Click on Apostle to SUBMIT your question or comment.
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Dear freak,
What in the hell is your problem? Mr. Armstrong had his faults, but don't you. Well damn that is a ignorant question. All I have to do is look at this web site. What are you mad about? If I remeber correctly your ass could've left the church at anytime. You have no right in what you have done here. You like to point out all of his faults, but you don't bring any of his good points to remembrance.
Are you a family man, because if you are I feel sorry for your kids. I definitely wouldn't want any father running around and putting s**t like this on a web page. I imagine your web page has hurt alot of people; who are confused enough. Many people have dedicated their lives to the church that he started, and many are in a state of crisis. They aren't in a state of crisis because of Mr. Armstrong, but rather what Joe did. When Mr. Armstrong was alive the church was very happy. You try to point out all of the wrong prophecies of Mr. Armstrong, but what in the hell about all the ones that he has been right about: The pope trying to make peace, the euro, the european nations coming together and Gemany leading them, Russia and China uniting. Answer this if you can, but I feel you cant. One more thing I'm not religious. I haven't been in the church for years, but I know alot of people who are hurting right now. Some are in my family.
Please put this on your web page because it makes you look like a fu***** moron!
Dear Two Big,
The Graveyard Church of God fully supports the Apostle in his end-time work by giving him the respect and adoration he rightly deserves. The fact that many people have given thier lives and life savings to his cause is a testament to the wisdom of those called. Yes, many are in crisis, and the Graveyard Church of God seeks to put the lost sheep BACK ON TRACK!!!
The Correspondence Department.
Apostle of Apostasy:
I have a serious problem that I need counseling for involving my husband's
refusal to apply for disfellowshipment. He left the church about 2 1/2
years ago of his own accord, and feels that is good enough. I just
received my certificate as I left 4 years ago, and now am a devout reformed
Protestant, embracing PhD theology. He doesn't attend church anywhere.
His qualifications for disfellowshipment are of the highest quality:
1) only got baptized so we could get married
2) refused to join Spokesman Club
3) grew up in the church, and learned to fall asleep as soon as the sermon
4) never read anything you wrote
I would seek counsel locally, but his father is still a local elder in the WCG,
so I'm sure you can understand why it might be misunderstood. How does a
wife deal with such a thorny issue?
P.S. how about a survey on status of website visitors, most outrageous thing
ex-members have ever heard preached from the pulpit, examples of legalism at it
"best" (worse as the case may be), etc. Would also love to be reminded of
your visit to King Hussein (sp?) to secure Petra as the place of safety back
in the early '80s.
Dear JP,
It is refreshing to see a help-meet so eager to have a husband thrown into the lake of fire. However, as a Graveyard Church of God wife, you are a doormat and cannot deal with such an issue. Fortunately, GOD'S APOSTLE has the AUTHORITY as the head of the church and as a man to do so!!! I have directed the Caretaker to now use only the initials of last names, allowing the WEAK and EFFEMINATE to be disfellowshiped and still enjoy a handsome e-certificate to display privately in their homes.
A new section has also opened, THE CRYPT, where members can post ideas, stories and experiences under my watchful eye. Remember, I only correct the brethren in the spirit of love.
I have three bible verses I would like for you to comment on, you seem to know " it all "
1. Luke 6: 25..Woe unto you when men shall speak well of you! for so did
their fathers to the false prophets.
2.1John 2: 4..He that saith I know him and keepeth not the commandments, is a
liar, and the truth is not in him.
3.Matt. 24:5.For many shall come in my name, saying, I am christ; and shall
deceive many.
You will notice he did'nt say one would come along and deceive a few, so it
could'nt have been Mr Armstrong.
Am I right?
WAITING FOR AN ANSWER ( which I will not get ) Will I ?
-A hardhead from the Ozarks.
Dear Hard,
Job 17:1...My breath is corrupt, my days are
extinct, the graves are ready for me.
A Reader Writes:
My dear deceased Apostle,Once again the forces of satan press their relentless attack on this truly dead work! Satan can quote scripture, and the hardheaded Ozarkian has played his fool.
1 All manner of men spoke well of you, Marcos, your Japanese sons, Stanley Rader, and the hoards of ministers whose very livelihood depended on your favor. Even the sheep sang your praises as they were sacrificed for your calling. How dare he imply that you were a false prophet on such flimsy evidence!
2 Of course you knew him; even if you didn't keep his commandments. The truly called have always had weaknesses of the flesh; adultery, rape, incest,stealing, drunkeness, vanity are actually SIGNS of true calling. You had them all, my apostle. In spades.
