabernacles, Passover, and Pentecost, and spend ON YOURSELF. It is your EXPENSE MONEY so that you CAN afford to go! How wonderful are God's ways! "And if the way be too long for thee, so that thou art not able to carry it (the tenth of your grain, fruit, live-stock), or if the place be too far from thee, . . then thou shalt turn it into money . . . and SHALT GO UNTO THE PLACE which the Lord thy God shalt choose (it appears He has chosen Belknap this year): AND THOU SHALT BESTOW THAT MONEY FOR WHATSOEVER THY SOUL LUSTETH AFTER (bodily needs) . . . and thou shalt eat there before the Eternal thy God, and thou shalt REJOICE (you will REJOICE if you obey this), thou, and thine household, and the Levite (now, in N.T. days, minister of Christ) that is within thy gates; and thou shalt not forsake him, for he hath no part nor inheritance with thee." This latter is God's provision for the SPECIAL OFFERING that will be necessary to defray expenses of Bro. Keisz and Bro. Walker. Now THIS tenth of all you earn or receive CANNOT be the SAME tenth that is put to SPIRITUAL use in the Gospel, nor come out of that tenth. This is a SECOND tithe you are to lay aside out of every dollar you receive, for your expense money so you can come to God's festivals. Next read verses 28-29, same chapter. Here is a THIRD TITHE, set aside only EVERY THREE YEARS, however, for the PHYSICAL need of the poor. So here are THREE different tithes to be laid aside---30› out of every dollar you earn or receive---except that the third tithe is set aside only every third year. The FIRST tenth belongs to God and is HOLY. It is to be given to His minister for Gospel work---a SPIRITUAL use. The second 10› out of every dollar you receive as income, you are to lay aside, and save up, for your OWN expense money to go to the Festival of Tabernacles, Passover, Pentecost. This second tithe is for your own personal spiritual AND temporal use. The third tithe is for PHYSICAL use only. THIS SYSTEM, PLAINLY SET FORTH IN GOD'S WORD, WAS FULLY UNDERSTOOD BY ISRAELITES OF OLD! In many Bibles you will find the Books called the "Apocrypha" in between Malachi and Matthew. Many suppose these Books to be a PART of the Bible. Most Protestants do not so regard them, nor do I. But they are universally accepted as the authentic writings, though uninspired, of ancient Israelites from the days of the prophets down to the 2nd Century, B.C. Tobit was of the tribe of Naphtali, and in the captivity of Israel, carried to Assyria in 721 B. C. In the Book of Tobit he wrote: "I went many a time to Jerusalem for the festivals (Tabernacles, Passover, Pentecost), as THE SCRIPTURE COMMANDS all Israel in AN EVERLASTING DECREE, taking with me the first fruits and the tenth parts (more than one tenth-part) of my crops and of my first shearings, and I would give them to the priests, the sons of Aaron, at the altar. A tenth part of all my produce I would give to the sons of Levi, who officiated at Jerusalem, and ANOTHER TENTH I would sell, and go and spend the proceeds in Jerusalem each year, and A THIRD TENTH I would give to those to whom it was fitting to give it (the poor)." (Tobit 1:6-8). This historic writing by a man of Israel who lived in the 8th century B.C. PROVES beyond any dispute whatever that these three different tithes were well understood then. And we ought to be able to understand it now, even tho it is NEW LIGHT to most of us. Brethren are we GLAD---do we REJOICE, when NEW LIGHT is opened to us from God's word? God help us not to be sorrowful or reject it! But REJOICE! The question is whether we are willing to accept and PRACTICE it! Not the hearers, but the DOERS, shall get into the Kingdom! We could make excuse and say: "Well what would I have left, after the withholding tax is taken out, and other expenses?" Yes, we could grumble: "GOD ISN'T FAIR!" But we won't, will we? For if we did, we just would not get into the Kingdom! But if we take God at His Word, set ourselves to obey, PRAY, and TRUST HIM, we shall be surprised to find we get along better than when we tried to spend it all OUR WAY. We may have to spend less on worldly pleasures, or sacrifice some thing we thought we wanted, and spend THAT money thru this second tithe in going to God's Festivals---BUT WE SHALL BE GLAD AND REJOICE, if we do---and punished if we don't. Yes, God has provided a way so we can all afford it. LET ALL COME!


Please write me, BY RETURN MAIL IF POSSIBLE, for your reservation. Just "take the bull by the horns," as the saying is, make up your mind you are coming, as God commands, then SET YOURSELF TO DO IT! Prices of cabins and hotel rooms INCLUDE a portion charged on each one to pay for use of grounds, dining-room and kitchen, and the large room for holding services. In this way each is charged his share in the general overhead. 15 cabins---bring bedding: $2.50 per day for cabin with one double bed: $3 per day for cabin with two double beds. 30 hotel rooms, everything furnished; one in room, $2.50 per day; two in room (one double bed), $3 per day. Plan to arrive Friday Sept. 21, and leave Sunday Sept 30 ---total 9 days at Belknap. Buses leave Eugene daily 2:PM, and take you direct to hotel at Belknap Springs. We may charter a special bus Friday. For further information, and reservations, WRITE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. We hope to have every hotel room and cabin filled. Do not delay. FEAST OF TRUMPETS IS Sabbath Sept. 8th. DAY OF ATONEMENT is Monday Sept. 17th.

HERBERT W. ARMSTRONG Box 111, Eugene, Ore. 


February 26, 1945 Co-Worker Letter - Herbert W Armstrong - Adds Radio Station XEG



VOL. VI Number 2 February 26, 1945

Published every little while to keep our Co-Workers informed of the progress, the problems, and the future plans for carrying on God's work in these closing days of this age; ---broadcasting "The WORLD TOMORROW;" publishing The PLAIN TRUTH magazine and other Gospel literature. HERBERT W. ARMSTRONG, Box 111, Eugene Oregon


I have just received a long-distance telephone call from Texas, offering us the opportunity to send our Message out over another Mexican station, just recently increased to 150,000 watts!

This is such a vital opportunity that I must send out another BULLETIN at once to submit the proposition to all you Co- Workers, and I ask you to consider this carefully, prayerfully!

Last Fall, the opportunity came to go on XELO, the 100,000-watt station across the border from El Paso, Texas, at Juarez, Mexico. We were offered the best time of the week--8:PM, Mountain time, at 800 on the dial. This was at the time the most powerful station either in or at the border of the United States ---twice the power of our largest American stations. By sheer FAITH I grasped this opportunity although it meant increasing the expenses of our entire work by 50%! Few of our Co-workers knew what a burden of responsibility I was assuming, in order to send the last Message of this Age to additional hundreds of thousands of souls. We have had a tight squeeze, financially, but God has blessed this large undertaking and made it possible for us to stay on this great station. It has DOUBLED our mail, which means it has doubled the number of people reached with God's Message--- DOUBLED our vast radio audience---DOUBLED our power for good.

Now in the meantime, another great Mexican station, XEG, 1050 on the dial, has increased its power from its former 50,000 watts---equal to the great super-power stations of our largest cities in the United States---to THREE TIMES THAT POWER, now 150,000 watts! This station, now even more powerful than XELO, uses a directional antenna, beaming its full 150,000 watts direction North and North-East, in the direction of Chicago and Detroit. By this process, it comes in, within the territory upon which it is specially beamed, with even MORE than its actual power of 150,000 watts.

This means that it comes in like a local station in those most-populous middle-western states of Illinois, Wisconsin, Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, Tennessee, and Kentucky, Arkansas, Missouri, Texas and Louisiana. It will add many thousands of new listeners, too, in states farther east, or west, of this section--- such as Mississippi, Alabama, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Maryland, Delaware, etc.,---all very populous states,---beside Oklahoma, Kansas, Iowa, Nebraska, North and South Dakota, Minnesota, and even in the Mountain states.

Now we know, from our mail, exactly which states each station reaches best. XELO, for instance, gives us our heaviest audience in Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Kansas, Colorado, North and South Dakota. It also brings a heavy mail, populations considered, from all Mountain states, and even all three Coast states, as well as the entire Middle-West. However, because XELO is so far west---opposite El Paso, Texas,--it does not deliver very good reception in the East, and it is good only in spots thru states like Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, etc., where XEG has its heaviest audience. The result is, these two stations would not duplicate very much in listeners, but XEG would bring us an entire NEW audience of approximately ONE MILLION ADDITIONAL LISTENERS, through these very populous and important states.

I believe it will carry the Message to at least a 50% LARGER audience than XELO gives us, and that station brought us such a vast audience that it equals all the listeners over WOAI, KMTR, KXL, KVI, KRNT, and KNET combined! These two Mexican stations do have TREMENDOUS audiences throughout the United States! Millions are listening to them---and these are the two leading, outstanding Mexican stations on the border having large American audiences.

XEG is located at Monterey, Mexico, south of San Antonio. It is far East of XELO, and near the very center of the continent.

The very BEST and most expensive time of the whole week ---the time when most people are listening---is between 7:PM and 10:PM. The only time we were able to buy on station WOAI, for instance, was 11:PM, Central time. That, I fully realize, is very late. Most of those who would listen have gone to bed. Radio men estimate we would reach four times as many people at this earlier time. Consequently, we have to pay four times as much for a half hour at this earlier, more-listened-to time. IF we were able to obtain such a good time on WOAI, we should have to pay at least four times what we do. Now I have been offered the very good time of 9:30 to 10, Central time, on XEG. I asked for one hour earlier, 8:30 to 9, and was told this very probably could be arranged. The rate will be just the same as we pay for our half hour on XELO.

Now this is VERY EXPENSIVE TIME. It is the BEST time, when more people are listening than any time during the week. These are very powerful stations. They do have---as our experience with XELO has proved---VERY large audiences. Whereas our mail indicates we now have between a million and a million and a quarter people in our vast radio audience EVERY SUNDAY, if I am able now to add also this 150,000-watt XEG, I am confident it will mean an audience of between TWO MILLION and TWO AND A HALF MILLION precious souls hearing the Gospel Message---and God's LAST WARNING to this people for this age---EVERY WEEK! Can you realize what a tremendous power that is? Just one great super-power station such as these, during the best hours of Sunday evening, will give us an audience fully as large as fifty or seventy-five small local stations scattered over the country combined, and at only a fraction of the expense. It is by far the MOST INEXPENSIVE WAY TO REACH VAST AUDIENCES OF PEOPLE!

ALL RIGHT! Now by ALL MEANS we should take advantage of this wonderful opportunity. It would be UNTHINKABLE to just pass up such a glorious opportunity which God has opened to us for His Work! And yet, frankly, I am simply not in position to take advantage of this marvelous offer, unless you dear Co-Workers will respond AT ONCE to the call, and make it possible. I had outlined plans for the growth of the work this year. Those plans included going on station WJJD, the nations most powerful independent station, in Chicago, within another four to six weeks, starting out with a DAILY broadcast for the first two months; then later adding the super-power WHAS, Louisville, and KWKH, Shreveport, and a strong New York station later thru the year. None of these will cost as much as this BEST Sunday evening time on the 150,000-watt XEG, and of course none would reach as many people. XEG costs more than I feel it would be safe for me to undertake to shoulder, even on FAITH, at this time without some extra assurance of a reasonably substantial increase in tithes and offerings received with which to pay the bills, especially since I am still shouldering the heavy burden of increased expense of XELO.

Now we cannot consider dropping any present station in order to go on XEG, because we have developed ESTABLISHED AUDIENCES on all these stations, who simply DEPEND on our program, and thousands are under conviction, coming to conversion and salvation. Moreover, we would have to drop at least THREE of these established stations to save enough money to go on XEG, and that is unthinkable. So, after careful study and prayer, I see there is just one way we can take advantage of this marvelous opportunity. There is a time to plunge on FAITH, trusting God alone. I felt God made it plain to me, last Fall, that the time had come to do that---that it was God's will---that He would back me in it. I went ahead, and He did. But, again, there is a time when we can attempt too much and it becomes TEMPTING THE LORD, instead of sound and wise FAITH. Frankly, I feel this is too large a financial obligation for me to undertake without some further assurance from our Co-Workers---and I don't want to mis-apply faith and just "tempt the Lord." I have prayed for wisdom. I know God would never have opened this wonderful opportunity, if He had not wanted us to take advantage of it. I KNOW He wants His Message to go out to more and more people. But after praying earnestly for wisdom, I feel God directs me to PUT THE PROPOSITION FRANKLY BEFORE OUR FAMILY OF CO-WORKERS, and ask you to EACH ONE make just a little further sacrifice, and INCREASE the amount of weekly or monthly offering, or tithes, that you have been sending for God's work, so we may send God's precious Message to this additional million souls!

I feel God would have you, dear Co-Workers, share this added responsibility with me, before I undertake it. It means another 25% or 30% increase in our expenses, which I cannot meet unless there is a corresponding increase in INCOME.

Now OTHERS want this time. Time is at a premium on all radio stations. Everybody is trying to buy time. Radio stations do not have to make effort to sell time---they are too busy turning down many who want to buy time they do not have to sell. More and more, radio stations are refusing to accept religious broadcasts. It is only thru a personal friendship with influential radio- station representatives, and the fact they LIKE OUR PROGRAM above all religious programs, that this exceptional offer came, and this radio man spent the money for a long-distance call clear across the United States to offer it to me.

But WE MUST ACT AT ONCE. He wants my answer in TEN DAYS---which means BY RETURN MAIL, after you receive this!

Listen! Almighty God in His PROPHECIES reveals, thru scores of prophecies---whole chapters and whole BOOKS of prophecy---the astounding, yet PLAIN truth that OUR NATION IS TO BE INVADED AND CONQUERED IN THIS SERIES OF WORLD-WARS STARTED IN 1914, UNLESS THIS PEOPLE REPENTS OF ITS SINS, AND TURNS TO THE ETERNAL GOD! Thousands, now, are beginning to SEE this. But I know of NO ONE ELSE who is WARNING the nation of it---DO YOU? Do you realize that WHOLE BOOKS, and CHAPTERS of God's precious Word were inspired, written, and preserved these thousands of years IN VAIN, unless we are to SHOUT THIS WARNING, NOW? And also THIS GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM is now to go out to this and ALL nations, as a witness, just before the end of the Age! WE DARE NOT fail our God in the Mission to which He has called us!

Now I feel sure many of you can easily DOUBLE the offering you have been sending for God's Work. Some cannot. But some can, and those who can will have to send in substantial increases to make up for those who only send small amounts. God does not ask any of us to give what we have not got---His method is giving in proportion to ability---but it is only when those of larger ABILITY sacrifice proportionately, and a place substantial sums in God's work that His work can go forth in real POWER! Now we also have started a SPECIAL FUND---started very small, but growing---for the PURCHASE of radio equipment in Mexico offered for sale to us, with which we can establish and own OUR OWN STATION OF 250,000 watts, the most powerful in the Western Hemisphere, if not the most powerful on earth! That would give us all the time we need, EVERY DAY, for the most powerful and far-reaching evangelistic campaign of all earth's history. It takes $125,000 to buy and set up this station. If you can, place at our disposal a large portion or all of this amount, for IT IS GOD'S WILL! His warning MUST GO FORTH! So remember that fund, too---and DON'T FORGET our regular expenses now are close to $1000 per week in this great work of God! Keep your tithes and generous offerings coming REGULARLY. We must NOT FAIL! Now for the adding XEG, I do not ask for a binding pledge. I just ask you to state what you will try to send each week or month, as God makes possible, and you may be released from further responsibility in this at any time, for any reason. On that basis, please fill out, and mail: HERBERT W. ARMSTRONG:

Depending on God I will try to send each ( ) week ( ) month, an extra, additional offering of $________ per ( ) week ( ) month.
Sign name and address below:



Send answer AIR-MAIL. Send with regular offering if possible in enclosed self-addressed envelope.


April 5, 1945 - Co-Worker Letter - Herbert W Armstrong
Creates fund to buy a Mexican Radio Station



VOLUME VI. Number 3 April 5, 1945

Published every little while to keep our Co-Workers informed of the progress, problems, and future plans for carrying on God's work in these closing days;-- broadcasting "The WORLD TOMORROW;" publishing The PLAIN TRUTH, and other Gospel literature. Address, HERBERT W. ARMSTRONG, Box 111, Eugene, Oregon **



As I write this BULLETIN, we have reached the final CRISIS of the final and last battle in the European war---the Battle of Germany! The allies have vaulted the Rhine, and are racing toward Berlin. NINE allied armies are blitzing on thru Germany. Chaos reigns. Germans are surrendering so rapidly the allied soldiers no longer have time to take them, or bother with them, but instruct them to march on toward the rear.

In telephone conversation with the chief of the Portland bureau of the Associated Press a little while ago he told me he expects a flash, momentarily, that it's ALL OVER in Europe. It may have happened before this BULLETIN reaches you. Every AP reporter is instructed to keep within constant telephonic communication--- every reporter carries definite written instructions outlining exactly what he is to do as the news men leap into action, if and when the flash comes.

Yet it may NOT come. It may not come at all! There may be no "V-E" Day. The Germans may just keep on surrendering, bit by bit, little by little, until there are no more left to surrender. Those who know NAZIS say they will NEVER give up or surrender. For weeks and weeks the Nazis have been transporting vast quantities of supplies, food, ammunition, into southern Germany---in the mountainous and wooded section surrounding Munich and Berchtesgaden. And, since March 26, a great exodus of the very pick of the YOUNG Nazis toward these Bavarian Alps has been under way. Apparently these born-and-bred-Nazis plan a last ditch stand in that region. There they might hold out indefinitely---one or two years. There the German engineers and scientists may CONTINUE their feverish efforts to perfect the WEAPON OF THE FUTURE---the jet-propulsion and rocket-principle weapons, already introduced, but not yet perfected to point of military decisiveness. The Nazis all winter have been stalling for TIME. Time to perfect this weapon. IF they succeed, it's possible they might turn the tables and start blitzing on thru allied forces as if they were putty. We COULD lose the war, yet---and that possibility remains until the Nazis have been COMPLETELY conquered, to the last man!

Even though the allies meet the Russians in or south of Berlin---even though all Germany gives up and is occupied by the allies, except this region of the Bavarian Alps,---if Hitler is still in that wooded mountainous region with a million or a half- million fanatical young Nazi troops, and with his engineers and scientists still working on that new weapon, then as long as they are there, WE COULD STILL LOSE THE WAR! We shall do well to REMEMBER that!

These are the most TENSE days of earth's history. None can understand these events unless he understands biblical PROPHECY, knows GOD'S PLAN, and grasps the terrific significance of these events in the fulfilling of that Plan! There is absolutely NOTHING that will cause millions of worldly, un-Christian people to LISTEN to Christ's Gospel Message, and heed it, like this present world- crisis and its connection with God's PLAN, and with the BIBLE!

Do you know that the surveys to determine radio-interest, and which programs are most listened-to, all show that ordinary religious broadcasts are the LEAST listened-to of all radio programs? Do you know that this is one reason it is becoming almost impossible for religious programs to get on the air? And do you know that these same nation-wide check-ups, questioning millions of people to determine radio-interest, show that NEWS ANALYSIS is the number 1 radio interest today---even topping such fun programs as Bob Hope, Jack Benny, Charlie McCarthy, etc.? That's why the nation's top news analysts all draw larger salaries than the president of the United States. That's why I was offered, some few months ago, $2,000 per week salary---$100,000 a year---if I would give up the ministry and conduct a daily news-- analysis program over one of the great net-works for a nationally known sponsor, analyzing the war news with a slight occasional mention of prophecy, and BASED on my knowledge of prophecy, though little could be said directly concerning it, or the Bible, in the broadcasts. The offer, of course, was instantly turned down. God has called me to a far more important mission than selling break- fast food by a radio broadcast and earning a huge salary!

But He has called YOU, my dear Co-Workers, to this mission, too. And so do you really GRASP just what this great war-crisis MEANS?

It means that this is the most important hour of earth's history so far as OPPORTUNITY for reaching multitudes with the GOSPEL and Christ's last WARNING MESSAGE is concerned. As the war- crisis grows intense, more and more people will listen to this kind of broadcast. And THAT is why "The WORLD TOMORROW" program analyzes today's news, with the PROPHECIES of The WORLD TOMORROW!

I wonder if you grasp that this type broadcast simply lifts our program out of the ordinary religious-program class---the class FEWEST people listen to of ALL radio programs, according to absolute test---and instantly places our Gospel program at the VERY TOP of the list, as one of the MOST-listened-to programs? Did you really ever grasp this fact before? Did you ever realize that with just SEVEN stations---all large, powerful, important stations, however,---we have a listening audience, as indicated by the mail- response, of between ONE MILLION and a million and a half listeners every week?

Our vast listening audience has DOUBLED since last Fall. We now have an office staff of eight, including Mrs. Armstrong and myself. And since SO MANY letters indicate that our Co-Workers like to know all about us---even about our family, and our staff which actively carries on this great work---the most important work in this world---I believe I'll just tell you a little about them here, in this BULLETIN.

We are fast outgrowing our office quarters in Eugene, becoming very crowded and cramped for space. And just when the need became critical, a few weeks ago, the way miraculously opened for us to more than double our office-space, with what we feel is just the nicest suite of offices that could be had in Eugene. We could just see God's hand in it.

Well, since you are, so many of you, interested in knowing more about us and this work personally, I'll tell you briefly the story of our office from the start. This work of God was started more than eleven years ago, on our little local radio station in Eugene. Our expenses then were $2.50 per week. Now they are $1,000 per week. For several months we were GIVEN office space, then moved into a little inside room without any windows---without sunlight or fresh air or ventilation. We could only work in the office a few hours at a time without going out for fresh air. I had no desk. A few old tables were loaned to us. We had an old- fashioned Neostyle mimeograph, and an old type-writer, not much good. With this Mrs. Armstrong and myself printed The PLAIN TRUTH for three or four years on that old mimeograph. After two or three years a radio listener sent us money to buy a better second-hand mimeograph. That served us until about two or three years ago, when we got a more modern, fully automatic machine. I used to write the articles, design and cut the stencils and Mrs. Armstrong ran the mimeograph hour after hour, addressed the papers all by hand, folded, stamped, and sorted for mailing. Always before taking the one or two armfuls of The PLAIN TRUTH to the post- office, we knelt, laid our hands on them, and prayed over them that they would bring blessing and salvation to those receiving them. Today, 40,000 copies of The PLAIN TRUTH go to the post-office in large mail sacks, taken in trucks.

Never did we complain about our little inside office room. Rather, we thanked God for it. But we did finally begin to ask God for an office with sunlight and fresh air. Then one day, after at least six years in that room, my wife came in saying she had just happened on the very kind of office we had longed for---only it was much to big for us. How it all came about, I don't really know even now. But I went with her to see the new offices in the IOOF Bldg., on the 3rd floor. There was a large room the size of two offices, and a corner private office---on the shady north-east side of the building, overlooking a downtown park. I had never seen offices with so much natural sunlight, and natural ventilation. The manager of the building offered to let us use only the smaller private office at first. Then some three months later, when we began to need some of the additional room, we were allowed to take it on a sliding scale, starting at small rental and raising it gradually so we did not have to pay the full amount for six months.

The work continued to grow and expand. Soon we had to employ a secretary, full time. Then another, and gradually the staff has increased until there are now eight of us. Now even our larger office became overcrowded, with desks, filing cabinets, mimeograph, addressing machine, dictaphones and other office equipment. And just when we came to really need it, a few weeks ago, the building manager came to me with a plan to open up an adjoining room, larger than the combined two rooms we had. This room was all painted and redecorated, and the girls moved into it two weeks ago, just HAPPY in their new quarters, feeling it now begins to look like a real institution. Today the carpenters are just completing the installation of new hall-ways and partitions, dividing our former larger room into two private offices.

One of these will be occupied by Brother Gene C. Carter, a young man from Southern Illinois, converted thru the broadcast, who came to Oregon last summer to be baptised. We know now God has definitely and specially called Gene to a life of active service, to which he has consecrated himself, in whatever capacity God may lead. He is now financial manager, and is beginning to assist me in answering correspondence and in research and securing of factual data for broadcasts and for articles. I have never seen a young man develop and grow as he is doing. For years I had searched for the right man to join me in this great work of God. Twice I felt I had been led to the right man, but always circumstances prevented. Now we know that when God's time came, He provided the man He had chosen and called for this position. We now have a total of more than 1500 square feet of office space, and we rejoice in this growth of space and of personnel, because we have seen God's hand so definitely in it, step by step.

Perhaps you'd like to know a little about others of our staff. Mrs. Esther Olson is manager of the larger office. She is a sincere and consecrated Christian woman, has been with us in our little local church several years. Circumstances just seemed to work out to place her in charge of the office staff, and I was amazed at her efficiency. Then it was we learned what she never told us before, that she had formerly been manager of an office over 35 girls, and before that had taught school. God always prepares those He calls for whatever service He has for them! Assistant manager is Miss Evelyn Paeschke, a talented young Christian girl, also in our church. Evelyn has a very beautiful soprano voice, which is being developed. Sometimes, at church, where she is music director, she and our daughter Beverly Gott (whom you've heard sing in the closing theme music of the broadcast before we changed to the male quartette) sing duets together. Sister Olson has developed an efficient office staff. We receive from 1,000 to 2,500 letters from every broadcast. It now takes five large steel cabinets to hold the mailing list. Every night a large amount of mail, carrying Gospel literature to all parts of North America, is taken to the post-office by special truck messenger.


When opening and reading letters that pour in from listeners and co-workers, I often wish you could just be there in the office, looking over my shoulder, reading and sharing with me the interest and inspiration in these wonderful letters.

I wanted to use several pages in this BULLETIN just to reprint interesting portions from some of these letters. But Mrs. Olson tells me the paper shortage limits this BULLETIN to 5 pages, and here I am on page 4, so I can give you just a few.

Thousands of people over the United States are being helped spiritually, coming into a better, deeper, fuller understanding of God's Word, being led into a closer walk with Him, their lives being changed as they are converted---CHANGED. I just now happen upon a letter from California, typical of these. This sister writes: "In accordance with your suggestion I have been praying and studying the Bible, and as much as I have enjoyed reading novels in the past there are none of them as interesting as the Bible to me. God's plan is slowly being unfolded to my bewildered mind, although it seems entirely too slow as I become more and more inquisitive. I got so hungry to talk with someone who has a like belief, I can hardly wait from one Sunday to the next to hear you short sermon. I say short because I am so anxious to understand and know God's laws and get a clear perspective of just what my duty is in life. My children have some problems I hope you can advise me with. I certainly hope you can get those articles on the story of the Bible written soon." And let me add I'm more anxious than words can express to get this big series of articles written and printed, but it seems my time and capacity are limited, and it is taking time.

A most interesting letter from Flagstaff, Ariz., says in part: "Ever since I listened to your broadcast on the subject "World of Tomorrow" I have listened attentively each Sunday night. Your clear explanation seems to give one a greater desire to study the Bible and become interested in it. The fact that you are undenominational, do not attempt to play upon one's emotions, speak with authority in the kindest, yet intelligent, sort of way, begets confidence in what you have to say in plain language that all may understand. All who hear your Message should have a strong and burning desire to learn more of Him thru the intense study of His Word now as it is daily applying to world affairs, in this terrible struggle. I first heard your address over XELO, Mexico. Now I am most interested in getting copies of these publications. There is nothing in this whole world I desire more than an intelligent knowledge, and true of course, of prophecy as it applies to world affairs. Please, please, send me all the literature available."

I want now to give you part of a letter received last year, most interesting, which I treasure---from a man of wide experience and great accomplishments, who, in SPITE of this is interested in GOD and His Word---a rare thing among men highly successful in this world. The letter comes from his executive offices in Florida: "It was just after midnight thru WOAI I listened to your most interesting and convincingly practical message---so favorably impressed I am taking this means of getting in touch with you personally and will esteem it a great favor if you will send me such literature as you may have to spare. I have lived all over this world, amongst all people, a vigorous prosperous life of intense activity---building docks, railways, arsenals in China and Japan, mines in Malay, oil wells in Burma, dams in Africa, steel mills in India---now as familiar with all our fighting fronts as our local main street. Have enjoyed personal acquaintance with all our Presidents since U. S. Grant--when I used to sit on his knee and play with his waste-basket collecting stamps, etc., most of all so-called royalty and potentates occidental and oriental. Made millions and spent same as generously. I know your country, too (Oregon). My wife drove the golden spike Pacific and Oregon Short Line in the 80's. I am a student of human life as IS, and as should be. The environment is overdue for marked change. I have never lost faith in our merciful Father God. There is much to do ahead of us. My boy (officer) on his battle-ship is doing his part. I must be doing mine, you yours, of one mind." Just thought you, too, would find this interesting. Yes, prophecy says we are overdue for a MARKED CHANGE! WE HAVE MUCH TO DO!

So many women write that their unconverted husbands, who never go to church or listen to ordinary religious broadcasts, have become interested and listen regularly to "The WORLD TOMORROW." Here's one I just now came across: From Missouri: "My husband was born and raised a Catholic, but now he enjoys and watches for your Sunday night broadcast." Usually such husbands have never been in any church. People everywhere tell me, (that is, those who have checked up), that most of the people listening to The WORLD TOMORROW are those who have not been going to church. I wonder if our Co-Workers really grasp the fact that our program is DIFFERENT---utterly different! Just as Jesus' preaching was different in His day on earth, so the SAME MESSAGE is "different" today. Just as people were "ASTONISHED at His doctrine," so are they still astonished at it today. Just as Jesus either was the ONE true prophet and divine Son of God, or else a total imposter, so with the SAME identical Message proclaimed over the nation on The WORLD TOMORROW program, today! GOD CALLED US to this Mission ---your mission as well as mine! Let's press on more determined than ever!


My, I have close to 100 letters here before me as I write, and I had hoped to get a large portion of them into this BULLETIN ---they are all so interesting I don't see how I can leave any out, yet I must stop here and report on the progress of the work.

First, a fund has been started toward the PURCHASE of a great multi-super-power station of OUR OWN in Mexico, at the border of the United States. We hope to purchase either a station, or equipment of one which I happen to know has been available, which can be moved to the very best spot on the border, and it is our plan to increase the power to 250,000 watts. That's FIVE TIMES the power of the largest super-power stations in the United States. Probably it would be the most powerful standard-wave broadcast station on earth, surely the most powerful in this hemisphere. With it we could shout God's last solemn warning to this entire continent. It would come in like a local station everywhere. People everywhere would hear it without static or interference, but strongly, plainly. Our audience would be many MILLIONS. Its very power and the Message carried would astonish the nation, attract international ATTENTION. It would give us power to send out the most powerful, far-reaching evangelistic campaign of all earth's history. Surely that's the way God intends that "This Gospel of the KINGDOM shall be preached into all he world, FOR A WITNESS unto ALL NATIONS, and then shall the END come." We would be heard even in the British Isles over such a great station. God opened the way for us to purchase all facilities, and open up the station, for $125,000. I have just had a long-distance telephone conversation with the agents, and it appears we may now be too late for that particular equipment---a deal is up on it, and looks like it will be purchased. Our fund toward it, so far, is a mere few hundred dollars. We must take this more SERIOUSLY, dear Co-Workers, and PRAY---pray as we never did before, that God will move some one, or a few, who have large sums of money or who have property that could be sold to supply it, to put into this fund amounts up to $100,000 or more. It may be there is not a single person among our growing Co-Worker family who has, or could possibly raise such a sum. BUT ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE WITH GOD, and all things are possible to us, IF WE BELIEVE! AND PRAY! We can know this is God's will. Twice, now, He has opened the way---just waiting on SOMEONE, or some few of large means, to supply the money. There is a station we could have bought for $250,000, but it is fast becoming too late to purchase that station, too, and the longer we, delay the higher the purchase price will be. Take this seriously! PRAY!

Now as stated in the last BULLETIN I had planned on going to Chicago, about three weeks from now, to go on the nation's most powerful independent station DAILY for six or eight weeks, thereafter continuing just the regular Sunday program. This would reach a VAST audience thru Illinois, Wisconsin, Indiana, Michigan, Iowa. Then the opportunity came to go on another Mexican station, recently increased to 150,000 watts power. The time, 9:PM Central war time Sunday nights---best time of the week---and the most expensive. It is more than I can obligate myself to on my personal responsibility. In the last BULLETIN I asked for pledges. Well, many pledges have come in, but it is ONLY HALF ENOUGH. Others now want that time. By long distance the managers have just agreed to hold off ten more days for us. So I now ask MORE OF YOU to send in pledges, (as God makes possible) for weekly or monthly offerings over and above your REGULAR offerings, or tithes, for the rest of the work in general. We MUST not let this wonderful opportunity slip. This station would give us around an added million listeners in Illinois, Ind., Ohio, Mich., Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, West Va., Ky., and Tenn., Mo., Ark., La., Miss.,Texas, Ga., and Kansas. It would almost DOUBLE the present listening audience. It is my personal responsibility if we start, and I cannot undertake it without reasonable assurance of that much increase in offerings received. Many letters have come from those states, especially Pennsylvania and Eastern states, joyful over the prospects of getting to hear the program PLAINLY, and earlier, on that station. They say they get it plainly and strong. As it is now, I cannot go on that station and also the one in Chicago, without additional pledges. These pledges to be conditioned on your continued ability, as God provides, of course. You would not be in any way bound by it if circumstances change. ALSO I MUST TELL YOU WE HAVE RUN ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS SHORT OF REGULAR EXPENSES THE PAST THREE OR FOUR WEEKS. Even to keep the regular established work going, we MUST now have a quick, liberal response from our faithful co-workers! It is our solemn responsibility before God, laid on us by HIM! We must not fail Him! Whether you can only send a dollar, or are able to send $50, $100., or $1,000 for the work---or a larger sum for the Mexican station---I know you'll send AT ONCE the largest amount you can, and GOD BLESS YOU for your loyalty and sacrifice for the GREATEST WORK ON EARTH!


PS: Next BULLETIN will be written from San Francisco, where I will report to you the inside facts of the United Nations Conference. We now have a new edition of the KINGDOM series, BIBLE STUDY QUARTERLY, suitable for home study, or for Bible class, Free on request. WRITE TODAY!


August 23, 1945 Co-Worker Letter - Herbert W Armstrong - Atomic Bomb Created



Published every little while to keep our Co-Workers informed of the progress, the problems, and the future plans for carrying on God's Work in these closing days of this age; --broadcasting "The WORLD TOMORROW," publishing The PLAIN TRUTH magazine, and other Gospel literature. Herbert W. Armstrong, Box 111, Eugene, Oregon.

VOLUME VI. Number 5. August 23, 1945


GREETINGS! dear friends and co-workers for Christ: I have just had a 27-minute long-distance call from Texas.

The man who managed Dr. Brinkley's famous radio station in Mexico called to inform me of an unexpected opportunity---to purchase and OWN, ourselves, a station on the border in Mexico with an internationally-clear channel that can be made the most powerful radio voice in the western hemisphere.

I want to tell you the details, and all about the marvelous opportunities opening to us for a greatly expanded work in this fearful, awe-inspiring, post-war world we suddenly find ourselves living in.


Since I last wrote you, May 28th from San Francisco, we have lived thru the most momentous events of world history. At that time, we had entered the period which has been the most vital PIVOT in American and world history. President Roosevelt had died. The military war had ended in Europe. Mussolini had been ignominiously put to death and buried. Hitler had either died or fled to a secret hiding-place---more probably, I still believe, the latter---but in any event, the world for the time being was rid of Hitler.

But even greater news has followed. World War II has come to its final end, and as I write General Mac Arthur is preparing to go into and occupy Japan at the head of the most impressive display of military might ever beheld by mortal man---on land, on the sea, in the air. This is planned in order dramatically to convince the Japs they have been completely whipped.

But the most important news of all is the announcement, with the actual horrifying demonstration, of the atomic bomb and the age of atomic power. This, say scientists, will at once completely revolutionize both peace-time life and warfare upon earth.

Within the past 400 years the world has passed thru the age of exploration, and then the machine-age. Now we suddenly find ourselves plunged headlong, without warning, into a new, totally- unexplored AGE OF ATOMIC POWER. Adjectives have been exhausted in an attempt to describe the staggering magnitude of this thing. It's a NEW AGE---but one destined to be of extremely SHORT DURATION. It's an age crunch with horrifying, imagination defying possibilities. Yet it's an age which at once opens to us marvelous new opportunities---and a most STUNNING challenge and RESPONSIBILITY in the work of Almighty GOD!

Thousands of years ago men started the terrible scourge of WAR with elementary weapons---knives, swords, sling-shots, bows and arrows. As a prominent military analyst expressed it, the most effective military weapons are those which can be caused to strike at the enemy in the quickest time, at the longest distance, and with the most destructive power. A sword is a more effective weapon than a knife or dagger, because it reaches farther. A sling-shot, or arrow, can be projected to reach the enemy at still farther distance. But a soldier with a rifle could conquer or kill one with a bow and arrow because he could project his missile FARTHER, and FASTER, and therefore could reach and destroy his enemies FIRST. It's the old saying of getting there "Firstest, with the mostest." Machine-guns, cannon, field artillery, when invented, made warfare still more destructive, because they hurled more destructive missiles still FARTHER. Then came the tank and the bombing-plane, just at the close of World War I, presaging the war of the future---World War II. During this war we were able to send still more powerful missiles a distance of 600 miles, destroying Berlin from bases in England. Then came the super- fortresses, giving still greater range and increased destructive- power in the war against Japan.

And now, as World War II came to an end, the WEAPONS OF THE FUTURE again put in an appearance---jet-propulsion and rocket weapons, carrying missiles still faster and farther. Had the Germans WON their race against time by perfecting those before they were defeated, they would have turned the tables and snatched last- second victory out of certain defeat! We began, with knowledge of these weapons, to look with consternation toward the possibilities of a World War III!

And then, the tremendous CLIMAX! The best-kept secret of the war---the ATOMIC BOMB, suddenly perfected, and just TWO of these undesirable weapons of destruction and death dropped upon Japan bringing the war to a sudden END!

Now, COMBINE the unbelievable destructive power of this new bomb with the rocket as a means of HURLING it from any given point on earth to any other given point in the land of the enemy, and you have a weapon beyond the ability of the human mind to grasp---a weapon so diabolical---a power so vastly destructive---as to place within the control of mortal MAN the power to DESTROY ALL LIFE UPON THE EARTH! Any POWER is beneficial, or dangerous, depending upon human ability to direct and control that power. Uncontrolled, or wrongly directed, and the greater the power the greater the potential DANGER!

What does it all mean? It means that sooner or later some mad Mussolini or Hitler or Jap Samurai, drunk with a lust for world power as men have been before, will get hold of the SECRET of this power, and become unable to resist the temptation to USE IT to CONQUER THE WORLD! It means that within a reasonably short number of years---whether 5, or 15, or 20 I cannot say---some power-crazed fanatic will find a way to use this new super-colossal destructive power to WIPE HUMANITY FROM THE EARTH, unless the ALMIGHTY CREATOR HIMSELF THEN STEPS IN AND INTERVENES TO SAVE A DEGENERATE HUMANITY FROM ITS OWN SELF!

And this is exactly what the prophecies reveal the Eternal will soon DO! There WILL be another war---FAR more horrible and destructive than anything yet seen or imagined. TWO-THIRDS of humanity will be destroyed--- prophecy affirms that---but at THAT POINT God Himself will step in and TAKE CHARGE! Praise God! He will again SEND JESUS CHRIST to this earth to put DOWN destruction, and sin and death---to RULE ALL NATIONS till they beat their war- weapons into implements of production and the whole world lies permanently at PEACE!

And THAT is the GOOD NEWS God has commissioned us to shout to the four corners of this earth! We must WARN our nation and the world of the DANGER---of God's impending JUDGMENTS! We must SHOUT the glorious GOOD NEWS of the coming of Christ the Messiah and the world-ruling KINGDOM OF GOD!

For that purpose God has AGAIN opened to us the greatest possible opportunity.

Details About Purchase of Border Station

It was almost a year ago that the possibility of buying a super-powered Mexican station, on the United States border, was first opened to us. At that time a certain station could have been bought for perhaps $175,000 or $200,000. Now, however, that station could not be purchased for less than $400,000---probably not for any price. That opportunity, then, is now gone.

Then later a very special deal was offered me. I could not identify it then, but now am free to do so. It was a Tijuana station, which had been purchased by a United States broadcasting firm with the intention of moving all the equipment to the United States to open a new station here. Such equipment, of course, simply could not be purchased in the United States for the duration. But, after dismantling and crating all the equipment for shipping, this company found it was unable to get permission to move it across the border. The Mexican owner was left with the equipment on his hands, and it was offered to me at a comparatively low figure. The intention, had we been able to buy it, was to move it to a point in Mexico just across the Texas border and about mid- way across the United States and increase its power to 250,000 watts. But, although we received many enthusiastic letters, and many were praying for it, and some sent in offerings toward it, only the smallest fraction of the needed amount was received or pledged. When we were unable to take immediate advantage of that offer, which they held open for us for a reasonable time, it was finally sold to Station KABC San Antonio, Texas, which station meantime found a way to import the equipment across the border. Now, with this equipment, that station is expanding from a small local station to the greatest power permitted in the United States, 50,000 watts. They expect to open up on the new power about November 1st, and we are already planning on using a good Sunday morning time on this station with "The WORLD TOMORROW" program.

NOW, We Can Own Most Powerful Voice in Hemisphere

So, both the former opportunities came and went. Now, this very morning, a third and best opportunity yet has been offered me. This opportunity they will hold for us about three or four weeks. If we are not able to buy it by that time, we shall lose this chance, too.

It seems to me that when God OPENS such marvelous opportunities, we ought to be able to do OUR part in taking advantage of them. God grant we will not fail this time. Obviously, I cannot make public all the details. But a station with full equipment capable of operating up to 250,000 watts of power---many times more powerful than any other station in this hemisphere---with internationally-clear channel in one of the very BEST spots on the radio dial---a clear-channel guaranteed by the international Havana treaty between the United States, Mexico, and other governments---a station which can be located just across the border near the very middle of the United States (east and west), where this tremendous super-power on such a splendid channel would reach just like a LOCAL STATION into every home in the United States, Canada, and down to South America---a station which would be heard in England, Europe, and all over the Pacific---almost around the world---is now offered to me for $250,000.

Now that's a lot of money---a quarter million dollars. But, if you knew what radio stations are worth and sell for, it is RIDICULOUSLY LOW for what we would have. A station of only 1,000 watts power sold in the Pacific Northwest last week for $200,000. A 50,000-watt station in Texas, which you could hear only with WEAK reception compared to the 250,000-watts we would have on this Mexican station, was purchased by its present owners for one and three-quarters million dollars. If we owned this station and sold time commercially, it would gross around a million dollars a year, and its operating expense is only fifty thousand a year. Dr. Brinkley grossed a million a year with his station, operating from the same location I have in mind, same power, no better channel, and netted $500,000 per year profit.

I mention these figures to show you that $250,000 is a LOW price or such a super-powered station. Think of the tremendous POWER! Everywhere all over the United States, at night, when people start turning the dial, even though the volume is turned way down, our station would come in so strong it would be like their local station---or even stronger than their NEAREST station where people live, say, 50 miles from a radio station. And effectiveness in getting out the Gospel does not depend on how many COULD hear it ---but upon how many ACTUALLY DO! Because we were able to hold a large percent of listeners to our program regularly, we were able, over a period of time, to develop a listening audience of around a quarter to a half million on each of these stations. And that was considered exceptional. Even so, on some nights due to atmospheric conditions there would be a static, or the program would fade out at times; and on other nights it could not be heard at all in farther away states.

To make it still plainer, let us take an imaginary example. Suppose a listener just a mile or so out of St. Cloud, Minn., has been listening to the Canadian station of 50,000 watts, located in Saskatchewan, at the very top of the dial, 540. He wants to tune to a program about to come in over KSTP, Minneapolis-St. Paul, a 50,000-watt station at the very opposite end of the dial. Now if he turns the dial along rapidly, only three or four stations will come in loudly and clearly enough to arrest his attention, provided the volume is not turned on very loud. Suppose, now, our Mexican station was located at 950 on the dial---which it isn't. I can't reveal the exact channel offered us at this time, but it's just as good as 950, and this will serve to illustrate. If this listener were turning the dial rather rapidly, with volume half way up, he would hear a brief sound for a fraction of a second as he went past 670 and 720, two of Chicago's 50,000-watt stations. But the chances are he wouldn't even notice a sound as he went past a large number of 5,000-watt stations in Bismark, N. Dak., Chicago, Yankton, S. Dak., Omaha, and other points. If he turned the volume clear up, and turned his dial very slowly, then he could hear all these stations, and also such farther-away 50,000-watt stations as Nashville, Cincinnati, and Detroit, or even Atlanta, Ga., Dallas and Ft. Worth, Texas. But, with volume down low, and turning fairly rapidly, the first station to come in sharp and loud enough to arrest his attention would be WCCO, Minneapolis, 50,000-watts, only about 50 miles away, at 830 on the dial. Turning on he'd pass a number of other stations he could hear if he tuned carefully and turned the volume on full---but the very next station to really STOP him would be our station, across the Mexican border, at 950--- and this would REALLY STOP him, coming in just about as loud, as clear and even and plain, as the 50,000-watt Minneapolis station only 50 miles away, or as the local St. Cloud station only a mile away, 1450 on the dial, or KSTP, St. Paul, 50,000-watts only some 50 miles distant.

Now, at 1040 on the dial, if he turned the volume on a little louder, this listener easily could pick up WHO, Des Moines, which would come in at St. Cloud very good, though not nearly as loud as the Minneapolis stations. Also, at 1200, he could, if he turned the volume on full, and tuned carefully, bring in WOAI--- just as he could other 50,000-watt stations in Denver, Salt Lake, Louisville and Nashville, Cleveland, Detroit, New Orleans, Atlanta, Dallas, and other points. But do you see what I'm trying to make clear? Unless he turned his dial SLOWLY, with the volume on so full that in turning past his local Minneapolis and St. Paul stations or our 250,000-watt station, it would almost break his ear-drums, he would not ever happen to catch the program on a 50,000-watt station so far away as San Antonio. Yet our Mexican station, with 250,000 watts of power, would come in SO LOUD, he would almost have to stop and listen.

The point is, that for every one who happens to catch our program on a 50,000-watt station so far away as WOAI, there would be one to fifty people who would be STOPPED as they turn the dial, and catch our program on this Mexican station going out at the great power of 250,000-watts---FIVE TIMES the power of any United States station---the MOST POWERFUL RADIO SIGNAL IN THE WESTERN HEMISPHERE! It would come in just like a local station EVERY- WHERE---always strong, clear---no static, no fading. It would give us at least TWENTY TIMES the listeners, at the same hour, as a 50,000-watt United States station---or the equivalent of using twenty super-power 50,000-watt stations in the United States, on which, at 8:PM, a half-hour program would cost about $4,000. per broadcast.

But that isn't all. These large 50,000-watt stations in the United States have been unwilling to sell us any time for preaching the Gospel until AFTER 11:PM Sunday night---AFTER MOST PEOPLE HAVE GONE TO BED! They charge four times as much for a half-hour between the best listening hours of 6:PM, to 9:30 PM., because at least four times as many people listen at that period. With our own 250,000-watt station across the border, we not only would be free from the annoying censorship constantly imposed by super-power American stations, but our programs would go out at the very BEST HOURS OF THE EVENING---now multiplying the number of listeners four times more, a total of 80 times as many, as at 11:PM on the most powerful United States stations. Yes, we would often have an audience of as high as TWENTY MILLION PEOPLE at one time, beyond a doubt!

But still this isn't all. Our programs on the American stations can go out only once each week. On our own 250,000-watt station, the program would be on the air SEVEN NIGHTS A WEEK, Multiplying effectiveness 7 more times---at least 560 times the actual power of a 50,000-watt station at 11:PM!!

A Power Almost Beyond Belief

See if I can explain, by a comparison, so our minds can grasp just how powerful a program for God this will be. The most powerful radio stations in the United States are limited to 50,000-watts. We propose to operate a station FIVE TIMES as powerful---250,000 watts.

We have used two of our nation's greatest stations, WHO, and WOAI. There are none more powerful within the United States. On each of these stations, we could be heard, and were heard, in every state in the union. But, in most states, only a comparative FEW scattered perhaps many miles apart, actually DID hear our program.

Power Comparable to ATOMIC BOMB!

The atomic bomb, so far except for experiments, has been used only TWICE---both times for purposes of DESTRUCTION. Regardless of possible beneficial uses, it remains a potential DANGER greater than the human mind can grasp! Churchill expressed the opinion that this power for destruction has been "long mercifully withheld from man." It proves humanity is moving rapidly, inexorably, toward "ARMAGEDDON! This new power for destruction staggers the imagination by its magnitude! Christ must now come soon to save humanity from destroying itself.

Yet if our minds can but grasp it, God Almighty has now placed within our reach a "POWER FOR GOOD---for PEACE, for the salvation of SOULS for eternity---of just as tremendous magnitude, compared to all past Gospel campaigns, as the atomic bomb is a power for destruction compared to past weapons used for that purpose!

All I can say is, the opportunity has now been opened to us, if we but grasp it, for serving God and humanity in the few remaining chaotic years of this present evil world that is SO GREAT---SO POWERFUL a means of spreading the GOSPEL and proclaiming God's WARNING---that it is difficult for our minds fully to grasp. And if Almighty God did not want us to take advantage of it AT ANY SACRIFICE, and did not intend to guide us and bless us in the undertaking, He never would have caused the opportunity to come, now for a third time! And every visible indication is, that this is the last POSSIBLE time.

There are many additional details I cannot enter into here. Suffice it to say here, that in such an enterprise, if placed in my hands, I believe in the policy of surrounding oneself with the most experienced, able, and best qualified men of proven ability and integrity, so far as actual management and operation of the station is concerned. A thoroughly-experienced and able radio executive would be placed in charge. As chief technical operator I already have the man in mind---one who for years has been chief operator of two key net-work stations in an important city, and whose sincerity and trust-worthiness has been proven. Mexican dealing will be handled thru and with the advice and assistance of men of long experience in the field of super-power Mexican radio properties--- men who have personal standing and influence with government heads in Mexico City. The many other details I shall be glad to enter into privately with any and all seriously considering the matter of making this great opportunity OURS.

I have sufficient faith in God to believe this BULLETIN will be read by someone---perhaps only ONE---who has the ability, if God makes the heart willing, to supply for this purpose a sum of between one and two hundred thousand dollars. And perhaps one or two others able to put in $35,000 to $50,000. I believe there will be a few more who can manage to place at our disposal from $1,000 to $5,000. There are, I'm sure, still more who can, if willing, find a way to contribute sums of $100, $250, or $500. And this unprecedented great and glorious opportunity will be realized, I know ONLY if each one who has ability to supply such sums does so, to the very LIMIT of his ability. A very large portion of our dear Co-Workers are poor people who are able to give only the "widow's mite." To raise any such sum as a quarter million dollars means, undoubtedly, that some one, or two, or three persons of large ability must make this possible, or the opportunity God has opened must fail. Let us pray as never before that any one, or small FEW, of such ability will not fail our God in this crisis hour of earth's history! I might mention that I have every faith, based upon the facts as I know them, that every dime of the original investment could be retired within some two years or less---but that is a matter for private explanation. As mentioned above, Dr. Brinkley, with exactly the same power, did take a net profit of $500,000 a year. I am not personally interested in any manner whatsoever in establishing this as a commercial enterprise for the purpose of making profits, however---but solely as a POWER FOR GOD, and sending forth HIS MESSAGE with the LOUD VOICE His prophecies say it is yet to go.

What I Ask YOU to Do

Now, dear Co-Workers for Christ, this is a most SOLEMN and serious matter---and there is no time to lose. I ask each of you, first, to go to a private place, get down on your knees before God, and PRAY! Even FAST and Pray! Pray earnestly. Ask God, if it is His will to place within our hands this tremendous power for proclaiming His Message to the world, to lay the burden SO DEFINITELY upon the hearts of those He chooses to use for supplying such a large sum, that they will be unable to resist! Ask God, please, to give ME wisdom and guidance, for I need it now as never before. And ask Him to guide YOU, and to show you what He would have YOU do about it.

Then after praying very earnestly and sincerely over it, write me AT ONCE, and tell me how much you, yourself, will be able to put into this great purpose, provided of course, (1st) after hearing all the additional details about it you still approve it and feel led to contribute this sum, and (2nd) enough money is pledged BY OTHERS to make up, WITH YOURS, the total needed amount. In that way, I will be able to know in a very few days WHETHER enough others have responded to make this tremendous opportunity a glorious REALITY, I can then notify you what OTHERS are able to do, and if there is enough, each one can then send the money.

Now it IS vitally necessary that I know, BY RETURN AIR MAIL ---and a telegram or even long-distance telephone call is quicker ---what each one will be able to do, subject to the above two conditions---in other words, whether it is going to be possible. Many I have learned, would have been willing to have put in a considerable sum for this very purpose when I wrote you of the former possibilities, only they didn't know whether enough OTHERS were responding to make up the total sum, and so they just did and said nothing. Now I can let YOU know what all the others are able to do ONLY if you let me know at once what YOU are able to do. So, whether you can send only an extra dollar or two, or $100, or $150,000, or even supply the entire amount yourself, LET ME KNOW IMMEDIATELY, either by air-mail letter, by telegraph, or long- distance telephone.

PRAY OVER THIS FIRST! Do not delay, please! And may God bless and guide you in making your decisions as to YOUR part! And join me in PRAYING EARNESTLY that God will guide, and move upon, to lead us in this. It is really a TREMENDOUS MATTER! It may mean the ETERNITY of countless precious souls. The money required is SO TRIVIAL by comparison! Time is short. They will give us only two or three weeks, and it may take the first week of that period to get this longer than usual BULLETIN printed and mailed to you Co-Workers. We must work WHILE IT IS DAY!---while there is STILL time and opportunity. God has mercifully granted US the victory in World War II,---perhaps as much for the very purpose of giving us this opportunity to proclaim HIS MESSAGE to a lost and rapidly-dying world with such POWER as to shake this nation and all our Israelitish people to ITS VERY FOUNDATIONS, as for any other purpose. I know, from prophecy, our nation's LIFE is at stake. Souls are at stake for ETERNITY!

This is now, dear Co-Workers, YOUR solemn responsibility before GOD! As this BULLETIN goes out, I can only PRAY and trust Him to lay the burden on each one. PRAY, and may God lead, guide, and bless you!

* * * * * * * *


Brethren and Co-Workers, we have a wonderful program already planned for this Fall and winter season. We at the office are enthusiastic over the way things are shaping up.

Now the war is over, the printers tell me they are in position to begin getting out The PLAIN TRUTH every month, just as soon as I am personally in position to write the material that often. But I will have to be frank and tell you the delay in getting out the current issue, now at last actually going to press, has been caused by my personal run-down condition as much as it was due to war-time handicaps. Let me explain briefly. I have not been ill or sick in the accepted sense. I have a fundamentally sound and strong constitution. But, due to lack of sufficient physical exercise, high nervous tension and loss of sleep, I had gotten into a condition of personal inefficiency I simply didn't realize. I had developed insomnia, I couldn't sleep. A Week of fasting at the beach did wonders for me already. It wasn't enough. The end of the war forced us to return to the office, but as soon as I finish writing this, we plan to leave again this very afternoon for the Coast, and I will get in two more weeks of fasting, very special diet, and REST. This will end the insomnia, clean out my system and blood-stream. Then, Upon returning, I have a program all planned that will KEEP me in top physical and mental shape---a program involving ample physical exercise, proper diet, sufficient sleep. I am not attempting more than I can handle, but I MUST have top personal efficiency to handle the job ahead.

The last week in September---September 22 to 29 inclusive ---we are holding our annual Fall Festival---the Feast of Tabernacles. You'll read in Zech. 14 how we ALL will be forced, under severe penalties, to do this AFTER JESUS COMES. Paul and the New Testament Christians kept God's spiritual festivals--- Pentecost, Festival of Tabernacles, etc. We do it now. This year we shall hold it at beautiful Belknap Springs, on the Mackenize, out in the worship-inspiring Cascades, secluded from the world, 60 miles out of Eugene. If you'd like to come and join us in this spiritual festival, write or wire at once for reservations.

Beginning October 1st, we are negotiating now for using a full half-hour broadcast SIX NIGHTS A WEEK, between 8 and 9 PM, on the 100,000-watt station XELO. By the way, while this station is rated 100,000 watt, I have learned it is not actually employing that much power---it is not, in any manner, to be compared to the full 250,000-watts of our own proposed station. Nevertheless the mail response from this station has been tremendous and shows it has given us a very large listening audience over many states. We plan also on adding, during Fall or early winter, 50,000-watt KWKH, Shreveport, La., and 50,000-watt WHAS, Louisville, Ky. Also, on starting a DAILY program as soon as possible on WJJD, Chicago, the nation's most powerful independent station. That, together with getting out The PLAIN TRUTH regularly and more often, will far more than double the power of this work.

That means, too, INCREASED EXPENSE. It has been a tight squeeze to get thru the difficult summer months. Money always falls off thru the summer. We have reduced expenses somewhat this summer, but still it's been difficult to meet. The long delay in getting out The PLAIN TRUTH, and the BULLETIN, has resulted in a big falling off. RESULT: WE NEED AND MUST HAVE TWO OR THREE THOUSAND DOLLARS EXTRA FOR THE REGULAR WORK WITHIN THE NEXT WEEK OR TWO. Again, that means, in addition to the ever-faithful "widow's mites" for which we are SO grateful, we shall have to depend upon those of larger ability to send in larger offerings of from $35 to $500 for the regular current work, by return mail. It seems there are SO FEW willing to sacrifice for GOD'S WORK that every one of us must continually respond to the very LIMIT of our ability---whether a dollar or several hundred---in order to keep this great and glorious work going---and growing!

Now please go to some private place and PRAY---very earnestly, for this work, won't you? Then in the enclosed envelope send the very largest sum you possibly can for the regular work, and also write me, or telegraph or telephone, how large a SPECIAL OFFERING, anywhere from a dollar to $250,000, you can put a little later into the purchase of our own station in Mexico, subject to the conditions mentioned. But please do not neglect to send, by return mail, all you possibly can for the regular work which must KEEP GOING! God bless you, I know you won't fail me---or our GOD! We are at a sobering period of history. God is giving us the opportunity---yes, the COMMISSION---to play a very IMPORTANT PART IN IT. May he bless each one, and help us not to fail.

Sincerely, in Jesus' name,



For September, only, we are forced to go to the time of 6:30 AM. The program for this one month can also be heard on KVAN, 910 on dial, 10:AM. Most KXL listeners can hear the program over KVI, Seattle-Tacoma, at 570 on the dial, 9:30 AM, Sundays. KXL now goes off the air at sunset. The manager says if OUR PRAYERS can bring favorable decision from Federal Communications Commission granting them FULL TIME, as applied for, he will give us best time of week, 8 PM Sunday nights, the year around. Will you please PRAY earnestly about this?


October 3, 1945 - Good News Member Letter - Herbert W Armstrong
Institutes Second Tithe for Holydays


The GOOD NEWS Letter

A personal letter to all the brethren of The Churches of God, from your pastor, co-laborer, and fellow-servant in Christ, Herbert W. Armstrong, Box 111, Eugene

Number 3 October 3, 1945


Dear Brethren:

I feel most of you will want to hear about little Larry's condition, and how we finally came out on expenses for the Feast of Tabernacles.

By Sunday Larry appeared to have turned decidedly for the better. Early morning his temperature was about half-degree subnormal, and for a while we were a little concerned about that, but by 10 or 11 o'clock it was back up a fraction above normal, and he was taking nourishment---potassium broth made from non- starch vegetables, carrot-juice (raw), and whole grain oatmeal gruel, in addition to orange juice and water.

So after waiting out at Belknap until this report to decide about taking the trip to Crater Lake, we decided to go. Only our car made the trip, but with me were Sister Smith and daughter Mildred, Myra Carter, my mother and my brother Dwight. We saw the reflection of the sunset mirrored up from Crater Lake, just as we were leaving. It was magnificent. All who went feel that next year we must devote one whole day to a trip to Crater Lake for everyone. It is a very impressive sermon, if viewed properly.

We arrived at our home in Eugene at 10:PM. Little Larry's face had filled out so much in two days since I had seen him, he didn't look like the same baby. Brother Kiesz came in just as we were unloading our car, and I was with him till he left by bus about 12:30.

Larry has continued to improve in strength, and to gain in flesh, though his fever returned Monday, and was even higher Tuesday, reaching almost 103 again---as high as it has been at any time, but beginning to drop again in the evening as I now write. There is some possibility it may by typhoid, but we are not certain yet. We are continuing to feed him as above, in a manner that will not increase his fever or prevent elimination of toxins, but sufficient to build up his strength gradually. I feel certain that this whole case will come to a sudden complete healing, at any time. It seems, as I have said, that always God permits us to be under some "present trouble." Usually we are having to pass through some one or two trials or troubles at all times. Always it seems like this "present trouble" is one God is doing nothing about---all physical and material circumstances, will make it appear that our prayers are not heard. Then all of a sudden, the trouble just seems to melt into thin air. Every such trial we have been thru in the past has been brought out just right, and in every case God has heard and acted and given the answer. He has never failed us once. He won't now. Of course there have been hundreds of times where God has given us the healing, or the answer to our prayers, or the deliverance from trouble, immediately after committing it to Him. But every time our faith has been tried by the trouble hanging on, as at present, if we do not lose faith, the answer comes. So, please KEEP PRAYING WITH US, very earnestly, and in continued FAITH, and in His time and way God will restore Larry to complete health.

I didn't get a minute to check up on costs and receipts of food, etc., until today. We finally came out far better than we thought we would. The food bill came out less than it looked like it would, and by the end of the meeting, more money was received than earlier appearances indicated. Here's a brief condensed statement. Meats, fresh fruits and vegetables, $84.16. Groceries, $71.26. Dairy products $34.69. Cook's salary and room, and Bro. Kiesz' room, $116.50 (Sister Wallace began work Thursday night out at Belknap, and did not finish until after Breakfast Sunday---more than nine days total). Total expenses, $306.61. Total received, $387.65. Balance, placed in radio and publishing fund, $81.04.

A great meeting of this kind, like an altar-service of the right kind for the right purpose, may prove a wonderful blessing and bring us a real revival---but we must now realize that both, at most, are merely a sort of "pump-priming" of spiritually- dry wells. Many of us have been much closer to the world than we have to God. We have neglected prayer. We have become dry, spiritually. We were in DANGER, for we can lose out altogether thru neglect. Many of us perhaps never would have gotten back to God alone. We were dry wells. We needed priming---a little of the true Spirit of God poured into us, by such a meeting, to start the inflowing and OUT-flowing of the Holy Spirit working continuously, again, in our lives. All of us should have been revived by this great meeting. We were brought back closer to God. We got out AWAY from the world for eight days. We were able to help one another revive spiritually. We put in more time PRAYING. We read more, and heard more, of God's Word. It surely should have started God's Spirit coming in, and flowing on OUT, in love and fulfilling of His law, thus priming the spiritually-dry well. But, dear brethren, unless YOU yourself now KEEP ON drinking in more and more fully of the precious WATERS OF LIFE, so that this LIVING WATER of God's Holy Spirit can flow now, not like a trickling stream almost dried up, but like RIVERS of living water, as a result of greatly- increased private prayer, along with God, and much more time devoted to Bible study, and worship, and contemplation of the things above, then this meeting will have been in vain for you, after all---it will only have been a good time. Now you are back home from the Feast of Tabernacles. STUDY YOUR BIBLE MORE. Go to a place ALONE WITH GOD, and PRAY as you never did before. Spend at least one solid hour a day without getting up, on you knees in private prayer with God---beside much additional prayer, and keeping constantly in a spirit of prayer. Be more regular and punctual in assembling with the brethren every Sabbath, and prayer meeting. And start NOW to set aside, where you won't and can't touch it for any other purpose, that SECOND TITHE God has ordained to cover you expenses at Passover, Pentecost, and next year's Feast of Tabernacles! Be a DOER of the Word, not a hearer only! Have courage to DO IT, and then see how surely and abundantly God will bless you! The time to start that second tithe is NOW. If you don't do it now, you won't later, and you'll lose the blessing, may be unable to come next year, and have heard now light in vain. If it was not made completely clear to you, write and tell me so, and why, and let us study further until it is clear---but don't just neglect it. NOW is the time to start---this very DAY---this very WEEK---with the very next dime, or dollar you receive.

There were more than enough red stamps to cover the meat and butter and if those who sent stamps would write us, we will divide them equally among you.

We have already engaged Belknap Springs for next year. I think we will plan the schedule a little differently next year, making it more interesting, and so all will get more out of it. We will profit from lessons learned this year. I'm sure we shall have a more interesting program---reducing the amount of time spent indoors sitting in services, allowing more time for being out-doors and praying like Jesus did, on the mountain-side, and perhaps holding some services outdoors. We will try to arrange for all to take the trip to Crater Lake. We will plan farther ahead for a better, more interesting program for children and young people. This is just a first beginning of this type Feast of Tabernacles this year. Let us profit from it. So, remember, PRAY more, study your BIBLE more, keep closer to God, trust Him not only more but FULLY in ALL things, and start laying aside that second tithe, now. God bless you, and make the wonderful festival just closed the REAL BEGINNING of a changed, far more spiritual, joyful Christian life!

Sincerely, in Jesus' name,



November 20, 1945 Co-Worker Letter - Herbert W Armstrong
Writes From Beach, After 9 Month Delay World Tomorrow on Radio XEG, WEBR



Published every little while to keep our Co-Workers informed of the progress, the problems, and the future plans for carrying on God's Work in these closing days of this age; ---broadcasting "The WORLD TOMORROW," publishing The PLAIN TRUTH magazine, and other Gospel literature. HERBERT W. ARMSTRONG, Box 111, Eugene, Oregon.

VOLUME VI. Number 7. November 20, 1945


GREETINGS, dear Friends and Co-Workers: At last I'm personally fit and READY! By the time you receive this BULLETIN, by far the most powerful Gospel campaign of our experience will be going out to the nation in full half-hour broadcasts at the very best hour, EVERY NIGHT!

Once again I'm writing you from the beach. Even the same day I wrote the last BULLETIN from here, I was called back by pressure of work to Eugene, and Portland, getting this great new campaign finally contracted for, planned, and arranged. Again I was kept away from the imperative FASTING and prayer, and rest, for nearly another two weeks. But finally Mrs. Armstrong and I managed to get back over here and remain two and a half weeks this time. And finally the all-important purpose is accomplished! We leave here TOMORROW, fit and READY---keen and full of vital energy for the task ahead!

Now this BULLETIN goes from my typewriter here, to our office in Eugene. There it will take our office staff a few days to print, on the mimeograph, to assemble, fold, address, stamp and mail the nearly 5,000 copies. It will take a few days more after that for them to go by mail all over the United States and to reach you. I mention this so you'll understand why your BULLETINS always are received several days after I write them.

We leave here tomorrow morning. Already I have broken my fast, and I feel now like a new man. Tomorrow we drive to Port- land, where next Sunday's broadcasts are to be recorded and the electrical transcriptions started an hour or two later by plane for the various stations. Then we return to Eugene for a very busy day of final preparation for this dynamic campaign. During this time the telephone company and radio technicians will be installing a microphone, radio equipment, and private line in my office. Arrangements already are completed. Then on next Monday night the first of the every-night half hour programs will go to the nation, originating directly from my own office in Eugene.

The contemplation of this big intensive campaign is THRILLING! Already a new super-power station is carrying the Message, the entire length and breadth of the Pacific Coast. Three broadcasts already have gone out, the past three Sunday nights, over 50,000-watt WEBR, a powerful Mexican station south of Los Angeles. Mail is pouring in from this station from British Columbia, Alberta and Saskatchewan in Canada, from Oregon, Washington and California on the west, and from Idaho, Montana, and Utah.

On next Sunday night, November 25th, "The WORLD TOMORROW" program starts, at last, after some nine months of waiting, on the 150,000-watt station XEG, located at Monterey Mexico, south of San Antonio. This station will send the Message clearly and powerfully all thru the middle-west---especially the states of Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa, Missouri, North and South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, eastern Kentucky and Tennessee, Louisiana, and, of course Texas. Millions and millions live in these states. The TIME on XEG is 8 o'clock Sunday nights, Central Standard time, at 1050 on the dial.

Every-Night Program on Two, Possibly Three, Super-Power Stations

Now here's how the EVERY-NIGHT program will START! They start off, first, on the 100,000-watt station XELO, which we have used now for over a year, on Monday night December 2nd. This continues, on this one station, two weeks, and then beginning Monday night December 16th, we are to broadcast also EVERY NIGHT (except Saturday) on XEG.

The time, both stations, 8:PM every night---the VERY BEST time! Only there is this difference: Station XELO, Juarez, Mexico is in MOUNTAIN TIME, so the programs there are a 8 o'clock MOUNTAIN Standard time, at 8 on the dial. That's 7:PM on the Pacific Coast, 9:PM in the Central states. The program will be on XEG at 8:PM Central standard time, which is 7:PM in the Mountain states.

Then, if this EVERY-NIGHT campaign is successful on these two great stations, it is to start, still another two weeks later, beginning Dec. 30th, on XERB, covering the Coast region from Mexico to Alaska. Our time on XERB is 6:30 PM Sunday nights. I hope to be able to secure the same time EVERY NIGHT, beginning Dec. 30th.

PROVING-Ground for Our OWN Great Station!

This is a very great campaign in itself! By far the most powerful effort God has ever used us in carrying on so far. It will multiply the scope and power of our work for Him from five to ten times over, in this one great leap! Yet it is merely the preliminary FORE-RUNNER---the TRAINING-GROUND God has graciously provided, for the far greater, far more effective, much farther- reaching campaign to follow when we come to own our VERY OWN STATION, to be increased up to the colossal power of 250,000-watts, making it the most powerful radio voice in the Western hemisphere, if not in the world! I feel more certain than ever God will provide us with this station of vast power. But in His infinite wisdom, He has first provided us with this preliminary every-night campaign on three of the most powerful stations now in existence, as the preliminary PROVING-GROUND!

It's a most GLORIOUS privilege and opportunity! It will require our UTMOST effort---we must give of OUR VERY BEST, directed by the Eternal God, going forward in HIS GREAT SPIRITUAL POWER! So as we come, now, to the very "Zero-hour" of this great campaign, I feel HUMBLED, SOBERED, realizing fully the responsibility and what shall be required! So I ask EVERY CO-WORKER to take this matter seriously to heart---to PRAY MOST EARNESTLY for the work just now! To stand with me now as never before! For it not only is a glorious opportunity to proclaim the GOSPEL MESSAGE, and to win precious souls for Christ's Kingdom, but it is a campaign that will multiply the EXPENSES of the work THREE TIMES OVER!

Now We are Beginning this Great Campaign

As always, we are proceeding on PURE FAITH! God has led, opened the opportunity. What God starts He is able to maintain, and finish! I am reminded in this sober hour of the inspired words God caused David to write: "The Eternal intervenes on my behalf: Eternal One, thy kindness never fails, THOU WILT NOT DROP THE WORK THOU HAST BEGUN!" (Psalms 136:8, Moffatt Translation).

But we are not to "tempt God" by acting impulsively with- out due caution and sound reason. We must not on an impulse run up a crippling debt, get ourselves into a hopeless hole, and then expect God to pull us out.

When this EVERY-NIGHT campaign was opened to us, I knew instantly what a marvelous opportunity it was. But I knew, too, it meant an EXPENSE almost THREE TIMES present expenses---which means also three times as much as we now have coming in! But by past experience I know, too, that listeners voluntarily respond with tithes and offerings much more liberally when hearing the program SIX times a week than when they hear it only ONCE! And, too, such an intensive campaign adds NEW Co-workers. I know, too, by experience, it will take from two to four weeks before this increased sum in offerings is received.

So God graciously provided a way for us to use this highly valuable time EVERY NIGHT without taking chances of getting into a financial hole. I will go no farther, at any time, than we are able to pay! But I want our Co-Workers to realize fully exactly what this means! It means that if, by the end of the first two weeks of every-night broadcasting on XELO only, the financial response is not increasing sufficiently to pay the added cost, I shall have to CANCEL the every-night program forthwith and instantly, BEFORE I become entangled in a financial obligation I can't pay.

Remember, dear Co-Worker, while my entire time is devoted to the conduct and management of this work instead of in EARNING MONEY, and MY PART in the work is to conduct it, do the preaching and writing---and while YOUR PART in the work is to provide the financial means to keep it going,---yet by the very nature of the work it is I, not you co-workers, who must sign the contracts, and assume ALL THE FINANCIAL OBLIGATIONS! Providing the money is not MY PART, yet I alone and personally must and do assume the full and sole financial obligation as my own personal responsibility!

So this campaign has all been planned and arranged, as worked out and made possible by our heavenly Father Himself, so I do not have to go farther than we shall be able to pay. The first two weeks of daily broadcasting on this one station, XELO, I can assume, and that much I know we can pay for. Therefore we shall start, and go that far. But, unless you Co-Workers dig down deep, sacrifice, and respond now AS NEVER BEFORE, and unless NEW Co-Workers join us during these two weeks, I shall have to cancel it suddenly at the end of the first two weeks, and the daily programs will never be even STARTED on XEG!

But if, as I have every confidence, thru FAITH in our God, the financial response increases within these two weeks sufficiently, then we shall continue on with XELO the NEXT two weeks, and also start our first two weeks of EVERY-NIGHT broad- casting on XEG. If enough money keeps coming to pay for it, the program will keep right on until---LISTEN!---UNTIL NEXT APRIL--- clear thru the winter! and early SPRING!

I know all you Co-Workers will want this frank and candid statement of the situation. NEVER have we had such an opportunity! NEVER did this old world NEED the Message as NOW! NEVER was this world in such a CRISIS HOUR! An NEVER have we faced such a sober financial responsibility! I have written all contracts for this time, subject to almost immediate cancellation! I know you won't let me down, or fail our God in this great crisis! It mean much MORE than the material things of this world you probably had planned on getting for yourself. We have to sacrifice and GIVE UP things we want very badly sometimes, if we are to serve our God in these very LAST DAYS! Most of us have been laboring together in Christ's vineyard for one to ten years. You can't know what an inspiration it is to me to know from OUR long experience together as Co-Workers for Christ, that our Co-Workers will rise with me to this emergency, put forth a supreme EXTRA EFFORT, sacrifice as never before, and PRAY as never before---and together, with God's help, we shall carry forth in this greatest campaign of our experience!

Now FIT For My Part!

I have realized fully the tremendous drain on my own energy and strength such a heavy program will exact.

Few of our readers and listeners, in all probability, realize the very large amount of reading, study and research after the FACTS of world conditions as they are fulfilling prophecy, as well as of continuous Bible study, that is required to create just one broadcast on The WORLD TOMORROW program. Often whole books, three or four magazine articles, several "columns" are read thru, in order to locate and assemble together just two or three paragraphs of script for a radio program. But this is what makes the programs scintillating with INTEREST---makes them authentic, convincing. Thousands and thousands of non-Christians, non-church- goers, yes, even atheists are being shaken in their unbelief, caused to turn to the Bible and seek God.

Let me illustrate another vital drain on my personal strength. Today I was reading some in Pierre Van Paasson's book, "The Forgotten Ally," revealing hitherto unpublished facts about the Jewish-Arab strife and the Palestine situation. A publishers note in the flap of the outside paper cover speaks of this book as one "written in the white heat of passion that characterizes Van Paasson in the search for truth and justice."

As I read that, I wondered how many of our Co-Workers realize that if we are to be successful in gaining the attention of the public, arousing conviction, and winning souls for Christ, it requires just that inner burning passion for our cause! The average listener, when he happens to tune to our program, is not even INTERESTED, perhaps, in God or in the Bible, or his eternal salvation---let alone being in "a white heat of passion" for it. Now, if I, as a speaker, feel no more deeply a concern for his welfare than he does---if I am down in my heart and innermost being as calm and dispassionate as he, except perhaps for a MENTAL understanding he lacks and sense of duty for getting my job done and out of the way, then, I ask you, how am I going to arouse that spark of interest in him, that will lead him to Christ and an altogether new and changed life, and ultimately into the Kingdom?

Perhaps nine-tenths of whatever feeling of earnestness, or deep heart-felt concern for one's listeners and THEIR eternal welfare a speaker may actually have in his heart is LOST before the words enter the mind of the listener. That is, the listener will probably actually receive, and FEEL, not more than a TENTH of the interest and serious burden for this thing that the speaker himself possesses. Unless a man BELIEVE in his Message with all his heart and soul, way down DEEP, and with a burning passion that kindles enthusiasm, earnestness, and a convicting POWER---and unless as a result of this inner belief and overpowering BURDEN on his soul for others he is inspired to a spontaneous vigor, earnestness, and power in his very voice that will carry right thru to the emotions of his hearers, then he will interest but FEW, and probably actually win NONE.

It's the same whether spoken, or written. Most radio stations require that every word spoken on the air be first written in script. But unless one FEELS his Message, and literally BURNS into his writing the very white-hot flame of earnestness and conviction, it won't be there in the voice when the same words are spoken later into the microphone. What few of you probably realize is that I literally burn up more vital energy, vitality and physical nervous strength in the three or four hours of concentrated WRITING of a radio script, than I would in EIGHT hours of hard, physical, manual labor with my hands and body. If the weather is the least bit warm, I am dripping with sweat when I finish---tired, depleted of strength and energy. The same with articles for The PLAIN TRUTH. If such writing is to be useful in really REACHING and HELPING people, I have to throw, as it seems, literally TONS of vital energy into the task. Then, in the broad- cast itself, I throw my whole being and energy into it. I actually believe I am nearly always far more interested in any subject, far more deeply concerned about it, than most any of my listeners---and incidently, perhaps I do ENJOY one of my own sermons or broadcasts more than my audience---that is enjoy the TRUTHS actually flowing from God's Word! But it expends much vital ENERGY! It requires absolutely top physical condition.

It's this long and constant drain on physical and nervous vitality, with lack of sufficient physical exercise, loss of sleep, plus inability always to get proper food and diet when away from home so much, that had enervated me and made necessary this period of fasting, and rest at the beach.

The body is the temple of the Holy Spirit---not as a reservoir, but a CHANNEL thru which God's Spirit flows. But an enervated, worn-out, below-par body is never a fit temple for God's Spirit. One is not qualified for a work such as this to which God has called me, unless quickened---energized---by the very POWER of God's Spirit. But the physical and mental must be at top efficiency before this OUTSIDE current of power from God can flow in, and thru, a human being. So I needed, vitally, this period of fasting and prayer---for increased physical vitality, as well as spiritual power.

Now I'm fit, revived, once again, and READY! I have been revived, after such a regime before, but this time I have gone farther and planned a definite schedule for myself which involves ample physical exercise and fresh air, ample rest and sleep as I go along. Instead of wearing down again, this time I should constantly INCREASE in stamina and vitality for the work! The fact of installing the private broadcast line right into my office in Eugene will enable me to remain home most of the time, and adhere to a definite daily routine. Yes, SIX broadcasts a week instead of one, of the nature and type which go out on "The WORLD TOMORROW" program, made necessary that I first be fit and ready, physically and mentally as well as spiritually, for my part. I AM NOW FIT AND READY.

Many of our good Co-Workers did not seem to understand. Some have had the idea I was in bad health, perhaps something chronically wrong. I hope these few words may correct that erroneous impression. The above explains the sole debility I was under. I have not been ill or sick in the usual sense of the term, nor even in bad health in the usual sense of the word. Nothing wrong of either a chronic or acute nature. I have a very strong constitution, am almost never sick or ill. The temporary staleness, tiredness, worn nerves, are now all restored, and I feel I'm in top shape for the vigorous campaign now starting.

These past several months I have not been able to keep up with personal correspondence, or even to complete the writing of The PLAIN TRUTH. However, in order to keep good things going out of our office to our listeners and Co-Workers, I have been announcing regularly in the broadcasts, SPECIAL literature which we have been printing and sending out from week to week, for all who would write in a special request.


Letters coming in daily show a growing interest in the purchase and operation of a super-power radio station of our own, to be located just south of the border, in Mexico, and as near the middle of the North American continent, east and west, as possible.

Many questions are being asked. In due time a complete prospectus will be prepared, available for mailing to all our Co- Workers who are interested in having a part in his great cause.

I had intended to quote from many of the letters coming in, and answer many of the questions being asked, in this BULLETIN. But I see space forbids. I will try to send you another BULLETIN, if possible, within the next two weeks or so, quoting from those letters, answering many questions.

The Immediate Job to be Done NOW!

However, even though interest is increasing, and the move for the purchase of the most powerful radio voice, possible, in the whole world, is gaining momentum, there is a PRESENT TASK immediately before us, preparatory to this larger undertaking to follow, and to the job of this hour we must turn our undivided attention and wholehearted efforts now.

So, the ZERO-HOUR is HERE! This great winter campaign is NOW STARTING---probably will be actually ON THE AIR, every night, by the time this BULLETIN reaches you!

It will multiply the power of GOOD of this great work five to ten times over! But, it will multiply the expenses of the work at least THREE TIMES, within the next few weeks! And that, dear Co-Workers, is YOUR responsibility. I must call on you now to respond with liberal tithes and offerings as you never have before.

The PLAIN TRUTH will be rolling off the press now very soon. I'm fit and ready now, and war-time delays are partially if not yet altogether in the past. The PLAIN TRUTH will be coming out more often, and, I hope, within just another two or three months, regularly at least every two months, and soon EVERY MONTH! If possible, I hope to have the wonderful new BIBLE STUDY COURSE actually started before this winter campaign of every-night broad- casting is over. Yes, we have an ambitious campaign planned---and now ALREADY LAUNCHED AND UNDER WAY!

Never did this world face such an awesome, threatening, fore-boding situation as now. Statesmen are frankly bewildered--- and, whether they admit it or not publicly, FRIGHTENED!

There is but ONE WAY, now, to world peace---to prevent annihilation of humanity by the horribly-destructive atomic power and frightful new weapons for using it! WE KNOW THAT WAY! It must be shouted, yes T H U N D E R E D, with a tremendous power only GOD can impart, over these super-power facilities and the printing press, to the nation, and the world!

We must do it WHILE WE MAY! Let me remind you again, the NIGHT is coming, when no man can work! Soon will come the FAMINE of hearing God's Word preached. It's OUR RESPONSIBILITY---N O W! Co-Workers, I have to appeal to you now---this greatly-multiplied program is NOW GOING OUT---we need the widow's mites IN LARGE NUMBER now as never before---from many who may not be able to send in more, and have sent nothing for some time! We need, and MUST have, in addition, larger offerings from all who possibly can, from one, on up to several hundred dollars. And if ever there was a time when GOD'S WORK needs one or two of you who are able to make a real sacrifice and place into His active work special gifts of one or several thousand dollars, that time is NOW!

I have given MY ALL! I am putting into it MY VERY BEST! The REST, dear friends, God must supply THRU YOU! The fate of this work depends upon the response of this urgent appeal! I rest it now in YOUR HANDS---and GOD BLESS YOU!


FREE, on request: Special booklets and mimeographed articles: "The PLAIN TRUTH About CHRISTMAS!" Where did it come from? What does the Bible say about it? After the birth of the Christ-Child (not on the day of His birth) the wise men presented to Him GIFTS---not to inaugurate a NEW CUSTOM of exchanging gifts, but in conformity of an age-old custom of always bringing a present whenever ushered into he presence of a KING. They did not exchange gifts among themselves. They presented their gifts to CHRIST! Today, without thinking, people have fallen into the habit of trading gifts back and forth among themselves, while the month of December is the one month when they seem to give less to CHRIST than any other! This year, WHY NOT HONOR HIM, BY THE LARGEST GIFT YOU EVER GAVE HIM, FOR HIS WORK?

Other articles: "The PALESTINE Issue." "The THREAT to World Peace." "PREDESTINATION." " The MILLENNIUM---in Heaven, or on Earth?" etc.

* * * * * *

RADIO LOG: Entire Pacific Coast: XERB, 1090 on dial, 6:30 PM Sundays. Pacific Northwest: KVI, Seattle-Tacoma, 570 on dial, 9:30 AM, Sundays. KXL, Portland, 750 on dial, 6:30 AM; KVAN, Vancouver-Portland, 910 on dial, 10 AM. Southern California, KMTR, Hollywood, 570 on dial, 9:30 AM. Middle-West, Mexico to Canada, XEG, 150 on dial, 8 PM, Sunday evenings, Central Standard time. Mountain States and entire U.S. and Canada, XELO, 800 on dial, 8 PM, Mountain time. 


December 26, 1945 Co-Worker Letter - Herbert W Armstrong
Asks Public for Money on the Air, Turns Down $100,000 Secular News Job


Box 111, Eugene, Oregon December 28, 1945


Dear Friends and Co-Workers: A most UNEXPECTED emergency has arisen. It forced me to do something DRASTIC--something I've never done before--something I hated to do more than you can realize--It forced me to put out an urgent emergency appeal over the air last night on the two great super-power stations that cover the entire nation and continent. Never before in twelve years of broadcasting God's Gospel Message have I asked for money over the air.

I did it for the sake of A MILLION PRECIOUS SOULS now listening to the Message EVERY NIGHT--and the many THOUSANDS now interested and writing in for spiritual help, and our free literature carrying to them the BIBLE TRUTH. Here is what I was forced to say, at the close of the broad- cast last night--it is self-explanatory:

....and now, may I have just a word with our CO-WORKERS who are listening tonight. What I'm going to have to say for the next two or three minutes isn't intended for most of our great vast radio audience---this is just for our regular co-workers ONLY. But I have to report to you dear Co-Workers who are financing this great work of God that we may be forced off the air SUDDENLY, in less than a week! Co-Workers, LISTEN! I can hardly bear to say it, but most of our regular co-workers who have so loyally supported Christ's work and kept it going--yes, and GROWING until it's become an international POWER for GOD--have simply been letting the work down, since the beginning of the Christmas shopping season!

Only about a fourth of our usual co-workers are remembering CHRIST and His glorious work at this time! Almost none of the usual larger offerings--or tithes--in amounts of thirty, fifty, a hundred dollars or more, are coming in now,--and just as we are STARTING this nation-wide INTENSIVE campaign of EVERY-NIGHT BROADCASTING! It seems about the only Co-Workers who are remembering CHRIST at this season are those of meagre circumstances --many, old people living on old-age pensions, who STILL are faithful and loyal with their widow's mites, given at real sacrifice! --GOD BLESS THEM! Now just at this time God opened the opportunity, and I've launched out--ON SHEER FAITH--with the biggest, most powerful campaign BY FAR we ever were privileged to conduct.

This program is going out every night except Saturday over the two MOST POWERFUL radio stations in North America--at the VERY BEST HOUR--8 o'clock in the middle-west, 8 o'clock in the Mountain States and beginning next week it is scheduled to go out, unless we are stopped, also at 8 o'clock on the COAST! Now this has multiplied expenses THREE TIMES OVER! Unless our family of co-workers comes to the rescue, we'll be forced off the air in less that a week! I can't keep this valuable radio time another week unless a LARGE NUMBER of our co-workers all over the country hear, and HEED this appeal, and come to the rescue not only with a veritable DOWNPOUR of widow's mites, but also with a real shower of the larger sums of fifty, a hundred dollars, and more,--and by RETURN AIR-MAIL! Please DO NOT send it special delivery--but use AIR-MAIL, or even better yet TELEGRAPH THE MONEY BY WESTERN UNION!

Now listen: I want you to know the FACTS! The mail response to these every-night broadcasts has been overwhelming! It indicates this precious Message is being heard by an interested audience of at least ONE MILLION souls EVERY NIGHT--a great, vast, nation-wide and international audience. The response shows thousands and thousands are HUNGRY for GOD'S PRECIOUS TRUTH. It keeps a large and growing staff in our office busy every day mailing out FREE Gospel literature to thousands and thousands of people who are writing in for it! And remember it goes FREE. I can't put a PRICE on the Gospel! Some are bound to write in, after this appeal, and urge me to CHARGE for it--but THAT IS NOT GOD'S WAY, and WE CAN'T DO IT! You know I never ask for money over the air. You never heard me mention this, or ask for it BEFORE, and even tonight I'm saying this only to our regular co-workers who are listening,--and only because circumstances FORCE me to say it, as a last resort! I've never put out an appeal for money over the air before!

Why, every day I receive letters like this one that just came this afternoon, saying, "If you will accept an offering, I'll be glad to send one to help spread the Gospel." Thousands of listeners do not seem even to know whether I'd be willing to ACCEPT an offering, or their tithe! That's because THIS broadcast is probably the ONLY ONE you have ever heard on the air--that is, of RELIGIOUS broadcasts--that does not continually beg for money over the air. No, I do not, I WILL NOT, and there is NO REQUEST FOR MONEY WHATSOEVER in any of the Gospel literature we send to listeners who respond to the broadcasts--except our Co-Workers BULLETIN, sent ONLY to those who have first voluntarily taken financial part in this work by sending in money UNSOLICITED! So, this once, I state the FACTS, as I must. Now, of course, out of the thousands of NEW LISTENERS now writing in for our FREE GOSPEL LITERATURE, a small percent have been sending in small offerings for the work with their requests, even tho it was not solicited, nor expected. The plain facts are that had it not been for these offerings from NEW LISTENERS, I could not have continued this great campaign this far.

I owe you an explanation of the FACTS: Twelve years ago I started this work in a country schoolhouse near Eugene, Oregon, without a dollar of money--nothing but God's TRUTH, a rich experience, and PURE FAITH! A man at that time said to me, "I'd be willing to BET you that you can't go on preaching these PLAIN BIBLE TRUTHS and succeed--it can't be done!" He said "People won't support it, and no denomination will pay you a salary. People don't love or WANT the TRUTH. They want, and will support, only the soft and smooth things--the deceits--the FABLES. You'll STARVE to death if you keep preaching the TRUTH!" Well I want to tell you, my friends, I took that man up on his challenge. We didn't bet--but I've kept right on preaching the PLAIN BIBLE TRUTH to constantly increasing audiences ever since! At that time, 12 years ago, I preached to a nightly audience averaging 36 people. Tonight, and every night, if you Co-Workers stand with me and make it possible to continue, I'm preaching to a great, vast, INTERNATIONAL audience in THREE NATIONS of A MILLION or more people! And I'm still not pulling my punches, no matter WHOM it hits or hurts--I'm not preaching to please MEN, but to PLEASE GOD --and, God helping me, I'll go right ON preaching His TRUTH boldly, and fearlessly, as long as God Himself gives me the opportunity and the breath to preach it. God hasn't called me to entertain, amuse, or please the people with soft and smooth things and popular traditions and deceits and fables, but to cry ALOUD--yes, ALOUD, over this whole NATION, and SPARE NOT--and SHOW MY PEOPLE THEIR SINS!

That's God's commission to me and you co-workers who stand with me! Now I realize fully that SOME of our former good co-workers will be offended by the straight plain TRUTH I gave you in this broadcast tonight. I doubt if you ever heard this TRUTH preached before, but it's time SOMEONE had the courage to tell it to this sinning nation bringing the wrath of GOD upon itself, before it's too late! When Jesus was here on earth, HIS Message was not popular. He offended a good many, too. He was despised and rejected of men, too. He was persecuted, too. Now a great, vast, powerful broadcast such as this costs MONEY --a lot of MONEY. GOD'S WAY--The BIBLE WAY--of financing God's true work is thru the tithes and offerings of HIS PEOPLE . . . the real Christians. A Christian is one who has REPENTED of the selfish, greedy, GETTING way, accepted Christ as Saviour, and turned to the loving and GIVING way of life. So, God's real born- again people GIVE of their tithes and offerings, freely, generous, even at SACRIFICE,--and GLADLY and JOYOUSLY--that the precious GOSPEL may be carried forth and GIVEN, FREE, without money and without price, to those in the WORLD who are willing to heed and accept it! Jesus set us the example! I myself try to follow His example, and in turn set an example for our other CO-WORKERS.

I am giving of MY all,--and my wife HER ALL, right along by my side. We're giving OUR VERY LIVES to God's work! A year ago I turned down an offer of a salary of $2,000 a week--$100,000 a year--if I'd quit preaching God's TRUTH and broadcast a straight news-analysis program 15 minutes a day over a large national network for a breakfast-foods sponsor. Two years ago my wife and I sold our home in Eugene, Oregon, and put EVERY CENT into God's work, that it might grow to its present size and scope and great power for good. And we are both happy that so far we ourselves have put in the largest single sum of money ever contributed to this work. Right now, we have no home of our own at all--we're forced to just move around every few nights from one auto cabin to another to find a place to sleep--but we aren't grumbling about that!--rather, we're HAPPY to be able to be of HELP to so many, and of service to our God! Now I only mention this, so you'll understand there's nothing more I can do--and so, for the sake of the MILLION PRECIOUS SOULS listening in every night, and the THOUSANDS who are hungry for the free literature we are preparing of God's TRUTH, I've felt FORCED to send out this appeal tonight to the scattered sprinkling of Co-Workers who may be listening. THIS IS THE CRISIS of THIS WORK FOR GOD! The issue is whether GOD'S TRUE WARNING MESSAGE--this kind of PLAIN BIBLE PREACHING--can continue in a BIG WAY over this entire nation! That issue is NOW IN YOUR HANDS.

Co-Workers, I know you'll rally to this emergency. Remember this is a GENERAL LETTER, going to all co-workers. Many of you have stood by us to the limit of your ability--GOD BLESS YOU!--but more of you have let other things crowd CHRIST'S WORK out of your minds during this shopping season. If you are one who has ability to send a hundred, several hundred, or a thousand dollars or more, please rush it AIR-MAIL, or by telegraph. It's URGENT! These thousands of hungry souls MUST NOT BE DENIED GOD'S PRECIOUS MESSAGE EVERY NIGHT. Thank you, and GOD BLESS YOU.



March 12, 1946 Co-Worker Letter - Herbert W Armstrong - Plea for Money



Publishing: Box 111, Eugene, Oregon

The P L A I N T R U T H March 12, 1946 a Magazine of UNDERSTANDING


Dear Friends and Co-Workers:

I have to rush to you this afternoon a VERY SPECIAL LETTER--to explain something vital and important to the future of this work.

Please read every word carefully, and don't lay this letter down until you have read it thru.

First let me say I haven't been able, due to the heavy pressure of the work since beginning the EVERY-NIGHT broadcasting, to send out "Our Co-Workers' BULLETIN" as I formerly did each month. It will be resumed soon. I wanted to send out a BULLETIN as soon as The PLAIN TRUTH is mailed out. However, circumstances have arisen that make it impossible to wait. I must rush this special emergency letter to you IMMEDIATELY!

Last December there was opened to us a TREMENDOUS OPPORTUNITY-- to broadcast EVERY NIGHT except Saturday, over the two most powerful stations in North America, at the VERY BEST HOUR every evening, a full half hour warning this nation of impending disaster --proclaiming fearlessly the true GOSPEL--to put on one of the most intensive and far-reaching campaigns of soul-saving ever made possible in history! It meant obligating myself to an expense THREE TIMES as great as the amount of money then being sent to us for this work. But God opened the way. In sheer faith, we followed!

It was impossible to get out an issue of The PLAIN TRUTH immediately. I wanted to get articles on some of these vital subjects into the hands of listeners IMMEDIATELY. We had been frequently printing articles on our own mimeograph here in our office. So, I began from the first every-night broadcast to offer a wide variety of these special articles over the air.

I could not foresee that a veritable AVALANCHE of letters would pour in on us requesting these articles. We started out determined to mail out all articles requested the day the requests arrived. But soon we were literally snowed under. They began arriving at the rate of a THOUSAND requests A DAY! We doubled our office staff--then tripled it---hiring typists and office girls to address envelopes, insert and mail out articles and booklets, check names and addresses with the mailing list and get all new names on the regular mailing list for The PLAIN TRUTH, soon to come out REGULARLY.

Desperately we tried to keep up--but we couldn't. We began falling behind--at first a few days, then a week, finally we got nearly four weeks behind, with thousands and thousands of requests piled up on us! Then we ran out of booklets. We can only print 2,000 or 3,000 copies on the mimeograph. But requests were coming in in too large quantities to be supplied by our mimeograph. In desperation I turned to the printers to PRINT these articles in booklet form. But there we ran into delays. We had to wait for paper. The printers were short of help. Other orders were piled up on them ahead of ours--we had to wait!

Now in addition to all this, the ordeal of preparing a whole half-hour broadcast and delivering it EVERY NIGHT, and of trying to answer the avalanche of letters--often long ones--asking for personal help, and requiring a personal answer from me, imposed upon me such a heavy burden of overwork, taking hours away from sleep, that I was simply unable to complete the writing of the articles for The PLAIN TRUTH magazine. And The PLAIN TRUTH is just now, after this long, long delay, going to the printers. It is HALF set in type already, and the balance now ready for the printers. They now promise to start delivering printed copies for mailing in ONE WEEK.

Co-Workers, I'm sorry--we've been doing OUR VERY BEST--and we have sent out tens and tens of thousands of booklets and pieces of literature--we've worked almost night and day to catch up. We had to even change our office system. And NOW, I'm happy to say, WE ARE RAPIDLY CATCHING UP, and within another two or three weeks we hope to be mailing out the literature requested the very day the letter arrives. And The PLAIN TRUTH is ready, and we are now organized so it can KEEP COMING OUT REGULARLY! I know you'll REJOICE with us in that good news!

But--and here's the vital, serious EMERGENCY!--for the past two or three weeks many of our Co-Workers are with-holding their tithes and offerings because, as I suppose, some of the literature requested has not yet arrived. This has brought this great work face to face with a critical, MOST serious situation! The VERY CONTINUANCE OF THIS WORK, AND THE DAILY BROADCASTING OF THE GOSPEL, IS SERIOUSLY THREATENED!

Believe me, dear Co-Workers, when I tell you we are doing our very utmost to get to your requests and send the literature out. Soon we shall be caught up. We are now gaining, in spite of the tremendous mail still coming in. Literature has been going out of our office by the mail-bag full.

But in the meantime, PLEASE, understand the situation--REJOICE with us in a vast nightly radio audience reaching now FIVE MILLION PRECIOUS SOULS every week--one of the largest audiences listening to ANY radio program in America! And I am forced to rush to you this URGENT EMERGENCY APPEAL, and to ask you to STAND BY ME thru this present crisis. Please do not withhold your tithes and very generous offerings until The PLAIN TRUTH arrives. We'll get it to you just as quickly as we possibly can. But please don't wait, or this work may have to STOP--I may have to take the every-night broadcasts off the air! And that would be little short of a national calamity, if only you could read the thousands and thousands of letters pouring in from all over the North American continent--the United States, Canada and Mexico, and realize how many are being converted--how many wives are writing us that their husbands who never would attend church or listen to gospel broad- casts are now listening with rapt attention to "The WORLD TOMORROW" every night--how many YOUNG PEOPLE in their teens and early twenties, as well as older people, are listening--their lives being changed!

No, this great powerful work of God for His Kingdom MUST NOT STOP! It must go on, in ever-increasing power and scope! But it will take some real sacrifice! Before the every-night campaign started we used to receive, occasionally, some larger offerings of $200 to $500 which meant so very much to this work! Right now this work is in dire NEED of some of those larger offerings, of that size or still larger, from those who are able. Most of our listeners are not able to send in any such sum, and if it were not for the many "WIDOW'S MITES," we could not continue. God does not expect anyone to give what he has not got--but some of you CAN, if you'll let God get hold of your hearts, send in such liberal offerings as to rescue this great work from its present crisis in a hurry! WILL YOU PRAY OVER IT, at once, and place in the enclosed self-addressed return envelope, the LARGEST sum within your means-- whether a dollar, or several thousand dollars---as God lays on your heart--seal it, place a stamp on it, and drop it in the mail-box, YET THIS VERY DAY? The need is IMMEDIATE and URGENT--so do it BEFORE YOU LAY THIS LETTER DOWN. Sent it AIR-MAIL if possible (but not special delivery).

Thank you, and GOD BLESS YOU!

Your fellow-servant in Christ Jesus,

HERBERT W. ARMSTRONG Box 111, Eugene, Oregon


May 17, 1946 Co-Worker Letter - Herbert W Armstrong
Takes Family on 90 Day Summer Vacation, Picks up New Car in Detroit



Published every little while to keep our Co-Workers informed of the progress, the problems, and the future plans for carrying on God's Work in these closing days of this age;--broadcasting "The WORLD TOMORROW," publishing The PLAIN TRUTH magazine, and other Gospel literature. HERBERT W. ARMSTRONG, Box 111, Eugene Oregon.

VOLUME VII, Number 1. May 17, 1946



HOLLYWOOD, May 17, 1946: GREETINGS, dear Friends and Co-Workers:

I have just completed arrangements for continuing the EVERY- NIGHT broadcasts right thru the summer--now THE YEAR 'ROUND--and also for enlarging The PLAIN TRUTH to twice its present size, on better paper, two colors, and soon to come out EVERY MONTH! That, to all our Co-Workers, I'm sure will be GOOD NEWS! I's so good I have to sit down right here, while still in Hollywood instead of waiting until I return to Eugene, and write you his BULLETIN. It will be printed and mailed in Eugene. Indeed, this is the first BULLETIN this year--it will be the first ever received by many of you co-workers who have come into our small but growing family in active support of God's glorious work since the start of the every-night broadcasts! So to you who have recently joined us, first let me say "WELCOME!" with a great big capital "W". There is no joy in this world quite so great as knowing GOD and being privileged to have active PART in His great program for our day! We are Ambassadors of CHRIST the coming KING! We are His advance-representatives. We are here as strangers in a foreign land, WARNING this world of what lies ahead--admonishing it to REPENT and prepare for His coming--carrying the true and precious GOSPEL MESSAGE to the nations of the North American continent, and to the world! These are the most thrilling, exciting, momentous days of history! WHAT a privilege to live thru them, carrying Christ's vital Message to this chaotic and dying world! Pressure of the work in carrying on the every-night broadcasts has prevented the regular issuance of The BULLETIN since they started last December. Now I hope to resume regular publication of The BULLETIN. I hope you will enjoy it. In it I can tell you things about world conditions--about the conduct and plans for this work, which I can say neither over the air nor in The PLAIN TRUTH. Now later, before closing this BULLETIN, I want to tell you more about this work for the benefit of our newer co-workers.


When we started the every-night program last December, we planned to continue it until April or May, then drop to SUNDAY NIGHT ONLY thru the summer, resuming the nightly broadcasting in October. You see, radio waves do not reach out far thru sun-light. The biggest super-power stations reach out only over a few local counties in day-time. But after sunset stations of 50,000 watts and more reach out over MANY states. The World Tomorrow program is going out every night except Saturday--six nights a week--over the two most powerful stations covering the United States--Mexican border stations--XEG, with 150,000 watts, and XELO with 100,000 watts of power. The strongest stations permitted within the United States are 50,000 watts. These two giant Mexican stations, after dark, and in winter time, reach out over the entire North American continent. Not only do the sun's rays cut radio waves from reaching out, but also even after dark reception is much better in the colder weather of winter than in the summer. This is one reason we had planned to discontinue the week- night broadcasting for the summer. Another reason is that the every-night broadcasting lays a heavy strain on me personally, and in order to be fully fit to carry on again next fall and winter, I felt I needed to lighten the burden for the summer. A third reason is that we had planned a trip for Mrs.Armstrong, our two high- school-age sons, and myself for the summer, visiting scores of listeners scattered all over the country who have been converted thru the broadcasts, or who want to be converted and baptised, or who need my personal help. The past several weeks we have been receiving letters from all parts of the country urging me to keep up the every-night broad- casts. Hundreds and hundreds of letters are pouring in from people who tell us they have been learning more from these broadcasts than they ever learned in all their lives before about the Bible--coming to really UNDERSTAND it for the first time. They have told us how much the broadcasts mean to them and pleaded with us to stay on every night. Well, dear Co-Worker, this is God's work, not mine. I just have my part in it, the same as you have your part. And always I've noticed that God works out all the problems of His work FOR US. He has worked it all out in this case! So let me explain how it has been worked out. Remember, first, one thing we CAN'T help or change is the fact that radio reception won't be as good thru the summer months. Our listening audience won't be as large. Some, farther away from the stations, won't be able to hear the programs at all. Others will have spotty reception, more static, more interference from other stations, yet be able to get most of it. But many others, in other localities, will continue to get GOOD reception. I have contacted both XEG and XELO, and both stations, realizing this poor reception and reduced listening audiences thru the summer, have agreed to reductions in the charge for time for the summer, making it possible--if you co-workers remain loyal and faithful--to keep on the air nightly the YEAR 'ROUND. As to the need for lightening my personal burden, and taking the summer trip, I think we have that worked out, too. We will, for this reason, have to re-broadcast transcriptions of some of the programs that have been broadcast before. As a matter of fact there have already been several nights when I was unable to send you a live broadcast, and the stations were forced to re-broadcast transcriptions of former programs. I understand one or two of these have been re-broadcast two or three times. I will try to avoid repeating any of those programs again, but there have been dozens of programs which have NOT been re-broadcast, and which contain vital messages you all probably would like to hear again-- and then remember, there are always THOUSANDS listening who never heard it the first time. I will continue to give you live, NEW programs as often as time and circumstances permit thru the summer --and then resume ALL live new programs by Fall. This will permit me the summer trip, lessen my personal burden, and still keep the DAILY programs ON THE AIR the year 'round!


Scores of letters have come in from all parts of the country from listeners, asking us to see them, and in many cases baptize them, during our proposed summer trip. So let me give you what information I have at this writing, concerning this trip. As you probably can realize, we have to drive our car a great deal, and so we have had a new car on order since the first of the year. We are to take the train to Detroit, and take factory delivery of the car at Detroit. We were promised delivery by June 20th. We had consequently planned to leave Eugene as soon as school is out, which will be June 7th. Incidentally, since I have found hundreds of you co-workers are interested in our family personally, I might add here that we have also two daughters, both married. One, Dorothy, has served actively on the office staff on and off for four or five years, and is again on the staff at present. Her husband, Vern R. Mattson, is now manager of our general office--in charge of the mailing list, and getting literature mailed out to listeners all over North America. For this purpose he has in his office a staff of ten girls. Our eldest daughter, Beverly, and her husband, James A. Gott, have two little children--Larry, age 3, and Sharon Loma, age 2, and (shall I let you in on a private family secret?--I believe "Grandma" and "Grandpa" are more silly over those youngsters than their parents, tho I can't yet get accustomed to being "Grandpa"-- it doesn't seem we are old enough). Our son-in-law, Jimmy, recently had a terrible accident while working in a lumber mill. The whole back of his left hand was gouged out, being caught in the "edger." The tendons were cut, the bones scraped down to thin splinters. The mill management rushed him immediately to a hospital, where the tendons were tied and plastic surgery applied. And thru believing prayer God is healing the hand--the bones are growing back--he will have full use of it, tho he will not be able to continue the heavy labor with his hands. All things work together for good. With plans now laid to soon be publishing The PLAIN TRUTH every month--twice as many pages as at present--with the circulation now 75,000 copies, and growing rapidly, we soon will need a new and complete mailing department just for this, and mailing out certain other literature, and we are planning now to have Jimmy join our office staff, in charge of this new department. Personally, I think you'll understand I feel thankful and pleased at the prospect of having both my fine sons-in-law actively with me in God's work. Jimmy, incidentally, is a deacon in our little local church at Eugene. Now to continue about the summer trip. I have just learned that the coal strike apparently is going to delay delivery of the car I have ordered. At present, it is uncertain, but begins to look as if we may not be able to get delivery before August or September. This may cancel out the summer trip. We will just have to leave it in God's hands. But if I cannot manage to come and see personally the many who want to be baptised, I will try to arrange to have another man who is qualified do it in my place. God will work it out HIS way. His will be done!


Now I want to take all our Co-workers into my confidence and tell you of a personal ambition--it seems like a life-long dream-- now about to be fulfilled. It was 17 or 18 years ago--not more than a year after I was really converted, and began to realize God was calling me to His work. I had been in the newspaper and magazine field since I was 18. In my early twenties I had charge of the make-up of the country's largest trade magazine. In the business field I had learned the value and added effectiveness of well-designed and attractive literature. When my interest was first turned to religious subjects, I remember I was quite disgusted with the slip- shod, careless, untrained manner in which literature purporting to carry GOD'S MESSAGE was prepared and printed. I knew that such unattractive, cheap-looking, carelessly-designed literature never would sell goods, if used to carry the message of a selfish- motivated BUSINESS. Should GOD's Message be less effectively presented than the world's? Was it right for GOD's literature to have an unprofessional, CHEAP look that carried the connotation of ignorance, and only cheapened the whole message by the psychological effect I knew, as a trained advertising man, it inevitably had on the minds of those who saw it? I knew that such inexpertly-prepared literature did not win a reading from a very high percentage of those who saw it--was less convincing, actually often a REPROACH upon God's work. The desire, and ambition--the DREAM,if you please--of some day producing a magazine containing GOD'S TRUTH that would be as attractive, as interesting, as expertly and professionally-done in every respect as commercial and worldly magazines, took firm root in my mind. That dream became a fixed PURPOSE. Well, Mrs. Armstrong and I have had to WORK HARD, and over LONG YEARS in order to be able to realize that dream. It hasn't come easy! But now, at last, the way appears open so it may be realized this present year! Way back when I first was given the vision of The PLAIN TRUTH --and it seemed the NAME of the magazine was given me, almost as in a vision by God, it came to my mind so forcibly and distinctly--I began immediately to design the front cover, the mast-head, and, in fact, an entire "dummy" magazine. A little later--and this was about 1928 or 29--I had a professional letter-artist design a front cover for The PLAIN TRUTH. But it had to remain just a dream for years. It was in January 1934, the month the radio broadcasting started, that at long last Mrs. Armstrong and I began to actually write and print the first copy of The PLAIN TRUTH--Volume I, Number 1, dated February, 1934. That first issue was printed on a borrowed mimeograph, and the stencils cut with a borrowed typewriter! We personally did all the work--not only on that first issue, but for several years! That first issue consisted of about 250 copies, and the entire cost of paper, printing, and postage was $5! Now we are printing 75,000 copies, with a national circulation, at a cost in excess of $2,000 per issue! (including $750 postage). For years we had to work in a little cramped inside office, with no outside windows--no sun-light, no ventilation, except thru a transom into a hall. I would write the articles, design the headlines, cut the stencils. Hour after hour, day after day, Mrs. Armstrong faithfully ground away at the old-fashioned mimeograph we were able to buy (very much second-handed, of course) a few months after the first issue. She folded, addressed, stamped and mailed the copies, steadily increasing in circulation month by month. After some four years we were able to begin to have The PLAIN TRUTH printed. But we could not turn out, yet, the attractive up- to-date magazine of my dreams. We had to economize every penny. We had to print it on the least expensive paper, and at lowest possible printing cost. Even so, we always tried to make The PLAIN TRUTH as attractive, as readable, legible, as possible with the money we had to use. Up to now we still had to follow this policy. But now the circulation has grown until it has become a large publication. Soon it will be requiring THREE TONS OF PAPER for a single issue! In a magazine of this large circulation, the cost of more attractive and effective design--illustrations, maps, etc., --more attractive headings and typography--becomes a very small fraction of the total cost. Consequently, plans are now being made to print The PLAIN TRUTH on a better grade of paper, fully illustrated, 16 pages, two colors, and soon to come out EVERY MONTH. This could not be done during war-time because of paper shortage and other restrictions. These shortages and restrictions are STILL in effect, but we expect them soon now to be lifted. And when they are, I have faith that at last a dream of many years will be realized! And I believe you'll be as enthusiastic over the NEW Plain Truth, when you see it, as I know I shall be. The May-June number is now in process of preparation, and will have to appear just as before. I hope to have it off the press in three or four weeks. But, SOON, now, we hope to be sending you a larger, more attractive, more interesting PLAIN TRUTH. Yes, I'm sure you'll like it!

A NEW EMERGENCY! U R G E N T ! Now before closing, I have to tell you the receipt of money to carry on his great work has been falling off alarmingly the last two weeks. Again it has brought the work into a CRISIS--a very serious emergency! Frankly, I know of no other work anywhere like this. It is altogether GOD'S WORK, proclaiming GOD'S Message, conducted and financed GOD'S way, as we find it revealed in His Word, the Bible. The NEW Testament commission to all Christians--who, combined, form the true Church of God--is, "GO YE into all the world and PREACH THE GOSPEL." The sad truth is too few even KNOW the true Gospel today! God's way is for the Gospel to be GIVEN, free, without any price or any charge. For that reason, I cannot beg for money over the air. For that reason, there is no subscription price on the PLAIN TRUTH. For that reason, we send out by the tens of thousands attractive booklets containing God's true vital Message, free of any charge whatsoever. God's PLAN for financing His Work is thru the tithes and offerings of His people. This is THEIR sacrifice---their happy, joyful way of GIVING, in order that thru this great work God has raised up, the GOSPEL may be GIVEN to millions. And God loves the CHEERFUL GIVER. The most effective and far-reaching means of going into all the world and preaching the Gospel today is by utilizing the facilities of RADIO and the PRINTING PRESS. These modern facilities, however, can be wastefully employed, or efficiently and effectively used. We believe God has given us understanding and wisdom--and the EXPERIENCE--to be able to use these facilities with the greatest power and effectiveness, at the least possible cost--the greatest maximum efficiency in the handling of God's business. Some radio stations, for example, while the charge for time is not in itself large, yet are tremendously expensive and wasteful of God's precious money because they give but very small listening audiences. The important thing is the LARGE NUMBER REACHED with the Gospel, and the COST PER THOUSAND PEOPLE REACHED. We have learned how to avoid WASTE of radio money in reaching the world with God's Message. Personally, I know of no program reaching any- where near so vast an audience with so small a sum of money. In addition to the powerful West-Coast stations, we use, every night except Saturday, at the BEST hour when MOST people listen, the two MOST POWERFUL RADIO STATIONS in North America--two and three times as powerful as is permitted within the United States! Our daily mail received indicates an average weekly listening audience of around FIVE MILLION LISTENERS! Think of it! That's a truly vast, tremendous listening audience! And here's the most amazing thing of all! God has blessed us in so efficiently working out the program that EVERY SINGLE DOLLAR put into this work actually reaches TWO THOUSAND PEOPLE with the precious Gospel! THINK OF IT! Is there anything else you can do with a single dollar that is as important, or doing as much good, or making it spread so far, as carrying God's vital last-minute Gospel Message to TWO THOUSAND PEOPLE? Many of them reached, not only by radio, but by print as well! Before we started the campaign of every-night broadcasting, we were reaching an average of one thousand people with every dollar put into the work. The every-night program has so increased the interest and size of the audience that now our daily mail-count indicates TWO THOUSAND precious souls actually reached with every dollar. Yet, to keep on reaching a weekly total of five million, it does take a good many of these dollars every week. Friends, Co-Workers, OUR TIME IS SHORT! It is LATER THAN WE THINK! This lull in between World War II, and the final great ATOMIC WAR now acknowledged by leading observers in Washington as a definite possibility within FIVE YEARS, is the most dangerous time of our history! AMERICA IS ASLEEP! AMERICA HAS FORGOTTEN GOD! America is now hell-bent on an orgy of amusement and entertainment--of eating and drinking and making merry--of marriage and divorce and re-marriage --of mad money-making and materialism! Mrs. Armstrong and I have certainly had that fact shockingly impressed upon us these past few days we have had to be here in Hollywood--the world's amusement and entertainment capital, as well as the radio capital. Mrs. Armstrong was just remarking how REAL is the fulfillment of the prophecy for the LAST DAYS--EATING AND DRINKING, marrying and giving in marriage--as in the days of Noah! Why, not only here in Hollywood, but EVERYWHERE! It seems all people think of is money making, eating, drinking, being amused and entertained! Yes, AMERICA HAS DRIFTED FAR FROM GOD! AMERICA IS SOUND ASLEEP, WITH DOOM HURTLING DOWN UPON HER! God has called us to WARN America before it is too late! To WARN THE WORLD! Friends and Co-Workers, Mrs. Armstrong and I, and our staff, are working will all the zeal, the enthusiasm, the determination, and the power that God gives us--almost night and day--to carry out this vital mission on a constantly larger and more powerful scale, WHILE IT IS DAY! Remember, God has warned us in His prophecies THE NIGHT is drawing near, when no man can work! (That is, in God's work). Soon it is prophesied, THERE WILL BE A FAMINE OF EVEN HEARING THE WORD OF GOD PREACHED! We cannot delay. We dare not let down! This is by far the most important business in this world. WHAT an opportunity, NOW! Soon that opportunity will be GONE--TOO LATE! Think of it! TWO THOUSAND precious souls reached with every dollar you put into this vital, glorious work! HOW MANY of those dollars are you able to send, now, in this present emergency? Some of you just don't have enough to send in more than one--and sometimes you apologize for you "widow's mite!" Oh, dear co-workers, don't apologize for doing the best you can do! God knows your heart--He doesn't expect you to give what you have not got. If one single dollar is all you are able to give to this glorious cause, just remember that single dollar will reach TWO THOUSAND precious souls! It isn't little--IT'S MUCH! God bless you for it! BUT, most of you are ABLE to send much more! And if those who are ABLE would do proportionately anywhere NEAR as much in God's work as those so poor in his world's goods--many of whom actually live on a monthly income of $16 to $50, and still spare two to five dollars of it for God's work--then we would be able to shake this whole world to its foundations with the power at our disposal! For some of you,one to several thousand dollars would not be as great a sacrifice as the "widow's mite" given by many of our precious co-workers! Just now God's work sorely NEEDS many of the larger, more generous offerings which many are able to give, if they will let God make their hearts willing--offerings of $25, $50, $100, a thousand or several thousand dollars. "Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for GOD LOVETH A CHEERFUL GIVER." (II Cor. 9:7) Please pray over it earnestly, won't you, and then use the enclosed reply-envelope in sending what you feel God would have you send. And please continue to pray diligently for me, for all our staff, and for God's Work! This work needs your prayers! God bless you! Sincerely, in Jesus' name,

HERBERT W. ARMSTRONG Box 111, Eugene, Ore.

