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O thou of little doubt, wherefore didst thou believe?
Matthew 14:31.)
By Retired Prof
Part II
In Part I, I explained how disappointing the intellectual climate of
Ambassador College was, compared to what I had hoped for when my high
school friends and I scattered to our various colleges. In high school I
had loved bull sessions with a group of iconoclastic friends, but at
Ambassador I learned to bottle up irreverent questions. Instead of
disapproval by speaking out, I withdrew and puzzled over my unexpressed
doubts while sitting alone in a prayer closet. “Quite literally,”
I wrote, “I was becoming a closeted skeptic.”
One question I tackled was (as you might expect) the big one: did the
universe have as its ultimate origin an eternal creator? The more I
pondered, the less sense it made to think so. At that time the Big Bang
theory had not been proposed; the dominant scientific model was the
steady state universe, and to me it made sense. [For a
good take on creation and the Big Bang theory see Betty Brogaard,
Dare to Think for Yourself: A Journey from Faith to Reason
(Baltimore: Publish America, 2004), pp. 33-34. It is also available
here on the PT site. Alert readers will note that many of my points
in this essay can be found in Brogaard’s book as well. She didn’t get
them from me and I didn’t get them from her. We came to the same
conclusions independently.] It seemed much simpler to assume
that light and matter have always existed than to claim they were the
product of a third entity, all-encompassing and all-powerful but
nevertheless completely undetectable, and declaring that to be
eternal instead. My fellow student’s excellent question, “So who created
god?” implied the rational idea that the “eternal, omnipotent creator”
explanation for the universe doesn’t really solve the underlying mystery
of ultimate origins at all. It just pushes it farther back and deeper
down by adding an extra, entirely hypothetical, layer. Both he and I,
without knowing the name for it, were operating on the principle of
Occam’s (or Ockham’s) Razor: if two descriptions can both explain the
same phenomenon equally well, the simpler one is better.
[You can learn more about
Occam’s Razor at a number of
Internet sites. This one gives a simple but not oversimplified
explanation: ]
Occam’s Razor works whether one knows its official name or not. So as
long as it was all whetted up and ready to shave off extraneous
elements, I also applied it to the chronology in the WCG version of the
creation doctrine.
Armstrong preached a mixed figurative/literal interpretation of the
Genesis myth. Life as we know it started miraculously only about six
thousand years ago. But since it was necessary to explain why the earth
looked millions of times older than that, he adopted a strained reading
of the first five verses of Genesis; he said god switched from one way
of counting time to another. The first “day” of creation, the one
narrated in Genesis 1:1-5, when god created the heavens and the earth,
was a day only in a figurative sense. It might actually have been
billions of years long. Sometime during that first long stage of
development, Armstrong maintained, the earth became without form
and void, as a result of a cataclysm—a supernatural war in which god and
his loyal angels defeated Lucifer and his rebellious demons. That
violent clash threw up mountain chains, dug deep ocean trenches, and
obscured the globe under vast clouds of dust.
Somehow god forgot to include these scenes in the text of Genesis 1 and
2, even though they were appealingly dramatic, and crucial to the story
besides, but Armstrong enthusiastically made up the lack.
So afterwards, god had to clean up the mess and repair the damage. His
last job on that first incomprehensibly long “day” was to shine light on
the situation and divide that light from darkness. Then, beginning with
the second day’s account in Genesis 1:6, Armstrong preached that god’s
word suddenly switched over to a literal accounting of time and stuck
with it. It is a heretical error to maintain that the following days
stretched out for eons the way that first
one did. No, those days and all the days from there to the end of the
Bible were but twenty-four hours long. It took god only five of them to
shape all the topographic features and create all the life forms we see
around us today, approximately six thousand literal years later.
So in his reading of just that part of earth’s history expressed in the
first six verses of the bible, Armstrong committed two Occam’s Razor
fouls: into the spare and simple text he inserted (1) a cosmic-scale war
and (2) an equally vast shift in the meaning of the word “day.”