3 This one takes the cake! No one could accuse your work of only affecting a few! We know that his eye is on the sparrow and that the least is of great concern to him. Your work could have been nothing less than MONUMENTAL in his sight. So many of his children had their lives touched in such a special way, and only because of you.
Finally, of course, no one could say that the apostle deceived only a few. Only a truly self-deceived , bitter individual could ever have written such an insulting blast against the one true dead Apostle. You have touched more lives than many of the so-called WORLD LEADERS you bought with gifts of Steuben crystal ever dreamed of putting the touch on!
So here is your answer, Mr. Hard head from the Ozarks! Now you need to REPENT and work on your ATTITUDE!! A generous offering would be SOME indication that you have have shaken the shackles of satan.
Dear Mr. Armstrong,
Although my name is already on the Disfellowshipped list, I have yet to receive
my certificate. Please send me your beautiful disfellowshipment certificate.
Does it employ gold leaf?
Douglas B.
P.S. The Caretaker will see you are disfellowshipped.
Dear end-time Elijah and Apostle for the last days:
After six months of night and day effort, I have completed a new sculpture for
the Ambassador Auditorium. I believe that this new sculpture is far better
suited for the House of God than the bronze statue of the flying geese, in that
it gives appropriate honor to God's Apostle.
Your humble servant,
Marc M.
Dear Marc,
The Apostle was very moved over the effort displayed trying to recapture true
values in stone. However, he is concerned that his head is THE SAME SIZE as the
other three NON-APOSTLES. Next time, please obtain approval from headquarters
BEFORE beginning such an endeavor. While you are reworking the mountain GOD'S
WAY, the work will make use of the existing image to witness unto all nations.
The Caretaker
Subject: this is terrible, no respect!! this is not the way to go about your resentment
is it a fact that mr. armstrong had a relationship with his own daugther ? i never heard of this aligation. i had left the church back in 90 on my own, because of my own limitations and failures, the church of god has high standards of behavior and for that it is to be admired. it is not wise to speak this way of the church, which does not mean that it is beyond correction, but the bitter way you have gone about this is sad to see!! i hope your pain heals in a healthy way.
Bass B.
Dear Bass,
Although you feel your limitations and failures qualify your for disfellowshipment, your inability to assess reality has qualified you for a high position within the GYCG. I anoint you to the position of honorary groundskeeper.
Dear Sir,
If Herb were alive today, he would be all for what Joe has done. Herb was always
changing his doctrinal beliefs. He wasn't resistant to change. He didn't live
forever, and when he passed his position on to Joe he encouraged him to continue
the work; to carry the church in the right direction. Herb wasn't the man you
describe him to be.
If he was with God now, and able to see things, then he'd know that Joe is doing
a good job of leading God's people. But the resurrection has not yet taken
place. Herbert isn't alive. And he wasn't one of Christ's apostles. And he
wasn't a saint. He was just a guy through whom God spread his word. It is time
that you let go of the past.
Salvation is not about spending a tenth of your tithe every year so that you can
live lavishly while people starve in Africa. It's not about keeping any kind of
"Holy Day". You should worship God every day of your life. The Old Covenent has
been fulfilled. There is only one commandment we need obey:Don't do bad things.
Is that so much to ask? "What's a bad thing?", you may wonder. The Ten
Commandments, along with the other six hundred and thirty-seven Jewish laws,
give specifics as to what's bad. But if you have any conscience at all; you'll
know. WWJD?
Physical acts of any kind cannot bring eternal life. You can't bribe God. It's
about loving God, and wanting to be like Him. It has nothing to do with loving
Herb. Suppose someone's a member of a Morman church. He could still
be a Christian. He may want to be in the right, and just doesn't know what to
do. If the end came, and all was revealed, he'd immediately change. You see; you
just have to want to be like God. That's all it takes. Man-made
dates, details in the Bible-- none of this matters. We need only look to God for
the truth.
The bottom line is: Herbert W. Armstrong would've done the same thing Joseph W.
Tkach is doing now.
Your brother in Christ (not Herb),
-James K.
P.S. Herb WAS a good man, Joe IS a good man, and God will ALWAYS be better
than any man.
Congratulations. It is evident from your letter that you have been successfully assimilated into the HERBORG.
