2013 Articles
Why I Don’t Celebrate Christmas Remember back in your school days that there were kids who didn’t celebrate Christmas? Maybe you were one.
 Now Open!
Genesis and the Jewish Connection You are already aware of the story of Joseph, rising to the power of Pharaoh’s finance minister, but a more detailed description of his plans and policies are given away
in Genesis.
Hubris From ancient Greek, means extreme pride or arrogance. Hubris often indicates a loss of contact with reality and an overestimation of ones own competence or capabilities, especially when the person exhibiting it is in a position of power.
Monsters Inc Take Your Disabled Child To The Mall And Abandon Him – Let Someone Else Take Care Of Him.
Breaking The Spell: Religion As A Natural Phenomenon Humans desire to transcend, and they can’t transcend if they’re not part of something more wonderful than themselves. Nazi Germany shows us that individuals, can lower themselves to the most horrible atrocities simply because their countrymen are also doing it.
Theft by Authority. Those Rotten Sons of Bitches! Now, can you think of any profession where one can obtain a CEO-like position having no formal training, no formal credentials, or no related former experience?
Ninth In the 1950s, it was the standard, at least in the United States, that, all things being equal, a man was as good as his word:
The Greatest Story Ever Told Sold 30 minute video explaining the origins of Christianity
Incest and the Apostle The Painful Truth investigates Armstrong's incest issue
Arrogance The Cult of Herbert Armstrong is full of itself, puffed up in full arrogance, confident in its overweening ego, that the only truth is here with them and you dare not go anywhere else because, if you do, disasters will surely follow, you will be in deep trouble, you will have terrible
Image The important thing here is for the alpha male Corporate Executive to assert his superior dominance over an underling to maintain Corporate Order and insure the proper image for the Corporate Executive in the hierarchy of the Corporate “monkey tree” where all the executives are
striving to be “top banana”
Swindlers Swindlers have been an endemic epidemic within the Cult of Herbert Armstrong since the 1950s: It isn’t just the leaders and ministers, it’s the members
The Joe Schmo Show Those of us who have been in the Cult of Herbert Armstrong have lived through our own Joe Schmo Show: It is all fake — the joke is on us.
2013: What Could Possibly Happen Now? Here at the Painful Truth, we analyze trends and project them forward; we do not predict, prognosticate: We are a non prophet organization.
News Flash: Herbert Armstrong is Dead! It’s sort of like, you know, Herbert Armstrong is on an extended vacation, maybe in Argentina, along with Hitler, and he’ll return any day now and revitalize...
Rod Meredith's Letter To Former LCG Apologist Bob Thiel "Bob, I have personally liked you, wanted to encourage you and have tried to work
with you for years. However, I have seen that you have had great difficulty in learning
the lessons of deep humility that God wants all of us to learn."
Miscellaneous Articles added to the WCG History Page
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