Recovery Innovations
is a service which seeks to create opportunities and environments that
empower people to recover, to succeed in accomplishing their goals and
to reconnect with themselves, others and meaning and purpose in life. My
son is in the program and they have set him up in his own apartment,
provided him with all he needs for day to day living, while being
independent and having more flexibility and freedom than he has had in a
long time.
My wife and I went to a seminar last
week they held in their local office and met the staff and some of those
who are served by their programs. They are based in Phoenix, Arizona
and serve mentally ill and disabled people around the world in places
like New Zealand. Their recent history begins in 2006 when Meta Services
became Recovery Innovations. We learned from the Director that they
have been a presence in Pierce County for several years serving within
the Regional Support network. I talked with the staff member who used to
work in the County Mental Hospital when it was first privatized and
then closed down. Pierce County has had special problems with the
mentally ill, since mentally ill patients come from all over the State
to be treated in the State Facility in Steilacoom only to be put out on
the street near the hospital when their treatment ends for one reason or
The program that Recovery Innovation
offers is for disabled people who want to live and work toward being
independent. I talked with one of the young women who is something of a
“success story”: Recovery Innovations provided her with the training and
set her up in her own apartment (which all is done at a significantly
lower price than government programs can offer); she then went to work
as a volunteer at not one, but two food banks. For one of the food banks
in Kent, she has to take three busses to get there and it takes several
hours for her to get to and from the facility where she does quality
control inspection of food that is contributed. Her job is important: As
she said, some of the food is yukky. The other food bank is just blocks
from where she lives. She is justifiably proud of the important and
necessary work she wanted to do — but before Recovery Innovations she
could not “connect the dots” to do it — and now she can.
I talked with her for awhile after the
presentation to learn more about what she was doing and she told me all
about her cat. She is responsible and takes care of her little kitty. We
shared our experiences with cats. The director was listening in when I
explained that cats have about the same attention span and short term
memory as corporate managers — ten minutes. The director laughed and
laughed. I explained to her that I was a corporate manager at
Weyerhaeuser at one point in my career. She laughed even harder and told
me that she had also been a corporate manager at one point in her
Recovery Innovations does more than just give people hope: They have practical programs and practical experience in helping people shape their lives. They work with people on a daily basis and manage to help people through the rough spots even when the going gets a little tough and challenging: They help find solutions to problems and they know their stuff as compassionate and competent people.
Contrast all of that with this posting at Banned
by HWA — Philadelphia Church of God: Take Your Disabled Child To The
Mall And Abandon Him – Let Someone Else Take Care Of Him:
Just when I think
the depth of depravity of Armstrongism cant sink any lower, along comes
more horror stories from Gerald Flurry’s cult.
PCG Told Me to
Get Rid of My Mentally Handicapped Son With Cerebral Palsy:
June 17, 2013
I was told by a minister in PCG to “get rid of” my mentally handicapped
son (who also had cerebral palsy) or don’t return. He told me to put
him in some facility, or if I couldn’t afford that, then take him
somewhere that he would not know and abandon him in the mall or
somewhere that people were. He said someone would find him and put him
away, and that I was to turn and not look back, and just leave him
there! I guess you can imagine just about what I told them!!
What helped me the
most were people having the same objections and questions that I was
having, wondering if these ministers in PCG really have the authority
they say they did over us. The ministers try to make you feel you’re
isolated in your thinking, that you’re the only one questioning
anything. So you better get back under their submission, their rule–or
suffer the consequences. (I decided to take the consequences). I am
free and I am staying that way.
The ESN has been a
Godsend. You have saved many people, including me and my family. We saw
how others were questioning things, as we were, and realized things
were just not right in there! Our feelings were right; we weren’t as
crazy as others trying to pull us back in would have us think. They
practice mind control there. All it takes is a few mentioning of
buzz-words from them (i. e., “the Work,” “the Church,” “Mr. Flurry,”
etc.) and you start to question your own common sense and your sanity.
Well, not anymore.
None are so blind as those who will not see. Well, now I see! Thanks for everything. God bless you. –Former PCG member
A comment from a reader here adds to this story:
Reading this story
that is exactly what happened to William B. Hinsom. He became a WCG
minister in the 1960s. However he had a mentally disabled son. He was
advised by people within WCG to leave him in a facility for such people
in Franklin, Tennessee. He strongly suspected that his son would die,
but he trusted them, he thought the Great Tribulation would soon start
in 1972, so reluctantly he agreed. His son died as feared.