FREE, on request, Special booklets: If you have not already received them, why not write in for one or two of the following: "The UNITED STATES IN PROPHECY." "The KEY to the Book of REVELATION." "What KIND of FAITH for SALVATION?" "Does God HEAL Today?" 


May 31, 1946 Co-Worker Letter - Herbert W Armstrong
Plans to Move From Eugene to Los Angeles, Plans for Bible College in Pasadena



HERBERT W. ARMSTRONG Analyses Today's News, with the Prophecies of the WORLD TOMORROW

Publishing Box 111, Eugene Oregon The PLAINTRUTH a Magazine of UNDERSTANDING

May 31, 1946

Dear Friend and Co-Worker:

I want to take you into my confidence about a MOST IMPORTANT decision I must make for the future of this work, and ask your advice and help.

This may come as a surprise to you, but for some three years I have been thinking of moving our offices and headquarters into the Los Angeles area, specifically in Pasadena. To that end, for close to three years we have been holding Box 111 at the Pasadena post-office.

The work has completely outgrown Eugene.

We are up here in Eugene, Oregon, because this is where God started us in this work. It was back in the summer of 1933 that friends, won over to the Truth thru my preaching there two years before, called for me to come and hold meetings in a little one-room country school house near their farm, eight miles west of Eugene. Several were converted in the meetings, and I found myself with a little flock of 19. So I stayed on to minister to this little group, and continued the evangelistic effort in and around Eugene.

The first Sunday in 1934 I started the "Radio Church of God" on the local 100-watt radio station, the smallest in power in the United States. That month Mrs. Armstrong and I started work on The PLAIN TRUTH. I borrowed a typewriter and the use of a mimeo- graph, and Volume I, Number 1 of The PLAIN TRUTH came out February 1st---a little mimeographed paper produced and mailed (all 250 copies of it!) for a total cost of five dollars!

Surely this work started as small as it could start: the evangelistic work in a small one-room country school-house; the broadcast on ONE small town station as small as the smallest in the country; The PLAIN TRUTH a little mimeographed paper of 250 copies!

God ALWAYS starts things, thru human agencies, very small. The nation Israel started with one man. The coming Kingdom of God, to rule and ultimately to fill, the earth, started with a handful of disciples that momentous day of Pentecost! FAITH, too, starts small in us all, and GROWS GREAT! Yes, if God is in it, it always GROWS GREAT!

And this work, started by God thru us, directed and empowered by God and blessed by Him, has grown and grown from that very humble beginning. And it might now CONTINUE to grow. It has grown now until The WORLD TOMORROW has a cumulative listening audience of FIVE MILLION every week. The printers already have the order, and the paper is on the way, for ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND copies of The PLAIN TRUTH, next issue. It will cost us $3,000.00 to print and mail the May-June number.

It is still printed in Eugene. But it will take the printers ONE SOLID MONTH just to print and deliver to us for mailing, 100,000 copies. In Los Angeles are two large printing establishments with rotary magazine presses---there are only three such presses west of Chicago! On these modern presses they can turn out the entire 100,000 copies in 6 to 8 hours! I have negotiated with the plant which now prints the Coast editions of TIME, and LIFE, and SUNSET magazines. Because of mass-production methods and modern equipment and those giant presses, they can print a 16-page magazine for us in two colors for only about 18% more than we have to pay now for 6 pages in one color of ink.

That's only HALF the reason why we are being forced, now, to move into the Los Angeles area. Hollywood is radio headquarters for the nation. All net-work and private broadcast-lines originate in and flow from Hollywood. If the radio broadcast is to continue to grow, on more and more stations, we must be either near Hollywood, or New York.

In Eugene, I am forced to maintain a very costly private remote-control broadcast line from Eugene all the way to Portland ---123 miles. This costs us around $300 per month. A couple months ago our office rent was raised on us 50% in one jump. We need twice the space we now have, but can't get it in Eugene.

Now there is no office space available in Pasadena, or Hollywood, either. But by moving there we completely eliminate the $300-per-month line-charge; and, that, plus the cost of office-rent which we can also eliminate by building, will retire the capital investment of erecting a new private office building of our own, inside five years. That becomes a very sound investment, indeed! It may surprise you to know that our office staff has grown now to SEVENTEEN---and I expect it to grow at least to 30 in a year!

Of course there is the housing situation, too. There are, as I know only too well, apparently no houses to be rented in Pasadena or near there. So I'll tell you how we purpose solving that problem. As you probably know, Mrs. Armstrong and I sold our home, over two years ago, and put every penny of it into the work. We've always had a happy feeling over the knowledge that we our- selves have made the largest single contribution and sacrifice for this work so far. Of course, we've given our whole LIVES to it, too. But it's all that matters, with us. Well, in December of last year we were evicted from our home (which we had continued renting) as a result of its being re-sold. For a month or more we just moved around from one auto-cabin to another. Then a couple of up-stairs bedrooms opened up for our two boys, my wife and myself. At this writing we're still there. We do not even have cooking privilege, so are forced to eat all meals out. So, you see, we have no home as it is, anyway. Now in Pasadena our plans, God willing, are to add onto the office building a small two-room apartment where we can live until such time as God permits us to build a new home for our own.

There are still other housing problems which may be difficult to solve---but God will open the way for them. We do not, of course, plan to move our entire staff to Pasadena. At present my son-in-law, Mr. Vern R. Mattson, is manager of the general office. Our daughter, Dorothy, his wife, is in charge of the mail-opening department. Vern was in the Marines---started at the bottom, came out a lieutenant---and under the G.I. Bill of Rights he and Dorothy can get a loan to build a home of their own. That takes care of them. Then my personal secretary and book- keeper, Miss Evelyn Paeschke, and my correspondence secretary Miss Betty Hutchison, and at least two other girls in the general office will come with us, and we will have to manage rooms for those girls somehow. In the last BULLETIN I wrote you of how my other son-in- law, Jimmy Gott, is no joining our staff in charge of the mailing department. He and Beverly have the two little youngsters, and housing for them will prove the hardest problem of all. But meeting problems and difficulties is nothing new for us---God will open the way.

Now it will take time to select the site, get building permits, have plans drawn up, and complete the construction. How- ever, the way already has opened to us so that we are assured these may proceed fairly smoothly and rapidly. I am in touch with a firm of architects who, busy as they are, have agreed to handle the project and push it right thru. They handle large operations, and happen to have all the necessary contacts and connections to get what they want. The contractors they work with are engaged in large-scale projects generally, and they assure me that for a project as small as we contemplate they will be able to supply all materials. Special permission must be secured from the government, because of the freeze on certain types of construction, but due to the nature of our project my information is that it will be granted. It's marvelous how God opens up the way for His Work!

Now I come to the problem about which I particularly want to ask your advice. This is the selection of the building site.

The two possible sites which impress me best are shown on the accompanying rough map. Site number 1, at the approximate location of the "1" in the heavy circle, is WEST of the Arroyo, toward Eagle-Rock and Glendale, only a block or two inside the city limits of Pasadena. It is virtually on Colorado, just south of it, and south of the Annandale Golf links. It is on Highway 64 leading directly into Arroyo Seco Parkway and downtown Los Angeles. It is on a local city bus line and also on the bus line from Hollywood and Glendale to Pasadena, and might be much handier for our friends in Glendale and Hollywood coming to public services, than the other site over in the very center of Pasadena.

By the way, I see I shall have to interrupt right here and explain something I overlooked. We contemplate, in present plans, to build a church-auditorium for public-services, in connection with the office building to house the radio and publishing work. We may not be financially able to construct it all at once. The church auditorium may have to be delayed six months or a year. This---and whether we undertake to build our own auditorium for public services at all---will depend largely upon YOUR advice and that of our other Co-Workers in the Los Angeles area.

You probably know that two and three years ago I often held public services in the Biltmore theatre. Attendance there usually ran from a thousand to seventeen hundred. Once or twice, when the Biltmore was not available, I spoke in one of the halls down at the Embassy. But each time there the attendance fell away off, and many told me it was because of the location. Anyway, the Biltmore has not been available since. It seems there are no really desirable downtown locations available, and rent is very high when they can be secured. Now of course I realize we could never hope to enjoy crowds of 1,700 such as I have had at the Biltmore, in a location of our own out in Pasadena. In fact, we cannot afford to build an auditorium that will even seat more than a fraction of that number. What I have in mind at present is a modest, but attractive and substantially-built auditorium seating in the neighborhood of 250 or 350 people. Anything larger will cost considerable money---even this will take several thousand dollars. Yet, in selecting the site, I want to be sure to locate in the most accessible, and desirable possible location in Pasadena.

You'll understand, of course, that a central downtown location would be prohibitive in cost. The ground for such a location would cost several times as much as the two general locations I have in mind. For our office there is no need to build in an expensive downtown location. One object in building is to escape having to pay rent in downtown office buildings where space is charged according to LOCATION where most people come, such as required by doctors, dentists, lawyers, etc.

So now to get back to the two general sites we are considering at present. Site #1, as I said above, is on the bus line between Pasadena and Glendale and Hollywood. It occurred to me that this location might be MORE convenient for our radio friends in Glendale and Hollywood (and they are MANY), than the other location over in the central part of Pasadena. Those coming by bus from Glendale and Hollywood would have to transfer to a local bus after arriving in downtown Pasadena, to reach site number 2. Also, those driving their own cars would find site number 1 about two or three miles closer from Glendale and Hollywood, while those driving from Los Angeles would find it shorter to cut off the Seco Parkway at Avenue 64 and come to location (1), than to go on in to Pasadena and out to Colorado and Hill.

On the other hand, site number 2 is much more centrally- located for most of our friends in Pasadena---and it must be remembered that when services are held in Pasadena a higher percentage of Pasadena listeners will come than Los Angeles, Glendale and Hollywood listeners.

Location number 2 is in a general neighborhood of Colorado, Hill, and Holliston. There are a number of possible sites, 65-foot, 85, and 100-foot frontage, and all about 210 feet deep, both on Hill and on Holliston---from a distance of about a half-block to a block and a half north of Colorado. (It is about three ordinary blocks to the next street north of Colorado at this point.) All these locations are close to Pasadena Junior College. All are very centrally-located sites, in the very heart of the Pasadena residence section, all commercially-zoned, or zoned for building a church and office building.

My preference of these at location number 2 is a large lot 100 x 210 feet with large and beautiful trees, another old structure already on it to be torn down, but which would provide considerable lumber. Now this lot would give us almost twice the ground of the lot at location number 1. If we select the number 1 site, we will be a little crowded, yet apparently there is sufficient space there for all our immediate needs or anything I can contemplate within the next two years, with one possible exception, which I will mention below. One advantage, however, of site number 1 is that it will cost only half as much as number 2. The number 1 lot is on a prettier street---very nice homes across from it, beautiful trees over the street, but none on the lot itself. Yet, I am just a little fearful lest we might find our- selves cramped for space two or three years later. There is an adjoining lot we could add to this, but the price is too high, although the total price would still be lower than location number 2, and with this adjoining lot would give us almost the same number of square feet.

And now, since this is a long letter anyway, I want to take you into my confidence further and reveal, for the first time, another important step planned for the future.

We are laying plans now to establish a BIBLE COLLEGE. It is just as tho God has revealed to me recently,---it is so vividly impressed upon me,---that one of the next things to come in the progress of this great and true work of God is to be a BIBLE COLLEGE. A college utterly unlike any that now exists!

In no sense will it be a typical sectarian or denominational Bible school. In no sense will it be a "theological seminary." It will not in any sense be a "ministerial college," or school for training preachers---since only GOD can call one to Christ's true ministry. When a young man decides he would like to become a minister or an evangelist, and decides to go to a theological seminary or ministerial college or typical Bible college, the call usually comes from SELF preference and SELF interest, not from God. That's why there are so many preachers who are not called of God. We cannot go out and choose for ourselves those God would have, and call, for His ministry.

But this great God has raised up thru our efforts together never can reap the full harvest of souls, or accomplish the full good that is possible on a national and world-wide scale, UNLESS it is followed up by personal contact by personal workers, for which we are not, as yet, prepared. These workers should be thoroughly trained for their tasks. They should be competent. They should be CALLED OF GOD, filled by His Spirit. And out of this college of which God has given us the vision, will come SOME whom we shall later recognize God has called---who will be trained, fit, prepared in every way.

As a matter of fact what is contemplated is a GENERAL COLLEGE---the kind of college God would organize and conduct. It will be quite different from the ordinary WORLDLY college. We live in a "babylonish" paganized society, tho most of us hardly realize it. One of the most babylonish influences in the world today is the system of education---particularly higher education.

Mrs. Armstrong and I did not send our daughters to college. I'll tell you why. It is not that we do not believe in education, for we most assuredly DO! But universally today colleges and universities base their entire teaching on the God- denying, soul-destroying theory of EVOLUTION. Surveys have shown that 95% of freshmen, entering college, at least BELIEVE IN GOD--- that is, in the fact and existence of a CREATOR. But 95% of graduating seniors are full-fledged atheists, who firmly have been convinced there is NO GOD! I would rather my children were ignorant, than to have a trained mind stuffed with soul-damning lies and MIS-education.

What God is leading us now to formulate is a college that will give a general SOUND education. No man is educated who is ignorant of the greatest text-book of all---THE BIBLE. No man is educated who is still ignorant of God's revelation to man. The Bible ought to form the very BASIS of all sound education. It is a revelation of things man would not otherwise know and could never find out for himself. But there are MATERIAL sciences which are EXACT sciences---containing the organized knowledge of material FACTS man has been able to OBSERVE, and MEASURE, and KNOW, for him- self. Among them are physics, chemistry, mathematics, etc. The so-called sciences of biology and geology as now generally taught are so intermingled with the REASON of atheistic minds drugged by evolution that they EXPLAIN things observed about the fauna and flora in a manner that all will someday come to recognize as ridiculous. All known FACTS of geology and biology only PROVE the CREATOR and the revelation of the Bible. This college will teach TRUTH, not fables dressed up in the guise of "higher learning," "rationalism," etc. We will teach foreign languages, so that those whose "fruits" prove them to be called of God to His ministry may be equipped to follow the commission "Go ye into ALL THE WORLD, and teach ALL NATIONS."

The faculty of this school will be composed of those who are thoroughly competent, and measure up to highest standards--- those whose educational qualifications are fully adequate---those who are natural-born TEACHERS, not misfits---those who are living according to Christian standards, clean, moral, of highest character. I already have the principal in mind---a man thoroughly qualified, experienced in the field of education.

I expect to give most of the Bible instruction myself personally. Plans already have been formulated so that I can do this without undue strain on myself or over-burdening myself with too many duties.

Now I mention this to you---and it has never been mentioned to any before, except just those on our own staff here in Eugene---because this college will have a vital connection with the building program, and possibly the selection of the site.

The church building, to be connected with, and part of, the office building, will be so designed that the auditorium will serve as the college chapel, with classrooms in connection. Thus it will serve the double purpose of housing the school, and providing the auditorium for public services and a place of worship.

At present we plan to start the school not later than a year from this coming September. If we had the building and equipment, I could tell our listeners of this college on my radio program over the most powerful radio stations on the continent, and put an article about it in The PLAIN TRUTH, and we would have applications from all over the United States for two or three times as many students as we could take, the first year.

Since God started all things thru human agencies SMALL, and causes them to grow great, I plan to start this on a small scale---around 30 to 50 students the first year, with a faculty of two, beside myself. Now I believe that either site proposed would provide ample space for the school also, for the first two or three years, at least---since the one building will house it all. Frankly, knowing how God causes everything in which HE is working to grow greater and greater, I expect the college to outgrow the facilities now planned inside two or three years. But if and when it does---if and when it comes to need additional buildings, a campus, etc., then we can remove the college from the structure now planned, find ground for a campus perhaps farther out, in another location, and build new buildings. We can cross that bridge when we come to it. Either site now being considered, however, is ample for all that is being now contemplated.

Now, dear friends and Co-Workers in Southern California, this is a most important step we are contemplating. It is no small and light matter to move a work that has developed as large as this, more than a thousand miles. But, in order that The PLAIN TRUTH may at last be published EVERY MONTH, not less than 16 pages and more attractively than now---in order that the radio broad- casting may now grow as a great national and international power--- it seems that the move is imperative.

It will strain the financial resources of this work to the limit just to build the office structure to house the radio and publishing work. We plan now to build into the new building our own printing department, with a modern new press for doing all our own printing except The PLAIN TRUTH, which is now too large for any but a major-size magazine rotary press---and that will be substantial---of concrete fire-proof construction---along plain, simple, clean and neat architectural lines---one that will be a credit to God and His work, as well as to Pasadena and Southern California.

It seems to me that, if possible, we should also build the church auditorium as a part of the same building, and at the same time. But frankly, without local help, we cannot now under- take to finance so much. All I know to do is put the proposition up frankly and candidly to all our Co-Worker family in Southern California. Do YOU want us to have a place where I can conduct regular public services---part of the time EVERY-NIGHT services--- and at least SUNDAY NIGHTS the rest of the time? Will YOU make a real sacrifice to HELP build it, and make, either a sizable contribution to this special building fund, or pledge, conditioned on continued ability of course, a series of MONTHLY special offerings for this special fund?

Right now we need God's wisdom and guidance. I am asking Him for it, and I know He will give it and make His will clear and plain. But in multitude of counsel there is safety, and so I ask all our Southern California Co-Workers for their counsel and advice. Will YOU, therefore, PRAY EARNESTLY over this very important decision I must make---as to whether to move to Southern California---as to WHICH site we should select---as to whether we shall be able to include a church auditorium of our very own in this project? My, what a wonderful opportunity this seems to be for the future of the work! It means more and harder work for me personally---but it means greatly expanded opportunity for service- --a work that ultimately will reach and influence fifty million or more people in the United States alone---a work that will carry the last warning Gospel Message to the uttermost parts of the world, quickly, powerfully! And a work that will ultimately have that intensive, personal-contact influence in all parts of the country! It is a vision of truly great magnitude, the greatest opportunity for service in God's hands ever to come to ANY people, at ANY time in world history! Can you grasp the truly great and marvelous vision? TIME IS SHORT, and WE HAVE A GREAT MISSION TO ACCOMPLISH BEFORE IT IS EVERLASTINGLY TOO LATE!

PRAY OVER IT! Then please fill out the enclosed questionnaire, giving me your counsel and advice, and mail as soon as possible in the enclosed self-addressed reply envelope. Thank you, and God bless you for your interest and co-operation. I hope it may be God's will for us soon to have a closer and more personal co-operation together in this great work.

Sincerely, in Jesus' name,

Herbert W. Armstrong

Please fill out below, cut on dotted line, and mail AT ONCE in
enclosed envelope.

I believe site #______is the better location, because_________________________________________________________________________________________________________

I enclose, as an EXTRA contribution for immediate purchase of ground, $_______. I will undertake to send later, God willing, a special contribution of $_________ for the building fund, and/or, as long as circumstances permit and God makes possible, monthly payments for the building fund of $__________.



Please fill out below, cut on dotted line, and mail AT ONCE in enclosed envelope.


August 13, 1946 Co-Worker Letter - Herbert W Armstrong
Reports on Vacation/Baptismal Tour



Published every little while, to keep our Co-Workers informed of the progress, the problems and future plans for carrying on God's work in these closing days of this age;---broadcasting "The WORLD TOMORROW;" publishing The PLAIN TRUTH, and other Gospel liter- ature. HERBERT W. ARMSTRONG, Box 111, Eugene, Ore.

VOLUME VII, Number 3. Galveston, Texas August 13, 1946


Dear Co-Workers for Christ:

The BULLETIN is three weeks overdue. My wife, two sons and I are now on the summer baptizing tour of the country, and I simply have not had an opportunity to write the BULLETIN---or, for that matter, as yet, The PLAIN TRUTH.

It seems every moment is taken---we must rush, just every moment. We are meeting many of our Co-Workers scattered over the country, visiting and baptizing many who have been converted thru the broadcast. I find we are unable to spent as much time as we would like with each one, but must hurry and keep moving, in order to see and baptize a larger number.

So I am pausing here in Galveston just one extra hour this morning before we take the ferry across to the highway leading to Lake Charles, La., Lafayette, Baton Rouge, and New Orleans, with people waiting for us at each place to be baptized yet today. In this one hour, till the next ferry, I'm writing you this brief new- letter to tell you just a little of our trip so far, and the MARVELOUS, wonderful progress of God's work, under His guidance, and His blessing.

I have been baptizing people almost every day, and most days several, often at different points. It has been one of the greatest JOYS to me---one of the greatest encouragements and sources of inspiration---of my life. Just yesterday or day before Mrs. Armstrong was remarking to me that she was so happy every single one baptized so far has been really and thoroughly repentant ---wholly surrendered to God, just like a little child. They have had that spirit of the "first love," and it has been a precious thing for us to see. We have known SO MANY who came at first to Christ in that meek spirit---so CHANGED from their former selves ---and yet who later permitted worldly interest or associates, self desires or temptations of the flesh to come in and choke off that sweet and lovely spirit with which God had filled them at the first. Remember, dear friends, you can RETAIN that yielded, meek spirit and that first LOVE, only if you grow DAILY spiritually by being fed daily on spiritual food---prayerful study of God's Word, and private prayer and communion with God---that is, getting CLOSER to God, and separating yourself from companionship and fellowship with the world. That is the BASIC ESSENTIAL to you ultimate salvation, for he that endureth unto the end shall be saved, and one can endure in the spiritual life no other way.

After leaving New Orleans we have people, or groups of people coming from surrounding points, awaiting baptism at Gulf- port, Hattiesburg, Jackson, and other points in Mississippi, then back down from northern Mississippi thru Alabama, into Northern Florida, then up thru Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina. In the interest of the growth of the work we then must go north to Washington, New York and Boston. Then back in the middle west are many more awaiting baptism. We expect quite a large group to meet us at Tulsa, Oklahoma to be baptized. Then we must hasten on back home, for both our sons will be seniors in high school this fall and we must be in Eugene by the time school starts.

Now about the future of the work. On this trip I am also laying plans for a greatly expanded campaign for this coming fall, winter, and spring. I have to tell you, however, that at Del Rio, Texas, the agents for our largest Mexican Super-power station demanded a 75% increase in the already tremendous charge for the time we use on that station---XEG. I spent one whole day there with them fighting every way possible to avoid such a great in- crease in cost---almost double! But to no avail. Here is the situation: We have the very MOST VALUABLE time of the entire 24- hour day, EVERY NIGHT except Saturday, on that station, which is the most powerful in the Northern hemisphere. More people listen at that hour, 8:PM (Central Standard Time), than any other half- hour period. It is utterly impossible to get any really GOOD time on any super-power station in the United States---the big net-work programs have all the best time under contract. I learned that three other large users of radio time were trying to buy our time away from us on XEG---offering the station this very high increased rate---even offering to pay for one year advance, spot cash---and for a year that would run into a great many thousands of dollars. Under the circumstances I was unable to hold this valuable time for a cent under the large increased price they quoted me. I told the station agents it was problematical whether we would be able to keep paying such a high rate. They were perfectly willing for me to give it up, and leave them free to accept a check running into many thousands in advance from one of these others who want the time. It was a hard decision to make. I prayed for wisdom, and for God to work it out. And I believe He did.

We have been having the program re-broadcast, each night, at 11:30 PM on this station. Our mail indicates that very few people are listening at that late hour---nearly ALL the mail is from the 8:PM broadcast. I find that a large percent of farmers, as well as more than one might imagine in towns, are up by 5:30 in the morning. Most radio stations do not come on the air until 6:AM. Between 5:30 and 6, a LOT of people are trying to get some- thing on the radio while they get dressed and get breakfast. At that hour, radio waves go out with less static, reach farther than at any other time---just before dawn. These agents managed Dr. Brinkley's famous station several years ago, and told me he found more people actually listening at that hour than any other, except 8:PM, or between 7 and 9:PM. Yet the station cannot charge much for that early time because no one realizes how good it is and they can't find anyone who will buy it. So I make them a proposition that I would pay their increased rate for the 8:PM period, and transfer the 11:30 PM re-broadcast to the 5:30 AM time, at the same additional charge I have been paying for 11:30 PM, which is not heavy. They telephoned the owner, and it was approved. So I believe God worked it out where, although we will have to pay just DOUBLE what we have paid for the 8:PM broadcast, for these two half-hours every day, yet we ought to have about DOUBLE THE AUDIENCE, and thus I believe the way is opened so that we still have to pay only about the same rate PER THOUSAND LISTENERS. We will pay DOUBLE---but I am praying this will give us twice as many listeners. I ask you to pray, too. And if our Co-Workers will stand by me loyally as you have in the past, and PRAY with me, I'm sure God will work it out where this apparent obstacle that looked as if it would be a fatal blow to the work will prove to be only a blessing and lift the work up to still greater power for good. Yes, ALL THINGS WORK TOGETHER FOR GOOD to those that love the Lord!

Now I have made tentative arrangements to have the program go out over the powerful 50,000-watt San Antonio Station KABC at 8 o'clock Sunday mornings, and also either a good Sunday night time, or the 5:30 AM period six mornings a week over Shreveport's great super-power station KWKH, beginning October. I hope, on this trip, to arrange to send out the Message over at least two or three of the following great super-power stations in other parts of the country: WWVA, 50,000 watts, West Virginia; WCKY, 50,000 watts, Cincinnati; WJJD 20,000 watts, Chicago; KSTP, 50,000 watts, St Paul; and a 50,000-watt station in Omaha. We also have plans for more stations on the West Coast.

At Los Angeles I made definite arrangements for having The PLAIN TRUTH printed REGULARLY, at least bi-monthly and later EVERY month, a brand-new 16-page magazine, twice as large as now, in two colors, and much more attractive than formerly. It will have to be mailed out from there, but details have been worked out so we can send the material down from Eugene, and it can be handled for us in Los Angeles by the same publishing house that prints the Pacific Coast editions of TIME and LIFE.

Now I had intended to reveal to you in this BULLETIN, now overdue, the GREATEST SURPRISE I have ever had for you---news of a truly WONDERFUL development for this work. But I will still have to keep you in suspense until another BULLETIN, as space does not permit me to explain it here. GOD IS WORKING IN THIS WORK! He is guiding it---BLESSING it beyond the wildest bounds of our expectations! Friends and Co-Workers, YOUR TITHES and OFFERINGS ought to be WORKING where GOD is working---where God is blessing it with abundant fruit in a great spiritual harvest of souls. And that great spiritual harvest and blessing from God is more and more apparent in this Work as time goes on. How we thank and praise God for what He is doing, in and thru us, and for us all!

People we are visiting tell us it seems almost everybody in their towns and neighborhoods is listening to "The WORLD TOMORROW" broadcasts. People are being stirred up. Some have told us that many preachers are listening, LEARNING, accepting more TRUTH and preaching it to their local congregations. Those we have met tell us they NEVER HEARD THESE WONDERFUL THINGS---these precious TRUTHS---before; that "The WORLD TOMORROW" is so utterly DIFFERENT from anything they ever heard. People are ASTONISHED, just as when Jesus preached they were astonished at the SAME Gospel in that day. Most of the people being reached are not church-goers but people who never had an interest in religion. This powerful broadcast is awakening, stirring THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS into an interest---and hundreds are being converted---GIVING them-SELVES to Almighty God, accepting Jesus Christ as personal SAVIOUR!

You'd be THRILLED if you could go along with us and see and hear what we are learning about the tremendous national and international influence of this work---its growing POWER---of how it is changing lives by THOUSANDS. And I know, more positively than ever, that MILLIONS are listening!

We expect, with God's blessing, to DOUBLE the power and usefulness of this work this Fall and Winter.

But, again, our Co-Workers are FORGETTING, becoming lax ---MONEY IS FALLING OFF. Fellow Co-Workers, I have personally obligated myself to very great expense---thousands of dollars a month---to carry on this great work. I have done it in sheer FAITH---faith that God will, thru YOU back me up in this increasingly powerful campaign for souls, and supply every dollar.

PLEASE get under the burden with me---remember YOU HAVE YOUR PART. God will hold us all responsible together. My office has just told me over long distance the financial situation at the moment is SERIOUS. Those of you who are able, I will count on you to send in AT ONCE, by air-mail or BY TELEGRAPH MONEY-ORDER, the very LARGEST offerings for God's great cause you can possibly send, even at great sacrifice. Such wonderful results---those precious souls I am burying in baptism into Jesus---this harvest of precious souls---the proclaiming of the TRUE Gospel to MILLIONS---is worth ANY sacrifice on your part. You'll be laying up treasure in heaven. So far Mrs. Armstrong and I are the only ones who have ever made a sacrifice larger than a thousand dollars for this work. There are SOME of you who could, if willing, send in an offering of one or perhaps several thousand dollars for this work. If you are one, will you pray earnestly over it, and act as God directs? Most of you are only able to send in the widow's mites---and we need a great downpour of those as we never needed them before. Whether it is a dollar or two, or several thousand dollars, I'll go confidently along on this present mission trusting you'll let God prompt you to RUSH to my office, the largest offering you can make at this time. And now I must rush to catch that ferry. God bless all of you!

With love, in Jesus' name,

Herbert W. Armstrong


September 25, 1946 Co-Worker Letter - Herbert W Armstrong
Returns from Vacation



Analyses Today's News, with the Prophecies of THE WORLD TOMORROW

Publishing Box 111, Eugene, Oregon


September 25, 1946

Dear Friend and Co-Worker:

GREETINGS! in Jesus' name: We have just returned to Eugene. After an absence of three months and two days, I am again back at my desk. And I find the situation such that the very first thing I must do is write a very special and URGENT emergency letter to all our Co-Workers. I find the work in a financial CRISIS--the whole work in grave DANGER--it needs $5,000 at once. First, THANK YOU! for your loyal support, your prayers and interest, thru the summer while we have been away on our 14,000-mile nation-wide baptizing tour. You have made it possible to hold things together thru a very difficult summer season, permitting me to take this important tour and experience a much-needed change from the long routine of conducting daily broadcasts. It wasn't a rest, for we have had to keep on the move just every moment, as those of you whom we were able to visit know. But it was a much-needed change, and tho we have returned home very tired from so long a tour, yet I feel refreshed, re-invigorated, and inspired for the heavy tasks ahead, and enthusiastically ANXIOUS to plunge into them---for we have GREAT PLANS for this coming fall and winter season!

The summer tour was full of both joys and disappointments: joys in the privilege of getting to really see, and meet, and talk with so many of our co-workers, and with so many who have been converted thru his great work of God;--disappointments in having to pass up so many who had written in, wanting us to stop and see them, and in missing several we tried to see. I found it was impossible to visit and see more than a fraction of those who requested us to visit them--and we even had to miss seeing many who have been converted thru the broadcast and wanted to be baptized. I have learned the need for more personal contact with our vast nation-wide and international radio audience. And I have great news for you, which I hope I may announce in the next BULLETIN, of plans now formulating for the expansion of this work that will make it possible.

I have said before, in the BULLETIN, that I wish it were possible for you to sit with me at my desk, reading with me the thousands of letters that pour in every week from listeners--what an inspiration it would be! And how much more would you come to realize the unestimatable importance and vast good accomplished by this work. But if you only could have travelled with us this summer, and seen and talked personally with the scores of people whose lives have been changed--who have been led, thru the broad- cast and literature sent out to repentance of sins, to complete and unconditional surrender to God and His laws and His ways of living --who have accepted Jesus Christ as personal Saviour, and then seen them, meek as little children, buried with Him in baptism--the inspiration would have been many times multiplied! I ask all of you to PRAY, earnestly, for these newly converted--these dear ones starting out in newness of life, to live NEW and CHANGED lives in Christ Jesus, according to every Word of God, instead of according to the ways and customs of this world and the ways of self-desire. And, too, from this personal contact with so many, I have learned better what all our vast radio audience want and needs to know, and I believe the broadcasts will be much improved.

Now we are ready to start a REDOUBLED effort for the fall and winter season. In the next week or ten days I hope to have definite time contracted for on several new, far-reaching super- power stations, including KWKH, Shreveport; WCKY, Cincinnati; KFAB, Lincoln-Omaha, KVOO, Tulsa; either KFEL or KVOD, Denver, possibly a Chicago station, and in December a new Des Moines station. In addition, our new schedule calls for continuance of same time, 8 o'clock at 8 on the dial, mountain time, on XELO, and also 8:P.M. Central standard time on XEG every night except Saturday, and IN ADDITION, and VITALLY IMPORTANT--5:30 EVERY MORNING except Sunday, Central Standard time, on XEG, 1050 on your dial. Also, continuing 9:PM Sunday nights over XERB, at 1090 on the dial on the Pacific Coast; adding a new station in Hollywood 6:AM Sundays on KXL Portland, 750 on the dial; same time on KVAN, and 11:PM Sundays on KVI, 570 on dial, in Seattle region, and we expect to add KOL or some other station in that region. Thus our already vast radio audience should be DOUBLED for this season! God is surely blessing His work! BUT--MOST IMPORTANT AND URGENT for the moment, I find funds slacking off as I return home, and we are in a serious immediate emergency! It's so serious the whole work is in grave DANGER! We need, seriously, many offerings of large sums from those who are able---please WIRE the money if possible; and if you can send only the "widow's mite" please rush it. God's work has to depend upon you. I know you won't fail. Another BULLETIN will follow in a week or two. God bless you. PRAY for the work!

Sincerely, your co-worker in Jesus' name,

Herbert W. Armstrong


November 4, 1946 Co-Worker Letter - Herbert W Armstrong
Church Employee Bilks $50,000



HERBERT W. ARMSTRONG Analyses Today's News, with the Prophecies of The WORLD TOMORROW

Publishing: November 4, 1946


Dear Co-Workers:

Again I must write you an EMERGENCY Letter.

For ten days this work has faced the most desperate crisis of the nearly thirteen years since it was started. For a few nights, now, the program has been off the air on our two most powerful stations---XEG and XELO. Letters by the hundreds---even telegrams---have been pouring in asking what has happened.

I can't very well go into detail explaining just how the devil has tried to stop this most important work on earth, further than to say that he has used the greed of one or two men involved who were apparently attempting to put over a fast financial deal whereby they could get the immediate use of more than $50,000 into their hands to finance their own private enterprises. This doesn't make it very clear to you, I know---but I cannot state the facts plainly for obvious reasons, because where there is crooked work in this world those guilty of it would not stop at anything to gain their ends.

This whole matter burst like a bomb shell, suddenly and unexpectedly. It came at a time when I could not leave Eugene to go to Mexico and try to straighten it out in person. Consequently, I have had to stay right on the long distance telephone almost constantly for days. It has been the most baffling problem I ever was confronted with, because for days I was unable to find out WHY we were off the air, WHO was responsible, or how to cope with the situation. All I could do was PRAY, trust God to take care of His work, and to keep trying to ferret out the real trouble. Even now I couldn't prove what has become self-evident. All I can say is that the man responsible is a man I feel quite certain would not be alive today, had not our God healed him when he was at the doors of death with pneumonia several months ago---when I earnestly interceded with God in his behalf. Even as David prayed to God in his times of trial and trouble, our enemies are often those we have helped and treated the kindliest---returning evil for good! God have mercy on such a world!

Nevertheless, we have God's PROMISES that He will never leave us nor forsake us---that He will not stop the work He has begun---that He will deliver us from our enemies---that He will deliver us from every trial, and will prosper those who serve and rely upon Him! And God never breaks a promise! Dark tho things may look for a time, GOD'S PROMISES CANNOT FAIL!

So I have known all through these dark hours the past several days that if I just kept doing, with determination, every- thing I could do---and continue to trust God for the result, that everything would in the end work together for GOOD, and not for harm. Always before when such calamity threatened the existence of the work, it has in the end proved a BOOST---and the work has plunged on to GREATER scope and power. By faith I have known, and still know, it will turn out that way this time. Satan cannot stop God's work! This is the work of the Almighty and no human or satanic power can stop it! At this writing, I can only tell you this: I have the promise of the manager of XELO that the program will go back on XELO, 800 on the dial at the same time 8 o'clock every night except Saturday---within a few days---I hope by this next Sunday night. Keep tuning in, till you hear it. The manager of XEG promised by long distance the program would be back on XEG ---1050 on dial---next Sunday night, and continue at least Sunday nights and also at 5:30 every week day morning. I had contracted for this and also week nights Monday thru Friday. Whether or not we will be able to hold the program on XEG at 8 o'clock (Central Standard Time) week nights is still unsettled. I am surely content to leave the result of this in God's hands, because the price they demand for this time this year is almost double what we have been paying up to now.

Now, in addition, I tentatively contracted for, by long distance telephone this morning, a broadcast EVERY DAY except Saturday, on the super-power KWKH, Shreveport, Louisiana, 1130 on the dial, at 11:15 every Saturday nite, and also at 5:30 every morning, Monday thru Friday. I hope to have the program start this coming Sunday night, so tune in---though the early morning programs will probably not get started on KWKH for two or three weeks. We also expect soon to have the program on super-power 50,000-watt stations KVOO, Tulsa, 1170 on the dial; WCKY, Cincinnati, 1530 on dial; and KFAB, 1110 on dial; and either KFEL, Denver, 950 on dial, at 6:15 A.M. Sundays, or a better Sunday morning time over KVOD, Denver, 630 on dial.

So, dear Co-Workers, LET US HAVE FAITH! I have been under the darkest cloud of my life these past several days. It has been a terrible ordeal---the entire work threatened---the thought of millions of you all over the United States being unable to hear the broadcast any longer, and just when I have the most important things to say, that MUST be forcibly proclaimed, without fear, to this nation! Yet through FAITH in God's promises, and years of EXPERIENCE with God in keeping His promises, and delivering us time after time from lesser calamities, there has been no fear---just the ordeal of going thru it and doing my part to the very utmost of my ability, depending on God for wisdom, guidance,---and the RESULT!

The forces working against us have not yet given up. Unless God intervenes they would even now be able to throw God's program off these two most powerful stations in the Western hemisphere, even yet. But God IS intervening in our behalf, and His work cannot be stopped!---it must continue in ever-increasing POWER!

CO-WORKERS, I have to appeal to you to STAND BY ME IN THIS SUPREME GRAVE CRISIS! I ask everyone of you to PRAY---go to some private place where you can pray ALONE with God, and pray earnestly, asking God to PROTECT HIS WORK,---to intervene in our behalf---to turn back those who would harm His work and bring their efforts to naught---to give us grace and favor in the sight of those whose favor we need---to give me WISDOM to know His will, and GUIDANCE in all I do. Ask Him to DOUBLE the power of His work--- the vast number of people reached and helped, thru this coming season. Pray as you never did before---claim God's PROMISES, then BELIEVE!

And STAND BY ME in this dark hour with more liberal offerings than ever, in addition to your tithes. When the program is off the air, hundreds stop sending in money. If the money stops, the work stops. MONEY is the only thing that TALKS, in the final analysis, with some of these radio stations, and without it I could never continue this great and glorious work! So try to stretch to a larger offering than usual, and rush it air-mail! Again, while most of our co-worker family are people in common and poor circumstances and cannot send very large amounts, some of you are in better circumstances and CAN, if you permit God to make your heart willing, put into God's work a real sizeable contribution at this time. I have to pray, earnestly, that God will touch several hearts at this time to make a sacrifice for His work and send in a considerable sum to help carry us thru this crisis. Some have money laid away as SECURITY for the FUTURE---but money is very poor security for so uncertain a future as this world stares in the face today! The only SECURITY for our future, now, is THE PROTECTION OF THE ETERNAL GOD. Let us put all our trust in HIM---not in mammon, for we cannot serve both God and mammon, and if we lay up treasures in heaven by putting our money into God's work, our reward shall be great in the kingdom! I hesitate to make such an appeal, because usually some in poor circumstances will be the ones who will take this to heart, and make a greater sacrifice than God would expect them to make, even bringing real hardship upon themselves in order to do it. I ask you not to do that. God does not expect one of us to give more than he is able. This appeal is directed at those who have not given what they could with God---and to all such, if you will let God get hold of your hearts and your pocketbooks as well, this is the very best time to make up for some of the past by putting into God's work a really sizeable sum.

This great work has grown until its expenses are now several thousand dollars every month. I have assumed personal responsibility for this, yet I have NOTHING, but faith in God and our co-workers, with which to keep meeting these very large obligations. A contribution of several thousand dollars this time would help God's work as never before---and there are a few who are able to make such contributions. Frankly, Mrs. Armstrong and I are the only ones who have ever made a contribution for this work larger than a thousand dollars---which we did by selling our home for the works' sake. We have not home now---merely rent a furnished bedroom. We are happy in it---GLAD to do it because we know what is in store for this world---how short our time is to warn this nation and the world, and carry on the commission God has raised us up for---and our hearts are wholly in that work, not in material things. I only mention this that you may know I do not ask others to do what I have now proved willing to do myself, setting the example. But there are others in our co-worker family who could match or exceed, maybe several times over, what we did, and without making any such sacrifice---and I most certainly would not ask anyone else even to think of sacrificing their home for the work. I don't want hardship to come to any---but I do know the blessing that will return to you if you make reasonable sacrifice, to the very limit, and send in whatever is the largest amount with- in YOUR means for God's great cause. And this I DO earnestly ask every co-worker whose heart is in God's work to do---AT ONCE---and remember AIR MAIL is only five cents now, so RUSH IT AIR MAIL in the enclosed reply envelope.

May God bless you all! I will write you again as soon as I have definite news.

Sincerely, in Jesus' name,

Herbert W. Armstrong


November 29, 1946 - Co-Worker Letter - Herbert W Armstrong
Buys First Pasadena Campus Property


OUR Co-workers' BULLETIN

Published every little while, to keep our Co-Workers informed of the progress, the problems and future plans for carrying on God's work in these closing days of this age;---broadcasting "The WORLD TOMORROW;" publishing The PLAIN TRUTH, and other Gospel literature. HERBERT W. ARMSTRONG, Box 111, Eugene, Oregon.

VOLUME VII, NUMBER 6 November 29, 1946


Dear Co-Workers:

GREETINGS! Mrs. Armstrong and I are on the train, enroute from Los Angeles to Eugene.

I have WONDERFUL news! It won't keep until we arrive home. I must write it now, and it can be printed and mailed from our office early in the week.

In fact, I have two wonderful things to tell you, each so thrilling it can't wait. First, then, today in San Francisco I completed definite arrangements with the management of a large Los Angeles printing establishment---the same printing plant which now prints the West Coast editions of "Life" and "TIME" as well as "SUNSET" magazine---to have The PLAIN TRUTH printed hereafter in this same plant on the gigantic new post-war rotary magazine press just recently installed for the printing of "LIFE" and "time"---now to come out in two colors and attractive new dress, 16 pages, twice as large as formerly!

Arrangements are completed for the NEW larger, more attractive PLAIN TRUTH to come off the presses late in December, starting off this enlarged finer magazine with the January, 1947, number. The November-December number already has been mailed to you. I hope you have received it before this. How do you like it? I hope you'll write and tell me.

I have far more thrilling material in store for you in the new larger January issue. In this first enlarged number, I plan to disclose what I believe to be the most sensational material ever published in The PLAIN TRUTH---facts that are too "strong" to put on the air. At the San Francisco Conference last year I saw the opening public activity of an astounding plot to conquer and rule the world---a plot conceived and engineered by one of the most powerful organizations in the world---a plot fully prophesied, and therefore certain to be carried out! And amazing developments and activities in Europe since have progressed this terrific movement to an alarming state---if one has the understanding to SEE!

Frankly, I don't believe I can ever publish a more important article, or explain a more wonderful or necessary subject, than that starting on page one in the current November-December number. The TRUTH answering the questions, WHY we are here, the great PURPOSE being worked out here below. WHY God permits suffering, wars, and all the terrible conditions in the world today, is more important than the more sensational disclosures I expect to make in the coming issue. Yet I know only too well that most people will find this more sensational expose more interesting to read. And it, too, is important. And then this larger, 16-page PLAIN TRUTH will contain considerably more than the usual number of articles. In the beautiful January number will also appear the real scriptural explanation of the NEW Testament teaching on Tithing; the sequel to the March-April article on "The Coming World- Explosion in PALESTINE;" a really amazing article on present conditions in America in DIVORCE and RE-MARRIAGE, with a fearless revelation of the Bible TRUTH on this vital question, now actually hitting one home in every three in our land!--an up-to-the-minute analysis of world conditions, and the drift toward ATOMIC WAR; an article beginning the eye-opening explanation of the questions "WHO is the BEAST?" "WHAT is the IMAGE, and the MARK of the Beast?" With a full 16 pages, with illustrations, two colors of ink, more attractive headings and typography. I sincerely hope to make this January number the finest, most attractive, most interesting, most helpful, and in every way the BEST issue of The PLAIN TRUTH ever published!

And did you notice? The circulation has grown to ONE HUNDRED AND TEN THOUSAND COPIES! That's an immense circulation, going to every state, and several foreign countries. I know you rejoice and praise God with us, in this splendid and powerful growth of The PLAIN TRUTH---now to be doubled in size, made more attractive in appearance, and to come out regularly every month! It will, of course, be a tremendous undertaking. But we are putting all our energies to the task, redoubling our efforts, and I know our loyal Co-Workers will also redouble their efforts that the increased cost may be met, and God will give us strength and power and ability each to meet our responsibility and to accomplish the glorious mission to which we have been called.

I almost forgot to mention some very good news in connection with the enlargement of The PLAIN TRUTH. By having it produced, hereafter, in this large establishment in Los Angeles by mass- production methods we shall be able to publish this much more attractive magazine, double in size, at a cost only about 16% more than the smaller, less attractive magazine has cost by the smaller, slower, less efficient methods we have had to use here in Eugene.

Now I have what seems to me just now an even MORE WONDERFUL announcement--a thrilling announcement I've had to hold back for several months! Yet it's hard to conceive of any announcement being more thrilling than that The PLAIN TRUTH, after all these years of struggle to that end, is at last to blossom out into a full 16-page attractive magazine, with twelve issues every year instead of only two or three. Mrs. Armstrong and I have worked hard and long, and struggled against almost every obstacle and opposition, to bring The PLAIN TRUTH from a little mimeographed paper of 300 copies in February, 1934, up to this beautiful magazine of 110,000 copies to make it's appearance in three or four weeks. But the effort and struggle has not been ours alone; for YOU DEAR CO-WORKERS, after all, have made it all possible by your unselfish faithfulness! Yet let us give all thanks, praise and glory to GOD.

A SECOND Thrilling ANNOUNCEMENT! Now for this second very important announcement I've had to hold back several months. I want to first explain what is leading us into a wonderful new phase of this work--one that will lay the foundation for FOLLOWING UP this great and growing work by PERSONAL CONTACT--one which will prepare the way for the work to enlarge to WORLD-WIDE scope! The commission of our Master was not for a little localized Gospel work. No, instead, He commanded, "Go ye, therefore, and teach ALL NATIONS;" "Go ye INTO ALL THE WORLD and preach the Gospel to every creature;" "And this Gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached IN ALL THE WORLD for a witness UNTO ALL NATIONS; and then shall the end (of this age) come."

The time has now come to lay the FOUNDATION for that,--the ultimate, final mission! The TRUE GOSPEL is not being preached today! It must go to ALL NATIONS, in all languages! For years I felt helpless, frustrated, in contemplating the vast commission. I couldn't see how it was to be done. But now God has moved suddenly, swiftly, mightily, in a manner we never would have imagined in our wildest dreams! He has placed in our hands some- thing we never would have thought possible. But ALL things are possible with God. And He moves in mysterious ways His wonders to perform!

Let me explain, first, a basic fundamental of Christian TRUTH --then I think you'll understand, and marvel at what God has just done, these past few days, for His work!

What True Christianity IS I think, from the leading article in the current PLAIN TRUTH, you can understand that God's great PURPOSE in placing human beings on earth is the supreme MASTERPIECE of all His works of Creation-- the creation, in us, of righteous, holy, perfect spiritual CHARACTERS. Redemption is, merely, the completion of Creation. God's purpose is to mold, fashion, CHANGE us from what we have made of ourselves, into what He desires to make of us. The word "conversion" means a CHANGE.

Now this change takes place in the MIND--and the "heart," by which word we mean a certain faculty of mind. The process of salvation begins in the MIND. The first step is REPENTANCE, and repentance is a change of mind. The second step is faith in, and acceptance of Jesus Christ as personal Saviour--and that, too, takes place in the MIND, and in the Heart. We are not in any sense CONVERTED until we have received God's Holy Spirit, and in Scripture it is revealed that the receiving of the Holy Spirit is the renewing of the mind--an illuminating of the mind, bringing UNDERSTANDING; and God reveals that His Spirit is the Spirit of a SOUND MIND.

In other words, real conversion and salvation is EDUCATION-- not the kind of purely mental, purely materialistic, and mostly faulty and erroneous education of this world--but REAL education, which is the enlightening of the mind, feeding of the mind and soul, thru that faculty of mind we call the HEART, the development of self-discipline and character in the true spiritual values.

God intended man to become EDUCATED. We never glorify God by ignorance, nor by neglecting to train and educate the mind! What is the principle thing that elevates a man above a dumb animal? It is his MIND! That mind, then, to glorify God and fulfill His purpose, ought to be developed, used, rightly cultivated and trained.

Yet, today, what do we find? Most highly EDUCATED people reject God's Truth, spurn salvation, regard Christianity as an ignorant superstition. And most of those who will surrender to God, accept Christ and seek salvation today are comparatively UNEDUCATED, or have limited education! It's a FACT that most people today who claim a real born-again salvation have not been educated, or trained and developed their minds, as much as the average intellectual skeptic or scientist who through his "scientific knowledge" and mind training has come to believe there is no God!

WHY SHOULD THIS BE? It should be just the reverse!

The true ANSWER is that Satan set out, 6,000 years ago, to deceive the whole world. Satan has led man in a direction OPPOSITE from the true way of God. Satan has swayed mankind into setting up an organized, babylonish civilization. In its every phase, this civilization runs OPPOSITE to the right and true laws of God. It is the spirit of COMPLETION, ORGANIZED.

Now, this whole worldly civilization is BASED on a SYSTEM of FALSE EDUCATION! This paganized society that is THIS WORLD takes our children, from ages of 5 to 7, and begin to educate and train their MINDS, in the direction of SATAN'S philosophy, which is the way of materialism, of selfishness, greed, vanity, trust in man, ignoring God. The system of education is COMPLETED in the institutions of higher learning--the colleges and universities.

And there, surveys show that 95% of freshmen entering college still believe there is a God;--but, four years later on graduation, 95% of these same students have become firmly convinced there is no God!

Now what is the BASIS, the FOUNDATION, of true education?

We read the answer in the 111th Psalm: "The fear of the ETERNAL is THE BEGINNING of wisdom; a GOOD UNDERSTANDING have all they that do His commandments." Jesus said: "Ye shall know the TRUTH, and the TRUTH shall make you FREE." "Ye shall KNOW," He said. Knowing is knowledge--education. But error makes none free. This world's education teaches error. This error enslaves the human race, in poverty, inequality, fear, wretchedness, suffering, discontent, unhappiness. It is KNOWING---that is, EDUCATION in, the TRUTH that makes us free---leads to happiness, prosperity, the abundant and full life, JOY! And what is TRUTH? "THY WORD," answered Jesus, "is TRUTH." The Word is the Bible.

The very FOUNDATION of true education, then, is the BIBLE. And what IS the Bible? Not very many know what it is. LISTEN! The Bible is a special revelation from the Creator GOD, by which He reveals to man those basic necessary TRUTHS man does not know naturally, and could never otherwise find out. It is a revelation, then, of basic, essential KNOWLEDGE. It reveals what man is, how man came, WHY man is, the PURPOSE of things, where we are going, what lies on beyond. It reveals the basic spiritual LAWS OF LIFE. It teaches man how to be happy, successful, prosperous---how to live.

Those things which man can discover, learn and know by his own efforts, God has left for man to learn. For example, man has been able to invent instruments, set up laboratories. Man has been able to discover that there are just so many elements of matter, and to classify them. He is able to take water apart and discover that it is composed of 2 atoms of hydrogen to each 1 atom of oxygen. Man has discovered the laws of chemistry, laws of physics. He has learned about astronomy thru telescopes, about small divisions of matter thru microscopes. He has learned about force and energy, about the law of inertia. Newton was able to discover the law of gravity, so God did not reveal that law in the Bible--- He left that for man to discover himself.

Man can know, naturally, only what can be transmitted to his mind thru the five senses---the eye, ear, nose, mouth, or sense of touch and feel. But he cannot see, feel, hear, SPIRITUAL things. So God has revealed the basic spiritual and material knowledge, and from this revealed knowledge man could be able, if he would, to explain and understand many things he sees but cannot otherwise understand.

Now in the beginning, our first parents were willing to be deceived into believing that GOD'S REVELATION was a lie. God had said if they stole the fruit of the one tree which did not belong to them, they would surely die. God revealed the way of LIFE--- made it available. Man, under Satan's influence, reasoned that God had not told the Truth, rejected God's knowledge, refused God's way of life, set out to live a different way.

Ever since man has rejected God's KNOWLEDGE---basic knowledge ---and consequently man's system of education today leads in the exact OPPOSITE direction from the Truth that the "fear of the Eternal" and the revelation of the BIBLE constitute the very BASIC FOUNDATION OF TRUE EDUCATION. Instead man has set up an organized system of education leading in the exact OPPOSITE DIRECTION.

And---LISTEN CAREFULLY!---the farther one goes in this materialistic supposedly rational, but FALSE education of this paganized babylonish world, the farther he gets from the TRUTH! And finally he becomes so STEEPED in this false education, he is utterly unable to UNlearn it, so he could start all over and begin to receive the TRUTH. AND THAT IS WHY PEOPLE HIGHLY EDUCATED IN THIS WORLD'S EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS ARE LARGELY ATHEISTS AND ARE NOT ABLE TO ACCEPT TRUE CHRISTIANITY AND BE CONVERTED!

There are other faults with modern education. It teaches people to believe in and accept this paganized system of this babylonish world and become a PART of it. And it is not TRUE education at all for two other reasons---1) it does not teach students to examine, to question, to PROVE whether the thing taught in the text book is true, but rather it teaches him to ACCEPT it without question, and memorize it AS truth. Pupils start in the first grade doing this. Students are given text books, assigned a lesson. They never think to question; they merely memorize what the book says, and they are graded on how well they have accepted and memorized it so they know it---or at least believe they know it! Now the Bible teaches us to PROVE all things, and accept and hold fast only to that which is PROVED to be true and good (I Thes. 5:21). And 2) the schools of our land fail in their mission because they do not teach the true METHOD of education, what it is, HOW to study, How to get it. The conception of most students is that education is something you get at school and college. When one graduates he HAS his education. As to METHOD the idea is to cram into the student's mind during college years enough educational food to last him the rest of his life. But in true fact EDUCATION IS A LIFE-LONG PROCESS. It only should begin in college. College should teach HOW to study, start him off, and teach him to keep on studying thru life.

Now God's Word commands: "STUDY to show thyself approved unto God, . . .rightly dividing the Word of TRUTH." (II Tim. 2:15). God commands us to STUDY---to educate, train, develop our MINDS. How many Christians really do it? But notice the PURPOSE---to show ourselves approved unto God---RIGHTLY dividing the Word of TRUTH. The Bible is the foundation, the basis of that study. We are to study rightly to UNDERSTAND. We must PROVE all things. Be rational---question what we study, until it is PROVED true!

Yes, Satan is the god of this world. This is Satan's world. It is steeped in his teachings, methods, procedures. Today the TRUTH appears as mere FOOLISHNESS to the highly educated in this world! "Howbeit, . . . we speak not the wisdom of this world, . . . but we speak the wisdom of God, . . . which none of the princes of this world knew . . . For the wisdom of this world is FOOLISHNESS with God." (I Cor. 2:6-7; 3:19). None but the FOOL says "there is no GOD." Yet surveys show most college graduates say it---EDUCATED FOOLS!

A Great NEW Phase of GOD'S WORK This is GOD'S WORK! And several months ago God showed me, as if by special revelation, that the time has come to found a COLLEGE in connection with His work. WHERE, today are young people who wish to dedicate their lives to God to go to find TRUE EDUCATION?

Mrs. Armstrong and I did not send our daughters to college. Do you know why? It was certainly not because we do not believe in education, for with all our hearts we believe in right education! It was because colleges today do not teach true knowledge or give true education, but instead lead minds in the opposite direction farther and farther away from true education. They are factories of atheism and infidelity! Better be without education than have a mind stuffed with that kind of false beliefs. The BASIS of this world's educational curriculum is EVOLUTION.

God showed me the time has come to establish an educational institution based on TRUTH, on God's REVELATION OF TRUTH, supplemented with those facts of natural and exact sciences which man has been able, himself, to discover---and all BASED ON, and explained by, and in harmony with, THE BIBLE.

This is not to be a theological seminary. Not a Bible college. Not a college for future ministers alone, but a GENERAL college, giving a general and full education based on TRUTH, for any and all who want to know HOW TO LIVE, how to train and educate their minds, and to be started off on the life-long PROCESS of right education---of developing the mind, without neglecting the HEART, and the SOUL! Now out of it we hope, and believe thru faith in God, will come a FEW whom we shall see GOD HAS CALLED to His ministry. And they will come out TRAINED, educated, fitted, for the great mission. But too often men think God has called them to the ministry when He has not! There will be no promise of "a job" in the ministry to graduates. If God has called one to the ministry, this call will be SHOWN "by the fruits."

However, EVERY student who comes will take the BIBLE course, which will be the basic course of the school. God willing, I plan myself to teach all Bible classes. There will be many other courses available, mostly selective,---such as English, foreign languages, history, mathematics, certain of the EXACT sciences, etc. All girl students will be required to take the domestic science course. And we shall not graduate girls, like some domestic science courses, who can cook dainty pastries and deserts but couldn't cook a wholesome meal to save their lives and who do not know how to be a good wife and mother. We shall teach girls to cook wholesome meals that build health, how to be a true wife fulfilling GOD'S PURPOSE, how to be a good, intelligent, efficient mother and HOME-MAKER. Some of our graduates will be fitted to become school teachers in the public schools---teaching rightly, and INSTILLING CHARACTER in those they teach. This school, God has shown me, must be a CHARACTER-TRAINING INSTITUTION. It must be utterly DIFFERENT from any school or college in the world today!

While it will not be designed along orthodox worldly lines, yet we expect to receive full "accreditation" as a recognized, accredited college, and our standards in every way will be as high, or higher, than those of the top ranking state universities. Only the ablest, best-qualified professors and instructors will compose the faculty---and only those in sympathy with our ideals and basic purpose. Already I have selected the man to be principle, or head of this school---a man eminently qualified, a life-long educator, who in his own educational work has for years successfully employed the "character training" principle in connection with academic teaching in the schools of which he has been head. He BELIEVES God has revealed to us the TRUTH and is in full harmony and sympathy with this undertaking. I have the counsel and assistance of eminent educators who also are Christians and believe in the kind of school we are planning.

This Week a MIRACLE Happened! For several months, I have been planning this school ON FAITH. The main unsolved problem was WHERE TO HOUSE IT. I have felt convinced the best location for it is Pasadena, California. There are many reasons. Last summer we spent one month there, trying to lay plans. We had a building site selected---had gone so far as to have architects design the building---had been able to make arrangements with a contractor who could supply all building materials---and we even had virtual assurance we would be able to get the very necessary government CPA permit, since this was to be a SCHOOL and in the Los Angeles district, two things the government is encouraging. But the lot was not large enough. We learned the new Los Angeles "free-way" project is to take several feet off the side of it. We had to give it up. There would have been no grounds---no campus.

Then my educator-advisers began to impress on me the desirability---in fact the NECESSITY, for a successful school,---of ample grounds for a campus, and of ample recreational facilities. As one life-long friend, with whom I grew up in the same Sunday- school class, now dean at one of the large Coast colleges, put it, while we are planning this for a SPIRITUAL and CHARACTER purpose, yet the physical goes hand in hand with it, and physical assets are required. Another thing, I learned we would be unable to build our own building for some time, because we would be unable to secure any financing. Banks and mortgages and loan companies will not loan money to a CHURCH, and are very reluctant to finance a "special purpose" type building. It looked hopeless. Then, just last week, I happened in the office of a real- estate dealer I knew in Pasadena. This dealer knew our plans for a college. She is a widow carrying on her husband's real-estate business. "Say," she exclaimed, "I have just gotten hold of the first property I've had since the war that is a REAL BARGAIN, and not inflated---it isn't what you had in mind, but I believe it is JUST THE THING for your college, far better than what you planned."

She took me to see it. It was one of the large estates of Pasadena---former home of one of the nation's most wealthy and prominent families. It had almost 2« acres of the most beautifully-landscaped grounds. A fortune was spent on the landscaping alone. It has a championship tennis-court in perfect condition. It has an 18-room house, a fairly-modern mansion built of re-inforced concrete, and a six-car garage with two five-room apartments in the same building. It was a marvelous, beautiful place, but I knew we could never buy such a place. You'd know the name of the family who built it if I mentioned it. They spent almost half million dollars on it. But it is now owned by a man who has been a life-long educator. Some years ago he was dean of the school of law at the University of Oregon, here in our home city of Eugene. He became so enthused over our plans for a different kind of school, and assured me this place was just PERFECT for such an institution---the grounds just PERFECT for a small college-campus---the buildings PERFECTLY adapted to the needs of the school,---that he offered me the place at a ridiculously low figure, only a fraction of what it really cost,---and at such terms as to actually place it within our reach. Still, I took several days to study every angle, obtain every expert advice, and BE SURE ---to "PROVE ALL THINGS," before accepting it, and going ahead with it. I called up my life-long friend, the dean, in San Francisco. When he heard of it, he instantly said it was PERFECT for the purpose, and in his judgment it was "Providential"---God had opened it to us by a miracle. I called the man, who will head the school, by long distance. He was of the same opinion. I asked him to come and see it, before I did anything. In two hours he was on a plane, and four hours later he had flown 1200 miles and was in Los Angeles. He was far more enthusiastic, when he saw it. At the same time, I had telephoned for Mrs. Armstrong to come down---as a matter of fact, the day before. Actually she arrived at the same time as the man who is the head of the school. Both of them, on seeing it, felt it was PERFECT for our need, even beyond our wildest dreams! Mr. Walter Dillon, who is to be our principle, explained just how it would adapt itself to class-rooms and every need for the college. The large living room 27 x 30 feet, will be the library, study, and lounging room. The large state dining room will be an assembly and class room. The study will be the principle's office. Upstairs rooms will be class rooms.

Never, Mr. Dillon said, if we lost this place, would we ever again find another so perfectly adapted to the need. We could never build anything like it without spending money we shall never be able to spend. And it so happened that this is the ONLY estate in Pasadena or all Southern California that is zoned to permit the establishment of a SCHOOL. How this beautiful, great estate came to be so zoned, I cannot understand---but it is.

I sought still more advice. I had the two architects who had worked on designing our school building last summer go over and see it. One of them is a former professor of architecture at the University of Southern California, and has had considerable experience with smaller schools and colleges. Their advise was the same. The landscaping, alone, they said, would cost over $50,000 ---the bare ground, in some other location, would cost another $50,000. It would cost over another $100,000 today to construct buildings that would not be as good as these. I sought the advice of the most conservative bank president in Pasadena, and on his advice, a judge and attorney whom he recommended. All advised the same way.

Then, most important of all. I sought the advice of GOD. I prayed over it and asked for wisdom and guidance. Meantime, we almost lost the opportunity. Others began to come along and offer more money---more usual terms. One offered a $35,000 down payment. Another offered $100,000 spot cash. The doctor who owned it was certainly being tempted. But I was not willing to make a decision until I was SURE. Finally, I had to go off for a long walk, alone, after praying a great deal of the night. And while walking, every- thing cleared, the doubts I'd had left, and I saw clearly God's Hand in it, and that He had opened it to us. Still, I wanted to be even more sure. But by this time these other cash offers had come along, and it really looked like we had lost our chance. But I knew if God wanted HIS WORK there, nothing could prevent it, so I left the final decision entirely with HIM. I had the attorney draw up papers according to the offer that had been made me. It didn't look, now, as if the owner would accept. I let the real estate dealer take these papers, drawn up by my lawyer, and present them ---asking God to give the decision. And, THEY CAME BACK SIGNED! I learned later that the man offering $100,000 cash had come back with the money one hour after the owner signed our papers, and was told he was just one hour too late---otherwise his proposition would have been accepted! The real estate dealer, who originally told me it would have to be a cash deal, said it was "a miracle," and in all her real estate experience she had never heard of any deal like this. The attorney said the same thing. Yes, even they could see God had performed a MIRACLE! The small down payment is in escrow. The papers have been recorded. We are to get possession next Fall, IN TIME TO START THE NEW COLLEGE IN EARLY SEPTEMBER.

There are many other details about this college, to be announced later. But we know, now, it is ASSURED. I held off making this announcement of the college until we had definite arrangements completed, so we could know definitely it would start, and when. But you Co-Workers are the first to know. It will be announced more generally for ALL listeners in the new January PLAIN TRUTH, with pictures showing the grounds and buildings.

Let me only add here, there will be a very definite curriculum, of high standards. We had to decide WHAT grades to teach, since we cannot begin with grammar-grades. There are reasons I can explain later why we decided to limit this school to the higher grades comparable to a college or university. Entrance requirements will be reasonably stiff. We want CAPABLE, ambitious, young people who SINCERELY WANT TO MAKE SOMETHING OF THEIR LIVES. Full high-school graduation credits will be required. But students will not be limited to those in late teens or early twenties. Those a little older, who have a full high-school education but did not go on to college, and would like to go back to school and gain a full and RIGHT education, will be encouraged. Those who want to come to our college, but have not graduated from high school, will be advised to first finish high school, and then come to us. I do not know yet what tuition requirements will be. But to all those receiving this BULLETIN who want to come to this new, different, and I think very wonderful school, I advise you to WRITE ME AT ONCE, and get your application in early, because we plan to start this school SMALL, as all things God does thru humans must start, and the first year we will limit it to between 30 and 50 students. The second year, however, we hope to enlarge it to 100 students. We can take, later, as many as 250 or 350 students with these facilities, maybe more.

Now, dear Co-Workers, once assured God was leading in this, I have gone right ahead without hesitation. But REMEMBER, we are launched, now, on a MUCH LARGER PROGRAM FOR GOD. Issuing The PLAIN TRUTH every month this year will add more than $30,000 to our expenses. And while God opened the way, and gave us this marvelous place on comparatively low payments, and with no down payment, except a regular double-payment---an unheard-of real-estate deal on a property of this value---yet there will be payments to meet.

And in addition to this, the radio stations have all made large increases in their charges for time this year---our largest most powerful station almost doubled the charge!

Now I have to tell you that, while I had actually given the order to start the broadcast on two more great super-power stations, KWKH at Shreveport, and KVOO at Tulsa, I later withdrew it, and decided to hold off starting on these new stations, because of all this increase in expense. I decided, instead, to first get The PLAIN TRUTH coming out REGULARLY every month, on this greatly- enlarged, more attractive basis. And then, later, when this is established, and I feel we can finance it, we shall add these and still more and more radio stations.

But we have made one great addition this Fall and winter to the radio broadcasts. The program is now going out EVERY NIGHT except Saturday, on the super-power station heard all over the Pacific Coast, and Idaho, Nevada, and Montana---XERB, lower California, 1090 on the dial, at 9:PM Pacific time. That, together with increased costs on other stations, the regular publishing of The PLAIN TRUTH, will more than DOUBLE our expenses this winter!

THAT MEANS WE SHALL HAVE TO DEPEND ON OUR CO-WORKERS BEING STILL MORE LOYAL, REGULAR, LIBERAL, in their support of this great and rapidly-growing work. God's work can't stand still. It must advance. We are now getting the solid foundation under us for a great, vast, powerful WORLD-WIDE work of spreading the true Gospel of the Kingdom in these last days. A few more years, and no man will be ABLE to preach the true Gospel. Now these great, super- power facilities are open to us. With the larger, finer, more interesting PLAIN TRUTH coming out every month, with a college which soon will be turning out trained, called, qualified helpers and ministers to FOLLOW UP THIS VAST WORK with personal contact all over the United States---with some, called of God for the mission whom I know God will send to us, soon coming out of this school trained for carrying the Gospel INTO ALL NATIONS, speaking OTHER LANGUAGES which will be taught in our school---we shall be prepared, then, to add more and more radio stations, until the Message is proclaimed powerfully to ALL THE WORLD! The college had to start next September. TIME IS SHORT. It looked like we would not be able to build and have a place for it before 1948. Then God intervened, performed a miracle, provided us a BETTER place than we even dreamed of, all ready to start NOW, with the next school year! Yes, God is able to do things for us that might seem fantastic. He can move mightily when His time has come! He HAS MOVED in our behalf. NOW IT IS OUR TIME TO MOVE, FOR HIM. We must sacrifice, be loyal, faithful, generous, as God has prospered us! We must be honest with HIS MONEY, putting it faithfully, with generous offerings added, INTO HIS WORK! The Christmas season is ahead, when most people FORGET God's work---FORGET to give their gifts to Christ for His work, but spend all their money TRADING GIFTS back and forth in a heathen, pagan festival not found in the Bible, except to be condemned in Jer. 10:1-4, called "Christ-MASS." If you do not know the TRUTH about Christmas, write at once for our special booklet, on The TRUTH About Christmas. So, at this season when God's work usually suffers, REMEMBER GOD'S WORK. SEND AT ONCE THE LARGEST, MOST GENEROUS SUM YOU CAN. I hope some will send several thousand dollars, in large offerings, to help pay for this wonderful new college property much sooner than we have contracted for. God has never failed us. We must not fail Him.



January 9, 1947 Co-Worker Letter - Herbert W Armstrong
More on College Property Purchase



HERBERT W. ARMSTRONG Analyses Today's News, with the Prophesies of THE WORLD TOMORROW

Publishing Box 111, EUGENE, OREGON The P L A I N T R U T H Magazine of Understanding

January 9, 1947

Dear Friend and Co-Worker:

GREETINGS! and again THANK YOU, for your continued interest, faithfulness, and help, as expressed in the offering (or tithe) which I gratefully acknowledge.

I'm sure you'll rejoice with me and our staff here at the great leaps this work is taking toward greater, widened, more powerful service in fulfillment of the Great Commission, and the special call, to which we have been definitely called in this special and tremendously-important mission in these very end-days of this age.

Up to now, we have had to face two serious handicaps. Two important, necessary things were lacking in this great work. One, we have been unable to publish The PLAIN TRUTH as often as we knew it ought to come out, and due to paper shortages and war-time conditions we have had to hold it to a thin eight pages. This has troubled me much. Hundreds and hundreds of letters from listeners and enthusiastic PLAIN TRUTH readers have shown me how important it is that we be enabled to cover more ground in each number, by having more pages for more articles, and also that we be in position to issue it regularly and more often. It is really as important a phase of this work as the broadcasts. I know the tremendous amount of good that will be done by the new, attractive, twice-as-large PLAIN TRUTH now to be issued regularly EVERY MONTH! It's just about the thrill of a life-time to me to realize this is at last possible. I know it will thrill you, too, and you'll share our gratitude it has been made possible.

Then second, it has become increasingly more imperative that this vast rapidly-expanding work have a personal follow-up. Hundreds are being converted by the broadcasts---their lives CHANGED from what they have made of them into what God purposes to make of them. But many of them need personal help. Many have personal questions that are not answered in the broadcasts or articles, and that I personally have not had time to answer, even by mail. The need of able, trained, experienced, called men--- called and chosen by God and guided by His Spirit---to go out and visit personally these hundreds of newly-converted all over the nation, has become more and more imperative. Souls are at stake. I have tried to find men for this need---some have urged themselves on us for it---a few have tried out, to our sorrow. But always I have been disillusioned, disappointed. I have come to see that we shall simply have to train and educate men for this purpose. Yet we cannot tell which, for instance, of thirty or a hundred candidates have been truly called to this mission by GOD---or which will prove faithful under the test of actual experience and will be willing to be actually used of God. It's easy to discern physical or material values, but it is difficult to discern the Spiritual values, and the inner intents of the heart. Only God can read and judge minds and hearts. And so, I rejoice more than I can express to you that God has given me the vision to see that His solution for the problem is our new school, now definitely to start next September. There is a CRYING NEED for such a school. Since we cannot tell, in advance, whether any particular student enrolling is called, qualified by ability, and will be able finally to fulfill this mission, we are opening the school as a GENERAL school of advanced grade, giving a general and full education fitting students for several and varied occupations in life. Some will become school teachers---the kind GOD would have teaching children. Some will become wives and mothers, trained in practical, common-sense, down-to-earth methods and knowledge of how to be happy, successful wife, mother, and home-maker, as well as a useful, practical, spiritual Christian. But some, I know by faith, we shall see God has truly called, and a few out of each class will be fitted and trained for the true ministry, full-time in God's service.

And I more than rejoice---I THRILL to the development of the past week or two, where in God has placed in our hands opportunity to purchase the most splendid possible physical assets for this beautiful private small-college campus in America! Real- estate men, bankers and lawyers and architects all tell us it is a miracle that such a fine and large property came to us at the price and the way it did. But the God whom we serve performs miracles--- He has PROMISED us He will supply all our need, and when that need came to be a home for our school which has actually cost around $400,000 to build and develop, God moved miraculously to supply that need. He CAN do things like that, but God CAN'T break His promise! We were able to purchase this property for a fraction of its actual cost, on a basis we can handle.

More and more God is giving us EVIDENCE that He is with us, guiding, directing His Work, pouring upon it HIS BLESSING, and blessing it abundantly over and beyond our imagination or fondest dreams!

Of course, WE have OUR PART in all He is doing for us. God has done His part already. Now our part is to supply the funds necessary,---to plan the many, many things necessary to found and begin a new college of the very HIGHEST standards---to carry out and execute all these tasks. Walter E. Dillon, whom I have chosen to head the college is planning to go to New York early in February and take a semester course in (UNABLE TO READ 1 OR 2 WORDS) educational research at Columbia University. There, in this special course, he will have the guidance and direct counsel and help of the Columbia faculty---the most expert technical assistance to be had in America---in designing and planning every detail of our new college. While it will be utterly DIFFERENT from the colleges of this world---God's type of college, yet the principles and methods of conducting a college are the same in any educational institution---the planning of curriculum, arranging of classes and class-rooms, hours, subjects,---a thousand and one things. And our standards will be HIGH. A school based on GOD'S true foundation, educating students in the RIGHT direction instead of the wrong direction as worldly colleges do, should not have a lower standard of efficiency or thoroughness than the schools of this world! No, rather, I am determined it shall be HIGHER!

These two new projects---the enlarged DOUBLE-size more attractive PLAIN TRUTH coming out every month---the opening and conducting of the new college, will add from $4,000 to $5,000 per month to the expenses of conducting this very great and growing work. Then, with the greatly-increased rates being charged us this year for radio time, means that the cost of conducting this work will now run just about DOUBLE the expenses of this past year. Yet, a year ago I launched out on faith, when God showed me plainly it was right, and His will to do so, and assumed obligations to TRIPLE the cost of the work over the year before that. God did not let us down. More and more of you dear Co-Workers responded, and month-by-month the increased expenses were met---and six to ten times as many people were reached by the Message! I know God won't let us down his year. I waited, before going ahead with these commitments, until I was SURE it was right---SURE it was God's will, and that His hand was in it! Then I acted without delay or hesitation, on faith.

I merely remind you that we are starting, new, on the month of the biggest test-of-faith we have ever faced. I intend to do MY PART, with my whole heart and with all my energies. And I know you will do YOUR part, too. I don't know your personal circumstances. God doesn't expect any to give into His work what they do not have, or are unable to give, but according as He has prospered them. But if you are one who is able, I know you'll double or triple your offerings for His work, from now. And I ask you, urgently, PLEASE double or triple the amount, earnestness, and faith of your prayers for me and for this work from now on. THAT, I know you can do, and PLEASE don't fail me or God in doing that.

This is a great thing we are undertaking. But it isn't too much. I am NOT "biting off more than I can chew," as some might express it. As the work grows, God raises up others to join me in sharing the responsibility. This great increased undertaking can, must, and SHALL be carried on successfully.

GOD BLESS YOU, dear friend, for YOUR PART!

Sincerely, in Jesus' name,

Herbert W. Armstrong 


January 17, 1947 Co-Worker Letter - Herbert W Armstrong - Names Ambassador College



HERBERT W. ARMSTRONG Analyses Today's News, with the Prophesies of THE WORLD TOMORROW

Publishing Box 111, Eugene, Oregon The PLAINTRUTH a Magazine of UNDERSTANDING

January 17, 1947

Dear Friend and Co-Workers:

Another BULLETIN is past due. I am so pressed for time just now I have decided to simply write you a brief letter from San Francisco, enroute to Los Angeles to get the first NEW and larger PLAIN TRUTH on the press---and then I will try to get you another BULLETIN immediately afterwards, at the usual time, about the 20th of the month.

All the initial planning for the new college, coming just at a time of getting out the enlarged double-sized PLAIN TRUTH, is surely keeping me busy---in addition to preparing and broadcasting a new radio program daily. In fact much of the pressure of preliminary planning for the college has delayed the January PLAIN TRUTH two weeks. So I have decided to call this number the January-February number.

I have great news for you in regard to the new college. Plans are progressing rapidly,---We are now planning on a larger, more thorough basis than I had in mind at first! A thing worth doing is worth doing right. And this is so worth doing, it must be done on the highest, most thorough possible standard. Consequently, it is becoming a bigger undertaking than I really had in mind at first! It is truly a gigantic undertaking---even tho we planned to start it small, with perhaps around forty students. We are planning for bigger things and the foundation must be firm, and pure, and right.

It is not yet finally named. BUT it appears more and more apparent that the name which first came to me, almost as though God had put it in my mind, is the name that will be adopted.

That name is AMBASSADOR COLLEGE. Everyone seems to like it. When I first mentioned the name to Mr. Walter E. Dillon, who in all probability will be the first president, he said he liked the name ---it had dignity, it was of pleasing sound, etc., but he felt that we should select a name that carried a definite meaning. I agreed, and when I explained the meaning, he thought the name very satisfactory.

The meaning of names is important. It is important to realize the meaning of the name of God, and the meaning and power of the name Jesus Christ. All Hebrew names have meaning. Well, then, here is the meaning: As most colleges today claim to train students for their part in the world---to become a part OF the world, AMBASSADOR COLLEGE has a diametrically opposite purpose. It is to teach students to come out of this world and be separate---to live by every Word of God, instead of the ways and customs of the world---and yet, while not being of this world, but rather as strangers and foreigners in it we shall train them to be AMBASSADOR'S for Christ. We hope, therefore, to train every student to be an AMBASSADOR for Christ and His coming Kingdom, which we represent. The name AMBASSADOR, therefore, is in fact the name of every student in the college. Of course the world in general will not see or comprehend the real meaning of the name. But to those of the world, the name carries distinction, beauty and dignity. And there is no college by that name in Southern California. I would appreciate it if you'd write and tell me what YOU think of the name, "AMBASSADOR COLLEGE". Already we have received many applications from students, and too, I believe, from prospective faculty members. It is now tentatively planned for Mr. Dillon and I to spend the month of June on the grounds, in Pasadena, making more intensive preliminary plans, ordering and installing the new college equipment. All equipment, in keeping with our policy, will be the most modern and efficient obtainable. Then the month of July and first half of August it is planned for Mr. Dillon to be at Columbia University of New York, taking the summer session in advanced educational research, making final plans, for curriculum, schedules, etc., under the technical guidance of the Columbia experts. While AMBASSADOR COLLEGE will be utterly different in purpose, in objectives, in its basic concept, etc., yet it will employ the most advanced of established methods of administration, adapting these procedures of educational experience of our basic principal. And the standards are to be the highest in every respect. From August 20 until September 20th, Mr. Dillon and I will again be on the grounds in Pasadena, making final preparations for the college to open around September 20th.

It is planned now in due time to acquire two adjoining estates, and a beautiful vacant lot across the street, on the corner. This will give us the total of around seven acres of most beautiful ground. Without exaggeration I can say flatly no college campus in America will be more beautiful, and very few if any, as lovely as this that God has provided for His college. If and when we are able to acquire the two adjoining estates, we will have two additional very large reinforced concrete houses, one of twenty-two rooms, and one of fourteen, with space to build later two or three class room buildings, a gymnasium, and on the corner across the street, a beautiful chapel and church building. I am assured circumstances are such that we shall be able to acquire this additional property. At every step we see God's hand in this remarkable undertaking.

In the January-February "Plain Truth", I will show you pictures of the building and grounds---so prepare yourselves for a surprise!

Now, brethren, I have left space only to say that we are in he two hardest most difficult months we have ever seen. Already we have met successfully the first of these two most difficult months. But again offering and tithe are beginning to lag. Beginning with October, our radio bills doubled. We already have met successfully our first and hardest month in paying for the marvelously beautiful new home for Ambassador College. But now this month we have to meet the increased costs of the new "Plain Truth,"

and with its very large circulation this, with postage, is going to cost $4,000.00. But a quarter of a million people will read it!

SO REMEMBER! Never before in the history of this work has the need been so great--never before so vital that every co-worker try to be a little more generous in God's work and send in a larger offering than before, whether it is a widow's mite, or a large contribution of several thousand dollars. I do not have the money on hand for the January-February "Plain Truth", and unless it comes quickly, the magazine will have to be delayed further. The need is MOST URGENT---IMMEDIATE! I know you'll do whatever God has made possible for YOU---and send it immediately if possible, in the enclosed reply envelope, AIR MAIL if possible (only 5› postage now, you know)! And then also please join me in earnest, believing prayer that this test will be passed successfully---that OTHERS, whose ability may be greater than yours, will also be loyal and faithful to the utmost of their ability. God bless you, I know you will!

Sincerely, in Jesus' name,

Herbert W. Armstrong


January 28, 1947 Co-Worker Letter - Herbert W Armstrong
Eyes Swiss Chateau for Foreign Language Training of Ambassador Students



HERBERT W. ARMSTRONG Analyses Today's News, with the Prophesies of THE WORLD TOMORROW


January 28, 1947


Dear Friend and Co-Worker:

I have another most IMPORTANT decision to make within the next few weeks. I need your advice---your opinion and help. In multitude of counsellors there is safety.

God has moved swiftly, mightily, miraculously, in opening to us great new opportunities for the accomplishment of His Work, especially during the past six weeks. He has opened before us opportunities beyond our wildest dreams a year ago. He has placed in our hands facilities and actual physical assets that are nothing short of breathtaking. Surely God is leading, and blessing this work in most pronounced manner.

And now, on the heels of the magnificent buildings and grounds placed in our hands for AMBASSADOR COLLEGE in Pasadena, comes another even more breath-taking opportunity---so amazing as to seem almost fantastic.

The unbelievable opportunity actually is OPENED to us. It is not a question of "CAN we do it,"---but entirely a question of whether this is a further step opened for this new undertaking by the hand of God, or whether it is NOT of God, but merely a circumstance which we ought to reject.

When I found this beautiful estate in Pasadena was actually available to us on a basis within our reach, I still delayed the final decision several days---until I was SURE it was opened by God's hand. I sought every expert and technical advise, and I prayed earnestly and continued to pray until at last I knew God had given me the answer---then I went ahead.

Now a most important mission of AMBASSADOR COLLEGE is to teach foreign languages. While it is not to be just a Bible College, or ministerial college, but rather a new-type general liberal arts institution, yet I do have faith that out of it will come ministers, evangelists, and assistants for this great expanding work. Christ's commission is not "Preach the Gospel in your own neighborhood,"---or even just "to your own country," but He commanded, "GO YE INTO ALL THE WORLD." This Gospel of the Kingdom must be preached in all the world as a witness unto ALL NATIONS, before the end of this age. Well, some may ask, are not MOST of the denominations preaching into foreign nations? Yes, but the denominations and sects and divisions and political church organizations of this world DO NOT PREACH THE SAME GOSPEL CHRIST DID---DO NOT PREACH THE GOSPEL HE COMMANDED---DO NOT PREACH THE TRUE GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM JESUS SAID MUST GO TO ALL NATIONS, NOW!

So, ability to speak fluently foreign languages, and ACTUAL FOREIGN EXPERIENCE, is very vital to God's purpose for this time. And TIME IS SHORT! And God is, as I said, moving swiftly now, opening to us amazing, breath-taking, unbelievable facilities and opportunities.

And now comes the almost unbelievable opportunity to have our most deserving students take their final completing senior year of study abroad---in Europe---and in the exact spot in Europe most perfectly adapted to this very purpose!

Before I give you the specific details, let me say further that many students take a foreign language course in an American college, then go abroad, and find to their dismay they can hardly understand the people there, or be understood---they hadn't learned to speak the language AS they speak over there! Now that's a problem that has concerned me much. I've said that we want AMBASSADOR College to be practical. We want to teach French AS they speak it in France---Spanish AS they speak it in Spain, and also AS they speak it in Mexico or South America. But just NOW to do that is not so easy. How can we get instructors capable of doing that? Then, again, how can a student become fluent in speaking Italian, when he speaks it only in a school-room class three times a week, and speaks English WITH Americans here in the United States all the rest of the time?

Well, frankly, that question has perplexed me. I knew it was a problem we had to solve, but how to accomplish I did not know.

Now training in real expertness in speaking foreign languages is only ONE of several very important advantages in spending one year at least of the college training actually in Europe. I'll describe the others later.

But now here's the amazing opportunity that has opened with the same suddenness of the Pasadena opportunity: There is a place, IDEALLY adapted to this purpose, on scenic Lake Lugano at the base of the Swiss Alps, in southern Switzerland. Now Switzerland is the only country in Europe not torn by ravages of war. It is a very small country, surrounded by other European nations speaking different languages. Because Switzerland is so small and so close to so many other countries, nearly everyone in Switzerland speaks three, and often four or five languages. There is probably no spot on earth where as many different languages are commonly spoken by all the people---and exactly AS those languages are spoken by their own native people!

In this particular place in Switzerland, the city of Lugano ---there are many foreign language professors, far more expert than any available in the United States, and I'm told their charge as a full-time professor is only the equivalent of $80 per month American money!

On this ideally-situated spot is an almost new and beautiful building, just perfect for the purpose, ample in size to house at least 40 students and provide class-rooms. The fact it is a very fine building may not be so important, but then again, perhaps this, too, is of importance for the purpose. Actually it is an exact replica of the smaller of the group of three buildings constituting Versailles Palace in France, where the peace treaty was signed after World War I. It was built nine years ago, and is, I understand, a really magnificent and stately place.

It seems too unbelievable to accept as possible, unless you know a little of the circumstances. I think it is well to explain them. This chateau, or small palace, is owned by a widow who was very wealthy--worth several million dollars. Except for this chateau at Lugano Castagnola, all her wealth was in Paris and she was there herself at the time of the Nazi capture of Paris. The Nazis took everything she had---left her destitute, except for this magnificent home. After the war, in order to live, she placed a mortgage of 200,000 francs ($50,000) on the place, and has been living on that since then. Now her money is about gone, and the bank is calling for immediate payment of the $50,000, and this woman is in a plight.

She could sell the place either for cash, or with a down- payment of more than $50,000, without too much trouble. BUT SHE WOULD HAVE NO HOME, and doesn't want to give it up. In other words, she wants to eat her cake and have it too! And that's exactly the situation which resulted in offering this unbelievable opportunity to us! The offer is coming thru a man with whom I am in contact in the United States---a widower who expects to marry this widow. They want to live at the place in Switzerland for three years, after which they plan to travel over much of the world. This man is able to handle the $50,000 mortgage with the Swiss Bank, provided there is an income on which they can live. Therefore a cash sale of the Lugano place, or sale with heavy down payment which would require giving immediate possession is not as desirable to them as a deal such as has been offered to me---for us to take it on comparatively small monthly payments, with NO down payment, thus building up the actual down-payment over a three-year period in which they would continue to live there.

Now we would not be ready to use it until three years from next September. We would get possession six months before then, ample time to make all preparations for the first college year there. At that time, we would begin making larger payments. We are able, I believe, to handle the payments they would require. While it would necessitate a little increase in our income for this work, I feel assured we would be able to do it, since it is a nominal amount, comparatively.

Now, again, I would not of course finally close any such deal without personally inspecting the property, and getting every expert advice. Already thru our bank in Pasadena arrangements have been made whereby they will arrange for their New York correspondent bank, the National City Bank, now the leading inter- national bank of the world, to have their European agents inspect and appraise the place, and advise me in every way. And I have tentatively booked passage on the Queen Elizabeth for the latter part of March or first of April. I have felt for over a year I ought to take a trip to Europe to inspect the post-war conditions there first-hand, and I'm sure I'll have some very live, interesting, vital things to report to our vast radio audience, and in The PLAIN TRUTH. It will have to be a quick trip, for I cannot be away but a short time.

And again, I am praying over it, and shall continue to do so until I KNOW I have God's answer. But this opening, coming immediately on the heels of the home for AMBASSADOR COLLEGE in Pasadena, certainly appears to be the working of God.

In addition to giving a perfection to the foreign language courses which never could be given in this country, a one-year term at what would become AMBASSADOR COLLEGE in EUROPE would offer many other unusual and very important educational advantages---of great value not only to students, but also in fitting those who are called for their place in God's work. Music is another study we want to teach at AMBASSADOR, for music has an important place in evangelistic work. And a finishing year in music abroad would certainly offer superior advantages. Students over there would take trips, every six weeks or two months, to one of the near-by European capitals or educational centers---Paris, Milan, Munich, Zurich, Rome---many of them closer to Lugano than San Francisco is from Pasadena. There they would have a planned, guided tour, with perhaps a day or two or three in some of the great libraries of Europe in special and independent research---tours thru the great European museums, galleries, etc. This would all be a definite part of their educational course. As for the Bible study under me, and if I do say so myself I feel they will by that time have a VERY good basic understanding and grasp of the Bible, comparatively speaking. By that time I feel they will be ready for independent research and study of their own in these fine old libraries of Europe---where they will see and study the oldest and rarest actual copies of manuscripts in the original languages, have the advantage of special historic research, etc. And if this plan is carried out I would plan to spend a small part of each year there myself--- perhaps two months, for final finishing instruction.

Finally, before graduation, the students would be conducted on a tour of the Holy land.

Now let me mention one MOST important consideration. Most people do not realize this. The circumstances of my life have been such that I have come to learn it. One receives EDUCATION from TRAVEL just as much, if not more, than from books. Travel is broadening. It is EXPERIENCE, and experience is life. It gives one assurance, confidence, poise. It adds that quality of education which helps a man go out and ACCOMPLISH THINGS! And of what use is education, unless it's USED! Just plain book learning alone is not REAL education---doesn't properly fit a man or make him a success. Frankly, I feel that this one year of education in Europe will at least DOUBLE the actual VALUE of the education each student receives.

I have consulted three experienced educators of high standing. All three are emphatic in saying the addition of the European institution would very greatly increase the practical educational value to the students, and fit them for greater accomplishment in life. Since only the best-qualified FORTY students each senior year would be admitted to the European division of the college, there would be incentive for every student to apply himself and work harder thru he first three years, in order to qualify and get to go to Europe.

Of those who become ministers or evangelists, the fact of a year's study abroad would add prestige, attract larger audiences, cause them to listen to the real vital Message with more respect. Certainly those who LIVE a year where several foreign languages are spoken will better be able to preach the Gospel IN those languages in foreign lands!

I also consulted a banker in Pasadena, explaining the proposition. I expected him to say it was a sort of fantastic or impractical thing, but he very seriously said, "Why, no, that's not fantastic or impractical at all. That sounds to me like the soundest, most sensible thing I ever heard of in connection with a college." His wife has spent some time in the town where this place is located---and he himself has been in Versailles and is very familiar with the famed Versailles palace. His judgment was that it is a most practical proposition, and most unusual that such opportunity should come to us.

And now I am consulting YOU, as one of a thousand of our good friends and co-workers. I'd like to know what YOU think about it.

I've tried to explain the facts as fully as possible. Of course it will cost money---but in such a way it will be paid gradually, and never in too heavy amounts to handle. Nobody gets ANYTHING for nothing. Even the payments we'd have to make after the college is established in Europe will not be excessive for the size of the college itself. It costs money to establish and operate a college. And frankly, I am wondering if it will not actually be EASIER to raise the money for BOTH European and Pasadena colleges than just the Pasadena institution alone---and primarily for this reason: I feel, as this banker said, it would add a prestige to AMBASSADOR COLLEGE, especially locally in Pasadena where there is said to be more wealth than any city in the country, and result in gifts and endowments from perhaps a wealthier class of people than we have among our own co-workers. HOWEVER, that is a miner and unimportant consideration, for after all, WE LOOK TO GOD FOR THE SUPPLYING OF EVERY NEED, not to people.

And if this is really of God---if it is the Hand of God that has opened this to us, and it is His will, then He will see to it that all financing needs are met, I have perfect faith in that!

One last question I think of which may come to your mind: How can students themselves afford this year in Europe, and will it exclude those who cannot afford it? No, none would be excluded because he could not afford it, but a rich man's son, for instance, if there should happen by any chance to be one in the college, would be excluded if his personal standing and record with us did not warrant it---if he were not one of the 40 top students, considered from not only academic standing, but personal character, conduct, etc., and evident capacity to USE this educational advantage and profit from it AFTER receiving it. All students who could afford it would have to pay their own expenses, of course, and the cost of this senior year in Europe would naturally be considerably higher, because of cost of passage over and back. The cost to the student while there, however, would be no greater than in Pasadena---possibly it would be less. BUT, for the student who could not pay this added expense of the trip over and back, but who DESERVES it, scholarships would have to be raised. We will have three and a half years for those among our co-workers who want to have a part in it to create, by separate and special offerings or gifts, special scholarship funds for this purpose. Such deserving students would have their expenses paid for them---or at least that part they are unable to pay themselves.

Friends, and Co-Workers, this work has grown until it has a weekly radio audience of some five million, and I feel sure more than a million people are more or less regular listeners. The PLAIN TRUTH circulation now is 110,000 copies, and I feel at least a quarter of a million people read it. And I feel that from this vast audience---this large national following, we surely can, in three and a half years, raise enough special and separate funds to guarantee deserving students who qualify on merit the opportunity to go.

Now will you consider this carefully---think it over---PRAY over it. And then write me a letter, send it in the enclosed reply-envelope as soon as possible, and give me your advice. Tell me frankly how you look at this---whether you feel it is God's doing, or something we ought not to undertake. God's Word says there is safety in multitude of counsel. I ask your counsel in this. THANK YOU for your interest, you co-operation, help, and prayers!

Sincerely, in Jesus' name,

Herbert W. Armstrong


February 19, 1947 Co-Worker Letter - Herbert W Armstrong
Communism to Cause Europe to Give Rise to Beast Power Within 7 Years



Published every little while, to keep our Co-Workers informed of the progress, the problems and future plans for carrying on God's Work in these closing days of this age; ---broadcasting "The WORLD TOMORROW;" publishing The PLAIN TRUTH, and other Gospel literature. HERBERT W. ARMSTRONG, Box 111, Eugene, Ore.

VOLUME VIII. Number 1. February 19, 1947


GREETINGS! Dear Friends and Co-Workers:

Do you know you are just one day from Jerusalem!

But Moscow, Berlin, Rome, are even closer! More and more distances are shrinking---the earth becomes smaller and smaller--- in this fast-moving era of the airplane!

The next seven years are destined to be the most momentous years of America's history---of all earth's history! They will see World War III shaping---perhaps even striking within that time!

What are Russia's real aims? Can two philosophies of how this world ought to be run, how its business ought to be conducted, and its society regulated, and its religion exercised, as opposite as the poles, live together in a war-shrunken world!

"RED TIDE PERILS VAST U.S. SUPPLIES IN EUROPE," shouts a newspaper headline over a dispatch from Karl H. von Weigand, dean of American correspondents. From Rome, he wrote: "Months ago I warned in cables that the Red Tide may soon be lapping at the foot of the Pyrenees. Now, THE RED TIDE IS THERE! There remains in the west only Spain and Portugal. . . Now Switzerland sees herself the one last truly democratic citadel on the European continent, surrounded on all sides by a Red Sea of Communism."

"RED PERIL SEEN IN FRENCH VOTE," comes another dispatch from Washington. "RUSSIA STILL ON WAR BASIS," is the headline over a dispatch from London.

"DOES EUROPE FACE HOLY WAR?" is the large-type headline of an article in LIFE magazine, describing the dynamic new political movement called "Christian Socialism" springing up all over Western Europe like a prairie-fire, as a counter-fire to put out the Red Flame of COMMUNISM. The opening sentence of the article says: "Western Europe is moving fast toward a showdown with Communism." A few terse, to-the-point sentences thru the article: "Recent elections suggest that the showdown will likely be BETWEEN CHRISTIANS AND COMMUNISTS." "Such is the view taken by the pope. There are few more astute observers of European politics." "European Protestantism may not yet have declared open war on Communism as the pope has, but it is moving toward battle stations."


For a year and a half I have been telling the vast radio audience the Red Flame of Communism would flare over Europe---that it would APPEAR to be completely consuming all Europe---and then, suddenly, when least expected, a dynamic new Fascist movement would spring up, as if from no-where, uniting with, and using the power and influence of the CHURCH to turn back the Crimson blaze, UNITE EUROPE, and RESTORE FASCIST NAZISM under Hitler's successor, THE PROPHESIED "BEAST"---restoring the ANCIENT ROMAN EMPIRE, with CHURCH AND STATE ONCE MORE UNITED!

Well NOW, my friends and Co-workers, that prophesied event I have warned of is actually beginning in Europe. The forces are now emerging that will produce it, and moving inexorably toward that climax!

Indeed, I saw its first seeds sewn almost two years ago, at the San Francisco United Nations Conference! You didn't read of it in the newspapers, but the most significant happening at that Conference was a solemn pontifical Roman Catholic Mass, attended by ten thousand, and a remarkable speech by their radio speaker, Bishop Hunt! That speech was fraught with tremendous prophetic significance, and time will prove it to have been a history-making declaration! It's inner astonishing significance went unnoticed. Newspapers said little or nothing about it. BUT WE GRASPED INSTANTLY THE INNER PROPHETIC IMPORT OF WHAT WE THERE SAW AND HEARD!

Ever since, I have been awaiting the proper moment to DISCLOSE this startling occurrence and its sinister significance to prophecy. It was the planting of the very germ that is springing to dynamic life over western Europe today!

From here on, events will not go as newspaper men, diplomats, and the public suppose. AMAZING world events will take place soon that will leave the world aghast! Before many years we shall see, as Jesus foretold, men's hearts failing them for FEAR, and for looking after those things coming upon the earth!


Co-Workers, we have come to the time when you must realize the overwhelming, solemn import of the mission to which God has called us, you and I, in His great work! For this is no ordinary religious work---but something entirely different!

TIME GROWS SHORT! We are nearing the END of this world! Not the end of the earth, but of this WORLD---this AGE---this CIVILIZATION! Time is fast running out! It's LATER THAN WE THINK! Thank God, it is still DAY. We still can WORK---but the NIGHT draws swiftly near, when no man can work, for God!

The time has come when our co-workers, all a vital PART of this work, must realize that our calling is something vastly DIFFERENT---no ordinary church work---but the most serious, momentous, important work on earth today! We must all take it just that seriously---solemnly, reverently! God give us eyes to see! God grant us UNDERSTANDING, now!

ALL ORGANIZATIONS OF THIS WORLD---including all religious organizations, the businesses, the societies, the clubs---even the GOVERNMENTS---shall soon pass out of existence forever! They have but a few more years to live---perhaps seven, perhaps fifteen or twenty-five! They are plunging now toward a self-imposed DOOM! Organized society is committing SUICIDE! It has invented now at last the horrible unbelievable weapons and instrumentalities of destruction capable of blasting human life utterly from this earth!

But God Almighty will intervene, and save humanity from itself! Humanity will not be annihilated out of existence---but ORGANIZED society, business, religion, education, and government will! This is pictured in the prophecy of Daniel 2---the coming of CHRIST, and the KINGDOM OF GOD will smash all these governments and organizations of this world to bits, and it, GOD'S KINGDOM, and His ways, shall rule this earth forever!

Frankly, I'm afraid most of you have not fully and clearly recognized just what this work is---precisely what really IS our calling and our mission! We are called, and functioning, as the ADVANCE-AGENTS of the coming WORLD government---the Kingdom of God, which shall destroy all this world's organizations and rule in their stead FOREVER! We are AMBASSADORS for Christ! Ambassadors of HIS coming government, working as strangers and pilgrims in a foreign land. This work to which God has called us is, therefore, a preliminary and advance function of the world-ruling, everlasting KINGDOM OF GOD.

And therefore, tho the time is shortly coming when this work will, we know, be temporarily SILENCED by the powers of darkness of this world, we shall continue on, forever, long after every government and organization of this world has been eternally destroyed!

And what is our tremendous mission! Do you know? Do you grasp it?

LISTEN! Our mission, first of all, is to preach CHRIST'S GOSPEL---the Message He brought to earth from God---the Message He commissioned all His true ministers to preach throughout this dispensation of grace---the VERY MESSAGE THE ORGANIZED CHURCH DENOMINATIONS REJECT!---the only TRUE Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Good News of the coming world-ruling KINGDOM OF GOD! THAT GOSPEL HAS NOT BEEN PREACHED TO THE WORLD SINCE THE EARLY NEW TESTAMENT DAYS! That true Gospel is not being preached by the Church organizations NOW! That sounds unbelievable, I know. But it's true. And the time has come when the stark TRUTH must be realized ---when we must comprehend the real mission to which God has called us! Jesus Christ said this GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM shall be preached in all the world for a witness UNTO ALL NATIONS, just before the end of this age. And the END approaches rapidly!

Our CALLING, too, is to WARN America, Britain, and the Democracies---modern ISRAEL---of the impending NATIONAL DESTRUCTION and CAPTIVITY to be visited upon our people, unless we heed the warning and REPENT---because we have strayed far from God and His laws and ways, and our sins are fast increasing! And deeply as I regret and deplore the fact, I know of no denomination, organization, movement, or person carrying this WARNING of invasion, destruction, and captivity to America and Britain, except this work and mission which God is carrying on, with constantly increasing POWER and blessing, thru us!---this work YOU CO-WORKERS ACTUALLY CARRY ON BY YOUR PRAYERS, TITHES, AND OFFERINGS.

Thru this work God is saving many precious souls---healing many who are physically sick---feeding THOUSANDS of His "flock" on the true spiritual manna, bringing greatly increased UNDERSTANDING of His Word, marvelous new light and TRUTH, helping thousands to grow in true KNOWLEDGE.

And THAT'S why I say, and believe with all my heart, this is the most important work on earth today. But it has ONLY STARTED!


Friends, Brethren, Co-Workers, listen! We have reached the time when this work must quickly launch out to carry this WARNING not only to the United States, but to Britain and those European nations who also, with us, are racially ISRAELITES! This includes the nations we call the Democracies of western Europe! Several of them speak different languages!

We have reached the time when preparations must be made, AND QUICKLY, to carry Christ's Gospel Message as a witness into EVERY nation, in all the world!

God has plainly revealed that fact during recent months. The time has come when THERE CAN BE NO MORE DELAY! For this greatly enlarged task AMBASSADOR COLLEGE has been revealed to us as urgently NECESSARY! God has shown we must now move swiftly--- that TIME IS SHORT---by Himself moving swiftly and suddenly to place within our hands the buildings, grounds, and facilities for AMBASSADOR COLLEGE, to train more AMBASSADORS FOR CHRIST!

But just that, as announced in the January-February PLAIN TRUTH is NOT SUFFICIENT FOR THE FULL PURPOSE! We must train our AMBASSADORS in the fluent speaking of FOREIGN LANGUAGES---they must become experienced in FOREIGN TRAVEL,---in mixing with, meeting, and talking to people in other lands!

And this they cannot be adequately trained to do in the classrooms of an AMERICAN college alone! A student, for instance, who studies French in an American classroom three times a week, mixing with those who speak ENGLISH all the rest of the time, will find it almost impossible to understand the people over in France, or be understood by them, when he goes over there. The place to learn to speak foreign languages fluently, and AS they speak them in their native country, is IN the country where they are spoken.

Now it so happens that tiny little Switzerland is in the center of western Europe, surrounded by many nations speaking many languages. Consequently, nearly everyone in Switzerland speaks three to five languages. School children in Switzerland are taught several languages from childhood, just as American children are taught reading, writing, and arithmetic! SWITZERLAND, then, is the place to go to speak the largest number of foreign languages! One can learn more there in this field in six weeks than he could in six years in an American college! Not only that, the students we train, to be fitted and prepared for their most sober and ALL- IMPORTANT MISSION, need the EXPERIENCE of travel in Europe. This is vital for GOD'S WORK.

And, as I said, TIME IS SHORT, and swiftly growing shorter! MUCH must be done, and there's little time in which to do it! ALREADY we see emerging in Europe the preliminary movement that will bring "THE BEAST" out of the "bottomless pit" in Europe! It may come to a head in six or seven years---in all probability before fifteen or twenty!


And now, almost immediately on the heels of opening to us so suddenly the opportunity to establish AMBASSADOR COLLEGE in Pasadena, God has opened before us still another breath-taking opportunity almost too fantastic to believe!

Yet it is not fantastic, nor impractical, but the most PRACTICAL, SENSIBLE, and NEEDFUL thing for God's work at this time! Suddenly, "out of a clear sky," has come a chain of almost unbelievable circumstances whereby a most lovely and adequate place may come into our hands to provide a EUROPEAN UNIT for AMBASSADOR COLLEGE, on beautiful scenic Lake Lugano, in southern Switzerland! It is, in fact, a very fine and splendid place---an exact replica of the smaller of the three buildings that constitute Versailles Palace, where the World War I Peace Treaty was signed ---and almost new---built just shortly before World War II, some nine years ago!

Yet, if this offer is finally confirmed, this splendid property will come to AMBASSADOR COLLEGE at a ridiculous low figure, and at terms unimaginable for such a place; possible for us to handle!

I have consulted conservative bankers, lawyers, judges, educators. Unanimously they advise me to go ahead---declare it is a sound, sensible, most practical idea, and then, at the deal and the terms, they shake their heads in frank bewilderment, and say there surely must be a GOD who is working things out for us, for things like these---both the Pasadena opening and this one at Lugano in Switzerland---just don't happen!

I presented this whole proposition in detail before all our little group of brethren in the Lord in Eugene. They were unanimously in favor of proceeding with the deal, if it works out as now indicated. Then I sent a special letter, presenting the matter and asking advice, to 1,000 of you co-workers, picked at random from our lists. I think only two of these advised against it, for reasons I will explain---but all others either were enthusiastically in favor of it, or, in the case of a few, felt God would lead me, and I would be better in position to decide then they, expressing confidence that whichever God led me to see would be right.

One or two felt it would be inadvisable because TIME IS TOO SHORT! But that, dear brethren and co-workers, IS EXACTLY THE REASON WE NEED IT!

That, I feel certain, is the VERY REASON God has so quickly, suddenly, opened this opportunity to us! TIME IS SHORT! There's no time to lose! The true Gospel must go to ALL NATIONS, in DIFFERENT LANGUAGES, and there isn't much time in which this may be accomplished!

True, many denominations have sent missionaries into many nations. But THEY HAVE NOT PREACHED THE GOSPEL JESUS CHRIST BROUGHT FROM GOD AND DECLARED TO MEN! His Gospel, which CHRIST preached, was the Gospel or Good News of the KINGDOM OF GOD! (Mark 1:14-15). Have the missionaries gone preaching to the heathen the GOOD NEWS that Christ is coming in all the power and glory of God, as KING of kings, and LORD of lords, to set up the world-ruling government, the KINGDOM OF GOD which will rule all nations, and bring peace to the earth, and salvation to those of all nations? Have they gone teaching that this glorious Kingdom will rule all nations ONE THOUSAND YEARS here on the earth?---and that those now converted, who grow in grace and knowledge, and OVERCOME, shall REIGN over the nations, with Christ, as kings and priests in the Kingdom of God? Do you know ANYONE---ANY church or denomination ---that has taken THIS one and only true Gospel of Jesus Christ to all the world? No, for it has not yet gone out! AND TIME IS GROWING SHORT!

Brethren and Co-Workers, the VERY FACT God has moved SO SWIFTLY---so MIRACULOUSLY to place these amazing facilities in our hands NOW, without any further delay, is in itself evidence that THERE IS NOT TIME to delay getting these vital steps in His work operating and moving!

There IS a time to learn to GO SLOW, and WAIT ON GOD. But also, there is a time to DELAY NO LONGER! And God Himself has shown us by miracles and wonders that WE HAVE REACHED THAT TIME!

Once again, I am writing you as I ride on the train. It is late, as I write---nearly midnight---but I must not sleep until this is finished. A few days ago I received a long-distance telephone call. This European opportunity has come to a head and developed to a point where I had to GO IMMEDIATELY to Switzerland to inspect it, have it appraised, and make a decision, or lose the opportunity. After the advice of hard-headed, practical, conservative bankers, lawyers and business men and educators--- after the advice of so many brethren and co-workers---and with my own personal conviction that this definitely IS of God---I simply dare not drop it without inspecting it, getting all the facts I have so far not been able to obtain, and then making an intelligent decision, after much prayer for God's guidance. As a result, Mrs. Armstrong and I are tonight speeding across Ohio and will arrive tomorrow morning in Washington, where we hope to obtain quick and emergency passports from the State Department, and we are tentatively booked for sailing for Europe within just a few days.

For over a year I had been planning a trip to inspect and learn of conditions in Europe first-hand, to report to our vast radio audience, anyway. Further, I need to confirm personally, ON THE GROUND, this emerging in Europe of the "BEAST" from the seed we saw planted in San Francisco! I'm sure I'll have some thrilling and interesting things to report to you, in the broad- casts, and in the PLAIN TRUTH, when we return. We shall not be gone long---just a quick trip, and right back as soon as our mission is finished. At first I planned to go alone. But I have never made any important decision without the advice and counsel of my wife, who, as you all know, is heart and soul with me in God's work, and God has used her many times to see things He wanted me to see, which I seemed unable to see alone. In multitude of counsellors there is safety---so says God's Word. I have sought a multitude of counsel, but I need some over in Switzerland, on the spot, and so we decided Mrs. Armstrong should go---IF we can secure passage for her, which still is in doubt.

In the next number of The PLAIN TRUTH I hope to have for you the most sensational, startling revelations ever published--- all the FACTS about what we saw at San Francisco, and what is now emerging from underground in EUROPE. I won't be able to broadcast such an exposure of a plot to rule the world over the air. But I hope to get the remaining facts I need for that article on this trip---and also some inside information on the Palestine situation, now boiling all over the front pages, from contacts in the British Foreign office in London. I made a few valuable contacts at San Francisco, which I feel will be of help.

Now, brethren and co-workers, in conclusion, let me again impress upon you the TREMENDOUS IMPORTANCE and URGENCY of the work. God is literally performing miracles and wonders in our behalf. We are merely following where He leads! And the time has come when this work must take TREMENDOUS strides AHEAD! A MIGHTY work remains to be done. It all takes more and more money! The need grows greater and greater.

Yet our God is able to SUPPLY EVERY NEED, no matter how great! He supplies it thru those He can use for this purpose. God is able to bless all you dear Co-Workers with enough so, if you are faithful with HIS TITHE of your income, and generous with offerings besides, THERE WILL BE ALWAYS ENOUGH TO KEEP HIS GREAT WORK GOING, greater and greater, until the tremendous mission is accomplished! God does not expect you to give what you have not got. But He is able to provide you with enough to give for His cause, and it should be given cheerfully, generously. Of those who are able to give much, God expects much, and large, generous sums are now direly NEEDED for God's fast-growing work. Of those who have but very little, God expects only in proportion, and Jesus said the widow's two mites were more important than the larger offerings of the wealthy.

Don't think for a moment God's work is growing too big to need those widows' mites! If they were not arriving at our office, the work could not carry on. Yes, we need a shower---a veritable downpour of the widow' mites---but now as never before the work needs, too, LARGE sums from those who are able.

We'll probably be in Europe---perhaps on the way back--- before you read this. It takes time to get this letter back out to our offices in Eugene, have it printed in The BULLETIN, and mailed out to all of you. And when we return, I'll give you full details of the European division of AMBASSADOR COLLEGE---if it materializes, as I somehow feel a conviction it will. If it's of God, it will. If not, God will show us by causing the deal to fall thru. He always guides and leads us, and will not fail us now. WE MUST NOT FAIL HIM!

TWO NEW SUPER-POWER RADIO STATIONS HAVE BEEN ADDED,--- expenses keep getting higher as the work expands to greater service to greater numbers. I will transcribe broadcasts in New York for you to hear while we are abroad. I know you'll hold up our hands with your liberal offerings, and faithful tithes. Please RUSH your contributions in the enclosed reply-envelope---AIR-MAIL, as the need is now VERY URGENT! AND DON'T FORGET WE NEED YOUR EARNEST AND CONTINUOUS PRAYERS, FOR GUIDANCE, SAFE-KEEPING, AND SPIRITUAL POWER! Thank you, and GOD BLESS YOU!

In Jesus' name,



April 7 1947 Co-Worker Letter - Herbert W Armstrong
Takes Cruise Ship to Europe - Pleas for Money



HERBERT W. ARMSTRONG Analyses Today's News, with the Prophesies of THE WORLD TOMORROW

Publishing Box 111, Eugene, Oregon PLAINTRUTH Magazine of UNDERSTANDING April 7, 1947

Friend and Co-Worker:

Mrs Armstrong and I have returned from a most necessary and fruitful trip to Europe, where we not only laid the foundation for the establishment of the European unit of AMBASSADOR COLLEGE, but also laid the foundation for carrying God's last warning Message, and the true GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM to Britain and to all Europe.

God Himself brought about circumstances making a quick, hurry-up trip over there necessary. On the way over, and on the way back He performed miracle after miracle for us. The thrilling, amazing account of this will appear in the "Heart-to-Heart Talk" in the next PLAIN TRUTH. TIME IS SHORT! World events are moving at a terrific pace. Already the movement has started and is well under way in Europe that will bring the prophetic "BEAST" of the Revelation out of "the bottomless pit." We have much that must be done BEFORE that time! God says it WILL be done. He has given us the vision, it is opening and preparing the way before us. We have just a very few years at most---not one year to delay! The time has come when this work of God must expand into other nations.

Jesus' commission was: "Go ye therefore and teach ALL NATIONS." "Go ye into ALL THE WORLD and preach the GOSPEL to every creature." And prophetically of our time, NOW, in this mid- twentieth century, Jesus said: "This Gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness UNTO ALL NATIONS; and then shall the end come."

He was speaking of the END of this AGE---the END of this CIVILIZATION---the END of all these human-formed government of man- kind! Friends, Brethren, Co-Workers, you must realize we are only a few years now from that END! No man knows how many---but both prophecy and world events indicate somewhere between five and twenty-five, and most probably between seven and fifteen. We must lay our plans to be prepared to carry out this grave world-wide commission WITHIN FIVE TO SEVEN YEARS! God Himself will make it possible for the commission to be accomplished in time, if we set ourselves with full submission to Him with purpose and determination, and in FAITH, to do our utmost at ANY SACRIFICE, as He makes possible. It is a huge accomplishment! Ministers and evangelists must be trained, prepared, taught the languages of foreign nations. They must learn these languages, and the customs and ways of the people WHERE these people live!

At Columbia University in New York, at the University of London, and other places, they told me we have set out to do some- thing never before done in the world of education---to establish a European branch of a college, where students study part of the time in America, part abroad. Everywhere educators are AMAZED, and say it is a WONDERFUL idea. We were interviewed by reporters of daily newspapers in London, where this was regarded as NEWS! The Gospel cannot be carried to Britain and Europe and other parts of the world IN THE SAME WAY we do it here. There we shall not have the facilities of radio. But God is showing us HOW, and the people of those nations WILL BE WARNED, and they WILL BE REACHED WITH GOD'S MESSAGE! Yes, powerfully, and effectively! God is showing as HOW.

