The First Fairy Tale by
Dale K. Brown
Eastern religions, specifically those of Indian or Oriental extraction, have little appeal to most Westerners. Self induced mind trips without the aid of chemical substances are hard work and few people need more of that after forty hours on the job. If a pill could be invented which conferred piety and sanctification upon ingestees, that would be a saleable product in the colonies; otherwise, keep it short and simple. Nonetheless, a few thousand here and there have discovered the true meaning of their lives via Yoga, Meditation, and the Divine Light Mission.
Being the "perfect master" at age thirteen is a good job if one can get it, and Guru Maharaj Ji certainly had a good job. Of course, having a father who's divinely connected also looks good on ones' resume. Shri Hans Ji Maharaj, Maharaj Ji's father, had been a satguru. Christ and Buddha were notable satguru's in their day as well, so the lad kept good company.
The teenager came unto his own riding humbly in a Rolls Royce; donkeys were, apparently, in short supply. He rented the Houston Astrodome, in the early seventies, threw one hell of a party, and proclaimed the event "Millennium '73 " and, modestly referred to it as "the most significant occurrence in the history of mankind." From these austere surroundings, he imparted "knowledge" to his devoted followers and the mildly curious who attended.
One of tenants of "perfect knowledge" is that rational thought is the ultimate enemy of inner peace. The human mind, in this regard, works the very devil with one's natural tranquillity because it's always asking questions, and if there's one thing almost every religion discourages, it's critical reasoning in the form of questions.
Like questions, the consumption of meat, alcohol, tobacco, and coffee are frowned upon. True devotees live in communal "ashrams", work at a variety of outside jobs, and donate their wages to the Perfect Master. In return, food, clothing, and shelter are provided.
Although this is about the same trade off free societies proffer, the idea of abandoning personal intellect in favor of some nebulous "inner peace" is abhorrent to most Americans. If you can't think, you can't revolt, and if you can't revolt (or at least maintain the illusion of revolution) you have no sense of power over the forces of structure which threaten individual expression. Mystical experiences just don't cut it in the States!
Celibacy is also a requirement in the Ashrams. Most successful religious communes, whether Eastern or Western, incorporate some form of sexual abstention into their regimes. And for reasons which can only be inferred, this practice may partially account for their success. One inference is that sex is about as personal as one can get, therefore, if a person can be persuaded to relinquish control over that aspect of their lives, all else will fall into place.
Marriage is permitted, but members must first obtain the permission of their Ashram's elders. Above all, believers are encouraged to let the Perfect Master to do their thinking for them and meditate upon the knowledge thus received. Only then will they find true inner peace.
Chapter Twentyseven
Chapter Twentynine
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