10/22/2009 04:07 AM
Dear Father James,
Thanks be to our Lord Jesus!
Hopefully God will open a way.
Be connected to me to any news possible.
10/22/2009 07:25 AM
With all means i have tried looking you a home,but found occupied.
Iconsulted five agencies dealing with homes to buy and homes to hire(rent),but failed to get one. What should i do next?
There is aslide hope which i am not sure of,the day is off now i have to rent a guest room.
May our good Lord give us the security needed.
Reply as soon as you can to know what to do next.
Dear Father James,
My journey to Malindi was successful.I was connected to homes consultant who deals with big homes in the town.Bella casa properties showed me to the new homes and found the following results.
-5minutes drive to town
-Located on the main road.
-Stunning ocean view..white sand.
-Asian style house with one storey.
-4 master bed rooms
-Dinning,kitchen plus a store.
-The homes are 4000 square feet.
.The homes are not proper finished in,parking and the entrance,no swimming pools,small fencing block..
We agreed after denouncing me to take the pictures instead they told me that in there laptop the pictures are inserted.For this reason i gave them your email address to send the pictures direct to you.No business with your email.We agreed that whatever they send to you ,forward to me for more confirmation..sometimes they advertise what is not exactly in there clients.
My request in regard to the homes;
I am supposed to return there if you will select from the two homes...to org anise the legal ownership of the homes.Looking the ownership certificate from the dealers ,you and the advocate.To observe proper finishing is done according to the standards.Electricity to be connected immediately.
The email address of the dealers is ...baroque25@yahoo.com....THE BELLA CASA PROPERTIES.
My phone number....+254727-78XXXX.
You have not followed my directions as I commanded you. I wrote you
with the requirements. What part of that did you not understand?
1) I will require a home in Malindi, and it must be in the finest part of town.
2) The home must have two stories and have over 4500 square feet of living room.
3) The home must face the ocean.
4) There must be electricity that must not be interrupted.
5) Guarantee of weekly cash deposits (USD) to sustain my current lifestyle.
6) Mercedez SLG AMG in the driveway when I arrive so that I can visit the brethren.
7) Church building within walking distance.

Then to add insult to injury, you gave MY email address to some heathen scum? No Joseph, I feel that you have done me a great injustice. When you originally wrote to me you said "Will you allow me to plant your church here in kenya?"
I gave you a chance and you failed miserable.
I have decided to take my ministry to China. As to your insolence,
consider yourself dis-fellowshipped from the body of Christ!
Brother, I am afraid that some people just don't get it!
Father James,
Painful Truth Ministries.
Will Joseph give up on Father James and the Painful Truth Ministries? It seems not.....
Notes in
light blue are my
remarks. My response's to scammer
are in blue. Underline for emphasis. Red is a demand for
(Joe writes back with a little prayer, and a request for some
cold hard cash!)
Dear Father
What is impossible to man
is possible to God!
Oh Lord! In you i put my
Remember your people of
kenya needs your help.You have made a promise to save your people through your
servant James;if you say to Father James Go kenya and preach your gospel of
salvation...who can stop it?
No devil no man can stop
your ministry that brings your word in kenya.
Lord!you know very well the
hearts of all man,you knows the painful struggle of fulfilling your servant's
requirements.Show me your goodness.
Father James,i am not able
financially.I tried all my best i could to find out your requirements.I am still
staying in Malindi to fulfill your requirements.i am sorry for the mistakes
May you assist me financially
to go back home?.I am in dilemma,i have used all the much i
I might be able to
help you get back. After how you bungled this simple job, I should not even
consider helping you but for the grace of out Lord Jesus (Amen) I must. I will
check with the church board to see if they will be willing to provide a grant to
assist you. They meet in two days, Tuesday evening to be
Painful Truth
(The pictures I requested from Joe have
From: Gharib Saeed
<bXXXue25@XXX.com To: painfultruth@hushmail.com Date: Tue, 27 Oct
2009 23:48:14 -0800
Hello sir,
We apologise for the delay in
response to you sir, and regret any inconvieniences this delay might have caused
you.And that was due to internet problems we were encoutering.
Here is one the houses which
we have along the beach,and many more other beautiful villaz,kindly receive
these photoz for one house among those we have,if you are interested,you can
step in we arrange and show you physically.
We look forward to hear from
Yours sincerely.
Dear Father
Greetings in Jesus
A confusion i rather bungled
on was,
*You require a home in the
finest part of the town,
*A home must face the
The town is build some minutes
drive away. kindly receive my apologies for the errors that i
Dear Father
I apologise for defiling your
email to get the negative response.I have received the 24 houses from the
address i gave you. They showed me 2 homes physically...now they have fowarded
alot more.I am tottally annoyed to this people.I regret for
Kindly honour your promise, i
am facing a difficult situation if you will not intervine quickly.. Let the word
of our Lord not despised!