His convoluted argument here is only one example of many that made me
doubt the official Ambassador College history of humankind. Though this
example alone is probably enough to make my point, indulge me a little
and let me mention two other problems.
Using a process called radiocarbon dating, scientists can estimate the
age of manmade artifacts and human bones with good accuracy back to
about 60,000 years. They have determined that some such objects are even
older; to find out how much older they have to switch to some other
dating method because so much of the radioactive carbon-14 necessary for
indexing the age has decayed. [For an overview, see ] Since
the history of humankind measured by this method stretched back at least
ten times as far as the 6,000-year span of biblical creation, the church
fathers had to either abandon its official chronology or deny the
validity of radiocarbon dating. Naturally, they chose the latter, and
they did so by means of a spectacular violation of Occam’s Razor: at the
time of the Great Flood, they said, god had miraculously changed the
rate at which the radioactive isotope is produced! These days living
things soak up a lot of it; before the flood a lot less. So antediluvian
relics look far older than they “really” are, because their low
radioactivity levels “mislead” testers to conclude the C-14 has decayed,
whereas in Armstrong’s version it was never there in the first place.
How in the world could anybody who believed that god is the same
yesterday, today, and forever also believe that he had suddenly and
drastically changed the rules of nature? What’s worse, faith in this
particular rule change would require a person to believe that god was
leading his most prized creatures, the children made in his own image,
step by step into a trap. He had endowed them with rational minds; if
they used those minds properly, they would miscalculate the earth’s age.
That miscalculation would then lead them to reject his word, and their
rejection of his word would justify dooming them to the lake of fire.
Want to hear a good motto for this deity? “I,
the Lord your God, am a deceitful God.”
And speaking of deceit about human development through time, there was
British Israelism. The church said the ten lost tribes of Israel had
wound up in Western Europe and its colonial extensions. Britain was
populated by descendants of Ephraim, and the U. S. by descendants of
Manasseh. France was Reuben, and I forget what else. Dogma had it that
god had arranged all the migrations and all the marriages in all ten
tribes of Israel so that members of each tribe could
keep their separate genealogical heritages—get this: without being
aware of them!—over thousands of ancient, medieval, and modern
generations and wind up in the 20th Century within the political
boundaries of ten separate countries. Even though the Israelites’
cultural identity was so completely hidden that nobody could provide any
shred of credible evidence for it, Armstrong “KNEW and KNEW THAT HE
KNEW” this had all happened.
Yeah, right. The entire course of European history was secretly
controlled by an unbroken string of divine miracles, but god hid the
evidence so thoroughly that no trace can be recognized by the fields of
history, archaeology, anthropology (either biological or cultural), or
linguistics. How could anybody believe that?
Let me admit this, though: I doubted not only the official church origin
stories, but also the evolution narratives told by paleontologists and
anthropologists. In 1960, gaps in the fossil record were even larger and
more numerous than they are now, and evolutionists filled in those gaps
with speculation. They also speculated about the future course of
evolution. Since any one theorist’s speculations seldom agreed with
those of others, I doubted them all. Let me present only one example.
Somebody predicted that the human little toe would eventually waste away
and become vestigial so that, far in the future, our descendants would
have eight toes and ten fingers. But this idea would make sense within
an evolutionary framework only if people whose little toes were
especially small produced more grandchildren than those with bigger
ones. Could anyone ever find evidence that such was the case? Very
In spite of disagreements among scientists about particulars, I did note
that none of them claimed that natural law at some point had started
operating on different principles. Therefore even their weakest
evolution narratives made more sense than Armstrong’s creation story
simply because they avoided such egregious violations of the principle
of Occam’s Razor.
Another thing the scientists all had in common was their method for
increasing the store of human knowledge, a method that depends on the
thorough and systematic exercise of doubt. Scientists suggest an answer
to a question, which they then treat with deep suspicion. They test it
by systematically gathering evidence and holding it up against the
proposed answer. If they determine that the facts don’t fit the answer,
they change the answer, not the facts.