The ground-work is laid. But TIME IS SHORT. Soon it will be too late. The day is here, but the "night" is coming when NO MAN CAN WORK for God.

But now LISTEN CAREFULLY! We have returned from this most important, vital, fruitful trip to find the work here in a financial crisis that threatens its very life! It is in the most serious and critical emergency it ever has faced. It is a LIFE- AND-DEATH test!

I have to tell you candidly and frankly, that every APPEARANCE---every visible circumstance---says the work is doomed, and we will be shut off the air on our two most powerful and important stations, XEG, and XERB, by the 15th of this month, April! In fact, there is no visible hope that anything can now save the work. GOD MUST PERFORM A MIRACLE!

But LISTEN! Our God whom we are serving is a miracle- working God. Nothing is too difficult---nothing is impossible, with God. Circumstances, appearances, have absolutely nothing to do with FAITH, or the working of God. And God has PROMISED He will not stop, but will finish the work He has begun. He has PROMISED to supply all our need. He has PROMISED He will never leave us nor forsake us. And HE CANNOT BREAK A PROMISE!

I don't know how it happened. We left here with everything in good financial condition, the outlook excellent. God opened the way for us with actual miracles repeatedly at every turn---was with us throughout our entire journey. I've come back with just what I needed for the broadcasts---for future articles in The PLAIN TRUTH.

Yet, before we had hardly boarded the ship it seems our co-workers ---most of them (perhaps not YOU, but most of them)---seemed to delay or forget to send in their tithes and offerings. This delayed the mailing of The PLAIN TRUTH. And, for the first time, our office staff was unable to pay the heavy radio bills. I returned to find two months piled up. Such a situation never has existed---ought not to exist---CANNOT continue, because the radio stations will not keep the program on the air unless they are paid up completely by the 10th or 15th of this month. For several weeks money almost stopped coming in. This has grown to a great work, costing thousands of dollars a week. And a slump of four or five weeks like this puts the work in a DESPERATE condition! Now, we MUST have an added $15,000 within the next ten days, or this vital program will be taken off the air---right when I have the MOST SERIOUS, IMPORTANT THINGS TO SAY WHICH I LEARNED ON OUR TRIP ABROAD!

Co-Workers, I have to ask you to sacrifice as never before. If you could see what we saw in Europe---how people shiver and go cold, how HUNGRY they are, how thread-bare their clothes---how TERRIBLE is their plight---you'd realize that ANY sacrifice you make for GOD'S CAUSE is as NOTHING compared to what has been laid on them! We and we alone in all this world bask in the sunshine of PLENTY---of LUXURY! We, too, can go without some things we had planned to get. It won't hurt us as much as we think. GOD'S WORK IS AT STAKE! Now, as never before, the work needs generous offerings from some who can---if their heart is yielded to God and made willing---put five or ten thousand dollars into GOD'S WORK. We need many offerings of a hundred dollars or more. But---most important---those of you who do not have such amounts, DON'T THINK THAT BECAUSE OF THE GREAT NEED THE WIDOW'S MITES WILL DO NO GOOD ---there must be a quick, air-mail SHOWER of WIDOW'S MITES if this need is to be met. Just send QUICKLY---by air-mail---and if a larger sum, by WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH, the largest sum YOU can, whether a dollar or ten thousand. And then JOIN ME IN EARNEST, BELIEVING, PREVAILING PRAYER, that God will move on those who are able to send in QUICKLY enough to meet this vital emergency and save this most important work in this world! Nothing but believing PRAYER for a MIRACLE, and utmost generous sacrifice on the part of each one can save the work now. It MUST be saved! God is able, and WILL---if we do our utmost.

God bless you, in this deepest crisis I know you won't fail.

Herbert W. Armstrong


May 7, 1947 Co-Worker Letter - Herbert W Armstrong
Returns Home on HMSS Queen Elizabeth
Walter Eugene Dillon Starts as President of Ambassador College
Swiss Chateau is Exact Replica of the Petit Trianon of Versailles Palace



Published every little while, to keep our Co-Workers informed of the progress, the problems and future plans for carrying on God's work in these closing days of this age;---broadcasting "The WORLD TOMORROW;" publishing The PLAIN TRUTH, and other Gospel literature. HERBERT W. ARMSTRONG, Box 111, Eugene, Oregon.

VOLUME VIII. Number 2. May 7, 1947


GREETINGS! dear Friends and Co-Workers:

A week ago, Walter Eugene Dillon, who has been selected for the post of president of the new AMBASSADOR COLLEGE in Pasadena, joined our staff and began active full-time work making preparations to open the new college next September 22nd. He is now in Pasadena at the college buildings getting everything in readiness.

Scores of applications are pouring in for admission to this new-type character-training institution of higher education. In addition to President Dillon, one faculty member already has been definitely engaged---one of our good Co-Workers who not only is competent in education, but whose heart also is in God's work. Several other applications for positions on the faculty have been received.

Now that Mr. Dillon has assumed full-time active duties, a preliminary catalog soon will be issued and mailed to all who have applied for entrance or requested information. If you are one who has written me about the college, please just be patient a little while longer, and you will receive all the information we have to give just as soon as we can get it out.


MORE AND MORE PEOPLE ARE LISTENING TO THE TRUTH ON THE WORLD TOMORROW PROGRAM ALL THE TIME. The Gospel already is going out to five million people every week. THINK OF IT! And thru economies made possible by experience, the "know-how," and by God's guidance and blessing, TWO THOUSAND PRECIOUS SOULS ARE REACHED WITH THE TRUE GOSPEL MESSAGE AND GOD'S LAST WARNING WITH EVERY DOLLAR PLACED IN OUR HANDS! And this includes all the tons and tons of Gospel literature, the hundreds of thousands of copies of The PLAIN TRUTH mailed from our office, and now, the founding of AMBASSADOR COLLEGE! Unbelievable as it is, EVERY DOLLAR our Co-Workers put into this work of God carries the Gospel Message powerfully and effectively to TWO THOUSAND PEOPLE,---many of these receiving The PLAIN TRUTH and other literature personally requested, besides--- all on that one dollar! If you place $100 in God's work, your hundred dollars reaches two hundred thousand precious souls, by radio, and by print! IS THIS WORTH WHILE? World War III is shaping---in a way very few people realize, or even suspect! I saw the conditions which are breeding it on the recent trip to Europe. The next seven years are destined to be the most momentous in all the history of the world!

TIME IS SHORT! We are nearer the END OF THIS WORLD--- that is, THIS AGE,---than people think! Soon now we shall come to that prophesied time when the forces that control the earth will NO LONGER PERMIT ANY PREACHING OF THE GOSPEL! Yes, the NIGHT is drawing on swiftly, when no man can work for God. Thank God! it's still DAY---even tho the day is FAR SPENT---and we still have a little time in which to complete Christ's Great Commission!

"GO YE," said Jesus, "INTO ALL THE WORLD, and preach the Gospel." "Go ye, therefore," He commanded, "and teach ALL NATIONS." "And this GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM," Jesus commissioned prophetically of our time, "shall be preached IN ALL THE WORLD for a witness UNTO ALL NATIONS; and then shall the END come."

The Great Almighty FATHER sent Jesus into the world with His GOSPEL MESSAGE. That true Gospel of the Kingdom of God which Jesus preached is the only true GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST. And THAT true Gospel is not being preached today! It has NOT yet gone out to the world---to every nation! Instead, the organized denominations and sects of men have carried forth a DIFFERENT gospel, as foretold in II Cor. 11:4, 13-15.

And so, as I wrote in the preceding BULLETIN, we have now reached the time when preparations must be made,---and quickly, to carry Christ's Gospel Message as a witness to EVERY nation, in ALL THE WORLD! God has plainly shown me during the past six months the time has come when THERE CAN BE NO MORE DELAY! God Himself has MOVED SWIFTLY, performing almost unbelievable MIRACLES in behalf of this work, making possible this vastly enlarged world-wide work much quicker than we dreamed possible.

To this end, AMBASSADOR COLLEGE is necessary that trained AMBASSADORS FOR CHRIST may be thoroughly and properly trained for the task. God has moved in breath-taking manner, miraculously placing in our hands the splendid buildings---the magnificent grounds---for the college in Pasadena. In Lugano, Switzerland, we found the villa we went there to see very much more adequate for our purpose than we had been led to expect. We thought it was a three-story building. It turned out to be a very new, modern, splendid FIVE-story building---just the exact proper size for our need---ample for housing, feeding, and educating forty to fifty students. Actually we were amazed to learn it is probably the finest and most modern villa in Southern Switzerland---an exact replica of the Petit Trianon of Versailles Palace, and built just shortly before the last war. And it is offered to us on terms within our means, with no down-payment---an utterly unbelievable real-estate offer! To purchase it as the European home of AMBASSADOR COLLEGE, and the European headquarters for God's work, will add just 8% to the running expenses of this work.

We have not closed the deal. While in Europe we went also to Geneva, Lausanne, Berne, Basle, and Zurich. We want to be SURE our European home is in the exact proper location. I had a personal conference with an official in our American Embassy at Berne who devotes his time to a study of educational opportunities for Americans in Switzerland. He agreed definitely with the conclusion we had come to after inspecting all these cities---the two most desirable locations are Geneva and Lugano. And until we decide WHICH---and PRAY, and WAIT ON GOD until God reveals to us definitely HIS WILL, we shall make no definite commitments. We must be SURE! But, once we have thoroughly investigated, have come into possession of ALL THE FACTS, are sure of GOD'S WILL, then we shall not hesitate to act, and then we will know God will back us up and bless the undertaking with success. But I will say that, at this writing, I do feel a conviction that God has definitely opened this marvelous, most unusual place to us in Lugano, and is definitely leading us to go ahead and close the deal. But I must be SURE beyond any doubt, so will wait a little longer. It certainly seems a MIRACLE that such a place is offered us on such an unheard-of basis. It's just unbelievable. But such things are possible with God, and He has shown His hand is definitely guiding this work!

But the point I want to make plain is that this European property is not being considered merely as the home of the fourth, or senior year, of the College. It is FAR MORE THAN THAT!

The college is only a necessary means to an END! The END is to proclaim powerfully the GOSPEL in all nations of the world! If we do acquire this very splendid European property it will be not only the seat of our college in Europe---it will also be the HEADQUARTERS FOR THE GOSPEL WORK IN EUROPE! We even inspected a most splendid property in London. Preliminary plans were laid on our recent visit there for reaching all England, and all Europe, with the Gospel Message as soon as we are ready to expand the work to those nations. And that time must come within three years!

Before leaving this subject let me make one point plain. We do NOT contemplate, as some have seemed to suppose, two colleges ---one in Pasadena and one in Europe. It is all to be the one college, but with its American unit and its European unit. All students will spend the first three years of study at the college in Pasadena. Then, the forty top-qualifying seniors will go abroad for their fourth year of study. It will be a full calendar year. The first month will be spent in London, and England. Tentative plans were laid while we were there for a most unusual one-month course of study there, under guidance of a British professor. This will be followed by a nine-months term at Lugano---or at Geneva. Then the European year will be concluded by a one-month tour of the Holy Land and the Mediterranean, after which students will return to Pasadena for graduation.

Our plans for AMBASSADOR COLLEGE already are attracting international attention. We were interviewed by London newspaper reporters, and a story written about AMBASSADOR COLLEGE for a chain of British newspapers. Officials at Columbia University, the University of London, and several colleges and universities on the Pacific Coast are showing marked interest and enthusiasm for these plans. The chancellor of higher education for Oregon told me we are on the right track---and the kind of college we are founding is what America needs---one that will recapture moral and spiritual values and teach students how to LIVE, instead of devoting all attention to science and materialism, neglecting the spiritual values.


The past six weeks has seen God's work having to weather the most severe crisis of it history. It has been a LIFE-AND-DEATH test. For two weeks the very life of this great work hung in the balance!

I had to send out a special emergency letter, AIR-MAIL! Then Mrs. Armstrong And I got down on our knees and PRAYED! And I know hundreds and hundreds of you must have responded by getting on your knees and praying with us. Our co-workers responded immediately, and generously, and for three weeks we began rapidly to catch up. I had to tell you frankly we were behind with the largest radio stations, threatened with going off the air. We were $15,000 behind! As I explained in that letter, this has grown to a very great work, costing thousands of dollars a week. And we were in a DESPERATE condition---AND STILL ARE!

Now here's what happened: For three weeks, our co-workers responded in most gratifying manner, and we began rapidly catching up---the work was temporarily saved. But now for a week money received has begun dropping off again at an ALARMING rate. Before this happened, we were about two-thirds caught up. One more such week and we would have been completely caught up on financial obligations. But, meantime, each week's current expenses must be met, and now this slump is plunging the work right back into ANOTHER DESPERATE CRISIS! Co-Workers, this great and glorious work of God MUST GO ON! It MUST not be in debt. It MUST be on its feet financially. That's another reason we have to delay any decision about this miraculous opportunity in Europe. Of course I cannot make a decision until the work is on its feet, and I can see that the necessary 8% increase is being supplied. And I AM FORCED TO DELAY THE NEXT PLAIN TRUTH until this condition is met. Already one issue has been missed. Everything is ready to place The PLAIN TRUTH on the presses just as soon as this BULLETIN can reach you, and your response can reach us. Listen, dear Co-Workers---let's all make just one more EXTRA-ORDINARY EFFORT, at any sacrifice, and if the response can be as generous as before the work of God will be out of reproach, out of danger, and back on its feet as it ought to be. Now I'M GOING TO PRAY AGAIN---BELIEVING, as before. I ask you to join me. Go to a private place, get on your knees and pray for this work! PRAY that we will be enabled to stay on the air--- that I won't have to repeat programs anymore,---that we may get completely caught up with supplies of booklets to send out---that The PLAIN TRUTH may be printed without further delay. All these things can be done if financial needs are met. STAND WITH US, and PRAY! Send the most liberal sum you possibly can by return AIR- MAIL! GOD BLESS YOU! The fate of God's great work in these closing days IS IN YOUR HANDS. This has been the most serious crisis we ever faced, and we're not out of it. I know you won't fail!


I wonder if you'd like to read a lot of interesting side- lights of our recent trip to Europe?

If you would like to read it, we are getting together a special little booklet, composed of excerpts from the personal, intimate letters Mrs. Armstrong and I wrote during our journey to our own children and family back home. A trip such as we took is a real EDUCATION. So many of the things we saw, and experienced, were so interesting, so thrilling, and educational, we have felt the record of them ought to be preserved and made available to all our Co-Workers who wish to read about them.

You, too, are a part of our FAMILY. We just feel that all of us---all our Co-Workers---form one big, intimate, loving FAMILY. Somehow Mrs. Armstrong and I feel that we know you--- even tho we've only been privileged to meet a few of you---and we feel that we know and love all of you. So, if you'd like to read our personal letters written just to our FAMILY---of which we want to feel you are a part---we'll get together these letters in the order in which they were written, and illustrate the little special booklet with a number of pictures we took along the way---including thrilling pictures of a HURRICANE in mid-Atlantic---60-foot giant swells in a 65-mile-an-hour gale. The Associated Press grabbed these pictures in the press-room of the Queen Elizabeth as we docked in New York, and developed and printed them for us.

Then, with it, we will send you a reprint of "AN EXPLANATION" as published in The BULLETIN three or four years ago, explaining how this work started and grew---the story of our life, and history of the work briefly stated. And if you'd like to have it, we have one thing more to include. We have a file of a few hundred letters, I think it must be, requesting a picture of your radio pastor, Mrs. Armstrong, or both of us. I hope none has been offended because those requests have never been filled. Somehow I've always felt I was called to send out the Gospel, not things about myself. And I never had a photograph taken since I was a boy---before I was married,---until Mrs. Armstrong and I were forced to have photographs taken in order to get Passports for our trip abroad. Many of our co-workers have been rather persistent, demanding that they have a RIGHT to see what a man looks like that they listen to every day---and arguing that when a minister preaches in church he doesn't hide his face, and shouldn't over the air. Well, the photograph studio in Washington had a good salesman who used these same arguments, and urged us to order photographs, now they were taken, in large lots which they were prepared to furnish, just as they do the president's official photograph. So we ordered a limited number---all original large-size 8 x 10 photographs, unmounted, but they will fit standard folders or frames. If you really want one, we will send it, along with these other booklets---of myself alone, or of Mrs. Armstrong too---each is a separate photograph, so if you want both, please request them. But I warn you, you'll be disappointed so far as I'm concerned, because NO radio speaker EVER looks like you imagine him to look from just hearing his voice. Anyway, I can truthfully assure you our HEARTS are in the right place---and that's the part you can't see. And we're all co-laborers in one big family working with all our might to serve God and do good to men, and you've been so loyal and faithful and generous, in standing with us, we felt we wanted to send you something personal and intimate---if you'd care to have it. May God bless you. Make special request if you wish these things.

Sincerely, and with love, in Jesus' name,

Herbert W. Armstrong


June 9, 1947 Co-Worker Letter - Herbert W Armstrong
Another Attempt at Buying Mexican Radio Stations
Asks Funds for College Loans and Student Scholarships



Published every little while, to keep our Co-Workers informed of the progress, the problems and future plans for carrying on God's work in these closing days of this age;---broadcasting "THE WORLD TOMORROW;" publishing The PLAIN TRUTH, and other Gospel literature. HERBERT W. ARMSTRONG, Box 111, Eugene, Oregon.


June 9, 1947


GREETINGS! Dear Friends and Co-Workers:

This is the most solemn, serious, URGENT message I have ever written you. Read it carefully. Read every word.

Amazing things are happening! Miracle after miracle has been performed by the Almighty for His work, in breath-taking rapidity. I have many really thrilling things to tell you.

And now comes the greatest development of all! It is SO IMPORTANT it will be difficult for us to realize its great and far-reaching significance. But NOTHING is impossible with our God!

But there is a REASON why God is now moving so SWIFTLY in opening before us unbelievable opportunities, performing miracles one on top of the other to speed the work ahead. And so first, before I tell you the astonishing things that have happened,--the tremendous developments now opening before us--let me try briefly to MAKE CLEAR to you WHY--why God is now moving so swiftly, placing such important facilities in our hands miraculously, one after another with a speed that takes our breath!


Repeatedly I've reminded you, TIME IS SHORT! It's later than we think! This world is about DONE! Everybody's now talking about World War III--how soon will it strike?--where will it start?-- who will be guilty of starting it?

Just this morning Mrs. Armstrong overheard three people talking about it--just taking the next war for granted, as everyone now does. One said he felt like he wanted to run and hide in a thick woods someplace. Another said, "Well, this sure is a sorry world, when people are so scared they feel like running in fear!" Yes, this is a sorry world! It's man's world, operated in defiance of God's laws, under sway of Satan the invisible god of this world! It's allotted time has almost run out! The KINGDOM OF GOD is soon now to appear, to save humanity from itself!

And TIME IS SHORT! There is SO little time left for the tremendous world-wide commission to which we have been called! But it's still DAY--we still are privileged to work, tho the night when NO MAN CAN WORK for God draws swiftly down upon us!


Over 1900 years ago Jesus Christ came into this world with a Message direct from GOD. His Message was the GOOD NEWS (Gospel) of His coming WORLD GOVERNMENT to abolish all present governments, to rule the whole earth, and bring, at last, PEACE, PROSPERITY, HAPPINESS, JOY, to sin-cursed suffering humanity.

He proclaimed Himself the future KING of that world-ruling Kingdom of God. He revealed plainly WHY we have no peace today--no real happiness or joy! The ways of God are the TRUE values. But men are living wrong. Jesus taught men how to live--revealed and taught the LAWS of His coming millennial Kingdom. He called on men everywhere to REPENT of the ways they live now, to live by the laws of God, to accept Him as Saviour, High Priest, and coming King, that we might be converted--CHANGED by the power of God from sinning mortal flesh into righteous immortal spirits.

Hundreds of years before the prophet Daniel was used of God to reveal the future course of the governments of this world. After Nebuchadnezzar's Chaldean Empire of his day, another kingdom was to arise, stronger in military power, but inferior in character and value. After this another third world-ruling kingdom--Alexander's Greco-Macedonian empire. The was to come the strongest of all, but the most degenerate--the ROMAN EMPIRE. After it lapsed into apparent death, seven successive efforts at revival were to occur in Europe--the last, by a union of ten dictators in modern 20th Century Europe!

This last and final outgrowth of the Gentile babylonish system centering in Europe we see developing over there today! Yes, TIME IS SHORT! Daniel's prophecy of the 2nd and 7th chapters shows that in the days of these kings and kingdoms, now struggling toward revival in Europe, the Second Coming of Christ is to occur--all these and all other governments on earth are to be destroyed, and thru Christ the God of Heaven shall set up a world government that shall rule on earth FOREVER!

Revelation 17 shows this Fascist system now emerging once more shall fight against Christ at His coming--but they shall be destroyed, and the Fascist system abolished forever! Then men shall LEARN the true ways of God! Then God's Law shall go forth from Zion! Then men shall seek to live by God's rules, and for the first time in all history a LASTING PEACE SHALL DAWN!

THIS is the TRUE GOSPEL--the Good News of the Kingdom of God, its Message of the right way to live, it's Message of redemption thru Christ, and God's gift of eternal life! Yes, THIS is the KINGDOM OF GOD which Christ revealed over 1900 years ago--THIS is the true NEW TESTAMENT GOSPEL--the true GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST!


Jesus commissioned all HIS ministers to go into all the world and preach THIS Gospel. (See Mark 16:15-16; Mat. 10:1,7-8; Luke 9:1-2; and 10:1,9). THIS is the Gospel Peter and the apostles first preached to the Jews. (Acts 2:30-36; 3:18-21; 4:19-20; Acts 8:12). THIS is the same Gospel that was later preached to all the GENTILES (Acts 10:34-38; 19:8; 20:25; 28:23, 30-31; Gal 1:8-9).

But do you know what was prophesied for the future? Not that the True Gospel would flourish and become generally accepted by all the popular churches--NO, NOT AT ALL!--but just the opposite--APOSTASY, turning AWAY from the Truth, and to FABLES--the people demanding their salaried preachers and pastors to preach smooth things and deceits. (II Tim. 4:3-4; Isa. 30:8-10; Rev. 17:2 and 18:3 and 12:9). It was not the few, but the MANY that were to be deceived (Mat. 24:5,11). Satan was to appear, not as a devil, but as an angel of LIGHT, deceiving the world with a FALSE GOSPEL, organizing religion into organized confusion, becoming thru deception the GOD OF THIS WORLD, until the churches of the world would CALL him "GOD," though he is an imposter and only the devil! His ministers were to claim to be the ministers of Jesus Christ, appearing as ministers of righteousness, preaching ANOTHER Jesus,--yet using the NAME of Jesus Christ before a deceived world! (Study II Cor. 11:3-4, and 13:15). The true people of God are referred to as the LITTLE FLOCK!

And today the ministers, and the popular organized churches and denominations REJECT, and DENY the true Gospel of Jesus Christ-- which is the Message He brought from God--the Gospel He preached-- the GOOD NEWS of the coming KINGDOM OF GOD! They have, thru deception and without knowing it in most instances, rejected the true way of salvation and entrance into that Kingdom! The truth about being "BORN AGAIN" has been perverted until it means today a reformation of an already-immortal spirit, instead of a second and spiritual BIRTH of a mortal flesh-and-blood soul. They have tried to do away with God's LAW, the transgression of which is SIN. And thus professing Christians are deceived into remaining SINNERS while they are deluded into thinking they are saved!

EITHER THIS WORLD IS SO DECEIVED TODAY, OR PROPHECY HAS NOT BEEN FULFILLED, and THE WORD OF GOD IS NOT TRUE! Today the world is groping in spiritual DARKNESS as surely as when Jesus came bringing the true LIGHT! Today millions are deceived by an imitation that is called "the Old Fashioned Gospel,"--but it is not the same Gospel Christ preached at all, and it was a NEW gospel some three of four hundred years ago, tho it may be labeled "old-fashioned" now!

IT'S TIME WE GOT BACK TO THE FAITH ONCE DELIVERED! That true Message is faithfully preserved IN THE BIBLE! And, looking down into our day--the 20th Century A.D.--this day when the whole world is deceived, religious and professing "Christianity," yet groping in the darkness of paganism under the false cloak and label of Christianity -- and of our day, Jesus said prophetically:

"This GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the END come." (Mat. 24:14).

Friends and Co-Workers, we have now reached that time! Jesus Christ, the true Head of His Church, has CALLED US to that tremendous mission! Fourteen years ago He started this work from NOTHING, except the knowledge of the TRUTH which He had revealed, and an abiding FAITH borne of a rich experience which He had directed, and an absolute reliance upon Him, and a fearlessness in boldly proclaiming HIS TRUTH as He revealed it, regardless of whom it offended. From that humblest beginning, God has caused His work to expand constantly in scope and grow continuously in power! TODAY IT IS A NATION-WIDE INFLUENCE. And now the time has come when it must GO INTO ALL THE WORLD, for a witness UNTO ALL NATIONS!

Today, TIME IS SHORT! Soon there will be an END of true Gospel preaching. The past eight months GOD has revealed to us that HIS TIME HAS COME -- the time is so short there must now BE NO MORE DELAY! A year ago God revealed to me the necessity of establishing a college in connection with this work. But by last fall all circumstances seemed to make it necessary to postpone the opening of the college for two more years. Then, suddenly, unexpectedly, God literally THRUST UPON US the splendid buildings and magnificently-landscaped grounds for the beginning of Ambassador College in Pasadena, ALREADY BUILT AND PREPARED, so it could get under way a year sooner -- THIS COMING SEPTEMBER! In every way, it's coming into our hands was a MIRACLE!

Then came the conception of sending students abroad for their fourth year of study in Switzerland--to be trained in speaking the LANGUAGES of other nations WHERE those languages are spoken--to be trained in the experience that comes only with travel -- to be trained in understanding the customs and ways of foreign people in other parts of the world, BEFORE they are sent out to preach the true GOSPEL to those nations! And suddenly, out of a clear sky, came the astounding offer of an ideal home for the European unit of the college--a five-story villa in the finest location in all Europe, almost new (built in 1934), an exact replica of the Petit Trianon of Versailles palace! Yes, and at a fraction of its cost, without a down payment, and on terms we can handle with a mere 8 percent increase in present income of this work! In late February, as you know, Mrs. Armstrong and I went to Europe to inspect this very unusual place. We found it finer than we expected, even better adapted to the purpose of the college than we supposed. Because of the drop in tithes and offerings from our co-workers which seemed temporarily to set in at the time, we have had to delay negotiations for this most splendid property. However, I feel God opened this place to us--led us to it--that it is His will that it be turned into the European unit of Ambassador College, and the Continental headquarters for God's work. A tentative offer has just been air-mailed to the owner in Lugano, Switzerland. I feel it will be accepted. If so, title to this marvelous property will come into our hands on the first monthly payment. There will be no interest, no taxes to pay for three years--and we get possession in time for our first class of seniors to occupy it!


Now quickly let me tell you of the thrilling, rapid developments of these past few weeks. May 1st, Walter E. Dillon assumed active full-time duties as president of Ambassador College. He is in Pasadena now, with his office set up in the smaller of the two college buildings.

We are to have possession of the entire property July 1st. Mr. Dillon expects soon to complete his work at Columbia University for the degree of Doctor of Education. I have known him for more than 30 years and consider him potentially the ablest man that could be obtained to head AMBASSADOR COLLEGE. He is a life-long educator--a natural-born teacher and administrator, with a most unusual record behind him. He is one of the finest men, morally, I ever knew--a fine, clean, upright man of highest ideals who has started many hundreds of young people out on their life-course imbued with the higher ideals of fine character. He is a man who commands the respect and co-operation of teachers and students alike--one who is universally liked,--has that faculty of inspiring others to WANT to do their best work. He believes heart and soul in our program, and is devoting his talents and his life to its accomplishment.

The faculty of AMBASSADOR COLLEGE is already well along toward completion. Mr. Dillon and I have been amazed at developments. We are hardly being permitted to go out and select our own faculty-- GOD IS SELECTING IT AND IS SENDING ITS MEMBERS TO US!

Tentatively engaged already are the following:

Head of the department of Science, Dr. H. O. Taylor, who comes to AMBASSADOR after 19 years as chairman of the Physics Department at Wheaton College, Ill.--a thoroughly Fundamentalist college. He holds a Doctor of Philosophy degree from Cornell, was on its faculty some years. He comes with the impressive background of several years each on the faculties of Harvard University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Consulting Physicist at the National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C. Dr. Taylor is coming to establish at AMBASSADOR a course comprising a survey of astronomy, geology, physics and chemistry, adapted for students looking toward the ministry and evangelism, as well as teaching, and business. Dr. Taylor is a fine Christian gentleman, and ardent believer in the truth of our national identity as ISRAEL.

Head of the English department, and possibly dean of women: Dr. Enid Smith, a Christian lady who holds a Doctor of Philosophy degree from Columbia, has a world-wide experience, has taught in India and Hawaii, has been head of the English departments in high schools, and several colleges and universities, and has been a dean of women. Her background and experience is impressive.

Languages and History, Genevieve Paine, who holds a Masters' degree from Colorado, has had several years experience as a foreign language teacher, is taking further study in the East at the present time in preparation for her work at AMBASSADOR beginning September 22nd. She, too, is a fine Christian and ardent believer in the Israel truth.

It will be our policy to start with a faculty of EXPERIENCE, and then develop a faculty as we go along from young men just out of college, to be trained as the KIND of professors that meet the high standards at AMBASSADOR.

Every effort is being made to secure adequate housing accommodations for students. We are now negotiating for the large and lovely estate adjoining the college campus. This estate compromises about one and three-quarters acres of beautiful grounds, and a fine 22-room house which will make a most splendid men's dormitory. We have another very splendid property in mind which we hope to be able to lease for the girl's dormitory. We are in touch with the owners of the property adjoining the campus, who desire to sell it and wish us to have it. Only complication is a 5-year lease to another party, but we are negotiating also with this party and hope, with God's help, to work out an arrangement whereby we may have possession of this large and splendid property before college opens this fall.


On the heels of all these amazing occurrences, miracle after miracle, comes to us now the probable offer to sell to us two great super-powered radio stations, located just across the border in Mexico. I must say first, that a prior option has been given to another party, expiring June 15th. We will not know definitely until that date, but the indication is that on that date we shall have the opportunity to purchase and own the MOST POWERFUL RADIO STATION IN THE WESTERN HEMISPHERE--perhaps in all the world!--in addition to another very fine 50,000-watt station!

Now some three or four years ago we had an opportunity to buy a Mexican radio station, but never one as good, as valuable, so powerful as this. In fact, these stations will cost a lot more money than the one then offered to us. Apparently God's time had not then come. But somehow I have a conviction that it has come, now, and that it is God's will that we now acquire this tremendously powerful facilities for carrying the true GOSPEL to the world.

If so, Friends and Co-Workers, GOD WILL HAVE TO PERFORM ANOTHER MIRACLE, one that would appear, to our eyes, far greater than any He has performed for us so far--but OUR GOD IS NOT LIMITED-- NOTHING IS TOO HARD OR DIFFICULT FOR OUR GOD, and if it is His will, and His time has come, then nothing can prevent. If not, then of course we don't want it.

This is a most solemn, serious matter. These radio stations can be purchased only for CASH. They are now producing a very large profit for their owners--running well into six figures a year. They cannot, of course, be bought cheaply. There are, as I understand, two owners. One must sell on advice of his physician because of health--he must dispense with this responsibility and activity or not live many months. The other is a wealthy Mexican who has many other interests and finds his interest in the radio station is embarrassing his other interests and his personal political prestige, and he feels disposed to sell. If these super- powered properties are to come into our hands, the action must be quick and decisive, for time is at a premium. If we are unable to take advantage of the opportunity within a very short time, it will be offered to interests with ample capital to purchase, and who know the profit-making possibilities of these stations.

Breath-taking though it is, it will take ONE MILLION DOLLARS CASH to take full advantage of the present amazing opportunities. On that amount, we could purchase both radio stations, developing one to the full honest maximum of power for which it is both licensed and equipped, ON A CLEAR CHANNEL (some of these Mexican stations are not using all the power they are supposed to, in actual fact), --we could pay off HALF the purchase-price on Ambassador College property in Pasadena, pay a full HALF on the Switzerland property and thus obtain a very large cut in the principal price, and retain an ample cash surplus in the bank to fortify this work against the occasional crisis we have had to weather thru ever since the work started.

The amount needed is so large that for MOST of you, I can only ask you. JOIN ME IN BELIEVING PRAYER! Ask God to REVEAL His will, and to ACT for us ACCORDING TO HIS WILL! If this is, as I frankly feel, opened by the Eternal then He is able to lay this heavily on the heart of some one or a few people of means who are able to supply this great and immediate need. Yes, GOD IS ABLE!

Let me say that, if I could have my preference, I should prefer to operate these Mexican stations, if we are permitted to acquire them, on a sustaining basis, non-commercial--simply owned by the RADIO CHURCH OF GOD, Inc., as NON-profit educational enterprises of our non-profit corporation. I have ideas in mind which I feel would attract to these stations a tremendous listening audience, and I feel certain their entire operating cost could be met as the expenses of our present work are met--thru the tithes and offerings of God's people who wish to see His work carried on unshackled and FREE to proclaim His Truth. However, there is a possibility of a net profit as high as a quarter million a year from these properties, and if those who might make their purchase possible for us demand a return out of profits for what they thus make possible with their money, then perhaps we would find it necessary to organize a separate corporation for that purpose.

Let me make it plain and clear to our Co-Workers just here, too, that this work of God, for the protection of all its Co-Workers, is INCORPORATED under the laws of the state of California, as The Radio Church of God, Inc.--a non-profit association and CHURCH, for the spreading of the GOSPEL. No person is permitted by law to ever make a penny of profit in any manner from this work. Very strict records are kept in our accounting department, and our books are audited regularly by a certified public accountant. This work is financially responsible, and above reproach.


Now with the starting of AMBASSADOR COLLEGE, we shall need endowments and special gifts for that purpose, as well as for the other rapidly-growing phases of this work.

Beside outright GIFTS, and generous OFFERINGS, and tithes, there is now another way open for many to help very materially in God's work. Since the work is incorporated, it is now possible for persons having life-savings of some sizeable sum to live off those savings, or partly so, as the case may be, while at the same time they put the money to work in GOD'S SERVICE. About two years ago one of our co-workers offered to send in for the work such a sum of money--I don't remember now the exact amount, perhaps a couple thousand or five thousand dollars -- with the arrangement that we in turn send them a monthly check of a certain small percent, for them to live on, as long as they lived. At the time we were not incorporated, and our attorney advised against accepting it. Now, however, the work is in position to receive such sums, both for the Gospel work, and for the College.

Also the work now is in position to receive deeds to property, or to be bequeathed property of money in wills. Many would rather have their money go into God's work in the event of their death, or a portion of it.

Then, also, we need SCHOLARSHIP FUNDS, and LOAN FUNDS for the college, to be used in assisting worthy and qualified students unable fully to pay their own way. As the work develops and expands, the NEED grows. Every Co-Worker has a SERIOUS RESPONSIBILITY--and supplying YOUR PART of this great and growing need is YOUR PART in this work. That's the part I cannot do. Remember, NONE of it goes to me personally. And remember, too, EVERY DOLLAR placed in this work carries the true GOSPEL out to TWO THOUSAND PRECIOUS SOULS! Already we are reaching millions every week with the TRUTH -- but now the work must expand till it's WORLD WIDE!


Finally, Brethren, Friends, Co-Workers, LISTEN! Two months ago we found this work in a life-and-death crisis. Suddenly it had gone thousands of dollars behind, because some of our Co-Workers had grown lax and careless. I sent out a very special emergency letter. The response was splendid, and in three weeks two thirds of that indebtedness was paid. But then tithes and offerings began to fall off again. The last BULLETIN helped a little, but we have been just barely holding our own with week-to-week expenses.

And now, the past week, it has begun to drop off again. That portion of the indebtedness into which the work was plunged two months ago still hangs heavily over our heads--AND IT IS GETTING SERIOUS AND DESPERATE!

It CAN'T BE PUT OFF LONGER! We have had to delay publishing The PLAIN TRUTH that should have been out in March or April, and people are writing in by the thousands asking for it! It's mostly written --a dynamic article giving you the BIBLE TRUTH on our greatest national evil -- DIVORCE AND RE-MARRIAGE; a thrilling article on the PALESTINE QUESTION, for which I have gone to San Francisco, New York, London, to interview personally the men in whose hands the fate of Palestine rests; a most revealing article on European and world conditions--as I found them, as they are, and in the light of PROPHECY. Many other vital and interesting things--hundreds of thousands of people HUNGRY for these truths, waiting impatiently for that PLAIN TRUTH. My part is almost ready. Co-Workers, won't you strain to EXTRA sacrifice to hurry along YOUR PART? We are still way behind with one of the great super-powered radio stations, and the broadcast may be shut off unless there is an IMMEDIATE and a MOST GENEROUS RESPONSE.

I know that, while MOST of our Co-Workers are in poor economic circumstances and can send only the "widow's MITES"--notice it was "MITES," not just one "mite,"--and while it is these many small amounts of a couple dollars, or a five or ten, that are the very BACKBONE OF THIS WORK--(and every single dollar takes the TRUTH to two thousand people, so don't think a single dollar is too little to send in)--yet I know that out of all our Co-Worker family all over the United States are actually SEVERAL who could, if they would let God have His way in their hearts and lives and pocket- books, send in generous offerings of more than a thousand dollars each--some for SEVERAL thousand!

And yet, dear friends, the largest single contribution to this work so far STILL remains, aside from the one Mrs. Armstrong and I put in ourselves when we sold our home, an offering of $1,000. My wife and I gave more than that when we sold our home--we gave our ALL--and for the past year and a half we have been living part time in two rented upstairs bedrooms in another family's home, and part time in auto cabins, unable to have a real family life with our two high school sons, and forced to eat out all the time at restaurants. Now don't think for a moment I mention that to grumble at the hardship, or take credit for the gift--but rather to encourage you and as an example to you of how God works. We knew it wasn't God's will for us to have our home broken up, and be unable to live as a family in a home, and that in due time He would give us another home. Well, now, I think before closing I'll reveal to you one more of the miracles God has recently performed-- this time for us personally! Suddenly, unexpectedly, not of our own seeking at all, a home came to us just the other day. It's not pretentious, but modest and plain and neat---but it is a home of refinement and character--just a CHARMING place, and ample in size and of most substantial construction. It came to us with no down- payment except just three monthly payments in advance, and on monthly payments which just equal what we have had to spend in restaurants for food--with NO INTEREST--and the title and deed to the property have been signed over to us. We are to move in July 1st. You may know Mrs. Armstrong, the boys and I are happy over it, not for the home alone, but for this one more evidence of how God takes care of His own. We gave the home we had to Him. Now He has given us the nicest home we ever had, and without any capital outlay whatever! I have found by experience that one never LOSES by being generous with GOD! "GIVE, and it shall be GIVEN UNTO YOU," said Jesus. Yes, and God loves a CHEERFUL giver --and a GENEROUS giver. It's more blessed to GIVE than to receive.

Now dear Co-Workers, THE FATE OF GOD'S WORK IS IN YOUR HANDS! We must have an IMMEDIATE response from thousands of you, and of the most generous amounts you can send. I don't ask any to OVER-give, and God doesn't expect it--but most of you UNDER-give, and God's work suffers. Give liberally, generously--AND GREAT SHALL BE YOUR REWARD! God never lets His own go unrewarded! He PROSPERS His servants that serve Him with their whole heart! Use the enclosed reply-envelope,--SEND THE LARGEST POSSIBLE CHECK, MONEY ORDER OR BILL YOU CAN SEND, IMMEDIATELY FOR THE WORK--AND KEEP SENDING AS OFTEN AS IS POSSIBLE.

Then, if you can arrange some larger gift, or endowment, or fund for the college, be sure to write me IMMEDIATELY. I have letters from many students wanting to attend AMBASSADOR COLLEGE who lack funds, and want to earn their way, but need help. Don't let some fine deserving young man or woman be deprived of this wonderful education because you might be negligent.

And, in addition, if you are in position to place at our disposal some really large sum toward the purchase of these great radio stations, and some of this vitally-needed property--whether a half million dollars, a hundred thousand, a few thousand, or only fifty or a hundred, in addition to your liberal and generous offerings for the regular work, then write me at once, and I will correspond privately giving all details, or even, if necessary, make it possible for a personal interview. And if you are NOT in position to make such a large contribution, then, PLEASE, go to some private place alone with God, and go to your knees, and PRAY EARNESTLY, AND IN FAITH, agreeing with me that God will supply every need, and continue to guide and direct His Work! I need your prayers as much as your money.

PLEASE RUSH THIS! We are not yet out of the life-and-death crisis--the need is still MOST URGENT! We MUST NOT be thrown off the air--The PLAIN TRUTH must be put on the presses without further delay.

Send it AIR-MAIL! and God bless you!

Sincerely, in Jesus' name,



July 7, 1947 Co-Worker Letter Herbert W Armstrong - Pleads for Money



HERBERT W. ARMSTRONG Analyses Today's News, with the Prophecies of THE WORLD TOMORROW

Publishing Box 111, Eugene, Oregon The P L A I N T R U T H a Magazine of UNDERSTANDING July, 1947

Dear Co-Worker Friend:

GREETINGS! in Jesus' name: Again I have to rush to you, air- mail, a most URGENT special letter. The past three days my heart has been heavy as lead. During the years I have faced crisis after crisis in this work---each one, with a few exceptions, larger and more severe than any before.

But now we have come to the place where this work of God faces the SUPREME TEST---it very possibly is the one greatest crisis we shall ever be called upon to meet, because it is the turning point that will determine whether the program to which God has committed us shall keep going ahead, or whether this entire great and glorious work is to crash head-on into a unthinkable sudden END! God has prospered and blessed His work incredibly. He has caused it to grow from virtually nothing to a great nation-wide work for souls. He has led the work into a program, to which we are now committed, and from which there is no turning back. Either it must go forward in its great cause for good, or STOP---and that's unthinkable! THE NEXT TEN DAYS OR TWO WEEKS HOLDS THE FATEFUL ANSWER!

I have just gone thru a three-day ordeal. I have SUFFERED! Such an ordeal is plain agony---the hardest kind I know to bear. Now I have to appeal to you for the help of YOUR PRAYERS! I must beg of you to go immediately to a private place, alone with God, as soon as you have read this, get down on your knees and join me and hundreds of other co-workers in sending up a mighty wave of united, earnest, believing, prevailing PRAYER! God will hear us, and if we'll put our HEARTS into our prayers, He won't fail us.

Let me bring you direct to this supreme crisis of the moment. When Mrs. Armstrong and I were called suddenly to Europe in mid- February, the January-February PLAIN TRUTH was already rolling off the press. A BULLETIN was written to be mailed out to our co-workers. The work was in good financial condition, especially assuming that with The PLAIN TRUTH and The BULLETIN going out the financial response from our co-workers should greatly increase. But it didn't. Every letter showed nothing but enthusiasm for the new twice-as-large PLAIN TRUTH, yet for some unexplainable reason our co-workers almost stopped sending in money. We returned from Europe late in March to find that in our absence this work had gone $18,000 in debt. I was simply stunned! But I prayed, trusted God, and did what I could. I sent out an emergency special letter, as I'm forced now to do again. For three weeks the response was gratifying, and the indebtedness was reduced to $8,000 besides meeting current expenses. But then it began again to lag. The next BULLETIN brought just a normal response, but we were not able to reduce the indebtedness.

Then June 9th I wrote the last BULLETIN telling you it was the most solemn, serious message I had ever written you. The very FATE OF THE WORK depended upon the response, for money received was beginning to drop off again and the deficit was beginning to grow again instead of being reduced. The response from this BULLETIN seemed very slow in starting. For several days we thought it was merely the delay in the mails. But when this past week-end proved below normal in receipts, the situation became alarming. Tuesday less than the average day-to-day expenses came in. By Wednesday morning I knew our co-workers were not responding sufficiently to meet the imperative need if this great work is to survive. My heart was heavy as lead. Our co-workers had not failed the work his way before. A check-up showed that about 10% of our co-workers were responding nobly---many sacrificing actually beyond their means in a wonderful expression of loyalty. But almost 90% were not responding at all! And there's the crux of the trouble! Almost 90% of you co-workers are NEGLECTING GOD'S PRECIOUS WORK--- the most NECESSARY, most IMPORTANT, most URGENT work in this world today!

I spent most of the day in fasting and prayer, as I had done the day before. That morning on learning that the mail was light and most of our co-workers were failing their God in this crisis hour, I'm afraid I grew temporarily fretful under the strain. Some of the girls in the office had not done their work properly, and I became a little cross---a thing I almost never do. But I am, like all of you, human, and it seemed the responsibility was too great to bear, with every visible fact and circumstance pointing to a solid stone-wall past which it seemed we could not go. I felt like President Truman said he felt the day Franklin D. Roosevelt died--- as if the sun and moon and stars had descended with their weight upon my shoulders. I shut myself in my private office, went to my knees, and earnestly implored God to reveal to me what was wrong--- and WHAT WAS HIS WILL! Was it my fault? Could it be I had gotten ahead of God? Was any part of his work, after all---for instance, the founding of AMBASSADOR COLLEGE---a mistaken cause? There is nothing I try to be more careful about than to be sure we only FOLLOW where God leads---never to get ahead of Him---never to start things because they look good to us, but to BE SURE that it is God's will, that He has led, that we are only following as He directs. I told Him I was willing to give up this entire cause, great and important as it seems to me, if I had been misled, and that was the will of God.

My wife, who also had been fasting and praying for two days, urged me to ask God out-right to send an angel, as He had done in days of old, to speak to me direct and reveal in plain language just what God wants us to do. But I replied that we cannot dictate to God How He is to answer prayer, or perform the thing He has promised. I would have to leave to God the METHOD of revealing to me, and making plain, His will. But God commands us, in James 1:5-6, to ask Him for wisdom when we lack it---and ask IN FAITH. I did that, leaving to Him the matter of HOW He would keep His promise to reveal it. For some agonizing hours I couldn't see what to do---didn't know how God would speak to me. Then, in the late afternoon yesterday, while kneeling with my Bible before me, I felt impressed to just open the bible, with my eyes closed, to a random Scripture. At times God has given me the answer I sought by this method---though I do not say He always will cause us to turn to the exact answer we need by this process.

What I opened to was this: "TRUST IN THE ETERNAL, and do right; be loyal to Him within His land; make the Eternal your delight, and HE WILL GIVE YOU ALL YOUR HEART'S DESIRE. Leave all to Him, rely on Him, and HE WILL SEE TO IT; He will bring your innocence to light and make THE JUSTICE OF YOUR CAUSE clear as noonday. LEAVE IT TO THE ETERNAL AND BE PATIENT. Fret not, ... cease your anger, give up raging, fret not---it only leads to evil." (Psalm 37:3-8).

Well, that certainly was God's answer. I had been fretting. I had to confess it and repent. God told me, then, to TRUST IN HIM ---leave all to Him---rely on Him, and HE WILL SEE TO IT---He will give us all our heart's desire. What about this CAUSE---and I had been using that very word---should I give it up, and abandon that wonderful cause? The answer is, "HE WILL MAKE THE JUSTICE OF YOUR CAUSE CLEAR AS NOON-DAY---HE WILL GIVE YOU ALL YOUR HEART'S DESIRE ---HE WILL SEE TO IT!" Just leave it with Him, be patient, cease fretting---HAVE FAITH!

That evening I told our little group at prayer meeting of the experience, the trial I was facing, and we all prayed earnestly together. And all these earnest brethren KNEW God had given His answer. Present were two girls planning to attend the college. If it should fail, their faith might be shattered and perhaps that of many other fine young people planning on attending. No, it's a RIGHT cause---God Himself LED us into it---He has performed miracle after miracle to make it possible to start it this very year. No, this is merely ANOTHER SEVERE TEST OF FAITH. This road God has called us to travel is not easy---it is not smooth---it's hard, rutty, DIFFICULT! God permits us to bog down into many a tight spot where we have to implore Him to pull us out---for our own strengthening and development. GOD WILL SEE TO IT! But God works thru those human agencies He has called to the task---and in this case He has called ALL YOU DEAR CO-WORKERS WITH ME TO THIS GREAT COMMISSION! His plan for financing His work is thru the tithes and offerings of HIS PEOPLE. God will never fail us---but SOME OF YOU HAVE BEEN FAILING HIM. I feel, therefore, impelled to rush to you this urgent special letter---to ASK EVERYONE OF YOU TO GO NOW TO YOUR KNEES AND JOIN ME IN BELIEVING PRAYER, that we may TRUST GOD together to supply this great need. GOD'S WORK MUST NOT BE IN DEBT. I will not permit it to go on that way. God has blessed it, incredibly. Tons and tons of literature are going from this office all over the United States and Canada---several mail-sacks full, printed in our own printing department, go out every night. I can't print another PLAIN TRUTH until we finish paying for the last one and have enough to print the next. HUNDREDS are waiting for that article on divorce and re-marriage---waiting to know what to do---yes, WAITING ON YOU CO-WORKERS! Brethren, co-workers, MUST such a work stop? Must we stop sending out the Gospel in print that is leading thousands to Christ and His Kingdom? Thousands are being CHANGED by this work---brought to Christ---being told of their sins, and turning FROM their sins---thousands of precious souls saved for all eternity. Must it STOP---or SHALL IT GO ON? Some of you could invest many thousands of dollars in these precious souls, and lay up for yourselves treasure in heaven, if you'd permit God to get hold of your hearts and your bank accounts. But remember, you who have only the widow's mite to give---ONE DOLLAR reaches two thousand precious people with God's Message! No amount is too small---every dollar will help now---but TRY to double your usual amount if you can. Now, every one of you, PLEASE PRAY EARNESTLY that God will lay this on the hearts of those who are able. And put a 5 cent air-mail stamp on the enclosed reply- envelope and mail it IMMEDIATELY, won't you?

God bless you all---I know you won't fail me.

With love, in Jesus' name,

Herbert W. Armstrong

P.S. We have 1,000 of the photographs on hand, and more that 2,000 requests for them so far. Some, unfortunately, will have to wait until funds permit us to order another thousand. When we assembled together the letters Mrs. Armstrong and I wrote our children while abroad, we found they make up a sizeable volume. There are 23 letters, some quite long. But they describe such interesting things, we decided to print them all in a special booklet that may run to 60 pages or more---profusely illustrated with 15 pages of pictures I took with my camera, including the hurricane in mid- Atlantic. It is taking much longer to print this than expected, but if you'll be patient, I believe you'll be more than rewarded, and find this special gift-booklet more interesting than you anticipated.


August 4, 1947 Co-Worker Letter - Herbert W Armstrong
Ambassador College Fails Fire Marshall Inspection Leading to Request for More Money



Published every little while, to keep our Co- Workers informed of the progress, the problems and future plans for carrying on God's work in these closing days of this age; ---broadcasting "The WORLD TOMORROW;" publishing The PLAIN TRUTH, and other Gospel literature. HERBERT W. ARMSTRONG, Box 111, Eugene, Ore.


August 4, 1947


Dear Co-Workers in Christ:

GREETINGS! in Jesus' name: Again it is time I report to you the progress of God's precious work, as time races on in this chaotic "TIME OF THE END" to the very END OF THIS AGE.

This has been, perhaps, the most hectic month in the history of this great work. As time grows short, the work comes to the CROSS-ROADS. It is now in its greatest crisis. We face grave decisions that will set the future course of God's great cause during its remaining years--perhaps have potent bearing unrealized now on the future and welfare of this nation and much of the world!

But listen! Do you, yourself, really REALIZE the time in which we live? Never was the world like it is today. Something happened in 1914 that has completely CHANGED this world. Today it is in CHAOS, bankrupt, completely upset, even its leaders bewildered and helpless, staring atomic war and worse in the face, --the utter extinction of human life from this earth! This world is not like it was. NOTHING is the same, since going thru two world wars. World revolution is sweeping the earth. We are witnessing the colossal DESTRUCTION of civilization as men have known it. THAT IS THE STARK TRUTH!

What is YOUR PART, and mine, in this supreme crisis of the age? It's time we stopped to take stock--to check up--to take inventory, and see where we stand, and what it means to US!

1900 years ago the Creator sent into this world His Son, bearing the most vital Message ever given to mankind. That Messenger, Jesus Christ, foretold these present days. He knew WHAT'S WRONG with the world. This world is simply not living right! It's in the grip of a society based on the spirit of competition, greed, vanity, ORGANIZED by MEN. The Great Teacher foresaw where it would lead--straight to this chaos in the "time of the end,"--a time He prophetically described as "distress of nation, with perplexity; men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things coming on the earth." HIS MESSAGE was the GOOD NEWS (Gospel) of a world-government to be set up by the Eternal Creator, with He Himself as King of Kings, to rule ALL NATIONS, destroy and take over ALL GOVERNMENTS, and bring right ways, peace, prosperity, and happiness at last to all. That GOOD NEWS was His GOSPEL--the only real and true Gospel of Jesus Christ.

That Gospel He commissioned HIS ministers to proclaim to the world. But He foresaw, and many other prophecies foretold, that apostasy and deception would replace His truth and deceive the world until this very "time of the end." Then, AT THIS TIME, which fulfillment has revealed to be this mid-twentieth century, A.D., Jesus said His true Gospel of the Kingdom shall go out powerfully to ALL THE WORLD, for a witness unto ALL NATIONS.

A third of the Bible, approximately, is prophecy. About 90% of prophecy applies, directly or indirectly, to THIS END-TIME IN WHICH WE LIVE. The central theme and burden of these prophecies is a DESTRUCTION, by invasion, destruction of our CITIES (which only atomic power could accomplish), captivity and enslavement of the peoples of the United States, British commonwealth, and the democracies of north-western Europe. As Daniel's prophecy (12th chapter) discloses, these prophecies were mostly closed up and sealed to human understanding UNTIL this very mid-twentieth century TIME OF THE END--the time of universal and rapid transportation--of the increase and diffusion of knowledge. Today the long-hidden meaning of these vital prophecies is revealed to spiritual "babes" but still and forever hidden from the carnally "wise and prudent." It cannot be grasped nor used by any of the organized denominations who DARE NOT admit the error in their traditional doctrines, or change them or add to them the light of this end-time revelation.

For the purpose of carrying this warning to our nations-- and of carrying this true GOSPEL of the KINGDOM to all the world, the Almighty has raised up this present work. It's fruits are ample evidence of that. It is the most important mission and cause in this world today. The governments of the world soon are to be overthrown, destroyed, and REPLACED by the divine government of God under Jesus Christ returned to this earth IN PERSON, and we are the called ADVANCE-AGENTS, if you please, of that world-Kingdom--the WORLD TOMORROW. As such we are AMBASSADORS FOR CHRIST!

But more and more experience shows that no man alone could carry on this tremendous responsibility. God has always provided all His called servants with adequate help and assistance from others. It is YOUR personal responsibility, too. It is YOUR personal CALLING, as well as mine. YOU shall be required to stand before the judgment seat of Christ, upon His return to earth as King of kings, as well as I. YOU shall then be called upon to GIVE ACCOUNT of whether you shirked this calling and responsibility, or whether you DID YOUR BEST--the same as I. We are co-workers TOGETHER, and God is no respecter of persons.

Yes, the time is here to stop and TAKE INVENTORY--for each of us to search down deeply into his own heart, and ask himself candidly, "Am I really doing all I can--am I putting THE KINGDOM OF GOD and His righteousness FIRST in my life and interest and thoughts, or are material interests crowding it out of my heart?" Are YOU, personally, making your calling and election SURE? Will Christ say to YOU, when He comes--and it will be SOON--"Well done, thou good and faithful servant?"

Some of you dear co-workers are so VERY FAITHFUL--GOD BLESS YOU!--and without you this mighty work of God could not have continued to now. But also, on the other hand, MANY OF YOU who will read this Bulletin have been letting down--NEGLECTING this so great salvation which we must carry to the millions of others, as well as work out in ourselves. Too many of you let the faithful FEW take these messages to heart and carry the whole burden at too great sacrifice, while you let down and do little or nothing. And to those of you guilty of this neglect, for your own sake, I plead in the name of Jesus Christ, DON'T let this negligence drop you by the wayside, to be cast aside by the soon-coming Master as an unprofitable servant! HAPPY is he who heeds this message, and does HIS FULL PART in this unselfish work of carrying GOOD TO OTHERS! The ONLY true happiness comes from DOING GOOD to OTHERS, and that is the purpose for which God raised up this work. Those few who try to excuse their neglect by fault-finding and criticism will never find true peace and happiness in so doing. And so, let every one of you in this solemn crisis hour EXAMINE HIMSELF, and CONSECRATE and DEDICATE HIMSELF ANEW to the glorious work and cause of Christ! It's not yet too late, but time is fast running out on us!

Jesus did not commission His true called ministers to stay in some one small neighborhood--but "Go ye," He said, "into ALL THE WORLD, and preach the Gospel to every creature." To ALL NATIONS is the divine commission!

In the Spring of 1946 God revealed to me the need of a college as the only means of providing the trained and qualified assistance soon to be needed in carrying this great Message of Jesus Christ into ALL NATIONS. Yet no man can choose for himself the active ministry as a life vocation, and probably none who do really serve the true Christ. Christ Himself always did, and does now, select HIMSELF, those HE has chosen for His work, and CALL them by special spiritual call to His work. Consequently this college cannot be a ministerial college--it MUST be a general LIBERAL ARTS college, educating and preparing young men and women for ALL walks of life and proper occupations and professions. But God, I know, is able to cause those few HE has chosen for His work to BE AMONG THESE STUDENTS. Jesus told us how we shall recognize them--"BY THEIR FRUITS." But that takes time, and a testing by EXPERIENCE. Consequently AMBASSADOR COLLEGE has been planned to fit young men and women for whatever occupation in life they them- selves may choose, giving practical and technical instruction to all--and AT THE SAME TIME the course is so designed that if and when we see, BY THEIR FRUITS, and by having known them over a period of some four years, some one out of twenty, or out of forty or a hundred, has been truly CALLED of God to the true ministry of Jesus Christ, and then that ONE shall have been adequately and properly TRAINED for this very mission! And in the meantime we shall have established on earth a college patterned after GOD'S TRUTH, and rendered to all other students a most wonderful blessing!

Ambassador College is VITAL to the future of God's work! When it seemed necessary, last Fall, to postpone the establishment of the college at least two more years, God performed a miracle and suddenly opened the way for the fine and splendid property in Pasadena to come into our hands. Consequently, we proceeded from there with the program to open the college Sept. 22, this Fall.

May 1st, its president, Walter E. Dillon, joined our staff, to devote full time to organizing and preparing for this fall opening. July 1st, we took full possession of the buildings and grounds for the college. Prior to that, we had opened a temporary office in one of the buildings and added the secretary-registrar to the staff. July 1st, our librarian started active duty, preparing for the purchase of the college library.

But beginning July 1st we entered, as I stated, the most hectic month since this work began. We ran into certain difficulties and barriers in even gaining possession of the property. With four of the college executive staff (including the buildings-and-grounds superintendent) in full-time service, things began to "click." The entire staff was quickly completed---an amazing experience, for God literally SENT us a hand-picked faculty of highly trained, experienced, competent professors--a faculty that would add prestige to the highest-standing universities in the land--yet every member is a Christian, committed to and having at heart the ideals upon which Ambassador is founded! Certainly THAT is a miracle!

But then, some ten days ago, we came abruptly to our "Red Sea." The fire marshall and building inspector inspected our buildings, and showed us some "small print" regulations in the building code respecting educational institutions which necessitated some $30,000 or $40,000 in structural changes before the building would be passed and approved for use as a school! None of the experts we had called in for counsel, before making our original deal for the property, had caught any of these technicalities. Neither our attorneys nor the bank appraisers had caught them. This came as a stunning blow!

Many centuries ago God performed miracles and started the children of Israel on a definite course--out of Egypt, the holy land their goal. They came to the Red Sea, and they were stopped dead. They began to grumble. They reasoned that this proved God had never started them out of Egypt--those were not real miracles but only imagined--they should have stayed there, and many wanted now to turn back and GIVE UP going on to Canaan. Well, for two or three days I felt almost like this. WHAT A RELIEF, my wife and I both felt, it would be if we could just give up the college altogether, with all its trials and problems and griefs. But, after a few days filled with almost constant prayer and even fasting, God spoke as plainly as He does speak to His children today, and said, as He said to His children at the Red Sea, "Stand ye STILL, and SEE THE SALVATION OF THE ETERNAL."

EASY going is no proof that God has started a thing. The surest proof in the world that God is in it is ROUGH GOING, obstacles and difficulties from which ONLY GOD can extract us, and which compel us constantly to cry out to HIM for help and to rely continuously upon HIS GUIDANCE AND DELIVERANCE.

Then we realized that two-thirds of the total estimated expense was called for by the smaller of the two buildings. The college could open and get started without the use of this building, using only the larger main building. We called in architects and contractors for estimates, and at the present writing have found ways to apparently whittle down the estimated $10,000 cost of alterations for this building to perhaps $8,000. One of our dear and faithful co-workers sent us $1,000 for the purpose---another $500. Another deeded to us four small ocean- view lots, which, if sold, will provide another $2,000. Others rallying to this supreme emergency have, as this is written, brought the amount needed to about HALF of what is required. We can now begin to see our way thru, still BY FAITH!

Co-Workers, THIS WORK MUST NOT BE STOPPED! We are obligated, now, for the services of a fine and capable faculty. We have applications from hundreds who wish to enter Ambassador as students. The faith of scores of fine young men and women would be shattered if we had to give up here, or even postpone the opening of the college a year. TIME is too short to permit the delay of a single year. There is a dire NEED for such a quality, high-standard, soundly-based college where our listeners and co-workers may send their children knowing they will receive the finest education along with character and cultural development, and WITHOUT SHATTERING THEIR FAITH. Surveys have shown that 90% of freshmen entering the average college today believes there is a personal God, but 90% of graduating seniors have had their faith utterly shattered by their college career, and not are confirmed atheists or agnostics! God's work simply cannot carry out Christ's GREAT COMMISSION, and in time, unless this college opens, and OPENS THIS FALL ON SCHEDULE! The books for the library are all selected and listed, ready for purchase. One co-worker has contributed a special gift of $500, toward their purchase. We need more such gifts to complete the splendid library planned. We have an adjoining 26-room property now offered to us as a splendid dormitory for at least 55 young men students---but we need an additional two or three thousand dollars to acquire it, after which student rentals will carry most of the payments!

Meanwhile, the broadcasting and publishing work has not yet emerged from the crisis we found it plunged into last March. The past 30 days we have reduced the indebtedness a little more---but THERE MUST BE NO INDEBTEDNESS AGAINST GOD'S WORK--and I pledge you there will be none, for long, God helping us! We have made a change in policy and set definite plans in motion to prevent such reproach again coming upon this work, in the future. God's business must be CLEAN, and above reproach before the world!

Now briefly regarding The PLAIN TRUTH--even the last letter I sent out simply did not result in sufficient funds being sent in to make possible the long over-due issue. I have had to solve this vital problem in some way. I have prayed for wisdom, and believe God has shown the way. To get The PLAIN TRUTH re-established and back on its feet, so it can come out REGULARLY, I have decided to go back to the smaller 8 page size for one or two issues. All who are not co-workers, with the exception of those who have gone on the mailing list during he past eight months, will be sent expiration notices, and must voluntarily RENEW their names on the mailing list or they will be taken off. This undoubtedly will reduce the circulation of The PLAIN TRUTH a great deal--probably by half, for the time being, but all who wish it enough to buy a postage stamp to say so will remain on the list. But this plan will reduce the expenses enough, I believe, so that we may hope to get it re-established on at least a regular bi-monthly basis, and then, after a few issues at most, I am sure we can again go up to the full 16-page magazine.

God is permitting many problems, trials and tests, in the conduct of His work. But He is delivering us out of them all-- His is going before, guiding, blessing, and giving us many precious souls for our efforts as we go along! Several are being baptized, as time progresses, hundreds awaiting the opportunity, many lives being straightened out and CHANGED, many sick being healed, and the GOSPEL is preached to the poor.

Co-Workers, the work of God stands AT THE CROSS-ROADS! It is in it's greatest crisis. The fate of Ambassador College hangs in the balance. We have not more than TEN DAYS to get STARTED on the structural changes, or it will be TOO LATE to start the college this year. The crisis is NOW! We are all going to answer in the judgment for what WE do, each of us, as OUR part in this crisis, NOW! God surely blesses those who serve Him well! NEVER has this work so direly needed large and generous offerings of $1,000 and up to MANY thousand dollars. Several of you are ABLE, if you permit God to make your hearts willing. Lay up treasure in heaven, while you may, and see how God blesses you for it! And, again, NEVER has the need been so great so that the widows' mites will help so much as now. Let each give as God has prospered and made possible, generously, even at sacrifice, as you are able---and PLEASE RUSH IT AIR-MAIL, in the enclosed envelope!

And let me close by saying that I know well it is THE EARNEST AND BELIEVING PRAYERS of many hundreds of you who are earnestly praying for this work constantly that is keeping it going. I NEED YOUR PRAYERS NOW AS NEVER BEFORE. GOD BLESS YOU!

In Jesus' name,

Herbert W. Armstrong


September 3 1947 Member Letter - Herbert W Armstrong - Feast of Tabernacles in Belknap Springs



Pasadena, California, September 3, 1947

Dear Brethren:

GREETINGS! in Jesus' name: It is now less than a month before the FEAST OF TABERNACLES! There isn't much time left, and I don't seem to be able to get time to write the full and complete GOOD-NEWS LETTER I wanted to send you, so will rush out this brief letter without further delay.

We have had the busiest two months of our lives, nearly all of which has had to be spent here in Pasadena, getting every- thing in readiness to start AMBASSADOR COLLEGE on October 8--two days after the Feast of Tabernacles ends.

Just as God started the children of Israel out of Egypt with miracles from Him, and then let them come suddenly to the Red Sea, so He started us out with miracles in a marvelous way, in a property for the college which far surpasses what most of you suppose--(if the expressions of those who have come here and seen it is a criterion)--and then let us come suddenly to our "Red Sea". We have had to stand still and let God perform another miracle, as He did for the Israelites at the Red Sea. The reconstruction work on the main college building has now been in progress more than two weeks, and is going forward at a rapid pace. The grounds are being renewed--new lawn, new shrubs, hedges, etc.,--and all the permanent fixtures, the fountains, pools, retaining walls, trellises, arbors, etc., repainted made like new again. We still do not have enough money on hand or pledged to finish the great task--but we have enough to carry us two or three more weeks, and by faith I know God will provide the remainder in due time.

Brethren, I am really grieved and sorry that some of you are standing back in this most critical crisis hour the work God has committed to us has ever faced, apathetic, skeptical--deciding that, instead of DOING YOUR PART and HELPING to the very utmost, you will stand back and see whether God pulls us thru or lets the work down. Most, I know, are standing loyal, backing this work God has started with constant earnest prevailing prayer, and generous offerings, as well as their tithes. God bless you for your faith and confidence in HIM and in that which He has started, and has PROMISED He will never stop. GOD HAS NOT LET US DOWN! This project HAS NOT FAILED! Crews of electricians, plumbers, carpenters, etc., are working rapidly. The College is GOING AHEAD! And if all stand loyal, and intercede with real earnest heart- rending PRAYER, it will continue going ahead until, on October 8, it becomes a glorious reality!

The Word of God says the "without VISION the people perish." The work of God, like faith, and like the KINGDOM of God, of which it is the forerunner, begins like a mustard seed in the smallest possible manner. But it GROWS and GROWS until it expands around the WHOLE EARTH and becomes the BIGGEST. This is the POWER OF GOD operating in and thru His servants who are yielded to Him, guided by Him who TRUST Him, and do with all their might the work He gives them to do. We are mere instruments of God. It is the very POWER OF GOD which causes this work to grow great, and constantly greater. Christ never commissioned His ministers to do merely a LITTLE work in one little local community. Instead, He commanded, "GO YE INTO ALL THE WORLD and preach the Gospel to ALL NATIONS." His own 1st-century apostles DID THAT! He prophesied APOSTASY--all nations DECEIVED--the true light all be snuffed out. Most of prophecy was CLOSED until this time of the end. But now, at this end-time, Jesus said, "This Gospel of the KINGDOM shall be preached in ALL THE WORLD for a witness unto ALL NATIONS, and then shall the end come." We are at that time. It must go to ALL THE WORLD!

A few who have been skeptical haven't been able to see why God needed a College. Why couldn't I have continued on ALONE with the radio work? The answer is that I am limited. I NEED HELP--trained, qualified, honest, CALLED servants--and there have been none! God had Moses train many others to assist him. David trained many assistance. Jesus specially called, and trained personally Himself in three and a half years of educational training, His apostles. He also called and specially trained 70 men for a special mission. The Apostle Paul, called and commissioned by Christ for a special mission, selected and trained HIS OWN ASSISTANTS--Silas, Timothy, Titus, etc., and then sent them out in the ministry. This is the BIBLE WAY, in both Old and New Testaments! Some of you know how I have tried, time and again over almost a 20-year period, to find others already trained and prepared to work with me in the ministry God has so marvelously blessed--and you know the disappointments, the disillusionments, the discouragements we have met. Jesus did not set us any such example. He did not find other ministers already trained--He had to select and educate and train His own ministers Himself before He sent them out. The same with Paul. It's the same today. This is GOD'S WAY--the BIBLE way. The other way we have tried, and it failed--God didn't bless it. God has shown us by miracles that this is HIS WAY. He isn't letting Ambassador College stop! It is NECESSARY for the closing work of God. God is showing HE IS IN IT! I know ALL our brethren will be IN IT, to the very limit, too.

Now we draw close to THE FEAST OF TABERNACLES. As in the past two years, it will be held at beautiful Belknap Springs, out away from this nervous, noisy world, secluded among God's own awe- inspiring mountains, beside one of the most beautiful rippling mountain streams, and one of the best fishing streams in the world.

The dates: Beginning sunset, September 28---that's Sunday evening--closing with sunset, on Monday, October 6th.

There will probably be a special chartered bus again leaving Eugene around 2:P.M. Sunday afternoon, September 28. Some have already reserved the same accommodations they had last year. If you reserve a cottage, bring your own bedding. But those occupying the hotel rooms need no bedding--all is furnished. If any who were not there last year should desire a cottage, better rush your reservation in IMMEDIATELY, as there is only a chance that there will be any, for the reason that the same people usually reserve the same cabins every year. If you had a cabin last year, we will hold it for you again this year, providing you write in for your reservation within reasonable time. So BE SURE TO NOTIFY our office, Box 111, Eugene, Ore., as soon as possible.

Those who raise produce will assist a great deal, as in former years, by bringing a supply of vegetables, fruits, etc., if you have them.

All meals will be served in the dining room, cafeteria style, as heretofore, and at COST. The last two years we made a blanket charge of $1 per adult person per day. Two years ago we came out with a nice amount to spare for the radio work. Last year we just about broke even. I haven't checked food costs there locally yet this year, but the charge will not be larger than last year unless food costs have risen enough to make it necessary, and then only in proportion to the increased cost to us.

Last year was pronounced by all the most profitable, enjoyable Feast of Tabernacles yet. God willing, we hope to make it even better this year. It's really THE EXPERIENCE OF A LIFE- TIME, to get away from the hum-drum, the care, the routine of every-day life--to GET AWAY from the same old environment,--to get out in God's great, majestic and awe-inspiring mountains, close to His quiet and peaceful nature, and spend eight happy, inspiring, joyful days in worship of Him, in fellowship with His people, in learning thrilling, important new truths from His Word--eight days of rest and relaxation from THIS WORLD--eight days of invigorating, soul-renewing, GROWING in grace and the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ! Yes, GOD COMMANDS our presence there! You'll read Zech 14:17-19 the punishment on those who do not attend AFTER JESUS COMES. So, let none make excuse! Our very salvation might be at stake. We are in PERILOUS TIMES. We cannot afford to neglect these ordinances of God so near the coming of Christ. God bless you all--I'll be looking forward to seeing you all in a few weeks.

Don't forget, Feast of Trumpets, Sept. 15, and Day of Atonement, Sept. 24.

Sincerely, in Jesus' name,


P.S. The rates and conditions for this year will remain the same as heretofore. Hotel--one person, one bed, $2.50 per night. Two persons, one bed, $3.00 per night. Cabin, one bed, $2.50, two beds, $3.00 per night.


October 29, 1947 Co-Worker Letter - Herbert W Armstrong
Adjoining Property Available for AC Dormitory



HERBERT W. ARMSTRONG Analyses Today's News, with the Prophecies of The WORLD TOMORROW

Publishing The PLAINTRUTH Box 111, Pasadena, California A Magazine of UNDERSTANDING October 29,1947

Dear Co-Worker Family:

GREETINGS! in Jesus' name:

Here's GOOD NEWS! The impossible has been accomplished again! AMBASSADOR COLLEGE started on schedule, on the postponed date of October 8th. God performed another miracle for His work, and Ambassador, HIS college, is a living reality---another monument to FAITH, and the power of God, to deliver His people and His work from every obstacle---every seemingly impassable barrier!

Many I know, held back, doubting, saying; "I'm going to wait and see if he makes it---I'm going to hold up my support until I see whether God delivers him out of this crisis---I'll wait and see if this really IS God's work. If it is, it can't fail." And in turn I can't help wondering when the "doubting Thomases" will be convinced. Be that as it may, God has again proved, as He has proved repeatedly time and again over the fourteen long years of the existence of this work that it is HIS work---that He will never stop the work He has begun---that He will never leave us nor forsake us---that He will supply all our need, according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus---that, altho "many are the afflictions of the righteous, the Eternal DELIVERS HIM OUT OF THEM ALL!"

When I was suddenly confronted with the stunning notification that our main college building was NOT solid reinforced concrete, as had been represented---as we supposed and as architects and appraisers I had employed to inspect it for me had passed it---and that it did not meet the local building codes for an educational institution and MUST BE COMPLETELY FIREPROOFED THROUGHOUT THE INTERIOR---which meant new fireproof walls, and complete new conduits for electric wiring throughout---it seemed as if the bottom had dropped out of everything.

It seemed impossible, then, that the college could start this year at all. I know many of our co-workers thought it was impossible and gave up. But I didn't give up. I did spend days in prayer---fasting and prayer, seeking reassurance of God's will. I received it. I KNEW God had inspired the idea of starting Ambassador College. I KNEW He had performed miracles to open to us the unbelievably fine buildings and grounds, with its magnificently landscaped campus. I KNEW He had performed another miracle in providing us with such a superb faculty. I honestly doubt whether any college ever started with so fine a faculty---and no college can be better than its faculty.

After much figuring with architects and contractors, we finally signed up on an original estimate of $10,000 for this emergency job of reconstruction. By the time work had started the estimate had climbed to $13,000. I had about half that much on hand or promised by that time. On sheer faith, KNOWING this was of God, I started the work. The bills were payable weekly. Each week the contractor would ask for an advance of $1,000 or $700, or $1,500, toward the following week in addition to the current week's bill. Each week I was able to meet these requests, until we came down to the final week before college started. That week, in order to have the building ready on time, and while I was forced to be away, in Oregon, the work was pushed with a great deal of over- time,---and, as always, unforeseen extras had to be added on, and a final week's bill estimated to run about $3,000, skyrocketed up to $12,000,---so that the entire cost to date is $26,000, or two and half times the original estimated cost!

I arrived back in Pasadena from Oregon, with college having actually started two days before in my absence, to be presented this overwhelming bill, instead of an amount around $3,000 as the contractor had estimated the week before. It was as if the sun, moon, and stars had all come crashing down on my shoulders! I had the estimated $3,000, and paid that on account, leaving a balance of $9,000.

But THE COLLEGE WAS STARTED! Nothing, now, can prevent that! Ambassador is a going, living, institution! At first the contractor was unwilling to wait, even twenty four hours, for the balance of this reconstrucional cost. But, though it is working a most severe hardship on his business, has agreed to hold off a week or so until I can rush this letter to you co-workers, acquaint you with the facts, and manage somehow to raise the money now due. Of course all his bills are in the meantime being carefully checked and re-checked by our auditors.

Also, meantime, there has been no way to prevent getting behind with our large radio audience. Remember we use the most powerful stations in the hemisphere almost every night and every morning. They carry the true Gospel Message to a cumulative audience of FIVE MILLION PRECIOUS SOULS EVERY WEEK! By almost unbelievable economics, EVERY DOLLAR you place in our hands carries the true Message of Jesus Christ out to TWO THOUSAND PRECIOUS SOULS! That is AMAZING efficiency and economy in method! But five million is a lot of people, and the total cost of this work is great, so that it is costing thousands of dollars a month. Now, unless we catch up on payments to these radio stations immediately we are threatened with being put off the air! We cannot, MUST not, and WILL not fail! But this present emergency of this work is such that it is going to take the VERY UTMOST effort of every single co-worker to meet this tremendous test.

But let's look, for a moment, to the BRIGHTER SIDE of the picture.

"All things work together for GOOD, to them that love God." So says the Scripture, the Word of God. But COULD these terrible blows that have hit us with such crushing force bring us GOOD? Is that POSSIBLE? I confess I could not see how, at first ---but NOW I see it so very plainly.

Listen! 1) this emergency reconstruction we were forced to rush thru so suddenly, while it cost $26,000, has actually increased the value of the property by perhaps a quarter million dollars! Before, there was perhaps question among real-estate and insurance people as to whether this property was worth $100,000--- although $400,000 was actually spent in building and landscaping it originally. But now it has blossomed out into a place of such breath-taking beauty, it is freely admitted by all that it is worth today not less than $350,000! It is now one of the most beautiful places in Southern California or anywhere in the world! And don't forget, THIS MONEY WE HAVE BEEN FORCED TO SPEND IN RECONSTRUCTION IS NOT THROWN AWAY---we still have it, and this greatly increased value of the property with it in the property itself! It has, then, been a most profitable investment forced upon us.

And, 2) being forced to meet this overwhelming test of faith has STRENGTHENED US---everyone who has helped, and had a part in it---it has added to the development of our character, and our faith, an amount that can't be measured in money.

And, 3) it has greatly reassured hundreds of thousands in our vast listening audience---strengthened THEIR faith---shown them that God IS able to deliver His people and His work from such sudden predicaments, proved again that this IS God's true work! Yes, it has worked together for the GOOD of THOUSANDS, and of all concerned! GOD'S WORD IS TRUE! Even God's work itself is a living testimony to God's power, and illustration of how God works!

True, this terrible emergency did force us to hold up publication of the college catalog, and delay accepting enrollments of students until about the time other colleges began. And this cut down student enrollment to a bare handful. But is this so tragic? NOT AT ALL! For ALL THINGS started of God thru human agencies must start SMALL---always the SMALLEST of all at the beginning. Always like the grain of mustard seed---the SMALLEST of all herbs, but it grows and grows until it becomes the GREATEST! God started the entire human race with ONE MAN. God started His nations ISRAEL, now a multitude of nations, with ONE MAN, Abraham. God started this present work the SMALLEST of all---out in a one- room country school house, without a dime of money---just on FAITH ALONE. He started the radio broadcasts the same way, on the SMALLEST station (100-watts), at a cost of $2.50 per week. But it has grown and grown, these fourteen years, until now it reaches FIVE MILLION precious souls a week, in THREE NATIONS---and plans are now being laid to carry it, later, into EVERY NATION as a witness, before the END comes!

Ambassador College has had to start smaller than any college I know. But our professors tell me they know of NONE which ever started off SO FINE---with such fine buildings and campus. I know none ever started with a finer faculty, or better students. We are AMAZED at the aptitude of our handful of students. They are superior students---young men and women of ABILITY, personality, and character, an I am proud of them! Ambassador College is off to such a splendid start, on such a high plane of excellence, that its GROWTH is assured!

Now other encouraging facts: We are now in the time of year, when radio waves reach out better again, and our radio audience is increasing rapidly! And while, during this terrible emergency, I have been simply unable to keep up with the broad- casts, and the stations have been forced to repeat programs by transcription, I feel sure, if you co-workers will now respond with YOUR utmost, and relieve me from some of this terrible financial pressure, that by doing MY utmost I can keep new, fresh, live, vigorous and more INTERESTING and spiritual broadcasts going out daily. At least I pledge you my utmost effort. Again by having moved our headquarters from Eugene to Pasadena, we are now in position to reduce operating overhead of this work by more than $1,000 per month, which can go into the college and enlarging the work. And still further good news, I find that in Los Angeles we can get an eight-page PLAIN TRUTH printed for $1,000 less than we had to pay in Eugene, and a corresponding larger saving on a sixteen-page number. This means, as I fervently hope, and believe, that at last we will be enabled to get out The PLAIN TRUTH regularly and MONTHLY! That has been my goal for years. STAND BY ME NOW, and I know it will be accomplished!

Now, let me say that establishing and operating a college costs a lot of money---yes, A LOT OF MONEY! The fact we have had to start with so few students, due to this terrible emergency, means the college cannot be supported this year by tuitions, and it is going to cost quite a sum to operate it. We have six high- ranking professors on full-time salary, two more on part-time. By next year---perhaps by the beginning of the 2nd semester in January---I hope student tuitions will carry a large part, if not all, of this load. In due time I feel sure the college will more than stand on its own feet financially. But it has just been born ---it is still an infant, unable to stand on its own feet as yet!

A marvelous property adjoining our campus has been offered to us, and on most favorable terms---a 26-room place, already fire- proofed and meeting all codes---which will house 55 students. But due to this financial predicament thrust upon us, I have had to defer the purchase of this very necessary property,---and WILL defer it until we are in position to afford to acquire it. But it is absolutely VITAL to the future growth of Ambassador College, and we may already have lost it---three others were seriously considering the purchases of it a few days ago. The very wonderful opportunity awaiting us to acquire the magnificent five-story villa in Switzerland for the European home for the college and head- quarters for the work over there, also must be passed up for the time being. This, too, is essential to the future of this work. I am confident, by FAITH, that God will provide the means for these acquisitions in due time. I believe it is His will that they come to us for His work, and He will supply the need---but I DO want our co-workers to know and understand that we are NOT "getting ahead of God"---are NOT "biting off more than we can chew," but are going slow, launching out ONLY where we see plainly God has led, and I WILL NOT obligate ourselves for either of these necessary properties until God has made their acquisition possible. Enemies of God's work seem to delight in spreading false accusations and suspicions to discredit the work of God. So be assured that while I feel these properties are necessary to the future of the college, I will assume no obligation until financial circumstances warrant.

FIRST, we must finish working our way out of this immediate crisis.

Now, remember, we must immediately pay off $9,000 still due on this last weeks bill for the reconstruction of the college. I have met and paid $3,000 MORE than the largest estimate given me to raise for this purpose. This extra $9,000 was totally unforeseen and unforeseeable. We also must raise several thousand dollars within a week or two to bring our large radio stations up to date, OR BE THROWN OFF THE AIR!

These obligations are immediate and PRESSING---the emergency is DESPERATE! It MUST BE MET! And all beside the regular expenses of conducting this great work, and the college--- several thousand dollars a month!

This means EVERY SINGLE CO-WORKER MUST NOW STRETCH TO THE VERY LIMIT OF SACRIFICE AND SELF-DENIAL, in a supreme effort, with me, to raise this money at once. We must ALL pitch in, to the limit of our ability! I must now ask YOU, and EVERY single co-worker, to rise to the supreme effort to send in the very largest sum you possibly can, as a very special emergency gift for this great work at this time. It's WORTH sacrificing for! This world is marching on at a faster and faster pace toward IT'S DOOM! Scientists say it's a matter of a few years only, until the new weapons now discovered will blast human life from this earth, unless some means can be found to prevent. NO HUMAN MEANS CAN PREVENT IT NOW! The world's ONLY HOPE is CHRIST! Your money--- your property---won't be worth anything IF, and WHEN this happens! OUR COMMISSION IS TO WARN THIS NATION AND THE WORLD, before it is everlastingly TOO LATE. You, dear co-worker, SHARE IN THIS RESPONSIBILITY WITH ME, and will be called to account in the judgment for what you do now, the same as I.

Now, even at greatest sacrifice by all, I realize that we are not going to be able to raise all this money quickly enough by tithes, offerings, and gifts. A few of our co-workers have helped us up to now by LOANING us money they have felt they could not GIVE. Some have said they may never need to take the money back, but in case they do need it, they have our note and guarantee it will be promptly repaid. One or two had money saved up they may need a year or two from now, and they have placed this money at our disposal to help us over this terrible emergency, letting their money WORK FOR GOD now, to be repaid to them, if, and when they will need it, later. One has borrowed money on some property he owned, and we are making the payments to him to pay his bank, as the payments and interest come due. Some have sold bonds, or securities, and loaned us the cash, to be paid back in the manner that fits the needs of each one in each case. We need now to borrow several thousand dollars more on this basis. In each case I give the lender a note, binding the Radio Church of God, incorporated, to repay on whatever terms are agreed upon, as fit the need of the lender. Some need it back in large sums---$300 per month, or even in sums of $500. Some on a basis of $25, or $50, or $100 per month, or a stated sum each quarter. To assure our ability to repay all such loans when due, we have established, and are building on God's tithing plan (tithing 10% of the income of this work, for the time being, and until a sufficient sum is thus accumulated), a special cash surplus fund, which is kept in a special and separate bank account, and this surplus fund is being kept at sufficient size to guarantee our ability to meet all such commitments we have been forced to make in this emergency. Now understand, we do not expect to have to repay these loans out of this surplus fund, but out of regular income of this work, later. But we are establishing this surplus fund as an extra safety precaution to protect our co-workers who loan money to this work, and to GUARANTEE that if we are not at the time able to repay the money out of regular funds, we have this surplus from which to draw. Later, we expect to be able to write annuities to those who will place sums in the college, as most colleges and universities do---but for that we must be specially licensed, and so for the present we are accepting all sums loaned on a straight loan basis, giving a plain note therefor.

Dear Co-Worker, Mrs. Armstrong and I have had to suffer more than I can describe thru this crisis. A mother suffers that her child may be born. We have SUFFERED, as you will never realize, that this fine and splendid college might be born. There is great JOY in the success of meeting this emergency---and both the work, and the college, are LIVING, and proceeding on, and growing! But the terrible pressure is still on me, as never before.

So now I must ask EVERY ONE OF YOU to take this matter IMMEDIATELY to your heavenly Father in earnest, heart-yielding PRAYER! Ask God what He would have YOU do! Some of you have not sent in ONE CENT for this work for six months, or a year. If every one of you who have not helped for that long a time will now send only one or two dollars, each, it will help more than you'll ever know! Many of you, on the other hand, have done your very UTMOST ---and I must ask you NOT TO LET UP NOW, but to still stand by me, loyally, faithfully, to the very limit. Even the widow's mites are needed now, as never before!

If you can LOAN the work anywhere from one to ten thousand dollars---or even $500 or less, please SEND THE MONEY AT ONCE AIR- MAIL, stating in your letter how you wish to be repaid---whether beginning now, or a year or two or more from now---whether by the month, or quarter, or how---and in what amounts each payment. If you want interest, tell me what rate. As a minister of Jesus Christ I must say to you that God, in His Word, forbids Christians to receive interest from Christians---the whole interest and usury system is condemned in the Bible. But Israel was permitted to PAY interest, and even to RECEIVE it from Gentiles, so a Christian can PAY it if demanded, or receive it from a non-Christian, if he deems that circumstances warrant. I could never RECEIVE interest from any of you, but God does permit me to PAY it if you, after I have mentioned this Bible teaching, desire it---so just state your own wishes in the matter. So if you can borrow money FOR us on some security you have---on property, or on securities or other investments---or if you have bonds to sell, or savings you can put to work for God, getting it back, if and when you need it, please send the money at once by return mail, stating how you want it repaid, and I will immediately make out a note binding our corporation to repay it on whatever terms you state, and mail it to you. And WITH it, send the largest offering you can GIVE.

And all others, please RUSH your tithes, and most liberal offerings, by return air-mail. Use the enclosed reply envelope. This situation is DESPERATE!

And REMEMBER---WE HAVE MOVED TO PASADENA! Send all mail hereafter to Box 111 (same box number), PASADENA, CALIFORNIA. Please rush it---the emergency is the most serious we ever faced ---and may GOD BLESS YOU for your great part in His work. Remember Christ is coming QUICKLY---and HIS REWARD IS WITH HIM, to give to every servant ACCORDING AS HIS WORK SHALL BE! God bless you!

With AMBASSADOR COLLEGE now a reality---with the best radio season here again, with facilities for issuing The PLAIN TRUTH regularly at last, at a saving of over $1,000 per issue in printing costs, this work now TAKES ON VIGOROUS NEW LIFE---it now is ready to take a new leap ahead! Let's all get together, now, and see God's work go forward!

Sincerely, in Jesus' name,



December 8, 1947 Co-Worker Letter - Herbert W Armstrong - End to Come in this Generation





Analyses Today's News, with the Prophecies of The WORLD TOMORROW

Publishing The P L A I N T R U T H

Box 111, Pasadena, California


December 8, 1947

Dear Family of Co-Workers' in God's Service:

GREETINGS! in Jesus' name: TIME is running out! This world is moving swiftly to its destruction! Yet there is still time---and just barely enough time---to finish the work of God for this present age. THERE IS NO TIME TO LOSE. But the work of God is progressing on schedule---amid handicaps, thru obstacles and trials that try our souls, our patience, and our faith to the limit---under the divine direction of God, and as a result of MIRACLES performed by him in our behalf.

The "Big Four" diplomats are locked in an uncompromisable duel between East and West---between Russia and the United States---between Communism and Democracy---between Atheism and professed Christianity. At the London conference, the nations merely lock horns and fight, and quarrel, and deadlock, in their efforts to restore the peace of Europe and the world.

The United States announces the invention and production of horrible, terrifying new atomic weapons---without giving the public any hint as to the nature of those weapons. The Russians give out hints that they, too, either HAVE the atomic bomb, or have its secret and are now preparing to actually produce it.

The United Nations recommend the partitioning of Palestine, and actual setting up, at last, of a new Jewish NATION in the holy land. This sets off the Palestine powder-keg. The Moslem nations, 300 million strong and solidly ORGANIZED these past three years, have announced they will never permit it---they spring to action---fighting and violence is intensified in the holy land, and terror reigns.

Europe faces its hardest winter, and the United States, with diminishing food supplies, sets out to try to feed the world to save it from chaos and communism and starvation.

Yes, this world is being hurled rapidly TOWARD UTTER DESTRUCTION---we approach the END OF THE WORLD!---which means the end of this AGE!

The WORLD TOMORROW will soon dawn, bringing peace, prosperity, happiness and joy at last;---and in the short time that remains our calling and sole important mission in life is to SHOUT THIS GOOD NEWS (the true Gospel of Jesus Christ) TO THE WORLD! It must go, not only to America and Canada, as it is now going, it must go to ALL NATIONS, in ALL LANGUAGES! To this end, AMBASSADOR COLLEGE is now operating in sober earnest---instructing consecrated, eager young men and women in the true Message, training them in speaking foreign languages.

THE OUTLOOK, at the moment, is for six or seven more years of PROSPERITY here in America---(even tho it is an artificial, unsound and inflated "prosperity")---while meantime the world moves relentlessly toward WORLD WAR III and final DESTRUCTION!

YOU, dear Co-Worker, are not going to be permitted to enjoy your home, your freedom, your present privileges and pursuits, many more years. Just a few more years---perhaps six or seven---perhaps twelve or fifteen---and a re-united Fascist-Nazi Europe will STRIKE---America's great cities will be blown out of existence in one night without warning---we shall see such tremendous atomic destruction as the world has never even dreamed ---more than 40 MILLION Americans will perish in the horrifying blasts! At the same time drought and famine will strike dead another THIRD of our entire population---men, women, and children ---thru starvation and disease! And our second great commission ---our divine calling from Almighty God---is to WARN our beloved nation, and other Israelitish nations, before it is too late! Every individual who HEEDS this warning, turns to God, is WATCHING and PRAYING ALWAYS, being filled with God's Spirit, living by every Word of God, with a life consecrated to Him, will be given special divine protection---taken beforehand to a place of SAFETY--- preserved thru the final horrifying tribulation, time of plagues and human anguish soon to visit this earth!

But if we to whom God has revealed this terrible future thru His divine prophecies fail to heed it---if we fail to each play his or her full part in WARNING this nation and the world, now, while we may---then God says we shall not escape, but He will require the blood of this entire people at our hands!

God Almighty is causing a "prosperity"---if only a temporary, stimulated, prosperity---to shine brightly upon our LAND. Listen! Do you know WHY? TO ENABLE US WHO UNDERSTAND TO HAVE ENOUGH FINANCIAL MEANS TO CARRY OUT GOD'S PURPOSE---to WARN our nations of the soon-coming prophesied destruction---to WARN the entire world of the fast-approaching "TRIBULATION" and true Gospel of Jesus Christ---the Gospel Christ brought and preached, and commissioned every true minister of His to proclaim to the world throughout this age---THE GOOD NEWS OF THE COMING WORLD-RULING KINGDOM OF GOD! The denominations, preachers, and evangelists are not proclaiming THIS true Gospel!

The destruction of the United States of America is foretold in YOUR BIBLE. It is foretold by Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Hosea, Amos, Micah, and others. It was foretold by Jesus Christ Himself! But the worldly churches and their ministers, all divided into sects and denominations, bound by sectarian creeds and blinded by world-wide spiritual deception, deceived, by a devil who poses as GOD and has deceived the WHOLE WORLD---they do not under- stand the Bible, and do not perceive what is so clearly prophesied!

Yet this catastrophe is sweeping on toward an unsuspecting America with increasing momentum---and in a few years it will STRIKE---suddenly, unexpectedly! "AS A SNARE," said Jesus, will this SUDDEN DESTRUCTION come. Then it will be too late!

Listen, dear Co-Worker! To set your heart, your mind and interest now in the pursuits of THIS WORLD, or THIS LIFE,---to ignore this appeal, and this PRIVILEGE, to HELP TO YOUR VERY UTMOST in the closing work of God---to figure that you can't afford to spare anything now for God's cause because of OTHER worldly interests---is to enjoy a fool's paradise, and find yourself suddenly, when least expected, in just a few years, caught in the snare of this on-coming DESTRUCTION!

I tell you, ON THE AUTHORITY OF JESUS CHRIST, IT IS COMING! Many of you NOW, are in financial condition to DO A LOT MORE than you are doing for GOD'S CAUSE---to help me get out this Message over the air, and in print---to help me train and prepare talented, able, consecrated young men and women for THEIR part in soon carrying this vital message to THE ENTIRE WORLD---into EVERY NATION!

One consecrated co-worker and his wife are mortgaging their home in order to place a few more thousand dollars in this mighty work that more millions may be warned! At first I shrank from accepting money under such conditions---but when we remember that in a few years NONE OF US will be living in our present homes---EVERYTHING material we possess now will be swept away from us, and we shall then be either in that haven of safety under God's divine protection, or else dead or in slavery worse than death--- and when we consider further that this brother and his wife are not deprived of their home, but merely PUTTING IT TO WORK FOR GOD'S GREAT CAUSE, while they enjoy it and live in it, too---then it appeared in a different light, and we could do nothing but accept it, to use it for God's honor and glory. WHO KNOWS? perhaps this one sacrifice on the part of this one man and wife may be the means to bringing MANY precious souls not only under God's divine protection in the TIME OF TROUBLE TO COME, but also into ETERNAL LIFE in God's Kingdom FOREVER!

TIME IS SHORT! It is fast running out! Soon we shall come to the time of the prophesied FAMINE OF HEARING THE WORD OF THE ETERNAL---the time when world forces will no longer PERMIT the preaching of God's Truth!

No man can know exactly how long. This much we DO KNOW ---it is now NEAR, even at the very doors, according to prophecy ---it will strike DURING THIS PRESENT GENERATION---it cannot now be more than A FEW YEARS;---yet, on the other hand, we may KNOW that God will not permit this time of national disaster and world destruction to fall UNTIL our nations HAVE BEEN WARNED (and no other voice is warning them), and UNTIL "this Gospel of the KINGDOM shall be preached in ALL THE WORLD for a witness UNTO ALL NATIONS, and then shall the END COME!" BE SURE THERE IS ENOUGH TIME, if we set ourselves full pressure to the task, and do our very utmost, at any sacrifice. But there is no more than enough---not one single day to waste.

I know that TIME IS SO SHORT, there was not enough time to delay the opening of AMBASSADOR COLLEGE even one more year. That is why God moved with MIRACLES to make the IMPOSSIBLE happen for us, so we could start, as we did, this fall!

I want to tell you of its progress---of the state of this work. BUT DON'T LOSE SIGHT OF THE FACT WE HAVE BEEN PLUNGED INTO A GREAT CRISIS IN THIS WORK, WHICH WE HAVE NOT YET PASSED, ALTHOUGH GOD HAS MERCIFULLY KEPT THE WORK ALIVE AND PROGRESSING WITH INCREASING MOMENTUM AND POWER. This work needs your greatest sacrifice---it needs all you and every other co-worker can give. It need MORE than you can give---it still needs the LOANS from many who are in position to put money they may need later INTO GOD'S WORK where it can be WORKING FOR GOD until needed, when we can pay it back. Especially do we need more LONG-TERM, and LARGE loans--- that is, of from one to ten thousand dollars---even more, over a long period, not to be paid back for two, three, five years or more. A few loans for a period of only a few months have helped greatly. More of these will help---but the greater need is for larger, and longer-term loans from those who are able.


These past several months have kept Mrs. Armstrong and me under such pressure, in the financial emergency of meeting this unexpected reconstruction expense at the college, that we have literally suffered agonies. There have been moments, when things looked so dark and hopeless, when I have wondered if it was all worth while---when I was sorely tempted to drop the crushing load and flee from it all. But always God helped us over such moments of temptation---as He always will.

But when I see the happy, smiling faces of the students and professors at the college---hear them all exclaim how WONDERFUL it all is,---hear them say Ambassador is the BEST college in all the world,---and they really MEAN that from the heart---see some of the students out on the tennis court, others on the benches watching, or strolling over the beautiful grounds---see some of our student "experts" engaging in long drawn-out volleys of hard drives across the table-tennis in the recreation room;---or, when I look into a class room during class and see the interested and sober expressions;---when I look into the alert, enthusiastic, anticipating eyes of students and professors alike during my own Bible classes, so eager, so interested, so absorbed in what they are learning---when I see these things, then I think it certainly IS all worth while, after all.

And when Mrs. Armstrong and I sit down and read thru hundreds and hundreds of earnest letters from radio listeners from all parts of the United States and Canada, and read of what our broadcast has meant in their lives---of how it has lead thousands and thousands to CHRIST and HIS TRUTH, well, I tell you, dear Co-Workers, these things just warm our hearts, fill us with encouragement and determination to PRESS ON with all our might, no matter what the cost!

I want to tell you a brief experiences. On Saturday night Mrs. Armstrong and I were asking one of our girl students from Oklahoma, who had not seen Hollywood or Los Angeles, if she would like for us to drive her around on Sunday afternoon and show her some of this beautiful Southern California community.

"Oh, no,---I'm sorry, Mr. Armstrong," she replied, "I'd just love to, but I'll have to spend all my time studying. The course is very stiff at Ambassador, you know," she smiled. "But I'm glad it is, and our standards are so high. I just LOVE it!"

I invited two of the young men students, who room together---one is from Jefferson, Oregon, the other from Santa Rosa, California---and who are largely working their way thru college, to come over to our house for the evening.

"That would certainly be nice," they smiled, "but we've got to study until bedtime."

"So being a student at Ambassador College isn't proving to be a soft snap, or a lazy man's occupation?" I inquired.

They grinned. "I should say not!" One of them explained. "But I wouldn't take all the money in the world for what we're learning!"

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. The WORK at Ambassador is hard, and lots of it. Our academic standard is the very highest, our professors all able and experienced. But our students find time for fun, and I think every one of them will tell you they have never enjoyed life so much before. Most of them are taking up tennis, and during noon-hour, and following afternoon classes the tennis court is a popular place. Personally, tennis was one of my favorite games as a young man, and although I had not played it for twenty years, I get great enjoyment, and some much- needed recreational exercise in getting out on the court for a set with some of our young people once or twice a week.

We installed table-tennis equipment in the recreational room, and discovered we had several top-flight players at the college. One student was champion of his county in Oregon. Mr. Mattson, business manager, was some kind of champion among the U.S. Marines in Australia during the war. Mr. Dillon, our college president, can hold his own with any of them. One of my sons beats most of them most of the time, and then---to the chagrin of the boys and men, one of the girls usually beats them all!

I have preached, over the years, before hundreds and thousands of audiences, but never have I had such INTERESTED audiences as I now have in my Bible class at Ambassador College. The entire faculty and student body attends, and several of the office staff. Their eyes sparkle, and their faces gleam and shine.

They drink in every word hungrily, and seem to realize they are receiving riches all the money on earth could not buy!

We serve lunches at the college, and lunch hour is a delightful period. It is served cafeteria style, each carrying a tray and serving himself. Everyone speaks enthusiastically of the splendid hot lunches being served, and we find we are able to serve them (at cost, of course) for 20› to students, and 35› to faculty and office staff.

One noon I had a man and wife, radio listeners visiting the college, as my guests at lunch. On being introduced to Miss Lucille Hoover, head of our music department, the wife exclaimed that she was a music teacher in piano, and had studied at the Chicago School of Music. Immediately they had a great deal in common, because both Miss Hoover, and Mrs. Lucy H. Martin, our librarian, have degrees from the Chicago School of Music. I explained to our visitors that Miss Hoover had come to us from Drake University, in Des Moines, where she was head of the departments of piano and organ. And the Drake Conservatory, I explained, is a top ranking conservatory in the middle-west.

"Yes," said Miss Hoover quickly, "Drake is a high ranking university, but I have come to a BETTER college, Mr. Armstrong." She said it sincerely, and I replied that I felt that was a very high compliment for our college.

But that is the way ALL our professors and students feel. In no university in the United States can you find professors of higher standing, wider experience, or superior ability. True, from a pure academic standpoint, probably any large university has professors of just as high academic standing, and probably many more of them---BUT, what every student at Ambassador realizes and appreciates is that in none of these larger universities would he be able to have, in his own classes, four, or five, such high ranking professors as he has at Ambassador---and, even more important, in none of them would he find the basic IDEALS and Christian principles that form the very FOUNDATION of Ambassador College---and in none of them would he receive the personal attention and individual instruction given at Ambassador.

Yes, although our professors have been members of the faculties of some of the highest-ranking and best known universities in the United States, I have many times heard the conviction expressed that Ambassador, tho one of the smallest, is the finest and best college in the whole world! Well, it ought to be---it's GOD'S OWN college!


Now I must close this BULLETIN with a report on the state of the work, and its urgent need at the moment.

I have told you before how the final cost of the reconstruction and fire-proofing of the main college building rose to three times the original estimate---to more than twice what we were prepared for. The bill for the week or ten days prior to the opening of college, alone, was in excess of $12,000---more than the entire original estimate. I was only prepared to meet a part of this. It simply overwhelmed us.

All we could do was slow down the completing of the reconstruction work to a bare stand-still. The work was far from finished, but enough had been done so we could open the college and keep it operating. Since that time, we have whittled down this bill by about another $2,000 or a little more, but we still owe several thousand dollars on work already done, and we still lack some $3,000 of completing the job.

Now two facts are VITALLY IMPORTANT! One, least important of the two, the part of the work still unfinished is the part that will make MOST of the difference in the final beautiful APPEARANCE of the college. Now we might say that we would just leave this unfinished, and keep the college operating under the handicap of an unfinished building, sacrificing the beautiful appearance it will have in order to save the money except for the more important second point: UNLESS THIS WORK IS COMPLETED IN THE NEXT FEW WEEKS, THE COLLEGE MAY BE FORCED TO CLOSE DOWN!

Now THAT point is of VITAL importance. Here is the reason: They have permitted us to start the college in the unfinished building, but we cannot legally CONTINUE the college indefinitely UNLESS THE BUILDING IS PASSED ON BY THE CITY BUILDING INSPECTORS AS CONFORMING TO THE LOCAL BUILDING CODES FOR SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES! The building must be COMPLETED to pass inspection. Otherwise the city may, at any moment, tell us we are operating illegally, and close up this wonderful college.


Brethren, Co-Workers! Shall we have gone thru all we have had to suffer thru, at this tremendous sacrifice these past several months, have opened and started this fine college, only to have it all STOPPED just when it is going ahead so nicely? That's exactly what will happen, UNLESS OUR CO-WORKERS COME TO OUR AID WITH ENOUGH MONEY TO FINISH THE JOB IN THE NEXT TWO OR THREE WEEKS!!

We CAN'T let that happen!

Now about the all-important radio work. This college reconstruction forced us to get behind with our two big radio stations.

Remember, WE HAVE THE BEST, MOST LISTENED-TO-TIME, 8:PM, EVERY NIGHT BUT ONE IN THE WEEK, ON THE MOST POWERFUL RADIO STATION IN THIS HEMISPHERE, beside having the programs re-broadcast early the following morning every day. The great super-power XEG is heard in Florida, in North Carolina, Illinois, Kansas, and as far west as the Rocky mountains. It is heard all over Canada. MILLIONS hear the true Message on this great station. Also, on the Pacific Coast over XERB.

The owner of these stations suddenly demanded that we bring our account with these two great stations up to date IMMEDIATELY, or GO OFF THE AIR!

In the emergency, I had to sign notes that will keep me in the vice of this tight financial squeeze for the next three months or more.

The only way I could meet the situation was to GO OFF THE AIR week-nights on XERB. This I had to do. At the present writing I am trying to arrange to remain on XERB, 1090 on the dial, covering the entire Pacific Coast and British Columbia, Sunday nights only, and if possible to keep the morning program on the air at 6:30 week-day mornings. I am making a desperate effort to keep the program FULL TIME on the most powerful station of all, XEG, 8:PM every night except Saturday and 5:30 every morning except Sunday. We simply MUST NOT lose our valuable time on XEG.

Remember, this is the most powerful station there is. Remember, we have the BEST time there is on it! It is a miracle we are able to have it. But we must FIGHT TO KEEP IT. Twice in the past week we almost went off the air. Once the program was ordered off, but before broadcast time I managed to get it ordered back on by several long-distance calls. I have been laboring under terrific pressure, and a terrible strain. Co-Workers, I simply MUST be relieved from this punishing strain, so I can be free to concentrate my mind and put my whole heart into sending you interesting, vital, inspired broadcasts.

But I simply have to tell you, I am a human being like yourself, and this terrible punishment I have had to live thru has all but unfit me for my most vital work, and many, many times I have been SIMPLY UNABLE to get before a microphone and send out a fresh broadcast. THAT is why you have had to hear so many old programs repeated by transcription! And that very fact, it seems, almost crushes the heart and life out of me. Yes, I've suffered these past months as I never knew a man could suffer. I have to tell you, dear Co-workers, I HAVE DONE MY VERY BEST---and that's all any man can do. I have given MY ALL, and tho the temptation has been strong at times, to just quit and drop this crushing load, I have remained determined, and refused to quit, and just committed this heavy burden to God, and TRUSTED HIM. And He has mercifully kept the entire work ALIVE---He made it possible to actually START the college, to GET IT GOING, and it has been kept alive.

Even that is a miracle. I am thankful---more grateful than words can express. Several of you, dear co-workers, have made great sacrifices with me---some of you have given one or two thousand dollars---some of you have LOANED us from $500 to $3,000, and this, in addition to the regular tithes and offerings of smaller amounts down to a dollar, has kept the work alive.

But we are far from out of this crisis. It seems we get out of one phase of it, and into another. At this moment I am struggling to keep the program on the air, and keep the college alive.

I HAVE to ask every one of you to SACRIFICE, and to HELP to your very LIMIT. If you cannot GIVE large sums for this all- important cause, then I must ask more of you to LET GOD'S WORK HAVE THE USE of some of your money you may not need until later--- especially those of you who could let us have the use of sums of $1,000 up to $10,000 for three years or more. But even if for only a short time, it would help now and MIGHT SAVE THE LIFE OF THIS WORK. About four people let us have money totalling around $3,000 two or three months ago, which we must pay back in the next week or two. So perhaps some of our other co-workers can NOW let us have the use of this sum to pay them back, and keep holding this great work alive.

This is, TRULY, the MOST important work on earth today! It is the work of GOD! And that's the very reason it is meeting every obstacle and difficulty!

TIME IS SHORT---TIME IS RUNNING OUT ON US! We have a herculean task yet to perform. We have hardly started! I want SO badly to start publishing The PLAIN TRUTH every month---but it now costs a few thousand dollars every issue, and we must catch up with these other emergencies first.

But REMEMBER! as certainly as the sun rises and sets, the ATOMIC WORLD WAR III is ON THE WAY---it is coming SWIFTLY! Invasion, destruction of our nation, THE GREAT TRIBULATION---the PLAGUES of the "DAY OF THE LORD"---these horrible things are approaching SWIFTLY! You won't be living in your home many more years! Our homes will all be taken from us.

This AGE is closing FAST! We must WARN the nations, before it is too late! NO ONE ELSE IS SOUNDING THIS WARNING! Can you realize that? A NEW AGE will soon dawn, with the COMING OF CHRIST! The GOOD NEWS of that must be proclaimed in great power to the WHOLE WORLD! I am fighting with every ounce of strength in me to build and prepare this work for that great COMMISSION---the commission to which we have been called BY JESUS CHRIST!

NOTHING ELSE MATTERS today! Our nation is in an artificial, stimulated, inflated "prosperity". Our people are living in a fool's paradise! YOU WON'T BE LIVING IN YOUR HOME MUCH LONGER---you won't be doing what you are now doing much LONGER! NOTHING ELSE MATTERS TODAY! We must WARN the people, NOW. We must preach and publish the GOOD NEWS of the coming Kingdom while there is time. The night is coming swiftly when no man can work, for God.

I am still fighting---doing my very utmost. I NEED YOUR HELP---to your very utmost. Nothing else MATTERS, today!

GOD BLESS those of you who have helped so nobly, and at such sacrifice---some of you with just the widow's mites, who have nevertheless given as MUCH, in proportion to what you have---and some of you with one, two, or three thousand dollars! God has USED YOU TO preserve this, HIS WORK! He will reward you, and GREAT shall be your reward in the Kingdom. Nothing MATTERS any more, in this world!

By immediate return mail if possible---otherwise, at the very earliest possible moment, please send the largest offering you can, in addition to God's tithe. And, if you cannot give a large amount, but can LOAN it for the use of God's work, SEND THE MONEY by return mail or as soon as you can get it, and a letter stating when, and in what amounts, you may need to have it returned, and I will send you our NOTE for it. And remember, we are maintaining a cash reserve fund to guarantee repayment of all such loans.

Once again, I leave the issue in your hands. I know you won't fail me, or our God. THANK YOU, and GOD BLESS YOU! And PLEASE remember above all, KEEP PRAYING EARNESTLY, and IN FAITH for God to deliver us, and keep this great work going.

With love to all, in Jesus' name,

Herbert W. Armstrong


December 31, 1947 - Co-Worker Letter - Herbert W Armstrong
Profligate Spending Creates Yet Another Finaical Crisis for the Work


December 31, 1947 Box 111, Pasadena, California

Dear Co-worker for God:

I have just returned to Pasadena from a five-day's trip back to Eugene, Oregon, and my heart has sunk as near the depths of despair as is possible for one of FAITH, at what I have found on returning.

It seems that due to the biggest Christmas-shopping spree in history, most of our co-workers and listeners have FORGOTTEN both gifts and obligations to CHRIST! And the financial condition of God's precious work has taken a nose-dive straight down toward a CRASH that will mean the END OF IT in five days' time unless by faith in God and enough of our faithful co-workers coming to the rescue immediately, the crash can be averted and the most important work on this earth SAVED.

I had been forced, in order to keep the work alive, to assume heavy obligations for the next five months---heavy ADDED obligations. The first of these three heavy installments comes due January 1st,---TOMORROW. We MUST meet obligations of $7,000, or WE MAY BE THROWN OFF THE AIR, AND THE COLLEGE CLOSED UP!

It is precisely that serious! As I wrote in the last BULLETIN, during the crisis of the reconstruction work on the main college building, we were forced to get considerably behind with our two larger radio stations. On them---one the MOST POWERFUL station in all North America, we have the very BEST, most- listened-to, and costly time at 8 o'clock (Central time) every night, and 5:30 every morning. This is the MOST VALUABLE TIME that could possibly be purchased by any religious broadcast. It reaches ALL AMERICA, and much of Canada. It reaches MILLIONS of precious souls---12 times every week! It is the MOST IMPORTANT, MOST VALUABLE radio opportunity that has ever come to ANY ONE for broad- casting the Gospel, and is it any wonder that the Almighty God has given that most precious time to HIS OWN WORK? It is very costly time--it costs thousands of dollars a month. BUT IT REACHES SO MANY PEOPLE ALL OVER THREE NATIONS, THAT IT ENABLES US TO CARRY THE TRUE GOSPEL MESSAGE AND GOD'S LAST SOLEMN WARNING WITH GREAT POWER TO TWO THOUSAND PRECIOUS SOULS FOR EVERY DOLLAR OF COST! In terms of what it accomplishes, it is the most economical, the cheapest possible way to thunder God's Message!

When we got behind by force of circumstances out of my control, the management of these stations "cracked down". To save the broadcast, I was forced to sign notes obligating us to five very heavy monthly payments of several thousand dollars each month, IN ADDITION, of course, to keeping current broadcasts paid up. Professors' salaries, the payment on the college property---all come due at the first of the month.

I didn't worry about it, because even a normal return from the recent BULLETIN would have taken care of it. When I left for Oregon, six days ago, the return had not begun to come in from the BULLETIN, and already was several days overdue, but we thought this was due to heavy Christmas mails, which delayed the mail. But I arrived back last night to find that, while a very heavy mail has been received---the most mail we ever have received, I believe---it is nearly all from new listeners now hearing the broadcast for the first time. This is MOST encouraging, for it shows we are now reaching more people from Coast to Coast than ever before---BUT THERE HAS BEEN VERY LITTLE FROM OUR CO-WORKERS, and hundreds of them are sending one or two dollars where they usually send from five to fifty, and apparently most of those who usually send in the "widows' mites" sent in nothing. Many letters explaining they can't send more---or any---at this time, because of spending it for "Xmas presents" show the real cause of this desperate condition into which it has plunged the work of God. As usual this trading of gifts back and forth---a practice of pagan origin---holds so many people in the deceptive clutch of "babylon" and CAUSES THE WORK OF GOD TO SUFFER!

Whereas normally after mailing out a BULLETIN we should have been receiving around an average of $1,000 a day for at least two weeks, only from $150 to $500 has been coming in. Now the congestion of Christmas mails is over, and we know that is not the cause. We know now that most of our vast family of listeners, and godly family of co-workers, have FORSAKEN God's work for this month, and spent their money trading presents.

I know now that the money needed for this great emergency tomorrow will not come, EXCEPT BY MIRACLE FROM GOD, OR VERY SPECIAL EMERGENCY EFFORT ON THE PART OF A FEW OF OUR MOST FAITHFUL CO-WORKERS.

I confess that when we returned last night, and contacted our office and learned of this situation, it literally "floored" me. It seemed God had deserted us. It took the breath out of me. But my secretary explained it was simply because of this Christmas season we have been thru---that God has always delivered us, and He will now---and reassured me by saying that she, and the office staff would join me in asking God for a miracle, and to save us.

Yes, I believe God will save us! A couple days ago, while I was gone, a telegram came from the management of the radio stations saying that unless this note were met on the day due, they would throw us off the air and start suit. And now some of the contractors who are doing the reconstruction work threaten to file a lien against the property and close the college and our offices and stop our work unless a large sum is paid at once. Brethren, and co-workers, I have these things to bear---to be put in position of reproach, and to take insults, because some of our co-workers---say, MANY of them---have been careless in their obligations to God, lax in making their calling and election sure. Yes, it's hard to bear, but I bear it willingly and suffer these things for the sake of Christ.

If only we can hold out, and keep going, in due time we shall be relieved of this terrible financial plight. One co-worker has written me three letters, and talked to me long distance, about putting into this work between $50,000 and $100,000, but has been delayed in getting other work wound up so that this can be negotiated and transacted, and apparently will be delayed another two or three months at least. Another writes of a plan to place upward of $25,000 into the work, but this, too, will take a little time to work out. We may be able to negotiate a $50,000 loan on the college property thru an insurance company, but this, too, will take more time. Another co-worker travelled clear across the United States to inspect the college and see what we have, and investigate us and become better acquainted and before leaving to return said he and his family will be in position, within two or three years, to give some very large sums for this work, but cannot help us now. A man here in Pasadena who has important connections and acquaintance with many wealthy people has a definite plan to induce several of them to place large sums in Ambassador College, but this, too, will take more time. God is moving wonderfully to open unbelievable opportunities, and I know that in due time large sums will come to this work that it may grow in scope and in power, IF WE CAN TIDE OVER THIS PRESENT EMERGENCY.