November 2, 1999
I have worked with a
Armstrong follower for many years at work. Now I know what he believes is
of Satin. Now I know why he gets angry at any group that wants to lead people to
Christ. He doesn't like Billy Graham, The promise keeper, Jews for Jesus,
any Alter calls. Only believes in the Sabbath. He can lie, fake a
injury so
his fellow employies have to do his work, and than tell us we are under a curse
because we do have Sunday as a Holy Day. He will even call in sick for his
holy days, to me that is a lie. His children can never date, can't
spend more than one minute a day on the phone. He will not vote and
believes those who died for this country to make us free and baby killers. He
admits Armstong commited adultry but will not tell me it was with his own
daughter. What Evil!!!
God help us
How can I possibly be evil? Evil spelled backward is live... and I am dead.
P.S. Satin feels very good for a little season, and is the method of choice for the flog log.
October 20, 1999
I find of weak mind that you would blame Herbert W. Armstrong for your weakness of faith in God and your religous hang ups. So,you can't think for yourself and so you blame someone eles for it and spend your time trying to destroy all that you can of a man who spoke words that you listined to. He wasn't of a cult you were. You are the one the one who put there faith in a man and wouldn't think for yourself to seek out truth. Just like mondern man always looking to blam some else for there wows. To even be human and writesuch things in such a hatefull way about another is SICK! Think of it in this way what would you think if someone said such things about someone dear to you in such a matter? Your out to be mean and hurtfull this very plain to see. And as for what this man taught there may be wrong or right but just take the parts you like for yourself and leave the wrong out of your life. Get a grip stop being such a child if you don't like him live with it and stop this Hate garbage to fill your ego. This man is a far better man than you could ever be with a hate site like you have. He at least tried to do what he thought in his own mind weather it be twisted or not what he thaught God wanted of him. You didn't have to go along and be some sort of believer in him. Your the cultest you worshiped him not God and believed in him not God and now you blam a man for all your hang ups because you couldn't think for yourself. YOU ARE SAD CASE OF THE LIVING!! feel free to respond to me I won't mind your thoughts on this at all I think for myself and hate no one.
Your loyalty as well as your mastery of the English language has moved me to tears.
October 12, 1999
Dear Caretaker,
I was fortunate enough to get a picture of Herbert W. Armstrong's meeting with
Lee Harvey Oswald. Enclosed is a copy of the photograph, which you may want to
run on the cover of the Plane Truth.
Best regards,
Marc M.
Thanks for the submission. Please refer to our official GYCG photograph. Obviously, one of the photographs is a clever DECEPTION. Due to your inclusion on the DISFELLOWSHIPPED list of those who have fallen away, it is obvious you are a tool of SATAN. I will not even bother the Apostle with this hateful ruse.
The Caretaker
October 10, 1999
Dear Apostle,
In 1979 I was a member
of the WorldWide Church of god in the Fort Worth Texas, coven. I was instructed,
by the then newly appointed soul speaker for the soul Apostle (in the Ft. Worth
area) Right Reverend Vicar Bob Smith, to either "disagree without being
disagreeable, or GET OUT!". I had been making false letters forged/signed by
yourself instructing all members to make and keep a current up to date "Flog-Log".
For those members who did not masturbate, I (you) ordered them to begin. I must
confess I also wrote and performed certain songs at the Feast of Tabernacles in
1979, which included, "The Little old Preacher from Pasadena", "Ghost Pastors in
the Sky", "Send Lawyers, Guns and Money" and the ever popular "Werewolves of
Pasadena". After some spy reported, I was not welcomed back. I watched with
great interest for the Deacon Brigade to come and publicly "mark" and
"Disfellowship" me, all to no avail. They never came. However, I'm sure that
this was just an oversight, for I was seriously
shunned by former friends and some relatives (by marriage). I'm ashamed to
report that I have not saved-up my tithes and offerings, as I truly didn't
expect to hear from you again. Few do return from the dead. Please send me an
official disfellowshipment certificate suitable
for framing.
SINcerely yours, Merle V.
Dear Merle,
I am sorry you were overlooked. You are now MARKED for your attitude towards God's Apostle.
