To all,

After many years doing this project I have decided the time has come to move on. In the end game I hope that I have helped many using the audio visual material. It does make the difference in educating. It is time to move on and away from Armstrongism. The videos have now been deleted from YouTube.

This Project Has Ended!

The "Altar"
Herb's disciple's will inherit the earth?




Membership Resignation Letter

1975 in Prophecy  

Birthday Bash 2006  (Right click and save) Real Player format. Convert using Format Factory

HWA, The Man, The Mission, & The Results  (Right click and save)


Murder in the Church of God





Reverse Speech, the phenomenon of hidden backward messages in speech. It initially gained worldwide fame in the early 80s as those strange backward messages in rock and roll. Since that time, research has progressed significantly and it is now known to exist in all forms of human speech”. David John Oates.

From the Restored Church of God sermon, “21st-Century Apostle” part 2 at approximately 1:15:42 into the sermon, we hear the Apostle Dave talk about the “work” and the age that Herbert was when he understood that he held the office of Apostle. It is at this point when we hear Dave say: He was 60 when he understood he held the office, I'm 56” DaveForward now try DaveReverse

How does “Three million a week” sound? Dave should be able to live on that! Why not stop over at Dave's and give that little bit of extra cash you don't need!