Always it is the FEW loyal and faithful who have to carry most of the load. You are one of those few who are back of the most precious, the most important work on earth. This work of God CAN'T stop! It must go on to ALL THE WORLD, into EVERY NATION. Here at Ambassador College plans are being made, students taught and trained, and feverish effort expended, to that end. Yet, now, inside of five or six days, this work could be STOPPED DEAD---in fact, WILL BE, unless by some desperate effort, and a miracle from God, I can raise $7,000. I hate, more than I can say, to have to ask YOU who have already helped so much to stretch a little farther, but I find YOU are the only ones to be depended on in such an emergency, and I know of no other way, now to turn. If OTHERS have been lax and neglectful, I guess you and I have to put forth double effort to make up for it. Surely, among the small group of regular and faithful co-workers who will get this special emergency letter, there is ONE of you---could it be YOU?---who could at least LOAN us the $7,000 we need. If so, telegraph or call me long distance IMMEDIATELY, if you need additional information before sending it. Our office is SYCAMORE 6-6123, and our residence telephone, where you could reach me even at night-time, is SYCAMORE 2-8142.

Or, if you can loan us, or GIVE to the work, any part of that $7,000, please send it, AIR-MAIL at least, and if possible, WIRE IT, by WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH. You can telegraph money at reasonable charge and the emergency is so great there may not be time enough to get it to us by letter.

SOMEHOW, I know not how, and can't see the way, but SOMEHOW, I know God will save us---He always has, and has promised He will never leave us or forsake us. God bless you for your sacrifice and faithfulness. I know you won't fail your God, or me, now.


Herbert W. Armstrong


January 29, 1948 Co-Worker Letter - Herbert W Armstrong
Predicts Atomic War within 5 Years



HERBERT W. ARMSTRONG Analyses Today's News
with the Prophecies of THE WORLD TOMORROW

Publishing The PLAIN TRUTH

Box 111, Pasadena, California


January 29, 1948

Dear Friends and Co-Workers:

GREETINGS! in Jesus' name: Here we are, already well into 1948, a slumbering, indifferent, pleasure-loving world plunging heedlessly to its DOOM! Yet, despite spiritual lethargy, the sober, all-important work of God, to WARN our nations and proclaim the TRUE Gospel to a dying world, is progressing in greater and greater power against most trying circumstances and obstacles.

The official United States government view now is: "ATOMIC WAR IN FIVE YEARS!" The government foreign policy, and military strategy is geared to that schedule. One top-flight radio news reporter, I am told, stated to the nation that Russia had the audacity indirectly to notify the United States she will attack with atomic bombs in five years!

Five-star General Arnold, head of United States air forces in World War II, states bluntly in an article that America has won her last war---she will lose next time! Is the atomic bomb a secret? NO! says Dr. Robert M. Hutchins, chancellor of the University of Chicago, where the first atomic explosion was set off, in an article in the American magazine (Dec. '47). The FACT is, he candidly reveals, a great part of the preliminary work, and most of the subsequent work in producing the bomb was done by foreigners. Of the ten top scientists, half were GERMAN, one was French, One Danish, one Italian, one American. The Germans were far ahead of us at the outbreak of World War II. Every single basic idea in atomic fission came from a European mind! America merely applied these ideas and PRODUCED the bomb. ALL these foreign scientists know how to produce the bomb! Today they are scattered throughout the world. THERE IS NO SECRET! Can Russia make atomic bombs? OF COURSE, answers Dr. Hutchins. IS Russia making them? It would be foolish to assume she is not, he replies.

Two years ago it was known Russia had the secret, and an able scientist then prophesied she would complete her first atomic bomb in three years---one year from now! There are 27 first-class nuclear physicists in Russia! Inside five years from now, Russia will have enough bombs in production to blast every city in the United States out of existence over-night! AND THERE IS NO DEFENSE!

One medium-sized bomb could wipe out of existence Indianapolis, Denver, Portland, Atlanta, or Jersey City! It is now possible to make bombs 1,000 times that powerful! By taking advantage of prevailing winds, an enemy with just TWO of these super-power bombs could make the entire United States uninhabitable, by contaminating our entire area as winds sweep radio-active air over the face of the land! It is as impossible to destroy a bomb on its way to a target carried by a high-speed missile as to destroy an artillery shell in flight! But it is estimated it will take five more years to perfect those bomb- carrying missiles, plus enough bombs, by some enemy nation. We have that much time to PREPARE---yes, to prepare---FOR WHAT? THERE IS NO DEFENSE! If the German V-2s had carried atomic bombs, England would have been totally destroyed! In one night, ten atomic bombs could destroy America's steel industry. Five more could stop our oil production. Another five our coal production. Thirteen bombs could destroy every great metropolitan and manufacturing center in the United States. Our nation can be wiped out IN ONE NIGHT! AND THERE IS NO DEFENSE! And ENEMIES WILL BE READY IN FIVE YEARS!

And we sleep on, heedless, bent on pleasures and working for a future that WILL NEVER COME! Co-Workers, THE ONLY THING THAT IS IMPORTANT NOW IS TO SOUND GOD'S WARNING TO THIS NATION---TO PREACH AND PUBLISH WITH GREAT POWER THE TRUE GOSPEL TO THE ENTIRE WORLD BEFORE THIS ATOMIC-DAY COMES! Frankly, I do not believe it will actually come in five years---but it COULD! But I do believe we have not more than seven or nine years to finish the work God has commissioned us to do! Just BARELY enough time, and NO MORE! That is why AMBASSADOR COLLEGE had to start without a year's delay.

That's why God performed MIRACLES to open the way that it might start. Sober, serious young men and women are being thoroughly TRAINED to carry this work now INTO EVERY NATION. Every student, by hard application, is proving to be an ALL-A student! Final exams for the first semester are being held this week!

The true Gospel is going to the nation nightly and every week-day morning. XEG has INCREASED its power. Letters are POURING in---700 to 1,000 every day! Precious souls are being converted. Lives are being CHANGED! Oh, how I wish you could read the letters! Many hundreds appeal to me that God will HEAL them of sicknesses, diseases and injuries, and scores are being healed. Often I am called on to pray for 150 to 200 at a time! One letter just received says: "Oh how I wish I could help you more in the great work. You have been such a help to me. I know it was your voice that made me wake up and take notice to God and His Word. How I thank Him that I heard you that first time! I truly believe God was calling me, through your voice, because it was the first time I ever heard the Bible explained in its true meaning....I have accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Saviour and though I find it quite hard at times, (there are so many temptation in the world today) I also find it is the happiest and most important thing in all the world living for God, and by god's laws and truths. Dear Mr. Armstrong, you are called of God I know, because you preach the Bible---what it says. God bless you. Please pray for me."

Another writes: "I've been listening to your broadcast each evening. I enjoy it so much. My brother near---was listening to your program one night and was reclaimed---had been backslidden for several years, so I began to listen in. I hope you can keep on the air till Jesus comes. Yes, we have been so blinded by traditions till it's hard for some to understand when someone is really preaching the truth." ***

Another: "I am just so happy that I heard and accepted this wonderful Gospel that you are preaching over the radio, which is the only thing that will save us. God has wonderfully blessed us (my family) through you, and we are praising His holy name! We listen every night at 8 o'clock, and sometimes at 5:30 in the mornings, read our Bible along with you, and it is wonderful! We have just begun to LIVE, thank the LORD." ***

These are typical, just received, of letters coming in every day telling us of precious souls brought to Christ and salvation thru the broadcast.

Also, in every mail are appeals for help. Here are excerpts from just a couple in today's mail: "I've listened to you for over a year, and you preach what I believe, but my mind is in a whirl. I have been, in the past, one of the most wicked women that ever breathed. I have broken every commandment God gave to us. I'm a divorced woman, not because my husband wanted to get one, ... he was a good man. All the fault was mine, because I was unfaithful, spender of his hard-earned money for liquor, and "good-time crazy." ... What I'm concerned about now, is how can I serve my wonderful Lord. Do you think god has forgiven my sins?" Then she asks some personal advice and help. Of course, God has forgiven the sins of all who come to Him thru Jesus Christ, accepting His death on the cross in payment for the penalty of our sins, accepting Him as personal Saviour, having REPENTED of sins, desiring to be reconciled to God and to know and live by God's laws. ***

Another typical letter, showing the dearth of spiritual food received in this world's churches: "Thank you SO MUCH for all the help and truths you give the world. I belong to the - - - - - Church. But as you know, we need so much more than we get in church. I feel that there's so much that I haven't received. I have never received the blessings that I know the Lord gives. Please pray for me." The reason so many do not receive more blessings is that they do not understand fully what Jesus taught: "It is more blessed to GIVE than to receive." The principle of God's law is LOVE---which is selflessness, the principle of GIVING, SERVING, rather than GETTING. The more we GIVE, the more we RECEIVE! ***

From Mississippi: "I always share with interested persons your publications and special pamphlets. They are always received with much appreciation, and I am called on from time to time for these. We have a regular reading circle made up of these and we listen to your broadcasts and discuss them among ourselves, and this is growing each week." ***

A young man high-school senior: "I have been listening to your broadcast, and I can say from the bottom of my heart that I certainly admire a man that will stand up and preach the true Gospel like you do ... I spent two years in the Navy; got discharged in 1945. Attended Junior College, in which I am now enrolled. I was about like the rest of the boys when I got out of the service. I didn't live a very good life. (He surrendered to God last October). I have been thinking of going to ...... college next year, but I would like to receive some information from you. Are you a Bible teacher in Ambassador College? ... Why I write you all this is because I am seeking a way to make preparation, not just get through school, but to have the real thing after I get out....I think you have the true doctrine." This lad expects to enter the ministry. We hope he comes to Ambassador. Yes, I personally teach the Bible class at the college. ***

I was rather amused, and much pleased, at a letter from a former zeal-filled member of a certain popular sect which claims NOT to be a Church or Organization. He is typical of thousands whom the broadcasts has CHANGED from error into TRUTH. There's space for but a small part of his letter: "Dear Representative of God only by the authority of God and by the authority of Jesus Christ: What you are preaching is DIFFERENT from anything I've ever heard or anyone else has ever heard today. You certainly preach a different Jesus to what the ....... (which he formerly followed) or any other religious organization preaches. There's as much difference in your, or the BIBLE interpretations and the and the .........Society's interpretations as there is between daylight and dark." ***

Another in this category: "I listen to your broadcasts and will say that you are the first man I have ever heard that I believe tells the WHOLE TRUTH. I have sought for many years to know the truth, as it must be written, but I could not quite grasp it. I am not a church man, but I try to live a straight honest life."

Dear Friends and Co-Workers, WE HAVE ONLY A FEW YEARS LEFT! The horrible atomic war will COME! Dr. Hutchins says 65 scientists with him made a last-minute frantic effort to persuade President Truman to prevent the dropping of the atomic bomb on Japan---for that meant OTHER nations soon would have it to use on US! All hope of preserving the awful secret was then lost! The end result, now, says this authority, can be ANNIHILATION OF ALL HUMAN LIFE UPON THIS PLANET!

But the PROPHETIC picture of the atomic future is just a little different from that which the world expects. Prophecy does say that our CITIES will be destroyed. A THIRD of our population will be blasted out of existence. But it does not say the nation which will do it will be RUSSIA. Unexpectedly, a dynamic CHANGE in world events, especially in Europe, will hold Russia off---prevent Russia from doing that which she undoubtedly would do otherwise. But the atomic destruction WILL COME!---and that's the IMPORTANT THING. God Almighty warns us OUR NATION AND ALL ITS CITIES WILL BE DESTROYED, unless we return to our God, and QUICKLY!

Yes, THAT'S the important thing! TIME IS SHORT, and WE MUST WARN OUR PEOPLE! If the nation won't heed, then each individual who does may find divine PROTECTION, to escape ALL these terrible things that SHALL QUICKLY COME TO PASS, and to STAND before the Son of man, at Christ's coming!

Listen, dear Co-Worker! As I've said before, YOU won't be living where you are---AS you are, enjoying what you are now, MUCH LONGER! DOOM is hurling surely and relentlessly down UPON OUR ENTIRE NATION! General Arnold sees it. All great scientists know it! They tell us they are frankly FRIGHTENED! You may be sure General Eisenhower, President Truman, Secretary Marshall all realize it! Yes, they all know more than they dare tell! GOD foresees it, and WARNS US!

TIME IS SHORT and swiftly running out on us! We STILL have time, and just BARELY time, to fulfill the Great Commission, before it's forever TOO LATE! We can't stop, falter, slacken our efforts now!

And yet SOME FEW of our co-workers continue to write in after every urgent appeal I'm forced to sent out! "Why is the work always in an emergency? Why must it always need more money?"

Oh, dear Co-workers, LISTEN! Let's all realize JUST WHERE WE STAND! We are in the very LAST DAYS! The only thing on earth that COUNTS, now, is THIS GREAT WORK OF GOD! It isn't MY personal work---it is YOURS as much as mine---it's GOD'S work, to which He has called YOU and me. I can speak in front of a microphone. But unless YOUR MONEY makes that microphone LIVE,--- carries what is spoken into it, out over many radio stations of super-power to MILLIONS OF PEOPLE, I would be talking into a dead piece of metal in an empty room---just talking to myself! Often, when I speak to you, there is not another soul in the room with me.

Usually Mrs. Armstrong is there by my side, and sometimes visitors, but not always. You see, of myself I CAN DO NOTHING. Without YOUR part, this great work would be as dead as the proverbial door-nail.

I need---fully realize the need---and am sure I have, the help and power of GOD. I have to plead for His help, guidance, inspiration, and power daily---He has promised it, and He gives it. But without YOU CO-WORKERS, this work would fold up and STOP DEAD in less than ten days' time! I can write articles, and booklets. But unless YOU send the money for paper, printing, and postage, not a hundred people would probably ever see the Message God has given me. I can teach the marvelous, amazing, precious TRUTHS God has revealed to me to the Bible class at AMBASSADOR COLLEGE, and other professors can teach the other things these students need to prepare them for God's service---ONLY if YOU send in the money to keep the college operating!

And this work has been developed and organized SO EFFICIENTLY, under God's inspiration and guidance, that EVERY SINGLE DOLLAR you send carries the precious vital Message to TWO THOUSAND PRECIOUS SOULS, who will not hear it if you do not send that dollar---or as MANY dollars as you can!

Yes, this work ONCE AGAIN is in a LIFE-AND-DEATH CRISIS! I've explained before how we had no possible way to anticipate the $30,000 reconstruction job unexpectedly thrust upon us. We HAD to meet it. But it is not paid yet---and it forced us to get behind with our large super-power radio stations, and I have had to give notes in LARGE AMOUNTS, due monthly, which will keep this terrible crisis on us for THREE MORE MONTHS at least. We are not yet out of this dire emergency, and WON'T BE for another three months at least! But I am happy to report to you that we are rapidly getting this work out of debt---and are committed to a stiff schedule that will rid us entirely of the reproach of debt after another three months. Rapid, almost miraculous strides have been made---but we must put our shoulders to the wheel until the job's finished!

Some of our co-workers are doing FAR MORE than their share---God bless them! Some have made tremendous sacrifice--- giving one, two, three thousand dollars---some LOANING us, until they need it, money they cannot give, that this money may at least be USED during this present emergency in this most important work on earth! I must ask OTHERS now to give, or loan us large sums to meet all the heavy obligations and keep this work alive, and GROWING. But some---as I said, only a VERY FEW---seem to take offense, and write me criticizing letters because this emergency is still on. Oh, dear Co-Workers, can't you realize that every bit of it is, financially, my PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY?---that it is I, not you, whom the building contractor, the radio stations, and others, threaten and pressure! It is I they make feel like a dishonest dead-beat or a criminal of some kind, when YOU fail to send in enough money! It is I who must endure all this, often unable to sleep nights, and still must try to keep up my morale and good spirits so I can talk cheerfully and encouragingly over the air to help millions of people---who must try to encourage and inspire our office staff, our professors and students at the college, and KEEP THE WHEELS TURNING, no matter how heavy the responsibility reposes on my shoulders! Now of course I realize, since this is God's work, that there is no cause for worry or fear---and I DO have perfect FAITH, born of long experience. I do always KNOW God will see to it that everything comes out all right, in due time---as He always has, does, and will! But dear Co-Workers, I am a human mortal just like you, not a great super-man---subject to all human feelings, temptations, weaknesses and everything else just like YOU. And being human, even tho my faith is strong and unwavering, and there is NO QUESTION in my mind of the outcome, yet these things are terrible ORDEALS which cause SUFFERING you can never know unless you should be in my place, have this frightfully heavy load of responsibility on YOUR shoulders, and know by experience! And yet some of our dear co-workers have written me that when they get a BULLETIN or some of my letters since this crisis has been on, they feel it so deeply they just can't sleep---so I know many of you feel a big share in this responsibility with me!---GOD BLESS YOU!

Well, here's the situation of the moment! Today I have to meet the regular heavy monthly payment on the college property. By drawing some from our reserve fund, I have enough to meet it--- I'm sure God will never let us lose it! But a note for more than $2,000 is a couple days PAST DUE, another one for another $2,000 will be due in three days, the heavy monthly pay-roll is also due then, beside many first-of-the-month bills! Once again, I MUST get in not less than SIX THOUSAND DOLLARS WITHIN A WEEK! For the present we must keep BORROWING as many thousand dollars as some of our good co-workers, who are not in position to give it, can let us USE in God's work temporarily---for as long as you can spare it--- preferably two or three years, but even for two or three months if longer time is impossible. I must send out again the urgent call for LARGE GIFTS, of sums of $500, $1,000, and up to several thousand dollars! Again I must ask you, and in Jesus' name, and for His cause, for all the widow's mites---and please try to DOUBLE even the small offerings if possible. We must have MANY offerings in amounts of $25, $50, and $100. God does not expect any to give what he has not got, but He does expect each one to TITHE faithfully, ONE-TENTH OF INCOME, and to give in addition generous, liberal offerings, ACCORDING TO ABILITY.

NOWHERE else can this money do so much good, or reach so many people! Except ALMIGHTY GOD interferes, this world faces certain DOOM---utter annihilation of human life on this globe by atomic destruction at the hand of man! The glorious GOOD NEWS of the coming KINGDOM OF GOD, and the SECOND COMING OF CHRIST to at last straighten everything out for us and bring a blinded and deceived humanity understanding, peace, and joyful salvation--- the true GOSPEL of Jesus Christ---must now be shouted in great power to the entire world. Soon it will be TOO LATE. NOW is the time! YOU have your part, just as I have mine. I'm doing my very best---will YOU do ALL that YOU CAN? Please rush your offering, as large as possible, as soon as possible---air-mail (now only 5›) or even by telegraph.

God bless you---SOMEHOW I know we will be carried through, and this great work will survive and continue on, TO THE END!

With love, in Jesus' name,

Herbert W. Armstrong



June 10, 1948 Co-Worker Letter - Herbert W Armstrong
Claims Work-load and Finance Concerns Causing Lost Sleep





Analyses Today's News,
with the Prophecies of

Box 111, Pasadena, California


June 10, 1948

Dear Friends and Co-Workers:

GREETINGS! I have but little space to tell MUCH! Here is the June number of The PLAIN TRUTH! I hope you like it. Conditions and trends in this world are not pleasant to contemplate. But we are commanded to WATCH, and pray always, that we may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man when Jesus appears. It is vital that we understand both prophecy and world developments.

Definite plans are laid to publish The PLAIN TRUTH regularly every month at last. But how the devil has fought to prevent this!

He is wroth with this vital work of God. He knows he has but a short time. He does not want the people warned. He does not want the true Gospel Christ brought and preached---the GOOD NEWS of His KINGDOM---proclaimed in all the world as a witness. But Christ says it shall be so proclaimed. He is delivering us from every thrust and attack of Satan! If we understand prophecy, we know we have a few more years, probably eight or ten---to complete the tremendous work to which God has called us. The events against which we must warn the people will take a few brief years to work out. We do have time, but NO TIME TO LOSE! We must be up and about our Father's business with greater zeal than ever!

Ambassador College has completed successfully its first difficult year. God has opened WONDERFUL opportunities for the second year, beginning September 12. We have now undoubtedly the best course in radio broadcasting in the nation. New housing, to be constructed this summer adjoining the campus and leased by us, is opening to provide adequate dormitory space for students. The 1948-49 college catalog is ready for prospective students.

We have weathered a terrible ordeal, since last August. In March, just when we were two-thirds out of debt, we were thrown off the air on our two great super-power stations. This proved a more severe blow than the unexpected building reconstruction we were forced into. But now WE ARE BACK ON THE AIR AGAIN---only, at my request, we are to broadcast SUNDAY NIGHTS ONLY on XEG and XERB (and same time as always on other stations) until July 11th, WHEN WE GO BACK ON XEG FULL TIME AGAIN---at 8 every night except Saturday, and 5:30 every week-day morning, Central time. This will allow me an imperative three or four weeks' period of fasting and prayer and rest. I have had to carry such a crushing load, under such terrific strain, losing much sleep, that I am simply TIRED of body and mind. I must be FIT, rejuvenated physically, keen and alert mentally, at the very top of efficiency for the great work that now lies ahead! God is delivering His servants who trusted Him from the efforts of Satan to destroy this work. THE WORK IS GOING FORWARD WITH GREATLY INCREASED POWER. Rejoice with us! Continue, even at great personal sacrifice, to stand with me in your PRAYERS, and in tithes and liberal offerings. Increase the amounts if you possibly can. The need for funds is MOST URGENT! We were set back considerably by being thrown off the track. We must redouble our efforts now, while the work is bounding back with RENEWED LIFE. GOD BLESS YOU for your loyalty, faith, and sacrifice!

Sincerely, in Jesus' name,

Herbert W. Armstrong 


July 7, 1948 Co-Worker Letter - Herbert W Armstrong

Amstrong and Wife spend 3 weeks at Beach, Just like Jesus. Advises Fasting.



Published every little while, to keep our Co-workers informed of the progress, the problems and future plans for carrying on God's work in these closing days of this age;---broadcasting "The WORLD TOMORROW;" publishing The PLAIN TRUTH, and other Gospel literature. HERBERT W. ARMSTRONG, Box 111, Pasadena, Cal.

VOLUME IX. Number 1. July 7, 1948


GREETINGS! Dear Friends and Co-Workers:

Another issue of The PLAIN TRUTH will go to the printers before you receive this BULLETIN. I know you are all anxiously awaiting it. Hundreds of letters tell me that. But since it takes a week or ten days from the time we turn copy over to the printers before it is ready to be mailed, I want to send you another BULLETIN in the meantime.

World conditions are very tense. I want to tell you, in this BULLETIN, a little about the Tito incident in Yugoslavia and the Berlin crisis. Threat of war---immediate war---with Russia is more grave now than when I wrote the June PLAIN TRUTH. I'll tell you about it below.

Yes, the world outlook is dark and foreboding. Yet the greatest, most powerful nation that ever existed remains gay, pleasure-seeking, continues to ignore God and to plunge down a toboggan-slide of self-indulgence, sin and crime, seemingly ignoring the DANGER that threatens!

Yet in this dark world in its last days the sunshine of God's blessing is shining again on His work! Temporary clouds may bring us tests of faith, to teach us patience and reliance upon God. But, if we believe, and KEEP ON in living FAITH, God always dispels the clouds in due time, and the sunshine of His blessing appears again. I am hearkened and encouraged more than I have been in a year. I want to tell you why, and I know you will rejoice with me.

The twice-daily broadcasts---8 o'clock every night except Saturday, 5:30 every week-day morning, CENTRAL time---are to be resumed on XEG beginning Sunday, July 18th. That is the same time every day as before. Even though I've told you before, I wonder if you realize fully what this means? XEG is a super-power 150,000-watt station---that's the greatest power of any station on the North American continent. And we have the BEST time, both morning and evening---the time when the station reaches out farthest over most states, and when most people are listening, on the most powerful station on this continent! That means it is the MOST VALUABLE TIME that could be purchased on any station anywhere on earth!

I want you to realize we have been able to retain this most precious radio time only under greatest difficulties. Many others, including large business corporations, want it. The station management has again raised the price. It now is very high. But many others want it and would pay the price in a minute if I would drop it. It is the MOST VALUABLE RADIO TIME there is. And God has graciously preserved this BEST time for His own Message, despite every difficulty and every attack of the devil. I know you co-workers will rejoice, and never let us lose it.

But BETTER STILL---I exult and rejoice to be able to tell you that I am now coming back REJUVENATED physically, mentally, spiritually. Now I will be able to send you fresh, new, up-to-the- minute dynamic broadcasts EVERY DAY! Of course I do not attempt the strain of broadcasting twice a day, so the evening broadcast on XEG is recorded and re-broadcast the following morning. But a fresh, live new broadcast EVERY NIGHT!

Mrs. Armstrong and I have been away by the sea-shore the past three weeks. I think you know we had been thru the most trying, nerve-wracking year of our lives. We have had to survive every possible discouragement. It took its toll. I was just tired of mind, body and spirit. After this terrific ordeal we have had to weather I was literally "out on my feet." I have realized for months it was vital for the future of the work that I get away and recuperate. But somehow circumstances just didn't permit, until three weeks ago.

Did you know that Jesus, too, came to the place where He had to GET AWAY for a REST? Very few are familiar with the circumstances surrounding the miracle of feeding the five thousand. Here it is, from Mark's gospel, Moffatt translation: "And He said to them (His apostles), 'Come away by yourselves to some lonely spot and get a little rest' (for there were many people coming and going, and they could get no time even to eat.) So they went away privately in the boat to a lonely spot. However, a number of people who saw them start and recognized them, got to the place before them, by hurrying there on foot from all the towns. So when Jesus disembarked, He saw a large crowd, and out of pity for them, as they were like sheep without a shepherd, He proceeded to teach them at length. Then, as the day was far gone, His disciples came to Him saying, 'It is a desert place and the day is now far gone; send them off to the farms and villages around, to buy some food for themselves." But Jesus instead then performed the miracle of feeding the five thousand people with the five loaves and two fishes, with twelve baskets full left over. (Mark 6:31-44).

This is the 21st day since we first started. I have been on a long orange juice fast. Aside from two days when we were called back to Pasadena and I ate food, I have not eaten a bite of food during the 21 days. And I expect to remain in this quiet place, fasting and praying, for ten more days, returning in time to be back before the microphone for broadcasts every day beginning Sunday, July 18th. This fast is doing wonders for me physically and mentally, and spiritually too. I expect to be in tip-top shape, with renewed physical and mental powers, eager to plunge back into the all-important work ahead with renewed vigor and power.


I wonder if you realize the importance of FASTING? Very few do today. We have drifted SO FAR from God, and His ways as revealed in the Bible, and are so entwined in these modern paganized ways!

You know, of course, that Jesus fasted. Peter and Paul fasted. So did Moses, Daniel, the prophets of old. But have most of you not thought that was just some ceremonial custom for them way back there, and not for us today? Have we not forgotten that those men lived by God's laws and rules, while we live without realizing by the rules and traditions of this paganized society we call civilization? Jesus said we should actually LIVE BY every Word of God. He set us an example that we should follow His steps. Jesus, and the men of God mentioned in the Bible fasted FOR A PURPOSE---in fact, there are two vital reasons for occasional fasting. One is for health and physical fitness. The other is for spiritual reviving. Fasting and prayer together is the most effective means of drawing closer to God, re-establishing the vital contact and close communion most of us have drifted away from.

I could write a whole book on the subject of fasting. But let me just briefly condense some vital truths on the subject which may help you greatly.

First, its connection with PHYSICAL HEALTH. Most people have come to believe today that it is NATURAL for people to be sick. THAT IS NOT TRUE! Sickness and disease is not natural, or accidental, but caused in every case by destructive habits. Sickness and disease cannot be eradicated until good habits--- living according to NATURES LAWS as set in motion by the Creator--- are substituted for bad ones. Bad habits of thought may be a contributing cause to sickness and disease or impaired health. Insufficient exercise, lack of drinking enough pure water, lack of deep breathing of fresh air, lack of sunshine, lack of sleep, faulty elimination, often contribute to poor health. But above all WRONG FOOD is the great outstanding cause. Few people realize this. Doctors seldom tell people this vital truth. Yet the nation's most famous physicians and surgeons---men like Dr. McCollum of Johns-Hopkins, the famous Mayo brothers, Dr. Sherman--- later Senator Sherman of New York, Dr. Kellogg and others--- estimate that from 90% to 95% of all sickness and disease are caused by faulty diet. Dieticians have exclaimed that the average American table is a dietetic horror! People eat things they would never think of feeding their cows or their dogs. God has revealed to us which animal meats He created to be properly digestible in the human stomach. (Lev. 11). Some day we will learn to our astonishment that the eating of filthy swine's flesh has been a major cause of cancer, fast becoming the nation's number one killer! I want, as soon as we can enlarge The PLAIN TRUTH to 16 pages or more, to have an interesting, vigorous article every month on FOOD, and on sickness, disease, and the laws of health. We can SIN physically as well as spiritually. We sin physically by breaking nature's laws---the laws God established for physical health. The penalty of this physical sinning is sickness, suffering, pain, and often the first death. The penalty for spiritual sin---the transgression of God's great spiritual Law, summed up in the Ten Commandments---is ETERNAL death---the second death. Jesus continually HEALED THE SICK. When He healed, He said, "Go and SIN NO MORE." He was speaking of violating the physical laws of health. Just as the repentant sinner who is converted thru Christ is commanded to turn away from sin and quit sinning (transgressing God's Law), so if we look to God for healing we should try to learn in what manner we have been violating God's physical health laws, and CORRECT OUR LIVING! It is BECAUSE men for untold generations have been living incorrectly, violating these precious health laws, and increasingly so these past four or five generations, that we are a degenerate generation today---so much so WE DON'T REALIZE IT!

But my space is short, so now about fasting for health. Voluntary abstinence from food for physical benefit or the cure of disease is as old as life upon this earth. Animals and birds instinctively fast as a means of restoring themselves to normal health whenever necessary. There is no such thing as a cure-all pill, drug, or medicine. But there is one thing that comes close to being a cure-all, and that is FASTING. Especially is it the cure for such things as stomach disorders, constipation, rheumatic diseases, and the greatest help and often the cure for such things as kidney diseases, heart ailments, high blood pressure, skin diseases, asthma, anemia, and it is ALWAYS the thing to do in case of colds and fevers.

It was Benjamin Franklin who said "Feed a cold and starve a fever." But he did not mean one ought to feed a cold. He meant that IF one feeds a cold he soon will be starving a fever! The way to put out a fire is not to pile on more fuel. When you have a fever the body is on fire, and food is the fuel that makes it burn. If any member of your family has a cold or a fever, TAKE ALL FOOD AWAY at once! Give plenty of water. Give enemas twice daily, and warm sponge-baths (not soaking in a tub) in a warm room twice daily. If you can give orange-juice, or some other similar juice which agrees with them---grape-fruit, lemon, or tomato juice---that will do more good than harm. Give a glass of orange juice at a time, every two to four hours. I would not advise people inexperienced with fasting to go on a long fast of more than three five, or seven days, unless they are under the care of a physician who understands and believes in fasting. And always remember this ---if you have fasted two days or longer: This is IMPORTANT: In breaking a fast, do not start out with a full meal at once. Break it with two small pieces of buttered toast, toasted in the oven, HARD clear thru, and a dish of about five stewed prunes. These should be soaked overnight before cooking, and then cooked by just simmering, UNDER THE BOILING POINT, or steamed. If they are not boiled they will be plenty sweet, so add no sugar. Or, as an alternate, a dish of milk toast, but be sure the toast is toasted hard clear thru. Second meal, two non-starchy vegetables such as spinach, carrots, etc.,---not potatoes or peas---along with a slice or two of hard toast and a little fruit (not a rich canned fruit in syrup or canned with sugar). Then normal eating may be resumed by the third meal. I have been on a much longer fast, but I have studied fasting and spent one year, about 18 years ago, lecturing on diseases, diet, and fasting, and have had considerable experience putting many people thru fasts. And I have never known one case where full results were not achieved!

FASTING AND PRAYER: There is, as I said above, NOTHING like fasting and prayer for drawing close to God, re-establishing contact, being filled with His Spirit. For this purpose it is better to fast completely---no fruit-juice of any kind. In Bible times they sometimes fasted without even water, but sometimes water was used. Personally I think results will be obtained if one drinks water, but nothing else. For purely spiritual purposes a fast from one to three days is usually sufficient. You may expect head-aches, and a very thick-headed feeling the first two days. It is not pleasant. It is, in Bible language, AFFLICTING THE SOUL. It takes courage and will-power, and self-denial. I recommend, for this purpose, dividing your time three ways: about one-third in studying the subject of fasting in the Bible, and other Bible study. Use a good concordance, and your marginal-references if your Bible has them. If not you should get one which has. Look up all you can find under fasting. Then about a third of your time in meditation---turning over in your own mind by yourself WHY you have not been closer to God, thinking out just HOW you have been letting the worldly things creep in, meditating on what you have read in the Bible, applying it to yourself and your spiritual condition. Then, spend one full third of your time in earnest PRAYER. Did you ever spend one solid HOUR in prayer, alone with God in some private room, on your knees? Very few ever have. If you haven't, the first time you do it you'll find it will take as much will-power and self-denial as forcing yourself to stay on a fast and resisting that gnawing hunger feeling. In five or ten minutes, or less, every excuse in the world will come into your mind. You aren't in the mood now---why not do it later? You just think of something that ought to be done, and you think you must go do it right now. Yes, I know what will come to your mind, for I have done it and I know by experience. But if you will resist every temptation, and STAY on your knees, even tho you think your prayer isn't going as high as the ceiling, in at least 30 or 40 minutes the devil will probably give up and let you alone and you'll find you are establishing contact with God, and you'll find you are beginning to really ENJOY talking to Him---just pouring out your soul to Him--- telling Him all about it. Pause, once in a while, and meditate, and let God talk to you.

I see I simply have not the space in this BULLETIN to write more than a fiftieth part of what I wanted to say to you. I hope this will have helped some of you.

Now I have not the space to comment as I wanted on the Tito and Berlin incidents. They are both very significant in the chain of events fulfilling Bible prophecy and bringing us to the final climax. Perhaps I can go into this in one of my first broadcasts, July 18th or after---or in The PLAIN TRUTH.

But first I want to THANK all you good Co-Workers for your loyalty, your unselfish sacrifice, in continuing to hold up my hands, in keeping up YOUR part of God's great work by sending your tithes and offerings---and also to thank you for your prayers. I know now more than ever before there is a devil. And Satan hates this work of God, and is very angry at it. He has done everything in his power to stop it, to discredit it. God has permitted us to go thru a year of most severe trial and test. It has been hard, and we have suffered much. I have had to carry a crushing load. But God has seen us thru so far. The greatest need of all was that I get this fast and rest, and come back rejuvenated, for I was really too tired to even talk to you over the air. We had met just one set-back and discouragement after another. You have no idea the ordeal we have lived thru. Such mental strain affects physical health. I am not, and have not been in 20 years, sick. But I have been worn out, vitality impaired. This fast and rest was imperative. It has NOT been a vacation for pleasure and recreation. But already my mind is clearer, and I am beginning to feel anxious to leap back into the work. Meanwhile, GOD BLESS you dear co-workers for keeping the work going while I have been here. I hope now to be able to keep up with answering personal letters. Many of you have written letters I have just not been able, in my worn-out condition, to answer, and I guess many of you have been offended and angry. You just can't know how badly I have wanted to answer your letters---to give each one of you a personal answer, but I haven't been able. I have given my last ounce of strength to keep this work going, and have had to trust that each of you would be willing to sacrifice a personal letter just to you, that I might keep the work alive and the Message going out to MILLIONS. Now, however, I will make every effort to try to keep up with personal correspondence.

And DON'T FORGET---our expenses are running along all the time, and before you can even get a reply back I will have to send a large check to XEG to pay for the resumption of the daily broad- casts, and it will cost over a thousand dollars to get out this coming PLAIN TRUTH. We are still not out of the financial emergency we were plunged in almost a year ago. I have every faith that we will now quickly get that remaining one-third of our great debt paid off, and get God's work out of reproach completely, and get going full steam ahead. But it will still take every possible sacrifice on YOUR part, and the need is great for some large offerings, as well as for a downpour of smaller ones. I know you'll keep the work going by sending in at once the largest sum you can. God bless you. Now I'll rest again, and be with you on the air in another week.

Sincerely, in Jesus' name,

Herbert W. Armstrong 


August 2, 1948 Co-Worker Letter - Herbert W Armstrong
Back on Radio XEG, Pleads for Money, Says Close to Nervous Breakdown


August 2, 1948

Dear Inner Co-worker Family:

This letter may prove the very death-knell of this work--- frankly, I don't know whether I ought to send it---but I know no other way. The entire cause to which God has called us, and in which you and I have labored together as co-workers, is stopped dead, and finished anyway, UNLESS this letter is productive of good, and not evil, results.

We can't carry on another week without some sizeable funds. I am at my wit's end. I know---have learned by cruel experience, that to send out a letter taking you in my confidence and sounding only a frustrated note, usually done only harm to the work---causes co-workers to lose confidence, withdraw support instead of helping. It seems that only when we can send out joyous good news, and sound a success note, will most co-workers respond. That is why I say this letter may sound only the death-knell of this great work of fifteen years' constant, steady, miraculous growth, with its trail of rich FRUIT BORNE---thousands converted, hundreds of thousands brought to much greater light and truth, millions warned, and having HEARD the true Gospel as a witness, hundreds healed and brought to TRUST IN GOD who never had such faith before.

I just don't understand what has happened. I KNOW that God prepared me even long before He called me for His great work--- that He did call me---that I gave myself to Him, and He has used me in a way that has astonished me and others---that He started this work---He started the college, I didn't---He has promised He will not drop the work HE has begun---He promises to supply our every need, to deliver us from every trial and difficulty, to never leave us nor forsake us. I know I am human and full of faults, and I make mistakes. But God knows that, too, and says He knows we are dust, and does not deal with us after our iniquities, but according to His great mercy. He says that even FOOLS who get into trouble thru their own fault may cry out to Him in their trouble and He will be merciful and deliver them; He says that when we come to our wit's end, if we call on Him He hears us and delivers us out of it. Surely in SOME way God will hear and save this work of His now!

I have had to carry a crushing load. It seems every bad "break" that could happen has plagued us. I am not ill or sick--- have not been in 25 years, but the terrible ordeal I have had to live thru has brought me close to a nervous break-down. I got away for a 28-day fast to fight thru and bring myself back to fit condition. Now I can see that I was really just "out" on my feet, in no condition to carry this great work. I am now immeasurably improved, but still fighting, thru careful diet, systematic exercise, rigid observance of health rules, to get myself back into 100% efficient tip-top clear-minded fit condition. I was so nearly "knocked out" I just could not see then, but can now, I was not FIT for my work---not fit for broadcasts, or for writing. But I am so MUCH improved, and gaining all the time. I have the PLAIN TRUTH written and ready for press---BUT NO MONEY so I am helpless. I believe these articles are the most interesting I ever wrote. I got back on XEG daily, but NO MONEY to pay for recordings, so I could not send broadcasts. I managed to get three GOOD broadcasts recorded but now we are again thrown OFF THE AIR and these broadcasts will not go on!

Just $2,000 or $3,000 right now would save the work, get it GOING, full power ahead. I am bewildered. I just can't under- stand. I have been praying my heart out---BEGGING God to show me, if I am at fault, where, so He can send deliverance quickly. Always God has heard and answered my prayers. MIRACULOUS answers hundreds of times. And I have been closer to Him recently than ever before in my life---yet now, for the while at least, it seems that although He always saw the tears of His prophets of old, He won't see mine now. I DON'T UNDERSTAND! I feel heart-broken. We can't keep the work alive another week, without a few thousand dollars help. We are SO NEAR out of all our difficulties, it seems impossible we should fail now. The answer is in God's hands, but WE must do OUR part. As a last resort, I am sending this letter just to you FEW co-workers who have been more faithful than most. You already have invested in this precious work quite a little money. I just felt it is not right to let the work fail and stop without letting you know and giving you the chance, if you can and will, to SAVE IT by now quickly putting in enough more to tide it past this present plight. I would give my life for this work---I have given my life TO it, and to God. Perhaps God wants to use YOU ---one or several of you dear co-workers---to preserve it now, as He has promised. PLEASE PRAY, with all your heart, and IN FAITH, as you never did before, and forgive me for troubling you with this ---I just don't know what else to do.

With love, in Jesus' name,

Herbert W. Armstrong


Septermber 10, 1948 Co-Worker Letter - Herbert W Armstrong
Encourages Co-Workers and Brethren to Come to
Feast of Tabernacles in Belknap Springs


Box 111, Pasadena, California

September 10, 1948

GREETINGS! Brethren and Co-Workers:

Here we are only about a month from the Feast of Tabernacles. It comes LATE this year---October 17th (evening) thru, and including October 25th. Many have been planning for this for a year. Many of the brethren have followed God's instruction to lay aside a second tithe to provide for expenses of the trip. Some have arranged to provide food and meat. We will arrive at Belknap Springs, 65 miles east of Eugene, on October 17th, after- noon before sundown, in time to get settled in our rooms and ready for the first evening service. This evening, and thru the next day, October 18th, is a holyday, one of God's annual Sabbaths which He set apart and commanded us to keep.

Unfortunately a few of you have not been going the past two or three years. Do you plan to go to the Feast of Tabernacles, after Jesus returns? Of course we know that then there will be both ordinary mortal humans, just as we all are today, and also the saints then changed to immorality, in bodies of spiritual flesh. Of those mortals not yet saved, including all heathen and gentiles it is written that every one of them "shall even go up from year to year to worship the King, the Lord of hosts, and to keep the Feast of Tabernacles."

But of course some of them will say "I can't come." Some will say, "I can't afford it this year." Others will say, "I don't believe in leaving home for the Feast of Tabernacles---I'd rather stay right here at home and have it in our local church." Others will make various other excuses. But God answers, "And it shall be, that whoso will not come up of all the families of the earth unto Jerusalem to worship the King, the Lord of hosts, and to keep the Feast of Tabernacles, even upon them shall be no rain."

But even this famine will only sour and embitter some. They will say "God isn't fair," or, "now that we have famine I can't afford it as well as I could before." God replies, "And if the family of Egypt (sinners---those disobedient to God) go not up, and come not, that have no rain, there shall be the PLAGUE, where- with the Eternal will smite the heathen that come not up to keep the Feast of Tabernacles. This shall be the PUNISHMENT of Egypt, and the punishment of ALL NATIONS that come not up to keep the Feast of Tabernacles." (Zech. 14:16-19).

As for the converted immortal saints,---well, if they KNOW this will and warning of God---if they KNOW God has commanded us to go to the Feast of Tabernacles---if they KNOW its holydays especially are HOLY CONVOCATIONS where their presence is commanded as a command of God, will they even BE saved immortals at the time if they have made excuse or refused during these sober, serious last days before the coming of Christ?

Brethren, we will do well to ponder this question---and remember, we ourselves will not make the answer---GOD is the judge. We will do well to consider how GOD looks at it, and to what degree HE will hold us accountable.

But, as Jesus said about another occasion, "If ye know these things, HAPPY are ye, if ye do them." The Feast of Tabernacles is a glorious feast of REJOICING. It is a time of HAPPINESS. We who have been going to Belknap Springs these past few years all testify it is the happiest, most joyous eight days of the year. Yes, the way God lays down for us is the BEST way--- always! Happy is the man who says humbly, "Not my will, but THINE be done." We always have a WONDERFUL time.

Plan this year to come for the entire eight days. Every year there have been a few who only plan to stay the first two or three days, a few who come in the middle, and a few who come for the last few days. THAT IS NOT THE WAY GOD PLANNED IT OR WANTS US TO KEEP IT. Those who are there only part of the time do not get the real benefit or value out of it. God knew what He was about when He set apart this Festival for EIGHT DAYS. We who have been there each year for the whole period know by experience that this is exactly the proper duration for such a spiritual festival. It is a REAL NEED.

This is God's appointed time of SPIRITUAL REVIVAL. Thru the year some thru the cares of this world grow lukewarm spiritually. We drift away a little from God. We grow spiritually careless. We do not pray as often or as much, or as earnestly as we should. We are not as close to God as we ought to be. But, after eight days at The Feast of Tabernacles, out there AWAY FROM THE WORLD,---eight enjoyable, glorious days spent just with other brethren, many of whom we do not get to see and fellowship thru the rest of the year---eight days of profitable services, Bible studies, singing of hymns, praying, visiting---yes, and even fishing and swimming and mountain-climbing for those who wish it out there in God's great glorious out of doors---eight days away from the worries and cares and routines of life at home---eight days shut off from the WORLD, and in this beautiful, happy, inspiring atmosphere with brethren who are close to God,---well, it is the great and necessary---and HAPPY---spiritual revival of the year.

Since we have been going to Belknap Springs, we all feel it is the God-chosen place for us, for this time. It is a mile off the highway, away from the outside world. It is one of the nicest and best of the minor resort hotels of the Pacific Coast. We take over the entire hotel, beside the scenic MeKenzie River, as well as its dozen or more cottages. Each year we have been filled to capacity, so GET IN YOUR RESERVATION, IF POSSIBLE, BY RETURN MAIL. We have always been able to take care of those coming at the last minute without reservation, but it will help us, and assure you of perhaps better accommodations, if you will write ahead in advance for reservations. We will try to hold the same reservations as last year for those who comes every year, but please write me about your reservations if you can. AND DO IT NOW! This will help.

This year we will follow again the program that has proved so successful the last two years---two regular scheduled services week-days, one morning, and one evening, leaving the afternoons free for visiting, hiking, swimming, fishing. Then on the weekly Sabbath and the two annual Sabbaths, there will be services morning, afternoon, and evening, and Sabbath-school during the morning of the weekly Sabbath. Our first year at Belknap we held three services daily, but this proved to be too much. Just as one can over-eat at the table, so we can wear ourselves out sitting thru three services a day, trying to absorb, digest, and remember more heavy spiritual strong meat than we can handle. We feel we have found a well-balanced program, which gives time to think over, and digest these spiritual meals at the morning and evening services.

Again this year we will try to bring the moving picture equipment, and show a number of interesting, educational pictures. I know all the kiddies and young people will enjoy this. Also, this year, we will learn and sing a number of our own new hymns being composed for our own hymn book---the hymn-book of God's own inspired words from the Psalms and poetic Books of the Bible, set to music. We are making real progress with these beautiful hymns, perhaps rather slow, but then one just doesn't compose such hymns at the rate of several a day---it takes time. About 20 are now ready for publication, and we hope to publish the first edition of our new hymn book during the coming fall and winter, God willing. You remember how well every one liked the two or three that were sung for us last year. Well, I think you'll like many of the new ones just as well or even better. If I am a judge of music, I think they are very beautiful music. This year we will have the music ready so the whole congregation can learn the hymns and sing them, and I believe this will add a great deal to this Feast of Tabernacles.

Again this year we will serve meals ourselves in the dining room at cost. In fact it will cost you less than it does to buy groceries at home, because some of the brethren are bringing meat and vegetables which we will not need to charge for. I cannot say definitely, until we arrive in Oregon and see what the food will cost this year, what the price of meals will be. The first two years we charged $1.00 per day per person, making no charge, I believe, for the little kiddies. Last year we were forced to raise that price. I hope we can keep it this year the same as last, but if groceries are much higher we may have to raise it a little. I cannot tell you at this writing what Mr. Bigelow, owner of the hotel, will charge this year for rooms and cottages, but I presume it will be the same very reasonable charge as last year, unless a slight increase is necessary because of the increase in price of everything. When it is considered that he makes no charge for use of the large and beautiful lounge-room we use for service and visiting, or the dining room and kitchen, and use of his utensils, except that a portion of the charge of each room pays for the use of all this and the beautiful wooded grounds, it should be realized the charges are really very low.

If you occupy a cabin, BRING BEDDING---but if a hotel room, DON'T bring bedding. The cabins are limited---don't count on finding one vacant unless you reserve it ahead of time.

This year some of our new brethren from Pasadena and Southern California, and some of the college students from Ambassador College, will undoubtedly make the trip and be with us ---and you'll LOVE THEM ALL! We have baptized several here in our own baptistery at the college during the past year---one more just a week ago. Now brethren REMEMBER---this is not only something you REALLY WANT TO DO, something you'll ENJOY more than anything else thru the year, but something you OUGHT to do, are COMMANDED to do by God Himself, and therefore MUST do. If we neglect, or refuse, or make excuse now, how will we fare in the Kingdom? We in Southern California are looking forward eagerly to this fellowship with you all. Since the headquarters have been moved to Pasadena, all the more reason to write in your reservation early. Address all communications to me, at Pasadena.

With love, in Jesus' name,

Herbert W. Armstrong


October 31 1948 - Good News Letter - Herbert W Armstrong
Qui tacet consentire vidétur


The GOOD NEWS Letter

Number 1 October 31, 1948


By Herbert W. Armstrong called, not of men nor by man, but by the will of God to be a minister of Jesus Christ: to the Churches of God, and the brethren scattered abroad,....GREETINGS!

The 1948 Festival of Tabernacles was the most profitable, most enjoyable, we have been privileged to hold in these latter days since the precious light revealing the Festivals of the Eternal has once again shone forth.

The Festival, held for the fourth consecutive year at beautiful Belknap Springs in the lofty Cascades beside the swiftly flowing McKenzie, moved progressively to a grand spiritual climax such as none of us ever had experienced in any meetings anywhere.

Men could not have planned it that way. The Spirit of God was there in real power, dispelling every contrary spirit, welding brethren together in the Spirit of love and peace and harmony, working a spiritual revival in every heart, guiding the program by the power of God to the wonderful climax of the final afternoon on the last Great Day of the Festival when seventeen, mostly newly converted and baptised, and added to the Church by the Spirit of God, were given the right hand of fellowship.

It was an experience of a life time. Faces shone with a glory only the Holy Spirit could produce. Every eye there was wet with tears of joy, and, as one expressed it, it seemed as if a halo was shining over the happy arc extending, and receiving, the right hand of fellowship.

The only regret was the absence of some whose fellowship we have enjoyed so much at previous Festivals. But it was a great joy to all to welcome in this wonderful fellowship so many new brethren God has graciously added. This Festival pictures the great millennial harvest of souls under the world-rule of the Kingdom of God, and it was fitting and gratifying to witness this fruit borne during this past year for God's Kingdom. The attendance was the largest so far, most of whom this year were there through the entire eight days, filling the available space in the hotel and cottages to capacity.

The Feast of Tabernacles came unusually late this year. After a record-breaking rainy year in Oregon there was every reason to expect continual rain after the middle of October. But the first day some said they were praying for "Indian Summer" weather, and the prayers were surely answered. We had the most beautiful weather of the four years we have been going to Belknap Springs,-- almost continual sunshine.

The children were more interested this year than ever before. The program for the children, this year under direction of Helen Starkey and Esther Olson, and the increased showing of the "movies", along with the beautiful weather for outdoor play, made the Festival very attractive to the youngsters. As my own little granddaughter, age 4, said on being asked if she wanted to go back to her new home in Pasadena, "Yes, sometime--but I want to stay here, now," This year we had a moving picture program every evening except the Sabbath eves, with instructional and educational films of special interest to the kiddies, sound news reels, sound pictures of the atomic bomb explosions at Bikini, sobering war pictures making the horrors of war almost too realistic for some; beside our own pictures in kodachrome showing the trip to Europe including the hurricane in the middle of the Atlantic, the 14,000- mile baptising tour around the four corners of the United States, and many pictures filmed by Basil Wolverton which included former festivals at Belknap, Ambassador College, and personal comedy films.

For years we have been hoping to have a new hymn book of our own, avoiding the unscriptural words of human writers who have not known God's Truth, by setting the inspired words of God---the Psalms---to music. Since last December my brother Dwight Armstrong has devoted his entire time to this task. And at last we had the first beginning of the new song book we have wanted so long---with 18 of the new songs printed in pamphlet form in our own printing department in Pasadena. The songs, of course, were all new and had to be learned. But we found them BEAUTIFUL---some of the tunes so "catchy" they simply would not leave the mind---yet of such quality, coupled with the exquisite words of divine inspiration, that they were described as "classics," carrying a dignity and character of divine royalty---songs befitting the regal splendor of a King---yes, songs inspired by and sung to, THE King! Somehow, after singing the gracious expressive words of Holy Scripture, the hymns written by mortal man seemed hollow and empty and cheap and common---employing flowery words to say so little. The literal SINGING of Scripture added much this year.

We expect soon to have the first complete new hymn book published and ready for distribution, and it is planned to make phonograph records of the new songs so that all may play them in their homes and HEAR these new songs sung. We hope to have these ready some time after the first of the year.

Brethren, these great Festivals of the Eternal are HOLY CONVOCATIONS which means GOD COMMANDS their observance and our attendance. RIGHT NOW is the time to begin planning to be able to come next year. Start NOW saving that "second tithe." A brief Bible study giving you the Scriptures on this tithe will appear below. Those who have been to Belknap feel very certain that it is the place God has appointed for this service---secluded from the outside world in God's great beautiful raw nature, with perfect facilities in every way, except for the limited space. There is possibility Mr. Bigelow, the owner of Belknap Springs, may sell or lease this beautiful mountain resort before next Fall, but if he is still there it will still be open to us, he has assured us, and plans have been made tentatively to provide additional hotel-room space for next year so we can accommodate a larger attendance. I know all the brethren will pray that God will permit us to continue on to Belknap.

* * * * * *


As all know who attend, the business of feeding this large gathering three times a day throughout the Festival each year is under supervision of Sister Annie Mann, along with Sister Hazel Wallace employed as full-time cook. I am sure all appreciate Sister Mann's careful and methodical management and Sister Wallace's superb cooking, but few if any beside these two efficient women have any conception at all of the real responsibility of planning they have assumed for the rest of us. We all owe them a deep debt of gratitude for the efficient manner in which they have planned the purchase and delivery of the exact required amount of various items of food, the nice variety of appetizing, wholesome and health foods for each day's menus. And if it were realized how much planning it takes---how they must start planning even the 8th day's menus and supplies required before the first day begins, and constantly check and re-check every day in order to use up the groceries and supplies on hand without running short of anything--- well, very few would be capable of this task, and I know I can speak for all who were in attendance in expressing to these two sisters our heart-felt gratitude for their ability, pains, and efficient service. Certainly we were WELL FED! The meals were delicious, ample, and in conformity with health laws.

I pass on to you the following recommendations from Sister Mann:

"The Bible says, in Exodus 16:23 (before Mosaic rituals given): 'The Eternal hath said, Tomorrow is the rest of the holy Sabbath unto the Eternal: bake that which ye will bake today, and seethe (boil) that ye will seethe; and that which remaineth over lay up for you to be kept until the morning."

"I think I can see where we would benefit come of our brethren who have families living in cabins allowing them to cook for themselves in their cabins. It would be a help to those who are taking care of the lodge guests. I feel it would make their expenses less. Also, I feel we do too much work in the kitchen on the Sabbath days. Instead, we might have everyone come to the kitchen and dining room and help themselves from the trays of food provided, and each one wash his own dishes, or at least the wife and mother of each family wash them for her family. The breakfast will be prepared and served as usual, then the buffet luncheon for late afternoon. Too, those who would like to purchase from the stores at McKenzie Bridge on Friday some tid-bits for the Sabbath luncheon may do so without offending others. We always have good co-operation in our kitchen work, and I'm sure this can be worked out to the good of all. Another thing, our children and youth must learn to be more patient in waiting to be served and give their elders a chance to get servings too. There is always enough after the first day or so and the children will always get enough. Sister Wallace and I especially thank the brothers for their good co-operation in the heavy odd jobs. Another thought--we do have with us each year one or more brethren who have to have (because of not to good health) a little special attention in regard to their meals. It is our pleasure to have such come to me or Sister Wallace and state their request so that they may have proper food. ---Annie Mann."

* * * * * *


You've heard the patriotic saying: "Breathes there a man with soul so dead, who never to himself hath said, 'This is my own, my native land?'"

Jesus said "The children of this world are, in their generation, wiser than the children of light." (Luke 16:8). That is, those whose minds are on material, worldly things only--- unconverted minds, are wiser in worldly things than those whose minds are illuminated by the Spirit of God are in spiritual things.

Are the worldly, unconverted people filled with more zeal and fervor and patriotism for the things of this world than real Christians for the things of God? Tuesday, presidential election day, will have passed before you read this. Those of this world will have shown their patriotism by voting. Those of the world feel a patriotism surging thru their very souls---it may be patriotism for country, for their college, for their fraternity, lodge, club, business or whatever partisan organization they feel they are part of.

This is the football season. Nearly all the larger colleges and universities engage in the business of football. It is regarded by students as one of the important activities carried on by the university. Yet not one in a hundred students actually plays or takes direct part. Only eleven men play on the team at a time---and not over 33 to 65 players compose the entire squad in any one school. The team is under the supervision of a coach, and is directed during actual contest on the field by the quarterback or captain. This year the University of Oregon is one of the two contenders for the Pacific Coast conference championship. Perhaps 40 out of 4,000 students are on the squad. Yet EVERY STUDENT IN THE UNIVERSITY FEELS A SENSE OF PATRIOTISM, OFTEN OF DEEP FERVOR, TOWARD THE PROGRESS OF THAT TEAM! Every student feels it is HIS team. Its main competitor this year is the University of California. If any student at Eugene favored California he would be considered disloyal and a traitor. Of all the 3,960 who do not even have a part on the squad, every single one feels that the Oregon team is HIS team. He doesn't boss it or manage it, or have any direct part in it whatever. No personal part at all. But he does not call it "Coach so-and-so's team." No, it's "OUR team!" If anyone should say a word against the team, the student would spring heatedly to its defense instantly. He stands up for it against all critics. And he attends all games he can, and wildly CHEERS for his team during a game, yelling his throat hoarse trying to encourage and cheer on his team, and whenever it scores a touch- down, he leaps high in the air with shouts of joy!

But how about the "children of light?" The main work of all the brethren in Christ is to carry out the Great Commission, "Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel." It is a trillion times more important than football. True, only a small part of all the disciples of Christ can have direct personal part in proclaiming the true Gospel to all the world. So, how do they react? Well, some are just as loyal as worldly college students to their football team. Some are passively loyal in a lukewarm sort of way. But SOME say, "Well, why should I have any interest in the work, when I have no direct personal part in it?" They call it "Brother Armstrong's work." They are just NOT INTERESTED in it. They don't see how it concerns them in any way. If they hear it criticized or condemned, or falsely accused, they actually AID AND ABET THOSE THE DEVIL IS USING IN ACCUSING, by keeping silent. Do they spring instantly to its defense against its critics? No, by their very silence they indicate agreement with the critics and thus encourage injury to God's work! They seem unable to see that this is THEIR work, and that those of us having direct personal part are merely their TEAM, representing THEM, and that we need to be encouraged, cheered on, just as much as a college football team! Surely the WORK OF GOD is more important---or ought to be---to a Christian, than winning football games is to a college student! Then WHY NOT SHOW THE SAME ENTHUSIASM, ZEAL, AND PATRIOTISM FOR THE WORK OF GOD? It's a trillion times more important than football games. And when another soul is brought to repentance and baptism and conversion, OUGHT WE NOT TO LEAP WITH JOY?

"Breathes there a Christian with soul so DEAD that he never to himself hath said, 'This is our OWN, our very OWN activity in GOD'S WORK?'"---Don't you feel a surge of JOY and GLORY when OUR TEAM wins another precious SOUL? Give all praise and thanksgiving to GOD---but give enthusiastic encouragement---not football cheers, but Christian GOOD CHEER---to those of us actively out on the firing line, fighting adversity, the obstacles and opposition of the devil and his critics, giving our ALL to win--DEFEND US when- ever you hear this WORK OF GOD being criticized or opposed---SHOW THE CRITICS YOU ARE ON OUR SIDE---GOD'S SIDE, and when the critics see how unpopular their fault-finding and opposition of the work of God is, perhaps they will cease it and BEGIN TO HELP! Let people know you are FOR this work of God---100%. SHOW your loyalty! That's one way you can help. And remember, constantly, PRAY FOR THE WORK!

* * * * * *

With WHOM is Satan Most WROTH?

You are all familiar with the popular "Rapture Theory"---the teaching, by most denominations, of the "Secret Coming" of Christ to "snatch away His Bride." They teach that the Second Coming of Christ is to be in "two phases"---the first phase of it "FOR His saints," to take them to heaven for 3« or 7 years,---the second phase "WITH His saints," after God has poured out HIS WRATH thru the PLAGUES in divine vengeance upon the world.

This theory mixes "the GREAT TRIBULATION" and "THE DAY OF THE LORD" together as if they were one and the same thing. Those who preach it simply do not know the difference. But it is "immediately after the Tribulation" that the signs appear in the sun, moon and stars (Mat. 24:29). And yet the signs in the sun, moon and stars occur before the DAY OF THE LORD (Joel 2:31). So the Great Tribulation is PAST before The Day of the Lord begins. The two are not the same.

Notice, in Mat. 24:9, 21, The GREAT TRIBULATION is a time when "YOU"---that is, the saints---the elect---are to be delivered up before councils of worldly government to be killed---a martyrdom of saints---and according to verse 22, those days shall be shortened by diving intervention "for the elect's sake." And it is "great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be." Now there can be only ONE time of trouble such as that---the greatest of all history, or ever to come in future. It is, therefore, the same identical time described by Daniel: "a time of trouble (or tribulation), such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time"---and the next words show it immediately precedes the coming of Christ and resurrection.

Then what causes the Great Tribulation? Daniel reveals that it follows when Michael, the archangel of our Israelitish nations America, Britain, and the Democracies---and of Christians---stands up. Michael would not CAUSE the tribulation against our nations and against the saints. Michael stands up against someone, in defense of our nations and of Christians. Against whom does he stand up? Rev. 12:7 explains the same identical time and incident ---he stands up against the "dragon" who is the Devil called Satan. (Verse 9). The devil with all his demons is cast down to the earth, and a WOE is pronounced upon the earth, for Satan has "GREAT WRATH, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time." Against whom is Satan's WRATH vented? Against the TRUE CHURCH---"and the dragon was wroth with the woman (true church) and went to make war with the remnant (last generation in this age) of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ." (Rev. 12:17).

DO YOU REALIZE that for the first time The PLAIN TRUTH is now coming out PROMPTLY the first of EVERY MONTH? The College is still going---with twice the students of last year! Two new ones have arrived since the Feast of Tabernacles! Yes, in spite of Satan, in spite of the sour, criticizing opposition of those Satan would deceive and cast by the way-side, GOD'S PRECIOUS WORK IS LEAPING AHEAD CONSTANTLY IN GREATER AND GREATER POWER. And you, each of you, dear Brethren, must decide whether YOU will be entrapped in Satan's snare, caught in his cunning web, and become a critic, and embittered, or whether YOU will be a PART of God's precious work, and with ALL YOUR HEART, and with your face beaming in smiles and happiness and joy, JOIN WHOLEHEARTEDLY, (not lukewarm, lest Christ's spew you out of His mouth, Rev. 3:15-22---READ IT AGAIN) in this great last crusade of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ!

Sincerely, in Jesus' name,

Herbert W. Armstrong


January 13, 1949 Co-Worker Letter - Herbert W Armstrong
Meets with Executive Secretary of World Zionist Federation


Pasadena, California January 13, 1949

Dear Friend: GREETINGS!

I've been wondering if you had lost me on the radio. Some time back I sent you the literature you requested---but I haven't heard from you for quite awhile.

I'm back on the air full time again on the most powerful station in all North America---XEG. In fact, SEVEN nights a week now, instead of six---EVERY NIGHT, at 8 o'clock Central Standard Time.

I don't believe you've been getting The PLAIN TRUTH for some time, either. For years we were unable to publish it regularly. Now The PLAIN TRUTH is coming out every month! And say! I know you won't want to miss this January-February number! I want you to read it EVERY MONTH thru 1949. FREE! NO SUBSCRIPTION PRICE!

Now LISTEN! This is IMPORTANT! Are you sure you fully grasp the real meaning of what is happening to the world just now? Not many are awake to it! Most people just drift along in their daily routine---just as if the world had always been like this. But SOMETHING TERRIBLE is happening to the world! Something different ---the people of fifty, a hundred, three thousand years ago, never saw or dreamed of conditions like we have today. Never before was the WHOLE WORLD upset, in war and fear of war, in famine, disease, poverty, unrest, strife, fear,---CHAOS! NEVER!

Yes, a TERRIBLE THING IS HAPPENING. It is a world revolution! Do you realize HOW RAPIDLY these terrific events are moving---yes, moving relentlessly and SWIFTLY right toward YOU and yours? Soon, and suddenly---VIOLENTLY!---this world conflagration will change your entire life. The IMPORTANT THING is that you know how to escape the trouble, and PROTECT YOURSELF, AND YOURS! You can, and you need not fear or worry---if you know what to do!

Things seem prosperous here. But the United States is the ONLY nation left on earth where there is any degree of prosperity ---where people have enough to eat, to wear---where they can afford luxuries, entertainments, and have full freedom. But already a poverty-ridden world is sapping our strength!

WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN? WHERE IS IT LEADING? To keep you well informed on what's happening, and GOING to happen---what's back of it all---the real meaning---I have gone to New York, Washington, San Francisco---to London, Geneva, Paris. I have talked to world leaders. I have obtained vital information in the Foreign Office, the Colonial Office in London---Committee Rooms of the House Un-American Activities Committee in Washington. I have learned inside facts first hand.

In a full hour interview, privately, in his apartment, I learned from Constanin Fotich, pre-Tito Ambassador from Yugoslavia, what has happened in that unhappy country. I had a long personal interview with the Foreign Minister from Syria. Former leaders from Poland, Latvia, Esthonia, Lithuania, have told me personally how their countries were overthrown, crushed under the iron boot of Russia, their people's farms, stores, and businesses taken from them, their citizens made slaves! The world doesn't realize what crimes Russia has committed! I have learned the inside TRUTH from official sources first hand. I know well, and have had long personal interviews with Sheik Haffiz Wabba, in charge of PALESTINE affairs for the Arabs, and from interviews with him in San Francisco and in London I know the Arab views on PALESTINE. Then to learn the Jewish view first hand, I spent nearly an entire afternoon in New York with the executive secretary of the world Zionist Federation. In Washington, D. C., some weeks ago, I made arrangements with an editor of one of the great weekly news magazines having correspondents in all parts of the world, to send me by special telegraphic report vital world happenings fulfilling prophecy, not reported in magazines or newspapers---to be broadcast the very following night on my WORLD TOMORROW program, Coast to Coast!

So you see MUCH of the most significant happenings FULFILLING PROPHECY can be read only in The PLAIN TRUTH,---heard only on The WORLD TOMORROW program! Newspaper men and radio commentators DO NOT KNOW OR UNDERSTAND PROPHECY---and consequently cannot under- stand the REAL MEANING of world events! Few, if any ministers or speakers on PROPHECY understand world news, or have these vital personal contacts and sources of inside information, or the twenty years' professional experience as a magazine and newspaper writer which provides the unique background of this work.

LOOK AT THE WORLD TODAY! In China, the battle rages. The Reds are about to capture all China. Nothing short of a billion dollars from the U.S. and sending American troops to fight Reds in China can save China now. We cannot do that and save Europe too. We can't do it without war with Russia---WORLD WAR III! That's why Madame Chiang Kai-shek's desperate mission to Washington has failed!

LOOK at Europe! We find ourselves now trying to revive and help a Germany to RESIST RUSSIA which might have destroyed Russia six short years ago if we had not then helped Russia to destroy Germany! Do you think our politicians in Washington KNOW what they are doing---KNOW what is prophesied---where their flip-flop foreign policies are leading us? Underground in Germany, and throughout Europe, a mysterious and dynamic movement is rising which will ASTOUND and ROCK THE WORK in a few short years! Yet official Washington is blissfully asleep to what is really happening! You can know the truth and follow this breath-taking fulfillment of prophecy IF YOU READ THE PLAIN TRUTH AND LISTEN TO "THE WORLD TOMORROW."

For these terrible, yet exciting last days Almighty God has raised up this work to shout to the world the last solemn warning from GOD ALMIGHTY before the final GREAT TRIBULATION, and TERRIBLE DAY OF THE LORD with its frightful plagues. This is GOD'S work, and therefore it is conducted GOD'S WAY---different from any other work, activity, or movement I know. IT HAS NOTHING TO SELL. We proclaim the TRUE Gospel of Jesus Christ, and it's a FREE Gospel of a FREE salvation---it cannot be sold like so much merchandise. It's without money, and without price. THE PLAIN TRUTH is FREE, no subscription price. There is no price on any of our literature, of course you know that it takes money---lots of money---to carry on a work of this great national and international scope. It is costing us several thousand dollars every month just to buy time on the most powerful radio stations alone,---and it also now is costing into thousands of dollars every month to print and mail out The PLAIN TRUTH to such a large national and international mailing list. But these powerful modern facilities are carrying God's true last-day message to an accumulative audience of more than five million precious souls each week.

And so, although it does cost a great deal of money, we are happy that God has so guided and empowered this work; and given us experience in conducting it so efficiently that every dollar placed in this work carries His vital message to two thousand precious souls! THINK OF IT! Every dollar carries the most vital precious message in the world to more than two thousand souls. In order that the message may go free, without money and without price, God's work is financed GOD'S WAY, by the tithes and liberal offerings of His own people, who willingly and voluntarily GIVE, so that we in turn may give the Gospel.

We are now bringing our large nation-wide mailing list up to date for 1949. I WANT YOUR NAME on this new 1949 mailing list to receive The PLAIN TRUTH every month thru 1949. So be sure to fill in the coupon below---plainly, please,---and I'll send you this vital, INTERESTING, entirely unique magazine beginning with the January number, IF YOU HURRY.

BEFORE YOU DO ANOTHER THING---Yes, before you even lay this letter down, fill in the coupon below, place it in the enclosed reply-envelope, and MAIL IT AT ONCE---do it right now, and then you won't get something else on you mind and neglect it.

Sincerely, in Jesus' name,

Herbert W. Armstrong

The WORLD TOMORROW: Heard East of the Rockies every night XEG, 1050, center of the dial, 8PM Central Standard Time PACIFIC COAST: XERB, 1090 on the dial, 9PM Sunday nights. KXL, Portland, 750 on the dial, 7:30 AM Saturday. KVAN, 910 on the dial, 5PM Sundays. Seattle: KVI, 570 on the dial, 10:30 PM, and KXA, 770, 9:30 AM, Sundays.

To HERBERT W. ARMSTRONG, Box 111, Pasadena, Calif.



To HERBERT W. ARMSTRONG, Box 111, Pasadena, Calif.

C O U P O N: Yes, I'll be glad to receive The Plain Truth thru
1949. (No subscription price)







February 3, 1949 Duplicate Letter of January 13, 1949


Pasadena, California February 03, 1949

This letter was not copied, as it is an exact
duplicate of the one written on January 13, 1949.


February 11, 1949 Co-Worker Letter - Herbert W Armstrong, Chiang Kai-Shek Falls, German Factories Restart Production, Pleads for Money


Co-Worker BULLETIN Pasadena, California February 11, 1949

Dear Co-Worker with Christ:

It has been two months or more since I have written most of our Co-Workers. Tremendous things have happened in that time, of world importance.

Yes, and what has happened to this work is destined to be of world importance! We will all see that a little later.

PROPHECY is being rapidly fulfilled. The whole world is swirling in the vortex toward the end of this world, into the WORLD TOMORROW! And what is happening to this work which God has committed to you and to me is a most important part of these prophesied events!

In these two months Chiang Kai-Shek has lost out and all China now stands helpless before the Reds. Prophecy reveals that the vast man-power of the Orient is to be in the hands of Communist Russia at the end of this age, and the beginning of the next. The fall of China to the Communists, placing all China now at the mercy and future control of RUSSIA, foreshadows the END OF THIS WORLD. It ought to wake us up, make us realize TIME IS SHORT and growing shorter! For twenty years I have been saying that just before the END Russia would take over China. And now that is actually happening!

In these two months events have happened in Europe that will hasten the astounding resurrection of the ROMAN EMPIRE, appearing as a sort of "United States of Europe," thru alliance of TEN NATIONS. Once again the Rhur is belching forth smoke, becoming geared once again to the mass production of military weapons. The giant Krupp works are running again, in charge of NAZIS who worked with Hitler! And the Russian-ordered persecution of the Roman Catholic Cardinal Mindszenty has stirred the entire Catholic, and even Protestant world, into a frenzy, ready for any sudden dynamic concerted action against Communism the moment the prophesied coming leader---The "BEAST"---successor to Hitler--- appears, with the plan he will have for UNITING Europe under his Fascist banner against Communism. Yes, we see these tremendous prophesied world events actually moving toward their prophesied END!

And in these two months, this great work of God---yes, GREAT in importance and future power, tho still small in the world's eyes as a world-movement---this wonderful work has been delivered miraculously by the Hand of God from the threatened death-stroke, and it has emerged from the terrible December crisis with the greatest leap ahead in its history so far!

And now this work starts confidently on---delivered out of the "ditch" into which the devil had plunged it---depending in faith upon GOD for guidance, for vision, for wisdom and direction, ---and for every need,---confidently on, now toward WORLD MISSION!

For, dear Co-workers, we have been called to just that--- WORLD MISSION! Jesus' call and commission was not "Go ye into one little neighbor hood." It was not even "Go ye Coast to Coast in your own nation." It was " Go ye into ALL THE WORLD." And, knowing His Gospel Message which He brought from God would have been perverted, changed from the Message of christ to preaching about the Person of Christ,---Jesus commanded, prophetically, for OUR TIME, "This GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM SHALL BE PREACHED IN ALL THE WORLD FOR A WITNESS UNTO ALL NATIONS; AND THEN SHALL THE END COME." ---yes, the END of the AGE.

The thousands of good, earnest, sincere missionaries blinded by the deceptions of this world into preaching about the Person of Christ in all nations HAVE NOT FULFILLED THE COMMAND AND PROPHECY OF JESUS. No, it remains yet to be fulfilled! It is not a gospel ABOUT the PERSON of Jesus Christ---merely telling the world about a Saviour---that Christ commanded to be preached in all nations. It is the Good News of the KINGDOM OF GOD---and the Kingdom of God is not preached by those who do not even know what it is! The true Gospel of Christ is the Good News of the coming WORLD RULING GOVERNMENT which now is the world's ONLY HOPE of averting the total destruction of human life from this earth---the only hope of WORLD PEACE, and the SALVATION OF THE WORLD!

Look at this upset, confused, chaotic suffering world! UNLESS God Almighty intervenes and sets up WORLD RULE under the supernatural power of CHRIST can you see any hope of peace? UNLESS God Almighty again sends Jesus Christ (Acts 3:20-21) to this earth to SAVE THE WORLD for which He died 1900 years ago, and to DESTROY THE WORKS OF THE DEVIL, can you see any hope of the salvation of the human family?

Then let us now take courage, renew our faith, catch the great vision, and with renewed consecration of our very LIVES, and OUR ALL---our money, our property---our ALL---plunge forward with zeal, with fervor, with inspired energy to carry on the GREAT COMMISSION to which we have been called by JESUS CHRIST!

With this in mind, with vision inspired of God, trusting solely in HIS guidance, and HIS power, we are now formulating more concrete plans for the growth of this great crusade to ALL THE WORLD!

I have explained so many times the imperative need of the consecrated and trained personnel to help me in this great Call and Commission which can be supplied only by AMBASSADOR COLLEGE. By almost unbelievable miracles God opened the way for it to start. By almost unbelievable miracles He has now saved it from threatened destruction, and launched it firmly on its way forward. Another even more unbelievable miracle assuring the future growth of the college has just occurred in the past week---I can't divulge the nature of it just yet. But the future of the college takes on a new aspect now!

Plans are being laid now for the expansion of the GOSPEL WORK into other nations---for establishing in God's own due time headquarters in all parts of the world---London, Switzerland, Palestine, the Far East, Australia, Buenos Aires, Rio de Janairo, Santiago---for the powerful spreading of CHRIST'S LAST MESSAGE to the entire world. We shall not proceed, or obligate the work financially, faster than God supplies the need. BUT FROM HERE THE WORK MUST TAKE ON NEW LIFE AND VITALITY---it must now plunge ahead as never before.

Brethren, Co-Workers, LISTEN! This is as much YOUR call and commission---YOUR responsibility, as mine. Together we must sacrifice for it. It must become the CHIEF INTEREST, CONCERN, AND PURPOSE in your life as well as it already is in mine, if God's purpose is to be fulfilled. Remember, the "harvest is plenteous, but THE LABORERS ARE FEW," and we do not have a vast number of co-workers to help, and to supply the vast financial need. So, YOU must be willing to sacrifice--to put this great Mission FIRST in your life and in the expenditures of your pocket-book. ONLY A FEW YEARS OF THE PRESENT ORDER---THE PRESENT CIVILIZATION---THE PRESENT WORLD, remain. After all, your money is not going to be worth any- thing anywhere ELSE, in a very few short years. If any of our co-workers start to think, "My Lord delayeth His coming," and shall allow their interest to become absorbed in this world's pleasures, or in the CARES OF THIS WORLD---earning a living, laying up for self and for the future---so that GOD'S WORK becomes second in interest, "the Lord of that servant will come in a day when he looketh not for Him,...and will cut him in sunder." But to YOU, dear Co-worker, Jesus says: "Seek not ye"---that is, set not FIRST in your interest---"what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink, neither be ye of doubtful mind. For all these things do the nations of the world seek after.... But rather seek ye THE KINGDOM OF GOD; and all these things shall be added unto you. ... Sell what you have, and give alms; provide yourselves ... treasure in the heavens that faileth not, where no thief approacheth, neither moth corrupteth. For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. ... BLESSED is that servant, whom the Lord when He cometh shall find so doing." (Luke 12:45-46; 29-34; 43.)

And where does the glorious work of God stand at this hour? We had a serious LET-DOWN in money received from co-workers for carrying on the work, in January---a relapse after the miraculous response in December. Your pastor and editor is much fatigued of mind and body from the intense strain of overwork and the heavy responsibilities he carries and MUST get away for another rest. And now The PLAIN TRUTH has DOUBLED in circulation these past 60 days, and also DOUBLED IN SIZE, now to be 16 pages every month. I HOPE YOU LIKE IT! The need for funds---another downpour of widow's mites, and also for generous larger offerings up into the thousand-dollar figures---is again URGENT. Don't let this wonderful work relapse into another crisis! We must never become weary with WELL-doing, but keep everlastingly at it, diligently, with zeal and fervor, putting our HEARTS---and our money---into GOD'S WORK FIRST! GOD BLESS YOU---I know you'll never let down or fail us! And THANK YOU, from the bottom of my heart.

With love and gratitude, in Jesus' name,

Herbert W. Armstrong


March 14, 1949 Co-Worker Letter - Herbert W Armstrong
Financial Crisis Averted, Sick with Cold/Flu Fever - Going on Vacation To Rest
Plea for Money



Pasadena, California March 14, 1949

Dear Co-Workers:

Just as I am trying to get away at last, this morning, for the much needed rest and period of fasting, a situation arises SO URGENT that although my head is thick with a severe cold and fever, and I am hoarse with sore throat, I find it necessary to write you this brief letter before I go.

Once again our Co-Workers are letting down. Money to carry on this great and growing work or God is dropping off. Dear Co-Workers, I wish I did not need to remind you of this FIRST PRIORITY necessity, and I am very tired and overworked this morning, but God's work must not suffer, or stop. So I am forced to ask you again for quick, and GENEROUS help.

We had such a marvelous---yes, miraculous, response in December when the life of the whole work and of the college was threatened. But in January our Co-Workers began to let down again. I wonder if you realize that the nature of this work is such that, if our Co-Workers let down for even a single month, THIS WHOLE WORK CAN BE STOPPED, AND ENDED, ANY TIME! It is a work of FAITH, from day to day. We can carry on only as our Co-Workers make possible.

Since January 1st, WE HAVE MADE REALLY AMAZING PROGRESS. A good portion of the remaining debt has been paid, but not all, even yet. Hundreds have been healed who were sick, other hundreds have been converted and now await baptism. A plan has been definitely completed for baptising a large portion of these through the summer months. The true Gospel has been preached to MILLIONS, and the mail response has been by far the greatest we ever enjoyed. Thousands of lives have been changed, turned right-side-up, set on the true road, even tho strait and narrow, that leads to ever- lasting life. Yes, God has given a very precious harvest.

There is SO MUCH I want to tell you. I have a BIG SURPRISE for you. But I will have to leave it until I have recovered, and rested, and am again in fit and vigorous condition, and then I will send you a large, illustrated BULLETIN, and show you the MIRACLES God has performed for His work since the first of the year---and of things accomplished, and planned, that will astonish you and give you a great thrill of joy, I know.

I have become so innervated from overwork, I have had to delay completing the writing of The PLAIN TRUTH until I finish this fast and rest. The Jan.-Feb. issue is not all mailed out yet. Since December we have received over 60,000 letters asking for The PLAIN TRUTH. Our office is literally SWAMPED, and we still have about 26,000 whose names and addresses must be carefully typed, and stencils cut for the mailing list, and then addresses printed on copies of the magazine for mailing. We have employed 4 extra girls, and have a staff of more than 20 working as hard as they can to get it out. You may have to hear some former programs repeated on the air again, until I get back from this imperative rest---but then I shall have much better broadcasts for you, and I will be more fit for the heavy responsibilities God has given me.

GOD BLESS ALL OF YOU---I know I can go now, relying on you all to respond quickly and generously. Many, I know, can send only the widow's mites (remember it was two mites) and they are absolutely necessary, for every dollar enables us to send God's Message to TWO THOUSAND PRECIOUS SOULS. But, because so many simply do not have more to give for the Lord's work, IT IS DOUBLY IMPERATIVE FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO CAN SEND LARGER, MORE GENEROUS SUMS---from $10 up to even a few thousand dollars. It takes many thousand dollars a month to carry on this great work---and remember it is powerfully, dynamically, reaching six or seven million every week! Once again the NEED IS SERIOUS AND URGENT! Unless a big response comes by return AIR-MAIL, the office will have to telephone me to rush back to Pasadena and break up my fast and rest. So I know you will place currency, money-order or check for the largest sum you possibly can in the enclosed reply-envelope, put an air-mail stamp on it, and get it in the post-office right now, the first thing you do. GOD BLESS YOU!

In haste, in Jesus' name,

Herbert W. Armstrong


April 25, 1949 Co-Worker Letter - Herbert W Armstrong
Spends 24 Days on Orange Juice Fast, Claims Lost Bone Calcium



April 25, 1949 Box 111, Pasadena, Calif.

Dear Inner Family of Co-Workers:

Our business manager just a moment ago came into my office and informed me God's work is running head-on into another desperate crisis. Unless generous help comes immediately, the very life of the work will be threatened with sudden death by next week.

This realization falls like a crushing weight on my shoulders. I had hoped we could avert any such crisis all this year. You remember that all last year was a harrowing trial of financial difficulty, until we came to the final December crisis, when our Co-Workers responded so nobly and generously and put the work once again on its feet. I had been through such an ordeal personally that I had to pray earnestly for God to spare me from such further nerve-shattering pressure at least for some time and give me a rest from it, or I should not have been able to carry on at the helm of this great work. God had graciously given me a third of a year's rest from such difficulties---and during this time He has marvelously blessed this work and advanced it and granted it a precious harvest of souls.

I believe the real reason for the dropping off in tithes and offerings for the expenses of the work is the fact that I have not yet been able to get out the March-April number of The PLAIN TRUTH, or even to send you the Co-Workers' BULLETIN I have wanted to send, showing the surprising things God has done for the advancement of His work since the first of the year, with pictures illustrating the fine announcement I have for you.

So may I briefly explain WHY you haven't received these? You know the crushing strain I had undergone last year had simply brought me, personally, and physically, to a point of enervation where I was unable to throw off a cold and attack of flu, and I simply had to stop and go away for a complete rest and a fast to cleanse my system of accumulated toxins and poisons. But you know I'm only human, and I make mistakes once in a while, the same as you---and I am not above admitting it. After many years' experience in fasting and diets, what I did may seem inexcusable, ---I didn't realize what I was doing until too late. Here's what I did: instead of the usual orange juice fast as I have used before, and supervised for many others, I spared myself some of the hunger pangs this time by taking more orange juice. Instead of one glass at a time, I took two. Instead of taking it three or four times a day as I should, and always had before, I took another two glasses every two hours and sometimes after only an hour and a half. And Mrs. Armstrong, bless her heart, in trying to make it easier for me, and spare me from hunger-pangs, kept squeezing more and more orange juice, just so lovingly---and I kept taking it! Well, after 24 days of that, and after breaking that so-called fast, instead of feeling so wonderful, so clear-headed, and full of energy and power as I always had after a fast before, I felt tired, worn out, and as if in a mental fog---and I just simply have not been able to get going and get my work done. I should have KNOWN that one can over do anything, and even a good thing taken to excess becomes injurious. What I did was to take more citrus juice than the system can absorb, and neutralize and destroy a good portion of the calcium in my body. Now I am having to build back up by eating plenty of protein and calcium-containing foods. I'm noticing daily improvement, and regaining strength rapidly---I'll be all right in a little while---but without realizing it I did a foolish thing, and the work has had to suffer, and I have been unable to finish writing The PLAIN TRUTH, or prepare the BULLETIN which will bring you a real surprise in the development of this work. Co-Workers, let my experience teach you the importance of MODERATION in ALL things.

Meanwhile, THE WORK IS IN GREAT NEED AND APPROACHING GRAVE DANGER. I never send you such an appeal unless the need is REAL and URGENT. I know you'll hold up my hands, and come generously to the rescue. Once again, will some of you who are able send in a thousand, or several thousand dollars? If you can send a few hundred, send that---and all the rest of you who simply cannot send larger amounts, please once again supply this desperate need by literal DOWNPOUR of widow's mites---nearly all of you can send at least two dollars each. I'm going to trust God to see that you do---and as often as He makes possible.


Herbert W. Armstrong


June 1, 1949 Co-Worker Letters - Herbert W Armstrong - New Germany, The Fighting Pope, Plans Ministry Tour for Feb-Mar 1950


CW BULLETIN Box 111 Pasadena, California June 1, 1949

Dear Friends and Co-Workers:

GREETINGS! At last The PLAIN TRUTH is ready to go to press.

I have some wonderful news for you. It will come as a big surprise to most of you---and I'm sure, a very happy one. Some very wonderful and fine things have happened, and are developing, for the college, and for the great work of proclaiming Christ's Gospel to all the world, sending the last warning Message to all America, and the salvation of thousands of precious souls.

God is blessing this work beyond anything we even imagined or hoped for one or two years ago. I have a big and happy surprise for you about the college and its future. But there isn't space to tell you in this letter. Just as soon as The PLAIN TRUTH if off the press and mailed to you, I will try to send you a new BULLETIN of several pages, profusely illustrated---so you can SEE in pictures what I have to tell you. Great progress is being made. Plans also are being made now soon to send out the WORLD TOMORROW program over additional super-power radio stations. We hope soon to have it on one of the great 50,000-watt New York City stations, in addition to at least two other powerful stations covering the Middle-West, and I am preparing now soon to have the program going out every night in the year over one of the better Los Angeles stations covering this great and fast-growing Southern California section better than at present.

The other day a very active churchman from Alabama visited us and Ambassador College. He has been investigating and making contacts all the way across the country and he told me he finds that ministers everywhere are almost universally listening to "The WORLD TOMORROW" program, hundreds of them being helped by it.

All over the United States hundreds, converted thru this great work of God, are awaiting baptism, and in just the next week or two we plan to start sending out at least two of the four men who are soon to tour the country, visiting and baptizing these people. Already AMBASSADOR COLLEGE is bearing precious fruit--- for two of our students are now ready to start out in this wonderful work. I only regret, that I cannot be hundreds of places at once and visit all these dear people myself, but the very purpose of the college is to train and prepare some of those whom God has called to assist me actively in this way, and God has provided us with consecrated and well-qualified men. I am tentatively planning (the Lord willing) a speaking tour myself along about next February or March, but I cannot leave personally until then.

In my last letter I explained the battle I have been having to get myself into the best physical efficiency for the heavy responsibilities I must carry. It has been a slow and patience-trying struggle. It has taken longer than I hoped. I have done my best, and now am approaching tip-top shape. The PLAIN TRUTH is at last written, and now I believe I am in shape to once again KEEP IT COMING EVERY MONTH. I shall do my very best. It seems many of our co-workers let down on their part in this work when The PLAIN TRUTH is delayed and once again THE WORK IS SUFFERING, AND FACING A CRISIS. So I simply have to send you this letter, to let you know that this most interesting issue of The PLAIN TRUTH is now WAITING ON YOU!

I have finished my part---but our co-workers once again, many of them, are letting down on their part, and we do not now have enough funds coming in to pay for the printing and mailing. We have received one large offering for this specific purpose, but we need a great deal more. We can GIVE The PLAIN TRUTH only as our Co-Workers GIVE for that purpose. We cannot put a price on the precious GOSPEL. It cannot be sold like merchandise.

I believe you will be THRILLED with this issue. I believe it is the best and most interesting ever published. There are articles on the dynamic change that has taken place in Europe ---the significance of the Cardinal Mindszenty episode,---the significance of the fact a FIGHTING POPE has suddenly emerged at the Vatican---the real MEANING of the NEW GERMANY now being born! All these things mean something that will happen soon to YOU and YOURS, as well as our whole nation! There are articles on Water Baptism, The IMAGE of the "Beast," What to do in case of fevers, colds, diseases, sicknesses---an article on fasting and diet; Should you join a Church? Tithing; Where Does the Money Go, and how is it handled, when sent in for this work; The SEVEN KEYS to Understanding the Bible---certainly an eye-opening article different from anything you ever read.

We are now in the difficult summer months when some of you nay not be able to hear the broadcast as clearly as during winter, but remember, the full half-hour message is going out every night over the most powerful standard-wave station in North America, beside all the other big stations, and hundreds of thousands still hear the message every night.

It takes thousands of dollars every month to carry on this great work, reaching MILLIONS of people all over North America, converting and changing thousands of lives, reaping a precious and great harvest of souls. IT'S THE MOST IMPORTANT ACTIVITY ON THIS EARTH TODAY! God is blessing it now as never before. It is bearing tremendous fruit for His Kingdom. And this precious work of God is again in need! Now I am asking God to just lay this need, and this burden SO HEAVILY upon your heart that you'll be stirred and aroused to send in immediately the very LARGEST sum for His work you can possibly send---whether that be only the two widow's mites, or a generous offering of several thousand dollars. And PLEASE KEEP PRAYING EARNESTLY for this work, and for me personally. Join me in prayer, and in AGREEING with me that God will lay it on the hearts of co-workers Coast to Coast to send upon us a veritable downpour of generous offerings. And GOD BLESS YOU!

Urgently, in Jesus' name,

Herbert W. Armstrong


June 29, 1949 Co-Worker Letter - Herbert W Armstrong
Sends Raymond Cole and Raymond McNair on Baptizing Tour





Analyses Today's News, with the Prophecies of The WORLD TOMORROW

Publishing Box 111, Pasadena, California

The P L A I N T R U T H a Magazine of UNDERSTANDING

June 29, 1949

Dear Friend:

GREETINGS! in Jesus' name: You are one of several hundred of our radio listeners, and readers of The PLAIN TRUTH, who have written me about being baptized.

I am more than happy to be able to tell you that God has provided men qualified to come to you, or at least near you where you can meet them, and visit with you, explain the Bible to you, and, if you are ready to be baptized, to baptize you.

I wish I could have the pleasure of coming myself. It would be a thrill of joy to meet you, and these scores upon scores of others whose lives are being changed, and who are being brought to Christ and into the knowledge of His Kingdom and the true way of salvation through my labors. Mrs. Armstrong and I labor unceasingly, almost night and day; we have had to face very grave and severe obstacles, and carry a heavy load of responsibility. But to know that MILLIONS are hearing the true Gospel that has been hidden so long, not only, but that literally hundreds are being converted, and brought into the fellowship of Christ and the joys of salvation and the Kingdom of our God as the precious fruit borne of these labors is the thrill of all thrills---the greatest reward that God could possibly give us! We long to meet you and know you personally.

But as the work grows in scope, and now with the responsibilities of the college added, I find it increasingly difficult to get away from Pasadena. The broadcast must go on the air from our studios every day. The PLAIN TRUTH and Bulletins must be written. The college demands much of my time. Hundreds of letters are piled up on me, demanding personal answer. I'm sure you will appreciate that I must devote my time to the largest number continually. Perhaps you can come here, and pay us a visit some of these times.

But in the meantime, Ambassador College is bearing precious fruit, and proving the wisdom of God in leading us to establish it. For there are now seven of our students whose lives I feel God has called and which will be devoted to this great work. From them I am sending two, starting today on a nation-wide baptizing tour. Others will follow later.

The two young men starting out today are Raymond Cole, of Jefferson, Oregon, and Raymond McNair of Camp, Arkansas. I have every confidence in them. They are sober, truly converted and led of God's Holy Spirit, and God has shown with ample evidence that He has called them to His service, to which they are consecrated. God has blessed them with unusual understanding, I have come to know many scores of professed ministers of the Gospel, recognized and ordained of men---but I have never yet encountered one that I feel possesses the sound understanding of God's Word, and the true Gospel, that these young men have. I would much rather send them to you than any ordained minister I have yet known. I have had them with me daily here at the college, and am most happy to be able to send them to you.

They are not ordained ministers. They are comparatively young men, but I know no reason why their comparative youth should keep them in inactivity and deprive many from the Bible explanations and other help they are qualified to give. While it's true the age, in the Levitical priesthood under the Old Covenant, for ordination as a priest was 30,---and while Jesus was about thirty when He began His ministry,---yet Jeremiah was a mere lad, years younger than these men---he was only 17, according to some accounts, when God called him to service as a prophet.

Jeremiah argued he was too young, but God replied, "Say not, you are too young; to whomsoever I send you shall you go, and whatever I command you shall you speak." (Jer. 1:6-7).

David was but a youth when God called him to His service. God did not make him king until later, but called him to service when just a boy. When God called on one in Israel to defeat the great giant Goliath who had taunted and insulted the armies of Israel, He called on this mere boy---not a mature man. Saul the king said to Abner: "Whose son is this stripling?" Tho there were many strong men in Israel, it was this mere stripling, David, in whom was the Spirit of God, and who had the courage and strength to prevail against Goliath.

The apostle Paul was led of God and sent out Timothy, who was one of Paul's students, in Gospel work. "Let no man despise thy youth," Paul wrote to Timothy---or, as the Moffatt translation renders it: "Let no one slight you because you are a youth, but set the believers an example of speech, behavior, love, faith, and purity." (I Tim. 4:12).

While Jesus did not embark on His great ministry officially until about thirty, yet even at the age of twelve Jesus was teaching, and saying, "I must be about my Father's (God's) business." (Luke 2:42-52).

And likewise, while these young men are not yet ordained for an official ministry, yet they are the BEST QUALIFIED men I know for this present mission, and they come to you with my full approval and I know they can be of help to you.

As to baptising, Jesus had His disciples baptize for Him, apparently before they were 30, and before they were even converted. Paul sent Timothy, a youth, to baptize. They are in every way qualified to baptize, and they themselves will be able to explain this to you.

I know you will be glad to know them and talk with them, and they can tell you all you may want to know about the college and the work here. If possible they will drop you a card along the way as soon as they know definitely when they will reach you.

Sincerely, in Jesus' name,

Herbert W. Armstrong


July 7, 1949 Co-Worker Letter - Herbert W Armstrong
HWA as the Reaper - Describes Plain Truth Circulation as "Harvest of Souls"



Box 111 Pasadena, California

July 14, 1949

Dear Co-worker for Christ:

It seems as if invisible powers have delayed this issue of The PLAIN TRUTH.

But IT IS MAILED OUT AT LAST! It has taken more persistent effort on my part than any number ever published. But I believe it contains more TRUTH than any issue---perhaps than any single magazine ever published---and perhaps that is why the invisible powers of darkness seemed to oppose and delay it.

I believe you'll find it interesting---ENLIGHTENING! I hope and pray it will be helpful and valuable to scores of thousands!

You simply can't realize HOW THIS WORK IS GROWING! ---how amazingly God is blessing it!---what wonderful things are being accomplished! I can't begin to tell you the story in this short letter. I have SO MUCH, now, to tell you! As soon as I can prepare it I want to send you a large, illustrated BULLETIN, showing you in pictures what marvelous things God has been doing for us---how the college is growing---the growth of our vast listening audience---the unprecedented increase in The PLAIN TRUTH circulation---the HARVEST OF SOULS now being reaped!

You'll have to be patient until I can get this written and printed and mailed. I know it will thrill you! God has given us now the large adjoining estate for the college, almost doubling the college grounds---now approximately four acres of the MOST BEAUTIFUL campus grounds anywhere in the world. This new property, which we now own, is called "MAYFAIR." On it is a 26-room three- story massive English-type building which is to become the "Student Union" on the campus of Ambassador College. It will be the center of social life of the students, and provide dormitory facilities. At present it is under lease but the lessee is anxious to cancel the lease and I feel that arrangements will be made so that we shall have "Mayfair" available for living quarters for our students beginning this coming September term. The only heavy payment ever to be made on this property has been made. We have title. The income for the property makes it self-sustaining, not a financial liability. Isn't that marvelous?

While our student enrollment is very small---we are perhaps about the smallest real liberal arts college in America, but we believe the best---present outlook is for doubling the enrollment this September. But the important thing is that EVERY student now in the college is one I feel God has called and will use in life-service in His work with us. Two of our men students started a few days ago on a Coast to Coast baptizing tour--- visiting and baptizing as many as time permits of the hundreds being converted by the broadcast and The PLAIN TRUTH and other literature. I talked to them last night, long distance, from the home of listeners in San Antonio, where they had just baptized two. To date they had already baptized eighteen, and told me they had never met such fine, wholly surrendered (to God), sincere people in their lives as those who have been converted by God's true Message over the air and in print, whom they have visited so far. Over four hundred have already written me they have given their lives to CHRIST, and want to be baptized! ISN'T THAT A WONDERFUL HARVEST OF SOULS? More such letters arrive daily. God is now giving us a harvest such as we never had before!

HOW MUCH IS YOUR SALVATION WORTH TO YOU? HOW MUCH IS A SINGLE SOUL WORTH? God is using us in this great work of His to reach some seven million people every week with HIS MESSAGE. Two thousand are reached with every dollar you send in for this work! ISN'T THAT WORTH SACRIFICE? But listen! While GOD has been blessing this work so---showing His endorsement and approval; while we have been straining every nerve to DO OUR VERY UTMOST---while the work has grown so---yet half or more of our C-Workers have been shirking, or forgetting, or putting off---and WE FIND GOD'S WORK SUFFERING REPROACH, WITHOUT ENOUGH MONEY TO MEET EXPENSES, AND THREATENED WITH BEING PUT OFF THE AIR! Yesterday I received a telegram saying we will be put off the air unless money is sent immediately. We pay as we go, in advance, and if we don't have it, THE WORK WILL STOP! The past few weeks we have fallen several thousand dollars behind! Co-Workers, HOW MUCH IS A SOUL WORTH? Do you have a more important use for God's money? Surely EVERYONE can send the widow's two mites---and many of you can send from a hundred to a few thousand dollars each. Couldn't you, at least just this time, send ten dollars instead of two---or fifty instead of five---or still more generous offering for God's great work? GOD BLESS YOU, I know you'll respond once again LIBERALLY---and REMEMBER! We have to pay radio and other bills WEEKLY--so try to send your contributions weekly, if possible.


Sincerely, in Jesus' name,

Herbert W. Armstrong


August 15, 1949 Co-Worker Letter - Herbert W Armstrong
Needs 3Gs Fast, 59 Baptized on Tour, Leaves for Washington DC and NYC



Box 111 Pasadena, California

August 15, 1949

Dear Co-Workers in Christ:

In a few days I must leave for Washington D.C., and New York, on an important mission for the work. But before I go, I find it necessary to write a most serious, urgent, and hurried letter to you and our other Co-Workers on the condition of God's great work at the moment.

Never has God blessed this work so greatly as this year. Never has it been so productive. Never has it produced so rich a harvest of souls. Yet, regardless of how God lavishes spiritual blessings upon us---regardless of growth and advances and abundant accomplishments, it seems there are always periodic slumps on the part of our goodly and growing family of Co-Workers, and once again this most blessed and important work on earth IS THREATENED, and IN URGENT NEED.

When our Co-Workers either grow careless or forgetful of God's Work, I wonder if you realize the criticism it heaps on me, and the desperate predicament I find myself in? When we begin to fall behind in paying the bills for carrying on this work---bills that have to be paid for carrying the true MESSAGE OF CHRIST to millions---bills for that which has resulted in HUNDREDS of precious converted souls and changed lives---you know, I am sure, what those we must do business with in the world for God's cause think of me, and say to me and about me. And all the more, because we are CHRIST'S representative. They persecuted Christ. Just let a known representative of Christ get behind in paying a bill to a worldly man, and can you imagine the condemnation that man heaps on God's servant, the names he calls him? It becomes a reproach to the cause we are devoting our very lives to promoting. But not only that---when I have to send out urgent appeals to our Co-Workers, then even many of our perhaps less-Spiritual Co-Workers point a finger of accusation against me personally---and begin to PUT THE BLAME ON ME, or imagine that in some way it must be my fault.

These occasional lapses on the part of our Co-Workers ARE IN NO MANNER A CASE OF IMPROPER BUSINESS MANAGEMENT IN OUR OFFICE. The truth is, it requires just so much every week, and every month, to conduct this great work; it is MOST carefully managed, and is geared to a fixed rate of expense well UNDER the normal income of the work. We cannot reduce expenditures without upsetting or completely paralyzing the work. But when, at times, our Co-Workers grow careless and FAIL TO KEEP UP THEIR PART, and the income drops to around HALF the normal rate, we find ourselves heading for financial trouble, getting behind in current payments which we try to keep paid PROMPTLY, or even in advance, we get telegrams from radio stations threatening to put the program off the air. TODAY I RECEIVED SUCH TELEGRAMS FROM TWO OF OUR THREE BIGGEST STATIONS!

Beside all this, I have to raise an additional $3,000 in ten days to pay off a loan. 18 months ago one of our good Co-workers mortgaged his home to borrow $5,000 which he put into this work at the time of the college reconstruction. Last February the bank demanded $2,000 of it, agreeing to let the remainder ride for the time being. But now they demanded the other $3,000. We paid the $2,000 in February. I had expected to have another six months to pay the $3,000, but now we must meet this obligation immediately. We will not let this dear Co-Worker and his wife lose their home---but I need the immediate prayers and help of ALL of our Co-workers.

The first of this week the broadcast went on a local station reaching Southern California EVERY MORNING IN THE WEEK, Sundays included. Our auditor and attorney is in the East working on a gigantic timber deal which unexpectedly opened up, which if successful, will go a long way toward building the college. In Washington next week I hope to start wheels turning on another opportunity which has come to us which, if God blesses with success, will put this work financially on its feet and provide great expansion for the college. God is opening marvelous possibilities. In New York I hope to start the program on a super- power 50,000-watt New York station which will carry the precious Gospel to a million or more in the East and New England who are not now hearing it---we now reach every other section of the United States except this.

Two of our college students are on a Coast-to-Coast baptizing tour---having baptized 59 precious souls converted through the broadcast and our free literature through this past winter, spring and this summer---AND MORE THAN FOUR HUNDRED MORE ARE STILL WAITING FOR US TO SEND SOMEONE TO BAPTIZE THEM! God is granting a BIG harvest of souls. Ambassador College is already bearing rich fruit. Three other students are now writing articles which have amazed me, as I think they will you, when I am able to print them so you can read them. The college already is making possible a great expansion in this work. It is providing me with the necessary trained, competent help from consecrated, Spirit-filled men whom God has called to this work which I have never had before.

Three new highly-competent professors have been added to our college staff for this fall semester. I am greatly encouraged and enthused over their ability and standing, and they will add prestige to the college. In every way God is BLESSING this work, carrying it on in constantly greater power, endowing it with increased ACCOMPLISHMENT.

Yes, GOD IS DOING HIS PART---and we here in Pasadena are putting our very UTMOST effort, almost night and day, into this work---we are DOING OUR PART! Many of our Co-workers are making great sacrifice, and are diligent and faithful in sending in generously of God's money---DOING THEIR PART. But MANY of our Co-Workers, on the other hand, have been growing careless, or forgetting---AND THEREIN LIES THE TROUBLE WHICH MAKES US SUFFER, BRINGS REPROACH ON THE WORK, AND THREATENS TO STOP IT ALTOGETHER!

Brethren, Co-workers---THIS OUGHT NOT TO BE! Will you--- EVERY ONE OF YOU---get down on your knees, and pray earnestly with me, asking God to touch the hearts of those who are slack in sending in money---asking Him to somehow MOVE on every one who can to send in the most generous amounts possible---AND QUICKLY? Pray with me that God will, through our Co-Workers, literally open the windows of heaven and send upon His servants here in Pasadena a veritable DOWNPOUR of dollars---for His glory, and to lift His work from reproach, and to keep it going---week by week, and month by month! Surely, among all our Co-Workers, there is at least one who is able, if willing, to send us that entire $3,000 to pay off that loan our Co-Worker made for us. Surely there are beside, at least two or three who can send in a thousand dollars each to pull this work out of its slump, help us get bills paid up so we can owe no man anything! And I know that EVERY ONE OF YOU can send in at least the poor widow's mite---just $2! And most of you can spare God and His work considerably more than that!

In addition to this financial crisis, we need extra funds quickly to print and mail the August-September PLAIN TRUTH, now almost ready for the printer.

Will you pray---and it it's YOU who can, DO IT AT ONCE, and send your liberality by air-mail! Let's send up this united appeal to God---and each do his UTMOST, and see God glorified and His work leap on ahead greater than ever!


In Jesus' name,

Herbert W. Armstrong


September 23, 1949 Co-Worker Letter - Herbert W Armstrong
PT articles on 666, Soul



HERBERT W. ARMSTRONG Analyses Today's News,
with the Prophecies of The WORLD TOMORROW

Publishing Box 111
Pasadena, California




September 23, 1949

Dear Co-Workers in Christ:

The most important---I believe the most interesting--- number of The PLAIN TRUTH ever published is now ready for the printers, with that astonishing article, "UNDER COVER IN EUROPE;" and also "The NUMBER OF THE BEAST---666," showing on whom it is branded; "WHAT IS THE SOUL?" "Shall I Join a Church?" "Did CHRIST, who was actually GOD in human flesh, DIE, or did only His BODY die?" and others.

Co-Workers, I have had so much on my hands to do it has been a real task to get this number written. But now once again THE PLAIN TRUTH IS HELD UP WAITING ON OUR CO-WORKERS! There is no money on hand to pay for its printing!

All this year God has INCREASINGLY blessed this work--- more each month than the month before; yet, all this year, a larger number of co-workers each month seem to become lax or careless, and each month our Co-Workers, as a whole, ARE LETTING GOD'S PRECIOUS WORK DOWN, each month more than the month before. Co-Workers, THIS OUGHT NOT TO BE, and it cannot continue, OR THIS WORK MUST STOP! It is only because a portion of our Co-Workers have continued to stand so loyally back of God's work and a great sacrifice have continued month after month to be faithful and honest with GOD'S TITHE, and GENEROUS with their offerings---some of you perhaps even more than you really should---that this wonderful work is still alive and growing, now! God bless you! BUT NOW WE ARE AT THE VERY END, AND WILL GO OFF THE AIR IN TWO WEEKS, UNLESS SEVERAL THOUSAND DOLLARS COME BY RETURN MAIL.

NEVER has this work been so blessed of God! NEVER has it borne such rich and abundant fruit for God's Kingdom! NEVER has it advanced and grown as during this year. And yet NEVER have our Co-Workers continued, month by month, to let down more and more in sending in the money so desperately needed to carry it on.

AMBASSADOR COLLEGE has simply leaped ahead in progress. First of all, I have now, at least three years sooner than I ever expected, men whom I know to be called of God, truly converted, consecrated, trained, and competent men, fully qualified, now. This summer I sent out two of them on a Coast to Coast baptizing tour. SEVENTY-EIGHT precious souls were baptized by them on their tour---people converted by the broadcast, The PLAIN TRUTH, and literature from our office---yes, really CONVERTED---their lives completely CHANGED! Several others have come from different parts of the country to Pasadena to be baptized in our beautiful out-door baptistery here on our campus. But, most important, there are STILL FOUR HUNDRED OTHERS AWAITING BAPTISM whom we have not yet been able to reach. Co-Workers, THINK OF THAT GREAT HARVEST OF SOULS! How much is salvation worth to you? How many dollars is eternal life for just one soul worth? More than billions! Yet HUNDREDS are being brought to salvation thru Christ, WHILE OUR CO-WORKERS LAG AND NEGLECT TO SEND IN THE NEEDED DOLLARS!

This year AMBASSADOR COLLEGE is off to a fine start. There are two new professors, and while still probably the smallest Liberal Arts college in America, student enrollment is nearly doubled that of last year. We have students from Wisconsin, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Oregon, Arkansas, Illinois, Texas and California. We now have acquired FULL POSSESSION of our newly- acquired very fine student-residence building, nearly doubling the size of our most beautiful campus, and our students now are in residence on the campus. New courses have been added in public speaking, radio production, etc., with the finest radio and recording equipment. This newly-acquired very fine property is income-producing, and the income from it PAYS FOR IT. That is just one of the many blessings from God.

The BROADCASTING WORK is EXPANDING LARGER THAN EVER BEFORE. A few weeks ago we added our local Pasadena station, KAGH, which broadcasts the Message every morning in the year, 1300 on the dial, at 7:30. A week ago we added one of the powerful CHICAGO stations, WAIT, 820 on the dial, 10 o'clock Central Daylight time, every Sunday morning. We hope to add other stations in two weeks.

The radio broadcast work is GROWING as never before. The college is GROWING, and bearing fruit as never before. The PLAIN TRUTH circulation is GROWING as never before. Precious souls are being converted and baptized AS NEVER BEFORE---by the HUNDREDS! The people of this whole nation are being AROUSED as never before.

When this is true, brethren and Co-Workers, in Jesus' name tell me, WHY SHOULD OUR CO-WORKERS SHIRK AND FAIL GOD'S WORK, AS NEVER BEFORE? WHY?

Right now we are coming head-on to an END of this work, unless our Co-Workers BEGIN NOW TO RESPOND AS NEVER BEFORE!

We have been getting behind the past few weeks in payment of radio bills. OUR POLICY IS TO PAY IN ADVANCE, and unless we catch up and pay that way, we WILL BE SHUT OFF THE AIR OCTOBER 1st! We have to pay up the balance at XEG, and send a big advance-check by Oct. 1st, OR GO OFF THE AIR! Other stations the same!

BRETHREN, CO-WORKERS, are you going to be spiritually drowsy and sleepy and lukewarm and careless, and permit the voice which has been WARNING THE NATION, proclaiming the TRUE Gospel to the world, led HUNDREDS to Christ and real conversion,---will you permit the voice to be STILLED---shut off the air---AND JUST WHEN THE SEASON IS AGAIN HERE WHEN AT LEAST FOUR TIMES AS MANY PEOPLE BEGIN TO HEAR THE PRECIOUS MESSAGE?

The college needs more books for the library. It needs more equipment for the science department. There are bills to be paid---GOD'S WORK MUST BE KEPT FREE FROM DEBT!

And---The PLAIN TRUTH is now WAITING ON YOU! I can't sent it to the printers until you Co-Workers send in more money. I have done my part---I am giving my last ounce of strength and energy to this great task for God. ARE YOU DOING YOUR PART? Will Christ say to you, when He comes, "WELL DONE, thou good and faithful servant?"

WE MUST HAVE SEVERAL THOUSAND EXTRA DOLLARS BY IMMEDIATE AIR-MAIL! THIS NEED IS DESPERATE. Frankly, dear Co-Workers, I am at my wit's end as to how to say this so you'll realize HOW DESPERATE this situation is! I have done my best, and now I shall just PRAY and trust God to make the desperation of this situation strike down deep into your hearts so the response will now be as over-whelming as the need. PLEASE, SEND THE VERY LARGEST SUMS YOU CAN, EVEN UP TO A FEW THOUSAND DOLLARS---but if the widow's two mites are all you CAN send, remember every single dollar is more necessary than any time this year. God does not expect any to give what they have not got---but He DOES expect every one to give AS HE IS ABLE, and as God prospers him, and if we were more generous with God, then God would see that we prosper more! And, now, WILL YOU PRAY WITH ME? This great work must never stop, or even slow up. GOD IS WORKING IN AND THRU IT. IN JESUS' NAME PUT YOUR MONEY---AS WELL AS GOD'S TITHE---WHERE GOD HIMSELF IS WORKING---WHERE THE TRUE GOSPEL IS BEING PREACHED---WHERE THE PEOPLE ARE BEING TOLD THEIR SINS---WHERE HUNDREDS OF PRECIOUS SOULS ARE BEING CONVERTED, THEIR LIVES TOTALLY CHANGED BY THE POWER OF GOD'S SPIRIT!

Please RUSH---it's vital---and AIR-MAIL! God bless you!

Herbert W. Armstrong


November 11, 1949 Co-Worker Letter - Herbert W Armstrong
Why Did God Let Us Win WWII Despite our National Sins?
So The Radio Church of God Could be Founded!



HERBERT W. ARMSTRONG Analyses Today's News, with the Prophecies of The WORLD TOMORROW

Publishing The PLAIN TRUTH a Magazine of UNDERSTANDING
Pasadena, California

November 11, 1949

Dear Friend and Co-Worker:

I wrote you co-workers a year ago today. Again it is "ARMISTICE DAY." A tragedy is happening, and I have to write you again. You must help me prevent it.

It seems foolish to celebrate the armistice of World War I. Today we are in the midst of the second armistice. AND THERE IS A REAL REASON FOR THIS PRESENT ARMISTICE! Everyone knows it's only another "recess!" Everyone knows ANOTHER WORLD WAR IS COMING!

But there is a divine PURPOSE in this present "time-out" between the second and third world wars! Very few know why World War II ended as, and when, it did.

Well here's the real truth of what happened. Shortly before the war ended some of us knew---and I said repeatedly in my broadcast---the Germans were feverishly rushing to completion a mysterious new SUPER-weapon. Week after week I told the nation- wide radio audience it was a RACE AGAINST TIME---whether General Patton and other allied commanders could close in on Berlin and END the war before this terrible mystery-weapon was perfected. For we knew it was so destructive that if Hitler was able to use it, even tho backed right up against Berlin itself, he could yet turn apparent certain defeat into total and almost instantaneous victory.

Well, we won that race against time---but only because a "chance lucky hit" by an American bomb "accidently" destroyed the center of German production of that secret weapon! U. S. forces, upon conquering Germany, soon learned what that mysterious new weapon was! Their frightful new weapon was the ATOMIC BOMB! Yes, the Germans were actually ahead of the U. S. in producing the atomic bomb, by more than six months! And except for that "accidental" bomb-hit on the very center of their A-bomb production, WE WOULD HAVE LOST THE WAR!

But today we know that was no "accident." America was spared from defeat only by a miracle from God!

But why? Why did God let us win? Why did He give us this present armistice? For one purpose only, my dear co-workers ---and it's time we began to realize it---to allow time for the very work He has called YOU and ME to DO! To allow time for the last solemn WARNING MESSAGE to be thundered to our English-speaking peoples! To allow time to proclaim to all the world the TRUE GOSPEL which Christ Himself brought from God---the NEWS OF THE SOON COMING OF THE KINGDOM OF GOD TO RULE THE WORLD TOMORROW!

I know it's difficult for your mind to really grasp the overwhelming meaning of that. Hasn't the Gospel been preached in all the world, one will ask? EMPHATICALLY NO! Not the TRUE Gospel of Jesus Christ! Not since early apostolic days! Astonishing, ---yes, BUT TRUE! The only true Gospel of Jesus Christ is the Gospel CHRIST PREACHED---the Message God sent to this world by Him ---and that Message is the NEWS of WORLD RULE by GOD HIMSELF---the Message of the overthrow of all the governments of this world--all its nations and empires---and by the supernatural power of God ALL NATIONS to be ruled over by the soon-coming KINGDOM OF GOD!