Dearest brother in
Dearest Father
A promise i kindly requested
to return home, since i used all what i had.
You never wrote
back before the board meeting this last tuesday so I could not tell the board
what grant amount you required. Please submit an itemized cost list so that the
board can review it.
Painful Truth
(Damn, travel is expensive in Kenya!)
Dearest Father
The Lord Has given His word
free!but the buckets to carry it around the world costs somebody
*The church has common
activities to participate ...bible study,fellowship,eating and sharing.But the
unifying word is together.Togetherness gives a shape of the church;and
togetherness must be practiced as God's community with one
Acts 2:1...Praising the
lord,eating together,sharing possessions and having favor with all the
My itemized costs list from
home to Malindi..a distance of 1174kms away.
We started the journey on
Wednesday 21/10/2009 at 8.00am and reached safely on 22/10/2009 thuraday at
exactly 5.30am non-stop.
Car hire to Malindi.......US.
Meals on the
Renting a guest
room...US.14.00{A from 22/10/2009}Times 13 days to the date your committee
Cheap meals
daily.......US.7.00{As from 22/10/2009)Times 13 days to the date your committee
will meet.
The total calculation is...US
Dollars 1100.00 (correct)
God bless,
they will want
receipts. How can I go before the counsel without them? They must have them with
the name of the business.
Dear Father
With God's help i managed to
travel to Malindi safely!I have done what you requested me to do
I have used all my means
through my wife to borrow finance to and fro..[from the group money lenders in
profit basis].We have decided with my wife, because we don't want to be blamed
and yet i am a person who preaches to people about the goodness of being
faithful,blameless,be debt free;that i sell my two cows and leave alone the
children,and auctions my chairs in the house such that i can pay my
promise..that whe i am back i must pay.
Brother ,you did not tell me
to keep receipts in advance! (It's my fault!)
Brother you can assist me
anything you are free to give such that i manage to clear my name from debtors
While in malindi i used to be
in Malindi Park Restaurant My file is still in there.Should you require to
obtain the receipts from them ...grant my travel to and fro.Please don't
The car i used to trave with
they are in mobile,so i will go and demand that receipt. I only believed in God
to do all the works. in faith i do all what i expects.
My wife greets you most
Thanks,and let me know what to
do next?
(Guilt trip)
I learned that ''Let us our
''YES''be ''YES'',and our ''NO''be ''NO''.
Unbelievers goes along with
seeing...Thomasin...show me lord your nails.
Father James, do really
believe that i reached Malindi? (No)
How do you expect i reached
Where do you believe i
What do you believe i ate
along those days?
I don,t understand myself
When you send somebody ,do you
expect him going? (Not if the offer comes over the Internet by a Kenyan
If he doesn,t go you feel very
Please James,do not let me
reason without getting an answer.
Will you kindly assist me to
pay my debts?
The owners are anxiously in
need to get their money paid.
Just as a human
being,reason,if i were you, what did you comment?
(A couple of problem arises for Joe)
Dearest brother
I am sorry you did
not keep receipts. The church cannot pay you without them. Maybe there is
another way to satisfy the council. You see, I am new here at the church and am
only 21 years old. If they find out that I authorized this deal without
permission, I will be transferred back to the flushing cistern. Please what can
I do brother without money? We really do need a church in Kenya and I thought I
could do this with ease. Now it seems you will get me into deep
(A rather receptive letter...and of course, the money
Dearest Father
Just a young man of 21years
old;this is your right time to work in the field of God.Remember how Jeremiah
wanted to respond to the call of God,saying that he is young.Do you remember how
God told him..in you put my knowledge,go a head i will save you from your
This is the time for you to
come Kenya please.Do not ignore just as Jonnah
Remember God Has assigned you
to work in Kenya! did you?
Prepare to come
Brother James,i realized to
get some of the receipts in one of my pockets -except the returning one which i
failed to get.
Please!forward them to the
council immediately.You can inform me any step that you have reached.Will you
desire to change your destiny from Malindi to Kisii town?
God bless you most
Herewith i have
attached the receipts...please go ahead.

Dearest Father
Thanks for being interested to
open your church ministry here in Kenya.The answer brother is very
You can start from kisii,then
you move forward to your desired destination Malindi.
In case you will admires to
stay in the ocean view you can choose Mombasa.
If tourism site then select
upland country Masai Mara..
Thank you.
(Here we go with more problems, and an opportunity for Joe to
exploit poor little "Father James")
Dearest brother in
I need to flee from
here. Can you buy me a ticket? Father Flanagan is very upset. He hit me with a
rod when he found out what I did and might call the police to have me put in
jail. If I go to jail they will take my flog log away and I will be very, very
sorry if they get their hands on it. There is also the problem with 14 year old
girl. We are to be celibate and I preached to them that they are wrong, God
knows I am right. I just don't know what to do???