Later he left WCG and wrote a book about WCG, Broadway to Armageddon (1977). You can request it from Exit and Support Network.
Naturally Hinsom
focuses a lot on the terrible consequences of people following HWA’s
anti-medicine superstition that he plagiarized from the Jehovah’s
Congratulations to that brave commenter. No doubt you did the right thing.
This useless PCG
minister’s advice reminds me of this terrible incident I heard about.
There was this man who murdered his wife and then took their eight year
old young daughter on a plane and he then abandoned her at an airport.
Did not do him much good. The authorities learned what happened and
arrested him. He is now deservedly rotting away in jail. I think the
PCG minister could have been charged with something serious if his
horrific advise was followed.
I did relate this story to the folks at
Recovery Innovations. They weren’t particularly surprised: Their
reaction was that this is the sort of thing that people in cults do.
The Church of God Seventh Day minister I
related this story to was amazed and appalled: He shook his head and
simply could not understand how a supposedly Christian minister could
have such hubris. He doesn’t understand how anyone could follow advice
like this. It certainly looks as if that all the leadership of the Cult
of Herbert Armstrong have become so jaded, so filled with hubris, so set
in a mindset of entitlement, that they believe that they are above the
law and God will protect their interests no matter how wrong-headed or
illegal they might be. It is embedded in the core of the lives of those
who have lived with it; it’s like wearing old leather — after awhile, no
don’t even notice it any more. They are totally comfortable with this
sort of abuse and have been for a very long time, to such an extent that
they have lost their conscience — what little of it they may have had —
and given themselves over to doing evil wickedness of the sort that is
extremely objectionable to the average person.
We have had similar advice from the Worldwide Church of God and United ministry concerning our son. We also ignored it.
What people in the CoHA don’t realize that the minister and leader have absolutely no skin in the game: If they give you terrible advice to perform illegal acts of child abuse, they have absolutely positively no consequences: You alone are going to bear this. If the gambit turns out, all the better, because you can spend more time on church activities and give more money to the cult leader.
This is so preposterous, it is beyond words and there are some questions if we pause to take this out to its logical extremes:

One would suppose that under such a
dispensation, as long as you continue in your cult church to support it,
the ends justify the means to achieve a happy, care-free, prosperous,
life of egotistical narcissism for the cult leader, you are good to go.
Be warned though, if you get into trouble, you must bear the
consequences and your cult is not involved in any way.
Some of us will be sending letters and
emails to Child Protective Services of State Governments and perhaps
even engage with such media outlets as the New York Times and Fox News.
We’re pretty sure, those of you who are inclined to follow this terrible
advice from your cult leaders don’t have a clue and believe that
nothing bad will happen to you and it all things will work together for
your good. You will be free of the blessing of children and will be able
to more fully engage in the selfish pursuits of your cult leader
without any fear of any sort of retribution. You may even think you will
completely avoid the Lake of Fire while engaging in this living lie.
More power to you. And even more power to the governmental agency
convicting you.
If everything works out, it may well be
that your minister will be able to give you Sabbath services in prison
where you are both serving out your terms. It certainly works if you go
to the Federal Prison where Ronald Weinland is locked up, but that is
highly unlikely, since you probably won’t be going there and you
probably won’t live very long after the other inmates learn what you
have done as they serve up their own brand of vigilante justice which
will certainly not bode well for you.
Herbert Armstrong was a monster. Not the
sort of cuddly monster like Barney or those cutesy monsters of Disney’s
Pixar. No, he was the sort of monster one finds in Jurassic Park — all
filled with rows of teeth as exemplified by our own version of the
Jurassic Park theme song:
It’s Jurassic Park,
Don’t go after Dark,
Even if they seem to greet you,
For all the while,
They seem to smile,
They’re planning how to eat you….
Jesus said that false prophets were
ravening wolves in sheep’s clothing. It’s more like it’s a Wolf (Herbert
Wolf Armstrong) guarding the chicken house with the able assistance of
some foxes he has on his payroll as hirelings of the worst sort: Maybe
some of the chickens will survive, but we don’t much have hope for the
eggs and the little chicks.
So Armstrongism is little more than Monster’s Inc.
It should be apparent that the children are at risk and that you have no reason for paying Monster’s Inc. for the privilege of putting them at risk.
Stalkers, fondlers, pedophiles, false prophet felons in prison for income tax evasion and now this: The average member seems to have all the mental power of a tranquilized gnat.
This is no Recovery Innovations: It’s Monster’s Inc.
