What's Next?
All of the free publicity we have received has helped us to reach many more people than we could have otherwise. We believe, however, that there is still much that we can do. It is not enough for us to reach just the WCG membership. We also want to reach as much of the general public as possible. After all, that is where the constant flow of new Armstrong victims comes from.
We are now running ads for Ambassador Report's 92-page issue in a number of publications including Spotlight, Universal Life, and Eternity. We have also begun a direct mail advertising campaign. Flyers, advertising the Report's last issue, have been sent to over 500 religious publications and 700 religious libraries across the United States. We have sent flyers to over 9,000 professors of religious subjects-that's just about every professor of religion in the United States! We have also begun to send out one to three thousand flyers per week to the pastors of church congregations across the nation. A mailing list (on computer) for the pastors of all the churches in the United States has been made available to us. There are over 125,000 of them, and, if possible, we will reach each one of them this year with at least a flyer. It could mean that by the end of this year many millions of Christians around the nation are going to know what the Armstrong cult is all about and are going to be able to thwart its attempts to sucker more hapless victims into its fold.
We intend to accomplish all this and more during the next few months, but what we actually do accomplish will be directly proportionate to the interest and financial assistance you, our readers, give us. In the Pastor's Report, Garner Ted wrote: "The so-called Ambassador Report ... is being published... for the sole purpose of making money for themselves and harming the Work." Contrary to what Garner Ted Armstrong says and what some people think, Ambassador Report is not a money-making venture. True, we have been forced to put a price of $5.95 on our last 92-page issue, but that was necessary for three reasons: (1) In order to get the Report into people's hands we found it necessary to advertise, and that costs money. (2) Hundreds of people were requesting our last issue for themselves and friends but were not helping us to defray its costs, and (3) the legal harassment we are under from Rader and Company (via Bobby Fischer) is costing us a great deal of money to fight.
We hope all of you will realize that we are small-we don't even have an office but operate out of our homes. We are poor. We still owe thousands of dollars, including a substantial amount to our printer for our last printing. And, we are not making a profit. In fact, not one of us has received one cent in wages or salary for the many thousands of hours we have worked on this project.
We think Ambassador Report is accomplishing a great deal. It is making it increasingly difficult for the Armstrongs to rob people of their tithes and offerings. And, as our mail shows, many WCG members are rejecting the Armstrongs after reading the Report.
We want to continue our work. There is a lot more that we can accomplish, but that will require your help. We hope you will generously continue your financial support of Ambassador Report.
For those of you who are financially supporting the Report, we would like to again offer a reprint of the incredible 1939 Good News article by Herbert W. Armstrong entitled, "Did Christ Reorganize the Church?" In this article, which is no longer available from AC or the WCG, Herbert Armstrong shows how the Bible condemns autocratic church government (obviously, he's changed his tune since then). If you don't already have a copy, ask for one. You'll find it interesting reading.