June 21, 1930 - May 18, 2017
Roderick Meredith, Living Church of God chief honcho died yesterday. He was 86 year old.
Possessing the skill of persuasion and following in the steps of his mentor Herbert W. Armstrong, Meredith spent his career promoted HWA's fallacies on television, in sermons, and magazine articles. For decades, his fear mongering and pronouncement of events that never materialized, gave him a reputation of being a false prophet.
Never having repented from his crimes against God and mankind, we anticipate that Rod's next waking moment will find him roasting in the lake of fire he so rightfully deserves.
Meredith was know to treat people as pawns, to be used and manipulated for his own selfish purposes. The results of this behavior would soon bear fruit in his Brookfield, Wisconsin congregation.
In March 2005, his Living Church of God (LCD) was thrust into the international spotlight
when LCG member Terry Ratzmann took his gun and shot members of his LCG congregation during a Brookfield, Wisconsin church service. It was reported that Terry had been infuriated by a sermon the minister had given two weeks earlier. He killed Pastor Randy Gregory, the Pastor's teenage son James and shot at others including the Pastor's wife, but she and others managed to survive. Ratzmann committed suicide.
Many of those who attended services in the Living Church of God at one time or another have discreetly mentioned that Meredith spoke about homosexuality often. His obsession with homosexuality over the years invoked some to wonder if he had such suppressed inclinations. While we can never know for sure, one thing we can know with certainty. The world is a far better place without him.
Dead from cancer.
"Armstrong was a man utterly without honor, without principles, without a shred of genuine decency or patriotism. He was the ultimate exterminator of religious life for thousands, and the grand compelling creator of a vast army of atheists."
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