My Dear Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong,
I didn't think I would ever get the opportunity to address you, since you dropped dead some time back, however it is quite a pleasure to be able to finally do so posthumously. Thank God that I never became a full member, but somehow hung on to some small degree of truth, just enough to maintain that small still voice that kept telling me that something was rotten in Pasadena. Yes, I became and remained a co-worker for many years... wasted years! I devoured each "Tainted Truth" Magazine and every "Good Spews". But my favorite publication was "The Worldwide Screw" newspaper. It was in the pages of that publication that I saw you smiling in a photo which accompanied the celebration of the occasion of your attaining the 90th year of your life, which, God forbid, was not referred to as your birthday celebration. While you wholeheartedly enjoyed being recognized and appreciated on your birthday, my mother cried at each of her birthdays, as of the time that my brother became a member of your cult. She lost friends for making excuses when she was invited to her friends' birthday parties, unable to verbalize her fear of bursting into tears upon seeing her friends' children fussing over their mothers with beautiful cards and gifts on their special day, while her own son would not as much as utter "Happy Birthday" when her birthday arrived. And of course the pain, sadness and tears of this rejection which my mom experienced, would begin each year, perhaps a week before her birthday, as she contemplated being shunned on her birthday, and lasted perhaps a week after her birthday each year, having had another birthday completely ignored by her son. Mr. HWA, now that my mother is gone I can only... what's that? No, she was not a member of your cult. How's that? She was outside of the "little flock" and so she is doomed to be burnt up? Well, I can say this much. Just before she died, she addressed God, having a particular besetting sin in mind, and asked His forgiveness. Now, while I know that kind of thing does not rate up there with blindly following "The Traveling Deceiver", I trust God's mercy more than your ranting co-worker letters, and His love more than one of your rushed, mindless "World Wide Screw" articles. Speaking of which, the quick article you rushed out the week of December 7th, 1980 was what finally let me know you possessed something other than the love or spirit of God, when you addressed the co-workers and membership about your fury and utter disgust concerning the death of John Lennon. Was it a compassionate article about the senseless murder of a human being? No, it was your rage at the national news, "all three networks", DARING to make that unfortunate occurance the lead story, causing YOU to have to WAIT for the news stories YOU wanted to see. Before Lennon's body was cold, you were busy writing this article, insulting the dead "singer"/"musician" in your special Herbert W. Armstrong way, and you didn't close the article before concluding that Lennon likely picked up the demons that were inside of him for having visited India some years earlier. But, having shook Lennon's hand on the occasion of his spending three days in my town, which did not make the national news, to host, back in May 1975, a fund raiser for crippled kids who lived in MY area, there was no sign of demon possession, but rather a warm smile and a jovial, kind word for each of his fans who went out to donate to this charity becaue of his involvement. He even... what's that? Beat Generation? Hippy? Drug Abuser? Yes, Mr. Armstrong, Lennon was a sinner as we all are. However, when he could have been anywhere in the world "doing his own thing", he was in my town, posing with me and many others for a photo because I donated to the charity he was hosting. Now, wouldn't it be funny...a strange quirk... if someone hung up a picture that said, "He worked a great work?" I was dreadfully sorry to hear that you had to wait ten minutes to watch your favorite news stories that day. HOW DARE THEY do that to YOU?! GOD'S TRAVELING DECEIVER! Well, from that time on, I knew the kind of man who was heading the cult, and little by little, my mind began to accept that YOU could possibly be someone whose words were not uttered "by God's authority and direction", fool that I was, to have ever entertained that as a possibility! And finally, little by little, I began to see the cult and the teachings for what they were. And finally, when you died and the nonsense you taught was tossed out, much like you tossed out your son, GTA (Good Time Apostle), all that was left was a cult, still seeking to teach, but obviously still being in desperate need to be taught. But you left something behind that will be with me until I join you and Noah, when we will happily chase the blacks back to Africa in the wonderful world tomorrow, and that is, that every time I hear your name, or am reminded of one of your filthy bigotted remarks or anthing relating to the traveling deciever, I am reminded of my mother's tears! Goodbye, "friend".
A Co-Worker
Dear Coworker,
If you search the GUESTBOOK ARCHIVES above, you will find that that a visitor commented "Please say hello to John Lennon for me. After all, what John was to politics, you were to theology." In fact, I have been trying to contact Mr. Lennon to proclaim the gospel to him on one of my future trips to see WORLD LEADERS. Stay tuned for John Lennon may yet REPENT and begin sending TITHES and OFFERINGS to the GYCG. Have you?
