Also see the related GYCG PRIMER.
GOD's PLAN FOR MANKIND: All people will eventually have the chance to become permanently part of a LIVING IMPAIRED family. Until then, they must listen to my every word to qualify to be in a Steuben Crystal crypt in the world tomorrow.
THE ELECT: People God is calling now will have nicer caskets than those whom God will call later on. Those who qualify will become captains of ten or twenty caskets, or even have their own graveyard!
FATE OF THE UNREPENTANT: People who DO NOT listen to me are destined to have ENTIRE WEEKENDS left up to their own CARNAL desires and are CUT OFF from the TRUE CHURCH!! Nowhere to send money. Nowhere to come for correction. No one to GUIDE their every move. THEY WILL BE ON THEIR OWN, CUT OFF FROM THE GYCG until they eventually join the LIVING IMPAIRED!!!!
GOSPEL: The true gospel is not about Christ, but is about his message of me presenting shiny baubles to world leaders in front of cameras. The world has been DECEIVED for two thousand years on this matter.
GOVERNMENT: In the GYCG, God's government is from the ground up.
HEALING: God loves people who become LIVING IMPAIRED through refusal of medical treatment.
HOLY DAYS: God created seven annual holidays at odd times of the year to allow people to lose their jobs and make special offerings. The fall festival, the Feast of Caskets, is the highlight of the year.
IDENTITY OF THE BRITISH PEOPLES: The USA is one of the twelve lost caskets of Israel. Great Britain is the other. Together, these two caskets' protective vaults will be removed during the end time and the German caskets (very well crafted) will take over the U.S. and DESTROY the USA's velvet lining because the people of this country ate pork.
THE NATURE OF GOD: The plain truth is that there is only one God who is actually more than one God. God is omnipresent. God's casket is everywhere at once. He is also omnipotent. Scoffers have said "if God is omnipotent then why couldn't he make a casket big enough for everyone to fit in?" Those people are DECEIVED, not knowing the true God. They only know the GOD OF THIS WORLD.
PROPHECY: The GYCG has the gift of knowing what will happen BEFORE it will happen. If it doesn't happen it is because MEMBERS were not prepared and its YOUR FAULT. I never set dates, because 12 year old girls are too young to date.
THE SABBATH: God created one day a week to go to long church services and then sleep until sunset, when one can begin to have fun again. Once you become LIVING IMPAIRED, everyday (i.e., sunrise to sundown) is the Sabbath and all work is performed from sunset to sunrise. This is the new covenant.
THE TRUE CHURCH: The Graveyard Church of God is the only true church, because NEW TRUTH is truer than old truth, and the new truth is that the GYCG is the TRUE CHURCH.