Ralph Haulk



The Superorganism Is Challenged

The Jews had been influenced deeply by, and in turn had influenced, Greek thought by applying the Greek philosophy, mathematics, and science alongside Jewish monotheism.
As DiMont points out:

Grecian ecumenicism, wrote DiMont, undermined the social structure of the Near East.

“The Oriental parochial man discovered he had become a universal man, a citizen with rights and privileges that extended beyond the frontiers of his village and province, beyond his dreams”.

It was the “universal man” of hellenistic dreams who also came to influence the convergence at Israel as Rome reached its apex. In the Greco-Romans world, wrote DiMont Judaism had become respectable. It had come to expand its views and was now ever more capable of absorption of cultural ideas from all cultures. In fact, it had become quote adept at its practice of the cut and paste of ideas, focusing them into and expanding on Jewish monotheism as the religious foundation for all of them.

If Hillel was the “universal man” who had given impetus to the organization of the Pharisaical rabbis, it was Paul, the renegade Pharisee, who was equally “universal” in his background to ultimately challenge Hillel. Paul, as Saul, had been fanatically devoted to wiping out the emerging Christian population, but experienced a reversal with his vision of Christ.

Paul had been born at Tarsus, which was the “New York” of its day, a seacoast city that invited trade and commerce, with visitors from all different cultures. Paul grew up in a culture that shared ideas from various religions, probably including the Zoroastrian and Mithra cults that were gathering power in the area. He was also well educated in Roman law, Greek science and philosophy, and Jewish monotheism, claiming to have been educated at the feet of Gamaliel, the leading rabbi of his day. Assuming Hillel was qualified by his “universal” background, Paul was equally qualified to ultimately challenge it.

The superorganism, now having the branch of Jews who had successfully assembled legal background for the linking by trade and commerce, was about to develop another form of the “universal man”, one which transcended Jew and gentile, slave and free, male and female.

Jesus himself had foretold the evolving strategy of the superorganism, of “Lucifer’ as described by Howard Bloom in The Lucifer Principle. The strategy would be one of proselytizing, “calling” all to “salvation”. As Jesus had foretold, “Many shall come in my name, and deceive many”.

DiMont had written that Jewish youth had gone from Ezra to Plato, from Eastern orthodoxy to Greek logic, paganism, and sophistry. Jewish minds were about to forge a diversity of religions embracing a new universalism from Sadducees and Pharisees to Essenes, who would pepper their culture with new expectations of change and new birth, but Jesus had warned that this was a process that would lead to “war and rumors of war” as part of the superorganism’s strategy to maximize its hold over all world citizens.

But Jesus had also warned in Matthew 24:23 “Then if any man says to you, ‘Lo, here is Christ, or there’, believe it not“.

While the superorganism was multiplying its avenues for greater manipulation and organization, Jesus was warning his followers NOT to follow any of them.

While Jews were organizing new worldviews, stitching together a new unification and ecumenicism from both Jewish and Christian perspective, Jesus was warning that “straight is the way, and narrow the path, and few there be that find it“.

While Jews and Christians were developing concepts of “spirituality” that would extend the power of the superorganism, Jesus was telling the disciples that the “mysteries of the kingdom” were not given to the masses.(Matthew 13:11).

While Christianity was busy trying to build a worldwide unity, Jesus said all who followed him would be at “war’ with those of his own family(Matthew 10:34-38).

While the Pharisees were claiming to be the “people’s choice” as guardians of the priesthood, Jesus was busy calling them hypocrites(Matthew 23) and “children of the devil(John 8)”. As fast as the superorganism was furiously working to bring unity, Jesus seemed to stand opposed in every respect. The final solution was to crucify him as a blasphemer, a challenger of the growing church/state.

But Paul would come along and resurrect a new idea that challenged the power of the church/state, and it would be the exact opposite of what the masses would later learn about the teachings of Christ.






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