But Christ foretold a turning away from His Message. He said MANY FALSE TEACHERS would rise and mislead nearly all. Paul wrote that this "mystery of iniquity"---the old Chaldean "mysteries" or pagan-idol-worship of Babylon---was already working in his day. He prophesied there would be a GREAT FALLING AWAY from Christ's true Message. He was inspired to write that the popular churches would turn away from the TRUTH and believe FABLES. John, in Revelation, was inspired to foretell that ALL NATIONS would be deceived. And so today the churches preach their OWN "gospel" about the PERSON of Christ---they continually talk ABOUT Him---but they deny, and fight against HIS MESSAGE of the GOVERNMENT OF GOD in our lives now, and over the whole WORLD TOMORROW! The Gospel of Jesus Christ is not a message ABOUT Christ---it is a Message OF Jesus Christ---the Message God sent by Him---the Message He brought from God and which He proclaimed 1900 years ago!


But now, after 1800 years, THAT SAME MESSAGE once again is going out in great power to the United States---and already to portions of Canada and Mexico. Today God has provided FOR THAT MESSAGE the very best and most listened-to time---8 o'clock Central time---EVERY NIGHT over the most powerful radio station on this continent for the dynamic proclaiming of HIS TRUE GOSPEL. And He has provided several other powerful radio stations besides---with more being added!

Listen to the PROPHECY-COMMAND of Jesus: He said, referring directly to OUR DAY in this 20th century, just before the END OF THIS WORLD: "This GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM SHALL BE PREACHED IN ALL THE WORLD FOR A WITNESS UNTO ALL NATIONS, AND THEN SHALL THE END (of this world) COME." (Mat. 24:14).

Not just to America---but now TO ALL NATIONS, as a witness, just before the END of this age.

Listen Co-Workers! We must not let this startling truth overwhelm us, or stun us into inaction---but we must GRASP it, and let it INSPIRE US, and let us give ourselves into the hands and power of GOD to be used of Him for this PURPOSE! Because it is FOR THIS PURPOSE God has raised up this great work! It is for this purpose God has made you and me CO-WORKERS together. IT IS FOR THIS PURPOSE GOD BY THAT MIRACLE PREVENTED US FROM LOSING THE WAR ---TO PROVIDE TIME FOR THIS MESSAGE FROM HIM TO GO NOW WITH THE LOUD SHOUT BY THE POWER OF RADIO AND THE PRINTING PRESS TO ALL THE WORLD!

Yes, that's difficult for us to really grasp---that God would choose such common, ordinary people as you and me for this GREATEST JOB ON EARTH TODAY. But God always chooses the meek and humble---those HE can use---those willing to yield themselves to HIS WILL---those willing to forsake this world and its ways and give themselves as instruments in His Hands! God never chooses the great and powerful of this world! He calls to His service those who will yield to HIM---sacrifice and give up all for HIM (will you?)---and it is HIS POWER working in and thru them which makes the accomplishment GREAT. The real POWER back of this work is not Herbert W. Armstrong---it is not you---IT IS THE POWER OF GOD. His power is UNLIMITED!

And so HERE ARE THE FACTS---a living reality to day! Here is this work of GOD---dynamically proclaiming this very Message of CHRIST, after a lapse of 1800 years, to MILLIONS here in America Coast to Coast, by the most powerful radio stations, and by the power of the printed word! And here in Pasadena, by a series of unbelievable miracles is AMBASSADOR COLLEGE, started as the smallest liberal arts college in America, but we believe the finest, growing dynamically---and here God already has sent several of the most unusual, converted, consecrated, Spirit-led, UNDERSTANDING young men and women I have ever met to study and prepare to CARRY THIS MESSAGE OF CHRIST INTO ALL NATIONS!

We here at Pasadena are working with inspired energy, virtually night and day. The students in the college are applying themselves to the task with a diligence and enthusiasm and purpose I have never seen in college students before---because these young men are energized by the power of God! Our office staff, assisting me in the broadcast and publishing work, are laboring with inspired zeal. We are giving our ALL!

But without YOU and our other co-workers, we can do nothing! YOUR PART IS JUST AS VITAL AS OURS! When money drops off, THE ENTIRE WORK IS THREATENED!

Yes, hard though it is to realize, THIS IS THE WORK GOD HAS RAISED UP AND IS USING TO SHOUT HIS LAST WARNING MESSAGE TO A DYING WORLD! Let us REALIZE it, and come to our senses and SPRING TO ACTION in God's service.

THE REASON FOR THIS SO-CALLED PERIOD OF PEACE BETWEEN THE SECOND AND THIRD WORLD WAR IS TO PROVIDE TIME FOR THIS MESSAGE TO GET OUT, AND THIS WORK TO BE COMPLETED! For one purpose only did God let our nations---His people Israel---win the war. For one reason only is World War III being held back now:---to allow time and opportunity to carry out this very mission to which God Almighty has called you and me!

WE ARE AT THE END OF THIS WORLD---this age---this civilization. Can you really understand that fact? can you REALIZE it? This has been MAN'S world, under Satan's sway. All its governments going down in final chaos. The devil knows far better than we that we are near the END of his dominion. Consequently he is FURIOUS against this powerful work of God carrying to this dying world THE VERY LAST MESSAGE FROM GOD! Repeatedly Satan has struck at this work. Everything in his power is being done to destroy it! But he can't destroy it---for it is the WORK OF GOD!

But that is why, my dear co-workers, we have had to face one crisis after another. Satan never stops fighting us. But GOD ALWAYS DELIVERS US! His work keeps leaping ahead, greater, more powerful than ever! Often our co-workers, many of them, seem to grow drowsy and weary with well-doing. Often they tend to ease up in their part in this work, and money begins to drop off. That makes it very hard and difficult for us here at Pasadena. BUT SATAN NEVER EASES UP! He grows increasingly angry, and with increasing fury strikes at us harder and harder! And that, when our co-workers neglect the work, lays on us a DOUBLY sore trial and test of faith!

Great Accomplishment of 1949

This year 1949 has seen the GREATEST LEAP AHEAD this work has ever taken. It has produced by far greater fruit for God's Kingdom---made far greater progress---been more blessed of God--- than any previous year.

Ambassador College has almost doubled in size.---both student body and faculty, and in buildings and grounds. Now, through the acquisition of the fine large adjoining property, "Mayfair," all our students live right on the campus, and the beautiful campus grounds are doubled in area. Yet this valuable property was acquired on even lower terms than the original property---on such basis that the income from rentals virtually pays for it, thus avoiding increased expense to the work! It greatly increases our assets and facilities, without increasing expense!

Look at this year's great harvest of souls! Two qualified students from the college on a Coast-to-Coast tour this summer baptized SEVENTY-EIGHT precious souls converted thru this work. A total of nearly one hundred have been converted and baptized thru the entire year---BUT, MORE IMPORTANT, FOUR HUNDRED MORE, converted, as we believe from their letters, still anxiously await baptism as the harvest of this work for this year---A TOTAL OF APPROXIMATELY FIVE HUNDRED PRECIOUS SOULS! The harvest is plenteous, but the laborers are few. But now God is graciously sending us called and qualified laborers to be trained at Ambassador College that this harvest may be GREATLY MULTIPLIED. In another month or so now, God willing, another baptizing tour will be made from the college. Next summer we hope to have two or three teams out in the field.

Today the radio program goes out over more powerful radio station than ever before. Two stations recently were added. Now the program goes on the air every morning in the year in the Los Angeles district, and a powerful Chicago station has been added. Still others will be added as soon as our co-workers make possible.


Look at the financial progress of this work. As your know, the work is incorporated under the name of the Radio Church of God as a non-profit religious association. It is officially income-tax exempt by the Bureau of Internal Revenue, and all offerings sent as donations (including your tithes) up to 15% of you net taxable income are automatically deductible from your income tax. A year ago this work had NO ASSETS except office equipment and supplies and some college equipment. Money previously paid on the college property was then necessarily on a lease-and-option basis. We were threatened a year ago with losing it all. God performed a miracle last December and the obligations were met, and the property deeded over to the corporation, the Radio Church of God. Today, largely because we have more than doubled the value of our properties thru improvements and diligent labor of our students and helpers, the work of God can show assets, over and above liabilities, in excess of $200,000! I must explain, however, that these assets are in the form of equity in the college properties---not in cash, and not in such form that we could possibly get any money from these assets now to help us meet expenses. Yet these assets represent rapid financial strides thru this past year, and show that this work is gradually getting on a sound financial basis. Thru such a year of trial and test, this financial stability is almost unbelievable, and definitely shows GOD'S GUIDANCE in good and sound business management, and GOD'S BLESSING!

Nevertheless, while the ACTIVITIES of this work, and the RESULTS accomplished, and the BLESSING FROM GOD, have steadily increased thru this year, our co-workers have at the same time STEADILY LET DOWN!

Gradually, we have been heading toward a severe crisis. On and on it has crept, and NOW THE SITUATION IS DESPERATELY ALARMING!

LISTEN, dear Co-Workers! This means we are heading straight and rapidly toward the DEATH of this work! We do,---AND MUST---pay our big radio stations AS WE GO. We cannot go on the air UNLESS THE TIME IS PAID FOR! And when enough money does not come in, all I can do is STOP! Once again we shall be cut off XEG and other powerful stations UNLESS THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS ARE RUSHED TO US IMMEDIATELY!

Co-Workers, it is MOST embarrassing for me to have to tell you again, that unless you RALLY---unless you immediately send in to this work money you had planned for something else,---THIS VOICE YOU HAVE HEARD PROCLAIMING THE TRUE GOSPEL THAT JESUS BROUGHT TO THE WORLD WILL BE STILLED! --- and this time, at this season of the year, out time will be sold to others and we probably will NEVER get it back!

God's work must owe no man anything! It cannot continue on in debt! Our policy is to pay in advance, or as we go. This indebtedness was forced on us by factors outside our control. WE MUST NOW UNITEDLY SET OURSELVES TO PUT GOD'S WORK ON SOLID GROUND FINANCIALLY---out of debt, and with a reasonable cash surplus to tide over temporary slumps or unexpected emergencies. We here at Pasadena are SET TO THAT POLICY, and that is now our one major goal---BUT WE MUST HAVE YOUR HELP, AND IT MEANS REAL SACRIFICE ON YOUR PART!

This is the most important work and activity on earth today! WE ARE IN A TIME OF PEACE FOR THE SOLE PURPOSE OF ALLOWING TIE TO PROCLAIM THIS MESSAGE TO THE WORLD! In a few years YOUR MONEY, YOUR PROPERTY, will be worthless, or blown to bits. Present so-called "peace" won't last! We are near the end of this world--- this age---this civilization! ONLY THE WORK OF GOD COUNTS NOW!

CO-WORKERS, RALLY TO THIS EMERGENCY AS YOU NEVER DID BEFORE! Never yet has anyone given a single contribution to this work as large as $5,000. ONE OF YOU CAN! Will you? One man and his wife borrowed $5,000, mortgaging their home, and loaned it to us to pay off the last of the college reconstruction cost. Two months ago, when the bank unexpectedly demanded the remaining $3,000 of that loan be paid immediately, six months sooner than originally arranged, we were able to pay only $1,500, obtaining an extension until December for the remaining $1,500. It must be paid then. Of course we will not let these dear co-workers lose their home. But we now have only thirty days to raise this in addition to these other crying needs. And somewhere among you co-workers is one who can send this amount.

Co-Workers, would you let the broadcast stop, because of your neglect? Would you let The PLAIN TRUTH stop? This year The PLAIN TRUTH has grown to 16 pages every issue---its circulation has grown much more than in any previous year.

Yet at this very moment thousands of copies of the November number, all addressed, and in mail sacks, have been lying on our office floor for days because of lack of money for postage. I have the December number half written and set in type---BUT THE PLAIN TRUTH IS HELD UP FOR LACK OF MONEY! Ambassador College sorely needs $5,000 for library books which we cannot now afford, and will not, until the work as a whole is "out of the red" and in currently sound financial shape.

CO-WORKERS, all of you---we must now remove this reproach from God's work! THE WORK SORELY NEEDS A GIFT OF $5,000 OR MORE! But if you can't send that, or a thousand, or a hundred or more--- or even $50 or $20---at least EVERY ONE OF YOU can send the widow's two mites! And another downpour now of widow's mites would lift this work out of this DANGER. Remember every dollar carries the true Gospel to TWO THOUSAND SOULS! Can you use it otherwise, and then face God in the judgment?

Now is the time for financial sacrifice as you never did before! WILL YOU JOIN ME IN EARNEST PRAYER OVER IT? The condition this minute is DESPERATE! Please PRAY, and ask God to move on the hearts of co-workers so compellingly they will respond over- whelmingly and SAVE THE WONDERFUL WORK OF GOD. Rush the largest, most generous amount you possibly can, AIR-MAIL---and get it into the enclosed envelope NOW,---immediately---or the first moment you can get the money. THANK YOU, and GOD BLESS YOU!

In Jesus' name,

Herbert W. Armstrong


November 25, 1949 Co-Worker Letter - Herbert W Armstrong
Uses Christmas Gift Giving Season to Solicit Money from Plain Truth Subscribers



HERBERT W. ARMSTRONG Analyses Today's News, with the Prophecies of THE WORLD TOMORROW

The PLAIN TRUTH A Magazine of UNDERSTANDING Publishing

Box 111, Pasadena, California

November 25,1949

Dear Friend:

I don't believe that I have written you a letter before.

I am happy that you are one who has asked for The PLAIN TRUTH, and I want you to know personally how very grateful I am for your interest. It is a real privilege to be able to send it to you ---a blessed opportunity that has come to me to be permitted to write The PLAIN TRUTH for so many, many interested people to read from Coast to Coast, and even in other nations.

You see, we have a very different policy from any I know in practice today. We publish a very different national magazine ---without subscription price. Although our policy prevents me from begging for money over the air, or even mentioning its need for this great work except most rarely, I do urge all our listeners in every broadcast to send us their names and addresses for our mailing list, so we may send them The PLAIN TRUTH---and without subscription price.

Do you know WHY I probably have never written you before? And now that I stop to realize the real reason, I want first of all to hasten to APOLOGIZE for this neglect. You'll see what I mean in a moment.

Let me explain this way: I remember one night I had told a congregation that if we really believed Jesus was right when He said, "It is more blessed to give than to receive," we would THANK those who permit us to serve them, instead of those who serve us. That seemed very strange to my hearers, I noticed. After the service, Mrs. Armstrong and I drove an elderly lady to her home in our car. On helping her out of the car at her home, it occurred to me I ought to practice what I had preached, so I warmly thanked her for permitting us the privilege of rendering her this kindness. Instinctively she started to say, "Oh, no---I'm the one to thank YOU!"---when she caught herself, remembered the sermon, laughed and said, "Well, you're welcome!"

And now is my face red! Long ago I should have written you and THANKED you for permitting me the fine privilege of writing for you, and sending to you, The PLAIN TRUTH! For it is, indeed, one of the great privileges of my life, for which I have, time and again, thanked God! You see, I have written to those who sent in tithes, or contributions for God's work, and thanked them for giving---but I realize new I have neglected to write and thank you, and all the rest of our vast mailing list who are not co-workers, for permitting us to give! The policy I mentioned above is this: Unless a listener to the radio program, or a reader of The PLAIN TRUTH voluntarily, without solicitation, becomes a co-worker, we make no request for money. Approximately 10% of those receiving The PLAIN TRUTH are co-workers---and it is their tithes and offerings, voluntarily sent, which make it possible for us to send The PLAIN TRUTH free to the other 90%, and also to send out the radio program over the most powerful radio stations to a Coast to Coast audience every day (or night) of the year. So now I do, from the heart, want to say THANK YOU! And I shall try, if God will give me strength to write it, and move our co-workers to provide, to send you The PLAIN TRUTH every month this coming year!

Here we are again coming to the Christmas shopping season. Did you ever stop to ask WHY people give Christmas gifts?

Actually the custom started in ancient paganism. If you'd like the real TRUTH about Christmas, how it started, where it came from, what the Bible says about it (and you'll be SURPRISED!) just write for our free booklet, "The Truth About Christmas." But people think they give Christmas presents because the wise men presented gifts to the Christ child.

Notice how it is written: "And when they (the wise men) were come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary his mother, and fell down, and worshipped him: and when they had opened their treasures, they presented unto HIM (Christ) gifts; gold, and frankincense, and myrrh." (Matt 2:11). These are not cheap, but the very finest, most valuable---the things most in esteem among themselves. Actually, the truth is they presented these gifts because it was CUSTOM to present gifts to a KING---and Christ was born to be King of all the earth!

But did you notice that they did not TRADE GIFTS among themselves? They did not give presents to each other. They gave their gifts to CHRIST! And what are people doing today? Today, at this Christmas season, people usually forget, or neglect Christ and His work, and spend all their money EXCHANGING GIFTS BACK AND FORTH AMONG THEMSELVES!

The truth is, as we approach this Christmas shopping season, the precious work of Christ is having a terrible financial struggle. It is meeting a severe test of faith. And we know many of our regular co-workers who regularly contribute to this important work thru the year will neglect it or put it off so they can spend all their money trading gifts among their relatives and friends! It is a time of sore trial and great test of faith for those who have given their lives to the work of Christ!

And so without apology I make a bold suggestion: This is not a request---but I pass it on to you as a SUGGESTION for you to think over, and do as you yourself wish, or feel God leads you: THIS Christmas shopping season, WHY NOT GIVE A GIFT TO CHRIST FOR HIS WORK? Won't you feel better about it if CHRIST is on your list? And, in fact should HE not be placed at the very HEAD of the list, instead of the bottom---for the largest, most generous gift of all?

Let me just say that money given to this work of God is spent in proclaiming the true Gospel of Jesus Christ to a nation- wide cumulative audience of more than SEVEN MILLION people every week---in sending out The PLAIN TRUTH and tons of other literature, all free and without price---and in conducting what we believe is America's finest and best, the surely one of its smallest liberal arts colleges, Ambassador College, in Pasadena, where young men and women of purpose, nearly all working their own way thru, are being trained in the TRUE VALUES of living, for useful, successful lives, many of them in the service of Christ. Hundreds of precious souls have been thoroughly converted this past year thru this dynamic and glorious work. And, as near as careful tests and estimates can calculate, every dollar placed in this work carries the true GOSPEL to TWO THOUSAND PRECIOUS SOULS! I know of no such economy or efficiency in reaching multitudes anywhere. This work is incorporated as "RADIO CHURCH OF GOD," and officially approved by the Internal Revenue Bureau as a non-profit religious association, so that any amount up to 15% of your net taxable income sent to this work as a donation is automatically tax-exempt on your income- tax return.

Again, let me THANK YOU, sincerely and from the heart, for your interest. Your name continues automatically on our mailing list. I hope to make the broadcasts and The PLAIN TRUTH even more interesting this coming year!

Sincerely, in Jesus' name,

Herbert W. Armstrong


November 28, 1949 Co-Worker Letters - Herbert W Armstrong
Christmas is PAGAN! So Send Me Your Gift Money!


November 28, 1949

Dear Co-Workers:

Please read this at once. It's very important, It's URGENT!

Somehow, I must make all our co-workers realize WHAT A TERRIBLE THING IS HAPPENING! My heart is heavy as lead. A colossal tragedy is happening. HOW can I make all you co-workers realize it?

My recent letter of November 11th didn't make enough of our co-workers realize the situation. Unless this letter succeeds, it will be too late. I MUST, somehow, arouse ALL our co-workers. It's a matter of final desperation now.

Would you see the only LIGHT OF THE WORLD extinguished? Read this carefully! The only light of the word is the TRUTH of God, and the true work of God proclaiming that truth in boldness and with power! Satan knows this. He hates this work of God causing that true light to shine in his darkened world! Satan is angry. He is furious. He strikes repeatedly at this work of God. He never lets up, but keeps attacking with increasing persistence. Consequently this work is brought into one crisis after another.

Unless this letter somehow can make ALL our co-workers REALIZE how urgently serious the situation has become, this true work of God will be put out at this true LIGHT shining forth over three nations extinguished the voice you've been hearing over the air proclaiming the very Gospel of Christ, which HE proclaimed, STILLED the PLAIN TRUTH stopped from publication - Ambassador College, where men called of God, Spirit-filled, consecrated, are being fitted for this precious work of God will be CLOSED DOWN!

That would be the greatest tragedy that could happen! But this precious and powerful work CANNOT SURVIVE ANOTHER MONTH- not even another week - unless somehow with the help of God I can at last AROUSE our co-workers - ALL of you - to be willing RIGHT NOW to make a real financial sacrifice for your Saviour who gave His LIFE for you - for the Christ who loves you so much He DIED for you - and to love HIM enough to come to the aid of His work immediately!

Again I have received a telegram from our largest station XEG the most powerful station in the Western hemisphere, where God has permitted us to have for His work THE MOST LISTENED-TO TIME EVERY NIGHT the most valuable radio time that we could purchase and we are about to be thrown off the air permanently unless we send large payments immediately.

I'm simply at my wit's end! I've done my best. All my staff have done their best. I've tried to make our family of co-workers of which you are one - realize the SERIOUSNESS of the situation. Some of our co-workers have been doing MORE than their part, at great sacrifice, standing loyally with me - GOD BLESS THEM! - and they have kept this great work alive to now. But MOST of you co-workers have been growing more and more careless, perhaps putting you own interests, desires, and pleasures AHEAD OF THE KINGDOM OF GOD. This has caused the precious work of God to go farther and farther behind. NOW WE'VE REACHED THE LIMIT! To go any farther behind will mean the END OF THIS ENTIRE WORK!

And here we are at the MOST DIFFICULT MONTH OF THE YEAR! Once again the Christmas shopping season is on us - when people customarily, supposing they are following the wise men in giving gifts to Christ, FORGET ALL ABOUT CHRIST and His precious work - when they take the money they might send for His work other months, and spend it TRADING GIFTS BACK AND FORTH AMONG THEIR FRIENDS! Of course those who know the truth know this trading of Christmas presents is PAGAN, not Christian - started by that ancient Queen of Babylon, the original "Queen of heaven" condemned in God's Word. Yet if you still follow the custom don't you think CHRIST ought to head your list, with the biggest, most generous gift of all, for HIS work?

I thought we faced the most serious crisis in the history of the work just a year ago. BUT IT LOOMS UP AS EVEN MORE SERIOUS, NOW!

We have simply got to have a great overwhelming response once again - another MIRACLE - to save this precious glorious work!

So once again, LISTEN CAREFULLY, please! Always it is the small FEW of our co-workers who really love their Lord and Saviour, whose hearts He has softened and made willing, who must come to he rescue with EXTRA LARGE, GENEROUS offerings, according to your means. I know that for some $35 or $50 is a very generous gift for their Saviour and His work. Yet many can give that much or more, if your hearts are willing. Some can, if willing to let it go into the Lord's work, send $200, or $500 or more. Not very many probably can send one, or two, or five thousand dollars and it is, I know MUCH HARDER to make yourself willing to part with such a sum, and give it over to your Saviour who gave HIMSELF for you, and let it be used in His work yes, maybe you need to go into a room and lock the door and PRAY ABOUT ITbut in past emergencies some few have done this, and saved the work and the very fact that so few CAN, or are willing, makes it a thousand times more necessary for YOU, if you can, to do it! God has abundantly blessed all who have made such sacrifice for Him, and He will you. Very soon, now, WORLD WAR III will strike very soon, now YOUR MONEY WILL BE WORTH NOTHING TO YOU! But now, just THINK what great good it can do EVERY DOLLAR PLACED IN THIS WORK CARRIES THE PRECIOUS GOSPEL, as near as we can estimate, TO TWO THOUSAND PRECIOUS SOULS! Think of the vast number of people WHO WILL NOT BE WARNED who may never hear God's precious Message in time if you hold back that money now!

EVERY ONE OF YOU CAN send in at the very least the "widow's mites" remember even she gave TWO and if EVERY ONE of you will be sure to send in two dollars or more, in a GREAT DOWNPOUR OF WIDOW'S MITES, this work will be saved, brought completely out of debt this coming month, and start the new year out of reproach and in good financial condition, AS GOD'S WORK OUGHT TO BE - and must be, if it is to continue! But EVERY ONE must do it!

Here we are near the close of the greatest year of progress in our history! God has blessed this work this year as NEVER BEFORE! There has been a harvest of HUNDREDS of precious souls - lives completely changed! We now have for the first time called, competent laborers to go out and reap this precious harvest of souls. THINK what just ONE of these precious souls is worth! What is your salvation worth to YOU? This year far more people have been reached by the broadcast than ever before. This year God has blessed us with the greatest growth by far in the mailing list of The PLAIN TRUTH! This year the college has almost doubled in size, and now is beginning already to produce precious fruit for God's Kingdom, and thousands are beginning to realize WHY God started it!

THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT HUMAN ACTIVITY ON EARTH TODAY! Co-Workers, will you let such a glorious and God-blessed work - a work in which GOD'S POWER is working so dynamically for such great results - will YOU let it come to a sudden crash-landing and be killed and silenced when YOU can help save it? How much can YOU give to your Saviour for His precious work just now? Of course you can send in the widow's two mitesbut HOW MUCH MORE? I am earnestly asking God to LAY IT ON YOUR HEART to be just as generous toward Him just now as your ability makes possible! Will you open wide your heart to Him AND YOUR POCKETBOOK?

God has always delivered His work from every crisis HE WILL THIS TIME, BUT LISTEN! God works thru human children. He never forces any against his will. And so when I find our co-workers, human-like, growing careless in their responsibility toward God, I have to write and tell you, and then PRAY, and ask you to join me in real fervent, earnest, believing PRAYER for God to move on human hearts and stir them up, and wake them up, cause them to put HIS KINGDOM FIRST! PLEASE PRAY! EVERY ONE must respond this time!

Remember the mails are again clogged, and delayed. BE SURE TO SEND YOUR GIFT AIR-MAIL - and RUSH IT! Put this ahead of everything else! I must now commit this supreme emergency into your hands - and God's! God bless you, I know you won't fail Christ you Saviour! But please hurry!

THANK YOU, and God bless you!

Herbert W. Armstrong 


June 29, 1950 - Herbert W Armstrong - Letter to Potential Women AC Students


June 29,1950


I would like a personal word with girl students interested in attending AMBASSADOR COLLEGE.

Please excuse the delay in answering your inquiry. The printing of the enclosed Bulletin has been unavoidably held up.

I'm sure the Bulletin will answer most of your questions. But I want to tell you in this more personal way what I, as founder and acting president, am planning for our girl students.

But first let me emphasize you will probably find life here at AMBASSADOR quite different from that at other colleges. But all our students feel very thankful they came. Nevertheless, since it is so different, every prospective student should understand what these differences are.

The entire atmosphere is different here. The Bulletin is designed to fully reflect these differences, and I urge you to read it thoroughly. But perhaps I can amplify it somewhat in a more personal manner. First of all, we are not a typical large mass- education institution, but probably the smallest liberal arts college in America. Our goal is quality, not quantity. We're like one family here---and a happy family! We are blest with beautiful and quality surroundings of tone and character. We are privileged to enjoy a highly cultural setting. The three buildings on the campus are superbly built, and gradually being restored to original newness and beauty. The campus grounds are not vast, but our four acres of magnificently-landscaped grounds are ample for the college of our size, and they are so perfectly adapted to our specific needs that they provide advantages not found elsewhere. Personally I have visited campuses in all parts of the United States---Pacific Coast, Mountain States, Middle-West, New England, East, and South, including a good portion of the most famous colleges and universities in America, and some abroad. And while some of these are superbly beautiful, nearly all larger than ours, yet it is my candid personal opinion that none is as truly beautiful.

Our purpose here is a very serious one. Our students all take it seriously, and no student should enroll who does not. But life on this campus is full of stimulating interest; it is happy, and there is time for laughter, play, enjoyment of life to the fullest. Recreation and social life is an important part of education here. We believe that when a girl leaves college she ought to be something more than just a "bookworm." It is part of our serious, and Christian purpose, that students receive a complete, well-rounded education. And that requires so much more than text-book knowledge, or development of the intellect alone. It means development of personality, ability to express one's self, instilling of character, training in true culture. This cannot be achieved by class-room work alone.

As traditionally developed, the system of higher education in America has come to measure the worth, importance, and education of the individual by a definite yard-stick,---college degrees. Personally I feel this has become a much abused, and inadequate system. College degrees are conferred according to the number of hours the student sits in the class-room armchair. They do not measure such qualities as the acquirement of ambition, vision, imagination, judgment, initiative. Nor do these class-room methods, book-learning or laboratory work by themselves develop these qualities, or impart understanding of life and its purpose and its laws.

We cannot overlook the fact we live in a world of established systems, and therefore AMBASSADOR must, of course, conform to the system of credits leading toward a degree, based on class-room hours. But, at AMBASSADOR students say they feel that they definitely learn more and acquire more that will help them in a practical way in life, in the AMBASSADOR campus life, outside classes, than they learn in class here, or would elsewhere. Surely it is the purpose of AMBASSADOR to recapture the "true values", including development of personality, bringing out the best in one's self, and acquirement of true culture---not the veneer of sophistication, but that which is real and true and sincere, and springs from the heart in a spirit of love.

As the background for some of the things I am planning especially for girl students, may I, first, express some of our deep-seated convictions which form our philosophical approach.

At AMBASSADOR we seek to teach and train young women for every phase of life. If, during the past fifty years, the young women of the world had not been instructed and trained as we plan to train our girls, this world would not be in the chaotic plight we see today. No nation can be better than its wives and mothers; no community better than its women; no home happier than the wife and mother in that home makes possible; and no girl can become a happy, successful woman unless she has learned the mystery of life ---its real purpose, and the laws that inexorably govern it and lead either to a most satisfying accomplishment, happiness and joy, or if violated to embittered despair, frustration, self- condemnation, loss of happiness and everything one desires in life.

While the general calling, purpose, and natural function of the woman is to be a happy, inspiring, intelligent and successful wife, mother and homemaker, yet the exigencies of today's world make it desirable or necessary for many, prior to marriage or even after, to find some desirable employment. There- fore our purpose at AMBASSADOR in developing courses for girl students is threefold: 1) a general and cultural liberal arts education, including in a most practical manner education and training in a true knowledge of life---its real purpose---the spiritual laws that regulate all relationships---a realization of the true values and how to achieve them; 2) a most practical and thorough training in every necessary phase of home economics for intelligent and successful entrance upon responsibilities of wife- hood, home-making, motherhood; and 3) such specialized courses as we find ourselves in position to excel in women's vocation and professional training.

Specifically, I hope to have available for girls entering this coming fall a special Secretarial course of highest standards, preparing girls to become top-flight secretaries to important executives---a full four year course which will offer a special degree in this major. Preliminary plans are laid. This course and the year of its inauguration is contingent on sufficient enrollment, but inquiries and applications now arriving indicate that girls enrolling this fall may start this course, getting foundational liberal arts subjects preparatory to technical training the freshman year, then entering intensified technical training in the major beginning the second year.

But career or business life regardless, every girl should have the thorough, practical domestic science course which is my personal and special purpose to create here. I know of no college which offers the type of course I have in mind. In this, again, we are pioneering---blazing new trails. It seems to me that being a really intelligent, successful and happy wife, home-maker and mother is becoming a lost art.

It's difficult now, while this course is still in the "idea" stage, to describe it so as to capture the fancy and arouse the enthusiasm of the prospective student. An illustration or two might help to convey what I mean. Today I heard a woman remark to another about a third: "Mrs. X doesn't seem to be a healthy woman. Strange, isn't it---she's a splendid person, and so well educated, too."

But what's strange about it? What is there in popular education today that teaches one how to be and remain healthy? Such courses as are taught along lines of hygiene, physiology, and what is called "physical education," scarcely touch on the real laws of health. Even the overwhelming majority of physicians know almost nothing about it. As a physician and surgeon remarked to me, "We doctors have been kept so busy giving medicine to people already sick we haven't had time to make a study of health". They have studied sickness and disease, not health---drugs, medicines, and surgery, not foods, sunshine and exercise. But a small number of prominent doctors have made specialized study along this line, and they agree that about 90% of ill health comes from improper diet. Ignorance of this one thing can, and usually does, cause irritability, a bad disposition, laziness, fear and worry, and many social handicaps in addition to most of the modern diseases and sicknesses of this day. Is education which leaves the college graduate ignorant of this basic need for a happy and successful life a well-rounded, practical, and complete education?

The AMBASSADOR domestic science course will educate all girls in natural foods and diet and their relation to sickness and disease---not merely how to make dainty pastries. Without going to the extreme of becoming "health-food fanatics," they will learn scientifically how to plan and prepare appetizing, delicious well- balanced health-producing meals of natural foods---and in a delightfully dainty manner with eye-appeal as well. And make no mistake---very few women today know how to do this!

One general step in that direction is added for the 1950-51 school year, Dr. Ralph E. Merrill, a prominent Glendale physician and surgeon, and one of Ambassador College's staunch friends, will deliver a series of lectures on this subject, which you can't afford to miss. The domestic science course will be placed under the direction of a thoroughly qualified woman of unusual capabilities, enthusiastically accepting the responsibility of building here the most practical, intelligent, common-sense course of its kind. I know we shall succeed in this goal, for God will guide and direct and open the way.

I wish to say personally that I feel we offer superior advantages in music here, under Mrs. Martin and Mr. Ettinger. This department will grow, and any supplementary work desired is available here, Los Angeles, or Hollywood.

Mr. Walker is especially desirous of enrolling girl students with good speaking voices and dramatic talent for the radio and television classes---and especially those who desire to give expression to this talent in God's service rather than in the entertainment world.

I wish, too, to assure mothers that girl students will be in the best of hands here, with Mrs. Annie M. Mann hostess in charge of Mayfair, student residence on the campus. Mrs. Mann is a fine, capable, efficient Christian woman of culture, loved and respected by all students, fully trusted by all parents who know her.

While AMBASSADOR is a qualified institution of high standards in a cultural setting, it is working toward a fixed ideal. It desires only students who whole-heartedly share and enter upon that ideal, and it is possible for any such student to come. Every student at present is working his or her way thru. We are glad to lend every assistance to help students find employment who must do so. Those who wish this guidance should state full particulars. Be sure to send us your photograph---any good snap- shot will do---what part of your tuition, room and board, etc., you are able to defray and what part you must earn---your qualifications, experience, kind of employment desired, etc.

Most sincerely,

Herbert W. Armstrong


December 14, 1950 - Herbert W Armstrong - Co-worker Letter


December 14th, 1950

Dear Friend and Co-Worker:

I do thank you, ---and may God specially bless you---for the generous offering (or tithe) which I gratefully acknowledge.

You know how Jesus summed up the very principle of worth-while, happy, and Christian living when He said, "It is more blessed to GIVE than to receive." We here are thankful for the blessing of receiving this money so that with it we may carry the precious Gospel Jesus preached to additional THOUSANDS who might never hear it other wise. But yours is the greater blessing.

I feel that you and I both should go to a place of prayer, and sincerely and earnestly THANK GOD that He has chosen us, and granted us the very great privilege and honor of working together IN HIS OWN PRECIOUS AND WONDERFUL WORK. It's not only the most important activity on earth, it is the most valuable, and the most joyful.

If only people really KNEW God's way of life, really knowing Jesus Christ as living Saviour and High Priest, and the blessedness of constant direct contact with God as our Father, how happy they would be! Here on Ambassador College campus we are seeing that truism really and practically demonstrated. So often visitors are heard to remark about the happy, smiling faces of students and staff around our buildings and grounds. It's really a fore-taste of the Kingdom of God, and it is a beautiful atmosphere indeed. No wonder, then, our students are showing such amazing development and improvement, evidencing such vigor and enthusiasm and zeal. Next spring three of them graduate---two of them young men now experienced and effective speakers who will go out full time into the work. Five more will follow the next year.

You have helped, perhaps more importantly than you realize, to make this marvelous progress in God's work possible, and this preparation for the future. What is here, at the college, being wrought in the hearts and lives of these God-called students (disciples) ill soon start spreading thru their labors into the minds and souls of hundreds and thousands. I want you to know, that the realization may bring you deep satisfaction and joy.

This has been proving our most difficult December in years. People are spending more exchanging Christmas presents back and forth, and giving less to Christ for His work than before. So your own faithfulness and sacrifice has been especially needful, and it give me courage to feel sure you will continue to stand loyally and generously with me in our labors for Christ. May God richly bless you.

Most sincerely, in Jesus' name,

Herbert W. Armstrong


March 21, 1951 - Herbert W Armstrong - Co-Worker Letters


March 21, 1951

Dear Friend and Co-Worker:

The office staff is really after me today, and insisting I drop everything else to acknowledge and THANK YOU, for the offering (or tithe) again received. Much as I wanted to write you, I've had so many things to do it seems I didn't get to it.

I thank you doubly---for, now that they have pressured me into setting other things aside to write you this "THANK YOU" letter, it gives me opportunity to just talk to you a moment and tell you a little about things here. You'll realize how very MUCH your own generosity has helped in the work when you receive the letter I'm forced to send to all co-workers again, telling them of another financial crisis in this work. It is so serious that ---but I won't dwell on that troubled-appearing picture further in this letter, but rather commit this great need to God, and tell you about the more happy side of the picture.

Today our students, with a crew of experts directing the operation, are winding up the planting of a beautiful camellia garden in one section of the college campus. These trees are BEAUTIFUL. The owner of a nursery and camellia business, forced to retire from business, is donating to the college camellia trees appraised at $100,000. The market is such that there is no sale for these trees now. Otherwise, of course, they would not be given to us. Perhaps in future years we may be able to sell some of them. It's almost unbelievable---but then, nearly everything about this work of God and this college He started thru us is providential. We have only had time to move thirty-four of these beautiful trees, finishing up today. The weather is turning warm, and the rest of the trees cannot be moved until about November. These trees are between ten and twenty five years old. We have planted a lovely hedge of camellia trees along a 150-foot strip of frontage which up to now was not secluded from the street. Other trees are being placed approximately ten feet apart from this hedge up over a knoll, completely secluding the beautiful campus grounds from the street. These are really fine varieties, producing rare and beautiful flowers of various colors.

Of course we probably never will be able to move more than half of these hundreds of trees onto the campus. Some are too large and costly to move, but this gift of rare and beautiful camellia trees is adding much to our magnificently beautiful campus. And it is truly almost unbelievable that these things always come to us in such a way as to take nothing from the gospel work.

Warm spring days are here in Pasadena. Soon our first graduation will arrive. Two men students, and one girl are now ready for full time work---the men in ministerial and evangelistic work, and assisting me with the writing, and the girl in the college library and in our business office. Indeed, one of our senior students is already out in the work full time. As you will see by the new magazine, "THE GOOD NEWS," going to press today, the Ambassador College Graduate School of Theology continues the work of men students in such a way that they are actually engaged practically full time in the work, while still engaged in the graduate work. They cannot be ordained until they have completed the full 27 months' graduate work after completing the four years of college. By that time they will be fully mature, trained, and experienced, possessing the equivalent of a doctor's degree. But it is a wonderful encouragement to me that two of these fine young men are prepared already for virtually full-time work. It will begin to ease the load I have to carry, and at the same time greatly expand the scope and effectiveness of the work. And these are not ordinary young men. Their lives prove they have been truly called of God to His service. They are fully converted, filled with God's Spirit. They have understanding and wisdom---they under-stand the Bible---they have FAITH---and they are already well experienced and capable. They are sincere, diligent, hard workers.

Yes, God surely blesses His work with GOOD THINGS, both spiritual and material. And one of the most important of the GOOD THINGS is you, yourself, as one of our loyal and faithful co-workers. I do thank God for you as a co-worker with me in His great work, and ask His richest blessing for you.

Sincerely, in Jesus' name,

Herbert W. Armstrong


July 11, 1951 - Herbert W Armstrong - Co-Worker Letter


July 11, 1951

Dear Friends:

Again I want to send you a personal word of THANKS for your tithes and generous offerings for the work of God, and for your confidence, your loyalty and sacrifice, and your prayers for this great work. GOD BLESS YOU!

These have been strenuous days. Our task is not easy. We have been, and still are, going thru a very tight financial squeeze. This is due primarily to the fact that our most powerful station XEG, which station is listened to by about 90% of our listeners, has not been giving the same steady, powerful reception the past two years it did prior to that time. A year or more ago the station was taken over by new owners. They told me the previous owners had not been using all the power allotted to this great station, assuring me the full power would be used thru this past winter. But our reports indicate that reception was even worse, not better. Now this station is promising to add 50,000 watts more power this coming fall and winter. I believe they will.

However, I am not going to rely solely on this one station. I have arranged to start the program next fall on one of the other super-power Mexican stations, in addition to XEG. If one of these stations fails to-give good reception it will be dropped after 30 days. If both give good reception we may be able to continue every night on both. I wish you would try tuning in on two of the stations I have in mind---XELO, 800 on the dial, and XERF, 1570 on the dial (extreme top of dial), and write and tell me how the reception is---how it compares with XEG (at 1050),--- and which of these stations comes in strongest and clearest where you live. Will you do that for me? It will help the work.

Because of this poor reception our mail has fallen off a great deal. I want you to know that it is only thru the loyalty and sacrifice of real co-workers like you that we have been able to keep this great work alive. PLEASE PRAY WITH ME FOR THE WORK. We must put our whole hearts into our prayers, and ask God to remove these barriers, and clear the way for His Message to go out in multiplied power this coming fall and winter. It is going to be a most severe test of faith until then. I know you and our other co-workers will each realize your own personal responsibility, with me, in keeping this work alive week by week and month by month. Two baptizing teams have been out these past few weeks, and others of our upper-class students are out in the active ministry this summer. I hope to have another issue of The PLAIN TRUTH off the press in a couple weeks. WE MUST CARRY ON at any sacrifice. God bless you for your faithfulness. A great harvest of souls is being reaped this summer. Our labor and our prayers and our dollars are working together to make it possible. Again, THANK YOU, and let me hear from you.

Sincerely, in Jesus' name,

Herbert W. Armstrong


October 4, 1951 • Herbert W Armstrong • Co-Worker Letter


October 4, 1951

Dear Friend and Co-Worker in Christ:

I want to write a special letter of THANKS, in appreciation of your very important help in God's great work, and in acknowledgment of the tithe or offering just received.

My, what wonderful---what GLORIOUS accomplishment God is bringing about through us in our efforts in yielding ourselves, our talents, our time, and our hearts and our money to HIM to use in these very closing days of this age. Every year sees a larger and richer harvest reaped for God's Kingdom. This work right now stands on the threshold of leaping into such wonderful WORLD-WIDE influence and power as would have been thought utterly impossible four or five years ago.

Some few people have mistakenly looked on this as "Brother Armstrong's work." A feeling of human jealousy and competition has been allowed to creep unsuspected into their hearts. They couldn't see where they had any part in it. But how much of this great work do you suppose I could do alone without you, and our other Co-Workers---without your continuous, heart- rending, earnest and believing PRAYERS for the protection and progress and needs of this work---without your sacrifice and devotion and your tithes and offerings which make it all possible?

Let's look at that question a moment. Without any Co-Workers at all I could, as I did when this work was started 18 years ago, perhaps obtain permission from some country school board to have the free use of some little one-room country school house to hold services. I could, as I did 18 years ago, walk afoot all over the country-side, telling people about the services, inviting them to come. Perhaps I could again borrow the use of a typewriter, and type out carefully an outline of the topics I would cover in the preaching campaign. And, if the people came, I could, without any money or help from you Co-Workers, preach to 30 or 40 people. But, the chances are that without the power of GOD back of it, all my efforts would fail to persuade even 30 or 40 people to attend. The chances are not more than four or five people would come. And even if 30 or 40 did come and listen, unless the power and Spirit of GOD were in it---unless GOD was really using me---of my own efforts alone not one single soul would even have his mind opened to the TRUTH, and not a single soul would be converted. The fruit borne would be,---EXACTLY NOTHING!

So you see, in the first place, all of us together could do nothing---of ourselves! It is CHRIST IN US doing the work. Yes, this is GOD'S DOING---not ours! This is GOD'S GREAT AND GLORIOUS WORK, not "Brother Armstrong's work." But even so, God is using YOU as well as me. He must be able to work in and through YOU as well as me. True, He uses me as His called and chosen minister and representative, thru whom He guides and directs the work. He uses my voice before the microphone, in the college class-room---my hands in writing His TRUTH! But how many people would that reach WITHOUT YOUR MONEY AND YOUR PRAYERS? Perhaps 30 or 40. But now we are reaching a vast cumulative weekly audience of some 8 or 10 MILLION precious souls! Every one of your dollars carries God's vital and precious last Gospel and warning Message to more than TWO THOUSAND people! Yet without your help only 30 or 40 probably would hear! Looked at that way, it would almost appear that every single one of the dollars you put into God's work accomplishes much more than all my personal efforts, doesn't it? But it is our COMBINED efforts---each doing his or her part as God has allotted and made possible---which GOD uses and works thru in producing the great, and rapidly increasing precious HARVEST OF SOULS! Isn't it a blessing and a joy to be privileged to be a PART of the great work of GOD HIMSELF? From the heart I do thank you for YOUR PART.

In Jesus' name,

Herbert W. Armstrong


November 13, 1951 • Loma D Armstrong • Student Dorm Supplies



HERBERT W. ARMSTRONG, Chairman November 13, 1951

Dear Friends:

I must tell you the news.

Mrs. Mann and I went to Los Angeles to a wholesale house this afternoon and bought sheets, pillow slips, towels, three bed spreads, three mattress covers, and bath mats.

All of us send our thanks for your generous gift to help buy these supplies for the students' home. We appreciate it very much and all the students do also.

While I'm writing I also want to add, my thanks to that of Mr. Armstrong's and the rest of the staff here for the wonderful way you have helped to carry on the Gospel work over the Radio. We have millions of new listeners and since going on the new stations and since the daily broadcasts over XERB and XELO many have written in telling how much they are learning about the Bible and God's Message to mankind, and how much help it is to them.

You can rejoice in this too because its the help of the Co-Workers that has made this possible so again I say thanks! for everything.


Loma D. Armstrong


January 23, 1952 • Herbert W Armstrong • Co-Worker Letter


Jan. 23, 1952

Dear Co-Worker in Christ:

Again let me THANK YOU for the generous offering (or tithe) which has been received, and again I must belatedly apologize for having to delay acknowledging it.

My! but these have been busy days here at the head-quarters of God's great work in Pasadena! The first semester of this school year winds up this week. We are beginning to outgrow some of our facilities here on the Ambassador College campus, and we are being forced to lay plans ahead for expansion. The College catalog for the 1952-53 college year is just off the press, and we are proud of itour first real full-size college catalog. It has taken much time and labor to prepare it. While we are printing only a limited number of copies, and not for general distribution of course, yet if you are really interested in the college and would like to read all the facts about courses offered, degrees, our standards, educational philosophy, grading system, such facts at tuition, room and board expenses, our facilities, and in fact all the information a college catalog supplies, I will be happy to send you a copy.

The cover is very attractive, done in our newly-adopted college colors royal purple and white. These colors have been chosen because of their scriptural significance. Royal purple symbolizes ROYALTY. We are a royal priesthood Ambassadors for CHRIST, the Royal KING OF KINGS of all the earth in The WORLD TOMORROW. The only true Gospel is the Gospel of The KINGDOM OF GOD, and it is the supreme Royal Kingdom. The royal purple portrays that Kingdom, which we preach, and Christ our Saviour, whom we preach. White symbolizes purity the righteousness of saints--the Righteousness which is of God and from God, thru His indwelling Holy Spirit fulfilling His Royal Law in our lives. These colors are most beautiful, and the more so when we realize what they mean! Our college seal, which appears on the cover, is designed around our Royal Coat of Arms, with its triple lions, symbolizing Christ, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah and Ruler, God the Father as Supreme Ruler and Creator, and ourselves as the young lions of Israel, Spirit-begotten sons of God and of Christ, and future rulers, under Christ, of the world. This unusual symbolic Coat of Arms was also used by Edward I of England, of whom I happen to be a direct descendent. We try to live by every Word of God, and to have a BIBLE reason for everything we do. There is great meaning and significance in names in the sight of God. The name of the broadcast is "The World Tomorrow," which is another way of saying, in modern English, "THE KINGDOM OF GOD," which is what we preach. The magazine, "The PLAIN TRUTH," is so named because that is what it is the PLAIN TRUTH. God's Word is TRUTH, and it makes GOD'S WORD PLAIN. The word GOSPEL simply means "GOOD NEWS," and the national magazine of Ambassador College proclaims the Gospel, so it is called "THE GOOD NEWS." God's own college is training Ambassadors for Christ, so it is named what it is: AMBASSADOR College. God names things and people what they are. We try to do as God does. This is HIS WORK. Well, again, THANK YOU for being a part of it, and for your continuous generous support, your prayers, and your interest. You are laying up treasures in heaven, and God will richly bless you.

With love, in Jesus' name,

Herbert W. Armstrong


January 24, 1952 • Herbert W Armstrong • Co-Worker Letter


January 24, 1952

Dear Friends and Co-workers:

Hundreds of you have written me: "I know you never put out an appeal for money unless it is really and seriously NEEDED!"

That is TRUE! An once again it is NEEDED---desperately!

God's work is GROWING. It is becoming more and more powerful! It is now carrying the very Message of Jesus Christ to perhaps two or three times as many as ever before---now probably not less than twelve to fifteen million people every week! God is blessing this work as never before! It is producing by far the richest, most abundant harvest of its history.

We are now back on the air locally in Chicago---station WAIT, at a new time, 1 P.M. every Sunday afternoon. The WORLD TOMORROW is now heard on the following NEW stations:

XEFW--810 on dial, every night, 9 P.M., and every morning 6:30 A.M. (heard in Eastern states one hour later). XEDM--1530 on dial, every night, 8 P.M. Pacific Coast time. KMAC--San Antonio--630 on dial, 7 P.M. Sun. KLEE--Houston--610 on dial, 10 P.M. Sun, and 12 midnight Mon. thru Sat.

For the first time in the 18 years' history of this great and mighty and ever-growing work, an issue of one of our magazines, ---either The PLAIN TRUTH, or The GOOD NEWS is coming our REGULARLY, every month. For the first time we have been able to set a definite SCHEDULE for publication, to be as rigidly maintained as that of any big national magazine. The February number is scheduled to be trucked, in its scores of mail sacks, to the post-office on February 5; the March number on February 26th, and each issue for the entire year thereafter not later than the 26th of month preceding date of issue. NEVER have we been able to accomplish this goal before. This is indeed GOOD NEWS!

Ambassador College is GROWING. The College Bulletin, Catalog Issue, for the 1952-53 college year is now off the press and ready for distribution to those seeking complete information and details about the college, courses offered, credits, requirements, tuition, standards, the new graduate school of theology. We are outgrowing "Mayfair," our fine student residence on the campus, and will have to provide additional student housing by next September, but God will provide it His own way. It is very possible that from one to four buildings, adjoining our campus, may be donated to the college. I don't know that this is the exact WAY God will provide, but I do ask you all to pray most earnestly with me, in firm and living FAITH, that God will provide the need as He wills.

Yes, the work is growing---things are literally HUMMING with activity here---thousands and thousands of new names are going on the mailing lists to receive the precious Gospel literature ---but our Co-Workers, very many of them, are slacking off again in their efforts. In ten more days this could become a fatal crisis! It is an absolutely DESPERATE NEED already! Co-Workers, EVERY ONE, leap to my aid! Send in the very largest sum you possibly can, at any sacrifice, BY RETURN AIR-MAIL in the enclosed envelope, whether is be a check or draft for several thousand dollars or only one or two dollar bills---the widow's mites. There is no time for more words. I must make this brief so it can be printed and mailed AT ONCE. It's VITAL to the life of the work that you keep tithes and offerings coming in REGULARLY---as often as possible! THANKS! GOD BLESS YOU! PLEASE HURRY!

Herbert W. Armstrong


February 12, 1952 • Herbert W Armstrong • Co-Worker Letter


February 12, 1952

Dear Friend and Loyal Co-worker:

Again, I'm happy to acknowledge with thanks and deep appreciation the tithe (and/or offering) you most recently sent in for God's great work.

Even as God permits us to be tried and tested for our strengthening, so He permits His mighty work which He is carrying to the world in its supreme crisis thru us to be put to the test. Right now this mighty work is facing the most critical test of the eighteen years of its existence.

For some four years the work of broadcasting and publishing the Gospel to America and the world was forced to mark time, while so much of our energies went into the founding and establishing of Ambassador College. We suffered birth-pangs that this college might be born, and survive its infancy---pain and suffering which no other human can know or understand. But the college survived, and grew. Small as it still is, our professors ---experienced educators---tell me that our growth has been more rapid and steady than that of many other colleges when they started. We are all very happy over its success---success granted, and really produced, by the Eternal our God.

But last summer I knew we had reached the time when the great Gospel work must go out in constantly increasing and multiplying POWER. On sheer faith, but knowing I was guided by God and following His will, I contracted for radio time on additional super-power stations. This past fall and winter more than twice as many people have been hearing God's last warning Message. Now, with additional stations added during the very middle of the winter, The WORLD TOMORROW goes daily and weekly into every nook and corner of the United States, Canada, and Mexico. It is broad- cast regularly over the three most powerful stations covering the entire U.S.A.,---the only three 150,000-watt stations right at the border covering all America---stations three times as powerful as the largest big-city United States stations! It is broadcast regularly---daily---over another three 50,000-watt stations, equal to the most powerful United States radio stations. Then it is being broadcast regularly---daily or weekly,---over six powerful stations in key cities in the United States---Los Angeles, Portland, Seattle, Chicago, Houston, San Antonio That is TREMENDOUS power! It makes the WORLD TOMORROW one of the most listened-to---perhaps the MOST listened-to--- program in the nation today. Three different systems of checking up and measuring indicate a weekly audience of not less than ten or twelve million people! People are being stirred---aroused-- awakened---as never before in this nation! It's the most powerful true Gospel program since the days of Christ and the Apostles! But now we face the BIG TEST, as we near the end of the mid-winter season,---the BIG TEST whether this great enlarged program can stay on the air. It COSTS MORE MONEY. A let-up of just one week might prove fatal. I want YOU to know how VERY important your own personal sacrifice and financial help, and encouragement, and prayers for the preservation of this work are. GOD BLESS YOU for what you have done! It's shaking the nation! THOUSANDS are being converted---CHANGED! I know you'll PRAY, and SACRIFICE thru this testing period, that we may survive it. THANK YOU!

Herbert W. Armstrong


February 21, 1952 • Herbert W Armstrong • Co-Worker Letters
Armstrong to send Dick Armstrong and Herman Hoeh to Europe and Mid East


February 21, 1952

Dear Family of Co-Workers:

GREETINGS, again, to you all, in Jesus' name, from your pastor and fellow co-worker, called by will of God to be used in the most important work on earth.

The great work of God IS AT THE CROSS-ROADS! It's my duty to tell you the true FACTS! We have reached the supreme crisis of the entire history of this tremendous activity. Either this mighty work of God must launch out greater, in multiplied power and scope, from this moment---or it must sink back, and down,---and OUT! WE HAVE REACHED THE SUPREME TURNING POINT!

So listen! What I have to say to you now is of greatest importance. The great final Mission of God on earth cannot stand still. Nothing God does stands still. God causes trees to grow. But a tree must grow, or it must die. God Himself is dynamic, energized, moving, all powerful! If this is His work---and it is, ---then you and I are mere instruments in His hands. We are the work of His hands. He works in and through us. He, the Great Power that works thru us, then, is vital, dynamic, fully energized, active mightily!

For more than 18 years this work has grown, and grown, and GROWN! It has met every opposition, obstacle, discouragement, and set-back. But always God delivered His work, hurled it on forward with increased power, enlarged it to ever-widening fields of service and influence.

Last fall, we more than doubled the power of the radio broadcast. All thru the fall and winter we have been reaching perhaps twice as many people with GOD'S MESSAGE as ever before--- the MOST POWERFUL TRUE GOSPEL PROGRAM OF WORLD HISTORY, reaching some 12 to 15 millions of people every week!

Now we are facing spring. Soon radio waves will not carry out so far or so clear or plain. The mail from new listeners will begin to drop. This past fall and winter it has been a day- to-day, and week-by-week struggle to hold our heads above water, meet the enlarged expenses of this mighty program, and keep the work alive. NOW COMES THE BIG TEST! We dare not turn back! Instead we have reached the point where the work now must LEAP on past the boundaries of the United States, Canada, and Mexico.

WE MUST NOW BEGIN TO LAY DEFINITE PLANS TO CARRY THE TRUE GOSPEL IN ASTONISHING POWER TO EUROPE, BRITAIN, and then on to other parts of the world! We can, ---we MUST, ---WE WILL! --in and thru the power of God operating in us! Plans are being laid to send two of our graduate students to England, Europe, and the Holy Land this summer, to lay advance plans, and to obtain necessary information. They are Herman Hoeh, executive editor of The GOOD NEWS, whose many splendid articles you have read, and my son Richard David Armstrong. Dick, as we call him, has studied French eight years and speaks it like a native Frenchman. Mr. Hoeh speaks and teaches, German; and he also speaks both Spanish and French. These are both talented and able men, now college graduates, and Mr. Hoeh will have earned his Masters' degree before leaving.

To lay plans for the enlargement of the work, they will see and discuss matters with men whose acquaintance I have made in the British Foreign and Colonial offices, and top government officials of Arabian and Syrian governments whom I know. They will study conditions in Europe, Germany, Italy, Palestine, the Near- East. They will seek, and I know they have ability to obtain, inside information and facts about this "BEAST" power in Europe which you never read in newspapers or hear in newscasts.

Plans are being made to put one or both of these men ON THE AIR in Europe, on a station reaching ALL EUROPE, as powerfully as XEG, XELO, or XERF reach all America! Between them they speak English, French, German, Spanish. They can reach 80% of all Europe! My son has my radio voice. You'll be hearing him on the program a little later. Mr. Hoeh has already had experience preaching over the radio, and he, too, will soon begin to appear with me on The WORLD TOMORROW program. Other equally fine, talented men are coming along in the college, soon to be out there in the firing line in our GREATLY ENLARGED WORLD-WIDE CAMPAIGN!

Thru Ambassador College God has been training for nearly five years the most unusual group of consecrated, Spirit-led, talented young men in the world. I have no hesitancy in saying that, and all who have come to know then have the same conviction ---there is just NO GROUP OF YOUNG PEOPLE LIKE THEM! And that statement goes for the fine young ladies in college, as well as the men! Often people, in astonishment, ask me, "How on earth did you manage to get such students?" I merely reply, "GOD SENT THEM."

Just at that point I was interrupted by a long distance telephone call. A man wanted to come to Pasadena tomorrow to be baptized. By the HUNDREDS people are being converted thru this program, their lives completely CHANGED, given to God, taken over and lived by HIM. Co-Workers, THE MONEY YOU SUPPLY makes this possible! Yes, precious souls receiving eternal LIFE as God's gift thru Christ, FOR ALL ETERNITY! The dollars you place here are working harder, going farther, accomplishing more, producing more PERMANENT benefits than any other places those dollars could go! Let's praise God for the opportunity---and the PRIVILEGE!

ANOTHER THING! May I take you into my confidence! May I let you in on a secret? WHY is it that people are always so much interested in romance, and young people falling in love and getting married? Well, two of our fine young men have found their wives already here at the college, and I did announce some days ago over the air the engagement of "our Betty," as we call herMiss Betty Bates, the first student to enroll, and the first to graduate and receive a degree, from Ambassador College, to Mr. Gene Michel of St. Louis, one of our fine upper-class students. And, confidentially, just between you and me, I suspect there will be more and more such engagements announces as the months and years go by. I tell you truly, I had no thought of this sort of thing in starting the school, but it seems just natural that it's happening. Girls come here to college, and in almost no time they say to me, "Why Mr. Armstrong, I never knew boys like these before. The fellows I had dates with back home weren't like these. Back there they just wanted to seek entertainment or necking (as young people call it today). But these fellows are intelligent, make a girl carry on an intellectual or spiritual conversation, spend a date in a sparkling, interesting time really learning something and improving our minds."

The fellows tell me they never met such girls. The girls back home wanted fellows to spend a lot of money on them in amusements, and if they didn't put their arms around the girls and start kissing on the first date, the girl would make a lunge for them or drop them, and seemed never able to keep up their end of an intelligent conversation. As one girl student remarked to me about a certain very intellectual male student and the girl he was dating, "He certainly has met his match in her she can keep up her end of any subject he wishes to discuss."

Don't think by that our students are four-eyed book-worms or proverbial intellectuals. They are just normal, He-men, and feminine girls, and they like fun as much as anyone but they realize what life is all about, they feel a sense of MISSION in the world. I think they realize God has called them and feel the responsibility, and they plan their fun in a way to IMPROVE mind, body, spirit, not destroy it. When a fellow like that meets a girl like that, and each has that "something" that attracts the other and leads to love well, dear Co-Workers, we here see GOD'S HAND IN IT, and that God is bringing it all about.

Now that brings me to what I want to say.

THIS IS IMPORTANT! Many of our girl students, I'm beginning to realize, are going to become minister' wives. Now that's entirely DIFFERENT from being the wife of a farmer, a mechanic, a doctor, lawyer, merchant, laborer, or clerk. A minister's wife is PART OF HER HUSBAND'S MINISTRY. Mrs. Armstrong has always been a very definite PART of this ministry, from the first. It was thru her God called me in the first place. If she had not had just the right personality, just the right abilities, the depth of character, the insight and understanding, the judgment, the complete yieldedness to God and His Spirit and His leading to hold up her part of this work, so that we could work together as a perfect harmonious team, my part of the work could never have been accomplished. We have been instruments, TOGETHER, in the hands of God these many years.

I have know many ministers whom God could not, did not, use, because of unfit wives! The training of these girls is JUST AS IMPORTANT IN AMBASSADOR COLLEGE AS THE TRAINING OF THESE FINE YOUNG MEN!

We MUST add now the long hoped-for Course in DOMESTIC SCIENCE. (I prefer that name, rather than Home Economics we want to teach the real science of being a wife and making a home).

Look at the condition in the world today. Most girls today receive no training at all to really fit them to be competent wives and mothers to be their husband's HELPERS, to know how to inspire, encourage their husbands, lift their morale to the heights of supreme accomplishments; few know how to really make a HOME, how to keep a house, how to plan menus according to dietary laws of health, how to cook NATURAL foods in delicious, appetizing, eye- tempting manner, how to properly decorate and plan and keep the home. They know nothing of child bearing, and the care of babies, and the rearing of children and the teaching of children. They seem to feel these things will somehow "just come natural." Well, they don't. Today girls want to work in offices, stores, and such places not in the homes.

WE MUST TRAIN OUR GIRLS TO BE HOME-MAKERS, inspirational wives, competent mothers.

That's going to add to the expense of the college. But Co-Workers, in sheer FAITH, I propose now to plunge on into this, for I know it's the will of God. I am taking steps to try to find the most competent woman in the United States for this position, to head this department. I think possibly one or two of our own girls will work into this faculty after another two or more years, but none is ready yet.

FINALLY and MOST IMPORTANT! It is a struggle, daily, to meet our daily quota of money to pay the expenses of this great and mighty work. We have effected such economies we have learned how to make a dollar go SO FAR, that every single dollar put into this work is carrying the same Gospel Jesus preached, for the first time in 1800 years, to MORE than TWO THOUSAND PRECIOUS SOULS! Where in all the world does a dollar go so FAR! Where does it do so much GOOD?

Post-cards are now 2¢. Figure what it would cost you to write just a few words on post-cards to 2,000 different people! It would cost you $40, beside all the time and effort---about 50 words. But for each single dollar you place in this work, more than TWO THOUSAND people listen a solid HALF HOUR to Jesus' Gospel! Put it another way. For $1 you can buy 50 post-cards, and send maybe 50 words to 50 people. The same dollar in this work reaches FORTY TIMES as many people, a whole HALF HOUR! And, in addition, several of those 2,000 receive and read The GOOD NEWS and The PLAIN TRUTH, other booklets and literature, the college is operated and maintained, and hundreds a year are visited in person, counselled with, and baptized! But it's hard to keep ENOUGH of those dollars coming in, day by day, week by week.

Listen! Couldn't YOU send in your tithes and offerings a little more often? Couldn't you now manage your affairs so you could start sending in LARGER AMOUNTS than you have been? We are entering our real period of TEST. The question now is whether, with the days growing longer and radio reaching out a little poorer, we can keep enough dollars coming in each day to keep us on the air!

We DARE not slacken, or drop back. Instead, the work now must LEAP ON AHEAD, increasing gradually and steadily in power. We do not plan to actually begin broadcasting in Europe this year just now laying preliminary plans, which must be made far in advance. But, God willing, we do hope to open the campaign in Europe full blast by NEXT year!

Yes, dear Co-Workers, the work now needs more money. It faces a supreme test the great crisis of its history so far. We won't expand it too rapidly. But it must keep GOING, and growing! THAT IS YOUR PART, WHICH GOD LAYS ON YOU! Pray earnestly over it. See if you can't find a way to send in a really LARGE amount. See if you can't increase your regular offerings. GOD WILL BLESS YOU! You are thereby LAYING UP TREASURE IN HEAVEN, for all eternity!

You are helping SAVE PRECIOUS LIVES FOR ETERNITY! You are helping CHANGE THE WORLD! Yes, you have your partÄÄyour responsibility! God bless you, I know you'll be willing to make the sacrifice for Christ to do your utmost!

Sincerely, and URGENTLY, in Jesus' name,

Herbert W. Armstrong


April 17, 1952 • Herbert W Armstrong • Co-Worker Letter
Herbert Tells of Big Sandy Property


April 17th, 1952

Dear Family of Co-Workers in Christ:

GREETINGS! Once again I'm writing you on the train. Mrs. Armstrong and I are returning to Pasadena from Gladewater, near Longview, Texas. There we met for the Passover (Lord's Supper) and first annual Holy Day of the Eternal our God in a wonderful conclave of co-workers and brethren brought into God's Truth and the Body of Christ thru this great work.

What a gathering it was! God's people were there from thirteen states--from far-away Colorado, Illinois, Indiana, as well as from Kansas, Missouri, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Kentucky, and of course all parts of Texas, and ourselves from California.

Many said, --and with tears in their eyes, that it was the biggest experience--the greatest blessing, of their lives. It was the first time many had ever had the privilege of meeting with others who shared the precious Truth of God. Though most of us had never met face to face before, we all felt we were one supremely happy family, closer than we feel to our own blood relatives, and it seemed as if we had known each other always. Yes, that is what we experience when the same Holy Spirit of God imbues our minds and hearts--all of the One Great Family of GOD!

A year ago, only two or three days before Passover, I was prompted to get busy on long distance telephone and call up a limited number of Texas and Louisiana co-workers we had come to know personally that God had added to His Church. Gladewater seemed to be the most central location. I called up first Brother Roy Hammer at Gladewater. He and Mrs. Hammer said they would be delighted to have the Passover at their home. We sent Herman Hoeh (pronounced "Hay"), then one of our senior students, by plane to conduct the service. Only thirteen were able to make the trip to Gladewater on such short notice.

This spring a number of brethren, having heard of the service last year, wrote to ask if such a service would be held at Gladewater again this year. As the number of such requests increased, I had a general form-letter mimeographed after arranging with the Hammers to have the service once again in Gladewater. Several urged that Mrs. Armstrong and I would make the trip to Gladewater to conduct the service this year, so notices were sent out to that effect.

I had not realized how many kept writing in, wanting to attend this service, and we didn't expect more than part of them to really attend. Consequently we were not at all prepared for the conclave that poured in. Tuesday afternoon and evening cars began driving up in front of the Hammer residence with many different- colored license plates. Mr. Hammer had engaged a hall for the Passover service, but at the last minute some official of the hall had objected and it was too late to engage another meeting place. As the people started pouring in at the Hammer home toward dusk, there was nothing to do but try to squeeze them all in the house and conduct the service as best we could. There were 85 adults who partook of the Passover, not counting children. We were packed in like sardines. Most of the furniture except chairs was moved out of the living room, and folding chairs filled every available inch.

More chairs were crowded into the dining room and a rear solarium. Many had to stand in hallways and doorways, and I stood in a door- way to conduct the service.

Early Wednesday morning, the day of the "preparation" for the Feast, before Mrs. Armstrong and I were ready for breakfast, some of the people began coming to the Hammer residence filled with questions. Soon the house was packed again, and the time devoted to questions and answers, and private conferences. Dozens wanted to talk to me, or Mrs. Armstrong, or both of us together, in private about personal problems, or to be prayed for and anointed for healing. My, what tragic problems many have to face in this life! Yes, "many are the afflictions of the righteous,"--but we must remember, "the Eternal delivers us from them all." If we will yield and surrender to Him, and His laws, HE IS ABLE TO WORK OUT OUR EVERY PROBLEM OR TROUBLE, but if we resist God's way, and use human reason to work out our problems our own way in rebellion against His laws, then we are blindly hurling ourselves directly into the jaws of DISASTER. We must learn to TRUST God--to obey Him, and RELY upon Him to solve our problems, and He will do it --often in a manner we could not foresee or imagine, and far more wonderful than any way of our devising! One, on coming to realize what Mrs. Armstrong and I have had to live thru, said, "...and here I always supposed it was only us out here that had troubles,--that you never had any!"

For the Feast on Wednesday night, however, Mr. Hammer had engaged the spacious cafeteria dining room of the new Gladewater elementary school. There were two long table down each side, with one across the front, forming a huge "U", and then another long table down the middle, in between those along the sides. But still 15 people could not find seats, so space was found for still another long table, and at last all were seated. It was a wonderful banquet, with roast and barbecued chicken, baked potatoes, salad, green beans, peas, and dessert. Brethren from the different states were introduced, and after all other states had been introduced, I shouted out: "And now, is there anyone here from TEXAS?" You should have heard the roar of laughter, as the Texans made themselves known. Texans, you know, are loyal to TEXAS! 67 Texans were present. Total seated at the feast, from 13 states, 123 happy people.

They say Texans regard people from other states as "foreigners." But there were no "foreigners" at this conclave--we were all just one big family of brothers and sisters in Christ! No, we are not male or female, Jew nor Greek, bond nor free, Texan nor Californian--we are all ONE in Christ Jesus!

After this feast of good things to eat, we all gathered in the school auditorium, where two of the young ladies sang a duet from our forthcoming new hymnbook being composed by my brother, after which I delivered the Message.

On the Holy Day, Thursday, there were so many written questions turned in, and others asked orally during the service, that we never did get to a sermon. The entire time was taken up answering questions, and in a service of laying on hands for the receiving of the Holy Spirit on the eleven who were baptised during this conclave, and the blessing of infants and children, following the example of Jesus. Toward evening many had to leave, but several stayed on, and some were still there having their questions answered, and having private conferences with us until midnight. Then just a few hours' sleep, and we caught a 5:16 A.M. train, and here we are, traveling westward thru Big Spring, Midland, and Odessa in the dust-swept wide open spaces of Texas as I have been writing these lines.

Now here is something IMPORTANT!

Out of this wonderful gathering we have attended the past three days has been born an entirely NEW PHASE OF THIS WORK.

We know now--God has shown us plainly and unmistakably-- that we must have an adequate place of our own in this central location for the Passover and Feast of Unleavened Bread EVERY YEAR.

There were probably a few hundred others who would have wanted to be at this Festival this week, had they known in time, and if we had an adequate assembly place for so many to meet. On the wall of our mail receiving room in the office building on the Ambassador College campus is a map, with various colored-headed pins dotting the parts of the United States from which we receive mail. This map reflects the density of our radio listening population. I will try to publish this, or another map illustrating this, in the June issue of The GOOD NEWS. It shows we have more radio listeners in Texas than any other state, and the greatest listener density is in the eastern half of Texas, bounded by Dallas, Ft. Worth, San Antonio, Houston, and the east line of Texas. The area of secondary listener density is Louisiana, Arkansas and Oklahoma. After that, as the radio audience thins out slightly, come the states of Kansas, Missouri, Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, Kentucky, and then Illinois and Indiana, Colorado, and New Mexico. It thins out a little more in Nebraska, Iowa, Wisconsin, Michigan, North and South Carolina and Florida.

Of course we have dense listening areas on the West Coast, but I am now considering those east of the Rocky Mountains. It is too far for the people of the Middle West, the South, and points east of the Rocky Mountains, to come clear out to Pasadena twice a year for these festivals God has enjoined. It seems necessary to hold the Festival of Tabernacles every fall in Southern California near Pasadena. Nearly everyone at this spring Festival at Gladewater this week is planning to come to California for the Feast of Tabernacles this fall. But two such trips a year are, for most families, utterly impossible.

Therefore God has made it plain we MUST HAVE an adequate place, the most centrally located possible, so that the largest number can attend, for the Festival of Unleavened Bread, and for those able or close enough, even the Day of Pentecost, and regular or occasional Sabbath services.

GLADEWATER, TEXAS IS THE MOST CENTRALLY LOCATED PLACE, closest for the largest number. Now God always supplies every need. WHEN that need arises. During this festival, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Hammer, Buck Hammer, who owns a farm about seven miles west of Gladewater, offered to donate and deed over to us several acres of the most beautiful sloping, wooded land we ever saw, for this purpose. On this property is a perpetually-flowing spring of crystal-clear water. We would also need to have two narrow strips of land adjoining. A larger spring on one of these is the source of a creek which flows thru the beautiful wooded land Buck is giving us. These two adjoining strips are exactly the same kind of land,--sloping, with great large, majestic and beautiful trees. All of us who went over this land agreed it is one of the most beautiful spots of God's nature we ever saw--so restful, tranquil, BEAUTIFUL! This wooded area begins about a quarter mile back from the highway. The county will build us a private road free of charge. It just so happened--or did it just "happen?"--that both these adjoining strips of property went on the market for sale two or three days before the Festival, and for years neither had been for sale, nor could it have been bought!

Here is the most centrally-located place, right on, yet back away from and totally secluded from in privacy, the main 4- lane highway, #80, easy of access, yet absolutely private from the world. With these two adjoining strips we will have the entire wooded area, some 40 or 50 acres total, so secluded that no one could ever build within sight or hearing of our site for the future tabernacle and dwelling places for these festivals. Often God reveals things in such an unmistakable way I KNOW He has spoken and shown me His will. There is no doubt about this place in the mind of any of those of us there who inspected it. I have authorized Brother Hammer and his son Buck to negotiate for the adjoining strips of property (we MUST control the source of this beautiful stream flowing thru these grounds, so it can never be polluted), and make a reasonable offer for their purchase. It is necessary to act fast, before these properties are sold to others. I might add, incidentally, that these properties are in the greatest oil belt in the United States, and might prove to have fabulous oil wealth underneath. However, we would never want to disturb the beauty, quiet, and seclusion of this rare and unusual garden-spot. A small dam in the right place will quickly provide us with a beautiful LAKE in the middle of the property, with swimming, boating, and fishing, beside adding greatly to the beauty.

Now what we feel led to do at the present time is, first, buy the two adjoining strips and receive deed from Buck, so that the Radio Church of God is in ownership of the land. Second, the Hammers will supervise the work of clearing off the property of underbrush and excess growth, leaving just the beautiful trees and such shrubs, plants, and flowers, as add to its beauty. Then we can lay out a plan, build the dam and create the lake. We shall have to build a tabernacle--not a costly one, but one large enough, --with dining area for our festivals, and plan the kind of housing to be provided for all who come--perhaps well-planned but inexpensive cabins. However, we do not feel it wise to try to erect any buildings during the first year. For the festival next spring we will rent large tents, to provide a meeting place and dining facilities, and a large number of small tents which can be rented to each family. We will "rough it" our first year on the place next spring, and then try to have at least temporary buildings erected by the year following.

The proper place for meetings of this kind is not an expensive brick or stone or concrete church building on a main corner of a city in all the traffic and noise of the world--but to get CLEAR AWAY FROM THE WORLD--out into God's own open beautiful nature, utterly secluded from the world!

Next spring, we shall plan a full eight-day festival, to last thru the entire seven days of unleavened bread following the Passover, and all who plan to come are urged now, with a year ahead to plan, to start laying plans to come for the entire eight days.

The one original part of the ground is to be donated. Much of the labor will be donated. The two adjoining strips will not be too costly, but each has a small house in front of it on the highway for which we shall have use, so they will cost us a few thousand dollars--but not a large sum. I DO NOT WANT TO TAKE A DOLLAR OUT OF THE GOSPEL WORK FOR THIS PURPOSE! I believe that there are enough of you in these middle-west and southern states who will come to this place, to finance it, without having to take money out of the Gospel work. I will know in two or three days on what kind of terms these properties can be bought, but it appears now that it will require a down payment of some $3,000, and then small payments monthly for three or five years.

Therefore, since we much act AT ONCE, and I have authorized Mr. Hammer to proceed and immediately bind the deal if the owners accept a reasonable offer and I have guaranteed it, I now send out the call to all brethren who understand God's truth about His holy days to DIG DOWN DEEP, and to send in at this time an EXTRA offering, over and about your tithe--over and above the offerings you could and would send in for the regular Gospel work, so as not to rob the regular work, to help us make up this down payment. If one or two of you can put a thousand dollars into this down payment, I know God will bless it greatly. If you can send one, or several hundred dollars, do so--or if not that much, what- ever you are able to contribute over and about your REGULAR offerings for God's work, for this down payment.

Then, to meet the monthly payments, I will not ask for a definite binding pledge, but I do ask you to write me at once and tell me how much EXTRA, beside your tithes and regular offerings for the work, you believe you will be able and will try to send in as long as able, MONTHLY, to meet these payments. God bless all you dear people, I know you'll see at once that this is of God, and respond generously and PROMPTLY. Write me by return mail if possible.

Yes, this opens up AN ENTIRE NEW PHASE of God's great work. This will provide a place for annual great conclaves of God's people, where many who cannot come as far as Pasadena can meet together at God's great festivals. What has happened assures that in a year or two there will be several hundred attending. WHAT A BLESSING THIS WILL BE! We who are co-workers together need to MEET TOGETHER as often as possible. The United States is a great nation, and we live long distances apart. We cannot all meet together every Sabbath. But most of us can, and WILL, meet and feast together in these SPIRITUAL feasts which God has appointed, and where we have HIS VERY OWN INVISIBLE PRESENCE with us! Write me about it, sending what you can for this down payment, by return mail.

And now let me tell you about the progress of the work as a whole.

Many time I've repeated, every dollar put into this work carries Christ's own GOSPEL to more than TWO THOUSAND PRECIOUS SOULS! One way of measuring the scope and power of this work, and the GOOD it does, is by the number of dollars required to carry it on. It started the smallest of all, and like the grain of mustard seed it is growing great. The other day I got out records of past years to measure the growth and development of this great work. I inspected the records of that first year. There was only Mrs. Armstrong and myself, then. We were on one little tiny 100-watt radio station once a week. The PLAIN TRUTH, in its first year, was being mimeographed, circulation a few hundred. We held evangelistic meetings six nights a week. Total cost, so little you wouldn't believe it. Nine years later, the half-way mark up to now, the work was going out Coast-to-Coast--seven radio stations, but still one broadcast weekly. The PLAIN TRUTH was being printed, with a few thousand circulation, going into every state and many Canadian provinces. The work had multiplied THIRTY TIMES in that nine years. Now another nine years has passed. This work is in it's 19th year. And today it is just THIRTY TIMES as great as it was nine years ago! Yes, 900 times larger than it was during that first year!

Today active plans are being laid soon to carry the Gospel to BRITAIN and to ALL EUROPE! To gain further information and help lay plans we are sending two of our men, now both college graduates, to Europe for the summer. They will speak to you on the program, direct from Europe by tape recording. They will report to you what they see and find ON THE SPOT.

Now, this latest development--a centrally located place being provided for you brethren and co-workers from many mid- western and southern states to meet and assemble together, and get acquainted, and come to KNOW one another and have blessed fellow- ship together with Christ in His own appointed festivals,--in a place of our OWN, shut off and secluded from the world! This is the START of the development toward providing local CHURCHES in centralized locations where the largest possible numbers of you may finally be enabled to meet together in regular church services every Sabbath. Ambassador College is rapidly training God-called, consecrated and competent ministers to be your pastors in these churches. In about two more years, you will see the beginning of the great movement of raising up these various local churches. But in the meantime, we must start carrying the precious GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM, and God's last WARNING Message, into ALL THE WORLD for a witness to ALL NATIONS!

We are beginning to plan for another graduation at Ambassador College. Still more students will graduate next January, and then again in June of next year. We expect the largest enrollment so far at Ambassador College this coming September. At the Gladewater festival, we took some pictures of young people and children who say they are FUTURE STUDENTS of Ambassador College--all looking forward as their life's dream to graduating from high school and being able to come. We expect soon, perhaps a year from this September, to open a grade-school of OUR VERY OWN at Gladewater, and later a high school in connection. Some of our middle-western and southern members will want to move there or near there, where their children will be FREE from embarrassing Christmas, Easter, Valentine-day exercises and participations---where they will be PROPERLY taught and developed and trained!

Yes, GOD'S WORK is GROWING, with increasing momentum, faster and faster as we approach closer and closer to the END of this age. Time is SHORT, but not too short for all these developments. The End of the Age cannot come UNTIL our work is finished, and this very Gospel of the KINGDOM OF GOD has been proclaimed with a loud and world-shaking voice into ALL NATIONS for a witness. (Mat. 24:14).

NOTHING ELSE counts, or is worth while, in these vital, precarious LAST DAYS! This is the GREATEST work on earth--the most important.

Brethren, Co-Workers, --LET US DEDICATE AND DEVOTE OUR ENTIRE LIVES TO IT! Let us put this work of God ahead of every- thing else! Let us put our shoulders to the wheel, and each do his part, as never before!

Once again the regular week-to-week work IS IN DIRE NEED!

Thousands of you seem to wait until you get a letter from me telling you of the serious or even desperate NEED before you send in your regular tithes and offerings. PLEASE DON'T WAIT! The need keeps coming EVERY WEEK---yes, every day! This work has grown BIG. Many MILLIONS of people now hear the precious Message from God EVERY WEEK. It costs thousands of dollars every week. All you people out there must keep up YOUR part, or the work will falter, stop growing, and fail! You have YOUR part, and it is as important as mine.

God is BLESSING His work mightily! Again, HUNDREDS are being converted, brought to repentance and to Christ, and into becoming the begotten children of God, heirs of HIS KINGDOM! Hundreds and hundreds or precious souls being saved! Why, eleven more were baptized just at this Gladewater festival, and others at Pasadena at the same time! This summer we are sending out TWO teams on baptizing tours, so many are being converted and awaiting baptism---and soon we shall have to keep men out the year round! Yes, it's a MIGHTY work---the ONLY important work---the work where every single dollar goes FARTHER, and accomplishes MORE of lasting and eternal value than any other place on earth.

Try to send in larger offerings. Send them more often, more regularly! That's YOUR part, and your responsibility before God. Do it and RECEIVE GOD'S GREAT AND ABUNDANT AND CONTINUOUS BLESSINGS! If you can send in a thousand or more, do it. If a hundred or more, send it. If only a dollar or more, sent it by return mail---according as God has made possible for YOU! Keep God's great work alive---and GROWING!

I will keep you informed as these vital events progress. GOD BLESS YOU!

With love, in Jesus' name,

Herbert W. Armstrong


April 25, 1952 • Herbert W Armstrong • Co-Worker Letter
Big Sandy in Escrow


April 25, 1952

Dear Co-Worker in Christ:

Things are moving so fast I seem to get behind in sending you acknowledgment, with sincere thanks, for your faithfulness in paying God's tithe, and/or sending in liberal offerings. I am kept very busy, as I'm sure you realize---but I do thank you, and appreciate from the heart your faithfulness and sacrifice. This latest amount received from you was especially important, as receipts for the conduct of the work have legged again recently.

I have written you about our trip to Gladewater, Texas, for the Passover and first holyday of the Eternal, and of the development toward the purchase of one of God's beauty-spots of nature in a 40 or 50-acre secluded wooded area a quarter mile off four-lane highway #80, a few miles west of Gladewater.

This general letter was just mailed out a few days ago. There has been time for only a few replies, but already the enthusiastic responses are beginning to pour in, and a few are sending in contributions, aside from their tithes and offerings for the work, toward the purchase price of this land. Meanwhile, I'm glad to report that the Hammers at Gladewater have been successful in making the purchase for us of the two narrow strips of land adjoining the plot Buck Hammer is donating, and a $500 deposit has been put into escrow on each place. They obtained a 90-day escrow for us. This give us 90 days, a few of which already are passed, in which to raise the funds to complete this purchase. But the two deals are made, and legally in escrow, and certain for us unless we should fail to raise the money---which, of course, we MUST not, and I feel confident we shall not.

Meanwhile plans are proceeding for the trip to Europe this summer by two of our graduates. They both have the written approval of their draft boards, and passports for the trip. Their passage to Southampton, England, and return flight from Rome, have been purchased, so there is no uncertainty as to obtaining reservations. Other plans are developing daily.

Many other plans for the future development of this greatest work of our time are now formulating, some of which I will outline to you in the next general letter I hope to send out in about two weeks. Soon the gospel will be going out in overwhelming power to Europe, and all the world. Soon we shall start raising up local churches with Ambassador College graduates as pastors. Soon we shall start organizing our own private elementary and high schools in different centers in the middle west and all parts of the United States. Already three or four families have written me---just since we went to Gladewater, Texas,---that they are planning to move there so their children can attend our new school there and so they can attend the church soon to be started there. Meanwhile, for the first year in the history of this work, The GOOD NEWS is being published on regular monthly schedule. In June I expect to have another issue of The PLAIN TRUTH for you, in addition to the regular June number of The GOOD NEWS. I hope in another year we shall be able to publish both The PLAIN TRUTH and The GOOD NEWS every month---two magazines every month---one every two weeks. Yes, God's work is constantly taking on NEW LIFE---continually GROWING and MULTIPLYING in power and scope. YOUR part in it is MORE IMPORTANT THAN YOU REALIZE. THANK YOU and GOD BLESS YOU for it.

Herbert W. Armstrong


May 1, 1952 • Herbert W Armstrong • Co-Worker Letter
"With All You Can Possibly Send"


May 1, 1952

Dear Co-Workers in Christ:

WHAT'S WRONG? Why are thousands of you Co-Workers letting God's great work down? Two weeks ago I sent out a long letter which should have made every heart consecrated to God leap for joy.

It told of God's blessings to His work---of the expansion of the work, not only, now at last, to carry the very GOSPEL Jesus preached to Britain and all Europe, but also the very beginning, at last, of the project at Gladewater, Texas, to provide a place of meeting and assembling of God's people converted thru this great work.

There has been a certain interest on the part of a FEW in the Gladewater project, but there has been only SILENCE from thousands of you Co-Workers whose responsibility it is to keep this work financially afloat, and growing and expanding in power.

NOW THE ENTIRE WORK FACES IMMEDIATE DISASTER. Suddenly the whole great work is plunged into the most serious crisis in years. The May number of the GOOD NEWS was all printed and ready for delivery from the printing plant ten days ago. We paid two-thirds of the printing cost in advance, and our arrangement with the printers is to pay the final third on a C. O. D. basis, on delivery. But thousands of Co-Workers have let us down. There is no money to pay that last third, and we have had to let those scores of thousands of copies of The GOOD NEWS lie there at the printing plant ten days. The June number is due to go to press in four days. I had planned to send you an issue of The PLAIN TRUTH, instead, this time, and have it almost ready for the printers---but lack of funds makes it impossible.

This is the greatest, most important work on earth. It has DOUBLED in size, power, and good accomplished since last September.

But now for ten days money has dropped off. Already we are thousands of dollars behind. In another week, unless your response is IMMEDIATE, and large enough to make up this deficit of thousands of dollars, we shall have to GO OFF THE AIR. I have to tell you, dear Co-Workers, IT'S JUST THAT SERIOUS! I hope none of you misunderstood what I wrote about the meeting and project for the future at Gladewater. We are not starting a denomination. We are merely providing for what God COMMANDS---a place where those converted thru this great work and who have and LIVE God's truth may not longer have to forsake assembling themselves together. We are not taking money out of the Gospel work for it. I asked for separate contributions over and above regular tithes and offerings, on the part of those INTERESTED in this project. So far, in spite of the enthusiastic letters from some, the amount of this special fund is only a fraction of the need. I can report to you now that Mr. Hammer has tied up, and put in escrow, one of the adjoining properties we had to purchase, and a deal is pending on the other. He has himself advanced money on it. The two men going to Europe this summer are putting their own savings into it, paying nearly all of their own transportation. Some of you have sent in generous SPECIAL offerings, in some cases from those who had not been co-workers but want to help in this start toward preaching the Gospel to Europe. But THE WORK ITSELF takes thousands of dollars every month, and will be STOPPED DEAD, and quickly, unless you Co- Workers---ALL OF YOU---respond IMMEDIATELY as never before, with the largest amounts each of you can send---whether that be just the widow's two mites, or a check for several thousand dollars. Every widow' mite counts---send in a downpour of them---but the hundreds and thousands count MORE and are needed from the FEW who are able. I have to rest this in your hands, commit it to God, and trust Him to ROUSE YOU ALL to an immediate and a tremendous response! Just when the work is growing in power, producing its greatest harvest, receiving GOD'S richest blessings, is certainly no time to let down. DO AS THE ANCIENT ISRAELITES DID WHEN MOSES SENT OUT AN S.O.S. FOR THE NEED OF THAT TIME---THE PEOPLE RESPONDED SO GENEROUSLY AND UNIVERSALLY HE HAD TO SEND OUT A SECOND PROCLAMATION ASKING THEM TO LET UP---more was coming in than they could use! Co-Workers, let's wake up---let's shake off this complacency, indifference and delay---EVERYONE GET BACK OF THIS BIG PUSH WITH ALL YOU POSSIBLY CAN SEND. God bless you, I know you won't let the great work die!

Sincerely, IN JESUS' NAME,

Herbert W. Armstrong



June 24, 1952 • Herbert W Armstrong • Co-Worker Letter
FOT to be in Seigler Springs, California - $4000 Recieved for "East Texas Project"


JUNE 24, 1952

GREETINGS, Friends and Co-Workers:

This month we published an issue of the PLAIN TRUTH. So I send you The GOOD NEWS in the form of a GOOD NEWS LETTER for June.

Things are moving so fast both in prophesied world events, and in the progress of God's great work, it's hard to know what to say first.

Once again I am enroute to east Texas, this time with Mrs. Armstrong by automobile. ** Two baptizing teams left Pasadena today on an nation-wide summer tours. Hundreds await baptism.

Another graduation has passed at Ambassador College. The Commencement exercises were held in the beautiful Garden Theatre in the magnificent lower grounds on the campus. Three more students graduated Raymond Clifford Cole, Roderick Carl Meredith, and our son Richard David Armstrong. Mr. Herman Louie Hoeh (pronounced like "Hay") who graduated a year ago, received the degree of Master of Arts in Theology. He and our son Richard (Dick) sailed today from Quebec abroad the Liner Franconia for England and Europe, where they will spend the summer making plans to open the Gospel work full blast in Europe and Great Britain, and reporting to you direct from Europe by tape recording what they learn there about events fulfilling prophecy.

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Cole left for Eugene, Oregon, where Mr. Cole will act as pastor of the Church of God until the end of January 1953. Mr. Marion McNair, a senior who will graduate next January, with Mrs. McNair, has gone to Portland, Oregon, where he will be pastor of the church until September 1st. At that time Mr. Roderick Meredith, now on a baptizing tour, will become pastor of the Portland church, allowing Mr. and Mrs. McNair to return to college. Travelling with Rod Meredith this summer is Burk McNair, brother of Marion and Raymond, who will be a junior in Ambassador College next fall. Raymond McNair heads the other baptizing team, accompanied by Owen Smith, a junior in the college.

FEAST OF TABERNACLES SITE: Decision has been finally made on the location of this great fall Festival this coming October. We had wanted to find a suitable site near Pasadena. This has proved impossible until we can purchase land and build our own Festival grounds. With the east Texas project under way, and assuming vastly increased importance, we cannot undertake the project of building our own Festival facilities in Southern California for at least another two years. There are vital reasons why this great fall festival must continue to be held on the West Coast. It must be held at the place GOD CHOOSES. We have had to wait until we were SURE of the place chosen by the Eternal. There is no longer any doubt. I can announce the PLACE for the Festival of Tabernacles definitely.

It will be held at beautiful Seigler Springs, in central California. It is much larger than Belknap Hot Springs in Oregon, where we have gone the past seven years. It is also much nicer, and offers many facilities we never had at Belknap. Seigler Springs is about 475 miles north of Pasadena, in a beautiful mountainous region south of Clear Lake. It will offer accommodations for up to 400 people. Kitchen and dining room facilities are larger and better than Belknap. There is a large assembly hall, a semi-outdoor recreation pavilion for table tennis and other recreations; a large outdoor swimming pool, and an indoor swimming pool, and a children's wading pool. It has one of the finest tennis courts in the nation, and a fine badminton court. There is horse-back riding, and, if those attending desire, the hot mineral baths in very modern facilities. There is a hotel and many cottages of various sizes, some of them very nice. Some of the rooms and cottages are very plain, for those who wish to pay less. Mrs. Armstrong and I visited the Springs recently, and we are sure all who come will be more than enthusiastic. It is a PERFECT place, until we outgrow it as we did Belknap Springs. There is no place as suitable, that we have been able to find, nearer Pasadena. It will take care of us, apparently, until we can build our own grounds and facilities closer to Pasadena. BEGIN NOW to make definite plans to COME. Are you saving that second tithe? God has provided the plan whereby you can be ABLE to come. You are going to be more than enthusiastic over this beautiful mountainous resort. We will have the place EXCLUSIVELY, all to ourselves, shut off from the world for eight wonderful, joyful days. It will be a time such as you have never experienced before. Write me for full information.

I regret to announce to those who attended at Belknap Springs, that Mr. Bigalow, owner of Belknap Springs, died a couple weeks ago of cancer. He said he had never met people like us before, and seeing how we lived, and how happy we were, completely changed his life during his last months.

Now about the East Texas project. This is turning out to be a much more important development than we realized. Since the first letter sent out about it, several families have written that they are planning to move to Gladewater, or to Longview, or near this place we plan to develop.

I had mentioned in that letter the intention to establish an elementary school of our own there, beginning September 1953. So many of God's people have been plagued by persecution, and their children have suffered abuse and discrimination from other children or from teachers because they do not observe Christmas, New Years, Easter, or take part in Valentine or Halloween exercises, and because they are kept out of school during GOD'S festivals.

I think more than a dozen families have expressed the intention of moving to this locality to put their children in this new school of our own, just as a result of that one letter I wrote out Co-Workers. This assures enough to organize a local church--- God's own church---at this place. Also we are now graduating enough qualified, competent, God-called students at the college to be able to supply a permanent pastor for a church at this place, beginning by the Fall of next year. I feel sure now that there will be a minimum of twenty or thirty families---perhaps many more ---who will move there.

This makes the project of far greater importance than when we looked upon it, at first, as merely a place for an annual conclave every Spring at the Passover time and Festival of Unleavened Bread. On my second trip to Gladewater about a month ago I did not close the deal for the two strips of property adjoining the property which Buck Hammer offers to donate. First one owner raised the price $2,000.00 over his original agreement, and then the second owner even after accepting a check, demanded $2,100.00 more. Meanwhile I learned there are several places in this part of the State which are ideally suited to our purpose, and decided to wait until we could thoroughly investigate other possible sites. I do not feel we should let people literally hold us up, because we are God's people---and I did not feel like throwing away an additional $4,000.00 of God's money, after both owners had made an agreement at a fair price. We are now on our way again, with our own car, to look at all possible other sites. We will remain in or near Gladewater long enough to complete the transaction. And I am informed by the Hammers that these people are rather sick of the deal they tried to get away with, and now wish they had closed the deal as they originally agreed---so, it is possible we may yet purchase these properties---but only at the originally agreed-price.

I feel that the response on SPECIAL contributions for the purchase of these properties was very fine, considering I had only sent out the one letter about it. That is, it started off splendidly, the first three weeks. But since it has dropped to a tiny trickle, and we have a third or fourth of what we shall need. I was especially pleased that our Co-workers from all over the United States, even up and down the Pacific Coast who will probably never go to Gladewater or benefit personally from it, put in special contributions for this purpose. Most of this came in small amounts, which showed how much it counts up when a large number of people get back of a thing, even with small offerings. Of course several sent in $100.00 or more but I believe only one as much as $200.00---.

To date, about $4,000.00 has come in for this project. WE MUST RAISE THE REST OF IT WITHIN 60 DAYS. Surely there are at least two or three among all our Co-workers who can put contributions of $1,000.00 or more into this great project. Right now is when it's needed---for CASH MONEY TALKS---and if I have the cash money on hand to deal with, I can manage a far better deal than when I have to ask for time and terms, which puts me on the defensive and allows others to start trying to take advantage. I may still be in this section, making final decision on the site and closing the deal, by the time this letter reaches you. If you are one who can put a large amount into this project as an added and special contribution, PLEASE SEND A TELEGRAM TO THE OFFICE IN PASADENA TELLING WHAT YOU ARE SENDING, and they will forward your telegram to me. Don't wire the money---let it follow by airmail.

However, the regular work must not suffer because of this special project. Don't put any money into it you would have put into the Gospel Work. Be sure that whatever you send for this project is an extra, special, additional contribution, over and above your tithe and regular offerings. But the need is URGENT, and IMMEDIATE! I must raise several thousand dollars more within 60 days. I shall proceed on faith, and if and when I find the right deal and know it is the place God has chosen, I shall close it, and rely on God in faith to move enough of our Co-Workers to meet the balance in time. If you can't send a large sum send what you can---whether only a dollar or two, or thirty, forty, or a hundred. Every bit counts. I do THANK everyone of you, who have contributed so far, from the bottom of my heart, and I know that you co-workers will see that the full amount is sent in, within 60 days.

I verily believe that NOTHING ON EARTH is growing as dynamically and rapidly as GOD'S GREAT WORK, today! But it does take money EVERY SINGLE DAY! It will take money to keep these two baptizing teams going this summer. THIS SUMMER WE ARE REAPING BY FAR THE LARGEST HARVEST OF SOULS FOR GOD'S KINGDOM of any year so far! That's the thing that counts MOST! How wonderful it is! It's difficult to keep the precious work alive through the summers. Radio reception is not good. Not nearly as many hear the broad- cast, and fewer send in money. Yet we are under HEAVY EXPENSES this summer. KEEP GOD'S GREAT WORK ALIVE AND GOING! Try to send in tithes and offerings more frequently and larger offerings if possible. You are having a very important part AND RESPONSIBILITY in the greatest work on earth.

God bless you I know you'll do your very best, and remain faithful to the end. THANK YOU for all you've done for the work before. And try to keep a SPECIAL contribution coming in EVERY MONTH for this big Texas project!

Most sincerely, in Jesus' name,

Herbert W. Armstrong

SPECIAL NOTICE: "The WORLD TOMORROW" program is on the air SUNDAY'S ONLY until September 1st. Off the air week-nights. Tune in EVERY SUNDAY, same time as before, until September 1st.


August 1, 1952 - Herbert W Armstrong - Co-Worker Letter
East Texas Project Completes Escrow
Dick Armstrong (in French) & Herman Hoeh (in German) to Speak Over Radio Luxembourg


August 1, 1952

GREETINGS, Friends and Co-Workers!

This month we published another issue of The PLAIN TRUTH. Therefore, as I did two months ago, I send you The GOOD NEWS in the form of this Good News LETTER.

And it is GOOD NEWS !

In ways exceeding our wildest dreams, God is proving, more this year than any so far, that this is HIS work, sparked by HIS power, guided and used by HIM, and abundantly blessed by HIM.

Never in all world history have so many millions heard the very Gospel Jesus proclaimed as during this past winter's radio season. The true Gospel of Jesus Christ His very Message was proclaimed in power as a witness to many millions in every state, and in most of Canada and Mexico.

Never has God used us to reap such an abundant harvest as this year. No longer is it dozens or scores being converted, their lives changed, and baptized, now it is HUNDREDS! By midsummer our two baptizing teams had visited and baptized more newly converted people than in any whole summer before. Our men in Portland and in Eugene, Oregon, are also baptizing a number. One of our students baptized a number here at the college in Pasadena while I was away the first half of the summer, and I baptized several at Gladewater, Texas, who came there when they heard I was to be there.

Our men in Europe left Luxembourg two days ago for Germany. In Luxembourg they arranged for The WORLD TOMORROW program to go ON THE AIR IN EUROPEsucceeded in getting a time cleared for us on the giant-powered station at Luxembourg. This station is actually MORE POWERFUL than any of the Mexican stations now being used. Its signal comes in clear and strong over all Europe, Great Britain, North Africa, and even behind the Iron Curtain in the Soviet Union.

My son Dick, and Herman Hoeh who is with him, report that more people in England and in France listen to this station than any of their own stations! That is due to two things: 1) the programs on British and French stations are government-controlled, and therefore government propaganda, and are not so interesting to the public, while the people over there find more interesting programs on Radio Luxembourg; and 2) This tremendous-powered super station comes in on all sets so loud and clear they can actually heat it with better reception than their own local stations in London and Paris! It will provide us with an audience of possibly fifty to one hundred millions of people, HEARING CHRIST'S TRUE GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM FOR THE FIRST TIME IN ALL THEIR LIVES!

We had planned to start this European campaign next year. Now the opportunity apparently is open to start NOW! I shall proceed to negotiate with their United States representatives in New York immediately, but Dick assures me he arranged with the station to hold this precious half hour of time for us.

Because of their tremendous power and vast listening audience, they charge about twice as much as even the most powerful Mexican stations. We will get very little financial help from Europe. Their governments over there do not permit their people to send much money, and in some cases virtually none, outside their countries. It will have to be almost wholly financed BY YOU CO-WORKERS HERE IN AMERICA!

But if the government in Washington can afford to send BILLIONS of our tax dollars to Europe to provide them with munitions to be later aimed back at us, cannot we manage to send a few hundreds of dollars to Europe to preach to them THE TRUE GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST?

What did Jesus say of the future? He said there would be false christs, and false prophets preaching false gospels, yet coming in HIS NAME, deceiving the whole world. BUT, down at the time after world war had started at the very end of this age, (Mat. 24:3-14), He said, "And this GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto ALL NATIONS; and then shall the end (of this age) come!"

Co-Workers, Jesus has not commissioned you and me to preach this Gospel merely to our own nation. It must now go for a witness "UNTO ALL NATIONS." Five years ago Mrs. Armstrong and I were in Europe making the first preliminary investigations and plans for spreading the work of proclaiming this Gospel into England and Europe. At that time it was, and always had been, impossible to obtain radio time to reach the masses of people by radio. I interviewed newspaper men, and began working out a plan to reach the people through newspapers, and by mail. But we were not yet ready.

Now, when at last we are ready. GOD HAS OPENED THE WAY. In the tiny nation of Luxembourg, in the heart of Europe, this gigantic super-powered station has been raised up. They have now actually cleared a precious half hour of time for The WORLD TOMORROW program to reach ALL EUROPE!

This is the biggest leap forward this work ever took. Our men are over there now, visiting Europeans in the homes, on the streets, in hotels, talking with them, learning their attitudes and points of view. They are learning HOW we can preach to those people SO AS TO REALLY REACH THEM. They find that the few other radio preachers or large church denominations that have already used this great radio facility over there have not known HOW to talk to Europeans. They have made blunders, said the wrong thing, offended the people in many cases so they refuse to listen. God has blessed us with the "KNOW-HOW." When we go on Radio Luxembourg it will be with a program that will, first, AROUSE TREMENDOUS WIDE- SPREAD INTEREST, and second, without offending or antagonizing the people. TELL THEM THE TRUTH which they have never heard before.

The men we have sent there have been first educated for their job. They speak several languages FLUENTLY, without foreign accent just like the people there French, German, Spanish. In many cases in France the people did not know my son Dick was an American, accepted him as a Frenchman, and opened up and gave him the information he was after. Now, in Germany, Herman Hoeh has the same advantage, for he is of German blood and ancestry, and has spoken German in his own home from a child. Our men can go where ordinary American news correspondents cannot go. They are getting news and significant facts for broadcasts and articles which ordinary news correspondents NEVER GET.

I know you've already been hearing their interest-packed, fact-full reports on the air, and you are now reading their articles in The PLAIN TRUTH, and will in coming issues of The GOOD NEWS.

These men will speak over Radio Luxembourg in French, German, and Spanish, and I will speak in English. With these four languages, we can be understood by the vast majority of all the peoples of the many nations of Europe!

Brethren! CO-WORKERS! Do you realize what this means?

Do you grasp what is happening? Do you begin to see that Ambassador College has been training men God has called to the greatest, most powerful, most far-reaching ministry of all world history? This thing is TREMENDOUS!

It is something only GOD could have brought about. We are mere instruments yielded to Him, being used of Him!

GLADEWATER, TEXAS, PROJECT: Now about the Gladewater, Texas project. I was held at Gladewater nearly three weeks. We ran into many obstacles and provoking, patience-trying difficulties. We had about given up ever being able to purchase these two adjoining tracts of land at any price that wasn't absolutely prohibitive. Then, finally at the last moment, we suddenly found we were able to purchase BOTH those tracts, without the houses we did not need up on the highway, for less than HALF of the price we had agreed to six weeks before these owners started going back on their word and raising their prices exorbitantly.

So, suddenly, the two deals were closed. We now have the deeds. I was finally able to pay cash in full on the spot for both properties thanks to a fine young couple recently converted in Kansas, who sent a special offering of $2,000 for this property. Their telegram to the Pasadena headquarters telling of their decision to give this $2,000 came the very day the owners came to their final agreement the exact day it was needed to close the deal! Before we left Gladewater, this young couple with their little daughter arrived in Gladewater and I baptized them, and they were able to see the fine properties we bought, and go thru the grounds.

Yes, GOD is surely blessing HIS work in every way! How THANKFUL how GRATEFUL we all should be! I asked Brother Roy Hammer of Gladewater to take over the supervision of the project there locally, and under his direction the beautifully wooded, sloping grounds are being rapidly cleared of the thick underbrush and growth that had sprung up, leaving just the fine, large shade trees, and such smaller trees and shrubs as should be left to beautify the grounds.

I am to meet with our architect tomorrow morning, to make preliminary plans toward the tabernacle and combination church and schoolhouse we shall build there. We now expect at least a few hundred to attend the Spring Festival there next spring. We hope to have a large temporary tabernacle, large enough to seat, and also feed, this crowd, completed by that time. WORK MUST START ON IT VERY SOON. I do not know yet what it will cost. We shall of course use the lowest-cost construction that is consistent, and the main pavilion will probably be a semi-outdoor affair, since the festival to be held there every spring comes in a season when we will need little or no heat, and neither will the weather at that season be excessively hot. However, the schoolhouse and church will have to be a little more permanent, so it can be heated in the winter and kept reasonably cool in the heat of summer. The architect thinks he can work out a plan so the church and the school can use the same building and rooms, so the building will serve both purposes, and also part of the space needed for the spring festival. My own rough calculation indicates the cost cannot be less that $20,000 or $25,000 at the very least, and it may run more, for we must accommodate several hundred every spring.

Now we have left, in our special fund for this Gladewater project, a little more than $2,500 cash. Already some $400 has been spent on clearing, and getting the grounds in shape, and I understand they are beginning to look very beautiful. I am very thankful we were able to purchase the ground without buying on time, and going into debt. I WANT TO BUILD THIS TABERNACLE THE SAME WAY. We have a little start BUT NOW WE NEED SEVERAL THOUSAND DOLLARS MORE, as rapidly as you can keep it coming. So dear Co-Workers, DON'T SLACKEN on this special project. It is MOST IMPORTANT. What a wonderful thing it will be to have such a place of our very own for this great spring conclave where we can all meet together for eight days. 123 came this past spring from 13 states. Next year I expect to see 400 or 500 at least, and where it will grow to I have no idea, now. At least two dozen families have written about moving there, so they can have regular fellow- ship in God's own church there, and put their children in our own school, which we hope to start there September of NEXT year, 1953.

As I mentioned over the air, however, let me CAUTION all of you: Do not just plan impetuously, and without proper planning, to move there. VISIT Gladewater first, look over the situation. See whether you can locate there, whether you would start a business there, go on a farm, or find a job. BE SURE you will have a source of income, and have that all definite and SURE before you move there, and avoid the terrible predicament of finding yourself there without means of support. Brother and Sister Hammer have all they can do to support themselves and their large family, so none should impose on them, of course although they are glad to do all they can to advise with you or help you in any way they can.

The Hammers there have been just overwhelmed with so many letters they simply haven't been able to answer them. Sister Hammer said she now can understand why so many of you can't always get a personal answer from me to your letters. Don't be offended at her or Mr. Hammer, or think they have ignored your letters, if they have not yet answered they have just received more than they could handle! We all owe them a great debt of THANKS for their interest, help to us all, and cooperation. Since the Spring Festival their time has been mostly taken up with this work. Dozens and dozens have driven there to see them and this place.

Co-Workers, KEEP YOUR SPECIAL OFFERINGS COMING for this Gladewater project. Help us put this special building fund OVER THE TOP before we start actual construction. BUT and listen carefully! do not specify a single dime of what you send in to be used for this special property fund which otherwise you could and would have sent in for the regular work.

REMEMBER, the regular work of the Gospel and the college must go on. The college is not yet self-supporting but each year it is GROWING and as student enrollment increases, the tuitions from students does pay a continuously larger percentage of the operation of the institution, so that most of the money received in tithes and regular offerings goes to SPREAD THE GOSPEL AS A WITNESS TO ALL NATIONS.

Once again, the regular work is in SERIOUS NEED! This past week, for the first time in several weeks, money began to fall off. When money received drops below quota just a few days, the situation becomes alarming. WE MUST KEEP THIS GREAT WORK GOING WEEK BY WEEK. There can be no let-up!

BEAR CAREFULLY IN MIND the regular Gospel work is again running behind WE NEED MORE MONEY, and quickly! This tremendous Gospel campaign to ALL EUROPE needs money, and IMMEDIATELY! We must keep our two baptizing teams going, and our men in other places. We must now raise the BUILDING FUND for the Gladewater, Texas project. Indicate whatever you send as an EXTRA, SPECIAL offering for the building fund, over and above your tithes and regular offering. NO TITHE MONEY OUGHT TO GO TO THIS GLADEWATER PROJECT. Your tithes are to spread the Gospel. So try to send an EXTRA, and special offering over and above tithes for the Gladewater project.

For a whole year now, you've had one of the magazines EVERY MONTH, right on time. Isn't it all wonderful? THINK OF IT! The Gladewater project progressing so wonderfully the biggest harvest of souls, double any previous year, being reaped the articles and broadcasts from Europe, and, now, at last, GOING ON THE AIR TO ALL EUROPE! Read that over again. Can you BELIEVE IT? My, how God is blessing His work! Let's get ON FIRE for God, and His Work! Let's put it FIRST, before everything else. Let's make any sacrifice to KEEP IT GOING! God bless you for your part in this great work.

Most sincerely, in Jesus' name,

Herbert W. Armstrong


September 4, 1952 Herbert W Armstrong Co-Worker Letter
San Diego Church Starts, HWA Pleads for Money


September 4, 1952

GREETINGS! Co-Workers under Christ:

Another college year has begun---and with it comes an URGENT EMERGENCY!

I have to drop everything, and rush this urgent appeal to you IMMEDIATELY. We have this year the largest freshman class of new students we have ever had. Ambassador College is GROWING, as it has, of course from the first---now entering it's sixth year! Already the college is PRODUCING ASTONISHING RESULTS. Those who first entered now are all graduated.

Look what they are accomplishing! This week a new church is being started in the San Diego. Young ministers from the college or the graduate school will be in San Diego for services every week. That's only the beginning. All summer we have had young ministers trained here at Ambassador College preaching in our churches in Oregon. The project near Gladewater, Texas, is progressing rapidly---the ground is now all cleared, and the architect is beginning to work on plans for the tabernacle. We hope by next summer or fall to have a new church raised up there. We hope in the next few months to establish new churches in the Los Angeles district.

You have heard the thrilling broadcasts from our men in Europe this summer---you are reading their articles in The GOOD NEWS and The PLAIN TRUTH. They laid plans to soon put the broad- cast ON THE AIR ALL OVER EUROPE. These men between them speak the four languages most commonly spoken---English, French, German and Spanish. Plans are being laid to broadcast to ALL THE FAR EAST--- China behind the red iron curtain, Japan, the Philippines, Burma, Indo-China. Two of our baptizing teams have baptized more than 300 precious souls this summer---altogether all of our men and myself have baptized almost 400 so far this year, and apparently the number will pass 400 before the year's end.

NEVER has this work been blessed with such marvelous results---never has it reaped such a large and precious harvest! Still the laborers are too few. Still the harvest is plenteous and the laborers are TOO FEW---and we need to pray God to send forth MORE laborers for His closing great harvest!

I'm happy to report that more future laborers are entering the college this week to be trained for future responsibility, some of them with very promising talent that is outstanding.

But as the college grows, we are caught short of equipment. We haven't enough beds for them to sleep on---we do not have enough study desks for them to study on---we lack much in necessary facilities for this increased number of students. We have to purchase nearly $1,000 worth of additional beds for them to sleep on THIS VERY WEEK, and we do not have the additional funds to cover. The truth is, God is sending us laborers for the harvest faster than you co-workers supply necessary funds to keep them, and the work, going. THAT IS YOUR PART!

The past week receipt of money has been falling off again. CO-WORKERS, I MUST ASK YOU TO COME TO THE RESCUE BY RETURN MAIL WITH THE LARGEST SUMS YOU POSSIBLY CAN SEND. It's a dire need. It's an IMMEDIATE and URGENT need. This is the greatest work on earth. We need every dollar---the widow' mites, and the larger amounts from those who are able.

THE BROADCAST GOES BACK ON THE AIR ON XEG AND XELO EVERY NIGHT BEGINNING MONDAY NIGHT, SEPTEMBER 15th! SAME TIME! XEG will go out with about TWICE the power this fall---isn't that wonderful news? We go back on XERB, heard on Pacific Coast, every night beginning September 29 with the change from daylight time back to standard time---7:00 PM every night. We are already on the air again every morning in the Los Angeles local area. This work is growing---producing a WONDERFUL harvest---and it is right now in DESPERATE NEED. THANK YOU, and GOD BLESS YOU---I know you'll spring to the rescue with all you can send by return mail.

Sincerely, in Jesus' name,

Herbert W. Armstrong

P.S.--We are ready to start the building of the tabernacle near Gladewater. Right now, more than ever before, we need special LARGE sums for this purpose. The Gladewater project, up to now, has been in EXCELLENT shape. We were able to purchase both tracts of land for cash, without incurring any mortgages or indebtedness. Brother Hammer is supervising the work, and has had to employ several men in the clearing of the tract, but this is all done and paid for. We have, however, not more than one-tenth enough money on hand in this special fund for the construction of the new tabernacle which must be ready before next spring. THERE'S NO TIME TO LOSE. This work must progress. HELP US KEEP IT ON A PAY-AS-WE- GO BASIS! What a wonderful accomplishment if we can have this all built and prepared by next Passover time, without debt---all paid as we go. This way we get discounts and save money. Right now let's make a great EXTRA EFFORT to go OVER THE TOP on this building fund! If you can only spare an extra widow's mite, send it---every dollar counts. But can't some of you who are able now send special offerings for this fund of one or several hundred dollars, or perhaps even a few thousand dollars? The tabernacle will be the lowest-cost type structure that is practical to erect, yet attractive in appearance. Don't take a single cent away from the regular broadcast and publishing Gospel work for this fund, but send the largest possible SPECIAL offering you are able.


October 16, 1952 • Herbert W Armstrong • Co-Worker Letter
Give to this work! "It's the ONLY activity on earth today that will SURVIVE"


October 16, 1952

Dear Co-Worker in the True Gospel:

WHAT a privilege to have an actual part in reaching the whole world, for the first time in 1800 years, with the ORIGINAL AND ONLY TRUE GOSPEL!

THANK YOU and God bless you! for the offering (or God's tithe) just recently received. It's the most important work on earth the most necessary. It's the ONLY activity on earth today that will SURVIVE the unbelievable, horrible, catastrophes, destructions, and plagues prophesied NEXT to fall on this heedless, God-defying world.

This very work, in which YOU are greatly blessed for having a personal part, was foretold by Christ. It is recorded in Matthew 24:14 and Mark 13:10. Today, the same Gospel Jesus taught is going in tremendous POWER to all America, to Canada, and Mexico. In a week or two I shall fly to New York to make final arrangements with the United States agents of the super-power RADIO LUXEMBOURG which will carry the very Gospel of CHRIST to all Europe and to Britain. My son, Dick, made arrangements with the station when he was in Luxembourg this past summer. We are now working on the programs for Europe. Soon we shall be broadcasting the SAME Gospel Jesus taught to ALL THE ORIENT covering Communist China, Japan, Indo-China, Burma, from the Philippines.