(Encouragement and yes, the money!)
Dearest Father
I am very sorry for the
Are you playing jokes brother?
(ya think?) I believe you are telling the truth.
Brother would't you have
married her?
Will you hide your face from
the angry face of Father Flanagan? Yes you can! (Yes you can. I
heard that somewhere else before...)
Deposit in
express system the money via Wetern Union Money Transfer to me quickly ...i buy
you a ticket.Send all the Names,Country of origin and time
to travel.Remember to be faster thn him
(My protector? Demanding, and yes, the
Dearest Father
You have told me the story
which i dont't understand!
Brother what do'u mean about
Father Flanagan that he hit you with a rod?why all those to happen?Which deal
was he not aware about?Does he not belong to the ministry?
I believe that a true and
saved christians don't play jokes!Can you give me the contacts of Father
Flanagan tha i may stop him from hiting you with a rod?Brother,you can't be
jailed where you have not messed;you are sure about the deal that you were not
cheating,why do you get afraid?
You have not responded to what
i told you yesterday..that you send money via expres systemWestern Union Money
Transfer.Immediately i buys you a ticket.
You are safe in
Please give an absolute
(It's been
four days now since I wrote and Joseph is getting
Dear Father
Why so quiet for
Have you forwarded the
receipts to the church bord today on tuesday?
Why haven't you responded on
your jouney, you told you wants to flee from your place?
Joseph, the board
meets tonight and I will find out tomorrow what they said. May I ask you if you
think the Lord will forgive me if I steal? What airport would be the one to fly
Wed 11/11/2009
(No comment on what I wrote above. "...you think the Lord will
forgive me if I steal?")
Quoting me,
Joseph cuts and pastes: "Dearest brother in
Christ, I need to flee from here. Can you buy me a ticket? Father Flanagan is
very upset. He hit me with a rod when he found out what I did and might call the
police to have me put in jail. If I go to jail they will take my flog log away
and I will be very, very sorry if they get their hands on it. There is also the
problem with 14 year old girl. We are to be celibate and I preached to them that
they are wrong, God knows I am right. I just don't know what to
Dear Father
Are you not the one who wrote
about the above issue?
How was i to guess what i do
not know?
Brother,remember to say the
truth and the truth will set us free!
Ys that was
<<I made a mistake here. I wonder if
he caught it!
Thanks for your short letter!
What can we do next to start your ministry here brother?
Many of the believers whom i
have told about your ministry are waiting to see you here with eager
expectation. (I bet!)
When should you come
Which solution do they come
out with...church board council?
Much greetings from the
11/12/2009 (I try to make a
deal with Joe)
How can you help me
you ask? Set my mind at ease here and prove your love of Christ. I asked you
where the nearest airport was in your country. Somewhere you could pick me up
and take me to start my church. You did not answer.
If you could pick
me out a nice building anywhere and paint my new sign above the door I can take
you serious. If you do I will write you a church letter every month for the
flock, for one year. I have a file attached of the painting above the door I
The council
approved the money. They will send it if you give me a address to send it
Father Flanagan
says hi, but I don't trust him anymore thou.
(If old
Joe wants to collect "his" money, let's see if he comes up with a real painting
or a photo-shop version)
 In the properties summary I put in a bogus name
Greetings in Jesus
I am very sorry to have given
you my nearest airport where i could pick you from.Surely i thought as you told
me earlier that i buys you a ticket...which i misinterprated that i was to use
my money of which i don't. (Trust
Brother, my nearest airport
where i can pick you from is..Kisumu Airport.
I am working to talk to the
house owners about the money.. and i start painting you the required
Joseph ( Then he adds this
onto the bottom of the e-mail )
Please you can use the
following names to transfer my money to: which the council
(I create a problem here for Joe)
Father Flanagan
said he will only send a check. Do I send it to the address? Do you have my
painting done yet?
Say hello to the
brethren and give your wife a happy boner from me. I hope thing's are going
good. I am so excited to be leaving here. Once you send me a picture of the
painting I will book a flight to that airport. Maybe I should just bring the
check with me when I fly?
(Joe stiffs me on the
Thank for your request whether i have painted
the signs you only wants.Sincerely i have not done so..with reasons that i may
not meet your requirememts.Kindly i requests you to make your journey to
kenya;so that we can look the builiding that meets your
requirements thati mighty not repeat like that of Malindi!
Please come so that we can survey with you and
decide while together.
With no any of the conditons...send the check
such that i may pay where i borrowed.The owners strictly demands their money
paid back.
My wife was so much pleased to appreciate you
kind greetings.