So I came to realize that doubt is nothing to dread. In fact, faith is
what’s scary. Faith stifles questions. Faith makes believers cling
desperately to the answers they’ve already got, in defiance of evidence
screaming that those answers are wrong. Doubt raises questions that spur
independent thinkers to seek out interesting new facts that often lead
to exciting new answers. Faith closes doors. Doubt opens them.
Therefore I felt free to doubt church dogma about god’s plan for
salvation. Odd that I needed to take up this question, since I already
doubted the existence of god himself, but somehow I felt compelled to
ponder it anyway.
Armstrong said the overall scheme was to recruit new members into the
divine family in a process that would require billions of human beings
to get born, get dead, and get resurrected. However, one general
resurrection was not enough; for some reason the plan required three.
People who learned “The Truth,” and accepted it while they were alive
the first time would triumph in the first resurrection. People who died
without ever learning about the plan (or who for some other reason
needed more time) were to be brought back to life in the second
resurrection for another go-round. In the third resurrection, sinners
who rejected god and thus failed to qualify for membership in the god
family would be brought back from the dead, judged, and cast into the
lake of fire to kill them again. God had commissioned Herbert W.
Armstrong to sound a warning about this arcane and convoluted plan,
knowing all along the warning would serve no real purpose other than to
give god an excuse to cast those wretched souls who ignored it into the
lake of fire.
The deity’s vindictiveness in this story of the last judgment
intensified my doubts raised by his trickiness in the creation myth. If
a sinner is dead, and in your omniscience you already know there is no
way to salvage the worthless wretch, why not just leave him dead? The
three extra steps of raising him to life, bringing him to trial in a
kangaroo court, and then killing him again are all superfluous.
Want to hear another good motto for this deity?
“I, the Lord your God, am an inefficient god.”
Mean, too. His earlier deceit would now give him an opportunity to be
cruel. Not so cruel as the god of orthodox fundamentalism, who tortures
lost souls for all eternity as punishment for, at most, a few decades’
worth of transgressions, but still . . . . Would a truly loving creator
wake up the unconscious products of a failed experiment for the sole
purpose of tormenting them till they wept, gnashed their teeth, and
died? How could anybody believe such a monster exists?
These questions were fascinating, but there was nobody around to share
my fascination with. Part way through the second semester I wrote a
letter to my old high school buddy Eddie and told him how hemmed-in I
felt, how intellectually stifled. He wrote back and reminded me I was
all grown up now. I didn’t have to stay at Ambassador; I could apply at
the University of Arkansas, where he was studying. We could be
roommates. Glenn lived down the hall. They were learning interesting
things in their classes and having good times outside class with plenty
of people who enjoyed a good bull session as much as we did. That gentle
nudge was enough; eagerly I sent off for application forms and made a
firm decision: once the semester was over, I was through with Ambassador
College. Nothing could persuade me to return to Pasadena the following
Hiding in the prayer closet, mentally editing deadly earnest bull
sessions, sermons, and doctrinal booklets so as to inject them with
irony and call their logic into question, I had taken on an identity
that Armstrong and his followers held in utter contempt. I had become a
frank and thorough skeptic. It felt right. Coherent. Consistent.
My doubt had made me whole.
Post Script
As it turned out, I never roomed with Eddie. The University of Arkansas
accepted me as a student, but because Ambassador was not accredited, the
registrar would not accept my freshman credits; he would have required
me to take that year over. I nixed that idea and went instead to John
Brown University, which agreed to transfer, on a probationary basis, my
Ambassador transcript. Because JBU was less than thirty miles from the U
of A, I did sometimes visit Eddie, Glenn, and their new friends, and
even sat in on some of their classes. It was amazing how much more
insight my friends had developed about art, literature, and the life of
the mind than I had in the year we had been apart. I envied them. Not so
much as you might think, though, because I expected to catch up in those
matters before long. But my friends who did not attended Ambassador
College would never gain the first-hand knowledge I had of
repression, tyranny, and unreason.
(...back to Part I)
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