Jesus said this must first be accomplished BEFORE the coming GREAT TRIBULATION---the next phase of WORLD WAR then the terrible signs in the heavens, followed by unbelievable PLAGUES sent from God, and then, THE SECOND COMING OF CHRIST! Europe is uniting, NOW, ready for the death-stroke to the U.S.A., and the most terrifying tribulation and martyrdom of all history. God is HOLDING BACK the winds of war that shall destroy civilization, until He finishes the proclaiming of His True Gospel as a witness THRU US!

That's WHY we are enjoying a comparative recess from world war, NOW!

That's WHY the United States is now prosperous!

It's the greatest job, the most tremendous responsibility, that has fallen on anyone in 1800 years! God has laid it on YOU AND ME! We dare not fail Him. We must CONTINUE to respond, as never before. PRAY, as never before, for this great work. Words can't express how grateful I am for your financial support. I know you'll stand by me till the end. With GOD all things are possible. We are mere instruments in His hands. It is HIS POWER in us that carries forward this mighty work. Let us yield completely to Him. The need continues GREAT! I know you'll continue to send us regularly HIS TITHE and generous offerings. GOD BLESS YOU FOR IT. Great is your power in heaven, which Jesus will bring with Him, when He comes! THANK YOU AGAIN!

With love, in Jesus' name,

Herbert W. Armstrong



December 18, 1952 • Herbert W Armstrong • Co-Worker Letter
Plea for Money and Building Fund


Dec. 18th, 1952

Dear Co-Workers:

Here's the BEST NEWS in years!

We're on the air OVER ALL EUROPE! At last! This Gospel of the Kingdom of God IS now starting to go out with a tremendous LOUD VOICE to all the world for a witness to ALL NATIONS, just as Jesus foretold (Mat. 24:14). Now, in addition to the nations of North America, it is going to Britain and all the nations of Europe, and even of North Africa!

This is not our doing it's GOD'S! It ought to sober us with a very grave sense of humility and gratitude that God has chosen us to be His instruments in carrying out what He had long before determined.

Jesus said He would do it! In less than a hundred years after He brought God's GOOD NEWS and taught it to His disciples, men perverted His true Gospel, turned the Truth into a lie, buried it under an avalanche of pagan fable and superstition which they falsely labeled "Christianity." For 1800 years the world has been DECEIVED, led into false pagan teachings supposing this to be the Gospel of Christ.

But Jesus knew what would happen. He foretold it. He said, "Many false prophets shall arise, and shall deceive many." He inspired Paul to write, "they shall turn away their ears from the TRUTH, and shall be turned into fables." But Jesus, explaining to His disciples WHEN this world would come to its END, and WHEN He should return in Person and in Power and Glory to set up the Kingdom of God to RULE THE WORLD, also said: "This GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto ALL NATIONS, and then shall the END (of this age) come." (Mat. 24:14).

Notice it !

Just before His Second Coming just before the END of this world the very same Gospel He brought from God and taught His disciples was to be preached in all the world to ALL NATIONS as a witness. But before this, (Mat. 24:4-5 and II Thes. 2:2-3), the great deception and falling away from the Truth was to come.

It has happened just as Jesus said. The world is deceived spiritually drunk on counterfeit teachings and customs. The world won't receive the truth but some precious souls here and there will a number will be saved NOW, and as Jesus ordained, HIS GOSPEL shall now quickly and powerfully be proclaimed IN ALL NATIONS.

WHAT A RESPONSIBILITY this places on you and me! But we need not fear, or falter. It is GOD'S doing. We are merely the instruments He has chosen. He has already raised up the mechanical instruments and power to CARRY His Message by radio into ALL nations. He will guide us and direct us. He has given us His Message opened our understanding to His TRUTH. He has provided us with the prerequisite ability and EXPERIENCE, thru 19 years of broadcasting in America. He has given us the "know-how," and now, also the organization and the trained, consecrated, experienced HELP I need in the ministry. One of the greatest miracles in all this miraculous work of God is what He has done in raising up young ministers to assist me.

Let me tell you a bit about that. IT'S IMPORTANT! Among the students God has sent to Ambassador College are some whom our professors, who have taught at Harvard, Cornell, and similar institutions, tell me would rank at the very TOP if they had gone to Harvard, Stanford, Princeton, or such universities. We have men of exceptional talents and abilities but above all, men whom God has called, who are consecrated to Him and His mission, and whom He has given UNDERSTANDING of God's TRUTH. Yet it seems no two of these men have the same talents or abilities. God has sent to me at Pasadena that VARIETY of capabilities needed for His work. Already four of them have graduated, two more will graduate in January, and another two in June. They are learning to speak foreign languages fluently.

For example, I am starting the broadcast to all Europe with a half hour program in English. Millions will be listening who understand English. Then in June, when he expects to receive his post-graduate Master's degree, my son Dick, according to present plans, is to return to Europe to open permanent branch offices in London and Paris, and open an additional 15-minute program to all Europe in the French language, which he speaks like a native Frenchman. The following June Dick's understudy and assistant in the radio work, Norman Smith, upon graduation, is scheduled to go to Europe and join Dick in the management of the work there, and perhaps permit Dick to return home a while on vacation. Meanwhile, a third 15-minute broadcast will be scheduled over all Europe, for Herman L. Hoeh to speak in the German language. Mr. Smith, who speaks Spanish and has a fine radio voice, probably will start broadcasting to Europe and to all South and Central America in the Spanish language.

Other broadcasts to other parts of the world in other languages will follow. While in New York making final arrangements for the broadcast to Europe, I had lunch with radio station representatives who are agents for stations in India, Pakistan, South Africa, Australia, and other parts of the world. As soon as our work expands to the place where we are ready for it, and we have men trained in fluently speaking still other languages, they will arrange for "The WORLD TOMORROW" to be broadcast in all those countries. I have already made tentative arrangements with a station representative in Los Angeles for sending Christ's true Gospel by radio to all Central and South America, to China, Japan, the Philippines, Indo-China, BurmaÄÄall the far-east.

Yes, dear Co-Workers. THIS very Gospel Jesus preached is STARTING AROUND THE WORLD it is now to soon go TO ALL NATIONS, in every corner of the earth!

This is no little thing. IT'S A TREMENDOUS UNDERTAKING! It is developing into a gigantic enterprise. AND IT TAKES A LOT OF US TO DO IT--myself and these fine, well-trained young ministers coming out of Ambassador College all our rapidly growing staff in Pasadena headquarters and ALL OF YOU CO-WORKERS. It takes YOUR PRAYERS your earnest, fervent, persevering, believing prayers. It takes YOUR FINANCIAL SACRIFICE in generous offerings beside the faithful paying of God's TITHE. It costs money, and will from now on cost more and more as this great work grows and spreads. The agents tell us we will receive no financial help at all from listeners in Europe our own Co-Workers here in America will have to join me in SENDING THE GOSPEL TO THE WORLD. We must raise the money HERE.

HERE ARE THE DETAILS of the broadcast to Europe:

The program starts on OUR 19th ANNIVERSARY OF BROAD- CASTING, the first week in the new year, 1953, a full half hour broadcast every week.

Surveys made in Europe show that in France, Belgium, and other countries, 85% of all houses have radio sets! Think of it nearly all homes over there have radio sets, sets that really work!

Of these, 88% of the sets in France get "good" or "excellent" reception on Radio Luxembourg. It's 91% in Belgium.

In 84% of the homes of French listeners, surveys show the WHOLE FAMILY listens to Radio Luxembourg.

Surveys in Greater Paris show that the leading net-work, government owned and controlled, with 10 stations, is listened to by 83% of the people. That includes TEN STATIONS! Radio Luxembourg alone, ONE station, is listened to by 80.1% practically the same as the total combined listening audience of all ten local French stations! The second net-work, with 3 stations, is listened to by only 45.2%. That bears out what Dick Armstrong and Herman Hoeh learned by interviewing people all over France, Germany, England and Switzerland this past summer: Radio Luxembourg is listened to by far more people than any other station in Europe more in London than local British stations more in Paris than any local Paris station. And it's highest percent of listeners are in the smaller towns and rural districts!

These surveys show that on any one broadcast in English we will be reaching in excess of TEN MILLION LISTENERS! Imagine talking to ten million people at one time! Yes, it's breath- taking! It's tremendous! And "The WORLD TOMORROW" program always builds up a multiplied larger audience on any station!

Soon we shall be sending out a second program IN FRENCH, and then a third one IN GERMAN. We may soon be pouring Christ's own Gospel into the ears of as many as fifty or a hundred million people scattered over Europe!

IT WILL TAKE SACRIFICE! It will take FAITHFULNESS on your part. I must now ask every Co-Worker to try to send in a little larger amounts than heretofore, and if possible even more often. WHAT A PRIVILEGE to be called of God to such a great world- wide work! WE ARE PREPARING THE WAY FOR THE SECOND COMING OF CHRIST! WE ARE PREPARING THE WAY FOR WORLD PEACE!

And now, second only to this great broadcast work in importance, here's THE LATEST NEWS FROM GLADEWATER, TEXAS.

I am writing this from Gladewater, on our return trip from New York and Chicago. I have just spent a few hours going over our grounds here with our architect. The first preliminary plans and architect's drawings of the new combination Tabernacle, Church and School, were submitted to me and Mr. Hammer. WE WERE MORE THAN THRILLED WITH THEM. It required a great deal of ingenuity to plan a building to serve so many purposes in the smallest possible space and at lowest possible construction cost.

Mr. Hammer now has the grounds all cleared. For the first time we could really SEE the beautiful site God has opened to us. It is even more beautiful than we thought. The building site has been chosen, atop a terraced knoll, surrounded by beautiful shade trees, overlooking the lake to be created below. The roadway has been graded all the way to the building site, and now awaits a gravel covering.

A few minor changes must be made in the architect's plans, and then I hope to be able to have the plans and sketches printed and sent to you. I do not know now whether they can be ready in time to enclose with this letter, but if not, I will send them later. It is going to be a BEAUTIFUL place, back off the highway, secluded from the world.

The building is designed in three parts, with entrance in the middle. To the rear is to be the large Tabernacle originally to contain 4800 square feet and seat 420 people. As attendance grows, this will be widened to add 210 seats to each side, until it will eventually contain 840 seats. While very attractive in appearance, this will be used only at our festivals in the spring and possibly the fall when the weather is mild. Consequently it will be very inexpensively constructed. Even so, at smallest possible cost per square foot, it will cost several thousand dollars.

The middle section, to be built next after the Tabernacle, will serve as combination school room, church, and dining room, with a kitchen separated by folding doors. This must be of sound, well-insulated construction, heated in winter and air- conditioned in summer, and is planned to contain 2,168 square feet, not including kitchen or rest rooms which are to adjoin. This room can be opened up to give us 150 extra seats opening into the Tabernacle, with grand total of 1,000 seats.

The last section to be constructed is the front lounge room, almost wholly glassed in, overlooking the magnificent terraced view and the projected lake. It will also serve as class room and for dining purposes when large numbers are attending.

WORK MUST START ON THIS BUILDING PROJECT AT ONCE! I am determined NOT to go into debt in this. We MUST have cash in advance to pay as we build. So I must now make an EXTRA SPECIAL APPEAL for special funds LARGE funds from those who are able for this special BUILDING FUND.

Three families already have moved to Gladewater I have met two of them here. Many others are planning to move here, or near here. But again, let me caution you, DO NOT MOVE HERE until you have first come here and established yourself in a job, a business, or means of earning a living. Jobs around here are scarce temporarily, just now, due to the fact the big Lafourneau plant in Longview recently laid off a few hundred men. This, I believe, is a temporary condition. One of the men I have met here managed to get a good job and is now going to move his wife and children here.

Again, don't send anything for the special building fund you would have sent anyway for the GOSPEL Work. The GOSPEL work must go out stronger and stronger. We cannot take money from that for building purposes. So, try to sacrifice an EXTRA, ADDITIONAL sum for this special building fund, and state plainly in your letter how much is tithe and regular offering, and how much is for the special building fund.

My, ISN'T GOD GOOD TO US? Isn't it just WONDERFUL the way He blesses His work, keeps it growing so powerfully? How we should thank and praise Him! God bless you, I know you'll continue to stand with us! RUSH the largest amounts your means and circumstances permit.

Sincerely, gratefully, in Jesus' name,

Herbert W. Armstrong


May 22 1953 • Herbert W Armstrong • Co-Worker Letter
Hoeh Calculates Tribulation to begin in 1972


May 22nd, 1953

My Dear Co-Worker Family:

Again, GREETINGS! in Jesus' name.

Time races on! Every day brings new developments. Every day, now, is vitally important! The very next prophesied world- shaking event is speeding toward reality. That is the resurrected ROMAN EMPIRE---a UNITED EUROPE that shall plunge the world into the frightful HYDROGEN-bomb World War III!

But do you know what is prophesied for RIGHT NOW?

This is startling---but it's true! The one and ONLY world event in Bible prophecy for NOW, just prior to World War III, is this great work God is doing thru you and me! THIS is what's prophesied for RIGHT NOW! THIS is the world event carrying out God's Plan during this present apparent lull in chaos!

World War 3 brings with it THE GREAT TRIBULATION. That is now next in order. But Jesus, in foretelling this chain of world events, said the GREAT TRIBULATION would be preceded by the world-wide proclaiming of HIS Gospel. "The GOSPEL must first be published among all nations," said Jesus (Mark 13:10), or, as recorded by Matthew (24:14): "This Gospel OF THE KINGDOM shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto ALL NATIONS; and THEN shall the END (of the world) come."

This Gospel has not been proclaimed to the world for more than 1800 years! It was gradually submerged beneath an avalanche of pagan doctrines and customs within the first hundred years after Christ. It is a COUNTERFEIT Gospel---a gospel of MEN about Christ ---which has been substituted and proclaimed to the world! Today THE WHOLE WORLD IS DECEIVED (Rev. 17:2 and 18:3).

Just as prophesied, the world has been turned unto FABLES (II Tim. 4:4). It has much of the FORM of godliness, but denies the real POWER of God (II Tim. 3:5). It is filled with churches, which send hundreds of "missionaries" into foreign lands, telling people ABOUT Christ. Yet His Message, the Good News of THE KINGDOM OF GOD, they deny. The TRUE gospel they oppose. The world has been deceived by a COUNTERFEIT!

This is all as prophesied. The one TRUE Church of God has been scattered. It is not a great and powerful organization having political power and prestige in the world. It is the despised "Little Flock," persecuted, disunited, scattered. It is the Church possessing only a "little strength" of itself. Yet it has a great work to do in this very time, and God says, " I know thy works: behold I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it."

Do you know what that "DOOR" is? It is the door that makes possible, thru divine power, the doing of God's work which we of ourselves have not the strength to do. And GOD HAS OPENED THAT DOOR to us!

Yes, even tho, as prophesied, the whole world has been RECEIVED, spiritually blinded by a false GOSPEL, yet Jesus said that HIS Gospel OF THE KINGDOM OF GOD shall go out to all the world for a witness to all nations, JUST BEFORE The Great Tribulation. That time is NOW! That prophecy is being FULFILLED! You, as a Co-Worker, have had a very important PART. YOU have actually been used of God in this prophesied work of His. God has opened a door of undreamed POWER so that EVERY DOLLAR you have put into His work has carried HIS Message to more than two thousand precious souls!

Listen now to an ASTOUNDING fact! God has set TIME running in cycles of 19 years. Just once every 19 years the days, divided by the sun; the months, divided by the new moons; and the years, divided by the revolution of the earth around the sun, all come into exact conjunction. Thus God's NATURE runs in 19-year cycles. That is important. Now see what has happened.

It took just ONE COMPLETE CYCLE of 19 years for this work to grow from nothing until it carried the very Gospel of Jesus all over the North American continent in mighty POWER! That 19-year cycle ended, and the second 19-year cycle began, during the first quarter of this present year, 1953!

The very start of the second 19-year cycle marked the beginning of proclaiming this Gospel to ALL EUROPE and THE BRITISH ISLES! It must still go to Asia, Africa, South America, and Australia. WHEN it has spanned the world, THEN the END OF THE WORLD shall come! The disciples asked Jesus WHEN this world would end, and His second coming occur. He said THIS Gospel shall go around the world, and THEN shall the end come!

Now HERE IS SOMETHING STARTLING! Herman Hoeh, in his eye-opening article you will read in the June number of The PLAIN TRUTH on the Times of the Gentiles shows that the Times of the Gentiles---if chronologies are correct---will come to their final end in the year 1982. Very few have ever rightly understood the Times of the Gentiles---what they are, or when they end. They are to last until all the Gentile nations come to ACKNOWLEDGE that God is the real RULER over all nations and men. They will not acknowledge that when Christ first comes. Instead, they shall fight against Him---at Armageddon---and resist His rule. Christ shall rebuke strong nations afar off UNTIL (Moffatt translation) they recognize these truths. Christ will have to send famine, and then plagues, in successive YEARS, upon the Egyptians, before they will acknowledge Him as rightful RULER (Zech. 14).

Now if this chronology is correct, that means Christ shall return some very few years PRIOR to 1982! NO MAN KNOWS THE DAY, HOUR, OR YEAR OF CHRIST'S RETURN. But we CAN know exact dates of one or two other events. Jesus also still has to complete the confirming of the COVENANT---the NEW Covenant---with Israel for 3 years after He comes, according to the prophecy of Daniel's "70 weeks." (Dan. 9:24-27). The last half of that 70th "week" (actual 7 years) remains to be fulfilled after Christ's return. He was "cut off" by being crucified after 3 years of confirming the covenant (Rom. 15:8 and Dan. 9:27). We do not know, however, whether this last 3 years to take place after Christ's coming will coincide with the period required for the Gentile nations to come to acknowledge Christ as WORLD RULER.

Then, besides, there are two other 3-year periods prophesied to occur prior to Christ's coming. The first of these begins with the invasion of America and Britain in World War 3. THEREFORE we have a TOTAL OF THREE 3-year periods, or 10 years, which MUST occur between the invasion of America and the ending of the Times of the Gentiles. The invasion of the United States with HYDROGEN-bombs that shall destroy our cities, therefore, must BEGIN at least 10 years PRIOR to the ending of the Times of the Gentiles! IF THE TIMES OF THE GENTILES END IN 1982, in October, as Mr. Hoeh has it figured, THE INVASION OF AMERICA AND THE GREAT TRIBULATION MUST BEGIN NOT LATER THAT MARCH-APRIL, 1972!

It could begin sooner. This date is hypothetical, not definite. But apparently it cannot begin LATER than that date. One chronology sets this disaster TEN YEARS from now! But March- April, 1972 is the LATEST POSSIBLE DATE.

NOW SEE WHAT THAT MEANS! That date is exactly 19 years from March-April this year, 1953! It is exactly 19 years---ONE COMPLETE CYCLE---from the time the FIRST cycle of this great work of God ended!

WHAT A TREMENDOUS SIGNIFICANCE THAT HAS! Think of it! God allowed us one exact complete cycle of 19 years for proclaiming CHRIST'S GOSPEL to all North America---all the United States, Canada, and Mexico! At the START of the second 19-year cycle, GOD OPENED THE DOOR to ALL EUROPE! And the MILITARY INVASION that shall END all true Gospel preaching is apparently to strike at the precise END of this second 19-year period---the spring of 1972--- EXACTLY 19 YEARS FROM NOW!

It took one cycle of 19 years to spread this work to all North America. There remains exactly one more 19-year cycle to spread it to ALL THE WORLD!

Surely I have NEVER before had anything so startling---so SIGNIFICANT---to write to you Co-Workers! Can you grasp the MEANING of it? Do you realize just HOW SHORT a time 19 years really is? To me it seems this past 19 years, since the work on the radio and by printing press began, has whizzed by like a jet plane. Yes, IT IS TIME FOR US TO WAKE UP! Time is short. We have a herculean task ahead!

In the summer of 1933 I was preaching to an average audience of 40 people in a country school-house. At that time I actually believed that I had no ability to speak over the air. Then that fall I was asked to speak on the radio for 15 minutes each morning for one week. Before the week was out, the radio station manager called me to his office. Many letters had been received. He informed me I possessed a good radio voice. I was astonished. GOD HAD OPENED THE DOOR! The very LITTLE strength I had was now MULTIPLIED.

At first it was just a little tiny 100-watt station. But two or three thousand people were listening. The RADIO CHURCH OF GOD went on the air with a regular half-hour broadcast the first Sunday in 1934. I has not lost a single week on the air since. Today, "The WORLD TOMORROW" as the program has been called for many years now, is one of the most listened-to programs in all North America. HERE ARE SOME FACTS: An article in Colliers for May 2, 1953, reveals that the heaviest mail response received by ANY program on radio and television is brought in by the Arthur Godfrey program. It is on BOTH television and radio---ON THE BIG CBS CHAINS---apparently the biggest thing in radio and television. Godfrey, says this article, receives more mail than any other program on radio and television----upward of 60,000 letters and postcards per month. THAT'S BOTH RADIO AND TV! Garry Moore is CBS's second highest, with 18,000 pieces of mail per month. On the ABC net-work, BOTH television and radio Coast to Coast, Bishop Fulton J. Sheen, with the powerful following of the Roman Catholic Church, receives 32,000 pieces of mail per month. ABC's second best is Don McNeill, with 10,000 per month.

That is radio and television combined---and television is supposed to bring MANY TIMES the response of radio---and those programs are THE TOP programs on the big net-work chains, with HUNDREDS of stations. Now how do you think The WORLD TOMORROW compares? On only 12 radio stations alone (four of them very powerful) and with NO TELEVISION, the very latest reports turned in to my office shows 11,486 letters received in the month of April 16th to May 15th inclusive. But at this time of year our mail drops off. We have had no week-day broadcasts since May 1st. The month February 24th to March 23rd inclusive brought us 13,020 pieces of mail. IT RUNS MUCH HEAVIER from November until late February---sometimes 20,000 to 30,000. So you see, as compared with the most popular worldly programs on the biggest net-works, using BOTH television and radio, The WORLD TOMORROW ranks third or fourth among all programs in the United States in ACTUAL LISTENER RESPONSE! THIS IS TREMENDOUS! And, on a program such as ours, HOW MANY MILLIONS of people do you suppose actually LISTEN, but never write in? Radio experts estimate that each letter represents 1,000 listeners.

And now, as we start this second 19-year cycle, GOD HAS AGAIN OPENED THE DOOR! When Mrs. Armstrong and I were in Europe and England in February and March, 1947, one of my main purposes was to find ways of carrying the true Gospel to Britain and all Europe. But at that time EVERY DOOR WAS CLOSED! All radio stations were government owned and operated. No programs were allowed on the air except the various governments' own programs ---and almost wholly political PROPAGANDA. The Radio door was CLOSED TOTALLY. The advertising columns of the newspapers and magazines were CLOSED,---except for little want ads! I then decided we would have to use want-ads when we were ready to carry the Gospel to Europe!

But WE WERE NOT YET READY! The work had not grown large enough to undertake spreading the Message to Europe until the beginning of 1953---the BEGINNING OF THE NEW CYCLE! And when WE were at last ready, what did we find? Why, WE FOUND GOD HAD OPENED THE DOOR!

Since we were in Europe, the great super-power radio stations of Radio Luxembourg had been established! Luxembourg is a little tiny nation adjoining France, Germany, and Belgium. And in that little independent nation was erected THE MOST POWERFUL RADIO STATION IN ALL EUROPE! Actually, it is several stations on different bands, but each one of 150,000 watts of power. To us, the SMALLEST group of God's true people that has ever existed--- having almost NO power or strength of our own to carry on THE GREATEST WORK ON EARTH, God has laid upon us HIS WORK. He says to us: "I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an OPEN DOOR, and no man can shut it; for thou hast a little strength (ONLY), and has KEPT MY WORD, and hast NOT DENIED MY NAME....I AM COMING VERY SOON." (Rev. 3:8-11).

Co-Workers, may GOD OPEN YOUR EYES to the solemn significance of all this!

TIME IS SHORT! We need to WAKE UP! God has opened the door---given us the use of the most powerful instrumentalities ever invented for COMMUNICATING His Message to the world! We are small, few in number, having but little strength of our own. Yet GOD is doing a mighty, and a great, and a POWERFUL work thru us!

And yet, many of us seem to LET DOWN, and grow slack in supporting this great and glorious work. ONCE AGAIN THE RECEIPT OF MONEY IS FALLING OFF! Once again, the situation seems ALARMING! I need your immediate and MOST GENEROUS RESPONSE! Do you know WHY it is such a difficult financial struggle to conduct God's work? It is because THOUSANDS of you Co-Workers who may be poor financially, and have but a little, get to thinking that your little---perhaps only a dollar or two---would not be big enough to help. It is BECAUSE so many of you who can't send more are failing to send in your widow's mites that this glorious work of God often faces a crisis. Of course that makes it all the more necessary for those of you who CAN to send in large offerings---$50, or $100, or $1,000 or more. It is the FAITHFUL TITHE-payers among you, and those who send in generous amounts when you are able, that keeps tiding this work over.

THE TABERNACLE: God commanded us to FEED HIS SHEEP, as well as to proclaim His Gospel to the world. It is NECESSARY that we have a place to assemble and OBEY GOD by keeping His appointed festivals. And there are SO MANY who do attend these festivals we are having to build a tabernacle that will seat 1300 people. If this tabernacle near Gladewater, Texas, were being built of the same kind of construction as nearly all high schools, many grade schools, and worldly churches of this same size, IT WOULD COST NOT LESS THAN $500,000.00. Yet we are building this Tabernacle at a total cost of around $70,000! We are building it at a cost of about one-half the square foot cost of modern cheap housing. Yet it is a most sturdy and substantial building, of most solid construction, and of rare architectural beauty! GOD has shown us how to do this---to build solidly and well, yet CHEAPLY! Yet this morning the total amount of money received for building it was $2, and this afternoon $1---$3 for the whole day. I think there was about $7 yesterday! CO-WORKERS, WE CAN'T FINISH THE TABERNACLE UNLESS YOU GET BEHIND THIS, AND KEEP BEHIND IT!

Not one thing has been done to it since the Spring Festival there the last of March and early April. CO-WORKERS, FROM HERE ON I WILL NOT APPLY ANY REGULAR MONEY FOR THE GOSPEL WORK TOWARD FINISHING THAT TABERNACLE!

I have to tell you that I am terribly disappointed and discouraged with the way most of you Co-Workers have almost totally dropped the special offerings for the Tabernacle. IT BEGINS TO LOOK LIKE WE CAN'T HOLD THE FESTIVAL OF TABERNACLES THERE, AFTER ALL! Co-Workers DO YOU WANT TO JUST STOP WHERE WE ARE, AND MAKE OURSELVES THE LAUGHING-STOCK OF ALL TEXAS? I feel ashamed, and terribly discouraged. This Tabernacle is necessary for GOD'S PROGRAM---in order that we may OBEY GOD and attend His festivals. I wrote you before how they built a Tabernacle in Moses' day, and the children of Israel sent in so much Moses had to send out a proclamation to restrain them from sending more. Are we going to let the people of that day put us to shame? I know that some of you CAN send in special offerings of $1,000 or perhaps $3,000 or more. I know that MANY of you can, if your hearts are willing, send in special offerings of $30, or $100 for the Tabernacle. NOW LET'S STIR OURSELVES AND GET BEHIND IT!

Our ministers and advance students are now planning the summer BAPTIZING tours. We hope to send THREE baptizing teams this summer. WE HAVE MORE REQUESTS FOR BAPTISM THAN EVER BEFORE---the biggest harvest of precious souls of any year is ready---but the LABORERS who will supply the money to make it possible are FEW! It takes money to keep these teams going. WILL YOU SUPPORT IT? Unless money picks up, we shall have to cut it down to two teams, or perhaps even one.


The entire work is in dire need. SEND IN YOUR WIDOWS' MITES, all you who are unable to send more. DON'T think it won't help---when there are enough of them, these small amounts COUNT UP.

The only thing wrong with those three single dollars that came in today for the Tabernacle fund is that THERE WERE NOT ENOUGH OF THEM. GOD'S WORK IS WAITING ON YOU! It is the ONE world event prophesied for NOW! Every dollar in the Gospel work takes the MESSAGE OF JESUS TO MORE THAN 2,000 people! Yes, thru the door GOD HAS OPENED TO US! This is GOD'S work. Let each of you do his own part to his utmost. God does not expect anyone to do what he is unable to do---but He DOES expect each of us to do what we CAN. God bless you all, I know you'll leap to the rescue, and send in immediately the largest sum you can.

With love, and with grateful THANKS,

Herbert W. Armstrong


July 24, 1953 • Herbert W Armstrong • Co-Worker Letter
Dick Armstrong to be on Radio Luxembourg,
"Booth City" and Tabernacle Being Built in Big Sandy


24 July 1953

Dear Co-Workers:

Here it is, past mid-summer. The broadcast continues, once a week, thru the summer (8:30 PM Central Time on XEG for Summer -- all other stations same time ....every Sunday), not only in the United States, but over ALL EUROPE!

Starting September we go on a far better wave-band for England, at a much better night-time, over Radio Luxembourg.....and in addition, Richard D. Armstrong goes on the French-speaking band, carrying The Gospel to all Europe in the French language. That is TWO programs over super-power Radio Luxembourg; one in English, and one in French. Soon we hope to have Herman Hoeh broadcasting to all Europe in the German language over Radio Luxembourg. Do you realize what this means? Gradually, steadily, this powerful work of the Almighty is expanding AROUND THE WORLD!

Up until now, we have sent out God's last message only in the English language. Now time has opened and is contracted for the message to go out in the French language. Next comes German. God has prepared Dick Armstrong and Herman Hoeh for this tremendous mission! And.....already well along the way in acquiring fluency in the Spanish language are one or two other students and future ministers at Ambassador College.

Jesus told when the end of this world will come WHEN He has proclaimed His true and original GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM OF GOD, as He now is doing thru us, to ALL THE WORLD!

Yes, time races on! Time is shorter than we realize!

Three baptizing teams are out in the field. At last report, one team was in Virginia, one in Illinois heading South, and one in Oklahoma. God is giving His servants this year the greatest harvest of precious lives for His Kingdom of any year so far. The Tabernacle at Gladewater, Texas, is progressing but TOO SLOWLY. Due to the fact our people of today have not yielded themselves to permit God to stir their hearts, as did God's people in Moses' day when they sent in more than needed for God's Tabernacle, we are unable to keep but a small crew of men working on the job. Progress is being made but it is doubtful whether the Tabernacle will be ready in time for the Feast of Tabernacles in September.

Plans are all completed for the housing project on the grounds hundreds of little booths with double-deck bunks,--to be built as nearly as possible according to the Bible directions for this purpose. They will be small, and very inexpensively built ....yet the need of so many of them multiplies the cost into many thousand dollars. There has not been money enough to even start the construction of these housing booths although brother Roy Hammer and sons and helpers are working long hours daily clearing the brush for the housing area.

Listen, dear Co-Workers! Here is my problem. We expect at least 700 people at the Festival of Tabernacles. If we do not get this housing area built in time, these 700 people will have to pay about ten thousand dollars for cabin and motel expense. This is a huge sum, and ought to be paid as rent to God's CHURCH, so it can apply on the cost of building. $10,000.00 would go a long way to- ward paying for the construction of our own housing facilities. Then, too, the object of this great festival is to afford an opportunity for God's people to get away from the world, out in God's beautiful nature alone with God and God's people for the eight days. It isn't a proper keeping of the Feast of Tabernacles when people have to leave God's Tabernacle grounds every night and go back into the outside world to sleep.

How about it, Co-Workers? Will you pray earnestly over this? Won't more of you let God open your hearts and your checkbooks and pocketbooks? Won't you be willing to sacrifice other things that GOD'S Tabernacle and booths may be built? Must we lose that $10,000 because we lack the funds in advance of the Festival to build?

Meanwhile, the July PLAIN TRUTH has had to lay, all printed, for one solid month in the printing plant because of lack of sufficient funds to pay for it. Think of it! One month late! And we had it printed ON TIME!

The summer months are the most difficult of the year especially this year, when we are building God's Tabernacle. I am now fasting to get myself in top shape for the big campaign this fall.

Co-Workers! I call on you now in Jesus' Name to rally to God's great cause! We have to re-double our efforts! Pray and pray long, and earnestly, and continuously, that God will move every heart to sacrifice and action that His work may have funds for its need! Let's send up a mighty wave of believing prayer!

A miracle is now needed to keep the work going and finish the Tabernacle! Pray for it!

In Jesus' Name,

Herbert W. Armstrong


All new students must arrive on campus at Pasadena by Monday morning August 24th. College starts early this year, because of early date for Festival of Tabernacles. If you have not already done so, write immediately for application blank.



August 21, 1953 • Herbert W Armstrong • Co-Worker Letter
Dick Armstrong to go on Radio Luxembourg 9/2/53 • Booth City Incomplete

Aug. 21, 1953

Dear Co-Workers:

I have to call on you now to join me in asking God for a near-miracle! Nothing short of that, it seems now, will solve our emergency.

But first, from the very bottom of my heart I want to THANK you dear loyal self-sacrificing Co-Workers for standing so unselfishly and dependably with me through this past summer. I know that many of you have done almost more than you could for God's great work. And God's greatest blessing is on His work. It is prospering and growing mightily. Still it seems our best efforts are hardly enough to keep up with the necessary growth God is granting us.

Our short summer is over. College starts on the Ambassador campus NEXT MONDAY, August 24th. The largest freshman class so far is on the way to Pasadena---some already have arrived.

My, I don't know how we are going to provide for all of them. We are fast outgrowing our facilities here at the college. We are no longer the smallest college in America. The college is growing rapidly---but not rapidly enough to provide the needed laborers for God's harvest!

Two of our three baptizing teams have returned, with a big harvest of precious lives for God's Kingdom. One of them went clear to the Atlantic coast baptizing people whose whole lives have been CHANGED. The third team is still out, but expected back in a few days. Meanwhile, Mr. and Mrs. Marion McNair, who have spent the summer at Oregon State Normal School making final preparations for opening our own first primary school in the Tabernacle at Gladewater, having finished their summer course of studies, are out on a baptizing tour in Oregon and Washington, with some 40 people awaiting baptism---all this in addition to the other three teams.

I have just returned from a quick one-day trip by plane to the big Tabernacle near Gladewater, Texas. It is now TWICE as big as last time I saw it---now 105 feet in width. The foundation is laid for the room which is to serve as combination dining- school-church room. No part of the structure is completed as yet, but the roof is being laid over the wings of the main auditorium, and, even though unfinished, the school room MUST be put up before the Feast of Tabernacles or we will have no way to feed the people. The ground is now cleared for the building of the little booths to serve as sleeping quarters for the people who attend.

BUT---and read this carefully! Here is where we need a near-miracle! Unless we raise our voices in united earnest and believing prayer for God to move on many hearts who are able to send large sums for this purpose, we will not be able to erect any housing facilities for the hundreds who are coming!

It is going to take every dollar we can normally expect to raise for the Tabernacle fund just to get the big Tabernacle itself far enough along to permit holding services, and to feed those attending. It will not be possible to finish the Tabernacle.

We will not even start the building of the great lounge room at the front of the building, which also is to serve as a dining room. We may not even be able to get the sides built on the large auditorium. But we shall make every effort to have the big building in rough shape so that we shall have a roof over our heads for the meetings and for eating, even though we shall have to clear the chairs in the auditorium and set up tables and eat in the same room in which the services are held.

While over there on the Tabernacle grounds the other day I made plans for building at least two or three of the little sleeping booths---just to show those who attend what they are to be like.

But now let me explain our big emergency problem. As I stated in my last letter, if we do not have our own sleeping accommodations built, even 700 people attending and having to go to various cabins, auto courts and motels up and down the highway will pay out to those motels about $10,000 in cabin and motel rent during the eight days. But now it appears there will be more than 700---perhaps 900 or 1,000 people coming. And that means that we shall lose about $12,500 paid out in auto-court rents which could be paid in on the cost of this housing. IF we only had the money to build the housing BEFORE the Festival.

There is still time to build our own housing IF we had the money. The contractor says he could put on a large crew of men and get it done fast. But our Tabernacle grounds and everything on them are CLEAR---PAID FOR---there is no mortgage, and WE INTEND TO KEEP IT THAT WAY. We have designed absolutely the LEAST expensive type of sleeping cabins that could be built. There will be two sizes, most of them little 8 x 12 sleeping booths, some with two double-deck bunks for four people, others with one double-bed or bunk, and one double-deck bunk. These will accommodate two, three, or four people. There will be no windows---but a screened-in ventilated space all around the top. There will be only an electric light---no plumbing at all. Then there will be small quonset-huts, in which 5 or 6 people may sleep. There will be a men's and women's sanitary building, each containing sufficient wash bowls, toilets and shower-baths to accommodate a housing district of 400 people. There will be a small laundry room with washing machines, wash trays and ironing boards. Each housing district, built to accommodate about 400 people, will cost, according to best estimates, somewhere near $40,000. But of course that is a lot of little houses, and a lot of people! We should need two such housing districts to accommodate all the people we expect at this Festival. That would cost upward of $80,000. It just isn't possible, unless there should be one or two among our Co-Workers who would advance a large sum and give us from one to three years to repay, without security and in faith in the work of God. That, of course, would allow us to collect some $10,000 or $12,000 in rentals that otherwise would be paid to the highway auto-court owners, which could then apply on this building cost. Including the Passover and the Pentecost Festivals, we could take in close to $20,000 per year rentals to pay off this building cost, IF we had the housing districts built. That means that the rentals would pay for the cost of construction, and retire the indebtedness, in from four to six years. Anyone familiar with loans and investments and real estate and business operations will know that that would be a very sound operation, indeed.

Now Brethren and Co-Workers, that is the near-miracle we need. I feel that we could agree to pay off any loan for this housing construction at the rate of $20,000 per year, IN ADDITION to whatever rentals are taken in, which ought to be about $20,000 per year if we build the entire two districts, or a little more than half that if we build only one.

But in any event, I need to call upon EVERY CO-WORKER--- yes, EVERY ONE of you---to stand with us now as NEVER BEFORE, with regular tithes and special generous offerings as often, and as large, as you are able. Send all you possibly can for the TABERNACLE FUND, so we may at least get it far enough along so we can hold the Festival there, even though it will be altogether unfinished.

Also, with the college year starting next Monday, additional expenditures are necessary here at the college. We have the largest incoming class so far---25 new students have already been notified of acceptance of their applications, and I know a few more whose applications apparently were not in. We have now entirely outgrown our facilities. BUT THE COLLEGE IS TURNING OUT FINE AND CAPABLE CALLED MINISTERS to help me reap the great harvest God is blessing us with.

Also, it appears now we have an opportunity to go on the powerful ABC radio net-work on the West Coast, and perhaps by next year the entire net-work Coast to Coast. On September 2nd, we go to a far better NIGHT time on Radio Luxembourg reaching Britain and all Europe, and in addition the new broadcast in the FRENCH language, by my son Richard D. Armstrong, starts over Radio Luxembourg on that date. Beside that, short-wave stations reaching around the ENTIRE WORLD are now available, and going on the ABC net-work stations ALSO OPENS UP TELEVISION for us.

Yes, truly the original identical GOSPEL JESUS PREACHED is once again going AROUND THE WORLD. God is opening opportunities ---providing a harvest of souls---faster and bigger than we have laborers (both as trained ministers, and as finance---laborers, supporting the work with tithes and offerings) to reap the harvest. TRULY THE HARVEST IS GREAT, BUT THE LABORERS FEW. PRAY, AS JESUS COMMANDED, FOR GOD TO SEND FORTH MORE LABORERS---those supplying the day-to-day and week-to-week finances, as well as God-called, trained and consecrated ministers.

THANK YOU, dear Co-Workers for your regular and loyal and generous part in this great work of God. We must PRESS ON as never before! GOD BLESS YOU!

Sincerely, in Jesus' name,

Herbert W. Armstrong


ABOUT THE FEAST OF TABERNACLES: Since we cannot have our own housing facilities provided for this Festival, unless God by a miracle makes a large sum of money available, (in which case I will notify you by letter), I must now give you instructions as to housing. Most of you will have to find an auto court or motel along the Highway---Highway 80. There are two or three of these near Gladewater, about 9 miles east of the Tabernacle. There are more between Gladewater and Longview, farther east. There are a large number of motels and courts in and near Longview. Rates vary---from inexpensive courts up to luxurious new motels. Then there is the Longview Hotel. There is also a hotel at Big Sandy, only two miles west of Tabernacle---old and not of good appearance, but I am informed it is kept clean in the rooms. A limited number may bring trailer-houses or tents, but DO NOT DO THIS UNLESS YOU WRITE AND GET WRITTEN RESERVATION FROM US, as we are definitely limited on toilet, bath, and wash-room accommodations. The rest- rooms already built in the Tabernacle will accommodate a limited number, and up to this number first to apply will get the reservations. We have plenty of space, but not enough sanitary facilities. CAUTION: While God commands every child of His to attend the Festival of Tabernacles, it is for God's people ONLY. It is NOT a place to bring the unconverted in the hope of getting them "interested." ONLY members of the Church of God and Co-Workers whose hearts are in this work and those in HARMONY with God's Truth as you hear it on The WORLD TOMORROW broadcast and read it in our publications should come, but where it is desirable to bring some other member of your own family, not a member or co-worker, they will certainly be made warmly welcome provided they are not antagonistic toward the Truth as we preach it.



September 9, 1953 • Herbert W Armstrong • Co-Worker Letter
Booth City Incomplete


September 9th, 1953

Dear Brethren and Co-Workers in Christ:

This is a last-minute letter of URGENCY about the FESTIVAL OF TABERNACLES.

Letters are pouring in, asking many questions. I will try to answer every question so far as possible, but first, news about the building of the Tabernacle and the entire work.

Mr. Roy Hammer, his helpers and the contractor and his crew are doing all they can to get the Tabernacle far enough along so we can hold services during the Feast of Tabernacles. The large auditorium is now TWICE as large as it was for Passover and Pentecost festivals, and they are now putting up the room to the rear of the auditorium which will serve as dining room at festivals, and as school and local church room the rest of the year. The large lounge room at the front will not be started until after the fall Festival. The entire building will be totally unfinished as it was last spring---but there will be enough more of it to take care of the larger attendance.

But, special offerings for the building of the Tabernacle have come in so small we have not been able to even start to erect the housing districts of little booths. We are still going to TRY to get one or more of these sleeping booths built just to show those coming what is planned for the future. We will lost some $12,000 or more, which now will have to be spent by our people at motels, cabins, and hotels, which could have been paid in to us to help pay for the building of our own housing districts, IF we had had funds to finance the building of these districts. The contractor could have put on a large crew and could have built it all in time, had we had sufficient funds. As it is, he has had to work a small crew---but they are doing their very best to at least get the big Tabernacle far enough along to hold services.

So, as it now is, we shall have to just rough it---make out the best we can for this Festival, and look forward to having it completed by another year. "Rome wasn't built in a day," they say. It will take more TIME to finish God's beautiful Tabernacle and sleeping booths for His Festivals---but by faith we know it will be finished in His due time.

Several are coming with house trailers or tents. We are making frantic efforts to provide electricity for trailer houses, and toilet and sanitary facilities enough for a limited number--- but if too many try to camp on the grounds, there will not be enough wash, shower, and toilet facilities. It would cost more than $50,000 just to provide sanitary plumbing facilities alone, for all the people we expect at this great Festival in two weeks. We may be able to provide enough for some 50 or 60 people---so, as instructed below, GET IN A RESERVATION if you expect to camp in a tent or bring a trailer-house. DO NOT EXPECT TO CAMP ON THE GROUNDS UNLESS YOU FIRST GET A RESERVATION. We are doing our level best to take care of as many as possible.

Now listen, brethren! Mr. Roy Hammer just called me and told me we absolutely HAVE to raise and send over at least $10,000 more IN THE NEXT WEEK, or the contractor cannot have even the big Tabernacle building far enough along for this Festival!

The Festival is just TWO WEEKS AWAY---we are UNDER PRESSURE---it is now the FINAL, URGENT CRISIS---We simply HAVE to raise this money! I know many of you have done almost more than you could. But somehow we now simply MUST make one last MIGHTY SACRIFICE to put this over the top. Some whom I feel sure would have sent in two or three thousand dollars or more each have had reverses and had their incomes cut in two this year, and simply could not do it. IS THERE NOT SOMEONE ELSE WHO COULD PUT IN A REALLY BIG SUM---one, two, or five thousand dollars? It is now a dire need. GOD WILL BLESS YOU for your sacrifice and generosity. And ALL THE REST OF YOU---send in a SHOWER of offerings---if only one or two dollars, or ten or thirty or a hundred---just whatever you are able. Every single dollar counts BIG just now. Single dollars alone would build it IF THERE WERE ENOUGH OF THEM. Don't think any amount is too small---SEND IT. But if you can send more, do so!

Many hundreds of GOD'S PEOPLE are now making last-minute plans to attend this greatest Festival of Tabernacles since the days of the early Apostles!

Yes, THINK OF IT! This will be the greatest Festival of Tabernacles since the early Church in the days of the Apostles! Every real child of God---every member of HIS Church---will want to be sure to be there! Enthusiasm is already generating for it! This, too, will be the first one where we will have a number of ordained ministers---elders who are evangelists and pastors in God's Church. GOD'S CHURCH IS FAST GROWING IN THESE VERY LAST DAYS!

Now to try to answer your questions:

First, the DATES: Beginning after sunset, Wednesday evening, September 23rd, lasting until sunset Thursday evening, October 1st.

The PLACE: The new Radio Church of God TABERNACLE being built 8 miles west of Gladewater, Texas, and 2 miles east of Big Sandy, Texas, and about 105 miles east of Dallas, on Highway #80. Drive in our own private road, at the sign: "PRIVATE GROUNDS--- RADIO CHURCH OF GOD TABERNACLE," beside "Tuck's Cafe" and cabins at this point on Highway #80.

RESERVATIONS: We have been unable to get our housing districts built in time for this Festival, and therefore we are not taking reservations this year. Nearly everybody will have to find their own reservations at cabins, auto courts or motels along the highway, or at hotels in Longview (20 miles away) or the hotel in Big Sandy or hotel or cabins at Gilmer, 15 miles north, or at Tyler, 30 miles south. All of the cabins on the highway at the entrance to our grounds are already reserved, and all the rooms at the Resmore Court in Gladewater are already reserved. It may be very difficult for many to find vacancies, since we expect between 700 and 1,000 people. I would advise that you write, telegraph, or telephone some motel or auto court between the Tabernacle and Long- view immediately for reservations, because if you wait until you arrive on the afternoon of the 23rd, you may have to hunt a long time and drive many miles before you find a vacancy---but I am sure that everyone will be able to find a place to stay, provided you arrive in the early afternoon and keep driving until you find a place. If you wish to wire or write ahead for reservation, go to some of the filling stations in your neighborhood and ask for their motor court directories for Highway $80 in Texas. I am sure many of the oil companies publish these directories---and if not, they can tell you where to get one. Do not write to us or the Hammers for auto court reservations.

THOSE WITHOUT CARS: If you are coming by train or by bus, and will be afoot without a car after you arrive, BE SURE to write a letter or post card advising us of this, and telling how many in your party. Send this letter to The RADIO CHURCH OF GOD, Post Office Box #453, Gladewater, Texas. We are going to make every effort to provide some kind of make-shift housing on the Tabernacle grounds for those who do not have cars. It may be a tent, or a trailer-house---whatever we are able to get---and I cannot promise you we will be able to get anything at all, but Mr. Roy Hammer and his son Buck Hammer are going to try. Even if you are coming with- out a car, I still advise telephoning long distance or telegraphing to a motel or a hotel for a reservation, in order to be SURE of a place to stay at night. We will try to provide regular bus service of our own between the Tabernacle grounds and Longview, and also between the Tabernacle grounds and Big Sandy. CAUTION: Do not depend on finding housing on the Tabernacle grounds---we will do our best to provide something, but can not promise anything, and at best will be able to provide housing for ONLY A FEW. We will just have to rough it the best way we can this year, and without grumbling.

COST OF TRANSPORTATION: Some have written to ask us this question. Go to your local bus depot, or railroad depot ticket office, and ask them to provide you with this information. Or, if you are driving, you can figure for yourself what it will cost you. We have no way of figuring this for you. As to cost of motels or auto courts, we cannot quote figures. There are some very deluxe motels on both sides of Longview on Highway #80, and two or three down at Tyler, about 30 miles south. These cost more of course. Also there are cheaper cabins up and down the highway---not nearly so nice, of course,---and others in between---all prices, depending on how modern and nice they are.

HOW MUCH WILL IT COST TO ATTEND? As stated above, we cannot tell you this. It depends on how good a motel you get. I might mention that generally I have found that the best and highest priced motels fill up first, and if you have to take what's left it is most likely to be the lower priced cabins. We will serve three meals a day at the tabernacle, on a bare cost basis, the same as last year---$2 per day per person for adults; children age six to twelve, $1 per day per person; children under 6, no charge.

WHAT ABOUT THOSE WHO CANNOT AFFORD TO COME? Some have written: "We can get there, but you'll have to give us money to pay our way back home." THERE IS NO FUND AT PRESENT FOR THIS. All I can say is, DO NOT COME expecting us to be able to give you money to get home on. You may have to WALK! If you have not been obeying God in saving a second tithe of all your income to pay your own expenses, you should not expect others to pay your expenses in addition to their own. If you have saved your second tithe and it is not enough, then do as Rod Meredith directed in his article on the subject---save this second tithe and stay home this year and keep on saving it another year and then you can come next year. There are already a certain number whose cases we are familiar with, whom we shall try to help this year because they are deserving, but their need is already far beyond what we have to help them. In fact, we have nothing so far toward this purchase, as I shall state below. We do want to help all we can who are worthy of help---God's true people have always done this---but we do not feel this help can be given without discretion, or to those who are not trying to help themselves by saving their second tithe and faithfully paying God's first tithe into His work, no matter how small. There are more whom we already KNOW to be worthy of this help than we are able to help---so I must repeat---nobody should come with the idea that they will expect return fare home to be given them. This could lead to an abuse that is injurious to those who do it and unjust to those who sacrifice to help them.

SEND IN YOUR SURPLUS SECOND TITHE: As the original Church of God did, those who have more than they need do turn in this surplus from their second tithe into a special fund for helping those who do not have enough. PLEASE RUSH all these special offerings, as we already have the largest list of any previous year of those needing, and deserving of, this help. Those who have more than they need thus share with those who lack. As stated above, we cannot promise to help more than those already known and approved for this help. But the need is really great this year---we need many hundred dollars in this fund. Heretofore Mrs. Armstrong has handled this fund. We have not had other ordained ministers beside myself in former years. Now, however, since we do have ordained ministers, and since the early disciples gave their surplus funds to the apostles for distribution, I have appointed Elder Rod Meredith to handle this fund. Address him at 182 So. Orange Grove Avenue, Pasadena, Calif., and he will handle it honestly and in business-like manner, but those receiving it will not know who gave it, and those giving it will not know the names of those receiving it.

ABOUT BRINGING TENTS OR TRAILER HOUSES: We will try to set up arrangements so that you may pitch your own tent on the grounds, or bring your trailer house. We will try to provide electricity for trailer houses, and limited toilet and shower bath facilities, but only enough for a small portion of these attending.

If you expect to bring a trailer house or tent, write ahead immediately for RESERVATION---address Radio Church of God, Box 453, Gladewater, Texas. DO NOT send this reservation to Pasadena. In this case, bring along everything you shall need for camping or living in your trailer.

ATTENDANCE OF NON-MEMBERS: First, DO NOT bring visitors whom you HOPE to get interested or hope to get converted. This is NOT an evangelistic service preaching the Gospel to THE WORLD---it is a Festival God commands for HIS PEOPLE,---already converted, and already HIS people---to GO AWAY from the world, and live together for eight days as a foretaste of the JOYS of the Kingdom of God, which it pictures to us. In the Kingdom of God there will be ONLY the children of God, then immortal and divine. In this Festival there should be ONLY those who are begotten children of God. Of course repentant believers, not yet baptized, but coming to be baptized during the festival, should by all means come. MANY will be baptized at this Festival. If there is some other member of your own family who is NOT converted or in sympathy with this festival or God's truth as it is proclaimed on the WORLD TOMORROW or in The PLAIN TRUTH, that member should not be brought to this festival---and harm has come, and reflection been cast of God's Church in past years because this very condition was not observed. This should not hurt anyone's feelings, and will not of any converted person---it is GOD'S way, not ours---and we must follow the ways of GOD. Some have written to ask, what about people who send their tithe money regularly to the Radio Church of God, who support this work, and yet are members of other churches? Surely the HEARTS of such people must be in God's work and in His true Church, even though they have not yet taken their membership out of a sectarian denomination of this world, or else their TREASURE would not be in this work. If their HEARTS are truly in this work of GOD, and God has opened their minds to see that they should keep His holydays, and they are in accord with THE TRUTH as God proclaims it thru us, then certainly they ought to COME, and are most welcome. But, on the other hand, we should all realize, of course, that tithes paid or offerings given into God's work does not buy either one's salvation, or his rights or privileges of fellowship with God's people. These are FREE, to those whose hearts are right with God and with His Church and His work.

EATING AT RESTAURANTS: As stated above, all meals will be served, three times a day, at the Tabernacle. Yet some may eat an occasional meal or snack in a restaurant. At the spring Festival, some restaurant owners complained to us that some of our people came in and told them what they ought to eat and serve, and expected them to provide special whole wheat bread and other things. This only caused restaurant owners to ask, "What kind of a strange crack-pot religion do you have, anyway---going around telling everyone what they ought to eat!" This only casts a stumbling block in the way of others. OUR PEOPLE SHOULD USE MORE WISDOM. We know, of course, that restaurants do not serve real health food---but it is not our calling to reform them. If you do go to a restaurant, order the best you can from what you find on the menu, and say nothing. We want FRIENDS, not enemies. We will be persecuted enough without asking for it.

FINALLY: Remember, now, the URGENT CRISIS upon us. We must raise $10,000 in seven days, two or three of which will pass before you receive this letter. SEND ALL YOU CAN---nothing too small, nothing too large---IN ENCLOSED ENVELOPE BY RETURN AIR-MAIL.

Let EVERYONE rally to this great cause. We can do it if EVERYONE will do the best he can.

AND KEEP REGULAR TITHES AND OFFERINGS COMING! As I write this, it is hanging in the balance whether we shall be on XEG at all this fall and winter. PRAY FOR IT, earnestly, everybody! Depending upon acceptance at New York, the AMERICAN BROADCASTING COMPANY has opened to us a half hour, 5 to 5:30 Sunday evenings for the entire 16 stations of the California net-work on ABC---that's California only. Time has been cleared on KVOD, Denver, and KGER, Los Angeles. Broadcast times to be announced later. TWO broad- casts now on Radio LUXEMBOURG to all Europe and Britain. PRAY for GOD'S WORK AS NEVER BEFORE. RUSH THE OFFERING!

Sincerely, in Jesus' name,

Herbert W. Armstrong


October 6, 1953 • Herbert W Armstrong • Co-Worker Letter
World Tommorow to go on ABC Radio Network



October 6, 1953

Dear Co-Workers in God's Work:

Here's REALLY BIG NEWS! God has opened another tremendous door!

Beginning Sunday, October 25th, The WORLD TOMORROW goes on one of the major net-works---ABC, transcontinental!

We have placed the order with the American Broadcasting Company for more than 175 of their largest stations, Coast to Coast. This is the most powerful net-work on which time could be purchased for proclaiming the true Gospel of Christ.

Until a few weeks ago the DOOR WAS CLOSED to any further time for Gospel broadcasting on major net-works. But the time has come for God to OPEN THE DOOR for His own work. It required an entire new change in policy by American Broadcasting Company officials in New York and Hollywood. They reconsidered their policy which had closed the door to any further religious broad- casting. They decided to OPEN THE DOOR to JUST ONE MORE religious program over their great chain, Coast to Coast. The net-work officials decided that the one and only additional religious program to be admitted to this great transcontinental chain would be The WORLD TOMORROW!


But it means a TREMENDOUS RESPONSIBILITY---which you share with me! This vast undertaking will require GREAT FAITH! It will cost several thousand dollars every week---and IT MUST BE PAID EVERY WEEK IN ADVANCE, or else we fail and the time will be sold to others! As I write this, the receipt of funds for the work has dropped off ALARMINGLY through the entire month of September. Every physical circumstance and indication, at this minute, is that we shall not be able to provide the money for even the first broad- cast! It will require the greatest sacrifice and loyalty on the part of EVERY ONE of you Co-Workers since his work began, if we are to make it.

But first, let me tell you more of the details.

The TIME of the net-work broadcast: Atlantic Coast stations, 11:35 to 12 noon every Sunday. Middle-West, 11:05 to 11:30 A.M., Central Standard Time, every Sunday. Mountain States, 12:05 to 12:30 P.M. Sundays, and on the Pacific Coast, 11:05 to 11:30 A.M., Sundays.

The STATIONS: The emergency is so great I cannot take time to list all the stations in this letter. I will give you that later. But the list includes stations from Miami, Florida, to Maine along the Atlantic Coast, including the great superpower New York station WABC---stations all through the middle-west, mountain states, and Pacific Coast, and most of the key cities through the South. It also includes the great 50,000-watt station at Toronto, Canada, and 4 strong stations in Alaska!

THINK OF WHAT THIS WILL MEAN, in addition to the every night broadcasts over the giant super-power Mexican stations!

It is very possible that this addition of the trans-continental ABC network to the every-night super Mexican stations and the world's greatest station at Luxembourg, reaching all Europe, now makes The WORLD TOMORROW the most powerful broadcast of any kind in all the world today!


But there is DANGER! While nearly a thousand of us were attending the great Festival of Tabernacles in our new Tabernacle near Gladewater, Texas, our business manager had to call me long distance at midnight one night to tell me that less money was being received at the Pasadena offices than any time in three or four years. I have just returned to Pasadena to find an ALARMING SITUATION! Unless every Co-Worker will now LEAP to our rescue immediately, sending in the largest possible amounts---and unless you will STAND SOLIDLY AND LOYALLY BACK OF ME WEEK BY WEEK, AND MONTH BY MONTH, WE WILL BE UNABLE TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS GREATEST OPPORTUNITY EVER TO COME TO US, EVEN AFTER GOD HAS MOVED TO OPEN THE DOOR!

Listen, Co-Workers! Listen, and then ACT! In the year 31 A.D., Jesus Christ BUILT HIS CHURCH, and sent His own chosen ministers, the Apostles, to proclaim the same Gospel He taught to the world. It took them one time-cycle of 19 years to cover Palestine and Asia Minor (all in Asia) with this great Gospel Message. After 19 years GOD OPENED THE DOOR for the Apostle Paul and the other ministers to carry the Gospel to Europe. It took them 19 years to cover Europe with it AND THEN THE ROMAN ARMIES STOPPED ALL ORGANIZED PROCLAIMING OF THAT GOSPEL.

Believe it or not, that Gospel has not been proclaimed to the world from 69 A.D., until 1934 A.D., when again GOD OPENED THE DOOR of radio and the printing press to us. It took one time-cycle of 19 years to cover the North American continent, and after 19 years, January 1953, GOD HAS OPENED THE DOOR to us to carry the Gospel to Europe! MAIL IS NOW POURING IN FROM EUROPE! Prophecy reveals that after this one more 19-year cycle---if God does not shorten the time and bring it earlier---the resurrected ROMAN ARMIES once again will stop all organized preaching of the Gospel to the world.


It now faces the MOST SERIOUS CRISIS IN 19 years! WE MUST be able to pay for this great ABC net-work broadcast week by week! The program begins October 25th. Consult your local news- papers for time and station. BUT CO-WORKERS, LET'S ALL RISE TO THIS OCCASION. MAKE ANY SACRIFICE JUST NOW. SEND WHATEVER YOU CAN, WHETHER SEVERAL THOUSAND DOLLARS, OR ONLY ONE OR TWO DOLLARS ---EVERY DOLLAR COUNTS NOW---THE SITUATION IS DESPERATE. This is an S.O.S.! God will bless you! HURRY!

Urgently, in haste, in Jesus' name,

Herbert W. Armstrong



October 28, 1953 • Herbert W Armstrong • Co-Worker Letter
Jesus Returns Soon! Send us Money!


October 28, 1953

Dear Co-Workers in Christ's Service:

"The WORLD TOMORROW" now goes out on one of the great major net-works, ABC, Transcontinental!

From WQAM, Miami, Florida, clear across to KFAR, Fairbanks, Alaska---and from KECA, Los Angeles, all the way across to WANI, Bangor, Maine, these scores of stations on the ABC Radio Net-work now release to the far corners of the North American continent the VERY SAME Gospel Jesus proclaimed.

From the world's greatest standard-wave station, Radio Luxembourg, the same dynamic Message from God to this 20th-century world now enters into the homes of millions in all parts of Europe and the British Isles---and now HUNDREDS OF LETTERS EVERY WEEK are pouring in from overseas listeners!

Add all this to the super-power programs going out over giant Mexican stations, and THE WORLD TOMORROW VERY POSSIBLY NOW IS THE MOST POWERFUL RADIO BROADCAST ON EARTH!

Listen, CO-WORKERS! This has the greatest significance of any world event in our time! Do you know what it means? The disciples came to Jesus and asked Him when the END OF THIS WORLD would come, and the time of His Second Coming? Read this greatest prophecy Jesus ever spoke, in the 24th chapter of Matthew. He told them in plain language WHEN this world shall END---exactly WHEN He shall come again! And the only sign He gave them was this: "And this Gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto ALL NATIONS; and THEN shall the END come."

Jesus' own apostles proclaimed this same GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM OF GOD thru Palestine and Asia Minor. That took one 19- year cycle. GOD'S TIME RUNS IN 19-YEAR CYCLES! Then, after the first 19-year cycle, in 50 A.D., a door was opened for the Apostle Paul to preach the same Gospel in EUROPE. And all organized work of preaching it was finally stopped in 69 A.D.---after one more 19-year cycle---when the Roman armies advanced toward Jerusalem, and the disciples all fled, as Jesus commanded in Mat. 24:15-16 and Luke 21:20-21. The organized powers of government from Rome stopped the organized proclaiming of JESUS' MESSAGE from that point. Soon the Gentile pagans, infiltrating into the churches and outnumbering the really converted saints, persecuting them and driving them out of the organized assemblies, introduced new pagan doctrines and customs. The Gospel Jesus had proclaimed was snuffed out. A counterfeit Gospel ABOUT the PERSON of Jesus was substituted.

And now, 18« centuries later, God OPENED THE DOOR of radio and the printing press in January, 1934, in order that the very same original Gospel might once again go out AS A WITNESS TO ALL NATIONS. After exactly one 19-year cycle, in January this present year, 1953, GOD OPENED THE DOOR for us to take His gospel once again to ALL EUROPE!

DO YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS? It means we are already, now, in the very last 19-year cycle of time left for THIS PRESENT WORLD! It means THE WAY IS BEING PREPARED for the second COMING OF JESUS CHRIST! It means that YOU and YOUR FAMILY have only a very few more years to live IN THIS WORLD---of THIS LIFE. It means that NOTHING else really counts now---NOTHING else is important to you and your future---except to permit GOD to change your life---to use your life---and especially in the work of getting this precious last warning Message out to the REST of this dying world!

This great net-work broadcast adds FOUR stations in Alaska. Now the way is opening for us to send out THIS GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM over all the Middle-East---thru Palestine, Egypt, Syria, Turkey, and as far as INDIA, on powerful radio stations in that region. LITTLE BY LITTLE this most powerful work on earth is GROWING AROUND THE WORLD. When it has spanned ALL THE WAY AROUND THE WORLD, going into ALL nations, as it soon shall---THEN, dear Co-Workers, SHALL THE E N D OF THIS WORLD COME!

Yes, the WORK OF GOD IS GROWING! It is growing MIGHTILY ---in tremendous POWER! God is using you as well as me, in HIS GREAT WORK!

Right now there is a national economic readjustment going on. Not, apparently, a real depression---but a readjustment from sky-rocketing inflation to a more stable economy. Business activity is slowing somewhat. Stores are advertising big sales to try to hold up business. Many farmers have been hit this year from one cause or another. Many preachers, broadcasting their own religious messages over the radio, are crying out that they may have to quit.

CO-WORKERS, Listen! In the face of this economic slacking off, GOD'S WORK, thru GOD'S POWER, cannot quit, or even slow down---it cannot even stand still---IT MUST, AND IN FACT IT ACTUALLY IS LEAPING ON AHEAD IN THE MIGHTIEST SURGE OF POWER OF ANY PROGRAM ON EARTH TODAY!

Now, GOD HAS OPENED THE DOOR of a great major radio net- work!

This is the doing of ALMIGHTY GOD! God's Message MUST GO! God has decreed it, and opened the door wide! But it costs more and more money---and in the face of economic readjustment, IT MEANS EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU MUST TAKE THIS TO HEART AS NEVER BEFORE---we must now tighten our financial belts, sacrifice pleasures and personal desires, and even at cost of going without some things we have planned, SEND IN MORE MONEY FOR THE WORK OF GOD!

NEVER before were the one and two-dollar offerings of those who do not have larger amounts, so badly needed. Those of you who have thought the little you had would not be enough to help---SEND WHAT GOD HAS MADE POSSIBLE, little or big. Little amounts count up. Those of you who have not sent anything for God's cause recently, send what YOU can---that will be an INCREASE which God's work needs. Those of you who have been sending small amounts regularly---can't you send a little more by sacrificing something else? Those who have sent in regular tithes---God commands us to give offerings ALSO---and GOD LOVES A CHEERFUL GIVER! Can't YOU send in LARGER amounts? It is only by ALL OF US WORKING TOGETHER, each according as God has prospered and made possible---some with a few hundred or a few thousand dollars, some who don't have so much, even the widow's mites---but ALL TOGETHER, each doing his BEST---it is only thru this combined work of ALL that God's work can now KEEP FORGING ON AHEAD, as God Himself opens the way before us! *** NOTHING ELSE COUNTS TODAY! We must AROUSE ourselves, and rally to this great need!

The PLAIN TRUTH has been greatly delayed by lack of sufficient funds. We are not yet back on week-nights on XEG---but still SUNDAYS ONLY, at 8:30 Sunday nights. WON'T YOU ALL PRAY--- AND PRAY EARNESTLY, AND IN BELIEVING FAITH---that God will without further delay again OPEN THIS DOOR for every night broadcasting? Meanwhile, tune in XELO, 800 on dial, 8 o'clock Mountain time, 9 P.M. Central time, every night.

God bless you all---I know you'll take this to heart---PRAY WITH ME---and really pour out your heart to God about it---and do your own part to your utmost!

And THANK YOU, in Jesus' name,

Herbert W. Armstrong


November 23, 1953 • Herbert W Armstrong • Co-Worker Letter
Christmas is Pagan so Send us Your Gift Money


Nov. 23, 1953

Dear Co-Workers in God's Work:

The work God has given us to do has reached ITS MOST IMPORTANT HOUR! This is the TURNING POINT---the SUPREME CRISIS--- in this work's entire history, past and future!

From this moment God's work either falls backward and fails, or plunges on in multiplied magnitude toward its God- commissioned goal. This is a time of GRAVE DECISION on your part, as well as mine.

So listen carefully---read and re-read every word---and then PRAY as you never did before!

First of all, let me tell you YOUR PRAYERS HAVE BEEN ANSWERED! Here's really important news!

We go back on XEG every night, at 8:30 Central time, starting Tuesday night December 1st! Yes, back on SEVEN NIGHTS A WEEK. The XEG management tells me this great super-power station is now going out stronger, in greater power, and with firmer, clearer reception, than ever before. And several reports from listeners verify this.

And here's further good news! In the past you have not been able to get good reception in the summer months. Radio waves do not travel far in daylight---they reach out many times farther after dark on super-power stations. The past two summers I have taken the program off the air, partly because of this, and partly because I have found it absolutely necessary to rest up so I could go back on every night again in the fall. But now we have made NEW PLANS for next summer. The program will stay on the air all summer, being broadcast TWICE EVERY NIGHT---the first time at the regular 8:30 P.M. period, and then the program will be repeated again at a later time, around 11:P.M. Many people are still up at 11:P.M., and at that hour it will reach out all over the United States.

Do you know what that means? THINK OF IT! With the program going out every night seven nights in the week over these giant super-power stations XEG, XELO, and XERB, and every day, seven days a week over two Los Angeles stations, KGER and KBLA, and over KPDQ in Portland, Oregon;---and with the Sunday program going out over the great XERF, and XEDM beside WAIT, Chicago, KMAC, San Antonio, KXL, Portland, and KVI, Seattle;---and then, in addition to all this THE ABC NET-WORK, COAST-TO-COAST,---and TWO broadcasts now going out over the world's most powerful station, RADIO LUXEMBOURG, to ALL EUROPE, and THE BRITISH ISLES---with all this, The World Tomorrow becomes probably THE MOST POWERFUL RADIO BROADCAST ON EARTH TODAY!

That is as it should be---for GOD'S WORK IS THE GREATEST WORK ON EARTH!

What WONDERFUL things our God is doing for us! What MIGHTY and POWERFUL DOORS The Supreme Creator-RULER of the universe is opening to His called and chosen servants for carrying HIS MESSAGE to this dying world in these very last days!

But did not God also forewarn us, thru His prophet Daniel, that in these very SAME last days when JESUS said this same GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM which HE preached should go to ALL NATIONS, ---to ALL THE WORLD AS A WITNESS---that also "Many shall be purified, and made white, and TRIED."

We are now in that time of TRIAL and TEST, which God allows to make us, His people, purified and WHITE---spiritually WHITE! We are now in that supreme TESTING TIME!

Even now, in the beginning of the second 19-year time- cycle when God has OPENED THE DOOR to broadcast His Message to all Europe---and to open a publishing office over there to PUBLISH His Message by printed Word for all Britain and Europe---and the door has opened on the great ABC Net-Work, Coast-to-Coast---even NOW, we are entering a time of economic readjustment---a MILD DEPRESSION IS ON US, and many, whose hearts are not fully aroused to the importance and need of GOD'S WORK are going to either cut down the amount they spend for God's Work, or stop sending in altogether!

MORE THAN THAT,---we are now once again into the Christmas SHOPPING SEASON, when so many forget all about CHRIST and HIS work, and CEASE giving gifts to HIM, in order to EXCHANGE GIFTS among their relatives and friends! Every year at this time MANY withhold their gifts from CHRIST, in order to TRADE gifts back and forth with fellow-humans!

THINK! Consider carefully! People buy presents lavishly at Christmas time, SUPPOSING they are following the example of the wise men in giving gifts to Christ. YET WITHOUT REALIZING IT, THEY ARE DOING JUST THE OPPOSITE! Notice this carefully:


From the Bibliotheca Sacra, Vol. 12, pages 153-155, I quote: "The interchange of presents between friends ... must have been adopted by Christians from the PAGANS." The fact is, the custom of exchanging gifts at Christmas time has not a single trace of Christianity about it! Did you ever attend a birthday party, where all the guests spent lavishly for BIRTHDAY PRESENTS, and then traded all their gifts among themselves, GIVING NOTHING TO THE ONE WHOSE BIRTHDAY THEY WERE HONORING? Wouldn't that be silly? Yet that's what nearly everybody is doing! And Christmas does NOT honor Christ's birthday, because JESUS WAS NOT BORN DECEMBER 25, OR EVEN IN THAT TIME OF THE YEAR! Nowhere does the Bible tell us to celebrate Christ's birthday. Only PAGANS celebrated birthdays, and THE BIBLE CONDEMNS THE CHRISTMAS TREE WITH ITS PRESENTS ON IT---see Jeremiah 10:1-4!

Now consider carefully what the Bible says about the wise men giving gifts. It is in Mat. 2:1-11: "Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem, saying, 'Where is He that is born King of the Jews?'" Notice, these wise men knew, and exclaimed, that Jesus was BORN KING. "...and when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary his mother, and fell down and worshipped Him: and when they had opened their treasures, they presented unto HIM gifts."

Why did they present HIM with gifts? NOT BECAUSE IT WAS HIS BIRTHDAY---for Jesus was already born before they started their journey. It was now DAYS after His birthday! And they did not EXCHANGE gifts among themselves!---no, they gave their treasures and gifts TO CHRIST! But WHY?

Yes, WHY? Here's the answer, from the Clarke Commentary, Vol. 5, page 46: "The people of the east never approach the presence of kings or great personages, without a present in their hands. The custom is often noticed in the Old Testament, and still prevails in the east." There's the answer! The wise men were not instituting some new custom for Christmas time---for Christmas was never heard of until generations later. They were following an ANCIENT CUSTOM of presenting gifts to a KING whenever---no matter what day---they came into his presence. Just like the Queen of Sheba brought gifts to King Solomon!

No, dear Co-Workers, the custom of trading gifts back and forth is NOT CHRISTIAN---it has NO BIBLE AUTHORITY---it was never done by the apostles or the TRUE Church of God in apostolic days while it had the guidance of God's Spirit! Instead, IT IS A PAGAN CUSTOM, which TAKES GIFTS AWAY FROM CHRIST AND HIS WORK!

Christmas has become a COMMERCIAL SEASON, stimulated by every kind of ADVERTISING, to take money away form the WORK OF GOD, and put profits into the pockets of store owners, salesmen and manufacturers and jobbers and the commercial world. It is a custom of modern "BABYLON," and God calls His people to COME OUT of Babylon!


Finally, it is VITAL that you understand both The PLAIN TRUTH and the NET-WORK situation. We simply didn't have enough money to get the October number out on time---it was about three weeks late. The November number is all printed, but we lack sufficient funds to get it from the printers. We have had to cancel the December number altogether, and IF you Co-Workers respond, we hope to get the January number out on time---but there will be NO DECEMBER NUMBER, much as we hate it.

You will find in the November issue a whole page devoted to listing all the stations on the powerful ABC Net-Work. Then turn a page and you will find a large TWO PAGE MAP of the United States, showing where every station is on the map, and how far it reaches out. Now here is the all-important fact: If you'll look at a map in the atlas, showing density of population, you'll find that the heaviest population of the United States is centered in the North Atlantic states and the Middle-West states bordering the Great Lakes. Perhaps nearly two-thirds of all the people in the United States live in these regions. We have not reached into these thickly populated areas very strongly before. XEG is very STRONG in Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana, and Mississippi, and fairly strong in Alabama, Tennessee, Kentucky, Southern Illinois, and Southern Missouri and Kansas. XELO is fairly strong in most of these states, and strongest in western Texas, Colorado, and New Mexico. Of course both these stations reach on out farther than this, but beyond these states only a small percentage of the people listen. XERF gives us a SCATTERED coverage all over the United States, but reaches only a VERY SMALL PERCENTAGE of people in these thickest-populated parts of the country.

But THE ABC NET-WORK IS STRONGEST RIGHT IN THESE HEAVY- POPULATION SECTIONS WHERE MOST OF THE PEOPLE LIVE---New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, North and South Carolina, Georgia and Florida, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, all New England states, Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, Kansas, North and South Dakota, Montana, and Missouri. Because we already reach such a tremendous radio audience in Texas, Louisiana and Mississippi on the super-power Mexican stations EVERY NIGHT, we did not take any net-work stations in any of these states. We use only one station in Arkansas, in Little Rock, one in Alabama, in Birmingham, one in Tennessee in Memphis (a 10,000-watt station), and one in Oklahoma is to start releasing the program in a week or two, a 50,000-watt station in Tulsa. But we have TWO 50,000-watt stations in New York state---one in New York City, WABC, and one in Buffalo, at 8:P.M., when it covers all territory EAST of Buffalo. We have a 50,000-watt station in Chicago, one in Waterloo, Iowa, and later are to have one in Kansas City.

This great radio net-work REACHES THE HEAVIEST POPULATION AREA WHICH WE HAVE NOT REACHED HERETOFORE! It took the adoption of an entire NEW POLICY by the American Broadcasting Company in New York to admit one more religious program to the net-work---and of all those clamoring to get on, THEY CHOSE "THE WORLD TOMORROW." Last Monday, in the office of the Vice President of the Net-Work in Hollywood, he leaned forward, pointed a finger at me, and said emphatically, "If you ever cancel out or go off the net-work, I'll tell you definitely right now, you'll never get back on again."

I simply have to tell you the TRUTH, dear Co-Workers! Whether we can stay on the net-work HANGS IN THE BALANCE FROM WEEK TO WEEK. A week ago yesterday, it seemed we could not stay on another week. I actually started to the telephone to CANCEL OUT THE NET-WORK, but by a miracle God stopped me, and if ever God spoke to my mind, He did then and showed me that HE opened this door, and if we TRUST HIM in faith, He will supply the need. But right now it hangs by the slenderest thread. Every week it looks like we will not have money to go on the following week. We MUST NOT CLOSE THIS MIGHTY DOOR, which is reaching MILLIONS of additional people whom we were not reaching with Christ's Gospel before! WE CAN, AND MUST, CARRY ON!

I have to tell you, now! God's work is in DESPERATE DANGER! Yes, this supreme trial and test comes AT THE VERY HOUR OF GREATEST OPPORTUNITY GOD EVER OPENED! Just when God has OPENED THE DOOR of the greatest transcontinental radio net-work which will accept religious broadcasting---just when God has opened the door to ALL EUROPE---just when God has ANSWERED YOUR PRAYERS AND MINE, and opened the door once again for EVERY NIGHT time on the greatest station in North America, XEG,---just here we come to a season and a condition when the whole work is IN GRAVE DANGER!

Now listen, CO-WORKERS! There are ENOUGH of us, to whom I am addressing this letter, that if YOU---each and every one of you---will OPEN YOUR HEARTS, as God has opened the doors for us, and each stretch just a little farther to GIVE JUST A LITTLE MORE TO CHRIST for HIS PRECIOUS WORK than ever before, we can hurdle over this supreme trial and test, and the Work of God can go on to overwhelming victory and glory, and when Jesus comes we may hear Him say to us. "WELL DONE, thou good and faithful servants!"

Oh, friends and Co-Workers, of all the blessings, rewards, accomplishments, acquisitions, or anything else my mind can possibly think of that I might WANT more than anything else, it is to hear the very voice of Jesus, Himself, say to me, when He comes, "WELL DONE, GOOD AND FAITHFUL SERVANT!" I am willing to give up EVERYTHING in this material world for THAT! Aren't YOU?

Five years ago this work faced, at this very season, the greatest financial crisis from its beginning until this present one. We had been off XEG that year, like this, from April on. It looked like we were going to lose the college property, our office building for the headquarters of this great work, and have to go off the air. DO YOU REMEMBER,---I asked ALL you Co-Workers to send in AT LEAST the widows' two mites---I asked for a great DOWNPOUR of two-dollar, or even one-dollar offerings---and for all those who were able, to send in one, two, or three thousand dollars each.

I shall NEVER forget how you Co-Workers let God soften your hearts, and how nobly and generously you responded! I have never stopped thanking GOD for it, and I never shall. By the THOUSANDS, letters came in containing one or two dollars each--- yes, the DOWNPOUR of widows' mites CAME, and it counted up to thousands of dollars! Without all those small amounts coming from people who could not send more, we never could have saved this work. On the other hand, there were not even then enough of them, and a small number of people who were more able sent in one thousand, and up to three thousand dollars each. And the hundreds of others who sent in $10, $50, $100, and $500, and other amounts in between, PUT US OVER---IT WAS A BLESSED M I R A C L E ---and the work of God was saved!

Co-Workers, and brethren, I have to call on God once again for a MIRACLE! I have to appeal to you---every one of you--- to PRAY WITH ME, and to PUT YOUR HEART INTO YOUR PRAYERS, and to pray earnestly and persistently, and continually without letting up, that God will lay it on the hearts of people so overwhelmingly at this desperate hour that EVERYONE will respond, each according as he is able---those who have but little, and are unable to send more, to each send in the widow's mites until there is once again a veritable DOWNPOUR of them---and those who have more ability, to PUT CHRIST AND HIS WORK FIRST, and send in the largest amount possible, whether $20, $100, or several thousand dollars.

This is the time when we need to give our largest gifts to CHRIST that His glorious work may go on! THANK YOU, dear brethren and Co-Workers for PRAYING with me---if we AGREE, and pray unitedly, God will hear and move on Co-Workers as never before, and this crisis will be met, as before! Yes, THANK YOU, and GOD BLESS YOU IN EVERY WAY!

In Jesus' name,

Herbert W. Armstrong



December 18, 1953 • Herbert W Armstrong • Co-Worker Letter
HWA Asks for $500-$5000 Loans


Dec. 18, 1953

Dear Co-Workers in Christ:

I must now report to you the most important situation you and I have ever faced together. I must RUSH this emergency letter to you---there is not time for many words.

You and I have been called together, by God, to the most important mission of our time on earth---a most SPECIAL mission, actually foretold in Bible prophecy---the very WORK OF GOD for this time or world-crisis.

And this most important work on earth now is in the very midst of the most severe trial and test we have ever faced---the gravest, most important CRISIS we have ever had to meet. So far we are weathering this crisis---but once again the alarming drop off in mail the past six days has driven me constantly to my knees before God, that His glorious and all-important work may survive!

Here is what has happened: first, let me say we did receive an encouraging response from my last urgent letter for just one week. I can't explain to you the heartfelt GRATITUDE I felt, and all of us here at the headquarters office. Words can't properly THANK YOU, dear Co-Workers---but God will bless you in ways that can't be measured in money---and, I pray, bless you financially also. But after that one week of good response, the financial support for God's work suddenly seemed to drop way down, and now again the situation is ALARMING---and I have to ask you to go to God in prayer with me, and pour out your heart EARNESTLY, and believingly, that God will hear and move on the minds and hearts of more co-workers to respond generously and continuously.

But here is the all-important fact of the situation.

Read carefully! I must make PLAIN the situation. Based on the 1950 census, there were in the whole United States 150 million people (it is about 160 million today). But 84 MILLION OF THESE PEOPLE---56%---more than HALF OF ALL THE PEOPLE IN THE UNITED STATES, are living in states and sections of the country that COULD NOT HEAR the broadcast of God's Message, except the scattered few that heard it on station XERF.

By that I mean that there was no listener reception from XEG and XELO in these states and sections in which more than HALF of all the people live. The greatest density of population, where people are more crowded, exists in the north Atlantic states, New England, and across the great middle-west to and including Illinois and Wisconsin. And THIS is the portion of the United States WE WERE NOT REACHING!

Then suddenly GOD OPENED THE DOOR for us to go on one of the great major net-works---ABC, transcontinental. If we have to stop on ABC, WE CANNOT GET BACK ON!

WE ORDERED THEIR BEST AND STRONGEST STATIONS IN THOSE DENSELY-POPULATED STATES WE WERE NOT REACHING. We ordered but few or NO stations in those states where we already have heavy listening audiences over XEG and XELO. For example, we are not using any net-work stations in Texas, Louisiana, or Mississippi, and, so far, only one in Arkansas, one in Alabama---none as yet in Oklahoma, altho Oklahoma's super-power 50,000-watt station KRMG in Tulsa will begin broadcasting the program, I have been notified, in two or three weeks. Last Sunday the powerful KCMO, Kansas City, began airing the program at 11:30 A.M. Sundays, and WIL, St. Louis, at 9:30 A.M.

All told, we ordered about 115 stations. But only about 76 stations accepted the program the first two weeks. Since then more and more have been accepting it, until now more than 90 stations are broadcasting our program. We still do not have enough stations in Ohio, Indiana, and Michigan, but as time goes along stations will be added in this territory. So, with the addition of this great net-work, WE ARE REACHING THREE TIME AS MANY PEOPLE AS BEFORE---now for the first time, actually covering, with GOOD listener reception, nearly every section of the United States.

Naturally, very few of these new listeners to the net- work have become co-workers as yet---but already a few are beginning to join our loyal co-worker family. But week by week the requests for literature and The PLAIN TRUTH magazine are increasing. And from 20 years' experience we know that in three to six months these NEW LISTENERS will be sending in enough money voluntarily to pay for half or more of the COST of this great net- work---and inside a year, there will be enough NEW co-workers with us to pay for all of it.

OUR PROBLEM, right now, is to HOLD ON to this net-work broadcast UNTIL these new co-workers have joined us! Then they will help us make it possible to carry the Gospel JESUS PREACHED to ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD! GOD OPENED THE DOOR of this great net- work. I have been DESPERATELY hanging on. I have to tell you, dear Co-Workers, it has been a struggle. It has taken FAITH! I have had to fight off temptation to weaken and quit. I NEED YOUR ENCOURAGEMENT AND YOUR EARNEST PREVAILING PRAYERS! There have been moments when it seemed we just couldn't go on another week. So far we are just barely squeezing through---but it is such a TIGHT SQUEEZE that it is almost more than I can carry. If ever I needed your support, your prayers, your encouragement and your financial help, it is NOW!

We just have to keep enough money coming in EVERY WEEK--- especially the last two weeks of every month which are so hard to get through! This need is SO DESPERATE that now for the first time in four or five years, I have to ask all who could LOAN to God's work amounts of $500 on up to $5,000, to do so at once. I had felt we would never borrow money again---it is so hard to pay back. But to save this net-work broadcast, and to tide it over another two or three months until it brings us NEW Co-Workers to join you and me in this work, the situation is so DESPERATE, I have to ask even for loans, if you cannot feel free to GIVE such sums for God's work. Brethren and Co-Workers, you can't know how it hurts me to have to ask this---and STILL I pray, and ask you to JOIN me in praying, that God will somehow provide enough money week by week thru those whose hearts He has made willing, so that we shall not have to borrow.

And now finally, dear Co-Workers, please take this at once to heart, and to a private place of PRAYER. We must not falter. GOD WILL GIVE US STRENGTH AND COURAGE AND FAITH to GO ON! This is not our work---it is GOD'S! But He lays on each one of us His own part in God's work, and now we must do our very utmost. And KEEP ON DOING IT WEEK BY WEEK!

God bless all of you. I know you'll stand with me in this grave emergency. And Oh, how I pray that soon we may all hear Jesus' own voice saying to us, when He comes. "WELL DONE, THOU GOOD AND FAITHFUL SERVANT!" God bless and guide you!

In Jesus' precious name

Herbert W. Armstrong



January 15, 1954 • Herbert W Armstrong • Co-Worker Letter
HWA Plans Radio Program in Ceylon


January 15, 1954

Dear Co-Workers in Christ:

Here is BIG NEWS! It may mean the end of this present world is much nearer than even we had supposed!

God is opening new doors that His Gospel may go more quickly to all the world.

I am in New York at the air port---dictating this letter by long distance telephone to be typed and mailed to you today from Pasadena, while I am flying home. I expect to arrive home tonight but this letter is too urgent to wait.

Here is the BIG NEWS! The second largest nation on earth, in number of human lives, is India. India has 364,000,000 people---as compared to 160,000,000 in the United States. Beginning February 16, "this Gospel of the Kingdom of God" will be broadcast for the first time in all history to all of India! And at very slight cost to us! I have just been offered this tremendous opportunity and closed the contract in New York City.

It is a thrilling story. It is most important. I want you to read carefully every word.

On the island of Ceylon, just off the southern tip of India, is the most powerful commercial radio station in the two largest continents on earth---Asia and Africa. It is actually four tremendous super-power stations grouped together---beaming out in four directions on four giant transmitters---each of them 100,000 watts of power.

One giant transmitter beams programs to all India, Pakistan, Burma, Tibet, the interior of China, Iran, Iraq, Palestine, North Africa.

A second beams east into Thailand, Indo-China, all of East Indies, and the China coastline; a third 100,000 watt transmitter beams west to Central and Southern Africa and the fourth transmitter covers the populace Island of Ceylon locally.

The World Tomorrow program will now go out on all four of these tremendous transmitters, from 10:15 to 10:45 every Tuesday night.

How God brought all this about is a most interesting story. The fact that God has moved to make all this possible, and has opened it to us so soon, may mean the end of the world is much nearer than we had supposed---for Jesus said the END of this world, and His coming to rule the "World Tomorrow" will occur when this Gospel of His Kingdom has gone out for a witness to all nations!

First, about India, and why we cannot delay reaching it. The Kremlin is moving right now with all its power to take over India, as it did China. Best estimates are that Russia will now turn India communist and gain rule over India in four more years. The Reds have been checked and even turned back in Europe, by the Marshall Plan, and Allied Defense. Their direct path to conquer Paris and London and the United States has been blocked. But Lenin said, "The road to Paris lies through Peking and Calcutta" (China and India). Once Russia controls India and China, the rest of the Orient will fall into their power---more than half of all of the people on earth. If they control the whole Orient they can wear down and finally conquer America and the whole world.

There is no time to lose in India. God knows this better than we, and has moved quickly in miraculous manner to open the way to send His Message, through us, to all India and China. Many millions of people in India speak the English language.

Here's how God has worked mighty providential circumstances to open these doors. The need for the great four-way radio station arose during World War II. The Allies had to have this tremendous radio station to beam their messages to the people of the East Indies, Burma, and all the Islands that Japan had seized. The United States government sent over the finest and most powerful radio equipment. This station was set up and operated under Lord Lewis Mountbatton, Supreme Allied Forces Commander.

When the war ended, the great station was turned over to the Ceylon government. They did not know what to do with it. The man I talked to here in New York was officially connected with it, and suggested that they turn it into a commercial broadcast station. He now controls the time sales in New York. He contacted me about this opportunity. I flew to New York, and now all plans have been made and contracts signed.

And let me say right here, that through these same men whom God has used to open India to us, He has opened up China. As you know Chiang Kai-Shek is anti-communist. His nationalist government was forced to flee from China mainland and set up head- quarters on the Island of Formosa. There he has very powerful radio equipment supplied by the United States. He and his wife have professed Christianity. These New York agents have a connection with Chiang Kai-Shek's government and tell me that the Generalissimo has consented to let us broadcast God's Message to all China over his government's super-power radio station. Arrangements are now being completed for this. God is moving fast, now, with great miracles, to open the way for us around the world. The END of this world may be nearer than even we believe.

Finally two important things I have to say.

1) This very important Ceylon broadcast program costs so little it does not add a noticeable expense---only about 1 percent of present expenses of God's great work.

2) But, on the other hand, there has been a sudden dropping off of money received for the work this week, so that the very life of the work is again threatened.

Week by week, more and more letters are being received from new listeners from the ABC network, now indicating more than a million listeners every week. Already a few of them are joining you as co-workers. We must hold on, dear co-workers, a few more months and then there will be enough new co-workers to pay the network costs.

Again the need is URGENT! It takes money every day and every week, to operate this greatest work on earth.

The two or three who sent in large offerings this past month saved the great work of God. If more of you would send in more widow's mites more often, these larger sums would not be so desperately needed---but every dollar---and every thousand dollars ---is a DESPERATE NEED RIGHT NOW!

Stand with me, co-workers! Think how God is moving to lead the way for His work. He expects you, as well as me, to do OUR PART, without letting up.

Yours, in Jesus' name,

Herbert W. Armstrong



January 29, 1960 Herbert Armstrong Co-Worker Letter
"Terrifying, frightening, unbelievable catastrophes are soon going to explode, around the world!"



January 29, 1960

Dear Co-Workers with Christ:

This is my first letter to you in this new decade.  We have entered the 1960s.  I wonder if you realize what frightful happenings are going to affect your life during the 1960s!!

YOU, with me, and with Christ, are very specially concerned. God has placed a VERY SPECIAL RESPONSIBILITY on our shoulders for this decade.  You and I have been called to the most gigantic mission of all history.

LOOK at this situation!  LOOK at what will happen--and what we have to do!  While most people are becoming more calloused, indifferent and heedless to the terrifying situation we all face--while most people are too wrapped up in their own personal problems and interests and enjoyments to heed--this world has now entered its most violent and disastrous ten years since mankind was placed on earth!

LISTEN to what President Eisenhower, scientists, and leaders say--and then listen to the stark TRUTH of what we are called to DO!

NO OTHER FACT IN TODAY'S WORLD EQUALS THIS IN IMPORTANCE," said President Eisenhower in his State of the Union Message, January 7, speaking of the FACT that we live in a divided world, approaching mutual annihilation.  He continued: "It colors every-thing we say, plan or do...We stand in the vestibule of a vast new technological age (with the) capacity for human destruction."

Scientists say our ONLY HOPE is WORLD GOVERNMENT with power to enforce world law and world peace.  But this is not even a hope--it is an utter impossibility.  "'World peace through law,'" said a Los Angeles Times editorial, January 4, 1960, " too visionary and illusive to represent a workable idea.  World government and enforceable world law are unreal slogans in an age when East and West are separated by insurmountable barriers of thought."

RUSSIA now has the frightful weapons that could lay waste the entire North American Continent--or the entire United Kingdom--or both.  ONE MAN--Khrushchev--has power to order it.  CAN YOU TRUST KHRUSHCHEV WITH YOUR LIFE?  Listen to what leading scientists and sociologists say:  "CHICAGO (AP) -- Rulers and bosses are generally smarter--but more mentally deranged--than other people, a sociologist said Tuesday.  The moral behaviour of ruling groups tends to be more criminal and subnormal, added Prof. Walter A. Lunden of Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa. ...'The greater the power of the rulers, political leaders and big executives, the more corrupt and criminal they tend to be,' ...he told the American Association for the Advancement of Science."

January 14, Khrushchev before the Supreme Soviet "announced that the Soviet... stockpile of nuclear arms and missiles was large enough 'to obliterate from the face of the earth' any attacking country or combine of countries."  He also boasted "a fantastic weapon which Russia now has in the hatching stage"  (U. S. News, Jan. 25, 1960)

WHAT CAN WE DO ABOUT IT?  What has God called us to do?

Proclaim to the world the GOOD NEWS (Gospel) of the imminent coming WORLD TOMORROW!  Proclaim to the world, as we are doing with a LOUD SHOUT over every continent, that GOD ALMIGHTY will step in and supernaturally intervene, just before mankind blasts all human life from off the earth--that He will again send JESUS CHRIST, in all power and glory, to set up a divine WORLD GOVERNMENT as an ACT OF GOD, to RULE THE WORLD BY DIVINE FORCE, AND BRING US PEACE AT LAST!

THIS is the Message that Jesus brought more than 1900 years ago!  The world LOST that Message.  The world REJECTED it, buried it under a confused heap of pagan rubbish!  We are the generation which is to live through this cataclysmic CLIMAX!  God Almighty has raised up this great world-wide work in fulfillment of Jesus' prophecy (Mat. 24:14) to warn the generation on which this climax shall strike--and to PREPARE A PEOPLE FOR CHRIST'S COMING!

This, dear Co-Workers, is by far the MOST IMPORTANT ACTIVITY ON EARTH TODAY!  God has called YOU, as well as me, to be a vital part of this dynamic crusade!  He has opened to us the vast DOOR of radio, the printing press, television!

This present decade will lead right up to the very immediate threshold of the final world violence which Christ, at His coming, must cut short!  WE ARE THAT NEAR THE END OF THIS WORLD, IN ALL PROBABILITY!

We have hurdled the difficult month of December, and of January when so many are catching up with their finances after having spent all they had and gone in debt for Christmas gift-trading.  NOW, we face the short month of February!  Receipt of funds so vital to the very life of this great work is again falling off!

That means an alarming situation arising again!  Co-Workers, NOTHING ELSE IS IMPORTANT right now.  Terrifying, frightening, unbelievable catastrophes are soon going to explode, around the world!  Violence is going to multiply until YOUR LIFE--every life-- is threatened!  Speaking of US whom God has called to this very work, Christ says: "BECAUSE thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of TRIAL"--that is, the GREAT TRIBULATION (Revelation 3:10).  Let me tell you, dear Co-Workers, I count this work more important than anything in my life--more than life itself!  I know that I am secure against the horrifying mass slaughter and torture and violence soon to come.  I want YOU to have this same security in Christ Jesus!  NOTHING ELSE IS SO IMPORTANT!

God's work NEEDS your immediate, generous response--and your continuous week-by-week or month-by-month sacrifice.  Your honest and faithful TITHE belongs to God.  He expects generous and liberal offerings beside--according as He has blessed us financially.

Let's all put our shoulders to the wheel together, and give one mighty, gigantic HEAVE--that there may be ample funds to carry on God's great work!  Send it air-mail!

God is blessing us beyond belief!  I am praying for your continued spiritual well-being, health, prosperity, and every blessing.  I need YOUR prayers, too!  PRAY for this work!  THANK YOU!

With deep love, in Jesus' name,

 Herbert W. Armstrong


March 4, 1960 Herbert Armstrong Co-Worker Letter
"RUSH to our aid, and mail the largest special offerings God has made possible"



    March 4, 1960

    Dear Co-Workers with Christ:

    I wanted to write to you before coming to England--but now, alarming news from our business office in Pasadena makes it necessary that I write you an urgent message from London immediately.

    First, however, I simply MUST tell you of the surprise our staff over here had awaiting me, and of the progress of the work here.

    You know already, of course, that the growth of God's work in Britain has made necessary the establishment of another Ambassador College in England--and how providentially Christ opened to us an almost ready-built college campus when my son Garner Ted and I were here last summer.  The college site here is the mansion, buildings and grounds of the late Lord and Lady Yule, who were among the wealthiest people in Europe.  The site is only five miles from the edge of London, in the midst of the beautiful, scenic English countryside.  When the purchase was made last summer, at astonishingly low price, the grounds had been neglected for two years or more, and were rather overgrown with high grass and weeds.

     But when I arrived this time, the majestic grounds had been cleaned up and put in order.  Much of the magnificent landscaping had been hidden from view last summer.  But God had provided, among our Co-Workers and brethren here, a man well experienced as head gardener over large English estates.  He and his assistants have now transformed these beautiful grounds into their original immaculate condition.  Last fall we sent over here from Pasadena our head painter, Mr. Elmer Woody, with his wife.  He has been cleaning up and renewing much of the housing, and already the stately buildings of Ambassador College, U.K., are looking more like new.

    The Principal (Dean) and acting President (in my absence) of the college here will be Mr. Benjamin L. Rea, who is head of the Spanish Department, and has taught Geography and Geopolitics at Ambassador College in Pasadena.  He is to receive his Ph.D. degree at a leading university in Mexico this summer.  Mr. Rea came with me on this flight, so that we might make all advance arrangements for opening the new college here next October.  This is a task of mountainous proportions!  Mr. Rea was simply overwhelmed and overjoyed on seeing the fine campus God has provided for HIS college in the country of His "Birthright" people, "Ephraim."

    God's work has taken big strides in Britain and Europe.  Our staff in our new offices at the college here surprised me last evening with the first copy of The PLAIN TRUTH printed in England.

    We have reached 15,000 copies here now.  It became too expensive,and too slow, to air-freight so many copies from Pasadena.  The British edition of The PLAIN TRUTH is exactly like the United States edition, except for different, although nearly identical paper.  Already we have applications for admission to the college here from students in Sweden, Australia, Holland, South Africa, Switzerland, Spain and Ireland.  The college here will train for positions in God's work not only English students, but others from many parts of the world.

     DO YOU REALIZE how this work of God is growing?  For almost 27 years--more than a quarter of a century--this great work has continued steadily to grow at the remarkable rate of 30% each year over the accumulated size of the year before.  It almost doubles in size and scope every 2 years!  I do not know of any work, enterprise, operation, business or activity. commercial or religious, that has grown so rapidly and so consistently.

    Back in August, 1933, Mrs. Armstrong and I rejected the tiny salary of $3 per week because the MEN who paid us demanded that we preach and act contrary to God's Word.  We saw then that if we were to be free and unshackled to serve God faithfully--to be HIS instruments--we should have to look to HIM, and not to men, for financial support.

    We started then from literally NOTHING!  It took courage. It took FAITH!  But God provided, very little at first--always the bare NEED and no more, as He has promised.  We still trust HIM ALONE to this day.  The NEED still is pressing!  But as God uses us as His instruments in speaking, broadcasting, writing, teaching, so also He supplies financial need through YOU CO-WORKERS!  He also has called YOU as HIS INSTRUMENTS.  You have YOUR part as much as I have mine!.

    LOOK what God has developed for His work TODAY!

    TODAY we have our own offices on the new Ambassador College campus just outside London, in England.  Already it is staffed with some 14 English workers beside our American men.  TODAY we have this fine college, with its 30 acres of magnificent grounds, its stately 33-room main building, now re-named RICHARD D. ARMSTRONG MEMORIAL HALL, in memory of the elder son of Mrs. Armstrong and me, who was one of God's consecrated and able ministers, and, just purchased on this trip, we have a splendid adjoining assembly hall, beside many other finely constructed buildings for student dormitories, staff residences, and offices.

     TODAY we have offices in Sydney, Australia, staffed already with three competent men trained in Ambassador College.  Also there is the 350-acre Texas project, with its elementary school and high school.

    TODAY Christ's own Gospel is being thundered around the world, on every continent, on more than 9 million watts of radio power every week!  This reaches a cumulative audience of more than FIFTY MILLION PEOPLE every week!  Can your mind grasp the magnitude of that?

    TODAY some 21,000 students are studying God's own Bible Correspondence Course.  

    TODAY Ambassador College in Pasadena has reached the originally-planned limit of 250 students.  Now we face the problem of whether to raise this limit to 500.

    TODAY The PLAIN TRUTH has grown from a home-made mimeographed paper with a circulation of about 250 copies to a professional-appearing 32-page magazine of 225,000 copies in the United States beside 15,000 of the British edition printed in London, every month. These now carry 32 pages of GOSPEL TRUTH, with news analysis and prophecy, to more than a half million readers all over the world!

    Yes, THINK OF IT!  What a growth in power and scope that is!

    TODAY, this is a dynamic world-wide FORCE, empowered by the SPIRIT OF GOD, changing more lives from carnality and sin into righteous Spirit-led lives than any other work or activity, in all probability, in the past 18 centuries!  This work is criticized, opposed, persecuted, spoken against, just as Jesus' own preaching was!--just as God's Church was in apostolic days!  BUT IT IS GOD-EMPOWERED, and GOD KEEPS MULTIPLYING IT IN POWER AND FORCE!

    You and I are merely GOD'S INSTRUMENTS.  Yet He can use us only if we yield, submit, are willing to sacrifice other things and desires for it, and exert all our own energy to push ahead as He leads!

    And so I have to take you into my confidence and tell you what a tremendous RESPONSIBILITY this places on you and me!  God has called YOU as a Co-Worker with me and with Christ in this work, to SHARE this great responsibility with me.

    TODAY Christ's own Gospel goes out IN PRINT in a page and a third in Capper's Farmer every month to some 2 or 3 million readers all over the United States.  TODAY this Gospel Message, in two full pages of Reader's Digest, British edition, reaches EIGHT MILLION readers in the British Isles.  Actual surveys show that this magazine is read by one in five of the entire adult population in the United Kingdom!  ALSO, in the Australian and the New Zealand editions, two pages every month reach about one in every FOUR of the adult population!  THIS IS POWERFUL PREACHING TO VAST MASSES!

    TODAY, in addition to my own broadcast, with my son Garner Ted Armstrong also speaking, The WORLD TOMORROW program reaches Spain and South American nations in the SPANISH language; we now broadcast via Radio Luxembourg, German beam, in the GERMAN language, by a German man trained in Ambassador College and consecrated to God's service, to all German-speaking peoples of Europe. Today, on the world's most powerful station, we send a half hour program every week across the Iron Curtain into RUSSIA in the Russian language, beside my own half hour every week in English.

     TODAY we have many or all of our booklets translated and printed in Spanish, German, and French, and work has begun translating them into Russian.  We are almost ready to begin broadcasting to France and eastern Canada in the French language.

    The booklets are translated into Italian and Swedish, and more are on the way.  We have also printed our first booklet in Ilocano for the Philippine Islands, and two are being prepared for printing in Bantu for Africa.

    This remarkable and continuous 30% increase in power and scope every year also obligates us to a 30% increase every year in necessary EXPENDITURES!  Since my last letter, our Head and Leader, Jesus Christ, has opened two more gigantic super-power radio doors--the 50,000-watt CBS station KIRO in Seattle, and also the most powerful station in the largest city in the south, 50,000-watt KTRH in Houston. Constantly Christ is expanding this work!

    CO-WORKERS!  LISTEN!  I have just had an urgent telephone call from our business office in Pasadena.  They asked me to HURRY--to RUSH this letter.  The income for the work has suddenly fallen down actually lower than any time in two years--and two years ago the expenditure obligations were not much more than HALF the present necessity!  Here I am, clear across the Atlantic ocean, over here in England with Mr. Rea and our staff here, rushing plans to open Ambassador College, U.K., next October.

    THIS IS ALARMING NEWS!  I have to ask you to COME TO THE RESCUE IMMEDIATELY!  We are working almost night and day to carry on OUR PART of God's tremendous work.  I have to ask YOU, as Co-Workers with CHRIST, to sacrifice--to HELP and keep on helping--to RUSH to our aid, and mail the largest special offerings God has made possible to Box 111, in Pasadena, California--and send it AIR mail if possible!  Let's keep this crusade of Christ ROLLING, bigger and bigger!

    I trust GOD to supply every need.  But God does not go into the counterfeiting business and by miracles bring new dollar bills, hundred dollar bills, or thousand dollar bills into being and hand them to us for His work.  GOD WORKS THROUGH HUMAN INSTRUMENTS.  In supplying necessary, funds for His great work, GOD WORKS THROUGH YOU!  He has called YOU, through your honestly paid tithes and generous offerings beside, to have YOUR part in His work.

     I have given you a brief summary, in this letter, of what God IS ACCOMPLISHING through His servants with His money He provides for you to contribute.  The results of this God-empowered work are simply OVERWHELMING!

    Now God expects YOU to be faithful in YOUR part to which He has called you!  Therefore, as His minister, I have to acquaint you with this need and your responsibility--even as God had Moses do back in his day, and the Apostle Paul in New Testament days.  And now I shall intercede for you in earnest PRAYER, asking God in faith to PROVIDE for you, and lay it on your heart to respond generously AS He has provided.  God pours out rich blessings beyond our expectations when we respond faithfully in HIS WORK!  This is the MOST IMPORTANT THING ON EARTH TODAY!

    Remember, AIR-MAIL gets it through to our office quicker! THANK YOU, dear Co-Workers.  God will bless you!

    With real LOVE, in Jesus' name,

    Herbert W. Armstrong


March 28, 1960 Herbert Armstrong Co-Worker Letter
Another emergency dilemma

March 28, 1960

Dear Co-Workers with CHRIST:

I have returned from England to find our business office in a most serious and alarming situation. This 
is not pleasant, but I'm going to have to take you into my confidence and tell you candidly the state of 
affairs in God's great work, and ask your immediate help, to the limit of your ability, and also your 
SERIOUS and most EARNEST prayers for the work.

This morning we face an emergency dilemma that would bring discouragement, frustration, and fright to 
the stoutest heart--if we did not have FAITH in God, and in JESUS CHRIST, our living Head and active 

The men in our business office had not let me know, before, of the true state of affairs. They didn't 
want to worry me or take my mind off other responsibilities of this great work.  They thought we would 
work out of it very soon, anyway.  But it is going to take some real sacrificing, and DOING on the part 
of all of us to work out of it.  We are going to have to put God's work FIRST, above everything else in 
OUR lives. I am going to have to pull our big two-page message out of the farm papers for a while. 
Capper's Farmer is suspending publication.  We had planned to continue these vital messages in two other
publications--but now I must cancel that.  I may have to cancel out some important radio stations for 
a while. We have to REALLY "tighten our belts" and make sacrifices --and PRAY--until we do work out of 
this situation.

I am not the Head of this work--JESUS CHRIST is!  I am not your top Leader in it--CHRIST is our living 
and active Leader!  But, just as He inspired Moses to call on God's people for material support for His 
work in that day--just as He moved the Apostle Paul to call on early Christians for financial support 
for His work, so today I am forced to tell you about this seemingly uncrossable cross-roads the work 
has come to--and to ask you to PRAY AND PUT YOUR HEART INTO YOUR PRAYERS IN REAL EARNEST--and to make 
whatever financial sacrifice is necessary, now and during the coming months, to help directly as far 
as God has made possible.

While every widow's mite is desperately needed, yet even more desperate is the need for really large 
sums from those whom God has made able. Some, who have one or several thousand dollars they feel unable 
to give outright, at this time, have in the past loaned such sums for use in God's work for one, two, 
or more years.  This allows such money to be in important use in the meantime. Right now the work NEEDS 
many such sums! The need right now is greater than we can meet except by VERY SPECIAL SACRIFICE and 
help from our loyal Co-Workers.

This letter is one of the unpleasant things God lays on me to do. Believe me, dear Co-Workers, it is 
serious, and it is URGENT. If you will join me now in PRAYER and personal sacrifice and help to the 
utmost, God will see us through--as always before.

In gratitude, URGENTLY, in Jesus' name,

Herbert W. Armstrong

April 18, 1960 Herbert Armstrong Co-Worker Letter
Need to purchase real estate. Loans, bonds, stocks, or cash. Send it in!

April 18, 1960

Dear Co-Workers with Christ:

We are encountering some very rough going at this point in the great and all-important work of God.
Christ never intended our Mission for Him to be easy. Like a voyage by ship at sea, we might
encounter some very stormy weather. God allows these obstacles to test our faith, develop patience,
stiffen character.

I thank you, dear Co-Workers, from the very bottom of my heart for the fine and generous response of
many of you--so far--to my last letter. BUT we cannot work out of this situation immediately
--and now a new obstacle has been thrown in our path.

For one thing, persecution is setting in against proclaiming Christ's Gospel with such power every
night in Australia. Right now we are in a desperate struggle to stay on. Jesus Christ opened
this powerful door for us in Australia a little more than six months ago. I do not believe He will
A WITNESS, as far as He requires it! I need your DILIGENT, EARNEST, BELIEVING PRAYERS! If we lift up
our voices TOGETHER, urgently, with real concern, God will hear us and answer!

And another serious situation has developed right here on our headquarters college campus.

So far we have purchased only about two-thirds of the ground we must have to complete our college
campus. As it is now, there are lots, or strips of property we have not yet acquired, IN BETWEEN
portions of our campus. Recently a certain real estate broker has been trying to buy two or three such
blocks of ground, right in the midst of our campus, for a client who wishes to build a FACTORY on this
ground. Now, once a factory is built, jutting into the midst of our campus, we could probably never buy
this ground at any price--and the entire lovely college campus would be ruined.

About two months ago one of these properties went on the market. We had to buy it, or see the factory
go up. Backing up to this property is a half-block dead-end street off of Terrace Drive, the very center
axis street in the midst of our grounds. We already owned all the property on both sides of this short
dead-end street except one 50-foot lot. It is necessary for us to acquire this and get permission from
the city to CLOSE this short street, in order to have room to build our new dining hall.

Already our students are jammed into first floor Mayfair, as our outgrown dining hall. Our cooks have to
cook food for 250 students three times a day in a kitchen designed and built for a family of three or
four. Even so, we have planned to keep squeezing into this overcrowded space another year or more until
we can build the new dining hall--but even if we delay building the new hall, WE MUST BUILD IT in a year
or two, or have no room to feed our students.

We signed up the owner of this lot and paid the deposit. He signed the real-estate broker's agreement.
But before our broker got him into the escrow office to sign the escrow papers, his wife was taken to
the hospital with an illness, and until now these papers have not been signed. Now the broker
representing this factory has offered them one-third MORE than our price--and for CASH. Also he demands
an entrance through this dead-end street, so we could never close it. It would completely ruin our
college campus.

This is only one example. We have our own Real Estate department, headed by a licensed and thoroughly
experienced leading broker. He advises me that the situation is now such that we must MOVE FAST, and tie
up several additional parcels of ground--mostly in a district of 50-foot lots, with one or two old
houses on each-- with OPTIONS, in order to prevent having to purchase many of them outright for CASH at
a greatly inflated and exorbitant figure. We must get to these owners before the opposition broker does.

To help do this we can, if there is no other recourse, borrow a certain amount of a bank or loan
company, by mortgaging some of our property which is paid out, or almost paid out. But such loans
cost us heavy fees for appraisals, for making the loans, and then a high rate of interest
beside--probably 6.6% or 7%.

Co-Workers, if you will really take this emergency to heart and help us, I hope we can avoid having to
make such loans--and we cannot borrow enough by this method to handle the situation, even if we do!

I have to ask you three things.

1) All of you to try to send in still more, even at sacrifice, IMMEDIATELY, beside the most liberal
offerings you possibly can during May and June, and after. I think many of us can squeeze things to send
in a little more--as much more as possible.

2) Several of you, who are in position to do so, to loan to this work the largest sums you can. Several
of our Co-Workers have a good sum of money, which you may be unable to GIVE, because you are forced to
use the income or interest from it to live on. It might be in the form of bonds, or stocks, or cash, or
other investments. In a few instances in the past, we have found a way by which this capital may be put
to work, being used in GOD'S WORK, and by which also we pay you at whatever regular intervals you
specify, a sum equal to, or larger than the income you receive at present. Although God's Word does not
allow God's people to take interest or usury from one another, or from His work, (although it does allow
us to take interest from a bank or unconverted person), yet God has shown us ways that are right in His
sight and according to Scripture by which such people may receive an equal or larger income, with safety
and dependable security, while such capital amounts are being PUT TO WORK, helping build God's Work, and

I will be glad to answer any questions, supply any information required, to any of you who may be
willing to transfer investments you may have, so that the capital sums may be PUT TO WORK in GOD'S
WORK. To save time, you might call immediately, long distance. We are simply having to make a slightly
larger than normal expansion, right now, in one or two directions, and we need this additional
help at this point. At the same time I have taken steps to
retrench wherever possible, without harm to the future of the work, making many cuts in operation


We are merely instruments GOD IS USING--and using effectively.
Some TEN MILLION people now hear the gospel every week by radio.
Another SEVEN MILLION or more every month by magazines or powerful literature in print.
This great work is WORLD WIDE.

Let's get behind this great work--the most important thing in our lives--as never before!
Let's sacrifice, and PRAY! God will see us through. THANK YOU, dear Co-Workers, I know you will!

Sincerely and URGENTLY, in Jesus' name,

Herbert W. Armstrong


November 24, 1967• Herbert W Armstrong • Co-Worker Letter
Armstrong's Church is a Front for the Real WORLD TOMORROW Agenda


HERBERT W. ARMSTRONG, Editor                                                                                                                   November 24, 1967


Dear Friend and PLAIN TRUTH Subscriber:

    My son, Garner Ted Armstrong, whose voice you hear on The WORLD TOMORROW, has written a personal letter offering you something (FREE of course) he believes you will want.

    It is also time for my own personal letter to you, which I write semiannually to our subscribers. So we have decided to send BOTH letters in the one envelope.

    Several times I have personally written to our subscribers answering the questions so many ask: "Who are you?" "Do you represent a religious denomination, and if so which one?" "Who sponsors and pays for your broadcasts around the world -- and who pays for MY subscription to The PLAIN TRUTH?" "Just WHAT is your motive?"

    These questions continue coming in by the thousands. Some FORTY-FIVE MILLION people, on all continents of the earth, listen to The WORLD TOMORROW every week. Actually thousands of new subscribers are added to The PLAIN TRUTH every week in the United States -- beside those in other parts of the world. These millions never hear any appeals for contributions over the air. And if they send money to pay for their PLAIN TRUTH subscriptions -- or to pay for any of our books or booklets -- they are surprised to find their money returned. Yes, they are ASTONISHED -- for they never heard of anything like this before! Nor have YOU!

    It is so different -- even so REVOLUTIONARY -- it is hard to believe, I know. But it's TRUE! I always want to give our listeners, and our readers, the frank, straightforward explanation. I want to tell you WHY there's nothing else on earth like this Work.

    So let me tell you what inspired this letter. A few weeks ago I was reviewing an article that appeared in the November PLAIN TRUTH, "The Unfinished Revolution," by our Managing Editor, Dr. Herman L. Hoeh. He returned recently from Russia. He spent a large part of the summer traveling through much of the USSR. Things in his article inspired this letter. You will see, differently than ever before, the answer to the question: Just What is our motive in this Work -- and WHO is back of it, and WHY! It will also make clear some things you probably never knew about Communism, traveling in the exact OPPOSITE direction from this Work.

    Right now a supreme CRISIS exists -- a crisis OF THE WHOLE WORLD -- and it threatens YOUR life at every point -- just as it threatens mine, and the lives of everybody else.

    Communism is the RESULT of that crisis. That is, one result!

    Forty years ago I began to study and research into Communism. I wanted to UNDERSTAND what it is. At about that time United States Communists were offering a "home study course" about Communism. I read it. In the early years of The WORLD TOMORROW broadcast, beginning 1934, I had an arrangement with a secret investigator, working in connection with a major city police department, to receive regular weekly bulletins, containing inside information in regard to Communist activities in this country. I always suspected -- though he did not say so -- that this secret agent was in reality connected with the F.B.I.