You have already given me an option that i
pick for you a nice building anywhere and i paints with your new sign on top of
the door.I t sometimes becomes difficult to choose the best that suits
you. (ya
think?) In my thinking we
have resdential homes in kisii town.You book one month ealier before you
come.The management issues the receipts once you have paid the booking fee..the
remaining you pays while here.My financial status is very very
Or else i finds anywhere even in reserve
I am told that the nearest airport i have given
you is under construction,You may now use
Jomo kenyatta international
(Hell no, I'm not going to let him off the hook so easy! Also with
this letter, comes "new" problems)
Yoe said>
"I am working to talk to the house owners
about the money.. and i start painting you the required names."
So yo quit? I
bought 2 tickets for december 5th. British Airlines. Any house will do for now.
You know I must escape from Father Flanagan because of his behavior. My girl
(that would be the non-existent 14
year-old) and me had this planned to run away from here. If you want me after
all this you must show honor to me as the Lord shows honor to those who honor
Him. Why else would the Holy Spirit show me you are the way to saving many
from the grasp of satan? (I come off as a
easy mark here. Come on, take advantage of me Joe!)
If you still want
me there let me know or the girl and me will go elsewhere. If you want me I will
bring the check and my money (money?
hmmm!) also that we may live as I start my ministry. We also need a ride
from the airport. Please tell me your word is good and you are not playing
games. We seemed to get on the wrong foot after I told you about Father
In the name of Jesus, James
11/18/2009 (This letter was sent multiple
times over two days. The top
portion was written by someone other than Joe that has a better command of the
English language. The last part is more with Joe's style. He must have a
With hope and love I greet you
in the Mighty name of Jesus!
With God all things are
possible brother ! God's good all the times.
In the spirit God has shown
you that, with Joseph you are safe! He can not cheat any day.
("He" is used as a third person
I am extremely happy that you
have booked your flight tickets, and with God's Help you are here on
5th-december 2009,Iam happy to receive you.
God is always true,He decerns
even the inner secret concept of every man.You are absolutely
Can you send me your photos
and any identification sign when you lands in the airport i can easily recognise
What else should you inform me
With eager expectations! Greet
me that girl and tell him you are wlcome to Kenya.
Kind regards from my
Greeting's extended
my goodfellow! I have attached a picture card of my latest tour. This is a
copy I made of the card I hand out when touring. I tried to find the brochure
but Father Flanagan threw the extras out. I owe him a payback. I will find
the photo album of Clarice my girl.
(Here is
Father James, photoshopped into a business card. You might recognize him as
Chad Lowe, the actor.)

Beloved friend in
I have photo album
attached of Clarice my girl. She is the cute one in pink on the left top
picture! Isn't she cute? Clarice wants you to send a picture of you to us so
that we know who to look for at the airport. She is not comfortable unless she
knows who we are to look for. If she does not go I will be hesitant also because
I love my little bubblegum!
(The picture to the right is of a driver file, 4.55 MB's to be
exact, that I renamed "photos.jpg. That should give Joe something to do for
awhile, as his computer in which he makes his living scamming people is locked
up, but not damaged)
02:04:43 (Seems Joe had a problem opening the
Thank you for the photos you
sent to me,but they are not in a good to print them out.If there is apossible
means you could send to me quickly.
My photos i will send to you
very soon.
Thanks to your photos you sent
to me,but they are not in a good condtion to print out.I request you to send in
diffentent means which could be decoded.
Greet your little girl! As I
soon attaching my photos to you.
(I re-send Father James business card)
I rescanned my
photo. My girl is on travel with her parents today and tomorrow so I can't get
her pictures to you today. The picture (Father
James) is attached. When do you send me a picture. It is good to know you
and who you are!
(This letter was written by someone other than
Joe that has a better command of the
English language. Also a picture has arrived)
Dearest good fellow
James, Greetings in the Mighty name of Jesus! Herewith is the photo you
requested which i have attached to you. My wife Lucy asks you to request your
girl Clarice to send her the photo Please! (They are taking
interest in the fictional girl. Hmm...) For how long will you be here in
Kenya? I request you to send me your sign in which i will use while in the
airport. Waiting with eager expectation to here from you
again. Joseph
 I wonder who this sucker really
Dear brother
I have one picture
in my album of Clarice that copied well. This is my favorite picture! The file
is small. This is the sign also attached we need to see. Do you think that you
can paint this one on a sign? I think it might be a new church
Show me how it will
look on pink paper. This will make Clarice happy and reassured. This is
I got your picture.
You look like a very nice man. Are you going to bring your wife Lucy to the
airport? What does she look like?
I have to go now.
Father Flanagan is mad again.
 Kathy Coleman
as "Clarice" -child star of 70s TV cult classic “Land of the
Will Father James travel to Kenya? Is he serious? Stay tuned for the continuing saga......