The British-Israel-World Federation is having a crisis. It is having to face DNA evidence that British Israelism is wrong:

British Israel World Federation Facing DNA Evidence
It’s an embarrassing moment for an august institution over a century old. Here is an opportunity to admit the truth and disband. Will they? Here’s a hint:
There is a need to evidence that the progression from one haplogroup to another is most likely to have gone from a “developed” haplogroup (such as R or N) by losing DNA information. This does accord with decades of scientific research into both observed and artificially induced mutations which demonstrates that mutations involve a loss of DNA information.
In other words, the Great White Hope is that it can be proved that the Y Chromosome magically and mystically ‘transforms’ from one haplogroup to another. There is some speculation in other places that the Y Chromosome will change when subject to sunlight: Move from Africa to Europe and the next generations will change to white or move from Sweden to Nigeria and a generation or two later, voila, you’ll change to a black native Nigerian! No, it doesn’t look like the British Israel World Federation is about to admit the truth! They will staunchly resist truth and cling to a lie. They just can’t give up 100 years of tradition, no matter how wrong they are.
The Hope of Israel Ministries is doing the same thing. The British Israel Association of Canada are doing the same thing using idiocy championed by Martin Lightfoot. One of the most obstreperous strident groups demanding attention is Brit-Am as demonstrated in their article,
The DNA War Against Brit-Am.
Nazi Vermin Attack Brit-Am DNA Explanation.
It turns out that Brit-Am is in a snit. Apparently, they have come on several forums having a scientific bent and have been kicked off! Those terrible scientific people just aren’t going to listen to their ideas, so the best way to deal with the problem is an ad hominem attack, accusing them of being ‘Nazi Vermin’. There’s nothing like using stubborn resistance to facts and scientific proofs, refusing to listen to reason, to win over people to their point of view! Just like the cartoon above, Reality is so unfair! Reality should show more sensitivity to their deeply held religious beliefs, no matter how stupid and wrong they are. Any one who disagrees with them are Nazi Vermin!
It’s no wonder that Neil deGrasse Tyson made this comment on Twitter recently:
Neil deGrasse TysonVerified account @neiltyson Dec 3
Odd that we live in a world where even objective truths count as controversial subjects
If proponents of British Israelism have their way, all DNA evidence used in our court system will have to be scrapped. After all, if you can’t rely on DNA to remain stable to prove anything, using it for paternity suits will be useless; scratch the rape kits; murders will go free because the DNA linking them to the crime will be thrown out. Great going guys: This is the ultimate in stupid crazy distorted perceptions.
There has never been any excuse for British Israelism.
Even without DNA, anyone could have known that British Israelism was false: The proof has always been there; it’s just been ignored for the sake of convenience.
British Israelism cult leaders have been too careless with the truth, totally dishonest or both.
1. DNA
2. History
3. Archeology
4. Linguistics
5. Failed Prophecies
6. Scripture
Archeology is particularly weak in supporting British Israelism.
What ever archeological evidence is proffered by British Israelism proponents, has taken artifacts and corrupted the scientific evidence to map to the desired outcome of proving British Israelism.
The proffered evidence is sketchy because when it comes to science, British Israelism is beyond speculative, relying on folklore rather than analytical methods.
For example, British Israel writers developed the belief that these “ten tribes” were able to retain their identity and cohesiveness, became lost to history, and wandered far from the Middle East. They concluded that the stone used in the coronation of King David was transported to the British Isles where it exists today as the Stone of Scone. The latter stone is still used for the coronation of British queens and kings. The writers promoted the belief that divine authority was transferred from ancient Israel to England along with the stone. In reality, the origin of the Stone of Scone has been traced to rock outcroppings in Scotland using standard geological analysis methods.
Adherents of British Israelism suggest that Behistun Inscription provides a link between the Israelites deported from their ancient lands and the Cimmerians and Scythians. It does not. Only the most careless research standards could even begin to find credibility for this proposition.
Bad Archeology
Bad Archaeology is the brainchild of a couple of archaeologists who are fed up with the distorted view of the past that passes for knowledge in popular culture. Here’s what the say over at their website at Bad Archeology:
We are unhappy that books written by people with no knowledge of real archaeology dominate the shelves at respectable bookshops. We do not appreciate news programmes that talk about ley lines (for example) as if they are real. In short, we are Angry Archaeologists.
Explore the diversity of archaeological misconceptions, mistakes and distortions.
We are dedicated to exposing Bad Archaeology wherever we find it, naming and shaming, pulling no punches in exploring all its shameless horror.
Remember that these are real archeologists; proponents of British Israelism are not! They have reserved their ire for British Israelism in their blog at The Lost Tribes of Israel. We include the entire blog entry here because sometimes pages on the Internet get lost:
This is not the end of it: Another article at the site specifically addressing British Israelism and dispatch it thoroughly. The article about The British Israelites may be found at The British Israelites and is given in its entirety here:
There’s no reason to get into a snit. British Israelism doesn’t need DNA to prove it false, but it does quite a good job.
So here’s the deal:
Admit the truth, apologize and go out of business