    I knew the Communist purpose and goal. I knew the Communist methods and tactics. I knew their philosophies and teachings. I knew how actual Party members are yielded completely to Communist Party discipline, obedient at any cost -- willing to make any sacrifice for it.

    But what I never could understand was WHY American college professors, and educated Americans, could ever become inner-core Communists, actually working for the overthrow (by violence, finally, if necessary), of the government of the United States.

    WHY? And yet I knew many did!

    Knowing that Communists are taught to use every deception, to lie, to pretend they are what they are not, to resort to the most unethical, dishonorable tactics, it simply didn't make sense that professional men -- some in high position, like, for example, Alger Hiss -- high in the State Department -- would join such a movement. Incidentally, I met Alger Hiss -- never dreaming he was a Communist. He signed my special State Department Press Card, at the United Nations Conference in 1945, at San Francisco.

    I could never understand WHY such brilliant, intelligent and able men turned Communist -- and I wondered -- until I read Whittaker Chambers' book, "Witness," published in 1952.

    I want YOU to understand why such men turn against our country, and become loyal to Communism. For it EXPLAINS the real REASON for The WORLD TOMORROW and The PLAIN TRUTH.

    The world crisis had already started prior to World War I. Only most of the peoples of the world were not yet aware of it. But men like Karl Marx and Nikolai Lenin knew. This world crisis resulted from the impact of science and technology -- and the injection of godless "German rationalism" into education. World Wars are the military expression of that crisis. Worldwide depressions are the economic expression. The so-called "New Morality" is the moral expression -- plummeting morals into the cesspool. Universal desperation is the spiritual expression. This has spawned the beatniks and the hippies -- the riots -- the marches -- the "civil disobedience" -- the breakdown of law and order.

    Teen-agers -- many from affluent homes -- turn beatniks and hippies because they see NO HOPE for the future. There is no longer PURPOSE. It is now possible to erase all life from this earth. They see NO FUTURE, but more wars, and, perhaps, human extinction.

    THAT IS THE SOIL THAT SPAWNED COMMUNISM. Communism is the VULTURE of decadent, dying politics, religion, and society.

    Whittaker Chambers explained WHY educated, intelligent people become Communists: “It is” he says, “a simple statement of Karl Marx, further simplified for handy use: ‘Philosophers have explained the world; it is necessary to change the world.’”

    And there – when I read it – was the answer!

    These men are intelligent enough to know SOMETHING IS FATALLY WRONG with the world! They were not perceptive enough to recognize that Communism could never SAVE the world – but ONLY ENSLAVE IT!

    One of America’s most lucid, clever writers is Philip Wylie. He is fluent in picturing a word’s-eye view of WHAT’S WRONG in the world. But he doesn’t offer the solution. Like the philosophers, he explains the world – but offers no way to CHANGE the world.

    Communism does offer a program to CHANGE the world. But not the kind of change Americans and Europeans – as a whole – want. But Communism appears to those who “fall” for it as the ONLY straw they can grasp. It offers THEM a chance to help CHANGE THE WORLD. They know it needs changing. Communism is the WRONG way to change it – but they don’t see that. It’s the ONLY way they know – the only one offered them. THAT EXPLAINS WHY COMMUNISTS ARE SO DEDICATED – willing even to sacrifice career, fortune – even their lives – TO HAVE A PART IN CHANGING THE WORLD!

    They become dedicated. They submit to military-like discipline.

    As Dr. Hoeh points out, “Communism appeals to faith – faith in the power of MAN to change the world!” He continues: “What does the United States send the world to counter this revolutionary faith? Not a more powerful or righteous faith, but GUNS and MONEY!

    “The Soviet Union knows that the United States cannot supply the world’s desperate millions with enough food. ...But the only Power that the United States could provide the world to defeat Communism – the strength of a more powerful FAITH than Communism – that faith America does not have!

    “U.S. Political leaders do not understand the power of faith in world affairs. Faith in an idea, the Communistic idea of the NEW MAN, is slowly winning against the bullets and feeble leadership of the West.”

    “Though Communism,” Dr. Hoeh continues, “is thriving on human faith and human works, it nevertheless lives. It lives, as cancer cells live and spread.

    “Under the lead of the USSR, all Asia and Africa are becoming alive, even as a cancerous growth in the world system.

    Their peoples have found an active faith in the doctrines of Communism. Amid their poverty, they have something to live for.” (So they are led to believe – though deceived!) “They are out to change their environment by human sweat and toil apart from God.”

    Then Dr. Hoeh continues: “For two centuries the Western World dominated the Orient and Africa. But the West failed to deliver these peoples from squalor and misery. The West failed to give them the right kind of education – failed to show them the PURPOSE of life – failed to give them a real goal or a right knowledge of God. Why? Because the West does not itself know the purpose of life – or why man was put on earth! Hence, the deception of Communism looks alluring to ignorant and even to educated minds who have no knowledge of the Plan or Purpose God is working out here below.

    “The dead faith of missionaries from America and England has not dented Oriental thought. But the active belief of Communists is moving millions. ... The U.S. Might as well face the facts. THERE IS NO HUMAN WAY FOR THE WESTERN WORLD TO RESCUE ASIA FROM THE CLUTCHES OF COMMUNISM, unless the nation can somehow acquire a more powerful faith!

    “But national leaders have turned their backs on the Good News of the Kingdom of God. They have cast the Bible aside. ...It is time we opened our eyes to the real cause of Western weakness.”

    And THAT, dear subscriber to The PLAIN TRUTH, explains what THIS GREAT WORLDWIDE WORK IS ALL ABOUT!

    Biblical prophecies have been fulfilled – precisely ON TIME – in every case so far! Biblical prophecies are being fulfilled TODAY! This world and all its present-day sickening conditions are described in the prophecies. The only possible SOLUTION is in these prophecies. And the OUTCOME is written plainly!

    There is only ONE HOPE – ONE SOLUTION!

    Man doesn’t have it! Man has FAILED! Man has demonstrated, by 6,000 years of human experience, that he is incapable of rightly governing himself – so as to produce universal abundant well-being!

    We are in the prophesied CRISIS AT THE CLOSE – the close of this Age – and the BEGINNING of the happy and peaceful WORLD TOMORROW!

    YOUR BIBLE SAYS that God is now ready – in VERY FEW years – to send Jesus Christ again to earth – this time in all the Supreme divine POWER and GLORY of the AWESOME, ALL-MIGHTY GOD – to restore PEACE to this earth – and universal right education, universal prosperity, good health, and HAPPINESS to all peoples and nations!

    The Almighty God has raised up THIS WORK – HIS WORK – using us as His instruments, to pave the way – to WARN this world – to proclaim the GOOD NEWS of the soon-coming KINGDOM OF GOD to bring abundant well-being for all to this earth!

    This Work, for 34 years, has grown in power and scope and impact on this world, at the rate of 30% per year, continuously! There is nothing lake it – because it is GOD’S WORK!

    It has a tremendous MISSION. It is actively, dynamically, performing that Mission! It GROWS mightily because the POWER OF GOD, AND HIS SPIRIT, empowers it – the living JESUS CHRIST heads, directs, and blesses it!

    And WHO sponsors it?


    It started small – the very smallest – as all things GOD does through humans must start. Thirty-four years ago I faced a personal crisis. MEN, who then paid me a salary as God’s minister, demanded that I preach and act contrary to God’s Word. To refuse was to lose their financial backing – give up the salary.

    I saw clearly, then, that if men paid my salary I should have to serve MEN. If I were to serve GOD, I would have to rely on God, in LIVING FAITH, for financial support. My wife and I made the decision to SERVE GOD, and to RELY ON GOD. We knew, definitely, God had called us into His Service.

    Walking over a gravel country road to a one-room country schoolhouse, where I could preach without paying hall rent, a man said to me: “You won’t get far – you’re preaching the PLAIN TRUTH of the BIBLE. It’s too strong for people – you’re telling people their SINS! People will never support you!”

    “But,” I replied, “I’m not working for people. I’m working for GOD. If I work for the Ford Motor Company, I’m sure they would be able to pay me my salary, and provide financially for whatever expenses were required for what they wanted me to do. God is much wealthier and more able than Ford.”

    God did provide. I took up no offerings or collections in those meetings. I asked for no contributions. But a small few, who also had living faith – and knew that through proclaiming CHRIST’S GOSPEL, and His soon Coming – they could HAVE A PART in not only CHANGING THE WORLD, but SAVING THE WORLD, in total world peace, prosperity and happiness – that little few voluntarily contributed their tithes and offerings. Thus they became active Co-Workers, having their part in the WORK OF GOD.

    After I had made this crisis decision to serve God faithfully, and RELY ON the living Christ for guidance and support, almost immediately He opened the door of MASS COMMUNICATION – radio and the printing press. Both started the very smallest possible. Even so, I was enabled to get the true Message to hundreds, and then thousands, where it had been only dozens before.

    But it grew. More and more people heard and read Christ’s living Truth.

    The broadcast started the first Sunday in 1934. The PLAIN TRUTH appeared first as a homemade mimeographed “magazine” February 1, 1934. But there was no subscription price! There was no appeal for money over the air. I didn’t look to people for backing – I looked to the living Christ – on my knees.

    God does conduct HIS Work through human instruments – through those whose hearts are willing, whose minds are yielded to Him. I didn’t have to ask or solicit people for support. The living Christ whom I serve was able to move those yielded to Him to recognize His Message, and voluntarily to want to have a part in His Work. Jesus said “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me” (John 10:27).

    They were so very few, at first. But a few did recognize the Truth, and become Co-Workers with Christ in His Work.

    Gradually the listening audience grew – and The PLAIN TRUTH circulation – and gradually, also, a few additional Co-Workers came to us. After two years a second radio station was added.

    Soon we were able to print a few small booklets, which I could offer, FREE. Then more radio stations. The growth seemed so very slow – yet it was expanding 30% a year – doubling in less than three years.

    As additional stations broadcast the Message, the little family of Co-Workers increased – very gradually – because it had to be voluntary on their part. I could ask GOD to open minds and hearts to receive His Truth – to use me to reveal it plainly – to change their lives and bring them into His Kingdom – but I couldn’t ask them to become Co-Workers.

    From then on it has been a gradual, steady, uphill growth through the years, to worldwide power and scope. Never have we had to beg or plead – or even invite people to become Co-Workers. The living Christ Himself has led more and more, gradually through the years, to become HIS Co-Workers in GOD’S WORK which Christ Himself heads and blesses with abundant results. And He has BLESSED, spiritually and financially, those who have become His Co-Workers.

    THEY – and we who now devote fulltime to God’s Work – are gratefully having a part, not only in CHANGING, but also in SAVING the world – yes, soon THE WHOLE WORLD, after Christ’s coming. And we have a part, now, in preparing THE WAY for that world-shaking blessed event!

    Millions have been deceived into dedicating their lives to godless Communism, in the misguided faith that they are having a part in CHANGING THE WORLD. Actually they are only enslaving it – all but the FREE world. In all candor, how REASSURING it is that, in the Free World, there are a few thousand who want to have a part with the living CHRIST in the glorious WORK OF GOD, leading not only to changing, but SAVING the world – with PEACE, and universal prosperity, happiness, abundant well-being, and ETERNAL LIFE!

    There is, indeed, an astonishing parallel in the progress of atheistic Communism, and THE WORK OF GOD – a contrasting parallel in OPPOSITES! They are doomed to ultimate failure – but we by the grace and power of the living GOD are destined to glorious SUCCESS bringing eternal life to the MILLIONS!

    THAT is my explanation. That tells you, in frank and straightforward manner, WHO we are, WHAT are our purposes and goals, and WHO is back of this great WORK OF GOD!

    THANK YOU, sincerely from the heart, for your interest – for granting us the GREAT PRIVILEGE of serving you. We know it’s indeed true, as Jesus said, that “it is more blessed to give than to receive.”


    The above letter has been sent to ALL SUBSCRIBERS of The PLAIN TRUTH. Of the whole circulation, MORE THAN A MILLION COPES WILL GO TO SUBSCRIBERS WHO ARE NOT CO-WORKERS – who have never contributed money to God’s Work.

    Far more than nine out of ten PLAIN TRUTH subscribers receive it FREE without ever having contributed to the Work. Some TWO-AND-A-HALF MILLION people now read every issue of The PLAIN TRUTH. The FEW of us whom Christ has moved to become HIS CO-WORKERS have the great satisfaction of knowing that WE, by our tithes and liberal offerings, are making it possible to GIVE Christ’s precious Truth not only to that 2 ½ million readers – but also to reach approximately 45 MILLION EVERY WEEK who listen to The WORLD TOMORROW over the air!

    What a glorious privilege to be in GOD’S WORK with CHRIST, who actively heads, guides, and blesses this great worldwide Work!

    Several thousand are being brought to real conversion every year, now! Ambassador College is training more and more dedicated and consecrated ministers every year – now stationed in all parts of the United States, and in all parts of the world.

    They have replaced the baptizing teams we used to send out. They visit those who REQUEST counsel and baptism, in their own homes – all over the world! A GREAT HARVEST of precious lives are being brought to Christ and to ETERNAL LIFE!

    The FINANCIAL responsibility is on OUR shoulders – yours and mine. The PRAYER responsibility – to pray constantly, earnestly, prevailingly, for this Work is OUR responsibility.

    THANK YOU for being faithful!

    God is BLESSING THIS WORK beyond all expectations! Our prayers, our labors, and our financial sacrifices are DOING WONDERS – because GOD’S POWER is back of it. But we must never forget, such a GREAT WORK does cost money! We must continually remain FAITHFUL! We continually need, not only tithes and offerings, but even the LOANS of larger sums where you are not free at this time to send those sums as outright donations.


    Now is the time when so many FORGET Christ’ s Work – or any gift for HIM – exchanging gifts with relatives and friends instead. This promises to be the most frenzied Christmas Shopping Season in history. People spend lavishly – thinking it is Christ’s birthday (which it is NOT – ask for our free booklet, “The Plain Truth About Christmas”). But their “birthday presents” are NOT for CHRIST and His Work. This is the month SO MANY UTTERLY NEGLECT CHRIST AND HIS WORK!

    This is the month, dear Co-Workers, I have to ask you for EXTRA LIBERAL OFFERINGS – to make up for the NEGLECT of so many!

    Of course many of our Co-Workers, having their eyes opened to the TRUTH about Christmas shopping – that it is PAGAN, and CONDEMNED by God’s Word – have stopped this trading of gifts entirely. They know the “wise men” did not present their gifts to the Christ-child on the day of His birth – nor on His birthday at all – and they were NOT “birthday presents” at all, but the customary gift that is always given to royalty whenever one visits royalty.

    For example, Mrs. Jacqueline Kennedy the other day visited a king in the far east – and presented him a gift. A meeting is being arranged for me to visit King Hussein of Jordan soon – and it would be proper for me to present to him a gift – but it will not be a birthday gift.

    And beside, people seem to forget the wise men presented their gifts to CHRIST – they did not exchange them among themselves. If one is giving GIFTS at this season, the ENTIRE gifts, properly, should go to the living CHRIST for HIS WORK, don’t you think?

    Let’s all make sacrifices of other things during this season, that GOD’S WORK will not suffer! THIS is the time to be EXTRA GENEROUS! And please PRAY, more diligently than ever, for CHRIST’S WORK – and for me and my son Garner Ted especially – and for all our Co-Workers!

    Sincerely, with love, in Jesus’ name,

    Herbert W. Armstrong

July 30, 1978 - Herbert W Armstrong - Co-Worker Letter
Herbert Armstrong Gives Garner Ted the Boot!


HERBERT W. ARMSTRONG, Editor                                                                                                                   July 30, 1978

    Dear Brethren and Fellow Ministers,

      It is with deepest disappointment that I regret that I am forced, once again, by hostile actions by my son, Garner Ted, to bring you up to date with the PLAIN TRUTH.

      Diametrically contrary to what he has always said he would never do, he has, not only "raised a hand against his father," in the public press, but as the Apostle Paul warned the elders of the church at Ephesus, "For I know this that after my departing ...of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after themselves" (Acts 20:29,30).

      Paul did not say or mean, to draw people closer to God, but to draw away those already IN THE CHURCH, after themselves--to follow a MAN instead of Jesus Christ!

      It has happened before. Paul knew it would happen again-- and again--and again!

      The Lord Jesus Christ, and the God after whom His Church is named were, under Ted's leadership little by little, being subtly pushed out of God's Church and of Ambassador College. It was becoming apparent to several.

      One of several such letters just recently received says, "Thank God you are back where Christ wants you. Never before have we been so inspired by sermons or Bible Studies. For the past ten years, so many people, including myself, have noticed that something was wrong.... We noticed that for some reason we were not as inspired as we had been in the past. We felt there was something missing.... In fact, all of the doctrines of God were treated as if they were not important...we were sincere, but did not accomplish much because we lacked so much of the knowledge and faith that we once knew...we were spinning our wheels and sliding backwards. To say the least, Mr. Armstrong, ...Christ has finally shown you plainly where we, the Church, were heading.... I am glad that Christ has put you back in the pulpit to teach us...we can actually understand it when you expound on it."

      In my very painfully written letter, notifying you of the disfellowshipment of Garner Ted, I wrote you: "Now I come to something I have felt I had to withhold from you, brethren. During these past few years, when I sensed a CONSPIRACY to bring about a complete takeover of the entire Church's work--virtually to put JESUS CHRIST out...I attributed it entirely to Satan. protect my son's name and reputation, I have 'covered up' for him--because I have said to him I love him above all people on earth.... When Garner Ted maneuvered to shut off communication of what really was going on--when he shut off all authority above him, he not only shut off God's Apostle, but also he shut off CHRIST AND GOD ALMIGHTY.

      "Finally, a year ago the men next in authority under Ted came to me, begging me to TAKE ACTION. 'Your son, Mr. Armstrong,' they said, 'has been trying to DESTROY everything Christ has built through you, and build something for Garner Ted Armstrong.' "

      His TV and radio programs were becoming secular, dealing in worldly politics, with sponsorship announced, not as Worldwide Church of God, who paid his salary, all production costs, and the cost of air-time, but as that of "Garner Ted Armstrong Productions." Everything was focused on featuring the name Garner Ted Armstrong--instead of the name of the Church.

      On follow-up outgoing mail to those responding to the programs, he abolished the "WORLDWIDE CHURCH OF GOD" letterhead--and instead, the letterhead was printed, "GARNER TED ARMSTRONG." With his picture beside it!

      For more than a year those now in top administrative offices have implored me to step in and once again take over complete control, UNDER CHRIST--as it was until some ten years ago.

      Again I repeat, as I wrote you then, "I say, this Church and its work was built by the LIVING CHRIST! It was HIS SPIRIT that inspired, motivated this entire work--but, He was being put out!"

      Fellow ministers and brethren, Jesus Christ has been moving dynamically, these past weeks, to once again ENTHRONE THE GREAT MAJESTIC GOD within this Church and its Work!

      Until recently all was CONFUSION at Pasadena Headquarters. WHO was in charge--was it Garner Ted, or was it God's Apostle? Well, I'll tell you emphatically who is in charge--JESUS CHRIST!! It's time we all come to realize this is not the work of a man--or of which man to follow--it is THE CHURCH AND WORK OF ALMIGHTY GOD, with the living Jesus Christ at its HEAD, on His Father's throne!

      A few years ago, one of the Church's ministers had inherited some money. He left the Church to draw away our members after him saying he and his wife were about the age of God's Apostle when God started His Work through His Apostle. But this man was not God's Apostle-- God was not IN what he tried to build for himself --and his efforts failed completely!

      In 1974, some 35 ministers left. They incorporated themselves as the "Associated Churches of God." But GOD was not in it--and it fell flat on its face! Tragically, a few thousand brethren followed after these men, who were seeking to draw away those already in the Church to follow them! Where are they today? I know many of those former ministers have had to take jobs working with their hands to earn a living. That is JUSTICE! But, the tragic part of it is that those brethren, who followed them, as sheep without a shepherd, going to the slaughter, have been probably lost from God!

      And now Garner Ted has incorporated himself with his wife and his brother-in-law--and this GARNER TED ARMSTRONG CHURCH has now started a campaign to draw away both whatever sheep and shepherds he can now entice to follow him--to follow a man instead of the Living God!

      I say to you, ministers and brethren, Christ is on GOD'S THRONE. He did build His Church! No MAN built the Worldwide Church of God of today--and Jesus Christ promised that the gates of the grave shall never prevail against it! Human MEN, with selfish motives, may try to start a church after a MAN! But it is those in the true CHURCH OF GOD that shall inherit, IN GLORY, the soon-coming KINGDOM OF GOD!

      Satan is the real source of human nature. It is ever the same! In the days of King David, whom God had selected as king, two of his sons, one at a time, attempted to take over the throne, and make themselves king, Absalom and Adonijah. But GOD PROTECTED His people of that day, and David, whom HE had chosen!

      God called MOSES to lead His people, long before David. Once Moses' brother Aaron and sister Miriam, challenged Moses' leadership. They claimed equal right to lead. God sternly rebuked them! "Wherefore," said God, "were ye NOT AFRAID to speak against my servant Moses?" "And the anger of the Eternal was kindled against them" (Numbers 12:1-9). Miriam was seized with leprosy, for seven days.

      But, have we become so detached from God in His Church today, that we think perhaps God has CHANGED?--are we today NOT AFRAID to speak against God's anointed?

      Then of another time Korah gathered a group against Moses' leadership. Again God was stirred to ANGER! Korah and those with him were simply swallowed up by the earth!

      I simply plead with you, ministers and brethren, HELP ME as I put myself in GOD'S HANDS, to follow Christ in His Church--that we may carry on following Christ (not a man) in once again ENTHRONING THE GREAT MAJESTIC GOD AT THE HELM OF HIS CHURCH!

      With deep love, in Jesus' name,

      Herbert W. Armstrong


January 4, 1985• Herbert W Armstrong • Co-Worker Letter
Armstrong Says the Gospel Commission has been Fulfilled.


    January 4, 1985

    Dear Brethren and Co-Workers:

    The time has come to send each of you your receipt for tithes and offerings for 1984.

    I want you to realize the magnitude of the accomplishments you have helped make possible -- yet I wonder if it is humanly possible to comprehend just how great is the Work the living Christ is accomplishing through our combined efforts and sacrifice under him and through the boundless power of the great Creator God.

    We are humanly inclined to judge by what we can see physically. What we see physically is one of the smallest church bodies on earth. Yet what we should see spiritually is something so stupendous as to defy any comparison, so colossal above all that has been accomplished by all the combined efforts of the large churches of this world. Spiritually it is a gigantic worldwide accomplishment compared to no spiritual accomplishment whatsoever.

    Jesus Christ sent forth the first apostles going afoot, or on horseback or by sailboat, to the small world of that day, centered around the Mediterranean Sea. In 20 years there was violent controversy over whether the gospel to be proclaimed was a gospel ABOUT Christ, or the gospel OF Christ. For nearly 1,900 years Christ's Gospel of the Kingdom of God was thereafter NOT PROCLAIMED to the world. But Jesus had said, "THIS gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world, for a witness unto ALL NATIONS, and then shall the end [of this world] come."

    The tithes and offerings of this little church began proclaiming 1,900 years later the Gospel of the Kingdom -- the only true Gospel started by Jesus -- throughout Europe after it had gone forth for 19 years over the United States and Canada.

    It is now true that this Gospel has been proclaimed within EVERY NATION ON EARTH BY THE WORLDWIDE CHURCH OF GOD.

    NO OTHER CHURCH has proclaimed THIS true Gospel at all!

    Following are actual figures you should know of for the year 1984 in comparison with 1981, just three years earlier.

    + In 1981, 22 million PLAIN TRUTH magazines were sent to homes or distributed on newsstands. In 1984, 73 million PLAIN TRUTHS went out. Monthly circulation soared past seven million copies.

    + In 1981, 800,000 GOOD NEWS magazines were mailed. In 1984, 3.7 million went to members, co-workers, and other subscribers.

    + In 1981, 191,000 copies of YOUTH 81 magazine were sent to teenagers and other readers. In 1984, 1.2 million YOUTH 84s were sent out.

    + In 1981, two million books, booklets and reprint articles were sent out. In 1984, more than six million were sent upon request.

    + In 1981, our Mail Processing Department received 2.5 million letters, plus 336,000 telephone requests on our toll-free lines. In 1984, five million letters were received, plus 800,000 telephone requests.

    + In 1981, 52,000 enrolled in the Ambassador College Bible Correspondence Course. In 1984, 250,000 enrolled.

    What tremendous growth in just three years your tithes and offerings have made possible!

    With love and gratitude, in Jesus' name,

    Herbert W. Armstrong

February 25, 1985• Herbert W Armstrong • Co-Worker Letter
HWA's New Book "Mystery of the Ages" and Germany Agenda


HERBERT W. ARMSTRONG, Editor                                                                                                                   February 25, 1985


Dear Brethren and Co-Workers with Christ:

A drastic, world-shaking turn of events may occur unexpectedly this year.

This is the "Fortieth Year" and historically the 40th year has been the year of a drastic turn in national and world events.

It was after 40 years that Moses left Egypt as a prince and fled to Midian. It was at the end of another 40 years when God called Moses at the incident of the burning bush to lead the Israelites out of Egyptian slavery in the great migration to the promised land. It was at the end of that 40 years that Moses died and Joshua led the Israelites across the Jordan river into that promised land. These were actually turning points in national events of world significance in history.

It was at the foot of Mt. Sinai that the nation of Israel was born at the great ceremony after God had in a voice of thunder spoken the words of the Ten Commandments in the hearing of the more than two million people that composed the new nation of Israel. It was at the end of 40 days of fasting atop Mt. Sinai that Moses received the two tablets of stone on which God with his own finger had engraved the words of the Ten Commandments. It was at the end of 40 days of total fasting that Jesus qualified to wrest the government of the whole earth from Satan after the great temptation recorded in Matthew 4.

And now in 1985 we are at the end of 40 years since the founding of the United Nations and 40 years since the dividing of the continent of Europe right down the middle as a result of the Yalta Conference, February 4 to 11, in 1945. The nations of Europe had been involved in wars among themselves, culminating with the Second World War. That conference made a drastic change in the nations of Europe. The Eastern bloc of nations was gobbled up by the Soviet Union -- came under Soviet domination. The Western bloc of European nations came under the military protection of the United States.

Thus Europe was divided right down the middle, between the world's first two superpowers, the U.S.S.R. and the U.S.A. Germany was divided with the eastern area under Soviet domination and the western area dependent on United States power to protect it from communist takeover.

Dissatisfaction has been mounting in Europe. The Western nations of Europe are tired of being under the American umbrella. The Eastern bloc of Europe has suffered increasingly in economy and insufficient technological progress. Now there is growing talk about Germany being once again united in the "Fatherland."

For more than 40 years now The PLAIN TRUTH has been proclaiming an outstanding series of Bible prophecies of something due soon to occur in Europe that will change the whole world and shake up the lives of every one of us. Daniel's prophecy in chapter 2 pictures 10 nations in Europe in our time right now, as the 10 toes on the two feet of the great symbolic image. Five of those toes picture five nations in Western Europe and five in Eastern Europe. Then is pictured a great stone, representing Christ at his soon Second Coming, smiting those toes, and coming to rule in the Kingdom of God over all those and all other nations on earth. This is further explained in the 17th chapter of Revelation, depicting those 10 nations of Europe uniting under the Roman Catholic Church. In the last decade certain leaders in Europe have been working feverishly to bring about such a reuniting of Europe. I have personally spoken to the principal leaders in this struggle, and to leaders in Spain, Greece and Austria.

For some reason God has been holding back the fulfillment of this prophecy -- BUT IT IS CERTAIN TO OCCUR! Could this 40th year be the year that will bring it about?

Meanwhile God's Work is growing now as never before. The first two TV broadcasts of this year each broke all records for responses from viewers. Those records were surpassed in February, with over 17,000 telephone responses from a single telecast.

I am now hard at work on a new book. It probably will be the largest and most important book I have ever written. The title is MYSTERY OF THE AGES. It is being written as a textbook for the second year Theology class in Ambassador College. It will be published before the fall new school year begins. Copies will be made available to you.

Meanwhile remember this is the shortest month of the year and therefore one of our most difficult financially. You have your own vital part in keeping this greatest Work on earth going -- and GROWING.

With love and prayers, in Jesus' name,

Herbert W. Armstrong

January 10, 1986• Herbert W Armstrong • Co-Worker Letter
HWA's Last Co-Worker Letter Six Days Before The Death Event


HERBERT W. ARMSTRONG, Editor                                                                                                                   January 10, 1986


Dear Brethren and Co-Workers,

This is my first letter to you in 1986, and could very well be my last. Now in my 94th year I am in a very physically weakened state enduring severe pain and with virtually no strength whatso- ever. I briefly described my condition in last month's co-worker letter to you, and now it has worsened. It may be that the Work God has given me to do is complete, but not the Work of God's Church, which will be faithfully doing God's Work till Christ, the True Head of this Church, returns.

After much counsel and prayer over the past months God has led me in announcing a decision last week to appoint Mr. Joseph W. Tkach, director of Church Administration, to the office of Deputy Pastor General, to assist me while I am in a weakened state, and should God choose to take my life, to place himself totally in Christ's hands to lead God's Church under Christ, succeeding me as Pastor General, in the difficult times ahead. Christ will lead in the decision about which men will continue the telecast.

Remember, brethren, this is not the work of Herbert W. Armstrong, nor will it be the work of Mr. Tkach, or any man. It is the Work of the Living Creator, God. You are supporting this Work of God, and it is the Great God who will pour out His blessings on you for your generosity. Continue to sacrifice through 1986 to finish the commission God has given his Church. The greatest work lies yet ahead. Christ confirmed that in John 4:35, "Say not ye, There are yet four months, and then cometh harvest? behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest." Never before in the history of the Church has it been possible to reap so great a harvest. It has only been made possible through modern technology, beginning with the printing press, radio, television, and rapid mass transit and mass communication. I personally have seen nearly all of these technological advances in my lifetime, starting in the last century through the horse and buggy age to the current space age.

It was prophesied in Daniel 12 that in the last days knowledge would be increased. This has been fulfilled, yet with this awesome progress we are experiencing even more appalling and continuous evils, which will culminate in the Great Tribulation ahead of us now. Then, just before humanity blasts human life off this planet, God will once again send his Son Jesus Christ. This time in power and glory as King of kings and Lord of lords to rule with all the power of the Great God and usher in utopian peace, happiness and prosperity. Thank God Satan will then be gone.

Are you ready for the return of Jesus Christ? Will you escape the Great Tribulation soon to occur? Christ said to watch and pray always, that you will be accounted worthy to escape (Luke 21:36). Now is the time of the end.

Each of you must commit yourself to support God's Work, to fast and pray. God's Work must push ahead this coming year as never before. God is opening new doors in television and in the PLAIN TRUTH distribution. Help us walk through them. Praise and thank God, and pray for his Work. Thank you very much from the bottom of my heart for your prayers for me personally.

In deep gratitude and love, in Jesus' name,

Herbert W. Armstrong

December 20, 1934 Herbert Armstrong Co-Worker Letter


Herbert W. Armstrong, Editor and Publisher
560 4th Avenue, West
December 20th, 1934

My Dear Friend:

I am overjoyed to be able to make a most wonderful and important announcement.

The Lord has very graciously blessed the work of the RADIO CHURCH OF GOD during the year now closing---the FIRST radio church in the world having the Bible name "Church of God." He has blessed the PLAIN TRUTH magazine, and it has grown marvelously in circulation and influence. He has blessed the evangelistic campaigns conducted by the writer in Eugene, and at Alvadore. Many souls have been led to Christ, a large number baptized, many have been healed. And at one time or another during this year, the TRUE GOSPEL has been proclaimed to upward of fifty thousand people!

And now he has opened the way for far greater influence during 1935!

It is now possible for The RADIO CHURCH to go with multiplied power during 1935!

A wonderful opportunity has come for The RADIO CHURCH to go on the air in PORTLAND! This may be done by a hook-up between our present station, KORE in Eugene, and KXL in Portland. The broadcast will originate in studios of KORE as at present, broadcast simultaneously over the thickly-populated Portland area thru wire hook-up with KXL. KXL is one of the most popular stations in Portland, particularly for religious programs. This station recently has increased its power two and one-half times.

But there is one fact I want you to realize. It has been said that if a minister would DARE to stand before his congregation and preach the PLAIN TRUTH OF THE BIBLE, he would not have a dozen members left. That is about true, for God's Word is profitable for REPROOF, for CORRECTION (II Tim. 3:16), and the minister who will use it to REPROVE and REBUKE (II Tim. 4:2) as God commands, will find the time has come when people have adopted FABLES!

We have DARED to preach the TRUTH! We have not minced words, nor toned down the Word of God. And but FEW will SUPPORT such preaching.

Yet we have found a peculiar paradox. We have learned that people WILL LISTEN, over the radio, to the straight truth that would cause them to get up and walk out if their own ministers preached it in their own church! They will LISTEN, over the radio, but they WILL NOT SUPPORT SUCH PREACHING! We cut ourselves off totally from their financial support---yet they LISTEN! And do you know, there are MILLIONS over the United States who will never listen to the last Gospel warning in any way EXCEPT OVER THE RADIO. They can be reached by RADIO---and by radio ALONE!

Dear friend, I believe you are one of the FEW who really love the TRUTH! If the last warning Gospel Message for this Age is to be proclaimed with power to the thousands and the MILLIONS, it must be made possible by the VERY FEW! Do you want to see the truth fearlessly proclaimed during 1935 with multiplied POWER, to multiplied THOUSANDS over the great Portland territory---up into the state of Washington---thru nearly the whole Willamette Valley---over those TWO radio stations?

If you do, then you must realize that these THOUSANDS will listen, but only the FEW support it and make it possible! And most of that few are in poor financial circumstances. So if the MANY are to HEAR and BE WARNED, it is the FEW (Mat. 7:14), who must sacrifice, and give up, and deny themselves, (Luke 9:23), that thru their contributions to the Lord's cause, they may have larger part in this glorious work of these last days. It will mean sacrifice to the very limit if this opportunity is realized! The WORLD was called on to "GIVE TILL IT HURTS!" during the war, to buy weapons of destruction to KILL human beings! Will GOD'S PEOPLE be willing now to GIVE TILL IT HURTS---to GIVE UP THINGS---to SACRIFICE---that many may be saved for eternity? The night is far spent! Jesus is SOON COMING! The MILLIONS are not awake! We must WARN THEM! Dear friend, are you WILLING! Will you HELP?

But if we are to grasp this wonderful opportunity, we must act at once! Unless enough money is pledged BEFORE JANUARY 1st, to cover the expense of this great radio program for THE ENTIRE YEAR, we cannot go on the air in Portland. We have been very fortunate in securing, after much believing prayer, a very low rate considering the power and location of the Portland station. But to get it we must contract for ONE YEAR. I must be able to assure them I have SIGNED PLEDGES to cover full payment, month by month, for the whole year.

Let me give you some more facts: The Radio Church of God started over KORE the first Sunday of the present year. It has already become a powerful influence in this section. Its invisible audience has grown to more than 5,000 every Sunday morning. During the year, 35,000 to 50,000 different people have heard the Message proclaimed. But, with the more powerful Portland station also broadcasting our services over its thickly-populated territory, our regular weekly audience will leap to between 50,000 and 100,000 every Sunday morning! THINK OF IT! Fifty thousand, and more, hearing the Truth, once every week! And during the course of the year, upwards of A QUARTER MILLION WILL HEAR IT!

This vast crowd of a quarter of a million are NOT BEING WARNED! Dear friend, do you want to have a part in having the TRUE Gospel --- the WHOLE Gospel ---preached FEARLESSLY, right out of the Bible, straight from the shoulder, with POWER and conviction and earnestness, to this VAST MULTITUDE! I ask you to read carefully, prayerfully, Ezekiel 3:17-21. Turn to it and read it now. If these scores of thousands are WARNED of their sin---of the coming PLAGUES---of the soon coming JESUS -- whether or not they heed, we shall have acquitted ourselves before God. And SOME of them will heed and be saved. BUT---if we FAIL our Lord in this hour of crisis, HE SAYS HE WILL REQUIRE THEIR BLOOD AT YOUR HAND AND MINE!

Dear friend, let us be fellow-servants of God, together. Alone I am helpless and powerless. YOUR help is just as important --- will receive just as much blessing from God --- as my part of the work. Think, now, of some of the material things you plan to buy. Then think of the "stars in your crown" that God will add FOR ETERNITY if you will sacrifice it and use that money to GET THE PURE GOSPEL TRUTH TO THIS VAST MULTITUDE! Upwards of a QUARTER MILLION PEOPLE! IT means ALL ETERNITY for them! SOULS are at stake for ALL ETERNITY! The things you may have to sacrifice to help, or make a larger pledge, you will never miss WHEN JESUS COMES---and HE IS COMING SOON! We must act QUICKLY! And so I ask you to help with your means, even to the point of sacrificing. And above all I ask you to pray! pray! PRAY!!! Your prayers are as necessary as your money!

I must have $50 per month subscribed and PLEDGED, to be sent the first of each month for the entire year 1935, if this wonderful campaign for Jesus is to go with the LOUD VOICE of the radio! The pledges must be in my hands BEFORE JANUARY 1st! Remember, this is entirely a WORK OF FAITH! Every CENT must come from you who receive this letter, and quickly, or we fail. Some will be able to contribute only 25 cents or 50 cents a month. God will bless it, if you cannot send more. But the number who subscribe will necessarily be SMALL---so that unless everyone who possibly can subscribe MORE than a dollar a month---say $5, or $10---this wonderful campaign for God will fail. Subscribe the very largest offering you can give. We cannot, will not, go contrary to God's Word by BEGGING FOR MONEY OVER THE AIR! The whole cost must be pledged IN ADVANCE from God's own believing children, that it may go FREE, WITHOUT BEGGING, over the air to the vast throng. So I ask you to pledge the very largest amount you can. And PRAY EARNESTLY that God will cause enough others to respond. We stand or fall on the result of this one letter!

Now, further, we are considerably behind in current bills, and must have $50 AT ONCE to clear them up, keep God's work out of reproach, and going. I have been preaching NINE TIMES A WEEK, besides editing and printing The Plain Truth, praying for the sick, giving private Bible studies. I am giving of my time and strength to the very limit for God. WILL YOU STAND WITH ME? Will you HELP NOW? By return mail! Send an offering, as large as you can. Send also the money for your first month's pledge now, if you can. Now before you lay this letter down, fill out the pledge below for the largest amount you can, enclose an offering to help pay current bills if possible, and MAIL IT IN THE ENCLOSED ADDRESSED ENVELOPE right now! Before it leaves your mind! God will bless you. And I thank you sincerely.

Your fellow servant in Christ Jesus,

Herbert W. Armstrong


To Herbert W. Armstrong,
560 Fourth Ave., West, Eugene, Ore.

I want to help in this great campaign for God. I hereby pledge to send, the _________th day of each month for the year 1935, the sum of $ __________ to be used in financing the broadcasting of The RADIO CHURCH OF GOD over radio station KORE, Eugene, and KXL, Portland for the year 1935. I also enclose an offering of $_________ for current expense in the work.

(WRITE PLAINLY) SIGNED:_______________________ ADDRESS:______________________

March 1935 Church Bulletin - Herbert W Armstrong



VOL. III. NO. 1 March 1935

Address news letters to Herbert W. Armstrong, editor, at 560 Fourth Ave., West, Eugene, Ore.


The most solemn and sacred occasion of the year, the observance of the Lord's Supper, will take place on Tuesday night, April 16th. This is the eve, or beginning of Abib 14th of the sacred calendar, which is April 17th. Jeans, Alvadore, and Eugene churches will combine for the occasion, meeting at the home of the editor in Eugene, at 560 Fourth Avenue, West. The editor will officiate, assisted by the deacons, E. E. Fisher, and W. M. Conn. Elder Ray will officiate at Oregon City, Elder Stewart at Salem, and Elder Severson at Harrisburg. We are unable to announce the places of meeting in these cities, but the brethren at each place will probably know, or can learn, where to go. Let all the brethren examine themselves, being sure that none partake of this sacred ordinance unworthily. If any feels unworthy, the Word does not excuse him from taking the supper, but rather: "Let a man EXAMINE himself, and so let him EAT of that bread, and DRINK of that cup." All are COMMANDED to observe it. Let us seek the Lord very earnestly. The Annual Sabbath Days

In connection with the Lord's Supper, or Passover, comes the SEVEN DAYS of UNLEAVENED BREAD, with the two annual holy days, or Sabbaths. All brethren should put all leaven out of their houses during this period. April 17th, or the period from sun-set Tuesday night until sunset Wednesday night, is the Passover and the Preparation for the annual High Day Sabbath. See John 19:14,31. April 18th, beginning Wednesday sunset until Thursday sunset, is the 15th of Abib---the annual "high day sabbath." "In the fourteenth day of the first month at even is the Lord's Passover. And on the fifteenth day of the same month is the feast of unleavened bread unto the Lord: seven days ye must eat unleavened bread. In the first day ye shall have an HOLY CONVOCATION": (the annual "high day" sabbath of John 19:31): "ye shall do no servile work therein . . . in the seventh day is an HOLY CONVOCATION: ye shall do no servile work therein." (Lev. 23: 5-8). "And ye shall observe the feast of unleavened bread . . . by an ordinance FOREVER." (Ex. 12:17). "Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us: therefore let us KEEP THE FEAST." (I Cor. 5: 7,8). The "feast" is the annual holyday. See margin. The Church of God in the first century DID observe the entire seven days of unleavened bread. (Acts 20:6; 12:3,4). Therefore we must, today. They also continued to observe the other annual Sabbaths. (Acts 20:16; 18:21; I Cor. 16:8; Acts 27:9, see margin ---Day of Atonement.) Since all these annual Sabbath days were commanded to be kept FOREVER, and since I Cor. 5:8 commands the NEW Testament Church to KEEP the coming annual "high day" Sabbath, or "feast," and since SEVEN DIFFERENT NEW TESTAMENT TEXTS show the Church of God under Paul's supervision DID observe them, WE SHOULD DO IT NOW! The fact that some of us have not "seen" this in the past will not excuse us before such plain instruction in the Bible, any more than the fact that Sunday people never kept the Sabbath or "saw" it in the past will justify them in continuing in profaning the weekly Sabbath, after the light of God's Word has come. Let US be as honest as we think others should be! Many have believed Col. 2:16 abolishes the annual Sabbaths, but it does not. The "Sabbaths" here spoken of are the WEEKLY Sabbaths! Honestly study those texts, describing the MEAT AND DRINK OFFERINGS held ON THE annual sabbaths, monthly new moons, and weekly Sabbaths: Nu. 28:3-4,9-10,11,16-17; 26-27; Nu. 29:1-2; 7-9;12-14; Then I Chron. 23:31; II Chron 2:4; 8:13; 31:3; Neh. 10:33; Ezek. 45:17; Col 2:17. You will see that ALL these texts speak of the MEAT AND DRINK OFFERINGS held ON the annual, the monthly, and the weekly days. Now notice marginal reference for word "respect" in Col 2:16. It says "part." The Greek word is "morei" and lexicons define it as "sacrificial meat part." So this text is only abolishing MEAT AND DRINK ORDINANCES held on these days. Let us praise God for the TRUTH! Let all the brethren put all leaven out of their houses beginning Wednesday evening, April 17th, until sunset Wednesday April 24th. Let all cease work on the two "high" Sabbaths, Thursday April 18th, and Wednesday April 24th, beginning sunset the night before. Many have not done this in the past. It is hoped all will be DOERS of this truth not profaning ANY of God's HOLY DAYS!


Elder Ed Severson, from Oklahoma, has moved with his family to Oregon to take up evangelistic work in northern Oregon and Washington, especially among the Scandinavian people of that section. Elder Severson has spoken at all-day meetings held at Alvadore, February 9th, the day after his arrival, and at Jeans February 23, and at Harrisburg March 30, so most of the brethren of the state have been privileged to hear him. At the present Brother Severson is conducting a meeting at Ingram Island school house, about two miles north-west of Noraton school, and between Harrisburg and Monroe. Good interest is reported. We ask all the brethren to pray earnestly for the success of his effort there, that many will be led into Christ and into the whole truth of the Word of God.


We praise God for the harvest He has given in the Eugene sector, where three new churches have been raised up, nearly altogether of new members, during the past eighteen months. Under the three-point campaign started by the editor the first of last year---including the radio campaign, the Plain Truth magazine, and the evangelistic campaigns, this work continues to progress. We have received about as many letters at the radio studio, from listeners, during the first three months of this year as were received all of last year. This mail indicates the radio audience has almost doubled since last Summer, and now about 8,000 to 10,000 people are in the large invisible audience every Sunday. For the past seven weeks we have been preaching on God's Holy Law. The current issue of The Plain Truth is the largest ever issued, and goes out to about 200 new homes. The editor plans to open a new evangelistic campaign within a few days, in either Springfield, where we have a large radio following, or at Clear Lake school house, near Alvadore. Please PRAY, very earnestly, for this campaign. Tithes and offerings to keep this big campaign, now reaching many thousands, going, have slowed up considerably the past two months, and this whole campaign will have to stop unless the brethren come quickly to the rescue. GOD HAS BLESSED THIS WORK with the largest harvest ever experienced in Oregon. Shall we let a work thus approved of God stop?



The March all-day meeting, held the 30th at Harrisburg, was blessed with the largest attendance ever enjoyed there. The April meeting will be held at Alvadore, our newest church being host for the second time. It is hoped to break all attendance records. The meeting starts at 10: A.M., April 27th. Everyone COME!


"Dear Readers, and all saints scattered abroad: "Grace be unto you and peace from God your Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ. "I praise God for having given me victory over sin and the longer I serve God, the Maker of heaven and earth, the more I can appreciate the great sacrifice His beloved Son has made for us on the cross. We can show our appreciation to Christ to the greatest extent by our every-day living. Christ said we are to be followers of Him, and to walk in His steps; and as we stop to think and examine ourselves, how many times have we fallen short? "Since accepting Him, we have gotten beside HIS path, and into rough paths before we knew it. Dear readers, when we realize that we are not as earnest and sincere, after some time in our Christian walk, and have taken liberty in the flesh, which lusteth against the Spirit, we must go back in an humble manner and pick up our cross where we left it. "Now one may say 'if the Son therefore shall make you free ye shall be free indeed.' Yes, praise God. He is able to make us FREE from our sins, but it does not give us freedom to fulfil the lusts of the flesh. Read Paul's instruction in Gal. 5:13,19,21. "Let us not permit the devil to hinder us, but do as Paul said in Phil. 3:13,14. Satan will tempt in our weakest points, but let us not fear, for thru Christ we can obtain victory over sin. 'In the world ye shall have tribulation, but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.' (John 16:35). It takes a greater power than our own moral goodness. 'For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world; and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our FAITH.' (I Jno. 5:4,5). "May God grant thru His great mercy and love that we all may be overcomers and heirs of the great promise in Rev. 21:7. So let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh, and give the same testimony Jesus gave, 'I come to do THY will, O God.' Greetings to all the saints. ---Eva McGill. Jet City.

"Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ: "Only a few words from Chula Vista California. Bro. Severson has been here, and a few are interested in the Commandments, and the last two Sabbaths we have met in a vacant house, about ten present. And Oh, I am so happy to have someone else that believes as we do and as the word of God teaches. The harvest is great, and the laborers few. 'WATCH YE, therefore, and PRAY ALWAYS, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all those things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.' (Luke 21:36). Now may the Lord bless one and all in His vineyard, that souls may be saved. And PRAY FOR US. Your sister in the blessed Hope in Christ. ---Bessie J. Ellis.

Young People's Meeting is held every Friday night, at the home of the editor. Attendance has increased to about 15. Alvadore Church holds prayer meeting every Tuesday night at different homes.


February 1939 Herbert W Armstrong Good News Magazine

Editors note: Herbert Armstrong left what is now known as the Church of God Seventh Day under a dispute about how much of incoming tithe money Herbert Armstrong thought he was entitled. He felt he worked harder and deserved more and helped himself to it. Whether this was embezzlement or simply a somewhat cordial parting of the ways we may never know. The "12" and "70" referenced herein are references to leadership ranks in that organization at that time and the doctrines used to support them.


Formerly . . . A MAGAZINE . . ."The BULLETIN"



DID CHRIST Reorganize

Which is the one true Church?

Here is amazing new light from the Bible, establishing the TRUTH of this important question of Church organization and

Let us open our minds, and with out prejudice, search the Scriptures, whether these things are so!

Just what is "The Church?" What is its object and purpose --- its real mission? Is it an ORGANIZATION, or a spiritual ORGANISM, composed of
those saints whose names are written in heaven, and who have, and are led by, the Holy Spirit? And, granting it is not just some one organization, ...yet
should not the true Church be organized---and if so, HOW?
Just what is the true Bible form of organization and Church

A startling new truth now comes to light, thru God's precious word! Most of us have ASSUMED one or two central points in this important question---taken them for granted without investigation. And this careless assumption has led most of us into error. It has left us open to be deceived! The Bible cautions us to PROVE ALL THINGS! It is profitable for CORRECTION as well as for instruction in righteousness. The true Christian must be willing at all times to be corrected and chastened---and must continually seek to GROW in knowledge as well as in grace!

It is the true remnant people of God who keep the COMMANDMENTS that the Devil is wroth with today. It is US Satan is seeking to deceive. He will deceive even the very elect IF POSSIBLE. And it is possible if we are careless, and assume things without careful study of all sides, and ample PROOF from the Scripture. We must be continually ON OUR GUARD, never trusting any man, or even a board or group of men, but God alone, thru His Holy Word!

So let us SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES! Let us begin at the beginning.

The CHURCH, as we know, actually BEGAN at Mount Sinai, in the days of Moses. (Acts 7:39) True, this was the Church under the OLD Covenant, not the New.
True, there is a vast difference between the Old and the New---and part of just what constituted that difference is one of the important things we want to investigate. We want ALL the facts on the subject.


At Mt. Sinai, God set up AN ORGANIZATION. Make no mistake about that! In our quest to learn WHETHER God's people should join themselves together in an ORGANIZATION, having CHURCH GOVERNMENT, let us begin by recognizing that in the beginning, at Sinai, God Himself formed His people into an RGANIZATION, having GOVERNMENT. At that time God's people---the ONLY people on earth who were the people of God---were formed into a NATION. As such, they had LAWS, and GOVERNMENT. They were a KINGDOM. First of all, they formed a civil government. But in this government, God also placed certain church governments, giving them the rituals, ceremonies, and sacrifices of the law of Moses. Church and state were inseparable.

In any government, men are placed in AUTHORITY, with power to GOVERN and to RULE. There never was a government without MEN in authority, ruling over others. And perhaps without exception, there always is, and always was, some ONE MAN who was in actual fact, tho not always in name or title, the real head, or ruler.

As God first organized His people, HE was their HEAD---their King. But soon the Israelites wanted a MAN to be their king, like the Gentile nations around them. It is IMPOSSIBLE to have ORGANIZATION, or GOVERNMENT, without having a MAN as the actual and real head, even tho we SAY Christ in heaven is the Head, and
continue to try to believe it that way.

A fact that many of us have never noticed is that THE OLD COVENANT WAS A MARRIAGE COMPACT! When God first set up AN ORGANIZATION on earth, the people who formed this organization were MARRIED to the Lord. It was this MARRIAGE that bound Him and His people together. In Jeremiah 3:14, the Lord says: "Turn O backsliding children, saith the Lord; for I AM MARRIED UNTO YOU."


The making of the Old Covenant, as recorded in the 24th chapter of Exodus, was the MARRIAGE CEREMONY. If anyone may doubt this, let us merely ask, WHEN, if not here, did the Lord ever enter into a marriage ceremony, joining Himself and His people together as husband and wife? Where else, in all the Bible, can you find any account of a marriage ceremony? The MARRIAGE ceremony was the OLD COVENANT CEREMONY! They are one and the same. It was this marriage, then, that established ORGANIZATION and GOVERNMENT among God's people. We want to repeat that. We want you to understand it---for it is of great importance---it is the KEY FACT upon which the real truth, so long hidden, really hinges. IT WAS THE MARRIAGE THAT FORMED GOD'S PEOPLE INTO AN ORGANIZATION HAVING CHURCH GOVERNMENT!

That being so---and it IS so, and none can deny it---then it naturally follows that THE ORGANIZATION and the GOVERNMENT of God's people, at least as ordained and sanctioned by the Lord, EXISTED ONLY AS LONG AS THE MARRIAGE UNION WHICH ESTABLISHED IT! If the marriage was done away, the ORGANIZATION and the CHURCH GOVERNMENT was at the same time done away. For it was only this marriage relationship which established the organization---the kingdom---the government, both civil and ecclesiastical.

When God first proposed the Old Covenant marriage, (Ex. 19:5-6), He promised His people that IF---notice the IF---they would be obedient, as a wife should to her husband, they would become"a kingdom of PRIESTS, and an holy NATION." In other words, a GOVERNMENT of a religious character---a CHURCH GOVERNMENT!
This is repeated in Leviticus 26. There the blessings to accrue for obedience are enumerated, together with the PUNISHMENT for DISOBEDIENCE. And what was that punishment to be? Notice it!---"they that hate you shall REIGN OVER YOU . . . SEVEN TIMES"---or 2520 years! (Verses 14-28). Look at it, in your own Bible. If Israel, the WIFE, married unto the Lord, proves disobedient, Israel is to LOSE her government. No longer to be AN ORGANIZATION! Enemy nations shall REIGN OVER---rule over---the Israelites. Their own government no longer will rule them. No longer will they be an organization of their own. This God threatened to turn the GOVERNMENT---THE ORGANIZATION, if you please, over to the GENTILES for 2520 long years, TAKING ORGANIZATION AND GOVERNMENT AWAY FROM HIS PEOPLE!

Now let us see whether He did that!

Israel, of course, disobeyed. "And I saw, when for all the causes whereby backsliding Israel committed adultery I HAD PUT HER AWAY, AND GIVEN HER A BILL OF
DIVORCE." (Jer. 3:8). Surely that ought to settle the matter! Israel was DIVORCED! This out off the GOVERNMENT, the ORGANIZATION, from among God's
people, and TURNED IT OVER TO THE GENTILES FOR 2520 LONG YEARS --- until the very present generation! Still other Scriptures PROVE it!


Let us follow the story thru the Scripture. Let us see if the other Scriptures confirm this astounding truth! Israel sinner first, and was taken captive to Assyria about
721 B.C. But the House of Judah remained, and as long as they did God's true BIBLE FORM OF ORGANIZATION and CHURCH GOVERNMENT continued with them.

But soon Judah was sinning even worse than Israel; and they too, were taken captive. King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon captured the Jews, destroyed Jerusalem, moved the Jews to the land of the Chaldeans. Among them was Daniel, the prophet. Soon after this captivity, Nebuchadnezzar had the dream in which he saw the great metallic image. Of course you are already familiar with this.

Only Daniel could tell the king his dream, and its meaning, as GOD had revealed it to him. But notice a point in its interpretation:"This is the dream," Daniel said, after describing the image,"and we will tell the interpretation thereof before the king. Thou, O king, are a king of kings---in other words, a WORLD RULER---" for THE GOD OF HEAVEN HATH GIVEN THEE A KINGDOM." (Verses 36-37). Note it! GOD gave the kingdom over to him! Now God never makes covenants with GENTILES. God never did, and never will, marry a Gentile people as such, or establish them as HIS kingdom, HIS government, HIS organization, HIS church! Yet it plainly says, here, that GOD GAVE NEBUCHADNEZZAR A KINGDOM! How? and WHY? Since God could not have established or set up a kingdom in Babylon, among the Gentile Chaldeans, the only way God could have GIVEN Nebuchadnezzar a KINGDOM was to have given OVER to him the kingdom He had already set up---the one set up AT SINAI!

Babylon never was the Kingdom, the Government, or the Church of God! But Nebuchadnezzar, under God's divine direction, TOOK CAPTIVE the people of God's kingdom and church. And so God GAVE OVER TO HIM the KINGDOM---that is, the GOVERNMENT---the AUTHORITY to RULE---which had been set up at Sinai!
Understand it! The AUTHORITY to RULE and to GOVERN was now taken away from the people of God, because of disobedience, and this AUTHORITY was transferred over to NEBUCHADNEZZAR and HIS SUCCESSORS for 2520 years!


Now notice the truth revealed in this Gentile Image a little further. The AUTHORITY TO RULE was not only turned over to Nebuchadnezzar---not just temporarily---but it was to continue in power of his successors 2520 years."And after thee shall arise another kingdom . . . and another third kingdom of brass, which shall bear rule OVER ALL THE EARTH." (Verse 39). Note it! The RULE God had transferred over to Nebuchadnezzar was to continue in the Persian Empire, and the Grecian Empire---they were to bear RULE over ALL THE EARTH! Yes, and by God's ordination! Then followed the fourth kingdom of iron---the ROMAN Empire. In the latter days---at the end of the 2520 years---NOW---in OUR generation today---this Roman Empire is once more to be restored by a union of ten European Dictators, as foretold in Revelation 17. And then what shall happen, at the END of this 2520-year Gentile reign?"A STONE (Christ). . . smote the image,"---smashing this Gentile reign into pieces. Yes, CHRIST, at HIS SECOND COMING, is to SMITE it, and end it. What will happen then? "The God of heaven shall set up a kingdom which shall never be
destroyed: . . . but it shall break in pieces and consume all those kingdoms, and IT shall stand forever." (Verses 34,44). Jesus' disciples understood that the KINGDOM, with all authority to GOVERN, whether civil or church government, had been taken away from His people, and turned over to Gentiles. You'll remember how they asked Him, "Lord, wilt thou at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel?" (Acts 1:6). But He did NOT restore it, then. He did NOT bring the government, the
organization, the authority to rule, back from the Gentiles to His people! Consequently He did NOT reorganize His people, or establish any government, ecclesiastical or civil, among them!

This the New Testament Scriptures, also, abundantly prove! God had proposed to demonstrate, thru His people, what blessings and prosperity would naturally follow a civilization based upon HIS laws. And ALL the laws hang on that great basic principle of LOVE---love to God, and love to neighbor. The principle of "GIVE" and of "SERVE", not of "GET" and "ACCUMULATE." But, when His people Israel would not continue governing themselves according to His laws, based on this great fundamental principle, God turned authority of government over to the Gentiles, and gave them 2520 years to DEMONSTRATE, by experience, the fruitage of the Gentile ways of lust. The 2520 years is now up. The Times of the Gentiles have run their course. And just LOOK at the results of this Babylonish Gentile civilization! Governments are overthrown, and now arming to the tooth to destroy one another. Business and industry is bankrupt under the principle of competition and strife and
self-gain, want and poverty stalk the land, and millions are in want in the midst of plenty! Society is rotten and immoral, crime, racketeering, vice, gambling, run rampant. Religion is in confusion, torn by strife and division, in the grip of the GENTILE system of injecting ORGANIZATION and GOVERNMENT into the Church! Truly, in its every phase, our modern civilization is in BABYLON today!

Praise God, JESUS IS SOON COMING! Yes, coming to RESTORE the kingdom---the government, the organization, to the TRUE people of God! Coming to DESTROY all this "BABYLON" which has visited such unhappiness to the world! Coming to reign and rule!

THE 12, THE 70, AND THE 7

But, did not Jesus SET THE CHURCH IN ORDER? Did He not REORGANIZE it again, at His First Coming? Did He not set up a definite "BIBLE FORM OF ORGANIZATION," and establish a definite"CHURCH GOVERNMENT?" We have always ASSUMED He did! Yes, we have taken this carelessly for granted! But let us prove THIS point---let us prove ALL THINGS! Let us search the Scriptures whether this assumption be so!

First, did Christ ever set up an ORGANIZATION, with its boards of HEAD MEN, with authority to GOVERN over the "spiritual affairs," or the "FINANCIAL AFFAIRS" of the Church? Let us see if we can find such boards, or Scriptures giving them such authority. True, Jesus did call out TWELVE disciples, who afterward were
called "Apostles." But WHERE in the Scripture are they called "THE BOARD OF THE TWELVE"---a term we hear freely used today, under claim of having "the BIBLE form of organization." WHERE do we read of one of them being appointed as the"CHAIRMAN OF THE TWELVE" or another as the SECRETARY OF THE TWELVE?
Is THIS Biblical and Scriptural? If so, where is the text?

When Jesus called them, and ordained them, did He give them AUTHORITY TO RULE? Just what did He give them POWER and AUTHORITY to do? Notice it, in Luke 9:1-2:"Then he called his twelve disciples together, and gave them power and authority"---for what? To GOVERN? To RULE the Church? Notice carefully! Let us have a BIBLE REASON for all we accept and do! ... "...and gave them power and authority over all devils, and to cure diseases. And he SENT THEM to"---He sent them to WHAT? To rule and govern? To have supervision over the spiritual affairs of an organization? Notice it, IN THE BIBLE! ..."He sent them to preach the Kingdom of God, and to heal the sick." The word "apostle" means "one sent." The definition in Cruden's Concordance is "one sent forth. Used as referring (1) chiefly to one of the 12 disciples of Christ; or (2) to any of various other followers of Christ who did evangelistic work." An apostle does not mean one IN authority, but one UNDER authority---one SENT by the authority of another! The only power and authority Jesus ever gave even His original twelve was to heal the sick, and cast out demons. And He SENT them, not to rule, but to PREACH---not to BEAR authority, but to MINISTER, to serve! Nowhere in the Scripture do we find the slightest hint that the twelve constituted a higher-up church board, and nowhere were they ever given power to rule, or govern, or decide what doctrines the other disciples must believe.


Is there any Scripture giving plain instruction that the TWELVE were to continue on perpetually as a Church board? There is none! Yet many have been led honestly to suppose that the apostles were to be continued exactly twelve in number, because a successor was ordained to replace Judas Iscariot. So let us SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES on this point, whether this is so. What was Jesus' PURPOSE in ordaining twelve disciples? Let the Scripture say:"And He ordained twelve, THAT THEY SHOULD BE WITH HIM, and that He might send them forth to preach, and to have power to heal sicknesses, and to cast out devils." (Mark 3:14.) Not that they should rule the spiritual affairs of an organization. Jesus ordained the twelve in order "that they should BE WITH HIM!"

Now notice WHY He wanted them to be with Him---and WHY a successor was appointed for Judas! Judas' successor had to be a man possessing a certain
qualification---because he was "ordained to be a witness with us of his resurrection." (Acts 2:22). Notice the necessary qualification. Not ability to govern,
nor talent to discern and vote on right doctrine. Look at it in your Bible: "Wherefore of these men which have companied with us all the time that the Lord Jesus went in and out among us, beginning from the baptism of John, unto that same day that he was taken up from us, must one be ordained TO BE A WITNESS WITH US OF
HIS RESURRECTION. (Acts 1:21-22). Do you grasp it? Do you see plainly revealed here the PURPOSE of the twelve?

First, Jesus ordained twelve "that they should be with Him." Later, after His ascension, one of these was replaced. And it had to be ONE WHO HAD BEEN WITH HIM, along with the others, thruout His entire ministry, beginning with the baptism of John! Why?"TO BE A WITNESS WITH THEM OF HIS RESURRECTION!" Search the Scriptures as we may, we cannot find any other purpose for the twelve apostles, except to go out and preach, and heal, and to be WITH Jesus thruout His ministry, in order that they might forever PROVE the TRUTH OF THE RESURRECTION! That was the only reason for the definite number of TWELVE! To suppose that this definite number of twelve was to be continued and perpetuated AFTER THEIR MISSION WAS FULFILLED is absurd! Is there any statement that others later called "apostles"--- once SENT to preach---merely evangelists---such as Paul, Barnabas, etc., were "one of the twelve?" There is no such statement in the Bible! Rather Paul and Barnabas, after there were called apostles (as in Acts 14:14), went up to Jerusalem UNTO THE APOSTLES. (Acts 15:2). And here, at this conference, the Holy Spirit revealed truth TO BE WRITTEN AS PART OF THE INSPIRED SCRIPTURES, which were not yet, at that time, complete. Surely no "12 apostles" are
authorized by the Scripture to receive such special instruction from the Holy Spirit, to made part of the Holy Scriptures, TODAY!

Such an implication is little short of blasphemous! True, Paul and a few others are called "apostles." But an"apostle" is merely "ONE SENT." If we could find one single Scripture where Paul, or any other than the original twelve, ever were called "ONE OF THE TWELVE", as we freely hear men style
themselves today, then we would know the twelve continued on.


The words "The twelve" are NEVER used except to refer to the original 12 which companied with Jesus thruout His ministry, to be witnesses of His resurrection!
There is NO SCRIPTURE even hinting that the twelve were continued. On the other hand, every Scriptural indication is that THEY WERE NOT. Even the authors of "A History of the True Church" were unable to find any continuance of THE TWELVE in the TRUE Church! That ought to settle the matter. The Scripture speak of FALSE
apostles, and of "them which SAY they are apostles, and are not, but hast found them LIARS." (II Cor. 11:13; Rev. 2:2). Let us beware being deceived. It is the COMMANDMENT KEEPERS whom the Devil seeks, in these latter days, to deceive! Let us be sure everything we accept is based on true BIBLE AUTHORITY, and not falsely read INTO the Bible by imputing a meaning to various scattered texts contrary to the plain, obvious intended meaning IN ITS SETTING!


Now let us look briefly at the "70". Did THEY constitute a CHURCH BOARD? Was power to govern, or rule, or act as an advisory board in matters of doctrine or church
government? Was THAT the purpose for which Jesus appointed them? The ONLY PLACE IN THE NEW TESTAMENT where "the seventy" are mentioned is in the 10th chapter of Luke. Beside the twelve, whom Jesus ordained "that they "should be with Him," for "a witness of His resurrection," and whom He sent forth to preach, "the Lord appointed other seventy also, and sent them two and two before his face into every city and place whither he himself would come." (verse 1). Did they ASSEMBLE---as a board? No, they WERE SENT, not together but TWO AND TWO, on a special mission---preparing for the personal visits of Jesus to these
various towns and cities! Instead of assembling as a church board, THEY SEPARATED---two and two! What instruction did Jesus give them? Did He vest them with
power to RULE, or set them up as an advisory board, or appoint them to be the LEADING elders? No, He said, "Go your ways . . . and HEAL THE SICK . . . and
say unto them, The kingdom of God is come nigh unto you." (v.3,9). They were authorized only to heal, cast out demons, and preach! That is all! They returned from this special mission (verse 17), and Jesus gave them power to tread on serpents and scorpions so nothing should hurt them. And THAT IS THE LAST EVER HEARD OF THEM! Their mission was ended!

Brethren, let us be honest! IF the Lord ever intended them to be a continuous church "BOARD OF SEVENTY", do you not honestly think we should find some further mention of "the seventy" in the Bible? Do you not think we should find, in the Book of Acts, where some of the elders or evangelists were "of the seventy?" Do you not think we should read of this "board" in the history of"the TRUE Church"---IF they ever were such a board? No, the simple truth, when we come to "search the Scriptures WHETHER these things be so," is that they never were a church board, and they ENDED their work and mission before Jesus was crucified! The fact that in one or two instances Moses selected seventy elders for certain duties of that day, BEFORE God took the government away from Israel and turned it over to the Gentiles --- BEFORE He divorced Israel---certainly has no connection with the seventy Jesus sent on this special mission.


And now a brief glimpse at "THE SEVEN." Were they set up as a FINANCIAL BOARD? Were they appointed to receive and handle the TITHES of the whole world-wide Church? Did they ever supervise the financial affairs of the ministry, hiring and firing ministers, and paying them their salaries, or"allowances?" Were they set over THAT business? Let s not be deceived, but look at this AS IT IS IN THE BIBLE, honestly!

In the early days of the NEW Testament Church, the brethren sold their possessions, had all things common, and took care of the PHYSICAL needs of their own widows and orphans. In the 6th chapter of Acts, we notice in the first verse, the Grecians complained against he Hebrews, because their widows and orphans were being neglected in the daily ministration of material needs. Then the twelve---the ORIGINAL and ONLY twelve of the Bible, ordained to be witnesses of Christ's resurrection,---called together the disciples and said, "It is not reason that we should leave THE WORD OF GOD, and serve tables. Wherefore, brethren,
look ye out among you seven men . . . whom we may appoint over THIS business." (V. 2-3).

They were appointed over BUSINESS---but what business? Note it IN YOUR BIBLE! The business of WAITING ON TABLES---of feeding, serving, the MATERIAL needs of the widows and orphans! And WHY were they appointed? So that the apostles might devote their time to the PREACHING of the Gospel, and the WITNESSING TO THE RESURRECTION, which they were sent to do, INSTEAD OF this business of ministering to the PHYSICAL needs of women! The business for which the seven were appointed had nothing whatsoever to do with receiving and disbursing tithes for the ministry and preaching of the Word!

We should like to see any text in the New Testament showing that there ever was appointed any BOARD to act as a TREASURY for the tithes of the disciples, and to receive and disburse the money for the whole church! We say such a thing IS UNSCRIPTURAL and unless SCRIPTURE can be produced for it, such a practice ought to be discontinued! If there is ONE LINE of scripture for such procedure under the New Testament, the editor of The GOOD NEWS agrees to print it in the next issue---if any can supply it! This is our challenge, and we await replies!


There is not one single HINT in the New Testament of any Church BOARD with authority to rule, to govern, to decide doctrine, or to handle tithes and church finances (the whole church). In the later number we shall devote an article to explaining Acts 15, which certainly sets no such example. Jesus never organized, or re-organized His church! There is NO SCRIPTURE for it! All authority and power to rule is limited solely to each LOCAL congregation. But there is NO BIBLE AUTHORITY for any
super-government, or organization with authority over the local congregations! The plain teaching of Jesus is JUST THE CONTRARY! Listen!"Jesus called them unto Him, and saith unto them, Ye know that they which are accounted to RULE over the Gentiles exercise lordship over them; and their great ones exercise AUTHORITY
upon them, But so shall it NOT be among you." (Mark 10:42). The AUTHORITY---the GOVERNMENT---the RULERSHIP---was turned over to the Gentiles for 2520 years---until Christ RESTORES the kingdom at His Second Coming!


How then, did ORGANIZATION, and the idea of CHURCH GOVERNMENT get into the Church? It came out of BABYLON! Spiritual BABYLON---that is, ROME!
The same as nearly all other false doctrines of Satan. In the early 4th Century, Constantine, the Emperor, who officially started SUNDAY observance in the Western World, saw his Empire in danger of disintegrating. At the time a great controversy was raging among the leaders of Christianity, over Dr. Arius' doctrine concerning the origin of Christ, as opposed to the Trinity doctrine. We quote from Encyclopedia Britannica, (article ARIUS):"This controversy over Arius' doctrine reached even the ears of Constantine. Now sole Emperor, he saw in the one catholic church the best means of counteracting the movement in his vast empire toward disintegration, and he at once realized how dangerous dogmatic strife might be to its unity. Constantine had no understanding of the questions at issue . . . He summoned a
general council (the Nicene Council). ...It was finally decided against Arius. ...Constantine accepted the decision of the council, and resolved to uphold it."
Thus it was CONSTANTINE---the "BEAST"---who injected and introduced into the church the idea of a BOARD to decide doctrine, and to rule.

Thus it was that CONSTANTINE made doctrine, as decided by a higher-up BOARD, the basis of fellowship and unity in the Church! Jesus never said "By this shall all men KNOW that ye are my disciples---if ye all speak the same thing the BOARD OF THE TWELVE vote on." That is the policy of some today---but it is NOT BIBLE POLICY! Jesus said we should be known to be in the true Church IF WE HAVE LOVE one to another! And doctrine has only brought STRIFE! In the next century, came the PAPACY in full bloom, starting the idea that the CHURCH is an ORGANIZATION having CHURCH GOVERNMENT!

Listen to authentic history! In the Encyclopedia of Biblical, Theological, and Ecclesiastical Literature, Vol. 7, page 629, we read:"The first pope, in the real sense of the word, was Leo I. (440-461 A.D.)" To him the plan of government of the Roman Empire was an obsession. He applied and adapted that form of government
to the church, forming the PAPACY. Myers Ancient History, says: The Church (under Leo I,) set up "within the Roman Empire, an ecclesiastical STATE (government) which, in its constitution and its administrative system, was shaping itself upon the IMPERIAL MODEL."

Truly, an IMAGE OF THE BEAST! Thus was CHURCH GOVERNMENT introduced into the Western world a century after Constantine (the "BEAST") injected the idea of church BOARDS to decide what doctrines the rest of the church must believe. And thus the very PRINCIPLE of CHURCH GOVERNMENT becomes THE IMAGE TO THE BEAST! The whole thing is FALSE! It is NOT ACCORDING TO THE BIBLE! It is part of BABYLON! Those who are IN, and MEMBERS of such an organized church government, submitting to doctrines declared by unscriptural boards as a fellowship test, are IN BABYLON, and actually worshippers of THE IMAGE OF THE BEAST! And God is calling us, HIS people OUT of BABYLON today, before it is too late---before the PLAGUES fall! Brethren, let us have the courage to accept the TRUTH, and to COME OUT! THE PURPOSE OF THE CHURCH

Finally, what is the very PURPOSE of he New Testament Church? Is it to BUILD AN ORGANIZATION? Let us, now, finally understand it. The first kingdom and government was set up by Nimrod---the first ancient Babylon (Genesis 10). The Devil is the god of this world, and since Nimrod the kingdoms have built civilizations
based upon the Devil's ways of SELF, and of GET, contrary to God's ways of LOVE, of OBEDIENCE, and of GIVE, as defined in God's LAW.

So God formed Abraham's children into A NATION, giving them HIS LAWS, to show how a nation would be blessed that would build its civilization according to His Commandments. At Mt. Sinai Israel was united to the Lord in MARRIAGE, as HIS GOVERNMENT, both state and church. But when Israel went after the ways of other nations, breaking the Commandments, God DIVORCED Israel, and gave over the GOVERNMENT (which included CHURCH GOVERNMENT as well as state) to the Gentile kingdoms symbolized by Daniel's image and the four "beasts." He gave the government into Gentile hands UNTIL THE SECOND COMING OF CHRIST, when the government, church and state, shall be RESTORED to Israel!

When Jesus comes with POWER and great glory---power to RULE, and the SAINTS possess the kingdoms of this world---He will make a NEW Covenant with Israel and Judah, which NEW Covenant will be the MARRIAGE OF THE LAMB! As the Old Covenant MARRIAGE ceremony set up Israel as a NATION, so will the new.
Now to WHOM will Christ be married, at the Marriage of the Lamb? Notice it, IN YOUR OWN BIBLE---Revelation 19:7---He shall marry HIS WIFE! Note it!!!
Yes, His WIFE whom He divorced. A wife who is divorced is not free to remarry until the death of her husband! And so Christ, Israel's husband, DIED to REDEEM ISRAEL! And now Israel is FREE to marry AGAIN!

And who will the New Covenant be made with? Notice Hebrews 8:8---with Israel His wife He made the first covenant---but later divorced---Israel! Then He shall RESTORE the kingdom to Israel---both Church government and state. Christ will reign not only as King of kings, but also as LORD OF LORDS---Church government, as well as state! Christ's FIRST coming was to REDEEM---not to restore. Jesus never set up an organization, nor did He establish any church GOVERNMENT. He did not RE-ORGANIZE the Church! Instead, He came calling INDIVIDUAL disciples out from among the church organizations, sects, and denominations---out from among
the Pharisees, the Sadducees, and the Essenes---out from among worldly Gentile organizations and contacts---He called His saints to be SEPARATE---to COME OUT!

The very word "ekklesia" from which "Church" is translated, means "called-out ones" as well as "assembly." The New Testament Church is not a kingdom---not a church government---but an assembly of individuals CALLED OUT---Spirit- filled individuals, and therefore a SPIRITUAL ORGANISM, not an organization. The OBJECT of the Church is not to build up an organization, or a movement. Let us see this great purpose clearly. The CHURCH is Israelitish. Not a Gentile Church just called
"Israel." It IS Israel. But those who do not come by faith, and who are disobedient, are CUT OFF, the Israelitish-born, while Gentile converts, thru Christ, are ADOPTED into Israel. Thus, spiritually speaking, Israel IS the CHURCH. And it is the CHURCH who shall be married to Christ---Israel REDEEMED by the blood of the Lamb of God!

The CHURCH is God's instrumentality thru which, and in which, He is selecting a people for His name---gathering OUT of "babylon" ---OUT of worldly ways, worldly organizations, various individuals, ---one here, and one there---to repentance, faith in Christ, receiving of and being led by the Holy Spirit, and having HIS LAWS
written in their minds and hearts---living, individually, a life of trial and test, of OVERCOMING, that they may be thus fitted and trained for positions as kings or priests in the KINGDOM OF GOD, after Christ's second coming!

The CHURCH of God shall then become the KINGDOM of God. It is the CHURCH which shall be married to the Lamb, establishing God's GOVERNMENT on earth---restoring the KINGDOM to Israel! So THE CHURCH is God's instrumentality for overcoming the FAULT of the Old Covenant. That FAULT was disobedience. The NEW
will be made with those in whose minds and hearts GOD'S LAW has been written, by His Holy Spirit! (Heb. 8:10). And the MARRIAGE will not be made with some one organization! It is THE INDIVIDUAL SAINTS---not some organization---which shall possess the government, and rule. (Dan 7:18; Rev. 2:20-27; 3:21, etc.)
His WIFE shall have made herself READY! But how? By a re-organization", or some "new movement?" What folly! Read Ephesians 5:25-27. The CHURCH is the collective body of individual saints who are sanctified and CLEANSED by Christ. Let us stop speaking of some organization as "the Church," or "our Church!" Jesus said, "Every plant, which my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be ROOTED UP!" Our heavenly Father never planted any super-organization, or established any church GOVERNMENT, or set man IN AUTHORITY over either spiritual or financial affairs, in the New Testament Church. Any such "plan" was never planted of GOD---and therefore IT SHALL BE ROOTED UP! Our fellowship is first with God, and with Christ---then with each other, in LOVE! The saints, so far as they know one another, are not to forsake assembling together for their mutual edification. For this purpose---and that all things may be done decently and in order---the Scriptures give us instructions for ordaining local elders and deacons, in every city---every local congregation, or Church. But there is no super-organization over and above local congregations IN THE NEW TESTAMENT! And any such"plant" is certain to be ROOTED UP! All such organizations and governments came out of BABYLON
---and are today a part of BABYLON!

Brethren, let us have the kind of co-operative FELLOWSHIP, based on LOVE, that was practiced by the early saints, as recorded in the Book of Acts. Let us work together, in unselfish effort to GIVE of the Gospel truth to the world---to GIVE of the "waters of life" to as many precious souls as we can reach---to GIVE out the
last warning message with great POWER! But let us drop all effort to BUILD UP A MOVEMENT or AN ORGANIZATION. Let us quit working FOR organizations, and work FOR THE LORD---and the salvation of souls! What has split and divided up the saints in the Church of God? Nothing but ORGANIZATION---which has led to politics, ministers lusting for rule and for power---striving against each other, lining up the brethren on THEIR side, against the other! It is SUCH PREACHERS who have split up and divided our brethren! God's Word commands us to COME OUT FROM AMONG THEM, and be separate. God's last warning is "COME OUT OF BABYLON!!" Organization and church GOVERNMENT has brought us only strife, jealousies, division, bitterness! It is not of God, and it can bear no other fruit.

The CHURCH OF GOD needs more of the POWER OF GOD---more of HIS LOVE---of HIS HOLY SPIRIT, that the work may now begin to go forth IN MIGHTY POWER! We ought to be ASHAMED of the pitiful, puny, weak, feeble work that has split up and divided brethren, reached but so very FEW with the message, with almost no real conversions! All this, while leaders desiring power to RULE send out misleading, exaggerated, deceiving statements designed to convince tithe-payers
that "the work is progressing." What a mockery! What a tragedy! What a pity!

We praise God that many of the more-spiritual HAVE COME OUT!
Let us obey GOD!


September 13, 1939 Member Letter - Herbert W Armstrong


Box 111, Eugene, 9/13/39

Dear Brethren, of Eugene Church:

For over a year we have looked forward to the FESTIVAL OF TABERNACLES, as our Camp Meeting time---the BIBLE time for Camp Meeting.

Now that we are within two weeks of that time, we must decide at once what we are going to do.

If ever there was a time when we NEED to come together in this meeting, it is now! The war has started in Europe. Probably the last world war, to be ended by the return of Christ! If so, the time of great tribulation is now right upon us---persecution because we are Sabbath-keepers and do not have the Mark of the Beast---a time when some of us must face martyrdom---followed by the terrible plagues of the Day of the Lord!

Of this very time, when the final world war has started, following the drought and invasion of grasshoppers, bugs and insects, God solemnly warns us, thru Joel, "Sanctify ye a fast, call a SOLEMN ASSEMBLY, gather . . . into the HOUSE OF THE LORD your God, and CRY unto the Lord." (Joel 1:14). Also, "Blow the trumpet in Zion (alarm of war, in the Church), sanctify a fast, call a solemn assembly: gather the people, sanctify the congregation, assemble the elders . . . let the priests, the ministers of the Lord, weep between the porch and the altar, and let them say, 'SPARE THY PEOPLE, O LORD!'" (2:15-16).

Surely this war breaking out just before the Feast of Tabernacles makes it DOUBLY IMPORTANT that we drop everything else at this time, and gather ourselves together for this eight-day festival. The instruction, Fenton translation, is: "On the fifteenth day of the seventh month, after the reaping of the produce of your land, you shall enjoy the feast of the EVER-LIVING for seven days, from the first day after the Sabbath (annual Sabbath), until the eighth day after the Sabbath. You shall then take for yourselves on the first day handfuls of the finest fruits from the trees, with the palm, and boughs of the bushes, and willow, and enjoy yourselves before the EVER-LIVING GOD for seven days. Thus you shall feast in this Feast to the EVER-LIVING seven days every year. It shall be a perpetual institution for your descendants. You shall hold the festival in the seventh month; living in tents for seven days. All the natives of Israel shall live in tents, so that your posterity may know that the sons of Israel dwelt in tents when I brought you out from the land of Egypt. I am your EVER-LIVING GOD." (Lev. 23:39-43).

The Authorized version translates it "BOOTHS," while Fenton has "tents." The idea seems to be a temporary dwelling-place, whether made of canvas or of wood. To live in canvas cloth tents at this time of year in our climate would be very difficult for many, and surely a cabin, such as the auto cabins along the highway, would fit the intended meaning just as well and be much more convenient for most of us. But regardless of this, one thing seems CLEAR---this is NOT to be a meeting where the brethren just come to the church building for perhaps one afternoon service, and one or two night services thru the week. Certainly that would NOT BE KEEPING THE FEAST OF TABERNACLES. Notice, the perpetual command, FOREVER, says: "Thus shall ye feast in this Feast to the EVER-LIVING several days every year . . . living in tents (booths or cabins) for seven days." Plainly it means to DROP OUR REGULAR WORK AND CARES, dwelling together in this special way seven days out of the year---eight days counting the first annual Sabbath.

This must be what Jesus had in mind when He WARNED us, for this very time, "Take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with . . . CARES of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares." (Luke 21:34).

Now our question is this: CAN we undertake, and hold a successful FEAST OF TABERNACLES, the way the Bible says? WILL we do it? What about being tied down at home with the CARES of the chores, etc. If these cares are going to come first, and you are so overcharged with them we cannot all come together, and remain together, dwelling as the Bible says, the entire seven days THROUGH, including morning, afternoon, and night meetings, then it is just impossible for us to have a successful FESTIVAL OF TABERNACLES. Now HOW you brethren can manage to have your stock taken care of, I do not know.

Loma and I have been getting some real rest---but so far only just a beginning of what I must have to get back into the work full strength. The truth is I do not feel strong enough to undertake the responsibility of this very serious meeting, UNLESS THERE WILL BE ENOUGH OF OUR BRETHREN ATTENDING IN THE WAY THE BIBLE SAYS, being present at the day-time as well as night meetings every day, to make it a success. At this time of year, we cannot hope to get very many to come from a distance. The Feast of Tabernacles is not intended to be an evangelistic effort---outsiders are not to be invited---just God's own people in the Church. So the backbone of the attendance MUST BE SUPPLIED BY OUR BRETHREN OF EUGENE CHURCH. Therefore the success of failure of this Festival depends upon whether the majority, at least, of our local membership will just brush aside every hindering weak excuse, find SOME way to be relieved of our regular cares and duties, drop everything, and CAMP HERE TOGETHER AT EUGENE FOR HE ENTIRE PERIOD.

Since God commands us to do this, I'm sure we can all find it true that WHEN THERE'S A WILL, THERE'S A WAY. I don't know how you can manage it, of course, but if we take it to the Lord in prayer, and have a WILL to do as the Bible says, I'm sure the Lord will open the way, somehow, for each one of you, so that you CAN be free to attend for the entire Festival period.

I have been in constant correspondence with Brother John Kiosz, who is in South Dakota. He wants very much to be with us for this Festival, and is trying to arrange to be here, but is not yet sure he can. He wants us all to PRAY, EARNESTLY, that God will make it possible for him to be with us. Will you remember to do this---right now? Col. Wright of Vancouver, B.C., had expected to be with us for at least two days, speaking two nights, but since Canada has declared war, and he is a high officer in the army, he may now be unable to come. We must trust the Lord for whatever outside ministerial help we have, if any. But if WE can all be here together, I know the meeting will be a big spiritual success, anyway. THE LORD WILL BE WITH US! It can be the most wonderful meeting, from a spiritual standpoint, any of us ever attended.

In view of all the Scriptures, some telling us to DWELL, or live, in tents or booths or cabins---others telling us at this time to call a solemn assembly, meeting in THE HOUSE OF THE LORD, it seems the way to do as the Bible says is for us to come and live in cabins or tents near the Church, holding our meetings, or assemblies, in the HOUSE of the Lord, our church building. We should have morning, afternoon, and evening services. We must have special young people's meetings, and plans for the children.

But the question now, is whether there will be enough of us who will manage to come and remain here thru the Festival, to be worth going ahead with it at all. We have looked forward to it a long time. It is DOUBLY necessary now that war has started. We never NEEDED it so badly as now. We are all in dire spiritual need. Perhaps our salvation depends upon it!

If we go ahead with it, I must send out a general letter to our brethren at Portland, Vancouver, Jefferson, and other points, and to a number of our most interested radio listeners, urging them to come. I'm sure several of our newer members at Portland and Vancouver will come, if we can hold it. We need to come together with them, get acquainted, and learn to know one another.

So I can know whether to go ahead with the plans, and send out this letter, I am going to ask each of you to let me know, by return mail, whether you will try to plan to come, and be in regular attendance thru the Festival, from the first holy-day, Thursday, September 28th, on thru the last holy-day, Thursday, October 5th.

Will you please fill out the slip below, tear off, and return it to me ON THE FIRST MAIL AFTER YOU RECEIVE THIS? If we all decide we want to go ahead, and enough will come so we can, I must send this other letter out AT ONCE.

Loma and I both send lots of love, and hope to see you again soon. Your brother and pastor,

Herbert Armstrong


Do you expect to be able to camp, or stay in a cabin, near the Church for the entire Festival?__________ How many in family will come?__________

If not, how many of the meetings do you think your family will be able to attend? Morning meetings_______ Afternoon meetings_______ Evening meetings_______




September 17, 1940 Co-Worker Letter - Herbert W Armstrong

OUR Co-Workers

VOL. 1. NUMBER 2                                                                                September 17th, 1940

Published every little while, by your radio- pastor editor Herbert W. Armstrong, Box 111, Eugene, Ore., to bring spiritual edification and encouragement to our little family of Co-Workers who make possible the RADIO CHURCH OF GOD and The PLAIN TRUTH.


GREETINGS!. Co-Workers, from Seattle! The true Gospel -- God's last warning message -- is now ON THE AIR, IN SEATTLE!

That for which we have prayed so long, and worked so hard -- that for which some of you have sacrificed so much -- is now an accomplished fact.

The RADIO CHURCH OF GOD was on the air for the first time in Seattle last Sunday, September 15th, over station KRSC, 1120 kilocycles, with a power of 1,000 watts -- twice the power of our Portland station KWJJ -- and at the same time, 4 o'clock in the afternoon. We will now be on KRSC at this same time every Sunday.

How God has Answered PRAYER

I want to tell our family of Co-Workers some of the inside story of our finally getting on the air here in Seattle -- for this issue of the BULLETIN is being printed and sent to you from Seattle. I want you to know something of the problems we had to solve, the difficulties in our path, and how God went before us, answered prayer, and worked out everything so perfectly.

You know I'm a firm believer in the need, and value, of taking everything to the Lord in prayer -- yes, EVERYTHING! We need to seek Him continually -- daily, for guidance and help. So we prayed earnestly over this Seattle broadcast, asking God to go before us, guide and direct us in the way He wanted us to go, and open the door at the right place.

You would think that the radio stations would solicit us, each trying to show us the advantage of their station, since we have to pay them considerable money for time on the air. But radio stations, especially in Seattle, do not seem to want religious broadcasts. I had learned that a year ago when I was up here. So I knew we would have difficulty getting on the air here, even after we had a fund raised to pay the cost. I knew nothing but prayer could open the way for us, but I had faith God wanted the RADIO CHURCH to speak His Word faithfully in this Seattle district, and I knew He would not fail us.

Mrs. Armstrong and I arrived in Seattle late Wednesday afternoon. While I did not feel we could afford the high cost of one of the five larger 5,000-watt stations here (same power as KOW-KOIN), yet I felt I ought to see the owner of KOL, since it is the Mutual station, and when we go on the Mutual net-work later, we will have to use that station. He showed enough interest to agree to listen to an audition of one of our transcribed broadcasts next morning. We may, later, use this station on the Mutual net-work, but found it necessary to select a smaller, less-costly station for the present.

This reduced our possibilities to two stations. One, KRSC, has never taken religious programs, and its owner gave no encouragement when I saw him a year ago. The other station, same power as KWJJ, had appeared willing to take our programs a year ago, but at a cost half-again more than we have to pay in Portland. So I went there, but found they were throwing religious programs off their station, didn't want any more, and had gone up to 1,000- watts power, and another advance in price that would make it just double what we pay in Portland. The owner is a woman, and I was told to call back later and see her, but given no encouragement.

You can see it looked discouraging. But I decided to see the owner of KRSC again, hopeless as it seemed. He was willing to audition one of our programs. When he heard it he became interested, said we had a splendid program that would attract a large listening audience. However, he said he would not take any outside religious program unless approved by the Seattle Council of Churches. He then called their secretary by telephone to his office to hear one of our broadcasts auditioned. This man was well impressed with our program, and also with The Plain Truth, which he carefully examined. It happened that he was familiar with the truth of our national identity as the tribe of Manasseh in the house of Israel, and he was glad to see this truth published in The Plain Truth magazine.

So this station was glad to take our program. The owner side- tracked a 4 o'clock Sunday afternoon news broadcast so we could have the same time here we have over KWJJ in Portland, and then made me a rate just $1.40 more per broadcast than we have to pay KWJJ. Since this station has double the power of KWJJ, and is regarded here as the highest-class independent station in Seattle, I'm sure you will realize how fortunate we were.

To me there is but one explanation. God Himself worked it all out for us, and gave us the best possible arrangement at the best possible price in Seattle. It is surely an answer to prayer, and I know you will rejoice with me.

Mrs. Armstrong and I will remain here until after next Sunday's broadcast, which I want to conduct in person, then we shall return home. While we are here, we are broadcasting by transcription from KWJJ, and brother Claude Ellis is conducting the broadcast over KORE. When we return home, we will send transcribed broadcasts to Seattle, which we have arranged to make each Thursday night for the following Sunday broadcast here.

I am praising God for His faithfulness -- for the opportunities He is opening to us in His work -- for the way He is going before, and working things out for us, and blessing His work. Let us give Him thanks and all praise.


The Lord willing, we now hope to add a radio station in LOS ANGELES to the Radio Church of God broadcast next. Such a station would add another QUARTER OF A MILLION people to those now hearing the true Gospel of the Kingdom thru The Radio Church of God.

As I wrote you in the last Bulletin, God's TIME HAS COME for this last warning message to go -- and to go to the millions, with great POWER! The whole world is IN ARMS. God now calls us His children, TO ARMS. He calls us to sacrifice, to effort! We see, thru the prophesies and world events, the sword coming upon this land in INVASION! God is punishing us because of our SINS! If people will forsake these sins and turn to HIM, it will never happen. The WARNING MUST GO!


The gravity of the realization that the Bible prophecies do definitely fore-tell the invasion, and complete captivity of Great Britain. and probably also of The UNITED STATES, has fallen heavily upon many of us. It has been hard to believe. We do not WANT to believe it. Yet now we realize it is definitely prophesied in many places in many different Books and prophecies.

More of this in the next PLAN TRUTH, and over the air. Two points, however, to bear in mind: 1) These prophecies do NOT say the prophesied invasion will come this Fall -- they do not name the year; 2) The prophecies do NOT even say Hitler will be the one to accomplish it. Hence Hitler may not start any actual invasion at all. Time is passing. Hitler's best opportunity is already past. Chances now are 50-50 or better he will not attempt it, or be successful if he does. It may be the prophesied invasion and captivity will come later, and even by another POWER -- perhaps Communist invasion -- and it might come after Hitler's star has fallen. Again, IF the British and our American people would humble themselves before God, turn from the things and ways that are an abomination to God, the invasion would never come. However, the prophecies do say our people will refuse to do this.

The sword is COMING. The people MUST BE WARNED (See Ezekiel 33:1-6). Tho the NATION fall, the individual who turns whole- heartedly to God will be protected and spared! God calls us -- YOU AND ME -- to shout the warning. He will hold us accountable if we fail. We must press on, at any sacrifice. STAND WITH ME! HELP ME SHOUT THIS WARNING!



Many church denominations hold annual camp meetings. We are not a denomination, but God Himself has appointed and set aside a definite TIME for such an annual meeting. It is the time called the festival of Tabernacles, intended to impress upon our minds year after year the JOY and REJOICING of the coming great millennial harvest. It is an occasion which all -- even Gentile nations -- will be FORCED to observe after Christ returns, during the millennium (see Zech 14:16-19). It is a time God ordained FOREVER.

PLAN NOW TO COME! I cannot give you here a complete program -- we have been too busy, and away from home too much, to devote the time to it so far. It will be informal. But there will be services morning, afternoon, and evangelistic service every night. It will be a time of spiritual fellowship with God's people -- a time of PRAYER, and of BIBLE STUDY, with special classes opening up the Bible, answering your special questions, which YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO MISS. YOU NEED IT. We NEED YOUR PRESENCE. Put aside everything, and COME!

Meetings at our own little church building, West Eighth Avenue at city limits, Eugene. Beginning night meeting Wednesday October 16th to Thursday October 24th. Cabins at all price-ranges within easy walking distance. Come for ALL, or part of the meeting. Will be glad to make reservations if you write. For those coming to Eugene, our home is 1608 West Sixth Avenue. PLAN TO COME!


VERY URGENT NOTICE: There have been many expenses we did not foresee in getting the Seattle broadcast under way. In addition, we have had to undergo a solid three-weeks period in which very little money -- far less than needed for expenses -- came in. This has reduced our fund, until it threatens the existence of the Seattle broadcast. God has blessed us in getting started -- WE MUST NOT FAIL NOW! We must SACRIFICE, give up other things, for this coming country -- GOD'S KINGDOM! He has called us to ARMS! We must fight in this way for the GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM! I say nothing over the air about needing money. I must depend alone on you, who are voluntarily our Co-WORKERS. Help ALL YOU CAN! URGENT!!!

February 14, 1941 Co-Worker Letter - Herbert W Armstrong



VOL. II. Number 1. February 14th, 1941

Published every little while, by your radio-pastor editor, Herbert W. Armstrong, Box 111, Eugene, Ore., to bring spiritual edification and encouragement to our little family of co-workers who make possible the RADIO CHURCH OF GOD and The PLAIN TRUTH.



GREETINGS! Co-workers! And GREETINGS to you who are NEW Co-workers since the last Bulletin, especially those who listen in from our Seattle station, KRSC.

Our listening audience grows! More people are listening to the TRUE Gospel of the Kingdom as it is broadcast by The RADIO CHURCH OF GOD, every Sunday. Listeners are enthusiastically telling friends and neighbors, and they, too, become enthusiastic when they listen.

Our heavy mail indicates a listening audience in excess of ONE HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND PEOPLE every Sunday! Think of that vast interested audience! And yet, that is only a starter. The Eternal willing---and His Word says it SHALL BE DONE---the true Gospel of the coming KINGDOM shall now quickly go to the entire world! More and more radio stations must be added! We plan to add a Los Angeles station next. With YOUR sacrifice and help, it shall be done.

I have been really surprised, and gratified, at the enthusiastic interest shown by thousands in The PLAIN TRUTH magazine. I have come to realize as never before what a POWER it is, and can become, for spreading the TRUTH and bringing worldly people who have not been interested in religion to an interested knowledge of the true Gospel. This has sobered me, for I realize the responsibility this imposes. God has placed in our hands a marvelous instrumentality for REACHING THOUSANDS WHO ARE NOT BEING AND CANNOT BE REACHED THRU ANY OTHER CHANNEL. Business men, professional men, even, are interested in The PLAIN TRUTH. And so, Co-workers, it must come out more often---regularly EVERY MONTH. It must be increased in size. Just as soon as you make this possible for me, this shall be done. Circulation is now up to 4,000 copies, and growing RAPIDLY. Constantly we are having to organize new methods and facilities for getting it out.

For our new Co-workers, just a word about our method of financing God's work. We do not ASK for money or contributions over the air. We do not CHARGE for The PLAIN TRUTH or anything we have to send out. The Gospel must go FREE---not sold with a price on it. We say very little about offerings for the support of this work in The PLAIN TRUTH. We want none to feel obligated to contribute, else many would be discouraged from receiving the precious TRUTH of God. Our work is a work of FAITH. We ASK, when we need money---and we ASK God on our knees. We trust Him to put it in the hearts of those He has made willing to voluntarily become one of our Co-workers. And when we have SPECIAL NEED, we make it known ONLY to our Co-workers. And this little Bulletin is just for our little family of Co-workers, whose hearts are in this work for God and souls. Where our treasure is, THERE our heart is, also. And so again GREETING new Co-workers, and GOD BLESS YOU. We welcome you to our family.


Beginning with the next quarter, available for distribution by March 15th, we plan to publish BIBLE-STUDY QUARTERLIES. These will be suitable for the Church-school, or for special mid-week Bible study classes, for Young People's meetings, or for private home study.

They will fill a long-felt need. Some of our listeners and readers have written What they are using The PLAIN TRUTH as the basis for lessons in Sunday-school classes. We hope to make these quarterlies better adapted to such purposes. The lessons for the coming quarter will all be on the subject of "The TRUTH About ISRAEL," following the trend of the articles in The PLAIN TRUTH on "The UNITED STATES in Prophecy." This truth is so FUNDAMENTAL, so necessary to an understanding of the prophecies, and even the Plan of salvation, and there has been such a demand for it, we have decided this should come first. Quarterlies to follow will contain lessons on the basic prophecies, basic doctrines, lessons on Christian living, and subjects specially helpful to real spiritual Bible Christians and those who wish to be. According to our settled policy there will be NO PRICE on these quarterlies. We are proceeding in FAITH God will lay it on the hearts of enough of His children to pay the printing costs that these, too, may be sent out FREE. If you want one, write for it. If you wish to use them in an organized class, or if you can organize a special class for this purpose, write and tell me how many copies you will need.

We also have a VERY LIMITED number of copies of mimeographed special lessons on the origin of the earth and the devil.



Mrs. Armstrong and I announce that our daughter, Beverly, is to be married to Mr. James A. Gott of Eugene, on Friday morning, February 28th, at ten o'clock, in the little church at the end of West Eighth Street, in Eugene.

Beverly is the soprano in the Radio Church quartette, whose beautiful singing of the old hymns is so familiar to our radio audiences. She will, of course, continue to sing with the quartette. "Jimmy," as we all call him, is a Christian young man, converted during the meetings held at the little Church last Fall. A general invitation is extended to all our friends to attend the wedding.


The RADIO CHURCH broadcasts are reaching out. Recently we have received letters from listeners in Canada, Alaska, Idaho, Montana, and California. How I wish I had space in this issue of The BULLETIN to reprint many of the splendid letters we are receiving, so you could enjoy them with us and come to realize better the mighty power for God this work is becoming. We have just received a letter from a man who said he was just about to "end it all" in his discouragement, when, by accident, or, as he suggested, the will of God, he heard last Sunday's broadcast. It made him realize that what he needed was not suicide, but CHRIST, and he wrote a heart-touching appeal asking us to help him find his Saviour and salvation. Of course we are giving every personal attention to this man's case. I ask you to pray for him. Almost every day we receive letters asking us to PRAY for those in serious trouble or need. Will YOU join me in praying for them? God knows who they are. By this our family of Co-workers will be a PRAYING family. The Eternal can use us as a mighty POWER! Results beyond our dreams can be attained if we yield ourselves wholly into His hands.


1) Did I awake spiritual, in happy prayerful attitude, and was I watchful to keep my mind from wandering this morning?

2) Have I this day kept my mind clean, my thoughts and contemplations on "the things above," in continuous happy, positive, prayerful attitude?

3) Have I, as a "babe in Christ," partaken three times today of spiritual food, by submissive Bible study and earnest prayer ALONE with God? Have I grown closer to God? Have I GROWN today in grace and knowledge?

4) Have I walked by FAITH, asking God for wisdom and guidance in all things, committing every little problem to Him, trusting Him with it?

5) Have I exercised self-discipline, denying impulse, doing what God's Word shows I ought to do instead of what I WANTED to do?

6) Was my speech and conversation today kind, cheerful, soft?

7) Have I exercised patience today? Have I been charitable toward others, showing tolerance and love, or resentment, jealously, anger?

8) Have I, while putting spiritual interests FIRST, been diligent in performing regular material duties today, doing my VERY BEST?

9) Have I made the most of my time, or been weakened by unwatchfulness?

10) What have I done for God's work and for others? Have I spent anything today to please self that might have been saved for God's cause?

"Wherefore, let a man EXAMINE himself."



TO MY CO-WORKERS: Again I find it necessary to acquaint you with the problems that now confront us in this great and fast-growing work. Since the November-December PLAIN TRUTH was issued, a number of NEW readers, listeners to the SEATTLE broadcast, have sent in offerings, thus becoming part of our Co-worker family--- just as I knew by faith, they would. However, we still are in the "in-between" period, when our special fund for the Seattle broad- cast is exhausted, and the number of new Co-workers from the Seattle broadcast, and the amount being received, is still far short of making the new station self-supporting. As our new listeners get to know us better, learn more of the glorious TRUTH God has called us to proclaim, they will make the Seattle broadcast more than self-sustaining, helping us add other stations. But this will take another six weeks or two months.

I want to start the LOS ANGELES broadcast within two or three months---did want to start it by this time. But FIRST I find another preparation must be made. In order to handle the increasing correspondence, the growing circulation of The PLAIN TRUTH (now 4,000 copies), issue tracts and booklets on needed subjects, publish Bible-study Quarterlies, etc., we must immediately increase our facilities here in the office. We are very seriously handicapped by lack of office equipment. We even had to get along with card-board filing cabinets. I have no secretary or stenographer. Mrs. Armstrong and I have been working almost night and day trying to keep up this whole vast job ourselves without needed help or equipment. It has now grown beyond our capacity to handle it. Correspondence is having to be sadly neglected. Radio listeners are becoming offended because letters are not answered. We are doing our very best, but now, before adding another station and increasing the office work still more, we must add office equipment and hire at least one stenographer. We have no money on hand for this purpose.

People already are writing in asking why they are not receiving the next PLAIN TRUTH. There is no money on hand to print it. I never turn a line of copy over to the printers until making an advance payment to apply on the printing cost, and the printing bill is always paid in full before we accept the printed copies. WE RUN NO BILLS.

So we need IMMEDIATELY $50 for office equipment, $135 to publish and mail the next PLAIN TRUTH, besides enough added weekly income to hire a stenographer in addition to the present week-to- week expenses. And, besides this, we need now to begin raising a special fund of at least $750 to start and establish the LOS ANGELES broadcast.

This seems like a large need. But our God knows the need. It is for HIS work, and He has promised to supply every need. Dear Co-Workers, He is able to supply every cent of this need---and He WILL, if you join me in BELIEVING EARNEST PRAYER, and each does his VERY UTMOST, sending the largest offering you possibly can, even at great sacrifice. Our work is God's work. We must not slacken or let down. We must press forward harder now than ever! TIME IS SHORT! We are near the END! Soon the true Gospel will be BARRED from the air. Millions are offering to sacrifice their very lives for Hitler, or a worldly government that is DOOMED, and shall soon be replaced by THE KINGDOM OF GOD at Christ's coming. Are WE sacrificing, striving as hard in GOD's cause, as they for a doomed worldly cause? Let us press on with MORE zeal than worldly politicians and soldiers. Let us throw ourselves at this task as INSPIRED people---inspired of the Spirit and Power of the living God!

There have been very few of the larger offerings of $25, $50, $100 lately. While the larger number of smaller offerings are the backbone of this work, and even the smallest offering helps more than the giver may realize, yet it is these larger offerings which really meet these emergencies and give the work the impetus to push it over every obstacle. The need now is serious and URGENT. The work must not stop or let down---it must leap ahead! With your HELP, and your PRAYERS, under God's power IT WILL! Won't you send the largest amount you possibly can, even by giving up something you had planned, by return mail? God bless you, I know you will!

Herbert W. Armstrong


May 14, 1941 Co-Worker Letter - Herbert W Armstrong


May 14th, 1941

Dear CO-WORKERS in the services of Christ:

GREETINGS! in Jesus' name. Here is your copy of The PLAIN TRUTH.

With it I feel I must send this heart-to-heart letter, just to the comparative few of you who are co-workers with me in the Master's work. The time has come when I must take you into my confidence about some conditions and problems in this work. It has grown till we face a grave crisis.

The past two months our radio audience, especially over KRSC, Seattle, has doubled and tripled. When we were forced to change our time to 8:30 Sunday mornings, it proved a great blessing in disguise. Truly, ALL things work together for GOOD to those who fear and love God. This new time has made it possible for me to go to Seattle every Sunday, broadcasting in person from the KRSC studios each Sunday morning since the change in time,--then driving to Portland in time for the 4 o'clock afternoon broadcast. These long 640-mile trips every week-end have been arduous and tiring, but they are bearing rich fruit for God's kingdom. Letters are coming in by the hundreds. The mail response indicates our radio audience has grown to more than a QUARTER OF A MILLION SOULS over these three North-West stations alone!

The work has now completely out grown our present facilities for handling it. We are faced with a serious problem. To solve it, I feel I must take you into my confidence concerning certain phases of the work.

Eight years ago Mrs. Armstrong and I came to realize, by experience, that any man must SERVE the man or organization who pays him his salary. We found that if we were dependant for livelihood on some denomination or religious organization, we would be FORCED to preach doctrines we knew to be false and contrary to God's Word;---and to be silent where we know God speaks. We learned there was but ONE WAY we could be FREE to preach the whole Truth as God reveals it, honestly, truthfully, fearlessly,--and that was to look to the One we serve for financial needs, as well as every other need. Then and there Mrs. Armstrong and I solemnly pledged our Father in heaven we would henceforth look only to HIM, in living FAITH, for every need. Men told us it could not be done. No man, they said, would DARE preach the plain truths of the Bible ---the WHOLE truth---for people would never support it. But we saw in the Bible where God PROMISES to supply every need. "Seek ye FIRST the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness," is the instruction, and the PROMISE is that all material needs shall be added. Well, we believed God was able, and we took Him at His Word.

The first Sunday in 1934 The RADIO CHURCH OF GOD went on the air on sheer FAITH. God opened the way, and the small expense then required was supplied. Often it came in strange and unexpected ways---often at the very last minute---but it came! Gradually but surely this work has grown until a quarter of a million souls are now reached every Sunday. Thru these years our faith has been sorely tried and tested. We pay AS WE GO, day by day, week by week, running no bills. I leave a check for each broadcast at the time we go on the air. If the money were not on hand by then, this great work would have to be stopped! Time after time we have come right down to Saturday night or Sunday morning without the money for the Sunday broadcasts. But always, at the last moment, the necessary amount has come. God says "Owe no man anything," and I have found that if we OBEY Him, conduct His work His way, and TRUST Him, He never will leave or forsake us, no matter how discouraging things may appear. We never beg for money over the air. We do not ask for it in The PLAIN TRUTH. The Gospel must go FREE---not sold for a price like merchandise. To beg for money over the air is NOT a work of faith---but only to hold the Gospel up to ridicule before the unconverted whom we wish most to reach. We have put God's promises to the acid TEST, and we have learned He is always faithful.

For years we have carried on this work from a very small office in Eugene. It is an inside office, without windows or fresh air, and without ventilation. We can only work in it an hour or two at a time without going out for a bit of fresh air. It is not a healthful place to work, but it has kept our expenses down. Here, without modern office equipment, with only some old tables and shelves---without even filing cabinets---Mrs. Armstrong and I have been carrying on this work almost wholly by ourselves. Twice, for a brief space of time, we had a woman to help in the office, but neither could take shorthand or operate a typewriter. For years we have mimeographed and printed The PLAIN TRUTH ourselves in this office, with only the occasional help of some volunteers for folding, addressing, stamping, and mailing. We have sacrificed and worked hard. We have had to get behind in answering letters, but the work has kept going---AND GROWING!

Hundreds have been converted---even atheists brought to Christ thru this work. The true GOSPEL, and the last WARNING Message has continued going out in power to the hundreds of thousands. Yes, we know the sacrifice, the hardship, the test of faith, HAS BEEN WORTH WHILE!

But now it has outgrown our ability to handle it longer alone. With hundreds of letters coming in now from each broadcast ---with The PLAIN TRUTH circulation now at 5,000 copies and still growing rapidly---with the Los Angeles broadcast now ready to be launched---we have come to the place where we are FORCED to move to a larger office, and have more help in the office.

Yesterday a splendid opportunity was opened to us for a larger office in another building. There is ample room, large windows, sunlight and fresh-air ventilation. Adjoining rooms are available later, as the work expands and requires. This splendid and larger office is offered to us for only $5 an month more than we have paid where we are---which is about one-third what such an office ordinarily would cost.

We must add now, without further delay, some office equipment, filing cabinets, desks, another typewriter.

For years one of my greatest problems has been the need of an efficient secretary who can take dictation, cut stencils, operate the mimeograph machine, take full charge of the mailing list. I haven't known where to turn, because we could not afford to pay a third the salary an efficient secretary would command. Again, above all we needed for this job a Christian whose heart was in this work. We have known of no one who would fit these qualifications at a salary we could afford. But God has now worked that out, too. Just about three weeks ago we heard that one of our recent converts, a young woman whom I baptized only last Fall, is an experienced stenographer. Mrs. Armstrong saw her, and at once she was eager to help. She was willing to work without pay---but she is in need, and God says the servant is worthy of his hire. Of course I cannot let her devote her time to the office without compensation, but she is more than willing to take the job at small salary because her HEART is in God's work. We have had her working in the office last week and this, We have found her efficient, capable, and a fast worker---just the girl we have needed to take charge of the secretarial work in the office.

We have tried not to get ahead of the Lord. But God's time, clearly, has come. He Himself is now going before and opening the way. It is for US to follow! And there is NO TIME TO LOSE!

Now I want to take advantage of this splendid opportunity and move to the larger office. We have just a few days to make the decision. I want to keep Sister Simmons on in the office. This will add to our weekly and monthly expense, but now is absolutely necessary.

In addition, we must have, at once, at least $100 for office equipment. We simply can't carry on this great work longer without equipment for handling it. And we need, NOW, at once, to raise a special reserve fund of not less than $750 to start and establish the broadcast in Los Angeles.

This is not too large an order for a work of this size. All things are possible with God, and all things are possible to us if we BELIEVE. This is the greatest test of faith we have ever faced yet. But it is NEEDED---God is moving ahead and opening the way---His time has arrived. "This Gospel of the KINGDOM," says Jesus, "shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the END come!" We are now near the END!

Satan now speeds up his activity to horrible fury, working thru Hitler and others. He KNOWS that he has but a short time! Millions, under satanic inspiration, hurl themselves to the battle, willing to SACRIFICE THEIR VERY LIVES! Dear Co-workers, OUR time is equally SHORT! OUR work must be finished before Christ comes! We must throw ourselves to the task with even GREATER inspiration than the Nazi army---WE MUST WORK WITH THE ZEAL AND INSPIRATION OF GOD'S SPIRIT! Time is SHORT! No sacrifice now is too great. Soon our money, our property, will be worth NOTHING to us. We cannot keep it much longer, anyway. I need you, every one, to rally now behind me in this work as never before. Will you respond to the call, and RE-double your own effort, and sacrifice? Send your tithes and offerings just as OFTEN as you can. No amount is too small to help. The smaller amounts are the backbone of the work. God knows your ability, and will reward you accordingly. But there are SOME of you who can, if you are willing to sacrifice and give up other things, send larger amounts, from $5 to $100 and more. And it is only a liberal giving of these larger offerings that can give the work the extra PUSH it needs just now! We are at another crisis---we must go forward, or go backward---no work can stand still! The need is IMMEDIATE---and URGENT! More so than ever before! PLEASE PRAY, earnestly, in FAITH! And GOD BLESS YOU for your generous sacrifice.

Your fellow-servant in Christ,

Herbert W. Armstrong


August 13, 1941 Co-Worker Letter - Herbert W Armstrong


Box 111, Eugene, Oregon August 13, 1941

Dear Co-Workers in Christ,

Mrs. Armstrong and I have just returned, refreshed and renewed, from the rest we have needed so long. I finally came to the place where I simply had to stop, and get away from the strain and responsibility of this great work, and rest, and sleep, and fast. I was just about completely broken down.

For 18 days I fasted and prayed. We have been away more than two months altogether. I feel now like a new and different man physically, mentally, spiritually. I believe I am ready and fit now, for the tremendous job that lies ahead of us. We have a MIGHTY work to perform from now on, during these closing days of this dispensation. Our Lord and Christ is soon coming---to call you and me to account for how loyally, unselfishly, faithfully we have labored in His service. Personally I am very, very grateful that our heavenly Father has been so gracious in giving us this opportunity to get into fit shape for His work, and for the job that now lies ahead. An unfit man can't accomplish much. The job will now require every ounce of strength and energy we can muster. It will require great SACRIFICE on the part of all you Co-workers. It requires full and complete consecration, utter submission to God, with NOTHING held back---putting the Kingdom of God FIRST, and every desire or need or want secondary to that. I have given myself completely and without reservation to the service of the almighty God. Will you, my dear Co-workers, make with me that same UNconditional consecration to HIM and His cause just now? If you will, we shall now see just what the POWER of the living God can do in and thru a band of humble, consecrated, energetic and determined servants. Thousands,---yes, MILLIONS of souls are at stake!

I find things, on my return to the office, however, in very serious condition. Indeed, a DESPERATE condition. For the past two months you have been hearing me over KRSC, and KWJJ by electrical transcription---and transcribed broadcasts, necessarily made in advance, cannot bring to our listeners the up-to-the-minute news of the very hour, fulfilling Bible prophecy, as I do when I am in the studio in person. Transcribed broadcasts, someway, never bring the same mail response that the personal broadcasts do. And so our mail---and receipts of tithes and offerings to keep this vital work alive---have fallen off steadily while I have been gone. I find several hundred copies of The PLAIN TRUTH laid over several weeks in the local post-office thru some error, before it came to the attention of my secretary, and this seemed to offend several who did not get their PLAIN TRUTH on time. Several letters containing offerings were not acknowledged for several weeks. I was not here to answer letters. All these things contributed to reduce the amount of money received materially. I return home to find things in a DESPERATE crisis.

So I must rush this letter to our loyal Co-workers the very first thing, and ask your immediate and generous HELP, as God has made you able. I need $175 at once to get out another issue of The PLAIN TRUTH. I am ready to turn copy over to the printers the day the money comes. We pay in advance, or as we go, running no bills ---that's the only Bible way---but I find three or four regular monthly expenses unpaid for the past month, and they must be immediately, that God's work come not into reproach. Besides this I must have money at once for the broadcasts this coming Sunday.

While away, I arranged for securing the very best possible Sunday time on the very best possible Los Angeles station that we could afford. Of course KNX and KFI are out of our reach and not available, but the next most powerful station there is available. I believe God worked a miracle in opening this marvelous opportunity to us---but that's another story, and I will have to tell you about that a few days later. I see God's hand going before, opening the way for us, and I am enthusiastic and rejoicing over the opportunities ahead for spreading the true Message, and the WARNING of this hour according to Bible prophecy, to increasing hundreds of thousands and millions. I feel fit and strong in the Lord again now. Let us get under the burden, and see this great work rise now to new life, with a vastly increased harvest of precious souls. I know I can count on you to do all you possibly can, even at sacrifice of material things, helping us over this immediate emergency. God bless you for your faithfulness, your loyalty, your sacrifice. A return envelop is enclosed for reply.

