Ralph Haulk



The Superorganism Splits Into Two

Just as a cell contains all necessary information and replicates by splitting, at the focal point of history regarding the lives of Hillel, Jesus, and Paul, so two forms of “etherealization” converge, and the superorganism seeks the one producing the most successful future.

What most Christians do not see, nor can they realize, is that the superorganism, like corporations or governments or even churches, cannot “repent”. They have risen to their present power by following a system described by Bloom in my earlier essay. repentance and change can only come from individuals, thinking human beings, acting to form dialogue based systems that can react quickly not only to change, but to the misfortunes of other individuals. We have seen the history of collectivism, and we have seen how organizations can commit evil by self renunciation and individual sacrifice

But we have also seen a sharp turn away from this type of thinking due to Jesus’ warning and statements in Matthew 24, culminating in his warning to follow none of them. On the heels of Jesus and his disciples came Paul, the “universal man” to challenge the works of Hillel, also universally educated. Was Paul right, or was Hillel right?

If Hillel ad stated that we can understand God’s law by logic, he had also declared that it was the province of the rabbis, specially trained and gifted. What Hillel had advocated was a mixture of logic, reason, and revelation, in the model of Jewish prophets earlier. Paul, also a Pharisee but now departed from their ranks, directly challenge Hillel in Romans 8:7:

Because the carnal(natural, fleshy) mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, and neither indeed can be”.

Paul declared Hillel to be mistaken. And here is the basic issue: If God’s law was reducible to understanding by the ‘elite” of the Pharisees, once they understood and taught it, would it not also be apparent to the common people? If the Pharisees, carefully trained, were the “bridge” to God, wouldn’t that same knowledge, applied to reason and logic, also be subject to understanding by the average man?

If one person can understand it and write it down, then all men could read and understand.

And yet, that did not happen. It was this very principle directly condemned in Isaiah 29:11:

And the vision of all is become unto you as the words of a book that is sealed, which men deliver to one that is learned, saying, read this, I pray thee: and he saith, ‘I cannot, for it is sealed‘.”

The Pharisees were guilty of “information control”, which Toffler has shown is the problem with power-holders since men began to form governments. This is precisely what Jesus attacked in Luke 11:52 and Matthew 23:13, the control of information for the purpose of controlling people.

Recent understandings in the study of computers and Artificial Intelligence(AI) show that anything which can be understood, defined, and translated into language, is computable. That means that it will subject to the same mechanical processes by which the superorganism developed whole civilizations. If it is translatable to language, it can be translated to algorithms, and if it can be translated to algorithms, it can be programmed into a computer.

This means that the very process by which the entire civilization of man was built can be reduced to mechanical processes which ANY PERSON can understand, since we are all the product of that process. There can be NO “elite” interpreters, which is the reason for Jesus’ statement in Matthew 24:23.

Kowledge, as Toffler pointed out, is the most democratic process of power sharing that exists. Man can understand and organize according to Gods law, said Hillel, but it was restricted to a few capable elite. Paul directly contradicted him by saying that the natural mind c annot be subject to the laws of God. This, in itself, CANCELS human authorities as representative of God. There is no collective power in any human form that can organize in God’s name, which takes us right back to Jesus’ statement in Matthew 24:23.

If true, Romans 8:7 produces at least two connected results:
1. There can be no human organization representing God, because no human mind can be subject to God’s law
2. Any attempt to do so would result in near infinite speciation , as we see today, and which is the result of the strategy of the superorganism to select “winners”.

As Jesus said, by their fruits you shall know them. Can a thorn produce figs? asked Jesus. You can not put new wine in old wineskins, said Jesus.

What was occurring at this focal point in history was the realization that humans could break away from the superorganism. They could “come out, and be ye a separate people”. The strategy was no longer to “join in” to the collective strategy of purely mechanical selection, but to think as individuals, to ” believe no man”.

Paul went to lengths in Romans 8 and 9 to demonstrate this point. First, the human mind was enmity against God, and could not be subject to God. Second, if that was so, then there was no process, no decision procedure, no algorithms, by which any man could prove himself closer to the “will of God(Romans 9:16-22)”.

Even assuming that God exists, therefore, any attempt by human logical processes would fall subject to the same selective, competitive , individually destructive processes followed by the superorganism. “By their fruits, ye shall know them”. As we see today the superorganism continues to create models in the “cookie cutter’ mold, and they continue to splinter and speciate into newer models, not realizing there can be no success in finding truth, THE truth. It simply is not possible by any formal reasoning, as Godel’s theorem in mathematics tells us.
We simply cannot get “there’ from “here’ by any human “works” as Paul tells us in Ephesians 2:8-10.

We cannot organize in the name of truth or of God without falling into the trap of the superorganism, the “Lucifer Principle” as Howard Bloom calls it.

As Jesus pointed out in John 14;17, the “world”(masses of collective minds) cannot receive the truth. It is not a “given”, but must be found.

Does this leave us in futility? No, it leaves us with individual freedom and liberty, the right to question and challenge all power structures. “You will know the truth, and the truth shall make you free”






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