September 9, 1999
Dear Herbert:
I just wanted to write and say that the Worldwide Church of God is 100% better off without you !! I do not miss your bellowing, fog-horn voice, I do not miss your Monthly "Co-worker" letters, in which I was constantly threatened with eternal doom if I did not immediately support your latest pet project, and I do not miss the little "Armstrong clones" sent down from "headquarters" brain-washing me with all of your mis-leading Garbage, proclaimed as the "Gospel Truth !!!!! I do not miss my Tithe money being pissed down a rat-hole on such things as jet-fuel, golden water-faucets, crystal vases, and new carpeting for some well-paid minister's new mansion. I do not miss the Pharisee mind-set, the humiliation, the Hypocrisy, or the Racist bigotry ( We White people are special, 'cause WE are the Israelites") -- BALONEY!! We white Anglo-saxon people are among the world's worst, when it comes to crime and violence, in fact we tend to be some of the most violent people on the face of the earth!!!! and, as far as being "God's Chosen Race" who supposedly represent Him, I would have to say that we have failed miserablly !!!! In closing, Mr. Armstrong, I would have to say that You had a lot of NERVE calling yourself "God's Apostle", when, in reality, you were just a slick, "religious" con-artist, who knew how to play the strings of gullible, sensitive, and innocent people !! Looking back, I can recall always being filled with a lot of deep, underlying anger, and resentment, during my time spent at church services & various church activities, and never quite able to put my finger on the reason for it--but, now I know why--it was my sub-conscious "inner-man" warning me that something was not quite right, here, ( but then I would feel guilty about it, because I thought that I was just being "carnal" ) I used to be one of your main "cheerleaders" on the surface, but deep down inside I wanted to string you up by the heels, nude, and work you over with a good, stout tennis racquet., all the while slapping your fat little pink cheeks raw, and screaming ' OH, SHUT UP, YOU PIG !!!!!!! ( but, naturally I never revealed my true feelings to ANYONE ) But--I am not your judge, and to hate you would be to be in a spirit of murder, so, I will just join in with all the others in saying "GOOD RIDDANCE" !! ( to bad rubbish )
Larry N.
Dear Larry,
God's ways always angers carnal people.
September 8, 1999
Please DO disfellowship me. I've been a very naughty girl. After many
years of marriage, I got bored and did not limit myself to the God-ordained
positions illustrated in "The Missing Dimension
in Sex". Oh, and besides sending me a formal certificate of
disfellowshipment, I think I will need a
spanking too. Thank you very much.
Ivana McWhoopie
I am sorry, but naughty little girls cannot be disfellowshipped. They must stay within the watchful eye of the Apostle where they can be CORRECTED in LOVE.
September 7, 1999
are a sick indivdual.
Mr. Forbes
Dear Mr. Forbes,
September 7, 1999
How can I visit the Apostle?
Dear Curious,
Herbert W. Armstrong, along with his mother Eva, wife Loma, and firstborn son
Richard David (Dick), are all buried at the Armstrong Memorial plot and
Worldwide Headquarters for the Graveyard Church of God in the Mountain View
Cemetery, 2400 N. Fair Oaks Avenue, Altadena, California 91001,
Phone (626) 794-7133.
As you enter, proceed down the road as it curves through the cemetery. As you
come to a fork in the road, take the left fork and as this road curves you will
see the Armstrong Memorial on the left.
A memorial family stone marked ARMSTRONG marks the family plot. As you move
around the memorial and face the rear, which has an identical inscription as the
front, you will see four engraved flat marker stones over the actual burial
The left one is the hand that rocked the cradle, Herbert Armstrong's mother,
Eva. The second from left is God's living-impaired end-time Apostle, Herbert W.
Armstrong. The next is Herbert's Apostle and only admitted wife, Loma D.
Armstrong. The one on the extreme right is Herbert's Dick (Richard David
Respectfully jump up and down a few times to let them know you are there.
Sometimes, the Apostle is too busy continuing in dead works to receive visitors
but give it a try anyway. If you want to get the best results, leave a large
cash offering on the headstone overnight and an e-mail address where the Apostle
can send a thank you note. No Stueben Crystal, please.
The Caretaker,
The Graveyard Church of God
P.S. All visits are to be respectful and fitting as would any visit to a head of
state or world leader. These directions are to a private cemetery and are in no
way intended to encourage vandalism or destruction of a gravesite, which is
September 5, 1999
I just wanted to say that I enjoyed reading your web site. I was born into the World Wide church in the 50's. My family left in 91. We tried the PCG and found it to be a crock of crap too. I am so screwed up I don't feel like I will ever be a normal person again. I am glad to find other people that feel as I do. I am a bit sheepish to ask for a a certificate of disfellowshipment. Even tho I like the idea very much. I just don't want my name mentioned on your site. I still have some stupid friends in those butt-kissing churches. Get my drift.
Screwed up
Dear Screw Up,
Butt-kissing has always been a weakness of mine.