In Christian love,

Herbert W. Armstrong


December 24, 1941 Co-Worker Letter - Herbert W Armstrong



VOL. II. Number 3 December 24th, 1941

Published every little while, by your radio- pastor editor, Herbert W. Armstrong, Box 111, Eugene, Ore., to bring spiritual edification and encouragement to our little family of co-workers who make possible the RADIO CHURCH OF GOD and The PLAIN TRUTH.


W A R ! What it Means in P R O P H E C Y --- to YOU --- to our WORK

In the last BULLETIN, dated September 28th, the headline was: "United States on Brink of WAR---as God Opens Marvelous Opportunity for Broadcast."

The last number of The PAIN TRUTH (Sept-Oct) contained the page 1 headline, "America Stands in Mortal DANGER, Now!"

For months I have been saying to our radio audiences that WAR was coming closer to America. Perhaps few took these warnings seriously. America has been "protected" by two great oceans!

Well, it has come. American soil has been invaded, the U.S. Navy seriously crippled. Enemy submarines are torpedoing ships 20 miles off our Pacific Coast. Enemy planes have been flying over San Francisco. We know what black-outs are.

Prophesied events SWEEP ON! Bible prophecy is CERTAIN! Far more horrible events now loom immediately ahead. This, now, is only "the BEGINNING of sorrows." Do we now believe it? Are we at last AWAKE?

True, we could not know exactly HOW, or WHERE, or even WHEN the blow would strike America. There is no specific prophecy foretelling Japan's attack against America, except as Japan is part of Hitler's Axis.

But in the last BULLETIN, we did say: "Negotiations with Japan are reported breaking down, as inevitably they must. Japan cannot back down without 'losing face.' And Japan would rather suffer annihilation than 'lose face.' The U.S. also has gone too far to back down. Soon Japan must ... 'lose face' utterly---or seize territory...which means WAR with America."

Today the people are desperately trying to convince themselves that Hitler is weakening---about to disintegrate. Because of reverses the past two weeks in Russia, Hitler has deposed his army commander-in-chief, and assumed personal direct command. Instead of relying upon seasoned military judgment, Hitler says he will now direct the German army according to his "intuitions." The world scoffs, believes this means Hitler's end. But I warn our co-workers it probably means the beginning of greater German successes than ever! Satan the Devil rules and guides Hitler. His "intuitions," scoffed at by many, are simply the cunning, supernatural directions of the devil himself. Bible prophecy shows Hitler is far from through. He will take Gibralter ---perhaps, now, NEXT! He will take SUEZ. He will enter and take PALESTINE---eventually set up his headquarters there! If the course of Bible prophecy is followed, it is probable that Japan will take the Philippines---that Singapore will fall. We have not yet seen the end of disaster. This, now, is only the "BEGINNING of sorrows!" according to Jesus' prophecy (Mat. 24:8.)

Our liberties threatened by the Axis CAN be preserved and made secure---but only if America confesses that sin is the transgression of GOD'S law---only if America now quickly REPENTS, as a people, of sin---only if America will now turn in dead earnest to our GOD, putting her trust, not in America stamina merely, but in a HIGHER SUPERNATURAL POWER than the diabolical power guiding Hitler---only if America gets on the WHOLE ARMOR OF GOD! (Ephesians 6:10-18.)

If we want to help America now in her hour of supreme test---if we love this country and want to help save this people from captivity and slavery, I tell you, my dear co-workers, we need now to make EVERY sacrifice, put forth EVERY effort, to shout this warning to the whole people. I need your help as never before. I need it badly---quickly---continuously.

If you believe God and His Word---if you know that Bible prophecy is SURE, and CERTAIN---then you will realize that America stands in PERIL today---that America's HOPE is in the ETERNAL GOD, whose people we are---that God says plainly He will send the foreign sword of invasion UNLESS our people now turn with their whole hearts, and with broken contrite repentant hearts, to HIM. In God Almighty now lies our hope. Our people do not realize it. It is SPIRITUAL armament I am fighting for! Are you with me? If you want to save America---if you want to see souls saved---if you want to help spread the true GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM, then I KNOW YOU ARE!

Remember, Jesus commanded us to seek FIRST the KINGDOM OF GOD, and all material considerations, even to material defense, secondarily. Then, he promised, all these material needs SHALL BE ADDED! Now, more than ever, we must put GOD FIRST! That is the most effective way we who are Christians can help protect and save America, as well as our own souls. Remember this war is PROPHESIED! It is the LAST war! It is for a PURPOSE! God's JUDGMENTS are about to fall! Our first---our HIGHEST duty---is to God and His Kingdom. He that endures thru to the END of these terrible times shall be saved!

I call upon every co-worker now to ENLIST in this fight--- this SPIRITUAL fight for God and country---for the duration. We must dedicate our ALL to it. If we put our ALL on the altar---are willing to GIVE now to the very limit, God will give it all back heaping with interest. If we now lose our heads, forget to put FIRST things first, try to SAVE our all, we shall then LOSE all--- all our material goods, and our souls as well! Help me, now, in this crusade to shout God's warning to our people in this crisis, by adding more and more radio stations until the warning and the true Gospel Message are going COAST TO COAST. It means utter sacrifice, our fullest interest and effort, continuous earnest prevailing PRAYER. May I count on you?

* * * * * Again, in the last BULLETIN, I said: "'Cry aloud, and spare not; lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and show my people their transgressions!' commands the Lord (Isa. 58:1). 'When I bring the sword upon a land,' says the Almighty, 'if the people of the land take a man of their coasts, and set him for their watchman: if when he seeth the sword come upon the land, he blow the trumpet, and warn the people; ...he that taketh warning shall deliver his soul. BUT if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the trumpet, and the people be not warned; if the sword come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity, but his blood will I require at the watchman's hand!' (Ezek.33:1-6). Fellow Co-workers, I SEE HE SWORD COMING! ...Our people MUST BE WARNED! God has commissioned US to shout that warning as certainly as He commissioned the prophets of old!" This prophecy is for OUR TIME ---for US. Will you HELP me fulfill it?


We are entering the most critical time for God's work. Perilous times lie ahead---immediately ahead. The time, now, is just the BEGINNING of sorrows, as Jesus foretold. God's work is in DANGER.

But now, more than ever, His work MUST GO ON---in vastly multiplied power! It SHALL go on, thru faith in HIM!

Let me tell you candidly of the present state of the work. Readjustments have had to be made. The war is causing readjustments in every line of activity in America. In the September 26th BULLETIN I told you of the marvelous opportunity God had opened to add a Los Angeles station to the broadcast. For that a special separate fund of $750 is needed. About a third of it came in.

But we had to stop in our tracks, and make some readjustments here in the office first. As most of you may know, Mrs. Armstrong and I have been carrying nearly all this work alone, almost without help, and without necessary office equipment. Letters were piling up on my desk by the scores, requiring a personal answer. I was unable to get to them. The PLAIN TRUTH mailing list increased to 6,500, and we had no addressing-machine. If you can imagine writing out 6,500 names and addresses every time we send The PLAIN TRUTH,---writing them BY HAND---you will see what we were up against. It was holding up The PLAIN TRUTH, so it has been coming out only about every three months.

I did not dare start a Los Angeles station that would DOUBLE our present mail, and the mailing list, until we could organize the office to handle it. For years I have needed an efficient secretary. Since the last BULLETIN, God has provided us with a good Christian girl whose heart is in this work, and who is taking hold of the office work in splendid shape. Since, we have added another girl. Both can type, but neither can take shorthand. The only solution for answering letters was to install dictaphones. With them I can dictate letters as rapidly as I can talk, even when away on trips. The way opened for us to secure a second-hand addressing machine at one-seventh its actual value. We had to add another typewriter. To make a long story short, we are now equipped and organized in the office to handle all the mail and names for the mailing list that come in, no matter how many radio stations we are able to add---that is, this can be done by adding later whatever help is necessary in the office. This office "bottle-neck" has been taken care of. We have weathered the hardest month in the year, financially, and we face 1942 just "set" for the work to take a great LEAP ahead. I am very thankful. God has blessed us! He is providing every need, opening the way for His work.

So at the moment the work stands like this: We are prepared now for the greatest leap forward the work has ever taken. The time has come---GOD'S time---when it MUST leap forward in mighty power. We are READY. We have about a third of the needed fund for the Los Angeles broadcast on hand. BUT---here is the other side of the picture: we face such increases in expenses that, except by faith, I would say the work could not carry on. One of our larger radio stations has almost DOUBLED the cost of the weekly Sunday broadcast. We were forced to take extra office space, and office rent has more than doubled. God has blessed us with the two girls we needed in the office---both working for almost no salary at present, but "the servant is worthy of his hire," and they are both putting their whole hearts into the work and their work is improving as rapidly, I MUST increase their salaries gradually until they are receiving what they truly earn.

So, we face a wonderful opportunity---we are READY for a great work---yet the work is in immediate DANGER, now! We MUST have a larger week-to-week income. We MUST have another $250 to complete the office equipment absolutely necessary. We must have an additional $500 for the Los Angeles fund. God is ABLE---thru you Co-workers---if you give as He makes possible. It will take SACRIFICE. Remember GOD'S work must come FIRST. Double what you have been sending if you can. I ask those who can to send amounts of $50, $100, or $500. Send whatever amount you can, as OFTEN as you can. Stand by me. God bless you!


August 24, 1942 Co-Worker Letter - Herbert W Armstrong



VOL III Number 4 August 24th, 1942

Published every little while, by your radio-pastor editor, Herbert W. Armstrong, Box 111, Eugene, Ore., to bring spiritual edification and encouragement to our little family of co-workers who make possible The RADIO CHURCH OF GOD and The PLAIN TRUTH.


Enroute, Seattle to Des Moines August 24th, 1942 Dear Friends and Co-workers:

GREETINGS! I write this issue of The BULLETIN on the train, as we approach the Continental Divide along magnificent Glacier National Park, with its lofty peaks and scenic grandeur. It is inspiring to view the majestic works of nature which have been spread out by the mighty creative hand of God.

After sending "The WORLD TOMORROW" program out over the Liberty net-work lines from the studios of KRSC in Seattle yesterday, we had another splendid and enthusiastic service at the Chamber of Commerce auditorium in downtown Seattle last night, with the auditorium again well filled. We rushed from the auditorium to the Great Northern station, boarding the "Empire Builder" for Des Moines, Iowa.

And there, the Eternal willing, I hope to begin broad- casting "The World Tomorrow" program over our first super-power 50,000-watt station, WHO, one of the nation's eleven clear-channel super-power stations, on next Sunday. I will speak to all our listeners over the Coast stations---KNTR, Hollywood; KFMB, San Diego; KRSC, Seattle; KWJJ, Portland; KGA, Spokane; and KORE, Eugene, ---from there.

Since I last wrote you in The BULLETIN, July 15th, almost six weeks have fled past. Then we were in the third week of the SUPREME CRISIS of this war. We entered that crisis, in which the ultimate OUTCOME of the war probably shall be determined, the first of July. I have estimated it as a 16-weeks crisis. Unless a dead- lock prolongs the crisis period beyond that time, we probably shall know how the war will end by November first.

But as I write today it is difficult, indeed, to enjoy the marvelous scenery I am passing. Grand, inspiring, unusual tho it is, my mind and heart is too weighed down with the stark SERIOUSNESS of this time---with the knowledge I have, based upon actual conditions as they exist and understanding of the prophecies of the Eternal God---and of the horrible possibility of the fate this nation may be rapidly heading into, without realizing it, just now,---to enjoy even this vast and beautiful handiwork of God. To look at scenery, even so rare, seems a waste of precious time I cannot spare just now. The car I ride in is well filled with army uniforms, as an additional reminder of the seriousness of this time. And so I have spent this day, so far, in studying and writing material to help WARN our people of their peril they seem not to recognize.

Now we are in the NINTH week of the 16- or 18-week supreme crisis in which the FATE OF OUR NATION---the fate of YOUR HOME AND MINE---perhaps the fate of OUR VERY LIVES---is being determined. I have explained to you how it is a RACE AGAINST TIME!

We are now in the supreme RACE to determine whether the war production effort and the army-training effort of the United States can reach sufficient power BEFORE Hitler accomplishes such objectives as to make that potential and mounting power ineffective before it can get started. To do this, Hitler would have, undoubtedly, to take all the Caucasus (which he virtually has taken already) to go thru Turkey and Palestine and take Suez, driving the British Navy from the Mediterranean, cutting the life-line of the British Empire; to drive on to meet the Jap armies in INDIA, severing that rich country from the British, cutting off all supply routes to Russia and China; knock out Russia and China; thus, with vast newly-acquired resources freeing Hitler to turn WEST against Britain, and Japan to turn EAST against the United States. Our goal was to attain to all-out invincible power by November first. In this race United States INDUSTRY plays a major part. If we can attain to that tremendous power BEFORE Hitler and Japan attain to their almost fantastic objectives, then Hitler's doom will be sealed. But if the Axis can crash thru to these objectives I have outlined BEFORE we have reached power so vast as to take a winning initiative, then we may as well realize the chances of winning will be all Hitler's.

And now, almost at the half-way point in this mad race against time, the hard cold FACTS are that Hitler has continued, week by week, virtually at the pace necessary for him to accomplish his objectives by November first. But, on the other hand, the facts which OUGHT to startle every American out of his complacency and into GRIM ACTION, are that WE HAVE BEEN SLOWING DOWN in this race---men in defense industries have been striking because they could not SMOKE on the job during working hours---labor and management in some of the major defense industries are reporting fighting each other instead of co-operating to fight Hitler---and the truth that should cause our hearts to drop is that defense production is NOT keeping pace with the President's goal---which pace MUST BE KEPT IF WE ARE TO WIN THIS RACE AGAINST TIME, AND TO WIN THIS WAR!

Such a bogging down as is now reported, in the very midst of this supreme crisis, is SERIOUS INDEED. It is time for AMERICA TO WAKE UP! Personally, I feel very SOBER, because I KNOW what the true situation is! And it is anything but encouraging for this nation. We are not winning this war, we are LOSING IT! Week by week, every week since Pearl Harbor, we have been losing. America hasn't yet really BEGUN to fight. America is not yet even READY to fight, on the scale she must fight to match or defeat a tremendous war-machine such as Hitler has been building since 1933! But it is NOT YET TOO LATE, and therein lies our one hope!

(. . . and now we are stopped at Glacier National Park, and here is the famous Glacier Park Hotel I have heard about since I was a young man. Everything is very beautiful. A huge U.S. flag of growing red, white and blue flowers stretches out over large well-kept lawns. It would be very nice to be able to stop off here and spend one to several days in this wonderful national park---but that is a luxury for which I can afford neither the money nor the time in a time like this, when even the necessities of life, our freedom, and life itself is in jeopardy. . . . And so now we have started up and are speeding on east. The great mountain range seemed to come to an abrupt end at the Glacier Park station, and now we are travelling past rolling grazing land, though the mountains of Glacier Park still loom on the horizon behind us. . . . And now back again to the work we have to do.)

No, thank God, it is not yet too late! But, as one correspondent who knows conditions wrote from Moscow, it is now FIVE MINUTES TO MIDNIGHT! If we fail to heed the warning, it may be too late within another two or three months. Yes, I, too, know the conditions, and I know also what prophecy reveals for the future. And I know, as I hope with all my soul you co-workers are now beginning to know, that our hope now lies in arousing this nation to TURN TO THE GOD IT HAS FORSAKEN AND FORGOTTEN! That, I know, is the one sure hope of this nation now. Our situation is just that serious. This war, for us, is a judgment sent from God. God has blessed us with vast material wealth---more than two-thirds of all earth's economic resources! And we have forgotten Him, forsaken Him and His ways, made gods of the very material things with which He has blessed us, and our land is steeped in sin, and now plunging hell-bent into fast-INCREASING sin! THE DAY OF RECKONING IS HERE.

Friends, and Co-workers, WE KNOW THESE SOLEMN TRUTHS! If we fail to WARN this nation, God says He will require the blood of the people at our hands. (Ezek. 33:1-6) Our job is to WARN the people before it is too late---to admonish them with POWER, over more and more radio stations until the whole nation hears the warning---to turn back to the God we have forsaken. Because HE ALONE CAN SAVE THIS NATION NOW. This is not idle talk. It is not more alarmist language. IT IS THE STARK, BARE, SOLEMN TRUTH! And in this RACE AGAINST TIME, we, dear co-workers, have OUR race against time! It is, now, "five minutes till midnight". Then it will be too late.

That's why I am speeding now back to Des Moines. There is NO TIME TO LOSE!

So listen carefully, please. When I went to Los Angeles, four months ago, and started on stations KNTR and KFMB in Hollywood and San Diego, I faced the greatest test of faith of my life. In order to get he message over, and establish the broadcast in Southern California, and do it quickly, it was necessary to take advantage of the opportunity God opened to go on the air 30 minutes every day. That required more than $200 per week over and above our regular expenses. I could not see where it possibly could come from. But this is a WORK OF FAITH, and with God ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE. I went ahead on sheer faith. And thru YOU, co-workers with me in this work, God supplied every cent that was needed, and ON TIME, so I could pay every broadcast in advance. THAT DOUBLED THE POWER AND SCOPE OF OUR RADIO WORK. It doubled the vast radio audience---raised it to approximately a half million people hearing the message every week.

And now, after three short weeks of hard work in my office---just three short weeks at home with my wife and family, and three splendid services in downtown Seattle, I am speeding back to Des Moines to undertake a NEW test of faith JUST TWICE AS GREAT AS THE ONE WE FACED IN LOS ANGELES.

The time for broadcasting on this great super-power station will cost just TWICE AS MUCH as time costs us in Southern California. It will reach twice as large an audience---will again DOUBLE the listening audience---add another HALF MILLION LISTENERS EVERY WEEK! Think of it---a total of ONE MILLION in our vast radio audience every week. That's what the addition of station WHO will mean! This station thoroughly covers the whole state of Iowa, and can be heard plainly over the main population sections of the six surrounding states in daytime. If we could afford a night-time broadcast (twice the cost of day-time), we could be heard in every part of the United States on this one station alone.

To establish this broadcast quickly---to really GET OVER our vital warning message intensively and in a hurry---I ought to be able to broadcast EVERY DAY for the two weeks I shall be in Des Moines. To do so will cost over $500 a week. I CANNOT OBLIGATE MYSELF to any such amount as a debt. I can do it, ONLY if I have the money TO PAY IN ADVANCE! By faith I KNOW God will supply, thru you who receive this Bulletin, enough extra at this time to undertake the regular Sunday broadcast over WHO. But I cannot undertake an EVERY-DAY broadcast unless you send that money for me to pay IN ADVANCE. By all means it ought to be done. WILL YOU DO IT, for God and for your country?

If we want to back up the boys risking their lives in the armed forces---if we want to help save this country now while it still is NOT too late, this surely is the way to do it. God helping us, I know of no one else warning this nation of its plight ---WARNING this nation that it now MUST TURN TO GOD in order to win and save its very life---starting the crusade for the great vast OFFENSIVE that will defeat Hitler and can be started NOW---the great national heart-rending PRAYER OFFENSIVE I am now calling for in every broadcast.

Will YOU enlist, now, ANEW? Will you drop to your knees and pray earnestly and fervently? Pray for this country to repent and turn to God. Pray for me and this work. PRAY that God will reward this SHEER WORK OF FAITH, and meet this supreme need just now. Remember we never beg for money over the air---never even hint at it directly or indirectly. We put no price on The PLAIN TRUTH or anything we have---the Gospel must be GIVEN---it must go FREE. I know of no other work like this. God is blessing it abundantly and almost beyond belief. This work is leaping forward now by leaps and bounds, as God goes before and opens and prepares the way. Thru you I know God will meet this present supreme crisis in our work. It will take great sacrifice on the part of many of you, I know. Better make that sacrifice now and SAVE EVERYTHING than lose everything in defeat in this war, and perhaps lose out with Almighty God besides! No sacrifice, now, is too great. I need a FLOOD of tithes and offerings from our small but growing family of co-workers to meet this present supreme need. We need LARGE amounts---$25, $50, $100, yes, even $1,000 or more---from all who can, even by great sacrifice, put such sums in God's work in this very crucial hour. And we need the widow's mite. Will you RUSH, even air-mail, the largest amount you can spare, by immediate return mail? I know you will,---and GOD BLESS YOU!

I am now rushing this to my office in Eugene, air mail, to be printed in the Bulletin and mailed to you. An addressed returned envelope is enclosed for your convenience.

Your fellow-servant,

Herbert W. Armstrong



Under God's blessing, for which we are more grateful than words can express, this work is doubling and re-doubling in size and scope and power.

I want briefly to outline now to our Co-workers some of the plans we have tentatively in mind for the conduct of this greatly enlarged and fast-growing work. We hope within a few more months to be Coast-to-coast on the air.

The time is coming, now, when we shall need an enlarged personnel in the office. We printed 9,000 copies of this issue of The PLAIN TRUTH. Next issue will be on a much-improved white paper. I realize the necessity of publishing it regularly once each month. That has been impossible due to lack of help. But now the supreme need is here, and God is paving the way before us in every direction. He is raising up men fitted by natural talent, ability, and education and experience, especially spiritual experience,---men whose hearts are right toward Him and His ways---to step in.

We are planning now to bring one of our very valuable and trusted Co-workers, Dr. Douglas Blake of Seattle, into the office within two or three months. He is fitted by education, experience, and Bible understanding to help in the preparation of material for articles in The PLAIN TRUTH, in answering correspondence that has had to be neglected, in devoting time to research for facts and information needed both for radio programs and articles. We hope later to have Basil Wolverton, an artist and trained writer from Vancouver, Washington, on the staff in the office. About three years ago he was an atheist. He was converted solely by our broad- cast. He has grown spiritually and in knowledge until he is now elder of our little group in Vancouver. He has many excellent talents endowed by God which we hope may be used exclusively in God's service in the near future. We have other secretaries, expert in all kinds of secretarial work, research, etc., now waiting for the call to join our staff in the office.

Soon The PLAIN TRUTH circulation will be up to 25,000 copies. Then 50,000, and on up. It must come out, as soon as facilities permit, on the first of every month. Later we hope to expand it is size from the present 12 to 16 pages.

We plan, as soon as we have this added help in the office, to publish the Bible Study Quarterly regularly every quarter. We plan to publish many booklets and single articles on various Bible subjects. We hope too, to resume publication of another magazine, "The GOOD NEWS", edited just for those who really have been baptised by the Holy Spirit into the one and only true Body of Christ---a magazine containing spiritual food, going into the deeper truths, feeding God's true flock. The PLAIN TRUTH is not intended to fill that purpose, but is rather evangelistic, intended to reach those OUTSIDE---the carnal-minded who could not understand real spiritual truths, as well as the truly spiritual-minded.

We feel we are alive to the need. Just as soon as God makes this enlarged work, with an enlarged staff, an actuality, we will have MANY more good things for you than we can offer you now. Big things are ahead. Yet, TIME IS SHORT, we fully realize. We must all WORK, while we may,---while it is day,---for the night cometh when no man can work. Soon there will be an utter FAMINE of hearing the Word of the Eternal. What we do, we must DO QUICKLY. We are ready to build this work to these greater, more effective, more powerful and far-reaching heights, just as rapidly as our Co-workers provide the financial means. God has already raised up the right and qualified people for the various jobs to be filled. Let us PUT OUR ALL into it---and NOW!



DON'T FORGET - - - to notify this office of your change of address. GREAT FALL FESTIVAL AT EUGENE

Did you ever read, in Zechariah 14, how, after Christ returns to RESTORE God's ways upon earth, that ALL nations, including all Gentiles, will be forced to keep the Festival of TABERNACLES every fall?

If we are now being trained, in our Christian life, to sit with Christ on His throne then---to carry out His orders as kings and priests under Him---to help enforce these ways at that time---should we not be practicing these ways now?

There is not space here to explain all there is in the Bible about God's Festival of Tabernacles. Suffice it to say it is God's camp-meeting time. It is His VACATION time. It is His THANKSGIVING time---not one Thanksgiving day but eight of them in one glorious festival. It is a time of rejoicing and thanksgiving over the coming KINGDOM.

We shall observe it at the set time, as usual, in Eugene.

The time is September 26th to October 3rd inclusive. Meetings will be held in our little church building, at the end of West Eighth Avenue. There are many new and modern tourist cabins and motels within a short distance, for visitors. Several are coming from Seattle, Everett, Tacoma and Olympia, and Vancouver, Washington; from Portland and other points in Oregon; from Los Angeles and southern California.

For eight full days God's people will meet together in a splendid fellowship with God thru Christ, and with one another. You'll meet some of God's true people here. You'll ENJOY their inspiring fellowship. There will be Bible reading and prayer service every morning; Bible study and round-table discussion every afternoon; singing and evangelistic preaching service every evening. YOU ARE INVITED TO COME. If God lays it on your heart, put everything else aside, and come. Write my office in Eugene if you wish cabins reserved. I shall return from Des Moines, by way of Los Angeles, speaking again in downtown Los Angeles Sunday, September 20th, returning to Eugene in time for the Fall Festival. MAY I SEE YOU THERE?


November 6, 1942 Co-Worker Letter - Herbert W Armstrong



VOL. III Number 6 November 6, 1942

Published every little while, by your radio-pastor editor Herbert W. Armstrong, Box 111, Eugene, Ore., to bring spiritual edification and encouragement to our little family of co-workers who make possible The RADIO CHURCH OF GOD AND The PLAIN TRUTH.

GREETINGS! Fellow Co-workers, again from Hollywood!

I have a most urgent message for you at this time. I am writing from Hollywood, where again I am speaking daily Tuesdays thru Fridays for a total of four weeks over KMTR at 8:30 a.m., in addition to the Sunday broadcasts. And so again I will have this printed and mailed to you from my office in Eugene.

First, let me tell you how abundantly God is blessing our efforts---how far beyond our expectations!

The broadcast of "The WORLD TOMORROW" over station WHO, Des Moines, is bringing 500 to 800 letters and cards per broadcast ---and radio men say that is a truly REMARKABLE response. The letters are pouring in from all over the United States and Canada. And what wonderful, and enthusiastic letters so many of them are! In the last issue of "The BULLETIN" I reprinted a number of them for you to read.

While here in the Los Angeles district again I am speaking twice Sundays---2 and 5:30 p.m.,---at the large Biltmore theatre, the number one auditorium for lectures or independent preaching in downtown Los Angeles. Last Sunday we had two splendid crowds again---the auditorium well filled, with ten to twelve hundred at the afternoon service and about 800 attending the evening service.

Last evening I baptised five dear people---two men and three women---all of whom have shown plain evidence of having fully repented and accepting Jesus as personal Saviour. Oh, what a joy it is to see souls really converted---their lives completely CHARGED, and to behold the kind of smile and expression that illuminates such faces, after the tears of repentance, and after they have come to the assurance that their sins are really washed away thru the blood of Christ, and that they stand CLEAN before GOD! Personally, I know that to me this is worth all the time and effort, the hardship, the disappointments and difficulties we meet along the way to try and test our faith---it is reward many times over.

But now I must tell you that the printers have run into unavoidable delays in getting the booklet "U.S. in Prophecy" off the press. This has been two-thirds set in type for some time, but due to labor shortage and difficulties of war-time, the printers have told us they just simply cannot rush things thru as they formerly did. According to the latest information I have had here in Hollywood, this booklet should be off the press ready for mailing within a day or two after this BULLETIN is mailed to you. The names and addresses are all written on the envelopes, just waiting for the printers to deliver the booklets, so we can insert them and mail them. We are doing our best to rush them to you.

Apparently, though, because of this delay, many of our Co-workers have held up sending their tithes and offerings the past two or three weeks, until the situation is becoming serious.

It is costing a GREAT DEAL of extra money to carry this broadcast over super-power WHO, where it can be heard in every state and over all Canada. And so far very little in the way of tithes and offerings is coming back from our hundreds of thousands of NEW listeners all over the United States and Canada. Just about one-tenth the actual COST of that powerful station is coming back from its listeners, so far. I can not,---I WILL not, beg for money over the air. It isn't God's way. Consequently the financial response from a new station is much slower than if I kept begging for money all the time. BUT I AM SURE THAT THE GOOD WE DO IS MULTIPLIED BECAUSE I DO NOT---and our motive must be to GIVE of the Gospel, not to GET.

If our present Co-workers will just keep up their efforts and their loyalty to God's cause, without slackening, we shall be able to continue to carry this and this entire greatly-enlarged work which is fast becoming a national POWER for God. And in due time the new listeners from WHO will---enough of them---respond voluntarily with tithes and offerings so that more and more powerful stations may be added until we have a truly CONCENTRATED radio audience in every section of the country, COAST to COAST.

But our present Co-workers will have to remain loyally behind us, not becoming weary with well-doing, if we are to continue and this great work for the KINGDOM is to continue to leap ahead and to be multiplied in power every few months as it has been during this present year.

For years it seemed to me that God did not open the way, or permit us to move along as rapidly as I felt, humanly, we ought to go. But now it is different. God is now moving ahead, preparing the way before us, even more rapidly than we are able to organize ourselves to FOLLOW where He leads and opens opportunities.

Station WJJD, the nation's most powerful independent (or non-net-work) station in Chicago is now open to us. It has been considered IMPOSSIBLE for any more religious programs to get on any net-work. Mutual is the ONLY net-work that will carry religious broadcasts. And it has been well-known that Mutual was now closed to any more religious broadcasts. It seemed the door was closed tight against the real expansion of this marvelous work to a Coast-to-Coast net-work. But now, I am happy to say to you, God has OPENED THE DOOR TO US, and as soon as we are ready, I am assured we will be able to send the Message out---the Message you hear no one else sending---the WARNING of coming invasion UNLESS this nation repents and turns to God, as well as the preaching of the TRUE GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM in all its fullness---over the entire Mutual chain. It ought to make us shout "PRAISE GOD!" Yes, God's time has COME, and He now expects each one of HIS children to do their very utmost, even to point of extreme and continued SACRIFICE that HIS Message may go with great POWER till it rocks this entire nation!

Now so many requests for "The United States in Prophecy" have come in that I have had to increase the press-run from 5,000, which we originally intended to print, to 15,000. It is going to cost a lot more than I had originally figured. And I'll be candid and tell you WE DO NOT HAVE THIS MONEY ON HAND TO PAY FOR THE PRINTING, and so I am having to order only 5,000 printed first, with the other 10,000 to be printed and mailed out later. Now this is going to cost considerably more than to have it all printed at one time, so we can mail them out to every one NOW. And so if our Co-workers, every one who CAN, will respond to your very UTMOST by return mail, and the immediate response is large enough, I am hoping that we can even YET have the entire issue of 15,000 printed at the same time, and save the additional cost of having it all made up and put back on the presses a second time.

It will cost a total of $600 just to print this booklet and mail it, not including cost of envelopes. But it is well worth it to carry this vital Message of our own identity to so many thousands---especially to the thousands writing in for it from the middle-west, east, and south where they have never heard this wonderful Truth!

I am leaving here for Chicago and Des Moines, to conduct three live broadcasts in person from the WHO studios in Des Moines, a week from tomorrow. If our Co-workers will just respond now to the very limit, and BY RETURN MAIL, I am hoping to be able to add station WJJD, a super-power station in Chicago, on this trip---but otherwise it would have to wait until a later trip.

I have information that Gospel broadcasting is in GRAVE DANGER. A move is afoot to SHUT OFF all Gospel broadcasting except that officially conducted by the Roman Catholic Church, the Jewish congregations, and the Federated Council of Churches representing the Protestants---who DENY the blood of Christ and reduce Jesus to the level of a common ordinary teacher no greater than Moses, or Elijah or Paul. I have been telling you we are in a RACE AGAINST TIME. Our days on the air are NUMBERED! And this whole nation and people MUST BE WARNED BEFORE WE ARE SHUT OFF.

God Almighty says in His prophecies we cannot win in this war UNLESS OUR PEOPLE REPENT AND TURN TO HIM. He says Armies do not determine the outcome of wars---but the ETERNAL rescues them that put their trust in HIM. (Psalms 33) Co-workers, OUR contribution to the war-effort---OUR patriotic DUTY, if we would back up the boys in uniform and have their lives spared---is to SACRIFICE EVERYTHING and GET BEHIND THIS VITAL MESSAGE that it may go out with rapidly-multiplied POWER until this nation is AWAKENED, and TURNS TO GOD, and is SPARED! This war is a JUDGMENT SENT FROM GOD! Help me to warn this nation, that defeat need not come to our shores! The army and navy alone---material weapons and human effort alone---CANNOT WIN FOR US THIS TIME, WITHOUT GOD! And God says HE IS NOT WITH US THIS TIME UNLESS AND UNTIL WE REPENT AND TURN TO HIM AND GET WITH HIM!

This means more than LIFE ITSELF! We DARE not slacken in our efforts! We DARE not let down! The Eternal God will hold us accountable! Personally, I have been working almost day and night until I have come to realize that I HAVE to begin to take better care of my physical health to keep fit for the tremendous task God has laid on us.

And so please do not wait until you receive the booklet "The United States in Prophecy", or until the next number of "THE PLAIN TRUTH" is out---but SEND NOW, by RETURN MAIL, the very largest offering you can, even at sacrifice---and whatever tithe you may have on hand. DO NOT WAIT UNTIL YOUR TITHE ACCUMULATES TO A LARGE SUM to sent it in. When you do, it often becomes a temptation to use it---just to "borrow it",---and this we have no right to do, for it is GOD'S MONEY. Send it in more often, even tho it is in smaller sums. And if SOME who will receive this Bulletin can send in some real sizeable sums of $100 or more, there never was a time when it was more needed than right now for God's cause. This is a crisis, and I know you will not fail us--- for I am praying that God will not LET our Co-workers fail us now---and I ask YOU to pray, earnestly, with me that this great need will be quickly supplied. We need and must have, several hundred dollars BY RETURN MAIL. Thank you, and God Bless you.



Note: If you have not sent in your request to receive "The U.S. in Prophecy", and would like to have a copy, just mention in your next letter that you would like to receive "The U.S. in Prophecy", and we will be glad to mail a copy to you. Be sure and ask for it by name. - - - U. S. in Prophecy. Thank you.


December 23, 1942 Co-Worker Letter - Herbert W Armstrong



VOL. III Number 7 December 23, 1942

Published every little while, by your radio- pastor editor, Herbert W. Armstrong, Box 111, Eugene, Ore., to bring spiritual edification and encouragement to our little family of Co-workers who make possible the RADIO CHURCH OF GOD and The PLAIN TRUTH.

AND N O W! ...A 10,000-watt STATION IN PORTLAND!


I'm happy to announce another important leap forward for the work. Starting Sunday, January 3rd---the first Sunday in 1943--- "The WORLD TOMORROW" program goes out on a different station in Portland---station K X L, 750 on your dial---with ten thousand watts of power---Portland's most powerful station. KXL is heard in Alaska and in Northern California. It will give us two or three times the coverage we have had on KWJJ. It means, too, that many of our listeners more than 50 miles from Portland will now be able to hear the program clearly and distinctly who have not had good reception before. This station has ten times the power of the station we have used the past five years or more in Portland. It will cost us more money---it should DOUBLE our audience in Oregon and the southern half of Washington.

Incidentally another station carrying our broadcasts, KGA, Spokane, is also now sending out the message on a power of 10,000 watts. KGA recently doubled its power, going from 5,000 to 10,000 watts.


All listeners in the Pacific Northwest, please NOTE: Beginning the first Sunday in the new year, January 3rd, our program comes to you at a NEW TIME on ALL NORTHWEST STATIONS.

K X L, Portland, 750 on the dial; 8:30 a.m. (instead of 5:30 p.m.)

KRSC, Seattle, 1150 on the dial; 8:30 a.m. (instead of 8:00 a.m.)

K G A, Spokane, 1510 on the dial; 10:30 a.m. (instead of 8 a.m.)

This will have an electric effect on our broadcast in the entire North Pacific sector. It should DOUBLE our listeners everywhere.

I just returned last week from Des Moines and Los Angeles. I had been gone two months. I realized that 8:00 a.m. was too early in Seattle and Spokane, but I had not realized HOW MUCH too early until I spoke last Sunday morning from the studios of KRSC in Seattle. When we took this 8 o'clock time last Spring there was no other time we could get. But when I saw on last Sunday it was yet DARK at that hour, I prayed earnestly and asked God to open the way for a later time.

SUDDENLY the way opened yesterday in Portland to change over to Portland's most powerful station, KXL, at 8:30 a.m. Contacting the manager of KRSC in Seattle by long distance I found we also could change back to 8:30, our old time until last Spring, in Seattle. At Spokane I was unable to get that time, but KXL offered me the time between 10:30 and 11. The program will go out from either Portland or Seattle over our own Liberty Net-Work at 8:30 a.m. The program will be received at that same time each Sunday morning at the KGA studios in Spokane, but since they cannot release it on the air until 10:30, they will transcribe the program as it comes in over the lines from 8:30 to 9:00, broadcasting the same identical program over KGA at 10:30 in a delayed broadcast.

I hope all our Co-workers and listeners in Oregon, Washington, Idaho and British Columbia will rejoice with me in this important step forward. This great and fast-growing work started in the Pacific Northwest. I am very happy that this change has been made possible. It should DOUBLE the power of the Message in this great territory. REMEMBER the NEW TIME. Tune in at the new time, and the new station in Portland beginning the first Sunday in the new year, January 3rd.

* * * * *


Some may wonder why we use the type program we do.

For instance, why do we devote five to fifteen minutes of a thirty-minute broadcast to straight NEWS ANALYSIS?

There is a reason. A vital one. The present "WORLD TOMORROW" program is the result of nine years' experience on the air.

It started, the first Sunday in 1934 over KORE, our local Eugene station, then only 100 watts, as a radio church service. Our idea then was to condense a complete church service into a 30- minute radio program. There were several hymns, often one short anthem, prayer, announcements, sermon. The sermons were spiritual ---straight BIBLE sermons designed to bring real SPIRITUAL FOOD and deeper Bible understanding to those who thirsted for spiritual knowledge.

Our intention was to send out an EVANGELISTIC program---to proclaim the GOOD NEWS to the UNconverted---to win souls for Christ. Gradually, I began to realize we were sending out the wrong type of program to accomplish this purpose.

Two incident's brought this forcibly to my mind. I know radio stations did not want religious broadcasts on the air. It was difficult to induce them to sell us time. Then one day the manager of a station told me frankly WHY. It was not prejudice against religion. It was partly the poor quality of many religious broadcasts, but even more the fact that radio surveys had proved that about 90% of the general listening audience WILL NOT LISTEN to religious programs. As soon as they hear a hymn, a prayer, or a sermon on the air they TUNE OUT, or flip the dial to another station. The surveys showed there is a definite "religious audience" of not more than 10% of the total radio audiences. This 10% eagerly listen in to their favorite religious broadcasts, and support them in the belief they are carrying the Gospel to a lost and dying world. But, the radio surveys showed, such broadcasts do NOT reach the lost and dying world at all---the WORLD tunes out and refuses to listen. Commercial advertisers do not like to have their broadcasts following religious programs, because business men know they will have only the small "religious audience" listening. It's just a matter of business with the radio stations.

Then one day another incident opened my eyes. I have a brother-in-law who is an educator. "Your broadcasts are splendid" he said one day, "but frankly I can't understand your sermons. You speak in a sort of 'religious language'---maybe it's Bible language, or spiritual language, but to me it's a technical language I don't understand---it's just outside my line."

Do you see what was wrong? --WHY the WORLD is not listening to such broadcasts? In I Cor 2:14 we read that the natural unconverted man CANNOT understand the spiritual things of God's Word. Sometimes these truths are just "foolishness" to him. He CANNOT UNDERSTAND THEM, because they must be SPIRITUALLY understood. But, says verse 10, "God hath revealed them unto US by His Spirit." "When He, the Spirit of Truth, is come," said Jesus, "He will guide you into ALL TRUTH"---that is, into the understanding of the WORD.

If God called me to go to China and preach to the Chinese, I should first learn to speak the CHINESE LANGUAGE. I would speak to them---preach CHRIST, and HIS GOSPEL to them, in THEIR LANGUAGE, so that they would understand. Now the WORLD does not understand spiritual language or "Bible language". I learned that, to carry the Message to the WORLD, I would have to drop the more spiritual phraseology, and speak to the world in it's own language.

If the SMALLEST radio audiences today are the "religious audiences", the BIGGEST radio audiences today are held by the newscasters and the news analysts. Before being converted and called into the ministry, I had devoted twenty years to writing for newspapers and magazines. The news today rapidly fulfills Bible prophecy. No news analyst can rightly UNDERSTAND or interpret world events today, without the background of sound understanding of the Bible and its prophecies. Likewise no minister could take advantage of this fact in broadcasting, without a practical news- paper background. I began to realize God had so guided my life that I had BOTH. Why not utilize this life experience to the glory of God? Why not take advantage of this unique experience to produce a broadcast of the type which stands number ONE in public interest, instead of in last place---a broadcast that would talk to the "man in the street"---the person of the world---in his own language, employing subject-material that would attract the largest possible listening audience, and the very type of material that would cause skeptics to see the Bible in a new light! PROPHECY FULFILLMENT causes even scoffers to stop and THINK! It is something the atheists CANNOT ANSWER! It commands their respect. It causes many to believe in God who never did before.

Beside proclaiming the true GOSPEL---the Good News of the KINGDOM OF GOD---the Eternal has commissioned us who are Co-Workers together in this work to WARN THIS NATION---including Canada, and other English-speaking nations if that becomes possible---that GOD HIMSELF is sending this war upon us as a JUDGMENT---that we are HIS PEOPLE ISRAEL---that to win in this war this nation MUST REPENT AND TURN TO GOD AND PUT ITS TRUST IN HIM!

And so, "THE WORLD TOMORROW" program has emerged from this long experience. It is a program that attracts a very LARGE listening audience. It is bringing a PHENOMENAL response. For instance, from station WHO alone we receive an average of 800 to 1,000 letters per broadcast---and one broadcast on that one station alone brought in 2,200 letters and requests from all over the United States and Canada. As near as I can check, "The WORLD TOMORROW" program not only brings a much greater mail response than other religious programs, according to number and power of stations used, but we receive a heavier mail response than commercial or other-type programs. Atheists have been converted. Wives write me that their unbelieving husbands, who never go to church and would never listen to religious broadcasts, are listening to "The WORLD TOMORROW", reading "The PLAIN TRUTH" magazine, becoming interested. As one listening wife wrote me, "I thank God that thru you my prayers of years are now being answered."

I feel that God has LED US all the way. "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ASK OF GOD," says James. (1:5) When I was first called to this work I realized, and acknowledged, that I lacked wisdom; but I asked of God, and I am glad at the way He has answered, and guided and led us in this work. The wisdom of employing the type broadcast we do today is proved by believers who formerly were atheists---by the changed lives of people who once were worldly and now are rapidly-growing spiritual characters. It is proved by the tremendous mail response. It is proved in many other ways I lack the space to tell you. This broadcast is OUR contribution to the WAR EFFORT! America MUST HAVE SPIRITUAL ARMAMENT to save us from defeat. Just flesh and steel alone cannot win this time. It will take MORE than human determination, using ships, tanks, planes and guns. It will take the WHOLE ARMOR OF GOD. Some say, "Well, I don't think this nation will wake up and turn to God." Perhaps not, but our mail shows that dozens and scores ARE waking to this truth and turning to God in earnest. Are THEIR souls worth the effort? And if we WARN the nation, that is all God requires of us. LET'S PRESS ON WITH RENEWED AND INSPIRED ZEAL. This is OUR part in this war! Our duty to GOD, our greatest help to our nation.

* * * * * * *


I wish you could just spend an hour or two, some morning, sitting here in my office, looking over my shoulder as the mail is opened, reading some of these hundreds and hundreds of interesting, inspiring letters that pour into our office every day.

These wonderful letters, entirely unsolicited and spontaneous, are my greatest encouragement. They are a definite "LIFT" that inspire me to plunge on with renewed effort. I want to give you just a glimpse into a very few received recently.

A woman from Alabama writes as follows: "Dear Brother Armstrong: I know you are doing a wonderful work, and I pray and ask God to give you physical health to keep fit for your tremendous task. You said you baptised five people while in Los Angeles. I want to ask you, do you have to be baptised to be saved? Why I am asking this, my son was listening to your broadcast last Sunday night, and I believe he was converted. He began to weep and I told him if he would only ask God to forgive him his sins and have FAITH, he would be saved. He is my oldest son ... 40 years old ... not married. I hope some day you will come to our city to see us." . . . Yes, I wish I could see ALL our listeners!

From EAST END, SASK., CANADA: " . . . I have never taken religion too seriously but have always tried to keep on the road, but now I am beginning to feel I would like a helping hand, to guide me through the rest of my life. I will be listening for your broadcasts each Sunday nite."

From MISSOURI: "My husband and I sat right on the edge of our chairs, listening to your broadcast last night. Can hardly wait for the next . . . . We were blessed in having met and communed with you on the air."

From a Doctor in Ohio: "I have heard your broadcasts the last two Sundays and I have enjoyed them completely. I only regret that I have been unfortunate not to have heard you long before this. I think that you present what you have to say in the grandest manner I have ever heard. . . . I appreciate your broadcast so much that I have taken time to let you know it."

From PENNSYLVANIA: "I heard your radio program on news and the Bible and found it enlightening as well as inspiring. I have heard many men explain or deal with prophecy in these days, yet, I cared most for your presentation. I could follow you well throughout your message. You may never know the good or worth of such a program."

Another from Ohio: "Dear Brother Armstrong: Let me congratulate you on your fine and inspiring message of last evening. Thank you for making me think seriously of things that I would otherwise pass off lightly."

From a Chaplin in the U.S. ARMY: "Your Sunday night program was received over the radio in my hall here at Camp. . . . In our reading hall I have placed the two free copies of "The PLAIN TRUTH" which was received in my office upon my request to you. Thank God, for men like you who still give the full Gospel in these times of great need."


This is important---of special urgency.

The year now closing has seen this work of God go forward in an amazing manner. It has doubled and quadrupled in scope and power. In every way it has had God's blessing. It is marvelous, and it fills us to overflowing with gratitude. In every way it is developing and being blessed just as God's true work would be. It started small---from nothing, with nothing---as everything God starts thru human agencies always has started. It has borne abundantly the Fruits which only GOD'S BLESSING could produce. And now that God's Time has come, this work is leaping forward, multiplying in power, in a manner which would be impossible by human efforts alone. Last Spring it still was a more or less LOCAL work, confined mostly to the Pacific Northwest. We then were going out on only three radio stations, in Eugene, Portland, and Seattle. Then a 5,000 watt station in Spokane was added. Then, about six weeks later, station KMTR in Los Angeles, which actually reaches out on an equivalent of about 40,000 watts of power. A month later, station KFMB in San Diego was carrying "The WORLD TOMORROW" Message. And by the last of August our first super-power 50,000-watt clear-channel station, WHO, Des Moines, was carrying this message in great power to the entire North American continent---from the Panama Canal zone to Northern Canada, in a night-time broadcast. And now the way has opened to DOUBLE the power and listening audience in the Pacific Northwest. With station KXL, Portland's most powerful station sending the programs out on 10,000 watts---with KGA, Spokane now double its former power---now 10,000 watts---with the new later Sunday morning time, our listening audience will be DOUBLED in the North Pacific. And negotiations are now under way to add super-power 50,000-watt KWKH, Shreveport, La., WJJD, Chicago, and KFRC, San Francisco. In a few months we hope to be on the MUTUAL Broadcasting System, Coast to Coast.

But this would not BE God's work if all were smooth and clear sailing. Just as God's people must encounter trials and tests, hardships and obstacles in their private Christian lives, so must we expect to encounter severe tests in carrying on the work God has committed to us.

This work has now hit a CRISIS---a most serious one. IT'S VERY EXISTENCE IS THREATENED! This test is not sent to discourage us, but to TRY us, to STRENGTHEN us by coming thru it. I was led to speak to our local congregation (composed mostly of our own converts) from the Book of James. "My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations (margin, TRIALS), knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience." And Peter says, "Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you." It is for our strengthening. It is to teach us faith. I accept this present crisis as such. I am committing it to God. I ask you, dear Co-Workers, to JOIN ME IN EARNEST PRAYER, and in FAITH, that God will carry us thru. His work must not, will not, stop. It will go on stronger than ever. But WE have OUR part to do, AND WE MUST DO IT WITHOUT DELAY!

Partly due to the early hour of our broadcasts in the Pacific Northwest---partly due to the fact that transcriptions were not getting thru by air-express on time while I was back in Des Moines ---partly due to the holiday season and people forgetting God's work and spending all their money on "Christmas presents" the income to carry on this great and growing work has dropped down to about half the past thirty days. THE SITUATION IS SERIOUS AND DESPERATE! It caused delay in printing the booklet "U.S. in Prophecy." It is holding up the next issue of The PLAIN TRUTH. It leaves us short-handed at the office. This work MUST HAVE an extra $1,000 AT ONCE, in addition to seeing regular income restored. We MUST get out another PLAIN TRUTH at once! It and many other things are waiting. God expects HIS CHILDREN TO GIVE---yes give till it hurts, in times like these. Please try to send an EXTRA AMOUNT--- the largest you possibly can, by return mail. God's work is at stake. It is a SERIOUS CRISIS. Please RUSH---put this FIRST, before anything else. GOD BLESS YOU. I know you will!

Herbert W. Armstrong


February 16, 1943 Co-Worker Letter - Herbert W Armstrong



VOL IV. Number 1 February 16, 1943

Published every little while, by your radio-pastor editor, Herbert W. Armstrong, Box 111, Eugene, Ore., to bring spiritual edification and encouragement to our little family of Co-Workers who make possible the RADIO CHURCH OF GOD and The PLAIN TRUTH.


ALMOST daily letters are received from interested radio listeners saying "I should like to know more about your work."

This, then, is an explanation.

This work, we believe, has been raised up of Almighty God to sound a definite WARNING to our people, and to proclaim in these closing days that which has not been proclaimed, the TRUE Gospel--- the Good News of the KINGDOM OF GOD.

In the Bible---God's revelation and special message to man---are whole chapters and books of prophecy whose meaning has been sealed until this present time of the END. Whole Books of the Bible had no meaning to those of a generation or two ago. Like Daniel's prophecy (Dan. 12:8-10) these vital prophecies were sealed ---closed to human understanding until NOW. They pertain to world events, NOW. A very large portion of all the prophecies of the Bible pertain to THIS very generation in which we live.

Bible prophecies have foretold that, in these latter days, the popular churches would have turned their ears away from hearing the TRUTH, and be turned to FABLES; (II Tim, 4:1-4) being DECEIVED into believing they have the truth (Rev.13:14; 18:3; 19:20). That they would maintain all the FORM of religion, but be devoid of God's POWER, or of true understanding (II Tim. 3:1- 5). That they would refuse to HEAR the law of the Eternal, and would demand that their ministers preach the soft and smooth things, and the deceits (Isa. 30:8-40). And that, as a result, the ministers of this time would be "feeding themselves" instead of the flock---that is, preaching what they are TOLD in order to retain their salaries, instead of preaching GOD'S TRUTH. (Ezek. 34:1-5)

The prophecies show that our people today are "IN BABYLON" (Rev. 18:4),---that is, in confusion---with hundreds of sects and denominations, each interpreting the Bible differently. The Bible should not BE interpreted at all. If I write you a letter making plain, simple statements, you understand my meaning without "interpreting" my letter. If you begin to "interpret" what I said, you would be applying to it a meaning DIFFERENT from the obvious intended meaning of plain simple statements. And so it is with the Bible. Differences in belief come from INTERPRETING, when God never intended us to interpret His Message at all. That is why Jesus said that the Scriptures would be revealed unto BABES, but hidden from the wise and prudent. Know when we encounter the symbolic language of prophecy, still WE are not to interpret it. Always the Scripture interprets its OWN symbols.

But denominations necessarily are bound to their particular traditional creeds or doctrines. They are not free to confess error in their teaching, or admit a new revelation of truth which would upset their past teachings. Consequently God has been unable to use them as instruments for proclaiming the long-hidden messages of these sealed prophecies NOW OPENED, which contain a live, most vital WARNING to our people today!

I was in business in Chicago, as a publishers' representative, when God first called me to His service. My wife had a most unusual dream---perhaps more of a vision than a dream ---in which she "saw" the second coming of Christ, as it first appeared, or a warning vision of it, as it then turned out. In this remarkable dream, she saw Christ descend; and she feared greatly for me, knowing I was not converted. But Jesus descended immediately in front of us, and placed His arms around us both, then revealing this was not His second coming----but that it would be soon, and He was calling me to a special mission. At the time, I was awed when my wife told me of the dream, but suggested she tell it to some minister. I did not take it seriously--- then. My heart was set on business success and making money. I was unusually successful for a young man, fired with an over- powering ambition. I had studied hard, applied myself diligently, and felt assured of great success in the business world.

Overnight, God took away this business. Every large and important advertising client---multi-million dollar corporations--- went into the hands of the receiver during the depression of 1920- 21. Twice afterward I started other businesses. Each promised to grow to national proportions, was on the very threshold of big success, when forces entirely out of my control swept them suddenly and completely away. I couldn't understand it.

I had endeavored to run away from God's call in order to achieve success in business and make money. My business was my god. My sin was along economic lines; the punishment had to be economic. For seven years my family had to suffer poverty with me. It was like King Midas in reverse---everything I touched turned to NOTHING, no matter how diligently or determined the effort.

It was during this time that my interest was drawn by two incidents to the Bible. My wife had suddenly come upon a truth which seemed to me utterly fanatical. Contrary to my orders, she insisted on following and living this truth. Divorce was even threatened, but first I exacted a promise that she would give it up, provided I would study the Bible and be able to show her where she was in error. For six months I wrestled with this Bible truth, and ended up by facing the alternative of accepting it or resorting to a dishonest perverting of God's Word. God had "softened" me up for this surrender by financial reverses and discouragements almost beyond description. The surrender was made, the truth accepted, and then, for the first time in his life the writer began to really understand the Bible. Until then it had been like reading in some foreign language. Now it became plain, simple, understandable--- and the most interesting, fascinating, enjoyable study of his life.

It was about the same time that a sister-in-law, having encountered the arguments and hypotheses for the doctrine of evolution in studying geology and biology in college, challenged me on this subject, and wounded my pride by calling me "ignorant" because I did not believe the theory of evolution. Then I also set out to thoroughly STUDY evolution, and in doing so, studied the Bible revelation of CREATION. I succeeded in convincing the sister-in-law that it was SHE who had been in ignorance.

As a result of these two incidences, I made a full surrender to God, and was converted. This was during the seven- years' punishment God inflicted, and came when there was plenty of time for study. Many hours a day were devoted to Bible study. The writer was amazed to find that many of the teachings of his boy-hood Sunday school days were the exact OPPOSITE of the plain, simple statements of the Bible.

At first I was confused---bewildered. But I read in James 1:5: "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ASK OF GOD, . . . and it shall be given." I did ask, first for UNDERSTANDING, then for wisdom, which is right knowledge, rightly APPLIED. I began to pray a great deal---to pray as I studied---and much of my Bible study from then on was done on my knees. Gradually the picture cleared. Bible study became my great life-interest. It became a passion. Not as a hobby or side-interest. Not as a means of winning arguments. But purely for the love of the truth itself which had been born in my heart and soul, and as a means of learning HOW TO LIVE. I studied daily, often until long after midnight. I read the writings, studied the doctrines of various faiths and denominations---always following the example of the Bereans which God commanded, "searching the Scriptures daily, WHETHER those things were so." And I have BELIEVED only what I found PROVED in God's Word.

Having been a trained writer, it was but natural that the amazing, fascinating new truths uncovered were written up in article form. Not necessarily with an intention of having these articles published, but as a matter of self-satisfaction. But as a few Christian friends who were deep Bible students began to read some of these articles, they urged me to speak before various groups. This at first I refused to do. Finally, however, a definite invitation to speak before a certain church group was accepted, because I had a message I felt literally IMPELLED to give them.

Somehow that broke the ice. For the first time in my life I prayed aloud before others that day, upon an unexpected request I dared not refuse. Enthusiastic invitations to speak again, followed that meeting. Soon a request came to hold a ten- day evangelistic campaign in a church in a small Oregon town. It was during the holidays when I had time on my hands. I agreed to attempt my first evangelistic effort, on condition that every member of that church promise to devote at least one solid hour each day to earnest prayer for these meetings, to be continued until the close of the campaign. Four or five conversions were the fruit of that first effort, but I have always believed that even greater good, if possible, came to the congregation as a whole from the hour-a-day each one devoted to private prayer. Two or three weeks of that made them a much CHANGED congregation.

Following this brief campaign, I was invited to conduct a short four-meetings-in-three-days campaign at the Baptist church in the next town.

And so, gradually, I was simply DRAWN into the ministry. I never sought to enter it. Rather, like Jonah, I had tried to run away from God's commission. But God threw me overboard into the depths of economic punishment until I learned my lesson. Not that I ran from it intentionally. I was not really conscious of the fact God was calling me to His service. My mind was too filled with material interests to clearly recognize the spiritual call.

But now, during this seven years, all the former pride, ego, and self confidence was torn out root and branch, painful tho the process was. I came to the place where ALL confidence was lost. A strong man may, by sheer will-power, get up again when he is knocked down. But if he is knocked down enough times, he finally stays down. I came to the place where I decided I never had had the unusual ability I had fancied. I looked upon myself as a burned-out piece of junk, not even worthy to be thrown on the scrap-pile. The old Herbert Armstrong died, and with him all faith in Herbert Armstrong. Self-confidence was dead. But now a NEW kind of confidence was born---a confidence, not in self or self- ability, but an abiding FAITH IN GOD! Time after time we were forced to throw ourselves upon God's mercy and depend upon an immediate and miraculous answer to prayer. Time after time the ANSWER CAME! Too consistently to be dismissed as coincidence. Once I had to ask God to SEND to us, at once, a dime for milk for the baby. In less than three minutes the dime came---was literally brought to our house. Another time, my wife could not have lived another twenty-four hours. She was suffering from a combination of things---blood-poison, a dog-bite, quinsy, internal complications. She had not been able to drink a drop of water, eat a bite of food, or sleep a wink in 72 hours---three days and three nights. A believing couple came and prayed a prayer of FAITH such as we had never heard before,---simply, believingly, claiming God's PROMISES as stated in the Scriptures,---and Mrs. Armstrong was INSTANTLY healed of all these critical ailments simultaneously. Another time, we had to have $75 at once, and didn't know where to turn. After 24 hours' FASTING and prayer, the very next mail brought it from a totally unexpected source. FAITH, like muscle, is strengthened by EXERCISE---and God has graciously imposed upon us a very great deal of that exercise, until, like George Mueller, we have learned that whatever God promises in His Word HE WILL PERFORM ---and if we can be sure of God's will THRU HIS WORD, then we KNOW we have the answer---and it always comes! We have had, in other words, to come to really KNOW the Eternal, and we have found Him GOOD! The writer knows God loves him much, because God punishes every son He loves---and we have had to suffer a very great deal. But this suffering, and the thousands of EXPERIENCES we have had to live thru, have taught us valuable lessons, and manifested His live in blessings which words could never describe.

From the time I began an active ministry, my labors were blessed and always have been successful. As long as I continued to strive to MAKE MONEY and build a business, every effort came to naught. But on the contrary, every effort devoted to God's service was blessed, and today we look back upon a fruitage of hundreds of conversions, countless answered prayers, many changed lives, and the GOSPEL, together with God's last warning for America, has been carried to many hundreds of thousands all over the United States and Canada.

In the summer of 1933, the present work was started. I was called to hold meetings in a little one-room country school- house eight miles west of Eugene. I started there without money--- not even money to print hand-bills. I borrowed a typewriter, wrote out announcements giving the topics of sermons, and went around over the country-side personally inviting people to come. The attendance started good, grew as the meetings progressed, until often even standing room was taken. There were several conversions, and a small church started with these new converts forming a good portion of the little congregation.

The first Sunday in 1934 the RADIO CHURCH OF GOD went on the air for the first time---and has never missed a Sunday since. During the preceding October, I had been told of an opportunity to speak over KORE, local radio station, for 15 minutes each morning for one week, conducting the "morning devotional" period carried by the station. To me, this was a serious opportunity, and I put a great deal of time and study into the preparation of the script. On the morning of the first broadcast, I well remember, about one or two minutes before I went on the air, the thought came that all people speaking for their first time on the radio are supposed to suffer "mike fright." "Why, I'm not suffering any mike fright," I remember thinking, "I'm as cool and calm as a cucumber." Then came the red light and for the first time in my life, I was "ON THE AIR." The script was all written, and as the words began to pour into the microphone, I was startled to notice that for some unexplainable reason I was almost out of breath, my heart was pounding, and I was so nervous I could hardly read. I couldn't imagine what had happened to me so suddenly, when not a minute ago I had been so calm. But I struggled thru it, and after five minutes or so, had forgotten this heart-pounding nervousness, and had my whole mind on the message I wanted the hundreds of listeners to hear.

I was amazed, a few days later---and the officials of the station were even more amazed---when letters began to pour in from listeners asking for copies of these morning radio talks. The station had never before received mail as a result of this morning devotional period. The announcer and station owner got together and proposed that I start a regular Sunday morning "Radio Church." They told me I had a good radio voice, and apparently had something that the listeners wanted. And so this broadcasting work began. At that time it cost us $2.50 per week, and it took a lot of FAITH! $2.50 was a lot of money in those days! But by faith it came.

The PLAIN TRUTH made its bow before some 200 readers one month later, on February 1st. That first number was printed on a mimeograph machine. I borrowed the use of a typewriter to cut the stencils, and borrowed the use of the mimeograph. A friend contributed $5 which covered the cost of paper, ink, stencils, and postage for that first number. The coming issue of The PLAIN TRUTH will cost upwards of a thousand dollars to publish and to mail. That first number had a circulation of about 200 copies, as nearly as I can remember---while the coming number will have a press-run of 25,000 copies!

From that time on the work grew steadily. Each time was devoted to holding personal evangelistic campaigns, and many precious souls were given us for our hire. After some three or four years, during which the RADIO CHURCH grew to be a real Lane county institution, the way finally opened to expand the broadcast to include a Portland station. We started there on station KXL, then on a power of 100 watts. The station changed hands after nine months, and the new owner refused to carry any religious programs. We then went over to KWJJ which then had a power of 500 watts. It increased later to 1,000 watts. Just recently we have gone back to KXL, which now broadcasts the Message on a power of 10,000 watts, Oregon's most powerful station, again under different ownership.

But to go back a little. For a time, just prior to coming to Eugene, we had joined a local church organization. I received a small salary, with our house rent paid, and vegetables, fruit and most of the groceries furnished---the selection being made for us by others. We found, however, that it was impossible to receive even this humble "salary" without being told what I dared preach, and how I must conduct God's work. I came to see that if a man hires you, you must serve THAT MAN---or the denomination, or organization. And so it was that at the time we first came to Eugene, my wife and I made a solemn pledge to God that from henceforth, we would look to Him ALONE for "salary" and all financial support. If we would serve God, we must look to HIM for the "salary". Then and there we dedicated our lives to Him and His service, on the basis of pure FAITH in His promises to supply every need. And from that day on, our work has prospered.

During these past few years we have come into a constantly fuller understanding of the prophecies. Many of the prophecies, closed until now, began to open to our understanding. Gradually, little by little, and continuously, God had never ceased to reveal more and more of the TRUTH we know now He has called us to proclaim. We came to see and to understand the many prophecies ---whole BOOKS of prophecies---pertaining to this present war and the time of the immediate future.

We came to see God's great WARNING to America and to Britain that we shall LOSE this war UNLESS OUR PEOPLE REPENT OF THEIR SINS AND PUT THEIR TRUST IN GOD!

God helping us, we know of no one else proclaiming this solemn warning to our nation! And yet, unless it is proclaimed, WHOLE BOOKS of the Bible, such as Ezekiel, Amos, Hosea, Joel, are left almost wholly without meaning. They are a warning for our people in OUR TIME! Yes, even much of Jeremiah and Isaiah---much of Revelation, Daniel, and other important prophecies. To proclaim this life-and-death warning for our nation IS THE MOST IMPORTANT BUSINESS IN THIS WORLD TODAY.

After all these years, I can look back now and see that all my business experience and training in the years before I entered the active ministry, was a PREPARATION for the present task. I was very specially trained and fitted for every phase of this present work in a manner I did not dream of then.

The broadcasts evolved from the conception of a church service condensed to 20 minutes employing radio technique, to the present "WORLD TOMORROW" program of news analysis and Bible prophecy. Twenty years spent in the newspaper and magazine fields, in almost every department of the publishing business, has fitted me primarily for this program. Also it trained me for editing and publishing The PLAIN TRUTH and other booklets and articles.

Always, from the first, this radio work has been a WORK OF FAITH. Always it has been NON-denominational. It is a channel thru which GOD'S TRUE MESSAGE may be proclaimed boldly to the nation without taint or influence of the "babylonish" traditions that seem to grip the world today, and that have deceived all nations.

From the first we have tried to conduct God's work GOD'S WAY. The Gospel must not be SOLD like merchandise---it must go FREE. You'll never see the words "PRICE, so much" on The PLAIN TRUTH or on any literature we publish or send out. You'll never hear us beg for money over the air---and the very fact that it is "customary" makes us the more determined to depart from the traditions of men, and adhere to the rules of God! We never take up collections in public meetings or services. God's way is to GIVE, not to GET. God expects HIS PEOPLE to freely give---to give even at the cost of sacrifice---that the Gospel and the LAST WARNING may be carried forth and given FREELY to others. Our policy is to pay as we go, running no bills.

Gradually, continuously, this work has grown to its present national and international influence. At this writing, "The WORLD TOMORROW" program is going out every Sunday morning at 8:30 over the Liberty Net-Work in the Pacific Northwest---including stations KXL, Portland; KRSC, Seattle; and KGA, Spokane. At 9:30 Sunday morning it is broadcast over KMTR, Los Angeles, and KFMB, San Diego. At 9:45 over KORE, Eugene. And then at 11:P.M. Central war time, over super-power 50,000-watt clear-channel WHO, Des Moines. At this hour, WHO is the most powerful station in America for REACHING OUT---in fact it is probably the ONLY station which has a regular listening audience in EVERY STATE in the Union, as well as EVERY PROVINCE in Canada, for the simple reason it is the only clear-channel 50,000-watt station near enough the CENTER of the North American continent to be heard over the WHOLE continent. We receive letters from the northernmost parts of Canada, from the Panama Canal zone, from the British West Indies in the Atlantic.

But this is only the BEGINNING. This work is just emerging as a truly nation-wide, and international power. This work multiplied about six times over in power and scope during 1942. It must continue to grow proportionately during 1943, for TIME IS SHORT, and much remains to be done. We hope the end of this year will see the "WORLD TOMORROW" program going out over all the larger stations of the Mutual net-work, Coast-to-Coast, supplemented by about seven super-power 50,000-watt stations such as WHO, Des Moines. We hope to see The PLAIN TRUTH circulation jump to more than 100,000 copies during this year. We hope to be able to develop enough office organization to be able to publish The PLAIN TRUTH regularly the first of each month---to publish also "The GOOD NEWS", another monthly publication devoted to feeding the Flock---those who are converted---with the true spiritual food, and the deeper spiritual truths. In addition we hope to be able to resume publication of the "Bible Study Quarterly", suitable for private home study, or for the Bible classes, or for Sabbath or Sunday schools. And we hope, too, to be able in due time to publish some 40 or 50 booklets covering specific important doctrinal subjects. Yes, we have the goals set high, for we have a clear VISION of the work God has given us to do. He has been moving on before, opening the way, laying open the hearts of a growing group of Co-Workers to GIVE of their tithes and offerings, that we together may GIVE of the true Gospel---without money and without price.

While this work is wholly INDEPENDENT of MEN and of man- made or political organizations of men, such as denominations, sects or federations,---as we believe it SHOULD be to be truly GOD'S WORK---yet it is wholly DEPENDENT upon GOD for everything. We try to WALK IN THE LIGHT as He GIVES us the light---to preach, boldly and fearlessly, the TRUTH, and to LIVE that truth as we go.

God has blessed this work richly and abundantly. It's FRUITS are those of a work specially called, directed, empowered, and blessed of GOD---and by their FRUITS ye shall know them! God Himself is WORKING in this work. To those who see that, and wish to place GOD'S TITHES and their liberal offerings besides, where GOD is working, we express our sincerest and deepest heart-felt THANKS and gratitude. May God bless you, as He has blessed and is blessing us and His work!


And now, may I give our Co-Workers a report of the present status of God's work? Please read carefully, prayerfully, every word.

As I have explained to most of our co-workers before, the very phenomenal success of the broadcast over station WHO plunged us into a crisis. I believe it will be past as soon as the current issue of The PLAIN TRUTH is mailed out.

We had expected station WHO to add something less than $100 per week to our expense---figuring station-time cost alone. I estimated, based upon experience in using six other stations, between 200 and 300 requests per broadcast for The PLAIN TRUTH and the special booklet being published at the time. Instead, the first broadcast brought around 600 requests, and the number steadily increased, until it was averaging around 1,000 per broadcast. One broadcast alone brought 2,200 letters and post- cards. These letters and cards, most of which show unusual interest, come from every state in the union and every province in Canada.

It cost a fraction over 3› to add each new name to our mailing list---the cost of stencil used in our addressing machine and labor in cutting. Adding postage for mailing the literature requested, and cost of printing, and salaries paid for two additional secretaries (we NEED two more) and each letter or postcard received is costing, in immediate expense, close to 15› to handle. Result, WHO has actually added about $250 per week to our expenses! We were prepared to handle only a $100 expense. BUT, station WHO has given us such a VAST audience that it is the equivalent of having added four super-power 50,000-watt stations, each producing the results we expected.

Certainly I thank and praise God for this unexpected phenomenal response---and I thank Him, and you co-workers, too, for having tided us so nearly over this supreme financial crisis. As soon as these many thousands of NEW listeners receive the coming number of The PLAIN TRUTH---the first copy for most of them---many new co-workers will join with our present loyal helpers, to keep this work going---and GROWING.

Meantime, the printers are already at work on The PLAIN TRUTH. This coming number will run to 25,000 copies! It will cost upward of a thousand dollars to print and mail this issue! And it all must come by FAITH, in addition to the heavy weekly expense of broadcasting. Remember, WE NEVER BEG FOR MONEY OVER THE AIR! I never even so much MENTION the need of it. Ours is the only broadcast I know that is truly 100% a work of FAITH. It's GOD'S WAY! This is GOD'S WORK! And it is, right now, the most vital---the most IMPORTANT work, in this whole world!

It is more than just preaching the Gospel. THIS NATION MUST BE WARNED! The sure Word of prophecy says definitely the only way we can win this war is to REPENT as a nation, turn to God, seek Him and FIND Him, and put our trust in HIM! God has SENT this war upon us, as a JUDGMENT! The day of reckoning, for this nation, is HERE. This is of GOD! HE SAYS SO! Regardless of the APPEARANCE of things at the moment, regardless of the war situation as we THINK it is, regardless of how many planes, and tanks, and ships and guns we produce and how many men we train, STILL God says He will send crop-destroying worms and locusts, and withering DROUGHT and FAMINE that shall literally STARVE us into defeat, unless we turn to HIM! I tell you, dear co-workers, more demands upon you and me making every sacrifice, putting every ounce of energy and spiritual effort into sounding this warning SO LOUD and with such tremendous spiritual power it will WAKE UP this slumbering nation, than upon all that ALL the armed forces, combined, can do! WE MUST NOT FAIL! We must PLUNGE ON! The financial crisis is not over. I still need an extra thousand dollars, over and above regular weekly expenses. Send the largest offering you possibly can by return mail in the enclosed envelope. KEEP sending as OFTEN as you can. And PLEASE PRAY EARNESTLY, and DAILY, for this work.

As ever, your faithful co-worker,

Herbert W. Armstrong


April 20, 1943 Co-Worker Letter - Herbert W Armstrong


The GOOD NEWS Letter

Number 2 April 20, 1943

A personal letter to all the brethren of The Churches of God, from your pastor, co-laborer, and fellow-servant in Christ, Herbert W. Armstrong, Box 111, Eugene


GREETINGS! brethren, in the name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ! Again I am writing the Good News-LETTER on the train, in the very heart of the awe-inspiring and magnificent Canadian Rockies.

We are on our way home, again filled with JOY and reverent GRATITUDE for the continuing blessings of God's grace! If we sincerely dedicate our lives to HIM, keep our hearts honest toward God, and strive to do His will and those things that are pleasing in His sight, then it seems that even the Eternal Creator cannot do enough to bless us! I am reminded of those passages in the first chapter of Ephesians I have loved to read to you so often,---how God bestows upon us every spiritual blessing within the heavenly sphere!

He has certainly been with us, and blessed us,---and protected and preserved and prospered His work, on this trip! We faced the gravest crisis that has yet confronted this work. It appeared that the work had been set back at least a year. No human effort could have saved it. But God heard our prayers. He answered and saved it not only, but gave it a great leap forward, until now we are on TWO of the nation's eleven nationally-cleared channels over super-power 50,000-watt stations at 9:00 P.M. Sunday nights (Coast time), and the Message now goes out over NINE stations---two of the nation's most powerful 50,000-watt exclusive channel stations; two 10,000 watt stations, one 5,000, two 1,000-watt stations, and two 250-watt local stations!

I found it necessary to come home by way of Minneapolis, on one of the northern routes, so I could see the manager of the 50,000-watt station of Minneapolis. For some time I have been wanting to see some of the Canadian stations, looking into the possibility of adding them later on---and so when I found we could just as well return via Minneapolis, and then Canadian Pacific, through Winnipeg, Regina, Calgary, and Vancouver, and at no increase in train fare, I had our tickets rerouted and we are making the journey home through Canada. For a day and a night we traveled over the flat prairies of wheat land, but today we are winding through the marvelous, majestic, thrilling Canadian Rockies. We have passed Banff and Lake Louise, and are now back into Coast time and west of the Continental Divide. The spectacular thrills of these scenic mountains, revealing some of the Creator's matchless handiwork, provides a fitting climax to the thrill of gratitude we have experienced as the result of God's intervention and great blessings He has bestowed upon us this trip. How grateful and thankful we are! How we praise Him for His goodness and His wonderful works toward men!

How tragic that there are enemies who fight this work--- would break it up if God permitted---would even sow the seeds of discord among brethren and divide us and tear up God's work in every possible way to satisfy their personal aspirations and to vent their jealousies! Such mis-directed and destructive effort is truly tragic at a time of world-crisis such as this. But I thank God, I have never had to take time away from the work to which He has called me to fight back, or try to protect myself from enemies ---I have always been able to leave them to the Eternal, who fights all our battles for us, and to devote my entire time to the great CONSTRUCTIVE work of warning this nation of impending judgment, and to proclaim the GOOD NEWS of the coming KINGDOM OF GOD, and to the saving of souls and the UPBUILDING and strengthening of the brethren! And it is indeed encouraging inspiration when GOD BLESSES THE WORK OTHERS CONDEMN AND WOULD DESTROY! Somehow, after receiving these almost unbelievable blessings, I cannot believe God is nearly as angry with me as some of my enemies. Yes, we are grateful beyond words, and filled with praises and with JOY!


And now, since this is just an intimate and personal letter to our own inner-family of brethren, I want to tell you what has happened.

We had just arrived in Hollywood and I had started broad- casting daily, Monday through Friday at 5:15 P.M., over KMTR. Two days after we arrived Dorothy called up from the office to tell me she had very bad news---a letter had just arrived from WHO, cancelling our contract on two weeks' notice!

It was indeed bad news---almost FATAL news! It would have set the work back a year, reduced it to a local work again. It caught us at a time and under circumstances such that I do not know how or when we might have managed to get started again on another super-power 50,000 watt station. We would have lost all contact with a national audience of hundreds of thousands, and how we might have re-established contact with them I do not know. The situation is this: it always takes six to eight months before any new station becomes self-supporting financially. We had been on WHO just over six months. We were not yet receiving enough from our new WHO listeners to pay the expense of broadcasting over that station. Among these hundreds of thousands of listeners are many who will, if we continue to have contact with them, become regular co-workers within the next thirty, sixty, or ninety days---and we had been expecting a decided and sorely-needed "LIFT" from that source as soon as the current PLAIN TRUTH is completely mailed out. To be cut off, and lose all contact with them just now, would hit us an almost fatal financial blow.

When we started on WHO, the last of August, we were prepared to absorb the additional expense of station charges for time, even though this was very heavy. What we had not anticipated, and were NOT prepared for, was the expense of handling the amazing mail response we have received. The very success of the broadcast almost choked the work and put it out. We were sending out "The United States in Prophecy" booklet, and the cost of entering each new name on the mailing list, including cost of stencil and cutting for the addressing-machine system we use, and cost of printing and mailing one copy of "U.S. in Prophecy" and one copy of "The PLAIN TRUTH" is about 10›. Our programs on WHO brought in an average of close to 1,000 new names per week---one broadcast alone brought 2,200 letters and cards! This overwhelming mail-response, which radio men consider phenomenal, added an unexpected hundred dollars a week to our expenses. We had to employ additional typists in the office, buy new equipment, desks and chairs.

And now, just as we had weathered the storm,---just as we were expecting a definite increase in tithes and offerings received with the mailing of this issue of The PLAIN TRUTH, so that we could add another super-power station---WHO canceled! It would have left us where we simply could not have financed any other station, because a different station would not reach the SAME listeners,--- would not send in any money for months---we would have lost contact with those listeners who have become interested sufficiently to begin, now, to support the work and give it another leap ahead.

When I received the letter from the sales manager of WHO, next day in Hollywood, it appeared a hopeless case. After reading it, it seemed IMPOSSIBLE to alter their decision to cancel. It happens that a government war-time measure has reduced the paper supply to newspapers and magazines 10% under last year. This reduces the amount of advertising space they have to sell. On the other hand, because money spent for advertising is exempt from heavy war-time income taxes imposed upon big corporations, there is a tendency to spend many millions of added dollars in advertising just now. This is causing the big national advertisers to use every pressure to buy more time on radio stations for their commercially-sponsored programs. The WHO letter stated that, due to this increased demand for radio time by big corporations doing national advertising, they were going over their schedules, and found they were carrying too many religious programs, and therefore found it necessary to cancel.

Well, we were stunned. But I know this was another seemingly hopeless difficulty---"but the LORD delivers us out of them all"---so we immediately committed this crisis into God's hands, then tried to do what seemed best as my part. It turned out that what I did didn't help much---part of it hindered---but God heard, and as always, He ANSWERED, and saved us from all our fears!

Our tickets were routed via Shreveport and Chicago. As I told you in the first News-LETTER, I had hoped to add station KWKH at Shreveport, La., and perhaps also WJJD, Chicago, on this trip. Station KWKH would only reach out over a part of the vast territory reached by WHO, but it seemed more necessary now than ever that we start on KWKH before our last broadcast over WHO, so we could tell listeners where to find us.

I went to the ticket office for a train reservation. Every available space was taken for four days ahead, but, to show you how God works things out when we trust Him, someone had called up and canceled a reservation a matter of seconds before I reached the ticket office, and so we got reservations for the very next morning! I was up until after midnight making transcriptions for Sunday broadcasts so we could catch that train!

Things didn't work out at Shreveport, or Chicago. Both stations liked the program, and found it acceptable. KWKH offered me the very excellent time of 8 to 8:30 P.M. It was TOO excellent, because at that hour the price is $165.00 per broadcast. We couldn't afford it. I had hoped to secure a low-cost LATE night time, and at the local rate, (one-half the national rate), through one of the local merchants. But they would not give us this rate, and had no time open but 8:00 P.M. In Chicago, WJJD has a rate of $48.00 prior to 9:00 A.M. Sunday mornings, but this time was all contracted a year ahead. They offered me 9:00 to 9:30, but the price was nearly $90.00.

Station KWKH is not a nationally-cleared-channel station. It is what is called by radio men a clear-channel station (50,000 watts), but it is actually a cleared REGIONAL channel, only. By that I mean its channel is cleared for its region, but there are also stations in Vancouver, B.C., Pontiac, Michigan, Minneapolis, and in New York City also on its channel. Its channel is clear through the South only, and therefore its transmitter is DIRECTIONAL---that is, directs its power east and west through the South. Thus it does not reach into the North, or the East or Mid- west or Pacific Northwest with much power.

But station WHO has a nationally-cleared channel. By that I mean there is no other station ANYWHERE on its channel. Its 50,000 watts are beamed out in ALL directions. And in every state it can be gotten without interference from any other station. There are MANY super-power 50,000 watt stations in the United States. Some of them are KNX, KFI, KPO, and KIRO on the Coast, and also stations such as KSL, Salt Lake, and KOA, Denver. But, powerful as we think of these stations being, NONE OF THEM HAS A NATIONALLY-CLEARED CHANNEL---and therefore none of these stations, powerful as we think of them on the Coast, reaches out with ANY- THING like the power or distance of a station like WHO. I wonder if our brethren have realized just HOW powerful a station WHO really is. There are only eleven of these exclusively clear channels in all the United States! All the other 50,000 watt super-power stations have interference from other stations on their channel.

We arrived at Des Moines with NOTHING to take the place of WHO. I went to the station, but the sales manager was not in. I waited an hour, but they then informed me he was not coming back that day. Had I seen him, all would have been definitely lost! Next morning, the general MANAGER of the station called up by telephone at the hotel, asking me to come and see him. I found him very friendly, and gathered that he personally liked our broadcast. After going into it with him, showing him what an injustice it would work on us, he agreed to let us continue. He called up the sales-manager who had written the cancellation letter, at his home, told him of our agreement and told him he would like his approval and co-operation in it. The sales-manager came right down. He was furious. "You sure took it up with the right man," he said to me. "Mr. Maland is the boss." He fought to change Mr. Maland's agreement with me, and I fought to retain it. Our fate hung by a thread, because Mr. Maland, while friendly personally, did not appear to wish to antagonize his sales manager, and he was determined. I was asked to step out and let them discuss it privately. I was ushered into the audition room. While they threshed it out, I knelt and prayed. Mr. Maland compromised--- agreed to let us remain on until the expiration of our year's contract in August, and to this the sales manager finally agreed.

And so, we STILL have to seek God's intervention, or we shall have to leave WHO in August. But it gives us opportunity, in the meantime, to continue long enough to make WHO financially support the addition of one or two other super-power stations. It gives four and a half months to try to bring pressure through Dr. Palmer, who owns the station, and through Mr. Maland, who I believe is my friend, to find a way to renew the contract for another year ---and 4« months to get established on other stations reaching the entire country.

After this I made a few long distance calls to other stations. There are nationally-cleared-channel stations in St. Louis, in Louisville, Nashville, Cincinnati, Philadelphia, and Chicago, and one in San Antonio, Texas. The one at St. Louis is owned by C.B.S., and closed to religious broadcasts. The ones in Chicago are excessive in cost---from $250 up to $750 per broadcast, depending upon time of day. All of them except the one at San Antonio, cost over $100 per broadcast, even at their lowest rate for any time of day, 11:00 P.M. or after.

I noticed that station WOAI, San Antonio, had a published rate of $48.60 from 11:00 P.M. to 6:00 A.M. I called them up by long distance, contacted the sales manager, found 11:00 P.M. was OPEN! So, after the next Sunday night Broadcast over WHO, I caught the midnight train for Kansas City and San Antonio, arriving there Tuesday morning. The manager of WOAI listened to auditions of two of our transcribed programs. He complimented me on the programs, and after questioning me as to our policies, the nature of our work, etc., said the program was acceptable. And then,---to show you how God goes before and works out things for His work---he said they had just published a new rate-card. It INCREASES the rates for all time except the period between 11:00 P.M. and 6:00 A.M., which was decreased still lower---enough lower to save us over $300 per year under the present rate, and he offered me the benefit of this new lower rate---far less than HALF that of any other 50,000 watt nationally-cleared-channel station! He said he would have his secretary make out the contracts the next day, and mail to our office in Eugene for me to sign and return. And I have learned from the office that the contracts are now there awaiting my signature. We decided to start the first broadcast on WOAI Sunday night, May 2nd.

Station WOAI is second ONLY to WHO in value to us. It will cover FAR more territory than KWKH at Shreveport. I have heard it many times in Eugene. I talked to a number of people in Des Moines, all of whom say they often tune in on WOAI. While at Des Moines we visited our brethren Les and Lily Smith (members of Eugene Church) and they, too, often listen to WOAI. If it reaches into Iowa and Oregon, it must also reach into Canada. Its spot on the dial is almost as good as WHO---1200 on the dial---and like WHO, there is no other station anywhere on that spot---1200 on the dial.

And so now, at 11:00 P.M. Sunday nights in the middle- west---9:00 P.M. on the Coast---TWO of the nation's eleven completely-clear channels will be carrying "The WORLD TOMORROW" broadcast!

Instead of coming home with the work reduced to a local Coast work we are coming home with the work MIGHTILY STRENGTHENED, thanks to the intervention and working-out of God!

But, in the eventuality that we are unable to renew our contract with WHO next August, I realized that we need also the addition of another 50,000 watt station in the NORTH central part of the country, because station WOAI is too far south to completely fill the place of WHO alone. There is NO one station that can replace WHO. And the only logical station was KSTP in Minneapolis, location and cost considered. At 11:00 P.M. this station has a rate almost the same as WHO, under $100. It is not, however, a nationally-cleared channel station, but, coupled with WOAI and other stations we can add later, will cover the nation and Canada in case we are forced off WHO. KSTP is a super-power 50,000 watt station. It has same power and regional-clear channel as KNX, KPO, and KSL.

So we went to Davenport to see one of the closest personal friends of the owner of WHO, who happens to be one of our most interested listeners and co-workers, to go thoroughly into the WHO situation, and this friend is planning now on how to get this before the owner of WHO in such a way that we shall be able to renew our contract. We shall do all we can, of course, then commit it to God, and if He still wants His program on the air on WHO, the way will be opened for us by August. Will all you brethren PRAY to that end?

Then next day we were in Minneapolis on the way home. The sales manager of KSTP told me they had, three months ago, adopted this policy being urged by the powerful organized groups representing the organizations of Catholics, Jews, and Protestants, and would not sell time for religious broadcasts. However, he did grant the courtesy of listening to a transcribed program I had with me. After hearing it he complimented me highly on the program, said we had something original, and above all INTERESTING and a good radio production. He said our program was so much better than the average run of religious broadcasts, that he would classify it as a news analysis and philosophical program, so as to get around their rule not to accept religious programs, and that he would accept "The WORLD TOMORROW" program. So, God is still paving the way! We are not yet ready to add this station, but he said that, if I wish to contract with them within the next three or four months, he would be glad to have us on the station!

And so after that, I felt that we could continue on home rejoicing in the Lord! Yes, happy and filled with joy over His unmistakable blessings! Let's all GET BACK OF THIS WORK, with our PRAYERS, our tithes and offerings, every way we can! Let's keep LOVE in our hearts, and retain that tie that binds us together in Christ! For who can SEPARATE us from that LOVE? Let's press on to ever greater heights. GOD'S WORK MUST GO ON, with increasingly multiplied POWER!

Herbert W. Armstrong



June 6, 1943 Co-Worker - Herbert W Armstrong - How to Figure Pentecost



A personal letter to all the brethren of The Churches of God, from your pastor, co-laborer, and fellow-servant in Christ, Herbert W. Armstrong, Box 111, Eugene.

Number 2 June 8th, 1943


GREETINGS, Brethren! Next Monday, June 14th, is a very sacred annual SABBATH-day! It is the annual day of PENTECOST, or Festival of First Fruits. On that day we are commanded to cease our work, just as on the weekly Sabbath, and to assemble in holy convocation.

The Original PENTECOST

Notice Acts 1:1: "And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place." They were ASSEMBLED! Why? And they were all with ONE ACCORD about it, not divided as to which day.

The word "Pentecost" is a GREEK word. It was not used in Old Testament times. It signifies "Fifty," because this day was determined by COUNTING fifty days FROM the morrow after the weekly Sabbath which falls during the days of unleavened bread. Literally, the Greek word "pentecost" means "fifty-count." Count fifty. Count fifty FROM a certain day. The day we count from is the morrow AFTER the Sabbath. The Sabbath we now call "Saturday." The morrow after Saturday is Sunday. Count one day FROM Sunday. Any little child would readily know it is Monday. Sunday is not one day FROM Sunday. Sunday is Sunday, and one day FROM Sunday is Monday. Seven days from Sunday is the following Sunday. Seven WEEKS from Sunday is the seventh Sunday. And the morrow after that seventh week is Monday. 49 days FROM Sunday is the seventh Sunday, and 50 days after, or counted FROM any Sunday always falls on a MONDAY. That is simple second-grade arithmetic. Yes, thank God, these things are not difficult; they are plain and simple; and they are revealed to BABES who are surrendered of heart and mind and willing to learn God's way, and hidden from the wise and the prudent.

In the Hebrew of the Old Testament, the word "Pentecost" is not used. "Pentecost" is a Greek word, used only after the Jews of Palestine came to speak the common language of the time, Greek. Originally, in the Hebrew, this festival was called primarily by two names, "Feast of FIRST FRUITS," and "FEAST OF WEEKS," because it is COUNTED by numbering seven WEEKS from the morrow after the Sabbath, and then adding one day to make fifty. Hence, in the Hebrew, the festival was named "Feast of WEEKS," signifying seven WEEKS were counted from a Sunday, to the morrow after that seventh week, or to a Monday; while in the New Testament it was named Pentecost, meaning "count FIFTY" days from a Sunday, (morrow after the Sabbath), to a MONDAY. Thus the method of counting is embodied into the very NAME of the festival, both in Hebrew and Greek---both in Old Testament and New. And if it is counted any other way, we nullify the very NAME of the festival. It is IMPORTANT that we figure the RIGHT DAY!

Suppose the disciples and the "Jews, devout men out of every nation, had figured only 49 days, by counting the first Sunday as one day FROM Sunday---or had figured to the morrow after seven SATURDAYS instead of seven WEEKS numbered from a Sunday, as we are SO PLAINLY directed? They would have assembled, NOT on the day of Pentecost at all, but on a PAGAN SUNDAY, and they would have waited all day IN VAIN---and WITHOUT THE HOLY SPIRIT. Then they would have gone away, thinking the day had passed, and on the following day, which was the TRUE "Feast of WEEKS," the Holy Spirit would have come, but they would not have been there to receive God's most precious Gift! Yes, it is IMPORTANT we figure the right day.

The MEANING of "Pentecost."

Notice, first, "Pentecost" is not "an upper room" as some seem to believe. It is not an experience. The Scripture does not say "When the EXPERIENCE of Pentecost came," it says "when the DAY OF PENTECOST was fully come." Pentecost is a DAY. The day before, or the day after, is not Pentecost---is not the FIFTIETH day---is not the festival of WEEKS.

"Pentecost" is one of the annual Sabbaths, or Holydays OF THE LORD (not of Moses), which the Eternal God set apart for His people FOREVER. If those who were converted into the New Testament CHURCH had not been ASSEMBLED, observing that day, some 50 days after Christ had nailed all things done away to His Cross, they would not have received the Holy Spirit---the New Testament Church would not have started!

Notice Exodus 23:14-16: "Three times thou shalt keep a feast unto me in the year. Thou shalt keep the feast of unleavened bread. . . and the feast of harvest, the FIRSTFRUITS of thy labors, which thou has sown in the field; and the feast of INGATHERING, which is in the end of the year."

God gave to His CHURCH, at the time when the Church was first called, while His people were still in Egypt, seven annual holydays to picture to the Church GOD'S PLAN OF REDEMPTION, which the Church was to proclaim. The Church, both of Old and New Testaments, was to be used as God's instrumentality in carrying out His PLAN. The holydays were given to keep the Church in the true knowledge and understanding of the Plan the Church was to be used in carrying out.

As the redemptive Plan BEGINS with the crucified Lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the world, so the annual festive season began with the Passover, picturing the Crucifixion. Once we repent of sin, and turn to Jesus Christ as sin-bearer and personal Saviour, with FAITH in His shed blood for the remission of sins, we are JUSTIFIED. But justification has only to do with a guilty PAST. We must then QUIT sinning---put sin COMPLETELY out of our lives. And this is pictured to us by the SEVEN DAYS OF UNLEAVENED BREAD which follow the Passover. On the 14th day of the first month, God's sacred calendar (month called Abib, or Nisen), is the Passover. And in the 15th day of this same month is the FESTIVAL, for seven days. The first and last of these seven days are HOLY days---annual Sabbaths. The days of unleavened bread remind us annually we are to put sin COMPLETELY out of our lives, by keeping God's Commandments.

But the Plan cannot stop there. We are justified--- reconciled to God---by the DEATH of His Son, but we are SAVED, not by His death, but by His LIFE (Rom. 5:10). If Christ remained dead, we could never be saved. For "if Christ be not risen, . . . your faith is also vain. . . And IF Christ be not raised, your faith is vain; ye are yet in your sins Then they also which are fallen asleep in Christ are PERISHED." (I Cor. 15:14-18).

And so, during these seven days of unleavened bread, the Eternal commanded: "When ye be come into the land which I give unto you, and shall reap the harvest thereof, then ye shall bring a sheaf of the firstfruits of your harvest unto the priest: and he shall wave the sheaf before the Eternal, to be accepted for you: on the MORROW AFTER THE SABBATH the priest shall wave it." (Lev. 23: 10-11).

God used the material food harvest to picture the harvest of SOULS. This was the season of the early GRAIN harvest. This first sheaf of grain pictured the RISEN CHRIST. It had to be accepted BY THE ETERNAL for them---as Christ had to be accepted of God FOR US. It was ON he morrow after the Sabbath---the weekly Sabbath during the days of unleavened bread---that the risen Christ had to be presented to God, to be accepted of Him, for us. It was on this sunday morning---the day after the weekly Sabbath---that Jesus appeared to Mary Magdalene. When she recognized Him, she would run forward and embraced Him for joy. But Jesus restrained her. "Touch me not," He said, "for I am not yet ascended to my Father: but go to my brethren, and say unto them, "I ascend unto my Father, and your Father." And the angel instructed Mary, "Go your way, tell His disciples and Peter He goeth before you into Galilee: there shall ye see Him, as He said unto you." (John 20:17; and Mark 16:7). The same evening Jesus met with them, and then they could touch Him. He was the antetypical Wave Sheaf, and on that Sunday, the morrow after the Sabbath, He was accepted FOR THEM of God. Thus the wave-sheaf pictured the RESURRECTED Christ.

Now notice verse 14, Lev. 23: "And ye shall eat neither bread, nor parched corn, nor green ears, until the selfsame day." The wave-sheaf was the first sheaf of grain cut. None could be harvested or used UNTIL that first wave-sheaf had been accepted of the Eternal. Likewise he first harvest of souls could not even begin until Christ, first of the first-fruits, had been resurrected and accepted of God. Until then the Holy Spirit could not come--- the New Testament spirit-filled Church could not START. (See John 7:37-39; and 16:7).

Counting Pentecost

Continue now Leviticus 23: "And ye shall COUNT..." (verse 15). The date of the next annual holy day is determined by COUNTING. We ought to be able to COUNT straight. The directions are plain and simple: shall COUNT unto you from the morrow after the Sabbath, from the day that ye brought the sheaf of the wave offering..."

For almost 1900 years, according to historic records, there has been dispute as to which day to count FROM. Josephus, the Jewish historian who wrote about 70 A.D., shows that in his day most of the Jews counted FROM the annual Sabbath---the FIRST holyday, Abib 15th. Some counted from the last annual Sabbath, Abib 21. The Jews today count FROM the day they call Passover, which is not Passover at all but Abib 15, the first annual holy- day. They do not count from the morrow AFTER that day, but from Abib 16. The Sadducees and another Jewish sect, the Samaritans, counted from the day after the weekly Sabbath occurring during the days of unleavened bread. The Samaritans are the ONLY sect that have continued to observe all these festivals down to the present day exactly as in the days of Moses. They still sacrifice and roast the paschal lamb. They have kept up all these rites continuously without a break. They are the ONLY people who have continued these rites exactly as God originally gave them to the Israelites under the Levitical priesthood of the Old Covenant. They have NEVER MADE ANY CHANGE in their doctrines or manner of observing the holy days. They use the same calendar---the original sacred calendar---that is today called "the Jewish calendar." They kill the Passover lamb between sunset and dark, the night of the 14th Abib. They roast and eat it that same night. They observe the FEAST the following night, same as all Jews, beginning of the 15th. THEY HAVE CONTINUED TO FIGURE PENTECOST FROM THE SUNDAY FOLLOWING THE WEEKLY SABBATH OCCURRING DURING THE DAYS OF UNLEAVENED BREAD---just as God originally gave it to the people thru Moses!

Jesus, the great Antetypical Lamb, and after His resurrection, the Antetypical Wave-sheaf, was presented before and accepted of God on the morrow after the WEEKLY Sabbath during the days of unleavened bread, A.D. 31. That is the day we now call Sunday. He was in His grave on the morrow after the annual Sabbath, Abib 16th. So the fulfillment of the type ought to set us straight beyond doubt as to which day to count FROM. We count FROM the day following the weekly Sabbath---always FROM a Sunday. Making it PLAIN!

Let us get that point fixed plainly in mind. we count in order to determine which day is Pentecost. Can we COUNT? We count FROM a Sunday, always. The particular Sunday which follows the weekly Sabbath during the days of unleavened bread.

This particular year Passover was the eve of April 19th ---that is, after sunset Sunday April 18th. The days of unleavened bread were April 20th to 26th inclusive (each day beginning the previous sunset). The weekly Sabbath DURING these days was April 24th. The morrow AFTER the Sabbath was Sunday April 25th---the day on which the wave-sheaf would have been waved.

Now we have the day to count FROM---Sunday April 25th. No one should get mixed up in counting 50 days FROM a definite day.

"And ye shall count unto you FROM the morrow after the Sabbath, sabbaths (weeks) shall be complete, even to the morrow after the seventh sabbath (week) shall ye number FIFTY DAYS." (Lev. 23:15).

Those who have Miscounted Pentecost have done so thru one or more of three errors. Error number one is assuming that the word "Sabbaths" means always and only SATURDAYS---that is, seventh day of the week. Anyone who understands Hebrew knows the Hebrew word Sabbath, or "shabbaths" as it is in this text, has also the meaning of any PERIOD of seven days, or WEEKS. The Hebrew word "Sabbath" means "rest," "cessation," "holy day"---as, for instance, all seven annual holydays are SABBATHS, and they are not SATURDAYS; it means also "seven" or period of seven days, or week, and it means also THE seventh DAY of each week.

For instance, the expression first day of the WEEK occurs in eight places in the New Testament. Tho written in the Greek language, God inspired the writing THRU Hebrews, and in every one of these eight places the GREEK word for "week" was not used--- because he Jews always used the word "SABBATH" to express "WEEK." In every one of those eight places the expression is "shabbathon," literally "sabbaths," or "first into the sabbaths."

From the Dictionary of the Bible by Hastings, you'll find the root (of the Heb. "sabbath") means to desist, cease,---the doubled "b" having an intensive force and implying complete cessation, hence, seven. To say that the word "sabbath" must mean the equivalent of what is today called "Saturday" ALONE, without any other meaning, is simply to express rank ignorance. The ROOT of the word signifies COMPLETE cessation, and since SEVEN is God's number denoting completeness, the number seven is connected with the Hebrew "shabbaths." It means a period of SEVEN days---ANY period of seven days, or, as we say in English "WEEKS," as well as the seventh day of each week. It is so used elsewhere in the Bible. The Moffatt translation settles it. Listen: "From the day after the sabbath, the day you bring the sheaf of the waved offering, you shall count SEVEN FULL WEEKS." Not seven SATURDAYS ---seven full WEEKS. They are counted FROM a Sunday. Now if you count your FIRST week to the following SATURDAY, you do not count a FULL week, but only six days, and the instruction is plain--- seven FULL weeks FROM a Sunday, and seven FULL weeks from a Sunday brings you to a Sunday seven weeks later. Then we count to the morrow AFTER that seventh full WEEK, or a MONDAY, making FIFTY DAYS from the Sunday where we begin counting.

Now suppose this meant seven SATURDAYS, and to the morrow after the seventh Saturday. This would be ONLY 49 DAYS from the day we count from. It would not be COMPLETE, and the text explicitly commands us to count seven weeks COMPLETE, to a total of FIFTY DAYS from a Sunday. Notice, "FROM the morrow after the Sabbath...."shall ye number FIFTY DAYS." Those who count seven SATURDAYS instead of seven FULL WEEKS as the Bible says, are not counting FIFTY DAYS (Pentecost) but ONLY FORTY-NINE DAYS. And the 49th day is NOT Pentecost, and those who observe it do NOT observe Pentecost, no matter how well-meaning their intentions, for PENTECOST means FIFTY-count; that is, COUNT FIFTY, not count 49! Now let us PROVE that this word "shabbath" as it is in the original Hebrew means WEEKS here, and not "SATURDAYS." The same identical Hebrew word is used in Lev. 25:8,: "And thou shalt number seven sabbaths of years unto thee, seven times seven years: and the space of seven sabbaths of years shall be unto thee forty and nine years." There it is FIGURED OUT. It does not mean SATURDAYS---it means PERIOD OF SEVEN---seven TIMES SEVEN. and it figures to FORTY NINE. Now counting from Sunday April 25th, seven sabbaths complete are FORTY NINE DAYS, and we count "even unto the morrow after the seventh sabbath ... FIFTY DAYS," and this is a MONDAY. If you count it seven SATURDAYS you do not have 49 days, but 48. Seven Saturdays after Sunday April 25th brings you to Saturday June 12, exactly 48 days. The text quoted above FIGURES it for us, and this expression figures out to FORTY NINE, not 48. Then we add one day to make it FIFTY.

You'll find the same identical word used in the same identical meaning in Lev. 25:8, 26:34, 43 and II Chron. 36:21. In all these places it means PERIOD OF SEVEN, or multiply by seven, not seven SATURDAYS.

We are also instructed how to count Pentecost in Deut. 16:9. "Seven WEEKS (not Saturdays) shalt thou number unto thee: begin to number the seven weeks from such time as thou beginnest to put the sickle to the corn. And thou shalt keep the FEAST OF WEEKS unto the Lord thy God." Now here a DIFFERENT Hebrew word is used---"shabuah", meaning "sevened, i.e., a WEEK. It is another derivation from the Hebrew "Shabbath." Here, even in the King James translation, we are told to count SEVEN WEEKS, not seven Saturdays, FROM the day the first sheaf was cut and waved---from a Sunday.

Again from the Bible Dictionary: "PENTECOST: The term, adopted from the Greek, means 'fiftieth,' and was applied by Greek- speaking Jews to the second of the three chief Hebrew feasts, because it fell on the fiftieth day AFTER the offering of the barley-sheaf during the Feast of Unleavened Bread." Again, "The Feast of WEEKS came on the 50th day after the barley sheaf was waved, (i.e., the day AFTER the completion of seven WEEKS). Hence we read, (Jer. 5:24) of the 'appointed weeks of harvest.'" There has been in the past a dispute as to WHICH Sabbath, weekly or annual, the wave-sheaf day followed to count FROM, but never as to HOW TO COUNT THE FIFTY DAYS.

Suppose you had borrowed some money. We are all in agreement as to which day we count FROM---we count fifty days FROM Sunday April 25th. The problem, then, is how to COUNT fifty days. Suppose that on April 25th you had borrowed $1,000 at the bank. You don't want to pay it back a day too soon. You would pay it back ON the day that is PENTECOST, if you borrowed it for FIFTY DAYS.

I have just gone to the bank---the First National of Eugene. I asked if I had borrowed a thousand dollars on April 25th payable 50 days from date, WHEN I would be expected to pay it. I asked, "Which day do you count as number one, the day you figure from, that is April 25th, or the day following?" "Why," answered the banker, "your note would not be one day old the day it is made. It is not one day old until the day following. You number 'ONE' the day AFTER you borrow the money. You are not a year old the day you are born. You are not a year old until one year AFTER you are born. We have people coming in here almost every day confused on that point," he added, "but when I asked them how they count how old they are, they usually see it. But come back here. We figure when notes are due on our Meilicke Calculating machine. See, I set it here at Sunday, April 25th. Now I set it over here at 50 days. And right here the machine tells you which is the 50th day---see, it is June 14th. That machine can't figure it wrong." And, if YOU, dear brethren, are confused or in doubt as to how to count 50 days FROM SUNDAY April 25th, go into the bank and ask them to let you see the calculating machine figure it for you. That ought to settle the matter and convince all who are willing to receive the TRUTH!

In conclusion, let me apologize for not having been able to get this News-LETTER out sooner. We are overloaded with work at the office. I have to be away most of the time. Study this carefully if you are in doubt. And let us all ASSEMBLE with one accord on next Monday, June 14th, the 50th day, PENTECOST, as we are commanded, and God bless you all. With love, Your pastor, Herbert W. Armstrong


June 9, 1943 Co-Worker Letter - Herbert W Armstrong - Plea for Money



Box 111, Eugene, Oregon. June 9, 1943.

Dear Friend and Co-Worker:

Instead of the usual longer BULLETIN, I send you this time just a quick one-page letter, which must be RUSHED to all Co-workers today.

This great and important work for God and His Kingdom has hit a serious crisis. I must ask our Co-Workers, without beating about the bush or mincing words, to come generously to the aid of this work AT ONCE, if it is to continue at all---let alone grow and multiply in power as it has so phenomenally up to now. Frankly, the past few weeks we have been receiving only about HALF enough money to keep this work going. The work cannot survive another week, unless our Co-workers respond quickly and liberally. The crisis is just that serious!

There is a reason. It is a situation I have not been able to prevent up to now, but it WILL be met. In a few words the reason is that we have not been able to send out The PLAIN TRUTH promptly. I'll have this difficulty solved now, if our Co-workers will understand, and stand by me thru this crisis. Here is the situation: I have written our Co-workers before how the very SUCCESS of the Work plunged us into an emergency---how the response from super-power WHO was five times what we had anticipated---how it cost us twice as much to handle the thousands and thousands of requests that poured in as the cost of station time alone. This delayed us at least two months in getting out The PLAIN TRUTH. And when it did come out the mailing list had jumped to 25,000 copies!

We finally hurdled that barrier, but once the magazines were printed we encountered a new problem---and at a time when I was in Southern California and the middle-west and unable to give it my personal attention. Do you realize what a task it is to address, fold, wrap, and sort for mailing, TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND MAGAZINES? Two or three trained and experienced mailers could have wrapped and mailed out this entire edition in a week. They would fold, wrap, and sort eight to ten copies while one untrained in that special job would do one. But the boys we have employed for that job in the past are in military service---not one trained mailer was obtainable. We hired and tried a number of girls. We had to turn most of the mailing job finally over to the printers, who put inexperienced girls on the job part time. Our own staff has devoted what time they could to it. Result, the last copies are going out only today---about two months after the magazine was printed. Had this issue gone out promptly, enough of these many thousands of new readers would voluntarily have become new co-workers to have increased our income by 25%. More stations would have been added. As it is, thousands have been perhaps offended, not understanding our problem. I am going to find a way, somehow, to see that the next number is mailed out speedily. I can only trust you will understand, hold up my hands, and come now quickly to the rescue.

We need and must have an extra three thousands dollars, to meet the immediate crisis, by return mail. Perhaps YOU are one who could send that entire amount---or a thousand, or a hundred. Perhaps you are one who can send only the "widow's mite." I do not know---God knows. But Bible instruction regarding offerings for special emergencies is found in II Cor. 8:12, and 9:6-8, (Moffatt Translation): "If only one is ready to give according to his means, it is acceptable; he is not asked to give what he has not got. . . he who sows sparingly will reap sparingly, and he who sows generously will reap a generous harvest. . . there is to be no grudging or compulsion about it, for God loves the giver who gives cheerfully. God is ABLE to bless you with ample means, so that you may always have quite enough for any emergency..." God provides for his work thru HIS PEOPLE---you co-workers. As Paul made an appeal, so do I. Will YOU send the largest amount you can AT ONCE? It is extremely URGENT! GOD BLESS YOU! Thank you!


July 20, 1943 - Herbert W Armstrong - Plea for Money



VOL. IV Number 4 July 20, 1943

Published every little while, by your radio-pastor editor, Herbert W. Armstrong, Box 111, Eugene, Ore., to bring spiritual edification and encouragement to our little family of co-workers who make possible The Radio CHURCH OF GOD and The PLAIN TRUTH.



It is later than we think!

I have mentioned before an organized effort to throw off the air the preaching of the PURE BIBLE TRUTH.

It comes from a powerful organized group in New York--- constituting themselves as the representatives of the Protestant (Federated Council of Churches---modernist), Roman Catholic, and Jewish faiths in a united action.

This religious combine now seeks to constitute itself the sole voice of religion over the air in America. Their plan, if accepted by radio stations, would shut off virtually everyone else.

It actually would bar JESUS CHRIST Himself from the air, were He here in person today preaching as He did 1900 years ago---and in fact, it WILL shut Him and HIS MESSAGE and His true ministers off the air, if it succeeds!

The "RECOMMENDATIONS" sent out by this organized movement from New York, considered only from the side as they present it, will appeal to many if not most radio men as eminently fair and right.

The "RECOMMENDATIONS" urge that (quote:) "religious programs, like educational broadcasts, should be presented on a sustaining basis, without payment for time." If no charge is made for TIME used for religious broadcasts, stations obviously cannot GIVE time to everybody. Therefore the "RECOMMENDATIONS" urge next:

"That time available be allocated by networks or local station management in cooperation with advisory committees from the various faiths." Meaning, of course, the committees of this New York combine which has appointed itself the representation of religion in America.

Now SHOULD radio stations DONATE time for religious broadcasts? the answer is IT COSTS MONEY to spread and proclaim the Gospel. SOMEBODY has to pay the cost. God's way is not for the printing company to pay the cost of publishing the Gospel, the contractor to bear the burden of the expense of building church buildings, or for radio stations which may not believe the Gospel to pay the cost of proclaiming the Gospel over the air.

GOD'S WAY of financing His work is THRU THE TITHES AND FREE-WILL OFFERINGS OF HIS PEOPLE, who gladly, willingly, cheerfully GIVE for this purpose that the Gospel may be given, without money and without price, to those who do NOT believe as they do.


But what can we do? Frankly, about the only thing YOU can do, dear Co-workers for Christ, is to PRAY! Pray as you never did before! And continue to stand back of me, stronger than ever, at any sacrifice, that this great work may grow now faster than ever, that more and more radio stations may be added WHILE THERE IS YET TIME.

Yes, it is LATER THAN WE THINK! We are in the very last days. We must work while it is DAY, for the night cometh when NO MAN can work! We must press on in greater power than before, in pure FAITH! We must seek power, and wisdom, and help from God as never before. JESUS IS COMING SOON!


During the past year this work, to which our heavenly Father called me from a life in business, has doubled and re- doubled in power. It has grown almost unbelievably. Now the Gospel Message of "The WORLD TOMORROW"---for the Kingdom of God is "The WORLD TOMORROW"---can be heard in nearly all parts of the North American continent.

We receive many letters from people who confess they are unconverted and in sin, asking me to help them find Christ as Saviour and forgiveness of sins. These letters come from all over the United States. I have three such letters for answer today--- and those are the FIRST letters to receive my time. One such soul saved is worth the whole cost of this work. Many wives write that their husbands, who never would go to church or listen to religious broadcasts, are now listening eagerly and with interest to our program, and when The PLAIN TRUTH arrives we usually get report that they are reading it and devouring every word. Our main PURPOSE is to reach the UN-converted. That's why, frankly, I start out nearly all programs as a news analysis program, tying in the news of today with the PROPHECIES of God's Word. Thousands who will listen to no other religious program are intensely INTERESTED in "The WORLD TOMORROW" broadcasts.

But our path has not been easy. We have met opposition, discouragement, every obstacle. This whole past year, which has seen the greatest growth and expansion of this work, has been a constant test of faith. Just recently we met perhaps our biggest test of faith, when I was forced to rush out a letter appealing to our Co-workers for immediately financial help.

Many of you responded, and I want to let you know now how much the offerings, and tithes, you sent in HELPED. You SAVED THIS WORK! We needed $3,000 over and above enough to carry current week-by-week expenses. It didn't all come---in fact, only a little over half of it---but it did tide us over for the time, and you who responded can't know how much you helped, and I can't express to you in words how full is my heart with thanks and gratitude.

Many wrote letters with their offerings showing how concerned they were about the crisis in this work. It was a real burden to them. I can't tell you in words how this concern touches my heart, and how it encourages, and INSPIRES me, to know that there are so many others who are truly BURDENED for this great work, and so loyally standing back of me. I wish I could make you know how I feel about it. Many of our Co-workers realize JESUS IS COMING VERY SOON---that our time is short, and OUR RESPONSIBILITY BEFORE GOD IS GREAT. I pray God's richest blessing upon you. He knows our hearts, and His rewards will be far exceeding above any- thing we can imagine.

You can't know how your good letters encourage and inspire not only me, but the whole office staff. I pray for you all daily. We pray especially for those who request prayer at our weekly midweek prayer meeting here in Eugene. I would love to answer all your questions personally, and have tried to, but just been unable. If I devoted my entire time to nothing but answering letters I could only answer a PART of the many I receive. It takes five busy secretaries to handle our radio mail. But I do try to read every letter that is personal, or asks questions, or is more than a mere request, even tho I do not find time to answer them all ---tho I do answer all I possibly can.

By the way, I am now starting work on a task that has been a desire very close to my heart for a long time. I plan to prepare in series' of seven articles, or lessons, each, some 49 to 70 articles on various Bible subjects. They will be sent only upon request, and only the first seven articles will be mailed first. Then, if these have all been read and studied, and the reader wishes to continue, the second series of seven more will be sent, and so on until you will have had a COMPLETE BIBLE COURSE. It will all be free, of course. These articles will answer most of the questions our listeners ask. They are not yet prepared or ready. It will be announced in The PLAIN TRUTH when they are ready for distribution.

But, dear Co-workers, I must tell you now the crisis of this moment is just about as serious as that of five weeks ago. Our contract with station WHO expires with the broadcast of August 22nd. Unless God Himself intervenes in our behalf we shall not be able to continue on this great super-power station after that date, for the business manager of WHO favors those "RECOMMENDATIONS" I have told you about. I feel he is sincere in it, but deceived. Letters to the station would not help---would only do us harm. Do not write them---but PRAY, please PRAY, and BELIEVE we shall have the petition we ask of our heavenly Father. I am starting East in ten days. If God intervenes so we continue another year on WHO, I hope to add station WJJD, Chicago this trip. If not, I will try to add another 50,000-watt nationally-clear-channel station. There are only a FEW such powerful stations. I NEED YOUR HELP AND YOUR PRAYERS! And God's guidance!

Meantime, I am finishing up the copy for the coming PLAIN TRUTH, ready to hand to the printers in the next two or three days.

The printers have today ordered the paper for this next number,--- a TON AND A HALF of paper---three thousands pounds of paper---think of it! That is a lot of paper. And we may thank God we were able to get it in this time of paper shortage. All the larger magazines and newspapers are rationed to 10% less paper than they used before. I feel God Himself has watched over the interests of His work, so that we are able to buy, so far, constantly INCREASING amounts of paper as His work expands and grows. We are printing 33,000 copies this issue. It will be LARGER---12 pages this time. I hope to make it the best and most interesting PLAIN TRUTH yet. This issue of The PLAIN TRUTH will cost over a thousand dollars, just for printing and postage alone.

So again we are in URGENT and IMMEDIATE NEED. In addition to our weekly needs now running into several hundred dollars per week, we must have, almost immediately, an additional $2,000 to complete The PLAIN TRUTH, and put this serious crisis behind us. I feel that somewhere among our growing family of Co-workers is someone who can, if willing, supply that entire extra sum so that all the regular offerings may go for the week-to-week regular expenses. And perhaps if that person, whoever he or she may be, realizes THE TIME we are living in---how short is our time for finishing the great work God has called us to do---how soon it will be when there shall be a FAMINE of even HEARING the Word of God---HOW NEAR IS THE COMING OF CHRIST---that there would be no hesitation. I could easily use one million dollars in the next year in proclaiming God's last warning MESSAGE by radio and by newspaper, magazine, and otherwise.

But whether YOU can send $2,000 or more, or only a dollar or less, God knows your ability and will reward you accordingly. We should each do our very utmost whatever that may be---even at great sacrifice. And I know you will. Please pray for me and this work, and continue to stand loyally with me in God's work to the utmost of your ability. God bless you! With Christian Love, Herbert W. Armstrong